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Three Lives Three Worlds,

the Pillow Book

Original work by Tangqi Gongzi

Lower Volume

English translation: hamster428

English editing: JoannaKuang, Lily, rockharlequin

This is a non-profit fan translation.

All original copyrights belong to the author, Tangqi Gongzi.
It had been our intentions to minimize as many errors and omissions
as possible, and to present the original work as accurately as we could.
However, due to working with online sources
and our own amateur limitations, we ask for your understanding
should you come upon any boo-boos.
You are welcome to use this translation for any
personal and non-profit uses, but again, because of the amateur nature
of the work, we are not responsible for the erroneous relaying of
information should you choose to use it as:

A. English learning material,

B. Chinese learning material, and
C. Translation reference for other languages

Thanks, and enjoy the read!

Part Three Aranya
Chapter 01 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01
Chapter 02 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Chapter 03 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Chapter 04 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Chapter 05 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Chapter 06 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114

Part Four The Shadows Souls

Chapter 07 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
Chapter 08 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
Chapter 09 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
Chapter 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
Chapter 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
Chapter 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
Chapter 13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
Chapter 14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
Chapter 15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296
Chapter 16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328

Part Five Mistaking Destiny

Chapter 17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352
Chapter 18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 369
Chapter 19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402
Chapter 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 424
Chapter 21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 445
Epilogue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 481

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

Part Three Aranya

Chapter 1
Night wind was chilly; on the shimmering surface of Shuiyue Swamp was
a reflection of the bright moon.
Crowding Bailu trees reached for the sky along the bank. Every inch of this
holy forest was shrouded under a cold desolation.
At first sight, this scenery was no different from that in recent memory.
But given that snow fell perennially in Fanyin Valley, Shuiyue Swamp,
being on the outskirt of the Imperial City, should also be covered under a
thick layer of snow. Yet there was not a snow flake in sight at this time.
For this space was actually a dream. Aranya's Dream.
Although this dream was as consistent with Fanyin Valley as a mirrored
reflection on a water surface, the real Fanyin Valley was interconnected to
the rest of the vast world, stretching to infinite boundaries. This place, on
the other hand, was nothing more than a corner trapped behind a wall.
It had been more than three months since Donghua and Fengjiu had been
trapped inside this cell.

When she entered the dreamland, the protective barrier Fengjiu created
from what was left of her fairy energy was destroyed. Once her 30,000
years worth of cultivation was gone, her body weakened considerably,
and she became no different from a mortal soul.
When it rains it pours. Unexpectedly, Aranya's Dream was a place of
numerous sinister sentiments. These sinister thoughts gave birth to many
small demons who fed on people's life source. Fengjiu was a delicious meal

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

to these starving demons. By the time Donghua passed the pythons to

reach her, her snow-white face had completely drained away.
Looking at Fengjiu in this state, Donghua's mind suddenly went blank.
He had always known she was a troublemaker, but he didn't expect her to
be so reckless. He left the Tiancang Cage with her because he thought he
could still guarantee her safety no matter what peril she was in.
Apparently, he hadn't given enough consideration.
He knew she was persistent about obtaining the Saha fruit, but according
to the books Zhonglin gave him, she had done many even more outrageous
things just to satisfy her gluttony.
It was said Qingqiu suffered poor harvesting one year when she was
young, and the loquat trees in the kingdom did not bear fruits.
Nonetheless, behind her house stood a great loquat tree whose fruits were
plump and sweet. Living nearby was a small greedy wolf. After he stole a
few fruits from her, she had relentlessly hunted him down for three whole
Because of these previous records, when he asked her what she needed the
Saha fruit for, and she answered she wanted to taste it, he immediately
believed her. Moreover, he discovered he was increasingly disliking to see
her together with Yan Chiwu these days. Of course he was none too happy.
Thus the night Jiheng came and pleaded to him for the Saha fruit, saying
only this fruit could help her cure the Qiushui poison in her body and that
she hoped he would grant her this grace, he didn't give too much thought
and at once agreed.
It wasn't something that needed extra reflection, he thought.
At the time, he was preoccupied with something else: how could he take
care of Yan Chiwu without staining his sword?
It really wasn't an easy thing to make him disappear completely from Xiao
Bai's side without her becoming suspicious.

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

Fengjiu had always been special to him. But for the longest time he did not
question these feelings of his, or perhaps he didn't have the time and effort
to question them.
Moreover, this kind of thing was different from annotating Buddhist
scriptures. Sometimes, not trying to understand might actually bring the
answers. Sometimes, it's just about fate.
Donghua startlingly realized what that fate was on the day of the
At that time, seated high on the terrace, he glanced up and saw Fengjiu
throw her classmate off the snow stake with only a few moves. When she
sheathed her sword back into its scabbard, her cherry-colored lips secretly
curled into a hidden smile in an effortless manner which made him
thought for the first time of her queenly position in Qingqiu. At that
moment, in his mind emerged four words: 'duan zhuang shu jing' (
'Respectable' and 'demure', there were times she could be this way? This
was a new discovery for him, an interesting one, in fact.
A nervous Biyiniao maid served him warm tea. He raised his hand to
receive it and lightly took a sip. By the time he glanced back, she had
stopped smiling.
It was as if she felt her smile had been improper. While no one was
looking, she softly bit her lower lip, then swept a glance as though she was
afraid someone had seen it. Because her lips were luscious, the light bite
left a pale indentation that gradually flushed pink again like an ivory pistil
in early winter.
Propping his chin on his palm, he suddenly felt that if he must pick a
queen, Fengjiu wasn't a bad choice.
He froze for a moment when this idea came to him. Then he gave it careful

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

No, it couldn't be said that she was not bad. Rather, it must be said that in
this whole world, she was the only suitable one. In other words, she was
the only one he could ever like.
When his thoughts drifted to this point, he realized the meaning behind his
recent actions.
It turned out he was thinking about this matter in such a way, thinking
about her in such a way.
It turned out he liked her.
But why out of thousands of people did he only like Fengjiu? He thought
about it for a long while and at last concluded it was because he had good
vision. Because his sight was keen, he was able to discover her a diamond
in the rough. He wanted to like her, and so he did. To say that his feelings
came easily would be true, but to say they didn't come easily wasn't wrong
Whatever the case may be, he just had to be here right now and Xiao Bai
would be all right.

The atmosphere in Aranya's Dream was peaceful, but outside, Fanyin

Valley was shrouded in a hazy state.
That day, Donghua Dijun unhesitatingly mounted heavy lightning and
furious thunder to enter the enchantment that trapped Fengjiu. His action
had both shocked and confused the prostrated crowd waiting outside the
python formation.
The shock lay in the fact that Dijun had been in seclusion for tens of
thousands of years. Although for unknown reasons, he paid special
attention to Fanyin Valley and regularly came for lectures, he never once
used force while he was in the valley.
In the past, Dijun had wielded his sword atop the ephemeral world with a
valiant arrogance. This image was actually only retold in legends; no one

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

could ever really imagine how he had looked even in their dreams. Seventy
thousand years ago, Dijun didn't make an appearance for the war against
the Ghouls either. For what reason did he unhesitatingly let go of his fairy
energy today to enter that dream?
This was indeed shocking.
Among the prostrating courtiers, quite a few had heard of the rumors
regarding Dijun and Jiheng. They had previously wondered whether there
were some sort of unknown tales behind Donghua and the musician. But
how would that explain today's scene?
This was indeed very dubious.
After a moment of shock and doubt, these loyal small fairies suddenly
became enlightened.
Only the blue sky above could be compared to the King's eminence. Only
the sun and moon's combined brightness could shine like the King's grace.
How could someone so noble and virtuous be tainted with worldly dusts?
Jiheng along with the imperiled Jiuge certainly had nothing to do with
Dijun. The King was risking everything to rescue Princess Jiuge all because
of kindness, the kindness of a noble deity.
How dare they hazard ill thoughts about the noble and virtuous King with
their vulgar minds? They felt so ashamed, so very ashamed.
On one hand, they reflected on their vulgarity; on the other hand, they
looked on to see what danger was looming inside the force field. Next, they
rubbed their eyes. They were given the view of the noble and
magnanimous King, who was gravely injured, unhurriedly raising his
hand to Princess Jiuge's face.
Their ashamed hearts skipped a beat.
Perhaps this was how one expressed concern for a junior?

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

But only a second passed when they rubbed their eyes again, straining to
see, as Dijun naturally helped Princess Jiuge tuck away her stray hair. He
watched the princess awhile and then gently pulled her in his embrace.
Again, their ashamed heart skipped a beat.
Perhaps this was how one expressed concern for a junior these days on
But instantly afterward, they vigorously rubbed their eyes again to see
Dijun's lips grazing over Princess Jiuge's forehead. There was a short
pause, as if he was soothing her, then his arms tightened around the
The shame felt by the kneeling courtiers dissipated like thin clouds. They
held back their breath, their hearts were boiling wild. This, could it be that
Dijun's heart had flustered? His Majesty the King's heart could fluster? His
Majesty the King's heart flustered and they caught him in action? They
really hit the jackpot today!

What happened thereafter no one knew. While they were caught in their
excitement, thick clouds pulled in out of nowhere, covering the force field
by Jieyou Spring. In front of their eyes was only an inky thickness.
When the inky clouds receded, Dijun and the princess were no longer seen
inside the force field. Only four pythons were left to stubborn guard the
fragile crystal sphere, never stopping to fume poisonous air.
The pythons' eyes carried in them both fury and sorrow. They intently
stared into the force field as if they were waiting for Aranya to appear
again in the soft blue light. Red tears streamed down their copper-bell eyes,
as if they had waited a long, long time. They looked so terrifying but also
pitiable that it was somewhat sad.
With Dijun inside, Liansong was naturally the highest-ranked among those
standing outside.

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

The Biyiniao Queen together with her subjects looked up in wait for
Liansong's decision. The Third Prince squeezed his eyes for a while then
tapped his fan on his palm: You have knelt here for quite long, I'm sure
everyone is tired. Why don't you go back for now. However, please
remember you didn't see or hear anything today. If I happen to hear
anything repeated, the consequences for that mistake... he raised his brow
and looked around I'm afraid would have to be shouldered by the
entire clan.
His words were polite, but in the softness lay hidden blades. It was exactly
Lord Liansong's way of doing things. The Queen and her subjects bowed to
receive his order. They were quaking in their boots when they stood up,
and after a distance, still didn't stop quaking.
Liansong Jun carried the reputation of a playboy and was often
misunderstood as someone untrustworthy, but those from older
generations across the lands all knew that whenever crises arose, Lord
Liansong was far more decisive than his father.
Out of Tianjun's three sons, it was widely known that the second prince,
Sangji, was the most intelligent and gifted. That was because when he was
born, 36 five-colored birds from Mount Junji soared to the sky, circling the
Queen's chamber and dancing for 81 days.
But Lord Liansong's supporters felt that the third prince's intelligence was
even more remarkable than the second prince's. It just so happened the
third prince was born undersea; his auspicious omen was swimming fish in
the water rather than flying birds in the sky. Furthermore, when the third
prince was born, the outspread flood that gave Tianjun headache in those
days suddenly subsided; this was also a proof of the third prince's
phenomenal birth. The third prince did not have the same influence as the
second prince, but that was because His Third Highness was humble he
did not want to compete with his brother over meaningless fame.
Of course, being an amorous man, Liansong didn't quite know how
'humble' was written. To use this word to describe him was an outright lie.
But if we were to speak of innate talent, he was really a bit better than

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

Sangji. He did not contend with Sangji for the title of Crown Prince in the
past because he had the wisdom to make himself seem incompetent in
order to avoid burdensome responsibilities. That way, his life could be
happy and free.
But there were such things as unpredictability in life. Although Liansong
reached enlightenment at an early age, who in this world didn't have a few
friends? Risking life for one's friends could happen from time to time.
Sometimes, one couldn't run away from responsibilities.
For example, this time.
This time, if His Third Highness wasn't here to helm the situation, if
rumors spread about Donghua being seriously injured, or the possibility of
his dying, the world could be shaken.
Although Donghua had retired and no longer dealt with worldly affairs,
for as long as he stayed inside Taichen Gong, he would be a deterrent to
the irrepressible Demon Clan. Moreover, the ancient gods from prehistoric
time had concealed too many secrets about world creation. Liansong, too,
feared that if Donghua's prospects were really ominous, he wouldn't know
what would happen once rumors spread.
Liansong closed his fan and softly sighed. To ordinary people, 1000
Fengjius wasn't worth even one of Dijun's fingers. His last words were too
nonchalant. Apparently, he didn't know that to his subjects, this was a bad
business deal.
However, although Liansong's orders could make the Biyiniaos leave in
fear, if he wanted to threaten the Demon Lord Yan Chiwu, he was still
lacking a bit.
In Xiao Yan's words, he grew up on threats and menace. How could
Liansong threaten him with mere words? Moreover, Liansong was too
much of a gentleman; Xiao Yan didn't hear anything threatening from what

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

he said. He did immediately leave, but only so he could send Princess

Jiheng back.
Without any warning, Donghua had held Fengjiu so gently in that force
field that even Xiao Yan had felt startled for a moment, much less Jiheng.
As Xiao Yan recovered, he saw Jiheng's face draining away like a white
parchment. She was biting her lips, almost bleeding herself and forgetting
to even wipe the tears streaming down her cheeks. Her look of complete
devastation worried him so.
Xiao Yan was a brute. Slashing people he had done, comforting people he
had not. But since Jiheng was his beloved, he decided to give comforting a
He found a small ring of pines and set Jiheng on a stone seat in the center
of the forest. He thought seeing lively things might help her feel better at
this time.
Old tears were still on Jiheng's eye corners when new tears came out,
gushing like rainwater, washing away the layer of make-up on her face. It
pained Xiao Yan. He was pained, but he felt Jiheng indeed deserved to be
the person he loved she was still so pretty in her ruined make-up.
Xiao Yan was still thinking on how to approach her when he heard Jiheng
speak first.
Tears on her pale face had not dried. Sounding somewhat cold, she said to
Xiao Yan: You think I'm funny, don't you? It was this way that year with
Minsu; it's still this way today with Dijun. You look down on me, don't
Xiao Yan was flattered and somewhat surprised that Jiheng cared about his
opinion of her. He momentarily could not control his excitement as the
corner of his mouth inadvertently twitched upwards three degrees. This
appearance in Jiheng's eyes was no different than a ridicule.
Jiheng lowered her head and stared at her hands. At length she said, You
do think I'm funny. You stayed to bring me back, but you're actually

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

staying to ridicule me? If you've seen enough and laughed enough, go

away. I think I'm funny as well. She pressed her lips tightly and said no
Jiheng kept saying she was ridiculous, making Xiao Yan's heart weigh
heavily. He felt a little aggrieved, but also a little angry. Although he knew
Donghua and Fengjiu arrived at this point because of his effort, and it was
also what he wanted, hurting Jiheng wasn't something he wished for. This,
of course, wasn't his fault. Fengjiu was his friend, it wasn't her fault either.
Then, it could only be Donghua's fault.
Xiao Yan's eyes burned brightly. He clenched his fists and angrily told
Jiheng: There's nothing to laugh at you for. A thousand mistakes are all
Ice Face's fault. It was he who promised to marry you, although by leaving
on the wedding day, you might not have made him happy, but you have
lowered yourself to him already, but he still would not change his mind.
How unreasonable of him. You don't need to be pained by him!
Here, he felt this was a good time to pry the corner and hastened to add:
This old man I mean, I heard a very good poem from the mortal realm:
'Let go of thy past memories, cherish the one in front of thee'1. You should also
set your sight from Ice Face and turn to someone else. When he finished,
he looked to Jiheng with loving eyes, while inwardly trying to see if he had
remembered the poetry lines correctly.
It was difficult to wax poetic like this, unfortunately, Jiheng didn't pay any
attention. She only stayed quiet for a moment and then suddenly said to
him: I'm not Xuyang's true sister. My father was actually a water serpent
from Mount Baishui. You may have heard of his name, he was the fiercest
warrior under Dijun during prehistoric times - Menghao. Tears gently
rolled down her face. She sounded hoarse.

