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For Immediate Release

For more information contact:

Miranda Hoover

College Republicans address participation in both

Democratic and Republican Caucuses
Reno, NV (February 18, 2016) Today, the University of Nevada, Reno
College Republicans announced to their membership that due to a
loophole, registered Republicans who registered by February 13th of 2016,
can caucus for both parties: February 20th and February 23rd. This same
address has been extended to College Republicans across Nevada and
members of the Republican Party across the Silver State. As Republicans,
we want ensure that a Republican is put in the White House in 2016. This
is one mis-step in the process that the Republicans have been given an
opportunity to capitalize on, if they see fit to.
Miranda Hoover, President of the University of Nevada, Reno College
Republicans said, With so much at stake in our country, we can not sit on
the sidelines. There is a burning desire for new leadership and the
Republicans have the vision for the next generation. When put head-tohead: Democrat vs Republican, Socialist vs Free Market, we know which
candidate will prevail.
Hoover concluded with, Asking individuals to participate in both is not a
normal activity but it is also not illegal; nobody will get arrested. I am
hopeful that the loophole will be fixed in 2020 and while I will neither
endorse nor demean the act of Republicans taking part in both caucuses,
but it is important for this issue to be recognized.

How can Republicans caucus for both? We credit Nevada journalist Jon
Ralston with bringing this loophole to our attention.

Republicans closed their registration rolls on Feb. 13, and that is the file
that will be used on Feb. 23. Democrats are allowing same-day registration
on Saturday.
So: A Republican registered by Feb. 13 could show up at a Democratic
caucus site on Saturday, switch to the Democratic Party, vote and then still
participate on Tuesday because the party switch would not show up on the
GOP caucus rolls.
Clark County Voter Registrar Joe Gloria confirmed Monday that this could
happen. And he also pointed out that the Republican-become-Democrat
could switch back to the GOP in time to vote in the June primary.
College Republicans is the nations oldest, largest, and most active youth
political country on 1,800+ campuses in every state and DC.
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