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Serving Christ Through Montgomery Area Churches


Upcoming Events
Conversational English
Needs You!
There are available slots in our
Conversational English for YOU to
provide hospitality. This would
mean bringing and serving snacks
to about 200 students during their
break time. This is a great project
for a Sunday School class, church,
or a missions group. If you would
like to "share" with another church,
contact Lisa.
Hospitality Dates Available:
Thursday, March 3
Thursday, March 10
Thursday, March 31
Thursday, April 28
Thursday, May 5

All Scripture is
and is useful
for teaching,
and training in
2 Timothy 3:16

If you are interested in helping with

this, contact Lisa Rose at 2716794 as soon as possible.

VBS Training

Catoma Baptist Church

4300 Old Selma Rd.
Montgomery, AL

Friday, March 4
5 pm - 8 pm
($2 admission fee)
Saturday, March 5
7 am 12 pm
There will be household
goods; seasonal items,
small appliances, childrens
clothing, toys, etc. Proceeds benefit Catomas
childrens programs.

Early Bird
Leaders Training
March 15, 6:30 pm
Eastern Oaks
VBS Music Training
April 7, 6:30 pm
Vaughn Forest Church
Leaders Training
April 21, 6:30 pm
Eastern Hills


25, 2016

Learn the Word, Live the Word

We have almost expended the month of February.
Winter is flying by and Spring will soon be here. For
the associational staff, January was a hectic month,
made difficult by some significant email issues
which are better, but not fully solved. February was
catchup time for what got left on the table in January.
That being said, I hope you are not as far behind in
your church life.
If you havent started working with your children for
Bible Drill, dont delay any longer!
Associational Bible Drill will be held Sunday, April
10, at Eastmont beginning at 2:00pm. In order to be
successful, children will need the assistance of
parents and dedicated Bible Drill leaders. Why not
schedule a Bible Drill retreat or an all-day event to
help give the children a boost?

Ken May
Director of Missions

Memorizing scripture is an important part of development as a follower of

Jesus. Psalm 119:11 says, Thy word have I hid in my heart, that I may not
sin against Thee. II Timothy 2:15 reminds us, Study to show yourself
approved unto God, a workman who has no need to be ashamed, rightly
handling the word of truth. I Peter 3:15b says, Always be prepared to
make a defense to anyone who calls you to account for the hope that is in
you, yet do it with gentleness and reverence. These and other passages
remind us of the challenge we have to train up our children in the way that
they should go, and to bring them up in the fear and admonition of the
Parents, it takes a strong commitment and persistence. There will be times
when your child is not enthused or excited about study time and reciting
verses. But, the goal is to have a child who appreciates and lives by Gods
word. Leaders, you have to be encouraging, but also firm. You will have
to encourage the parents as well as the children. But, it is worth every bit of
energy expended!
I am reminded of a sad occasion several years ago. One grandmother
brought her grandchildren, products of a home with a deteriorating
marriage, to Vacation Bible School. The ten-year-old girl later confronted
her mothers behavior by telling her she was committing adultery. The
mother told her daughter, You dont even know what adultery is! The
child replied, Yes, I do. I learned all about it in Vacation Bible School.
This child had been armed with the Word of God and she had committed it
to memory.
To get the information you need, contact the ALSBOM Office of
Discipleship, 288-2460. They will give you the guide for this year. Then,
get to work and make sure the children of your congregation have the
opportunity to excel in learning Gods Word.
My own experience goes back to Bible Drill, or Sword Drill as it was
then known. Sadly, while I was very quick in finding scriptures, there was
not a person to encourage me in my scripture memory or to hold me
accountable. I won the church drill and the associational drill, but when I
got to the district, I was waxed seriously by the other contestant. I even
remembered him and ran into him while we were both in college. I will
always remember him as the guy who was better prepared than I was.
I hope to see you at Bible Drill at Eastmont on April 10.

The Montgomery Baptist Association 20 Interstate Park Dr. Montgomery, Alabama 36109 334-271-6227
This publication is made possible by your churches contributions to Associational Missions.

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