These are lines taken from a correspondence poem the hero Zhang wrote to the
heroine Cui Yingying in a Tang-era tale called Yingyings Story. The Story of the Western
Wing is a popular play adapted from this story with a revised happy ending.


Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

Xiao Yan blankly looked at her, not understanding why she brought up her
family history all of a sudden at this time. Xuyang's sister wasn't really his
sister, this was indeed quite maddening. Normally he would be very
intrigued, but at this time he was waiting for Jiheng's reaction to his
confession, then Jiheng told him something totally unrelated. He felt a bit
hurt, is he being ignored?

Of course he had heard of Menghao's fame. During Donghua's campaign

to unify the six realms, he was head of the army, a subordinate under
Donghua's throne, a strategist who by sitting inside his war tent could win
from thousands of miles away; he had always been well-regarded by
Donghua. Later on when Donghua retired to Taichen Palace, Menghao and
the other generals also went into seclusion.
But in legends, the places that these generals retired to were the best
mountain ranges in the Lower Realm. Why did only Menghao Shenjun go
to a godforsaken place like Mount Baishui?
Jiheng looked to the distance and slowly said, My father fell in love with
my mother and parted ways with Dijun to go to the South land. But the
Red Demon Lord used my mother as a bait and ambushed him at Mount
Baishui. With the Dragon Lock, he imprisoned him in the white lake where
he remained as the protector of the Longnao plant months after months,
years after years. Mother never told me about these things. Then three
hundred years ago, when brother punished Minsu to Mount Baishui, I
snuck there to save him and that was how I found out.
Xiao Yan gradually took interest in the story and momentarily forgot his
grief as he continuously nodded to her words. No wonder nobody knew
Menghao Shenjun's whereabouts after he went into seclusion. It turned out
the famous general suffered defeat due to a woman. It was really a case of
suffering defeat due to love.
Jiheng's hollow eyes revealed a pain inflicted by bygone memories: To
save Minsu, I was attacked by numerous venomous creatures on Mount

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

Baishui. Hundreds of them bit into me. At this, she slightly shuddered.
Xiao Yan could not help but also shudder as he listened.
My life was on the brink when it was Father who broke out of the Dragon
Lock to save me, she continued. However, he was also fatally poisoned.
She choked back her tears: Before Father passed away, we met Dijun.
Father entrusted me to him, begging him to take care of me and treat the
Qiushui poison in my body. Without looking at Xiao Yan's shocked
expression, she went on: Father knew I loved Minsu, but he thought Royal
Brother Xuyang would be as wicked as his father. Even if I saved Minsu, it
was still a hopeless trap as Minsu would certainly be brought back. He
asked Dijun to marry me so that Brother would let his guard down. Then I
could take advantage of the two months of marriage preparation to
prepare our escape. Father expected if I returned, no matter where I went,
my brother would patrol me more tightly, so only a marriage could help.
He begged Dijun to marry me that night to cover for me and Minsu to
She looked up to Xiao Yan. Dijun has always valued the men who fought
alongside him during prehistoric times. So when my father asked him to
help protect me on his deathbed, he gave his promise.
Her voice was getting hoarse, her eyes full of sadness, welling with tears as
she went on: Even Zhonglin who is Dijun's loyal attendant also felt I must
repay Dijun for the kindness he has bestowed on me. When Dijun came to
Fanyin Valley to lecture, he often allowed me attend to his needs. If not for
that, I wouldn't have fallen in love again. Throughout these two hundred
years, I sink deeper and deeper each day into this tragic situation. In this
world, there's nothing easier than loving Dijun, but there's nothing more
difficult than receiving his love. On Jiuchongtian, Zhonglin was very caring
toward me, yet these days I can't help but resent him.
She buried her face into her palms, tears seeping through her fingers. In
hindsight, Zhihe and I weren't any different, but funnily enough, I used to
hate her. To Dijun, there are only two kinds of women in this world: the
one who can be his queen, and everyone else. There were times when I

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

wondered why Dijun didn't make me into that special someone. But today
I finally understand, there's actually no such thing as karma and reason, it's
all luck and chance.
Xiao Yan was quiet. Most of the things Jiheng said were completely
different from what he knew. It made him very confused. He thought he
needed to straighten his mind a little.
In daylight, desolate snowfall blanketed the sky. The green pines stood tall
as though they had existed for thousands of years.
At length, Jiheng raised her head. Her face no long carried a feeble misery,
but her complexion remained somewhat pale. She faintly told Xiao Yan: I
am telling you so much today because I hope you will let go of your
feelings for me.
She hung her head and said, You must think I'm being ridiculous to arrive
at this conclusion after thinking for so long? She clenched her hands, her
fingernails seemed to dig into her palms, but her voice stayed light. Since I
like Dijun and have persisted for more than 200 years, I still want to have a
try at this love. Who Dijun chooses is still not definite.
Xiao Yan quietly looked at Jiheng's bleeding palms. He wanted to hold
them, but decided against it. He thought for a while and suddenly
understood Jiheng's meaning. The King didn't like her, yet although she
was sad, she still intended to fight that battle again.
This came as a shock to Xiao Yan.
On one hand, Jiheng was so beautiful that it was ridiculous Ice Face didn't
like her. On the other hand, intuition told him this was a good thing. His
heart suddenly felt uplifted. The road to pursuing Jiheng seemed to have
become a lot smoother overnight.
If this was the case, he didn't need to rush. If Jiheng didn't pay attention to
him, he could wait. The more beautiful one became, the easier it was to be
muddled. But no one stayed muddle his whole life.


Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

But Jiheng was so beautiful. What if she stayed muddled for overlong? He
was a little hesitant.
Xiao Yan scratched his head. Himself so muddled, it seemed he couldn't
help a muddled Jiheng. If she was bent on winning Donghua back, nothing
of concern should happen for now. He also needed to have some time for
Gazing to the moonlight from the eastern mountain, if he was not
mistaken, several hours had passed. He wondered if Ice Face had brought
Fengjiu out or not. Xiao Yan frowned at this thought and then hastily ran to
Jieyou Spring to look for them.

When he arrived at the spring, he was baffled at what he saw.

Xiao Yan remembered that when they were at Jieyou Spring the first time,
everything was laid in ruins, the water in the stream had also been muddy.
Only a few hours passed and above the peaceful ground now formed a
lake, surrounding the center of the water body were four pythons and the
Aranya Dream. In turned out Fanyin Valley had its share of capable
Xiao Yan rode on a cloud into the air to take a look at this genius.
This genius was the Third Prince.
On the rising waves were a marble table and chairs, and a concluding chess
game. His Third Highness was holding a stone while leisurely conversing
with Meng Shao. The monstrous waves laid tamely under his soles like
domesticated hawks.
Xiao Yan spaced out for a while as he recalled the Heavenly Clan's third
prince was the Water God of the Four Seas. Logically speaking, not only
should he be able to move the lake that held the force field trapping
Donghua and Fengjiu in a short amount of time, even ten lakes would be
nothing for a water god in charge of the four seas. It was just that he
always saw Liansong dressing so opulently, he thought nepotism was at

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

play when Tianjun granted him this title. He now witnessed with his own
eyes that Liansong was indeed talented.
Xiao Yan flew to the waves and heard Meng Shao reporting to Liansong:
Although it is possible to rescue someone by entering the dream
according to legends, in reality, I heard the dream contains unpredictable
perils. Reportedly, there was someone who also went inside the dream but
didn't know the rule that disallows magic. Not only was he unable to save
his friend, he also made the dream shatter and ended up going to the
underworld with the person he came to save Meng Shao knitted his
brow and lowered his voice to a whisper: I'm very worried. Dijun's magic
is remarkable, but Aranya's Dream does not tolerate strong magic. The
chances of this entire matter were slim to begin with. They've been in there
for quite a long time. I'm only afraid Dijun and Princess Jiuge's prospects
are more grim than good.
Xiao Yan stumbled on a wave and only heard Meng Shao's first few words.
He angrily said, Didn't Ice Face say he will definitely bring Xiao Jiu out?
He added in annoyance: What kind of a dream is this? You all protect it
like a soft-shell egg that can't be touched. From what I see, since it's
ominous no matter what route we choose, why not just crack it with a
hammer and see if they're dead or alive. Except for his profound magic,
there's nothing good about Ice Face. His magic can be used to protect Xiao
Jiu when the dream collapses. He's lived for so long, I don't see what
difference it makes for him to have a few less years to earn money!
His words led Meng Shao to respond. Since Dijun's magic is useless inside
Aranya's Dream, compared to the two of them dying in the dream,
although this way is desperate, at least it might work. Meng Shao had
been present at court for more than a century, so his observance was a little
better than Xiao Yan. Although he felt more worried for Fengjiu, seeing
that Liansong seemed to believe in Donghua, he added: Of course,
everything would still be decided according to Your Highness.
One was speaking from worry, the other from resentment. Compared to
those two, the Third Prince was unmoving and perfectly calm. He began to

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gather the chess pieces and leisurely said, Why don't we make a bet? I'm
intrigued whether this dream can really trap Donghua. But you are saying
that Donghua's magic cannot be cast inside Aranya's Dream and he
wouldn't have any other way. This, I don't very much agree with.
The Third Prince put away the chess pieces into its box as he carelessly
looked at Meng Shao and said to him, You are from here. You must have
read one or two history books during your school days. Don't tell me you
can't remember it was written in the annals that in prehistoric times,
Donghua was the leader of the 72 generals?
Meng Shao flustered as he nodded. This question did appear on one of the
exams many moons ago. Because he did not pass, the book remained in his
memory many years later. If one of the 72 generals who served under
Donghua in ancient lore reappeared today, no one would stand a chance.
They were truly formidable.
The Third Prince politely smiled. The generals in prehistoric times bowed
down to Donghua because he was good at fighting, but for him to sit atop
the world, it wasn't only due to his almighty magic, he pointed to his
head, but also this.
When he finished speaking, he whipped out his personal Jiyue spear to
gesture the bet and smiled to Meng Shao and Xiao Yan: Gentlemen, your


Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

Chapter 2
Fengjiu didn't know for how long she had slept.
Although she was always feeling hazy and didn't know anything that was
going on, occasionally she could feel something. She was being hugged by
She felt she knew the person who was hugging her, but for some reason
she could not think of his name. She could smell the waffling scent of white
sandalwood in the air; it was a familiar scent. But this sort of familiarity
was somehow very distant, and it made her skeptical.
After being held for a long time, she seemed to fall into a soft surface.
Feeling more comfortable, she relaxed into the arms that were holding her.
Because she wasn't fully conscious and her body was in excruciating pain
most of the time, she felt extremely tired. Lying like this was to her liking,
it was comfortable.
Yet pain was a persistent visitor. She wasn't very good at enduring pain.
She could guess that she had made a sound or two whenever she couldn't
bear it. Each time a bout of horrid pain passed over her, there was always
an arm holding her close, feeding her one spoon after another of some kind
of liquid. The strong smell was blood-like, it did not taste pleasant at all.
But each time it reached her throat, her pain subsided greatly; she deemed
it must be good stuff.
When she choked, someone slowly patted her back. When she became
anxious, someone held her hand. When she whimpered, he hugged her
close in his arms. So she kept whimpering, even if nothing was the matter;
she whimpered whenever she remembered to.
By the time her mind began to regain cognition, she tried to determine the
identity of the person tending to her. His care had been tender, and she felt


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he was quite experienced. But the more she tried to think, the more her
mind clouded up.

Time flowed like water in a stream, soundlessly on and on. In her muddled
state of mind, her eyes foggily passed over many familiar faces. At last they
stopped on a matron who dressed and moved ever so elegantly. She was
her mother's mother, her maternal grandmother, the elderly Lady Fumi.
Her head started to ache.
At this point, Grandmother was sitting in her family's guest hall speaking
to Mother about something.
Although Lady Fumi seemed friendly enough, she was actually a very
terrifying elderly fairy. Her goal in life was to marry off all of her
daughters to great men. With her careful calculations, all seven daughters
indeed found great matches. She was undoubtedly the backbone of the
family. But after marrying all of her daughters away, she began to feel the
lonely emptiness in life.
She felt empty for two thousand years until Fengjiu's father brought the
family back to visit on her grandfather's birthday one day. Her father
brought her to present tea to her grandmother. Her elderly grandmother
who was at the depth of her bleak winter days was delighted to discover
that her oldest granddaughter Fengjiu was now over 30,000 years old.
It was the ripe age to begin finding for her a husband.
Her elderly grandmother had found a new pursuit in life, and from that
day on she graced her eldest daughter's home as a regular guest.

Fengjiu hid outside the small garden and tried her best to listen in on what
her grandmother was telling her mother. She heard Grandmother say: The
reason why I am planning Jiu-er's marriage this early is so that she may
make a good choice. With Jiu-er's looks and character, she must be married
into an established family. However, not everyone from an established

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family is capable. For example, last time your 2nd brother-in-law

recommended the South Sea Water God's younger son. He does have good
looks and a prestigious background, but he holds no real title, it was such a
pity. I think that for a man to be worthy of Jiu-er, he should have some
power in addition to a distinguished background, only then does he have
potential. What's more, I'm not too fond of generals. Take your fourth
brother-in-law for example. He may hold a high position, but her marriage
had always made me ill with worry. If she didn't starve herself pining for
him back then, I wouldn't have handed such a good child to a brute. What's
so good about a general? Fighting and killing all the time, never knowing
how to be gentle and kind. As Jiu-er's mother, you mustn't make the same
mistake as I did. If there is a warrior befriending Jiu-er, you need to take
caution. There is additionally another important matter. It must be a
compatible match. Look at how beautiful our Jiu-er is, we must find her
someone just as handsome, so that I will have beautiful great grandchildren. Else we'll ruin the reputation of the red foxes along with the ninetailed white foxes. I've only thought of this much so far, let me go back and
think some more on the details.
Her mother praised her grandmother for having thought so thoroughly;
now they were surely going to find Fengjiu a good marriage according to
her grandmother's wishes; she hoped she wouldn't be too worried, so on
and so forth.

