Ac Cept Ance: Acceptance:Key For

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Acceptance :Key for JOY


1. the action of consenting to receive or undertake

something offered
2. the action or process of being received as
adequate or suitable, typically to be admitted
into a group

Our serenity (aka Joy level) is directly proportional

to our level of acceptance

God grant me

to accept the things I cannot change

to change the things I can and


1. It feels better (feeling better = more joy)
When you complain, you make yourself a victim,
Leave the situation, change the situation, or accept it.
All else is madness.
Eckhart Tolle

2. Change happens from the relaxation response

You must learn to let go. Release the stress.
You were never in control anyway.
Steve Maraboli

3. Give back to the planet

When YOU are experiencing more JOY, you are passing that to the
people you come into contact with.

Acceptance doesnt mean we have to like it

But we find a way to make peace with what is and

stop fighting it.

How do we travel into acceptance?

1. Cultivate slowness, connection with Source and
2. Acceptance = Awareness
We are not in denial, defiance, or distraction
3. We do NOT spiritually bypass
4. There is no rushing this but enthusiastically choosing
to focus on what you DO WANT is very helpful
5. We actively observe and question our thoughts.
6. As we come from a place of curiosity we begin to
ask questions.
7. We ask for help
If is effecting me emotionally or spiritually I dont think Ive accepted it 100%
Rob Freeman

1.What is something you are struggling with

. It can be a situation, person, or institution. (or things)

2. What is absolutely true about this

Do NOT minimize alter or deny BUT what is the reality


What am I actually powerless over?

Hint: skin out pretty much

4. What can I actually do?

Hint: skin in / attitude and actions


1. eager to know or learn something.

Cultivating a sense of curiosity about how we are reacting to situations,
people or problems takes us out of stress response and starts us on
the road to acceptance.

5. How can I look at this differently?

SURRENDER: to give up completely or agree to forgo especially in favor of another



6. What are possible ACTIONS I can do that

will help facilitate surrender and

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