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Name: ______________________________________

Grand Opera House

Fill out the following questions using the webquest on the computer.

1.) Whats the address of the Grand Opera House?

2.) When was the Grand Opera built?

Was your guess close? Yes


3.) How much did it cost to the Grand Opera House?

4.) What are the fun facts about the Grand Opera House?



5.) How many people could the Grand Opera House sit?
___________________________ People.
6.) How long was the stage?
___________________________ Feet front to back.

7.) What did the Grand Opera House look like in the auditorium?

What did they use the fourth floor for?

o _______________________________________________________________

What do we use it for today?
o _______________________________________________________________

8.) When did the Grand Opera House open?


9.) What was the title of the first performance and who was it by?

_______________________________ By: __________________________________________

10.) How much did tickets cost?


How much do tickets cost today?

o _____________________________________

11.) Where did the actors change costumes?

- Where do they change costumes today?

12.) When did they start showing movies?


13.) When was the theater remodeled?


14.) What did they add and remove during the new model?

How many people can they seat now? _________________________ People.

15.) Who bought the Grand Opera Theater in 1986?


16.) Today we can see what at the Grand Opera Theater?


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