After hearing their conversation, Fengjiu's heart was weighed down in

tons. She left the small garden uneven steps. Along the way, her head felt
as black and heavy as a mountain.
Although Donghua Dijun, whom she liked, built his legacy from two
empty hands and had a high status, he did not come from an old
established family. Her grandmother would surely be displeased with this.
Although Dijun had held some power in the past, he had since retired to
Taichen Palace and no longer held real power these days. Grandmother
would dislike that even more. His prowess on the battlefields were

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recorded in history annals for future generations to revere. He was

infinitely better compared to her fourth uncle-in-law. Grandmother would
dislike that worst of all.
Besides Dijun's good looks, there wasn't a thing her grandmother would
like about him. What was she to do?
Yellow leaves floated outside the veranda, the wind in autumn, the trees in
autumn, everything about the season is full of sorrow. Her heart sank
woefully. She squatted on the veranda in thought. It probably wouldn't
work if she asked her father to send someone to Taichen Palace for
matchmaking. She could only depend on herself in pursuing Donghua
At this moment, another scene appeared. Not once did Fengjiu feel this
was a dream she had dreamt up. Rather, changing scenes felt very normal
to her. But she could vaguely sense it was something that had already
happened in the distant past.
However, she almost forgot that this was the reason she had asked Siming
to bring her into Taichen Palace that year. If it wasn't for the fact that
Donghua didn't fit into her family's criteria, if she had told her family of
her feelings and asked her Father to send someone to Taichen Palace for
matchmaking, then how would their story be like today?
When the word 'today' crossed her mind, she suddenly felt strange. Today,
today. She felt she wasn't too happy with today. But what happened
today? What day was today, exactly?
She confusedly looked around. She was on a wedding bed, wearing a red
bridal gown. Flickering wedding candles, dim moonlight, endless insect
chirping. Oh, today was her wedding day with Cang'yi Shenjun.
Her father searched high and low, and finally chose Cang'yi Shenjun of
Mount Zhiyue to be her husband.


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She remembered that of course she hadn't been happy with the groom her
father had chosen for her. Before getting onto the bridal palanquin at their
front door, she was still contesting with Father that if he had liked Cang'yi
so much, he should get on the palanquin himself, there was no need to
marry her to him. What she said angered her father so much he
immediately tied her up with magical ropes and tossed her into the
But in only a second she was somehow on Cangyi's wedding bed. She
vaguely felt something interesting had happened on the way from Qingqiu
to Mount Zhiyue, but how come it was as though the middle part was cut
For the first time, she sensed she was inside a dream. But everything felt so
real that she couldn't be sure. In the flickering candlelight, she suddenly
heard the voice of a child attendant announcing from outside: Shenjun has
It was the wedding night and consummation hour was nearing. This
Shenjun they announced must be Cang'yi. Fengjiu gave a start. She
couldn't even remember she had gone through nuptial rites with Cangyi,
but now they were consummating? In fright, she started to panic. She took
off the golden hairpin from her hair, closed her eyes on reflex, and feigned
sleep. She thought to herself that the hairpin was sharp. If Cang'yi stepped
anywhere near her, she would let his red blood dye the wedding bed
tonight. Fengjiu for a second felt confused. In her memory, why was it that
this didn't really happen the night she came to Zhiyue Palace? Why did she
remember that before they performed nuptial rites, she had already
destroyed his palace? Or, maybe, perhaps, was she only dreaming?

She calmed down a little. Whether this was a dream or not, since she didn't
like this Cang'yi Shenjun to begin with, and having high integrity herself,
she wouldn't let him take one bit of advantage even in a dream.


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When she sensed Shenjun had neared her, she slightly opened her eyes, her
hand poised with the hairpin waiting to protect its owner's chastity. But it
had only left her hand when, cling, it fell back into the piles of bedcovers.
Fengjiu stared incredulously at the person nearing her. She blinked in
The one coming toward her wasn't Cang'yi, but the person mentioned
previously, Donghua Dijun.
Under the moonlight, his silver hair was as white as snow, his purple robe
glowed with his movements, and the face emerging was the one Xiao Yan
dubbed Ice Face.
The person standing next to the bed was the very King himself.
When Dijun saw her open her eyes, he was rendered stupefied for a
moment, then he touched her forehead. After he was done checking he did
not withdraw his hand. He looked at her for a long while before asking her:
Are you awake? Do you feel uncomfortable anywhere?
Fengjiu wordlessly stared at Dijun, stupidly pondered for a while, and then
at length lifted her hand to beckon him near.
Dijun understood her gesture and came to sit on the edge of the bed, his
body slightly bent close to her.
From this distance her hand could reach his robe collar, but her goal wasn't
Dijun's collar.
Just a moment ago, her entire body was still limp without strength. Just
getting herself propped upright was already difficult to do, but at this
height, things was a lot easier.
Dijun carefully studied her, his silver strands falling onto her shoulders. He
asked her in a low voice: Are you uncomfortable? Where do you feel
She didn't feel any discomfort. While Dijun asked that question, she had
quickly reached her hands out and used all of her strength to pull down on

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his robe collar, then she latched her rosy lips precisely onto Dijun's... The
series of actions: pulling, tugging, dragging, kissing, shocked Dijun into a
stunned state.
Fengjiu clasped her hands around Donghua's neck, her lips firmly
attaching his.
She thought to herself that just a moment ago, she was suspicious this was
a dream, the next moment Cang'yi Shenjun had changed to Donghua. This
proved it was indeed a dream. It kept morphing because it was trying to
fulfill an unfinished dream. That year when she left Jiuchongtian, the only
regret she had was that she had entrusted her love to the wrong person
and never got anything back; it was a disgrace to Qingqiu. Since they got to
see each other again in a dream, and dreams could change any minute,
what would she do if Donghua vanished from her in the next second? She
must seize this moment to kiss him. Such opportunity doesn't come
knocking twice. It wasn't bad if she could reap payback even if only inside
her dream.
Donghua's lips were as icy cold as she had imagined them to be. They were
motionless even as she was tightly pressing onto them, as if he was
curiously waiting to see what she would be doing next.
Fengjiu felt satisfied with this display. She was taking advantage of him
he should sit there like a statue. It'd be better if afterwards his face
reddened from the embarrassment of being taken advantage of.
After adhering their lips for long enough, she awkwardly nudged her
tongue out to taste his upper lip and could feel that Dijun was trembling a
bit. This reaction was in line with her calculation; the taste of satisfaction
spread through her like watching a tree vine quietly climbing to the top, or
hearing a drop of dew rolling down lotus leaves.
She released him after a couple of licks, feeling it wasn't too bad that she
had taken advantage of him to this point. And anyhow, she wasn't too
experienced, she didn't really know how else to take further advantage of

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Dijun's eyes were slightly clouded, his expression quiet. It seemed even if
the Tai Mountain collapsed around them, an imaginary Dijun was still as
unruffled as the real Dijun.
Fengjiu was a little disappointed that Dijun wasn't embarrassed. But that
was fine, he had always been thick-skinned anyway.
Fengjiu's hands that were clinging onto Dijun's neck moved up to softly
touch his face. Finally content, she moved back to lie down on the pillow
when she was held back by a strong force. She hadn't realized what was
happening when Dijun had already loomed closer to her face. The indigo
jewel on his forehead was emitting an illumination as bright as the
morning star, reflecting plainly her dumbfounded face.
He was only an inch away from her nose. Dijun looked at her a while, then
ever so naturally bent down and gently grazed over her lips with his icy
Fengjiu dazedly heard a string snap inside her head.
He studied her with deep, dark eyes. Seeing her lashes flutter, he
unhurriedly deepened the force, coaxed open her lips, easily found her
tongue, and guided her to clumsily return his kiss. Dijun kept his eyes
open all this while to observe her reaction.
In reality, besides widening her eyes at him, Fengjiu didn't have any other
reaction. Her mind had turned to mush by this kiss. This glob of mush
faintly though to herself: compared to the fluttering kiss she initiated, his
kiss was so brutal in comparison. Dijun was definitely a god who never
wanted to lose. He was on an entirely other level to pay back even one
teeny tiny offense.
She held her breath for too long and could not breathe anymore. She
wanted to push Dijun away but her hands had turned into powerless jelly.
Her mind was so scrambled today that she could not think to change back
to her original form to escape the situation.


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Dijun slightly loosened his hold, his lips were still connected to hers. Why
are you holding your breath? he asked in a relaxed manner. Must I also
teach you how to breathe on these occasions? Yet there was a hint of
hoarseness in his voice.
Being the queen of Qingqiu, there was one thing Fengjiu always adhered
to, and that was to keep Qingqiu's face at all time. No matter what
happened she must never have Qingqiu's name soiled.
What Donghua said really hurt her pride. She suddenly regained her spirit
and used sophistry to respond: This is how Qingqiu people react in such
times. I don't need an ignorant person like you to criticize me!
When things like this happened, what exactly was her Qingqiu's customs?
She was only 30,000 years old, she was but a cub. Of course she never had
the chance to witness nor really understood them. She found out today for
the first time that not only lips were used in kissing, but that tongues could
also be used. She had always thought kissing only involved touching lips
and nothing else, and that the more love there was, the longer they must
stay attached. For example, she had pressed her lips onto Dijun's for so
long, her love must have reached the depth of the sea. It turned out there
were many gray areas in between that she did not know, there was so
much more she needed to learn.
However, if even she, as a native of Qingqiu, didn't know about this
custom, how would Dijun know any better? She thought it'd be a good
idea to deceive Dijun with this excuse.
Hearing no response from Dijun, she added: Weren't you breathing just
now? Her expression turned solemn. This is a taboo in Qingqiu. Graywolf didi who lives next door to us lost his fiance because of this. People
look down on things like this.
After hearing her, Donghua indeed seemed to be in thought.
She praised herself for fabricating this nonsense so well. Well done, Xiao

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But Xiao Feng had accidentally forgotten one thing: sometimes, Dijun was
a deity with an immense sense of curiosity.
Sure enough, Dijun's curiosity led him to think a while before he offered
this conclusion: How interesting this custom is. Since I haven't tried it yet,
it's not a bad idea to try your Qingqiu's custom now.
Before she could think of anything, Fengjiu pushed Dijun's chest and
blushed pink as a peach blossom: How can you utter such a shameless
In truth Dijun was just joking, but he didn't know his listener would not
think of them as casual words. He reminded her: Who started it, do you
Fengjiu's raging fire instantly flamed out; this was a question of pride.
She thought for a long time before she was emboldened enough to reply: I
admit it was I who started it. She rubbed her nose and began to defend
herself with sophistry: But this is my dream, so I could do whatever I
want. Here, she suddenly realized. Yes, this was her dream, Donghua was
created from her imagination. Usually, she never won against him in an
argument, how could he still be so arrogant even in her dream? He was
really disregarding the dream's owner!
She looked at Donghua fearlessly with newfound bravado: You, you are
merely created from my imagination. In my own dream, I can take
advantage of you all I want to, however I want to. But you can't do the
same to me. She barreled on now that her mind was clearing: You don't
have to counter what I said with reason, because there are no reasons in
this dream, my words are the only reason! Her speech was said with
conviction. When she finished, she herself was a little awed. She quietly
watched Dijun.
Dijun was rendered blank for a long while.
She wondered if Dijun might have been intimidated. She waved her hand
in front of him. Dijun grabbed onto her waving hand. He was clearly

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looking at her, but his words seemed directed at himself: So she thought
she was dreaming. A pause. I was wondering why you suddenly became
so relaxed, and you're not even angry.
Fengjiu heard each word from Dijun's two sentences clearly, but she didn't
quite understand his meaning. What are you talking about, dreaming?
Utterly lost, she went on: Isn't this a dream? If it's not a dream, then where
did you come from? So very confused now, she added: Why should I be
angry at you? She gave a start when her eyes took a glimpse of his red
lips; her face blanched as she said, Did I really take advantage of... She
couldn't say the word 'you'. Her free hand which wasn't held by Donghua
began to quietly pull up the quilt in front of her chest in an attempt to
cover up her head as well. Reality was a bit cruel.
Dijun caught a corner of the quilt mid-air, her hand was held back in his.
He focused his gaze on her for a long while, then at last asked, Do you
remember what you did before you fell asleep, Xiao Bai?
What was she doing before she fell asleep? Fengjiu found she had
absolutely no impression. Her brain was thrown to the wind. A fogginess
of forgotten memories about a tragic past was carried away by the light
breeze. Suddenly, half of her heart went cold. Did this symptom mean she
had lost her memory?
Sorrow gave birth to coldness. When this thought came to her, Fengjiu's
limbs stiffened cold. At this very moment, her freezing hand was being
held even tighter, and next to her ear was Dijun's serene voice: I'm here,
don't be afraid. You're just drowsy from your sleep, that's all.
She looked to Dijun uncertainly.
Dijun smoothed the plastered strands on her forehead and then
composedly said, We sometimes can become this way after sleeping for
too long. It's alright if we can't remember the things before we fell asleep.
You still remember the most recent things, so there's nothing to worry
about. A soft flash appeared in his eyes. Truthfully, I don't think it
matters if you can't remember certain things.

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Although Dijun's words couldn't be counted as comforting consolation,

when she heard them, she actually felt greatly assured.
Only now could Fengjiu see clearly. Although she was not dreaming, she
was indeed lying on a spacious bed. But it wasn't a wedding wed with red
beddings and draperies. Under her body was a mattress, before her eyes
was draping gossamer, all in the same deep indigo color. Beyond the
curtain wasn't a pair of burning dragon-phoenix candles (used for wedding
night). Rather, floating above the bed canopy was a night pearl as large as a
goose egg.
Through the thin gossamer curtain, the sky appeared to be a large screen
while the ground was like a long carpet. The white forest and its glowing
light gave off a mystical atmosphere all around. Of course, the spot
radiating the strongest mystical energy came from Dijun who was sitting in
front of her.
Dijun said 'the most recent things'. The most recent things, Fengjiu thought
for a moment, recalled something, and whispered to Donghua: If you're
not a dream, then... my wedding with Cang'yi Shenjun before you
appeared... must've been the dream.
She wondered about the origin of this dream. With a confused face she
said, Two months ago my old man, I mean, my father forced me to marry
Cang'yi Shenjun of Mount Zhiyue. On the wedding night, I did all I could
to wreck Cangyi's palace. This marriage went down the drain. I heard the
reparation of the palace cost him a fortune that year. But Cang'yi Shenjun
didn't mind that I had turned it into rubble. He even spoke on my behalf
when my father wanted to reprimand me.
She concluded in a lowered voice: He had made this gesture, but I had
thought since his sovereignty on earth was too expansive, he already had
many troubles to worry about and his mind already too exhausted. But
then he spoke on my behalf. I was grateful to him, and feel somewhat
guilty about destroying his palace. I'm a bit ashamed. I reckon this is why I
dreamt such a bizarre dream today.

