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TRUE INDEPENDENT iy name is Samak Kaikavoosi, a esdent of South Shields or nary forty yeas and a businessman who maried a local gi, We now have three grownup daughters and alae proud tobe Sand dancers. But polticaly,1 have become increasingly frustrated by the Labour Party's despicable treatment of genuine and loyal voters of this town, itis completely unacceptable that Labour forthe past 80 years have used ‘South Shields as a back door to Westminster; by parachuting ungrateful MP's from other pars ofthe country, nt our town to get them safely trough elections! ‘You can put an end to this practice by voting for me! ‘As an indopendent candidate, inten tobe a oie forthe people of South Shilds and I belive my commitment, passion and determination, wil make * South Shields needs an MP who genuinely cares about the issues affecting local people. * South Shields needs an MP who has knowledge and experience of the community. * South Shields needs a CHANGE. VOTE SIAMAK My pledges as your MP 4 -To hold surgery as frequontly as possible, 2-To spend minimum time in London. 3- Never travel in tst or business class trains or planes 4 To encourage more affluent businesses to come to South Shields. 5 -To put South Shields on the world map. {6 —Try my best to attract more National and EU funds. Main Issues 1—Law & Order: | believe in hitting the hard core criminals with, strong and fully served sentences and stripping them of all their assets. 2 Job & Wealth Creation: Reducing red tapes and giving more incentives to existing and new businesses. 3 Education & NHS: To stop the further deterioration of these fundamental pillars of a dynamic and a healthy society. 4- International Policies: We need an international image change to become a fairer partner with the other countries. It is time to stand for our town’s future! Contact details: Land line 0191-4562787 (Day) 0191-4548986 (Night) Mobile: 0779416438

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