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Fengjiu's hair became tangled during her nap. Wordlessly, Dijun helped
her smooth it out. He thought about her incoherent summary. Siming said
her forced marriage to Mount Zhiyue happened seventy years ago, but
Fengjiu insisted it had only been two months. It seemed when she was
seriously injured, she did not have enough fairy energy and her memory
had been slightly muddled by Aranya's Dream.
Her memory had stopped at seventy years ago. This was why she did not
question in anger why he had given the Saha fruit to Jiheng.
Dijun felt that the ability to addle one's memory inside the Aranya Dream
was quite a blessing.
Fengjiu pondered for a while. In the end, there were a couple of things that
were still puzzling to her. Doubt surfaced her face as she nervously said,
Actually, I had felt something wasn't right the moment I opened my
eyes. She looked at Dijun as distress started to surface in her eyes. If I
was dreaming back then, and now I'm not dreaming anymore, then where
is this place, Your Majesty... why are you here? And whose bed is this?
Dijun looked at her for a moment. It seemed at this time Xiao Bai's memory
only included the times she spent on Jiuchongtian as his baby fox. This was
going to be much easier. With a sincere expression, he started his hogwash:
This is a force field like the Wicked Lotus Sphere. Yan Chiwu trapped me
in here. You worry for me so much that you hurried here to save me.
Fengjiu's mouth widened into the shape of a salted egg; one could fit an
entire fist into it. Is Yan Chiwu that incredible? He could trap you twice?!
Dijun retained his composed look: Not only did he trap me, he trapped
you too. That's why we can't leave this place, we are stuck in here.
That villain Yan Chiwu! Fengjiu indignantly exclaimed. But she next
became puzzled: Why is it that Yan Chiwu had trapped you again and I
had rushed here to save you, but I don't remember any of it?
Because you've been sleeping for too long, Dijun calmly replied. Seeing
that there was still doubt in her eyes, he caressed her face, determinedly

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looked into her eyes, and lowered his voice: Xiao Bai, haven't you always
saved me when I was trapped?
Haven't you always saved me when I was trapped?
Fengjiu stiffened.
Tonight her mind was indeed upside down. She was acting in strange
ways that she could not explain. But Donghua's words were like delicate
snowflakes landing on her lashes, sweeping past the clouds in her mind.
She felt somewhat more sober.
Memories of Jiuchongtian came flooding back, her heart was suddenly
She remembered there was one day when she conversed with her aunt on
how mystical the world could be. It was mystical because there were
numerous things that seemed similar but were not. For example, 'love' and
'desire'. There was little difference between the two at first glance, but they
are in fact quite different. The difference is that desire could be controlled,
but love could not be. That is why there is an eloquent mortal saying: It is
impossible to know where love starts nor where it goes.
With Donghua, it wasn't the controllable desire but rather the
uncontrollable love. She thought she had cut her feelings off, but she didn't
expect those roots to be buried so deep. At first, she thought she had cut
them all cleanly, but the more she dug, the more she found.
She thought the past had been swept away with the wind, and everything
had turned to a cloud of dust. But with Donghua's simple words, the layer
of dirt was lifted and she was made to realize just how deeply and securely
her feelings were rooted.
Why did Yan Chiwu trap Donghua again? Why had she not learned her
lesson and still come here to save him like a lunatic? She didnt cared about
these questions any longer.
Didn't Dijun say she always came to save him when he was trapped?

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After two hundred years, it seemed, he finally found out she was the little
fox who saved him from the Wicked Lotus Sphere that year, his little fox
who once stayed next to him on Jiuchongtian. Did he also know she
suffered so much only for him?
But what if he knew and what if he didn't? This wasn't the time for such
Tears suddenly welled up and rolled down from her eyes. She heard her
own hoarse voice: So you do know I was the fox back then. But why did
you only find out now?
The atmosphere inside the bed curtain suddenly sank heavily. Donghua
wiped the tears on the corners of her eyes and said after a long silence,
Everything was my fault.
She stared at Donghua with misty eyes. She never saw this expression on
his face before.
She knew, he was yielding to her. He yielded to her that he was wrong, but
she knew too that one wasnt at fault if one didn't know. It wasn't
Donghua's fault, it was Heaven who did not grant them this fate. It was
unfair to Donghua that he had to apologize.
If would be unreasonable if she were to hysterically question him right
She only heard a smile can melt away a feud, she never heard one should
use tears to make new enemies.
She raised her hand to wipe her tears, then dropped her gaze and
whispered: It's okay. Before Jiheng came to Taichen Palace, you had
treated me very well. Only after she came did you start to treat me poorly.
But you don't have to worry about this because I have long thought
carefully about it. Jiheng is the one you love. I was only a pet in Taichen
Palace. Since I scratched Jiheng, it wasn't wrong for you to punish me. It
was fine too that you didn't come to visit me when I was locked up,
because you were busy with your wedding preparations with Jiheng. There

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

are many things to worry about in a wedding, there were many etiquettes
to attend to. It was understandable that you would forget about me.
She sniffled and tried to appear generous. You don't have to worry about
the time the snow lion almost killed me either. I've already thought it
through. On that day, had I listened to Zhonglin and stayed put, I wouldn't
get into the troubles I encountered. I can't really blame anyone, after all. I
can only blame my own bad luck.
She raised her hands to wipe away her tears and sincerely said, Since I
suffered many hardships when I was at your palace, Heaven might be
telling me that you and I aren't fated, that's why I...
Dijun's voice asked her from above: That's why you...?
Fengjiu raised her head in silence; undried tears rolled down her chin
when Dijun distracted her with his question of That's why you...? She
wasn't sure herself. Dijun knitted his brow, his face suddenly became ice
cold. Fengjiu felt Donghua's eyes had seemed sad when he looked at her.
Back then on Jiuchongtian, had he known his pet fox was the young queen
of the Bai family in Qingqiu, what would he have done? Donghua thought
about this and felt more likely than not he would return Fengjiu back to
Qingqiu. If the baby fox had saved him in the Wicked Lotus Sphere, then
he would gift her with some Heavenly treasures as a show of gratitude. He
undeniably adored her, but it wasn't exactly convenient to keep the queen
of an entire clan to raise as a pet.
There were many things that had happened to her that he did not know,
and perhaps this ignorance was also a mistake in itself, yet he could not
change what had already passed; regret would not help anything.
Fengjiu's face was showing fatigue, her eyes vaguely gazing to the moon
hanging atop a branch. She had been awake for nearly half an hour. Time
was running out.


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Fengjiu's cultivation was depleted when she fell into Aranya's Dream, both
her soul and body were injured. Throughout these three months, she had
had to rely on Donghua's blood three times a day to mend her soul and
restore her 30,000 years of energy. But her body was still very weak, and
she needed more time to recover.
Fairies usually look for places where dense mystical energy congregated to
nurse their body back to health. But there was little mystical energy inside
Fanyin Valley; there weren't too many sacred places here either. Donghua
used his own energy to create an enchantment field especially designed for
Fengjiu's recuperation.
According to the rules of enchantment field sorcery, since it was created
specifically for Fengjiu, when she woke up, dormant energy around her
body would start to rise, the enchantment field would also spontaneously
take effect, and her body would be encased in it for an hour. This was why
he said time was running out.
However, although the enchantment was a good place to nurse an
immortal body, it wasn't somewhere a soul should stay inside for too long.
It was best to place her elsewhere. In a case such as Fengjiu's current
condition, it was best to keep her soul in a living person where she could
have access to continuous life force. As for Aranya's Dream, there was no
rush to leave yet.

Fengjiu leaned against the bed frame as she gazed vaguely to the quilt on
her body.
Donghua wordlessly knitted his brow. He knew Xiao Bai must hate him
right now. Truthfully, it wasn't unreasonable for her to hate him. But her
healing enchantment seal would only last half an hour more. Once she
entered into the enchantment seal, with how weakened her body had
become, she'd need at least three more months before she could leave. To
spend this last half hour with her while she hated him would be a big

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Inside the soft curtain, the atmosphere momentarily became muted,

outside were sounds of the cicadas.
In the bed corner, Fengjiu held onto the quilt and hesitatingly looked at
Donghua. What's wrong, Dijun?
Dijun recovered, looked at her thoughtfully for a long while and at length
replied: You were about to say, 'That was why...'? When he saw that she
was beginning to frown in thought, he suddenly said, There's no 'that was
why'. The truth is that we've already wedded.
Boom, Fengjiu hit her head on the bed frame. How could that be?! she
asked in shock.
Sorrow cast in Dijun's eyes. Why not? he asked her.
Fengjiu rubbed her temple and said, I don't remember She didn't
remember at all that she and Donghua had exchanged their birthdates, had
performed nuptial rites, or had consummated their marriage... Of course, it
was fine to not remember one thing, but she hadn't the slightest memory of
even half a detail... quite possibly Dijun was trying to fool her. But his face
at this moment was so sincere... she stared in befuddlement at him.
Donghua helped rub the bump on her forehead to get rid of the bruise and
said, You don't remember because you've lost your memory. I had lied to
you when I said you were drowsy from your sleep. He had the patience to
add: I was worried you'd be frightened if you knew. The truth is, you
have amnesia.
Amnesia? Amnesia!
As an immortal living in a dangerous era where it was extremely popular
to get amnesia either by potions or spells, getting amnesia was indeed quite
Fengjiu stammered: I... am I that unlucky? Inside her head were indeed
many, many things she could not think of. Verifying this against what had
happened earlier, she increasingly felt Dijun's words might really be true.
She panicked: But clearly, how could I have agreed to this marriage? I...

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Dijun's hand paused, his eyes bore into hers as his words struck deep:
Because, Xiao Bai, don't you like me?
The tender look on Dijun's face right this second couldn't have been
deadlier. Fengjiu's heart skipped a beat as she desperately resisted a
pandemic demise: It was definitely not for this reason. If this was the
reason, then all those things I did...
With an unchanging expression, Dijun corrected his words: This is only
one of them. He added: It was mainly because I had knelt down to ask
for your forgiveness.
Fengjiu wasn't desperate anymore.
Fengjiu was blown away.
Fengjiu who was blown away quietly placed her fist into her mouth.
Dijun's aura when he knelt down, moreover his aura when he knelt down
to her she tried her best to conjure up the image but found it impossible
to imagine.
Something so incredible she couldn't even imagine. Something so rare it
didn't happen for thousands of years. But she had forgotten it all. What a
crying shame.
Dijun said he had knelt down to her to propose. Putting aside the
frightening tale that the eminent king had actually knelt down, more
importantly, why did Dijun want to marry her?
This, was truly a mystery for the ages.
Her curiosity grew over her shock and she tentatively blurted: You're
forced to marry me because you feel guilty, right? Then what of your
beloved Jiheng?
Dijun was stunned for a moment. He replied in puzzlement: Jiheng and I,
how can you think of such a thing? Our ages are too different... He saw
her watery dark eyes as comprehension suddenly dawned on him that

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their age difference was even larger. A frown passed over his face as he
told her succinctly: Jiheng and I have nothing to do with each other.
Fengjiu was shocked to hear this directly from Donghua. She was so
shocked, she began to mutter to herself: Truthfully, am I still dreaming
right now?
She pinched herself, from her eyes instantaneously rolled down two tears.
With misty eyes, she said: Oh, so I'm not dreaming, I really have amnesia
and forgot too many things. I feel this world has changed to where I can no
longer recognize some of it.
She looked to Donghua in bewilderment: I actually have one more
question, I don't know whether I can ask you or not?
This question would be a bit hurtful, but since she was really curious, she
didn't have the patience to wait for Donghua to nod and spoke up before
him: If we're married like you said, I'm still somewhat puzzled as to why
my old man would agree to this marriage, because you... She had a slight
difficulty telling him this: Because my old man is an extremely traditional
immortal2. You are not from an established family, neither do you have any
power. You don't satisfy his criteria as a son-in-law candidate...
Dijun was silent for a moment. So Qingqiu had such rules for selecting
son-in-laws, I didn't know about this. He gave some thought then
sincerely said, Perhaps Bai Yi did not feel I have a glorious future, but
since I knelt to you, I won him over with my honesty and honor, so he took
pity on me and agreed.
Listening to the story wafting out from Dijun's mouth, Fengjiu wondered if
perhaps it had sounded a little fishy.
But she couldn't quite put a finger on what was strange about it. If they
were speaking of reasons, his reason was perfectly legitimate. People from

FJ might also be jabbing at her dad for being vulgar here because (common) can
range anywhere from the conventional to the vulgar.


Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

Qingqiu had always been known to be soft-hearted and easily flooded with
Then in retrospect, Dijun had not lied to her. She and Dijun had really
She didn't know why she had reconciled with herself and agreed to marry
Dijun. Nonetheless, Dijun must have spent some effort to disentangle the
tangles in her mind. It must not have been easy on Dijun. It turned out she
and Dijun had finally reached such an ending. Divine will was indeed
impossible to foresee. When you thought it was this, it turned out to be
that. And yet, this was a kind of pleasure for immortals who lived forever
Because Heaven was difficult to predict, she became wistful for a moment.
When she woke from her trance, she saw Dijun's dark eyes pausing on her.
She didn't know why, but happiness started to fill her heart.
She pretended to cough loudly in an attempt to desperately repress her
exuberant mood, then she tentatively turned to Donghua and said, Dijun,
are you certain you only knelt down to me? Although I don't remember
anything, are you certain you haven't done other embarrassing things?
In her mind, despite using two non-pressing rhetorical questions, she had
voiced her doubts in each of those sentences. If something is suspicious, it
can't be absolutely true. Upon hearing her remark, Dijun suddenly turned
quiet; this was a prime example. She was definitely smart to have known
this all on her own!
She restrained her surging feelings of self-admiration and said with a sense
of satisfaction: Don't try to trick me just because I can't remember. I
changed my mind just because you knelt down to me? Don't underestimate
me. I don't believe you!
She added the last line originally so that she could hear a few soothing
words from Donghua's mouth. But for some reason, Dijun was caught in a
long period of rumination after listening to her until a falling dry branch
dropped onto the bed curtain to break the silence. His mind snapped back

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as he softly replied, If I want you to believe me, he slightly pondered,

what must I do, Xiao Bai?
Fengjiu believed it was a display of his shyness that Dijun had not
answered her questions but turned the conversation around instead. Also,
he had had to redeem himself by doing so many outrageous things that he
could not bear to recall those memories. She was very pleased. However,
she still didn't fully understand why Dijun wanted to redeem himself. But
didn't she already forget the reason? She had forgotten too many things
that she couldn't expect to comprehend everything in a second or two.
Dijun was still knitting his brow, he seemed pensive as he asked her,
What do you want me to do, Xiao Bai?
Because she firmly believed Donghua was being shy at this moment, she
was inwardly happy. She felt that she shouldn't force Dijun to feel even
worse. If Dijun had used this trick to change the subject, she should play
She scratched her head and slowly replied, What should you do? I can't
really think of what I'd want you to do either. A pause, then: However, I
heard if one wants to prove his love, one usually carves his heart out as
proof... Oh, you probably haven't heard of this. From what my aunt says,
it's a popular thing in the mortal realm. When one wants to declare his
feelings, there is nothing more sincere than carving his heart out. Mortals
die when their hearts are removed, so when death is made into
remembrance, such memory cannot fail to be significant nor can it fail to be
Seeing Dijun's frowning face, she coughed and said: That is, I'm only
saying this because you asked what I wanted you to do. I thought of what
to say but nothing came to mind. She scratched her head and added:
Right now I can't think of a single thing that I really want you to do.
Her eyes slightly gazed toward the corner of the curtains as she blinked her
eyes: If there's some incense in the furnace right now, I might be able to
sleep a little better. You can help me light the incense burner now, when I

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

think of something, I'll tell you again in the future. Since we are husband
and wife, let's not dwell on this. When the words 'husband and wife' left
her mouth, a flash flickered in her eyes and she embarrassingly looked
There was a taste of novelty as these two words lingered on her lips. It
wasn't as if she had never married before. But her marriage to Ye Qingti in
the mortal realm was due to circumstances, it was only in name, he had
never called her his wife, she had never referred to herself as such either.
It turned out a marriage of mutual love was actually like this.
Thoughtfulness dwelt within Donghua's eyes, but there remained nothing
strange in his voice. At length, he said, Alright, let me owe you for now
and ask me later. He turned and lit the incense burner for her.
They were indeed married. Dijun agreed to everything she said today, red
rain falling from the sky could not be odder.
Dijun sat on the edge of the bed with his back turned against her. He
conjured up a three-legged bronze incense burner from his fingers then
took some pieces of fire-stones from his sleeve; his actions were swift and
Fengjiu took time to recall Dijun's expressions today. Although it was
mostly her opinion, it seemed there were some subtle differences, and
these subtle differences were a little difficult to understand. She couldn't
understand, so she didn't plan to understand. Instead, she knelt closer to
him, wanting to see what kind of incense he was burning.
Without warning, the purple back suddenly turned around, taking her by
surprise. Dijun's face was only inches away from hers with this close
distance to Dijun came the sight of his icy lips... she held onto her
composure: I wanted to see what kind of incense you're burning.
Because she was kneeling on her knees, she was sitting at a higher
elevation than Dijun, subjugating Dijun into a rare lower position.
She quietly straightened up to get away from his face.

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But halfway, her left shoulder was held in place by Dijun's hand and she
was slightly pulled toward him. Her leaning position appeared as though
she was intending to do something to Dijun.
His head was slightly raised. You seem to be thinking about something.
When Dijun asked aloud this question, she was not thinking of anything.
But because Dijun so asked, she remembered something. Pop. A burst of
flame blazed from her head down to her neck.
Because they were too close, Dijun's breath unexpectedly skimmed over
her lips when he spoke. He asked again, What are you thinking?
Seeing Dijun's handsome face up-close, Fengjiu suddenly had a grand
In a drifting immortal life lasting a perpetual span, indefinite and without
end, it had seemed at first glance one could enjoy anything and everything.
But in reality, it had only seemed that way. Compared to an endless life, if
in the realm of impossible hypotheticals, it would be better if she could
meet a handsome man she liked just in one lifetime. But this matter of
meeting a soul mate was already rather elusive. On the occasion this
elusive chance came along, she should not let that encounter go to waste.
Moreover, this 'impossible hypothetical' and 'elusiveness' also happened to
be the husband she married.
She reached her hands out to cup Dijun's face. In reckless determination,
she tried to lean down to him in one fell swoop at the same time, she
immediately felt Dijun's pulling hand, and before she knew it, her head
had abruptly lowered down and met his lips.
So you were thinking of this... there was a hint of laughter in Dijun's
She did think of this, but it was one thing for her to think about it, and
another for him to say it aloud. She would never admit to such a thing even
if she was killed. She put on a temper and righteously said, Who was
thinking of this? I only thought since we are married, on our first time it

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certainly wasn't I who took the initiative to kiss you. A moment ago a
moment ago although it was I who initiated, but that was only because I
was dreaming so I was a little confused. When I'm awake I'm actually a
very restrained person...
Dijun interrupted her and said, You're absolutely right. It was I who took
the initiative.
She wanted to say more, but her unspoken words were swallowed up by a
Dijun had his eyes closed, and she found out his lashes were very long.
In the background, the white forest was illuminated to view by the night
pearl above the bed canopy. Fengjiu wrapped her arms around Dijun's
shoulder, slightly bent her head, also closed her eyes, and slowly encircled
Dijun's neck.
Each of her movements was done in unconsciousness. In her mind, she
vaguely felt marriage was indeed a mystical thing. Even in her wildest
imagination, never did she think there'd be one day when he would be her
husband or that he'd kiss her like this. His hand was gently placed on her
nape, his eyes were defenselessly closed, and he ever so gently bit into her
Dijun was perhaps the divinest out of all Divines, forever staying inside the
Three Purities of the untroubled Bodhi land. There was no one in the world
who dared to entice him into the dusty realm, but she had the audacity to
try such a thing; she tried, she tried and it worked. She was too talented.
She drew him into this love affair, something he had never experienced
before. He must not be used to it. But even so, he was not lost. He was still
going at his pace, by his rules. He was certainly the king she always knew.
She loved it.
A while later.
Donghua bent down to watch Fengjiu sleeping in his arms.

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The girl he was holding had a pair of slender brows, thick still lashes, and
plump rosy lips. Compared to when she had just woken up, her expression
seemed to be improving.
An hour was too short. Although he had used a dishonorable method to
prevent her from quarreling with him, he didn't really care whether it was
right or not. As far as he was concerned, if it was useful, it was good.
The most important thing at this time was extracting her soul so her body
could immediately recuperate inside the healing enchantment seal. He
must not miss the hour.
After several months, by the time her body was healed and she could leave
the enchantment seal, would her muddled memory be restored? Would
she hate him when she recalled this period? Of course Dijun had thought of
this, and it was causing him a slight headache. But unlike warfare
strategies where countermeasures could be arranged in advanced, he could
only improvise when the time came. Once he saw her reactions, he would
know how to coax her again.

He carried a soundly asleep Fengjiu to the marsh.

The moonlight was quiet and cold. Dijun held Fengjiu in one arm. He
waved his other as the submerged healing enchantment seal under the
Shuiyue Marsh broke free from the water surface. The water curtain parted
on either side of the seal and revealed an ice coffin enveloped in glowing
white light.
The puffs of mist surrounding the ice coffin instantaneously glided across
the water. It was apparent at once that this spreading mist was boundless
fairy essence. Although it was dim within the mist, the moon's pure light
was completely different from the forest's emerald brilliance, instantly
eclipsing the entire perimeter of the white forest in its luminance. The fish
swimming underwater was blessed with some fairy essence that equaled
over a century of cultivation. They raced each other to shape-shift, rushing
to prostrate by the marsh to the purple-robed deity.

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Dijun paid little attention to them and trod into the water. He carefully
transferred the sleeping Fengjiu from his embrace into the ice coffin. He
heard her frown in her sleep: cold.
There was a bold fish who craned its neck wanting to see how the girl
inside the coffin looked. His friends hurriedly pulled him back and pushed
his head down. The little fish behaved himself, this time raising its eyes to
sneak a peek.
Dijun removed his outer robe and draped it over Fengjiu. He held her
hands tightly until she stopped shivering then whispered soothingly: Be
good and wait here a while. I'll come back for you after some time. He
then smoothed her stray hair and turned to say to the kneeling fish sprites:
I'll leave her here with you. Help me look after her.
He did not raise his voice, but the group of fish sprites in the marsh
dropped their heads even lower, in a deferential, almost pious way. Their
voices sounded cowardly but also disciplined: Your Grace's wish is our
The circular moon disappeared behind the clouds. The group of fish sprites
saw the white-robed deity watch the maiden inside the coffin for a long
while, then placed his finger on her forehead and brought her soul out.
Like a white stream of mist, the extracted soul softly winded around his
finger giving off a faint glow, dignified and beautiful.
Fengjiu's soul needed to be stored inside a living person to recuperate. But
if her soul was transplanted into a normal person while her cultivation was
limited, he feared her soul would entangle with the host's soul and
afterwards become inseparable. That would be very problematic. It was
better to find a pregnant woman to host her soul inside the womb; that
would be the best.
Donghua carefully gathered Fengjiu's soul and turned around. Behind him,
the ice coffin slowly immersed into the water.
Tonight was windless. It was a good day.

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Chapter 3
Fengjiu at last woke up after a sweet deep sleep. She sat in bed absently for
a length of time.
A moment ago, she had dismissed the maidservants waiting around her
bed. These maidservants were like azure water she quite liked their
appearances. Their service was also very adeptly meticulous they had
served her well. They were also observant of formalities and knew to show
respect they had addressed her 'Your Royal Highness'. It stood to reason
there shouldn't be anything for her to be dissatisfied with.
What made her confused was that although these maids had called her
'Your Highness', they did not say 'Your Highness Fengjiu', nor 'Your
Highness Jiuge', but instead calling her 'Your Highness Aranya'.
Aranya she knew this name. She also knew Aranya had been dead for
many years. Her tomb must be covered in grass, her bones disintegrated
since long ago. She also remembered she was battling against the tails of
giant pythons for the Saha fruit only a moment ago, then in the midst of
danger, she suddenly fell into an empty void. She didn't know what had
happened in the void, but no matter what it was, it couldn't have been
enough to change her into Aranya in one brief blink of an eye.
Her reflection appeared in the bronze mirror placed bedside. It was of a
maiden dressed in red. She had a pair of dark slender brows, bright eyes, a
tall nose, thin lips, and ivory skin. She frowned as she studied herself for a
time. This was doubtlessly a beautiful woman. But was this beautiful
woman herself or not, that, she wasn't sure.
She had forgotten how she looked.
This wasn't simply amnesia. After more than 30 millennia of ebb and flow,
she had experienced things upon things, events upon events. She
remembered everything well, from the time she braved the scorching sun
to come out from her mother's womb, to the time she broke into the

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python's territory on her own with the sole aid of her bravery to steal the
Saha fruit. But this sort of memory was like a storybook she knew the
plot, but she only had a vague impression of the story's characters and
sceneries. For example, she could remember her aunt, Bai Qian, but she
couldn't remember how she looked. The past 30,000 years of her life was
now feeling like a story someone had written on the pages of a book.
After dazing for a while, she did call up some thoughts. In her aunt's
hidden book collection, she had come across a time-traveling phenomenon
similar to what she was experiencing now. However, that was only the
imagination of the mortals. There was no sorcery in the realms that could
muddle up time. If the maids had said Aranya, then it must be the Aranya
of Biyiniao lore. She feared this place was a replica of Fanyin Valley which
had been re-created by a powerful deity. Although she was still young and
unknowledgeable, as Qingqiu's heir, she had heard of such sorcery once or
twice before.
She feared a strange fate had somehow led her to fall into this world. As for
being mistaken as Aranya she frowned in worry, did that not mean her
soul had left her body and now inhabited Aranya's own?
On her forehead immediately appeared two beads of cold sweat. But if she
thought about this carefully, her inference was quite reasonable. If her face
and body weren't identical to Aranya's appearance, why would the maids
lower their eyes and call her 'Your Highness Aranya' today? But if she did
resemble Aranya, why did Meng Shao and the Biyiniaos not recognize this
when she first came to Fanyin Valley several months ago?
Soul swapping was really no joking matter. If her soul took over Aranya's
body, then whose soul was occupying hers? More importantly, where was
her body now? Most importantly, how did it ultimately look like?
Fengjiu's mind was going haywire. She didn't even know where to begin
looking for her soul. On top of everything, the Saha fruit was still kept with
her body. Fortunately she had wisely placed it inside a pouch when she left
the Tiancang Cage. Unless it was her own incantation, no one else could
open it.

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Combing through past events for half a day, she realized her concerns were
mostly false alarms. Since there wasn't anything urgent waiting for her to
do, Fengjiu eventually calmed down.
She was glad she was a dauntless immortal. If she had been an ordinary
woman who was unfortunate enough to fall into this place where she was
all alone, where her future became uncertain, and where there was no way
back, she would've been scared to endless tears.
She had had a moment of panic, but after that moment of panic her mind
was immediately able to clear. She'd live in peace where she was, what
comes will come, for the time being she should just stay put. She reckoned
nobody knew she had fallen into this place, and she couldn't expect
someone to come to her rescue either. Therefore she was able to calm
If this fate was already meant for her, there was nowhere for her to hide. If
it wasnt, sooner or later she'd have the opportunity to find her body and
flee from this place. Nothing could be done for the time being even if she
rushed. Moreover, one could see Aranya was born to a wealthy household.
She had nothing to lose. She would treat this as a restful retreat. Compared
to borrowing Jiuge's identity at Fanyin Valley and always worrying about
her wherewithal, this deception was much better.
Therefore, this was actually profitable.
The mortals had a poetry line, what did it say? I walk to where the water
ends, and sit and watch the clouds ascend3. These mortals that were busy
surviving day to day like scavenging ants had great wisdom themselves.
That sort of talk was exactly right.
She had not a single acquaintance in this place. Her past life was stuck
outside this world. Everything she saw and heard was entirely new to her.

This is a line from Wang Wei's Zhongnan Retreat.


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Her mood used to be affected when she thought of the past; now it felt
normal. Just one thought used to bring up a world of sorrow now, too, felt
normal. Living Aranya's life, playing Aranya's role, throwing wholly aside
the identity of Fengjiu, life actually passed by quite pleasantly.
There was just one thing; it had to do with snakes.
From the servants' words and Fengjiu's own speculations, Aranya's way of
dressing, living, walking, and all sorts of other habits really did not differ
from hers. She didn't have to deliberately imitate anything; she was quite
She couldn't have guessed that a few days later, a pair of maids dressed in
blue would be carrying a large and lengthy blue python to seek audience
with her. Your Highness has not asked for Prince Qing lately. In anger, he
swallowed up three oxen. We think Prince Qing misses Your Highness, so
we especially brought him here to see you. The weather is warm today,
would you like to bring Prince Qing out for a stroll? At this time, Fengjiu
looked to the thirty-foot-long Prince Qing who was hissing before her as
her mind reeled. She sputtered and fell from her chair.
In her childhood, Aranya was thrown into a snake pit by her mother to be
raised, and thus developed an affinity with the snake species. It was said
she had rescued this Prince Qing as a blue snakelet, raised him as a little
brother, and named him Ah Qing (Qing = blue). In the palace, from
Shangjun's attendants down to the menial servants, each and every one
respectfully referred to it as 'Prince Qing'.
These three words 'inside the palace' meant Aranya was a princess. The
title 'Shangjun' was the honorific the Biyiniaos used for their head-of-state,
which meant Aranya was a princess of an entire Biyiniao Clan. For Fengjiu,
masquerading as a princess wasn't a difficult matter, but masquerading as
a snake-loving princess... She woke up from the shock of that day, mulled
over the matter, and passed out again before the incense stick could burn


Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

Nonetheless, she must overcome her fear of snakes. If she could, she would
be successful in masking the eyes of the world as Princess Aranya and live
in leisure day to day. But sooner or later, if she was discovered to be an
impostor, she'd be a dead fish...
Fengjiu was preoccupied in coming up with countermeasures for three
days. At noon on the third day, a ray of light came to her. She recalled that
when she was a child, she was a picky eater and could not eat carrots. Her
aunt hosted a ten-day carrot feast in Qingqiu and trained her to change her
eating habit during those ten days. Surprisingly, it turned out to be very
effective. Perhaps the same method could be useful this time.

Three days later, she booked the quiet innermost room on the second floor
of the capital's legendary Zuilixian. Fengjiu looked to the feast table full of
snakes with a swelling head.
On the table were cups upon cups, dishes upon dishes. There were stirred
fried snake eggs, salt and pepper snake, braised snake, snake soup, all in all
ten dishes made from baby snakes to aging snakes and every snake in
A few steps away from the table was a wall screen, behind it was a vomit
basin. After sitting still for half a day, Fengjiu tremblingly lifted her
chopsticks. She ate bite by bite, vomited swallow by swallow. After
downing a dozen bites, she entirely gave up and vomited it all out. On the
final rounds at least her hands stopped shaking while holding the
chopsticks, which could be considered a progress. Everything should not
be rushed; she needed to take each step at a time. It wouldn't be too late to
continue the battle tomorrow. With a pale face, Fengjiu pushed her way
out the door, walking to the staircase with uneven steps.
In all fairness, the snake soup was a delicious dish. If Prince Qing was
made into a soup, being so large, she wondered how many bowls he would
yield. In her mind suddenly emerged the impressive face of a painfully


Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

hissing Prince Qing. A snake stench shot straight from her stomach to her
throat. Her face changed color as she rushed back inside the room.
Because she had turned too quickly, she did not pay attention to the whiterobed maiden walking in from behind. The collided white-robed maiden
made a cry, then tumbled down the staircase.
Fengjiu watched in shock as a young man dressed in black who happened
to be walking upstairs timely reached his hands out to catch her, perfectly
bringing the falling girl into his arms.
Fengjiu silently mused that this was exactly how 'knight in shining armor'
should be played. But before she could catch the heros face, her stomach
churned and she made a dash toward the room for the vomit basin again.
She leaned on the basin for half a day before she felt any better. By the time
she pushed the door to go out, her steps were uneven and in a trance she
drifted downstairs. Then she was greeted with a pair of piercing gaze.
When her eyes caught the eyes of the owner's gaze, Fengjiu's brain slowly
Since the beginning of time, all cases of knight in shining armor had
always been like this. The knight gazed to the damsel he saved, the two
locked eyes, and from their gazes came their unspoken feelings which
would lead to matrimony. But this eye-locking matter should be between
the knight and his damsel, only then would it be romantic.
However, at the moment, the heroic knight was instead staring at her, his
big eyes against her small ones. What was the meaning of this?
Fengjiu had no idea.
Only until she saw the rescued white-robed maiden stood on her toes and
leaned half of her body against the young man did she comprehend the
situation. After being bumped into, the girl fell and injured her foot. The
young man who was staring straight at her with furrowed brow must be
silently condemning her, the culprit.

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

She hadn't taken care of this matter well enough.

Fengjiu took irregular steps as she came downstairs; on the last two steps,
she lost her footing and almost keeled over when that same young man
reached out to hold her; his effort was neither too soft nor too strong, it was
just right. For this favor of his, she naturally had to look up and say her
thanks. Then she placed a few gold ingots into the hand of the white-robed
beauty. She was a princess; what did she have if not money?
The beauty looked to the gold in her hand and seemed surprised. Fengjiu
placed her hands together and said, Because I was in a hurry just now, I
had bumped into you and made you injured. I have nothing on me but
these vulgar things, I hope you'll accept them as payments for the doctor's
fees. If you take them, then do also forgive me. If you don't like gold, she
took out a plump purse and sincerely continued, I also have silver, pearls,
gems, and illuminating pearls. Which would you like, Miss? Please don't
hesitate to choose!
After she finished a series of pretty apologies, the young maiden still
hadn't replied but the black-robed man had softly called to her, Your
Heavy rain suddenly poured outside the windows, its sound pounding like
scattering pearls. Fengjiu blankly turned her head.
Like a white waterfall cascading over the eaves, rainwater continued to
spill down from the sky. In front of this waterfall was the tall man, his hair
as dark as ink, his facial features like painted lines. His eyes, when one
gazed into them, seemed to usher in a snowy coldness of late wintertime.
Did he call her... 'Your Highness'?
A boom went off in Fengjiu's head. This icy black-robed man must be one
of Aranya's acquaintances. It was such a mistake to leave without her
servants today. Normally when she met any of Aranya's acquaintances, the
servants would help her buy a bit of time. After a word or two, she would
be able to grasp her guest's identity. But in today's situation... it seemed she
would have to use her last expedient: feigned ignorance.

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

She pretended to be confused and said to the young man, Several people
have also greeted me as 'Your Highness' just now. Have you mistaken me
for someone else as they have?
The young man's calm eyes suddenly darkened, his sharp gaze affixed on
her. At long last, he slowly replied, Don't you remember me?
His gaze gave Fengjiu goosebumps. He looked as though he had
discovered her lies.
She shuddered and tried to calm herself down. There were a great number
of people who resembled each other in this world. How would she know
whether he believed the words she said or not? Perhaps he was only using
such expression to deceive her, she shouldn't rattle herself.
She regained her composure, looked to the young man and firmly
explained: It's not whether I remember you or not. I've never met you and
I'm not the princess you speak of...
She hadn't finished when he interrupted her. With the same steady gaze,
he coldly said, I am Chen Ye.
How could he be so stubborn after all she had said? Fengjiu feigned anger:
I don't care whether you're Fu Ye or Chen Ye (Fu = float, Chen = sink).
Nonetheless, her heart all of a sudden came to a halt Chen Ye. This was a
well-known name to her, second only to Aranya. In the legends about
Aranya, more than half were linked to this name. It turned out the person
standing in front of her was the Archmage Chen Ye.
If standing before her eyes was Chen Ye, the more they spoke, the more
awry things could go. At this point, a quick escape was the best policy.
Thinking on her feet, she maintained her fuming anger and fiercely said,
If I said I don't know you, then I don't know you. I need to leave for an
urgent matter. Make way!
The young man seemed slightly shaken, but did not stop her. Instead, he
stepped aside and let her through. Her heart thumped as she followed the
corridor and left the restaurant. When she glanced back through her

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

umbrella, the black-robed Archmage remained standing by the restaurant's

doorway looking in her direction, unmoving and rooted like a solitary
pine. When he saw her turn around, pain seemed to flit over his eyes. She
rubbed her eyes, and instantly it was as though nothing had been there.
The water god seemed to have overslept that night and forgot to stop the
rain. Rootless water incessantly poured down from the sky. Fengjiu leaned
against the railing in thought. She recalled the stories she had heard and it
seemed Aranya and Chen Ye indeed had had a complicated relationship.
As for what exactly that connection was, that day she did not gossip
enough to know, and didn't force Meng Shao to elaborate.
Thankfully she was quick-witted enough to get through in the morning,
but if Chen Ye was really Aranya's good friend either she'd have to
reincarnate or be poached. If she were to meet him a few more times,
wasn't he bound to recognize that she was a fake? Furthermore, she drove
a big nail into Chen Ye in front of a large crowd today. Regardless of
whether there was a doubt in his mind or not, he might very well give her
palace a visit tomorrow to inquire after this and that. At that time...
She jolted and quickly called her personal maid, Chacha, over. She frowned
as she gave her order: If His Excellency Chen Ye of the Archmage Estate
comes over to inquire where I went today, tell him I spent the entire day at
the palace.
Chacha blanked for half a day then suddenly asked in nervousness: His
Excellency Chen Ye and Your Highness have never been very close. If he is
inquiring into your business this time, could it be, could it be that you have
caused some sort of disaster...? When she got to the word 'disaster', she
could not help but shiver.
Fengjiu ignored Chacha's shiver and asked in surprise: Are you saying
Chen Ye and I aren't friends? How odd, she didn't think the look Chen Ye
cast her in Zuilixian this morning was one used for strangers.


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After a quiet moment of reflection, Chacha replied gloomily, Are you

speaking of the friendship from your childhood? She became riled:
When you were little, you remembered His Excellency Chen Ye is your
cousin and took the initiative to attend his birthday. But he listened to the
Eldest Princess and the Third Princess's instigation that you were filthy and
threw your present away. After that, didn't you stop coming to his
birthdays and never associated with him again? With reddened eyes, she
continued: Princess, you are kind to think that such could be considered
friendship, but in my opinion, His Excellency Chen Ye is not worthy of
your friendship.
Fengjiu blanked for a moment. Only one word was needed for her to see
Chacha was a loyal servant who would serve her with all her heart.
Aranya never got along with her older half-sister and younger full-sister,
Fengjiu knew about this. The young incumbent Archmage named Chen Ye
was her mother's nephew, thus he could be considered to be her cousin,
she also knew this. Among the three princesses, the eldest princess Junuo
was best loved by their mother, the youngest princess Changdi was best
loved by their father, and Aranya as a newborn was thrown into a snake
pit to be raised. She was neither close to her father nor loved by her
mother. Among the three sisters, she was the most unfortunate. This,
Fengjiu also knew. But regarding Chen Ye, she had always assumed he and
Aranya were on the same boat. After shed spent half a day pondering, it
turned out he and Aranya's pair of sisters were the actual childhood
sweethearts. This, Fengjiu didn't understand.
How odd this all was.
After thinking through the night, Fengjiu still failed to follow. When she
saw the morning rays dawning outside, she yawned and went to sleep.
When she woke up from her nap, she saw Chacha hiking her skirt as she
hasted in. Fengjiu sighed to herself that she had been quite a clairvoyant.
She reached out to pick up a cup of cool tea, then as she drank she asked
Chacha: So what did Chen Ye ask when he came over today?


Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

Chacha happily shook her head: His Excellency Chen Ye did not stop by
today, but I'm here to relay a surprising news which I'm sure you'll be very
happy to hear. She continued in jubilation: Your teacher is back! Mr. Mo
has returned! He's waiting for you in the guest hall!
The tea in Fengjiu's mouth instantly sprayed onto Chacha's face.
Chacha wiped the tea off her face and said: Your Highness must be very
surprised. When he left, Mr. Mo clearly said he'd return in half a year. It's
only been a month since then, even I'm surprised myself.
Fengjiu was surprised, indeed. When she recovered, she felt she had
downed eight goblets of bloody mold today.
If she were to talk about this mold, she also had to talk about Aranya's
Aranya was a child who did not have the care of her father nor the love of
her mother. Thus even though Fengjiu took over Aranya's body, her two
closest relations could never tell. Fengjiu had been quite at ease during this
But besides her parents, there was one other familiar presence in her life
it was her teacher. That year, Aranya's mother had cruelly tossed her into
the snake pit. Thanks to her lucky star, she was not swallowed whole by
the pythons but was instead raised up as a snakelet. The Aranya in those
days did not have a human appearance despite the 'raising' she received.
Her teacher passed by one day and pitied the child. He rescued her out and
brought her up under his wings.
Each of Aranya's words, actions, and gestures was carefully taught by her
teacher. At this time, this teacher, who was supposed to be on a trip, for
some reason came back early. Wasn't this drinking bloody mold? And this
teacher of hers who dropped in out of nowhere... would he be able to tell
she was an impostor?
Fengjiu clutched her forehead. With an expression that was both painful
and blithe, she said: Teacher's return is naturally a joyous event, but now

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

that I think about it, I did not sleep well last night. I'm getting a headache
from the morning wind. Why don't you settle my teacher in first, I'll come
by later to give him my greeting and apology.
Chacha was a loyal servant. As soon as she heard Fengjiu said 'headache',
she almost rushed out for the apothecary.
A chuckle suddenly echoed in the courtyard. Fengjiu lifted her gaze over
and across the windowpane. A jasper flute brushed aside the willow
branch and out came a white figure.
Fengjiu's gaze followed the long robe. The white-attired man smiled: It's
been more than one month since we've seen each other but you're getting a
headache just as you see me. What is ailing you? Should your teacher
diagnose and treat your malady?
Fengjiu went into a daze when the word 'teacher' came out from the young
man's mouth.
In Fengjiu's mind, the word 'teacher' always went together with the word
'old'. Of course, her aunt's teacher Moyuan was an exception, but there
shouldn't be that many exceptions in the world, should there? Teachers
must resemble Taishang Laojun on Jiuchongtian, with gray hair and beard
which were worthy of the title 'Teacher'. But was the handsome whiterobed gentleman in front of her eyes really Aranya's teacher? Was he the
teacher who single-handedly brought Aranya up? Fengjiu felt her life-long
beliefs had been thoroughly crushed.
Within three steps, the white-robed gentleman had come before her. When
he saw that she was standing there frozen, he glanced to Chacha.
Immediately, Chacha bowed to the two and cheerfully took her leave.
Fengjiu calmed herself then raised her hands to greet the man: Teacher,
have a seat... She wicked away the perspiration on her forehead and
offered him tea, then poured herself another cup to calm down.
The white-robed man thoughtfully watched her and at length spoke: I
hope you're well, Your Highness Fengjiu. Next, he added: I'm Su Moye.

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The tea in Fengjiu's mouth sprayed onto his face.

Su Moye was the West Sea's second prince.

He was a suave charmer, who together with Lord Liansong were famous
womanizers of the realms; he was also her little uncle Bai Zhen's favorite
drinking buddy.
Su Moye had a great understanding of tea. She had visited the West Sea
once or twice in the past, and thus they could be counted as acquaintances.
But could this mere acquaintance compel Su Moye to break into Aranya's
Dream to rescue her? In her impression, he wasn't such a righteous man.
And because of her memory loss, she naturally could not recognize her
acquaintances. It surprised her that he was able to see she was the one in
Aranya's body.
Nevertheless, meeting old friends in a foreign land was always a good
thing. Once the pair took their seats, Fengjiu could not help but ask.
With humoring eyes, Su Moye took from his sleeve a delicate white silk
handkerchief and leisurely wiped the tea on his face. You did not return
after being in here for so long; the four pythons guarded the place day and
night. Then the Biyiniao Queen recalled that the Snake Queen perhaps
could get rid of these pythons. Liansong came to me asking that I save
The Snake Queen was a white-tailed python born after prehistoric times.
She absorbed Heaven and Earth's essence and remained in her original
shape during her cultivation until she gained immortality. Jiuchongtian
confirmed her supreme divineness and Tianjun himself granted her the
rank Yuanjun. She went by the title Goddess Qishan. Fengjiu now
remembered this Goddess Qishan was none other than Su Moye's mother.
This dream is so dangerous, but without hesitation you have
magnanimously come into the dream to save me. I have misunderstood
you greatly in the past, Fengjiu said with some guilt.

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The warm breezy smile suddenly froze on Su Moye's face. He lowered his
head as he looked to the tea bubbles inside his cup. At length he said,
Aranya was really my student. She was fifteen when I saved her from the
snake pit. I raised her myself until she was sixty. Although we weren't
blood-related, I considered her to be bone of my bone, blood of my blood.
Su Moye's description silenced Fengjiu for a time. Out of the West Sea
Water Lord's heirs, Su Moye was the most refined and amorous. People
called Mo Shao a charmer because there were at least 800 hearts if not 1000
within the clutch of his palm. However, people didn't know that he never
picked these flowers deliberately himself. Mo Shao did not come to his
beauties, his beauties came to him. That was why when he used such
expression to say 'bone of his bone, blood of his blood', it completely took
Fengjiu by surprise.
Su Moye glanced to her, stroked the flute in his palm then added: Because
I had business in the West Sea, I left Fanyin Valley for two years. By the
time I came back, the previously lively girl had left behind only a grasscovered grave. The entire Biyiniao clan insisted she hanged herself He
lapsed into a second of silence. For more than two hundred years, I have
been searching for the reason behind her death, but these Biyiniaos covered
up this matter rather tightly. Then Liansong came asking me to save you,
telling me you have fallen into Aranya's dream. Since it's her dream, I
naturally want to come and see for myself. He glanced at Fengjiu and said
in a soft voice: Therefore it just happened to be convenience that I came to
save you. There's no need to feel you've owed me anything. A smile
suddenly appeared on his placid face: Anyway, I've also come this time
for your help on something.
Fengjiu raised her head and paid him attention. People said Su Moye's
temperament was often curious, this remark was surely not false. Su
Moye's smile if you say it was warm, it was warm; if you say it was cool,
it was cool. At this moment if you say it was hearty, it was also truly
hearty. More amazingly was how he could wear three different expressions


Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

at the same time while each was completely honest. Well done, indeed,
Thousand-face Deity.
Fengjiu was a grateful person; she nodded thoughtfully: I've taken a lot of
tea from you in the past. If there is something you need which I can do, I
will certainly do it for you.
Su Moye seemed satisfied with her answer. He slowly swept his eyes
around their surroundings and said, You've probably discovered yourself
that someone had likely created this existence based on the world of
Aranya's past. Each person and scenery which existed in Fanyin Valley
then will now be here exactly as it was. Additionally, if someone belonging
to Fanyin Valley comes into this world, he will replace his corresponding
clone. He pointed to himself: For example, I was originally Aranya's
teacher, the 'me' that was reproduced in this world would instantly
disappear once I entered into it.
Fengjiu stammered: Then are you to say I merged into Aranya's body
because I am Aranya and vice versa? This entire matter was far too
bizarre. All Fengjiu could feel was a bolt of lightning striking in her mind,
and stars started to circle before her eyes.
Su Moye regarded her a while then shook his head: With you, I reckon the
creator's magic was not proficient enough and he thereby created a few
glitches. Losing one's memory of the original reality once fallen into this
place is one of those glitches. You are probably encountering the second
glitch after that one. He looked outside the window: Aranya's soul had
turned into ashes. Even if everyone in the Biyiniao clan can reincarnate,
Aranya cannot. Everyone here can be replaced by his original counterpart,
except for Aranya.
Fengjiu felt her clenched heart relaxing when she heard Mo Shao's words.
She saw his gaze now transfixed on the distant weeping willow outside the
window. She felt a sense of heartbreak as she cleared her throat and said:
You said you needed a favor from me, we might as well talk about it now.
What do you need me to do? That way I can also see what I need to
prepare. After I help you, we can use our efforts in finding a way to leave.

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

After a lengthy time, Su Moye answered faintly: At first glance, this

fabricated world is no different from the Fanyin Valley of that year.
However, after it was set in motion it was no longer linked to Fanyin
Valley. Perhaps the person who created this world wanted to reverse the
tragedy which had happened in those years by inventing a happy ending
in this environment.
He looked at Fengjiu: Aranya had hanged herself dead; whether there is
now a happy ending or not, it'd still be a lie. Now that you're here to play
the part of Aranya, I hope you can imitate her previous actions so that this
world may reproduce Fanyin Valley's past happenings, so that I may find
out the truth behind Aranya's death.

The matter Su Moye wanted her to help was fairly simple. There had been
a few major events in Aranya's lifetime which contributed to her ending.
Whatever she chose in those years, Fengjiu needed only to make the same
choices. Su Moye knew Fengjiu was a free spirit. Except for those major
events, he let her do whatever she wanted.
Fengjiu could see that although the King and Queen of the Biyiniao clan, in
other words her convenient parents, did not treat their daughter very well,
they held high esteem for Su Moye. With Su Moye as her knowledgeable
pillar, Fengjiu's days became leisure, happy, and free.
There was only one thing she was unhappy with. The servants kept
wanting to bring Prince Qing to her residence every day, pleading to her to
chat with it, to comfort and care for it. This problem was giving Fengjiu a
bit of a headache. She had persevered through her snake feast for half a
month, but when she placed her hand on Prince Qing's head, she was still
shaking badly.
How could she openly stay away from Prince Qing without calling doubt
upon herself This was causing Fengjiu some worries. She had no one to
confide these worries to... Then came Aranya's mother's birthday.

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

The birthday of Aranya's mother, Lady Qinghua, had always been

celebrated differently. Reportedly, Lady Qinghua was a refined and
talented woman. An ordinary feast with dancers and singers would not be
to her liking. Because her father wanted to please her mother, he pulled out
all the stops every year for her birthday. According to the most recent
news, her father had planned a large ship this year to take her mother on a
river cruise down south. They would be going to Guanchen Palace in the
south border to view camellias.
Aranya was their daughter. Although she wasn't very well loved, her name
was still included on the list the king commissioned.
Fengjiu packed a few things and thought of the servants to take along
while traveling south. As Prince Qing was a colossal 30-foot long snake, he
naturally could not tag along on the embarking cruise ship. The worries
which had troubled her these past few days completely dissolved. Her
heart was finally liberated. Two days before departure, the servants
brought Prince Qing to her residence. Her mind now relaxed, she lavished
attachments and anguish onto Prince Qing without reservation. There were
even two drops of tears spilling from her eyes. The servants were made to
be even more convinced that their princess was the very same one they had
always had. The recent coldness toward Prince Qing must have been their
own illusion.
Unfortunately, Fengjiu overdid the sincerity bit. At that exact moment,
Shangjun who had not stepped into her home for over 800 years suddenly
graced them with his presence. Shangjun was in a good mood these days
and occasionally thought of this daughter, Aranya. He felt some guilt that
he had been neglecting her on a normal basis. Thus he wanted to make a
visit. Seeing this scene the moment he stepped into her home, Shangjun
briefly frowned in thought, then gave Fengjiu a look of affection.
They departed on the third day. Fengjiu gazed to the back of the dragon
ship. Following closely behind was a smaller boat. The servants taking care
of Prince Qing lifted the curtain and smiled to her. Prince Qing also poked


Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

his head out from behind the curtain and affectionately hissed its tongue at
her. Fengjiu stood frozen on the shore, lost and shaken by the river wind.
Chacha held a stack of damask bed quilts as she headed to board that boat.
Fengjiu finally found her voice and asked after her: Where are you
going? Chacha beamed: Did Your Highness forget? Prince Qing is timid.
Once he leaves the palace, he'll need Your Highness to stay by his side at
night. The wind is strong on the river, and I'm worried you'll be cold, so
I'm especially bringing bed quilts aboard. Fengjiu's legs turned to jelly
and threatened to keel over. It was thanks to Su Moye that she was able to
stand on her feet. Fengjiu held onto Su Moye's hand and woefully said,
Mo Shao, do me a favor. When night comes, please knock me unconscious
then take me aboard. I thank you on behalf of my entire family.

Night fell as wind fluttered on the river. Inside the ship's main hall, light
pearls shone as bright as daytime. A dozen figures sat around the feast
table. On the host seats were Aranya's parents. Below them were the three
princesses and a number of courtiers. The first courtier lining the table was
Chen Ye, someone Fengjiu had met already. After him was Su Moye.
Being the first time she got to meet the two princesses Junuo and Changdi,
Fengjiu observed them intently and saw that both were as white as snow
and as beautiful as flowering blooms. Their looks alluring, their
movements elegant. Although she did not have much impression of the
original world, she reckoned not many on Jiuchongtian could surpass their
beauty. Fengjiu sighed; Lady Qinghua really knew how to bear children.
Dancers were performing in the center of the hall while Fengjiu was lost in
her thoughts. These common sounds came in one ear and out the other; she
did not know what they were singing.
Within the misty water clouds, is where the distant dream is found.
Fengjiu pensively downed one cup, then another, wanting get get herself
drunk. Not until Su Moye tapped on her head did Fengjiu gradually wake

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

up in confusion. Like trying to seek night cereus within the fog, she looked
to the dancing beauties and traced out their fuzzy faces.
The pearls' light was suddenly eclipsed to her right. Fengjiu slowly turned
around to look. In the room where light and colors blended hazily, a
purple-robed man suddenly appeared and unhurriedly took the seat
beside her. This young man carried with him a chilly iciness, contrasting
the colors and sounds in the hall. His long hair was a most striking silver,
and on his forehead was an expensive looking indigo jewel. When his icy
face turned to her, she felt a sense of familiarity.
Even such an icy face could make her feel familiarity... Fengjiu belatedly
pondered whether she had drunk a bit too much tonight.
While she was wondering who he was and why he even happened to sit
down next to her, Shangjun on his high seat took advantage of the pausing
performance and smiled toward them. He projected his voice loud and
clear: I see Xize has also arrived. Aranya has been drinking so dolefully,
I'm inclined to think the cause of which is your late arrival. Although you
left the mountain this time because of Junuo's illness, it's been a while since
you've seen Aranya. Why don't man and wife converse with each other for
a bit?
The hall went quiet momentarily. The young man next to her who was
called Xize faintly replied: Yes, Sire.
Fengjiu sobered up instantly.

On a clear moonlit night, the moon's reflection glided on the water. Water
and sky were both spotless. On the bright sky was the solitary round
moon, underneath at the boat's stern were Fengjiu and Su Moye peeling
walnuts and having conversations. The walnuts were sun-baked to crisp
and fragrant perfection. The conversations had to do with Fengjiu's newly
arrived Prince Consort, Xize Shenjun.


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Aranya was barely an adult, why did she already have a Prince Consort?
This was a long story. Su Moye told Fengjiu to peel the walnuts while he
recalled memories of the past.
According to Su Moye, this person named Xize was somewhat of a big
Within Fanyin Valley was a Qinan Palace. This palace was under the
governance of the Archmage. Since ancient times, the Archmage had
always been chosen by Heaven, his birth ever phenomenal. But his post
was quite idle; he normally did not involve himself in political affairs.
However, once the king committed transgressions, the Archmage could
dethrone the king thereby ensuring the long-term survival of Fanyin
Valley. In other words, the responsibilities of the Archmage were to listen
to the ways of Heaven and supervise the advisors of the king. For this
reason, the Archmage was always the first person a king needed to win
over once he ascended the throne.
The present master of Qinan Palace was Chen Ye, its past master was none
other than Xize. All because of this reason, Aranya's father, in her early
thirties when she was still a minor, had arranged her marriage to Xize.
Aranya was a boulder her father had used to weigh Xize down.
Fortunately, she was still young and they did not live together despite
being married. Two years later, rumors had it Xize resigned from his post
due to the contraction of a severe illness. He then took refuge behind
Mount Qinan and passed his position onto Chen Ye.
Su Moye looked to the circular moon in the sky: Ever since Xize asked to
leave Qinan Palace, he also showed no interest toward Aranya. Moreover,
the two had never stayed together, so no one talks of this unfortunate
marriage anymore. He glanced to Fengjiu: He hid in seclusion behind
Mount Qinan, and although Aranya was his wife in name, when she died,
he didn't once leave the mountain to see her. This was why I didn't
mention this part to you before. It was my ill consideration which had
brought you surprise today. Then he frowningly said, I don't know why
you and I get to see Xize leave the mountain in this fake world. He added:

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

I've never seen this Xize before. Today was also my first time meeting
Fengjiu deliberated: My father seemed to say he descended the mountain
because of Junuo's illness.
Su Moye hesitated: Xize's medicinal practice was truly excellent, but if I'm
not mistaken, Junuo isn't sick, she's just suffering from morning sickness...
Walnut shells fell from Fengjiu's hands onto the floor. How can Junuo be
pregnant when she isn't married yet? Did you remember incorrectly from
your increased age?
Su Moye smiled faintly as he took the flute from his sleeve. What did you
just call me increased what?
Fengjiu smiled dryly and respectfully offered him a handful of peeled
walnuts and an honest reply: I said your taste just increased, it's
something we should celebrate.
Su Moye received the walnuts without reserve and kept the secretive smile
on his face: You'll know when the time comes whether I'm speaking
nonsense about Junuo or not. He rose and smoothed out his garment. It's
not early anymore, should I knock you out and bring you to the blue
Fengjiu shuddered. She grimaced and said, The moon is high, the sky is
clear. How can we waste such a beautiful scenery? Let me catch the river
breeze for half an hour before you strike me.
Su Moye laughed and took his flute back to his room, leaving her alone on
the stern to enjoy the breeze.

She was frightened by Prince Qing during the day, then suffered a scare
just now at the feast. Coupled with a long ramble from Su Moye, her
eyelids now gradually closed in the breezy moonlit night. She seemed to be


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entering a dream as the cruise ship charged ahead. In her comfort, she
heard a conversation several paces behind.
Sister, you only ate a little at the feast before you threw up more than half
of it, said a clear crystal voice. His Excellency Xize personally roasted
some yams and had the servants bring them over. Have a taste and see if
you like them? She continued: I've always thought someone with His
Excellency Xize's station in life would never near himself to kitchen work.
Surprisingly he roasted these yams very well.
A softer voice replied: Since His Excellency Xize took reclusion behind
Mount Qinan, he doesn't want others to disturb his peace and he hasn't
needed the help of servants for many years. Of course he can do something
as trivial as roasting yams.
At this point, Fengjiu realized who the speakers were. As expected, they
were no other than her two sisters. She had not wished to eavesdrop in the
corner. Perhaps because she had chosen this secluded corner to talk to Su
Moye, and the sky was also dark, the two sisters did not notice there was
an extra pair of ears.
It was wrong to continue to listen to them, it also seemed wrong to go out.
While she hesitated on what to do, she heard Changdi's crystal laughter:
I'm afraid you're the only one who knows these things about His
Excellency Xize. From my understanding, His Excellency only left the
mountain for your sake. He's been at the palace for ten days but he hasn't
given Aranya so much as a glance. It seemed the rumors were true; he
really does not care for Aranya. You may have also noticed Aranya's gaze
at His Excellency Xize tonight. When she heard Father say that His
Excellency had come down the mountain for your illness, I clearly saw her
face draining like a piece of parchment. She was so upset.
Junuo's soft voice lowered into a whisper: Sister, you are speaking ill.
Don't repeat such nonsense lest others hear you.
Changdi hummed: Since you are always too kind, you can't see how
arrogant she has become in recent days. She thinks she should be treated

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differently now that Father allowed her to come with us this year. She
doesn't see that she is only a filthy sort raised by snakes! Even if she's right
in front of me I'd say the same thing. Then she added: I really don't get it.
If His Excellency Xize doesn't care for her, then why doesn't he divorce
her? She's only compromising his status!
Those few words came with the night air into Fengjiu's ears. Should she
continue to listen or immediately go out there? Fengjiu didn't have to
ponder anymore. She yawned and walked out from behind the corner:
How lucky I am tonight. I didn't expect that while catching river breeze
on the stern would I get to hear my sisters having ideas about their brotherin-law. Are people not afraid of ears on the walls anymore when they
speak shameless words and do shameless things?
Fengjiu's sudden appearance stopped both Junuo and Changdi in their
tracks. Changdi was the quicker one to react as she immediately sneered
after her initial hesitation: In those days it was you who reached for the
moon. Are you jealous that His Excellency Xize only has older sister in his
heart? The subject of shame is one for educated people to discuss. You
want to speak to us about shame with that status of yours?
She was the younger sister but she dared to deride her older sister so
eloquently. With only one glance, one could see she was not well
disciplined. Fairies in Qingqiu had been disciplined by Fengjiu so well that
she had no one left to discipline now. At this very moment, Changdi was
provoking the beehive. In fact, it made her a little excited.
Fengjiu nodded in comprehension and smiled: Oh, so because your status
qualifies you to speak of shame, you freely speak shamelessly and act
indecently. I've learned something new today.
Changdi raged with hatred: You! She was stopped by Junuo's low voice:
His Excellency Xize told us this is the hour to check my pulse. Go back
with me. Her glance carelessly swept across Fengjiu, but it was Changdi
to whom she said: There are times when engaging in these senseless war
of words will only condescend ourselves.

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When she finished, she pulled Changdi and turned away.

In a small room, on an embroidered cushion by an intricate gold inlaid

table, Su Moye poured himself a cup of wine. The oyster pearl emitted a
soft glow on the narrow table. The Biyiniaos were only earth fairies, but
their wealth was rather ludicrous compared to the water gods of the four
Su Moye inattentively played with his cup. The crowd outside had vowed
this dream was created from Aranya's sentiments. In reality, she had died
and turned to smoke. What sentiments? What dream? Alas, he still let his
heart dare to hope even with those simple words. He almost believed.
He was thrilled at the time. If, like what the Biyiniao elders said, this was
truly Aranya's phantom mind, he wanted to waste no time in entering it.
He might be able to find out what was haunting her if he were to go inside.
What exactly was her phantom mind? Was there a place in it for him? He
didn't know in the past, and he still didn't know now, but he wanted to
know. By the time he was really able to come inside and look around, he
realized this place was merely a simulated parallel world. He was
There was truly some selfishness in his rescuing. He remembered
Liansong's words to him that day: With Donghua there, he will
undoubtedly ensure Fengjiu's safety. I'm not worried about this. Donghua
should be together with Fengjiu. If you find Donghua you'll find Fengjiu.
The most important mission of your trip is to first look for the two of
Finding Fengjiu was an easy thing to do. That day while drinking in the
restaurant, he had witnessed the run-in between Aranya and Chen Ye.
Feeling suspicious, he came to her residence the next day and made up
some lies. He got a mouthful of tea specks from her and an impression
which lasted until now. But what Liansong said about Donghua wasn't


Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

right at all. Donghua didn't appear until today, he and Fengjiu didn't stick
What he told Fengjiu about Xize today couldn't be counted as lies. He truly
had never seen Xize before. After he came into this world, he also forgot
how Dijun looked due to the glitches. Dijun for the same reason did not
recognize him. However, he snooped around Qinan Palace a few days ago
and saw Xize's portrait in the palace's secret lair. This portrait did not show
the same purple robe and silver hair image they saw today.
If Donghua was determined to borrow Xize's identity, it wasn't difficult for
him to use a correction spell and replace the Biyiniaos' memories of Xize's
appearance with his own. A correction spell wasn't a powerful sorcery and
was harmless in this world. It was exactly the King's style to use a
correction spell rather than to change into Xize's appearance for this
Su Moye knitted his brow and mulled over everything. When Fengjiu was
seriously injured, her soul might have needed to separate from her body to
recuperate. Any decently skilled fairy would know it was best to heal
inside the womb of a pregnant woman. Could it be that Dijun had placed
Fengjiu's soul into Junuo's womb?
If that was the case, it would explain why Dijun was so attentive to Junuo.
But unexpectedly, Fengjiu was one of the glitches, and her soul went to
Aranya's body in the end. Dijun did not seem to know about this yet. This
show was getting more and more interesting.
Su Moye smiled. Light finally shone on several things. Fengjiu and Dijun
were now together, but they were concealed from one another. He also
needed Fengjiu's help, so he couldn't let these two meet just yet. It wasn't
that he lacked righteousness. Since the beginning of time, coming into
contact with worldly dust would always lead to persistent sentiments.
These sentiments had plagued him for many years, and only Fengjiu could
release him from it.


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Before he met Aranya, no one had ever occupied his heart. To this day, he
still remembered that warm breezy day when a child in red bridal gown
and beautiful makeup tapped on the chess board with her fair slender
finger and tentatively asked him: Teacher, what is troubling you? Are you
unhappy because I'm getting married at such a young age? These are
matters which will not yield fruits even if we spend time thinking about
them, so what is the use of thinking? Let's take advantage of this beautiful
spring scenery; before the palanquin arrives, let me accompany you in a
game of chess.
How could someone with such disposition hang herself?
The cup of wine was becoming warmer in his hand. In the pale
illumination of pearl light, the white-robed man poured wine onto the
ground and softly murmured: Bilianchun tastes best when it is warmed
until there is a fragrance of lotus after the rain. Try and see if it's the same
taste you've always loved. His gentle voice contained a trace of lonely
desolation. Wind gained speed outside the window. Within the whistling
wind was a sound of muted mourning.


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Chapter 4
As dawn broke next day, Fengjiu sat in bed contemplating life's affairs.
Thanks to Su Moye who had knocked her unconscious, she was able to stay
with Prince Qing on the same boat last night. She heard Prince Qing had
slithered fruitlessly around her all night long. Only early next morning
when the pheasants began their crows did he retire inside the cabin in
fatigue. Fengjiu was glad and worried at the same time. She was glad she
didn't have to face Prince Qing today; this was a very, very good thing. But
would she have to let Su Moye strike her again came nighttime? No matter
how skillful Su Moye was, she'd still spend the entire night in
unconsciousness, then suffer dizziness and neck pain the next day. Over
time, this wouldn't be a sound solution.
Her maid Chacha also looked as pensive as she did. She, too, was glad and
worried at the same time. She was happy because these days Her Highness
was increasingly gaining royal affection. Last night, the king had
commanded His Excellency Xize to pay a bit more attention to Her
Highness. At last Her Highness's hard days were ending. But she became
worried when His Excellency Xize did not follow the royal order and
accompany Her Highness back last night. Could it be that she had left the
door ajar ever too slightly? Then, should she simply not close the door
tonight and only lower the curtains? But wind was cold on the river, what
if Her Highness caught the cold air...
While servant and master were both lost in their own thoughts, outside
came a message that after half an hour of sleep, remembering he was to
have breakfast with her, Prince Qing had forced himself to rouse from his
nap and was now waiting outside.
Fengjiu sighed inwardly that Prince Qing must be the incarnation of the
Devil. She instantly slapped on a concerned expression and told the
servants: How can half an hour of sleep be enough. He's been up all night,
surely he doesn't have the strength. He needs to stay in bed much longer.

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Every one of you should coax him to sleep. If he is exhausted, ultimately, I

as his sister will be very pained
It's been two days since you have seen Prince Qing, Chacha replied with
some surprise. Normally Your Highness will accompany Prince Qing and
let him lie at your feet to sleep, how come today
Fengjiu's heart gave a thump.
Chacha suddenly went hushed. On her face appeared an odd hint of blush,
then at length she shyly said: Do... do you perhaps want to look for His
Excellency Xize today, therefore you don't want Prince Qing whom you've
always loved to disturb you?
Her face continued to flush as she curled her hands into fists. His
Excellency Xize is your husband, if we compare him to Prince Qing,
naturally, naturally there is some difference.
She thought of something and said with a slight embarrassment: Are you
coming to His Excellency Xize's chamber this instant to have breakfast with
him? Ah, of course we cannot delay such a matter. How stupid of me, only
now do I understand your intention. I even asked such stupid questions.
Your Highness rest assured. Chacha will notify His Excellency Xize right
The moment she finished speaking, she sprinted off as fast as a hare.
Fengjiu hadn't uttered no when Chacha had already disappeared
without a trace.
Fengjiu sat still for a while, then wordlessly brought back her hand which
was raised to stop Chacha from leaving.
That was fine. The lesser of two evils Prince Qing's clutch or Xize's clutch.
Even if she were to use her toes to think, Xize would still come out as the
better choice.


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In the past, her aunt had suffered due to a little snake. At this point, she felt
that sooner or later she would also suffer because of this blasted Prince
Qing. Those from Qingqiu were really not compatible with snakes.
Because they were on a ship, Lord Xize's chamber was not very spacious. A
wall screen depicting a flock of jackdaws playing on water separated the
room. Fengjiu idly pushed the door open when she saw Junuo and
Changdi already seated around a mahogany table, demurely eating
porridge. Xize sat a few feet away fiddling with an incense burner.
The sudden movement of the door made a lound sound, but Xize did not
bother lifting his head. The corner of Changdi's mouth bent up as she
looked to Fengjiu tauntingly while Junuo demurely carried on with her
Fengjiu arched her brow. Even supposing Junuo was sick and Xize needed
to constantly watch after her, it was Xize who should come to Junuo's
quarters. This act by the two sisters did not care at all to avoid stirring up
suspicion. They were even more carefree than herself; Fengjiu had to give
them her heartfelt admiration.
Seeing that Xize took no notice of Fengjiu, Changdi felt immense
satisfaction. She was convinced Fengjiu must be embarrassed this time and
surely would not stay around for half a moment more. Feeling pleased, the
smile on her face deepened.
But in a second, however, that same smile froze stiff.
Changdi had really underestimated Fengjiu's face thickness. Already
having solid foundation, while she was at Fanyin Valley, she had picked
up everything from watching and listening to Donghua Dijun. Nowadays,
although her skin was still far from being impenetrable to a blade, coping
with this sort of situation was mere child's play. As if no one was there, she
went to look for a seat herself, and as if no one was there, she helped
herself to the food. Henceforth, they all sat eating the same light porridge,
one spoonful after another, tasteless and flavorless. Nevertheless, Fengjiu


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who was sitting next to them ate deliciously without any quandary; she
looked as though she was enjoying her meal entirely too much.
Changdi was puzzled. Aranya had so incessantly pestered Xize and
seemed to be truly lovestruck with him. But so early in the morning she
was already ignored by Xize, why hadn't she shown any grievances? Why
was there not any objection? Why was there not any resentment? Why was
there no apparent injury on her part? On the other hand, Aranya had
always been great at acting. Perhaps she was just forcing a smile. If so, she
should instigate her a bit.
Changdi completed her train of thoughts and sneered: I heard Aranya
jiejie came to have breakfast with His Excellency Xize. If you are done, it's
best that you leave, lest there be disturbance during His Excellency's
treatment for Junuo jiejie.
Fengjiu took a book from her sleeve and replied: That's fine. You all go on
with your treatment. I'll just do some light reading. You don't have to be
courteous for fear of disturbing me. I'm nothing if not generous.
Changdi's vein popped blue. How shameless! Who's afraid of disturbing
you?! Junuo softly coughed and cut in: Don't be disrespectful! Then she
turned to Fengjiu and said, Meimei must not know, I've been light-headed
recently. Ordinarily, of course I'd be very happy to see you come visit. But
if the room is so crowded these days...
She spoke to Fengjiu, but her gaze seemed to pass over Xize.
Really, if jiejie is suffering such a malady, it seems you should hurry back
to your room to lie in rest, Fengjiu replied in ardent concern. Your cabin
is far from here, give me a moment to send two servants to escort you
back. As she finished, she made a movement to rise.
Junuo was flabbergasted. Changdi bit her lip angrily and turned to Xize:
Look at her
Meimei, Fengjiu modestly began, do you want to praise me for my
thoughtfulness? How courteous and respectful of you.

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

Changdi's unspoken ruthless words choked back into the pit of her
stomach. If she said anything at this time it meant she did not understand
propriety. But if she didn't say anything, how could she swallow down that
tone? As her mind turned, she placed her hand to support Junuo who was
beside her and panicked: Junuo jiejie, what is wrong? The pair of sisters'
minds really worked in sync. Junuo raised her hand to her temple and
replied, All of a sudden, I feel dizzy A song well sung.
This was called a compassion play a play which was designed specifically
to draw sympathy from others. Fengjiu recognized it because whenever
she got into trouble as a child, she had always loved to act this play. From
the time she was little till now, she couldn't tell how many times she had
performed this show. She lamented inwardly at Junuo and Changdi's poor
acting, but with this mere act they actually made Xize place the incense
burner down and take the several paces it required to come over. He
helped support Junuo, his hand placed on hers to check her pulse, his eyes
seemed to pass over her stomach.
There was some difficulty in this development. From the expression of
Aranya's convenient husband, Junuo indeed seemed to be important to
him. Whether he was diagnosing anything, this Xize Shenjun would
probably want to chase his guest away. Fengjiu sighed inwardly. Heavens,
if Prince Qing was sleeping, of course she wouldn't have to stay here at all,
but Prince Qing wasn't sleeping. Once she walked out those doors, she
would be surrounded by servants who would urge her to spend time with
Prince Qing... She perspired cold sweat. If she were to faint at this moment,
she might be able to continue staying in Xize's room.
Fengjiu did not faint. Because at that moment Chacha had timely knocked
on the door. Chacha assumed Fengjiu adored Prince Qing and she thus
should always promptly relay his latest situation to her. Prince Qing is
asleep, very soundly at that. Your Highness needn't worry.
Xize who was checking Junuo actually looked up this time; he inattentively
said to Fengjiu: Can you


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But the word 'you' hadn't landed on the ground when Fengjiu had jumped
with a huge grin on her face: Look at my memory, I had forgotten all
about catching river breeze with Mo Shao this morning. Since you guys
can't catch river breeze, please stay and rest well. Goodbye, goodbye. I'll
come back to impose on your hospitality when I have time. At the door,
she poked her head back in and sincerely smiled toward Junuo: Take care,
sister. Treat your illness and take your medicine on time for a speedy
recovery. Junuo's face momentarily turned blue.
Xize remained still for a spell. Then he turned to Changdi and told her, as if
he was now finishing what he was saying earlier to Fengjiu: Can you help
me bring the packet of medicine powder by the doorway.

The ship was large, but to look for Su Moye, there were only two places.
Either he was lying in his room, or at the bow of the ship.
Fengjiu went to the bow to look for Su Moye. Greeting her eyes were a red
mud stove, an emerald green celadon tea set, and Mo Shao who was
pouring tea. He looked at her with a soft smile: After awakening from a
spring slumber, I find the books mundane. My new joy is drinking bitter
tea in leisure by the veranda. The young miss hath thus hied hither, shall I
pour thee a cup?
Fengjiu finally understood why Mo Shao was known as one of the most
romantic men in the land. Was this not a charming image? Fortunately, her
cultivation was solid and her reaction was a mere twitch of the eyelids. But
how could any ordinary woman say no when she was offered tea by such a
charismatic gentleman?
Both were tea-lovers, yet one could see Donghua Dijun and Su Moye were
entirely different. If the person brewing tea was Dijun, apart from his
elegant form, his speech wouldn't contain the same charm found in Mo
Shao's words. Dijun generally only had three words to say: Drink or not?
Fengjiu smiled softly.

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At that moment she became lost. Truthfully, she hadn't thought much of
Donghua Dijun lately. At the time, she was busy stealing the Saha fruit.
Then both she and the fruit fell into this world. She wondered what
happened to Dijun and Jiheng afterward. Perhaps they had solved their
entanglement and were now inseparable. As Jiheng once said, they were to
last eternally.
Fengjiu breathed warmth into her hands. There were times when she still
thought of Dijun, but he belonged to a different past; there was no need to
bother forgetting him. Henceforth, Donghua Dijun had become nothing
more than four words to her.
I was only joking with you, Su Moye said as he offered her a seat. What,
have I brought up some sorrow?
Surprised, Fengjiu replied, I'm still so young, what sorrow can I possibly
have? Unable to hold back on her curiosity, she leaned into Su Moye and
asked, The words you used to invite me for tea, did you also speak that
way to Aranya?
Su Moye softly furrowed his brow.
Again, Fengjiu did not restrain herself and dug deeper into the past: And
how did Aranya respond to you?
There was a subtle tremor in Su Moye's tea pouring hand. A smiling young
girl seemed to emerge before his eyes. She winked to him, then suddenly
waved over the dancers nearby. Teacher is inviting everyone for tea.
Sisters, why haven't you come over yet...? She then stepped to the side.
Next thing he knew, he was trapped on his seat by layers and layers of
dancers, having no way to flee.
Su Moye stopped pouring tea and smiled charmingly: Why should I tell
Fengjiu straightened herself and looked glum: Fine then. Twisting to and
fro for a while, she said, The truth is, I came to find you for your help. You
helped knock me out last night, but we can't do that every night. I heard

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the ship will dock this evening. There is a place with great scenery and I
want to go see it. But if Ah Qing comes along, it won't be fun anymore. I
have figured out a solution on my way here. Give it a listen.
Su Moye replied with sympathy: You sure are trying hard and making
your life difficult in order to avoid Prince Qing.
To come up with this solution, Fengjiu really had put in great effort.
Prince Qing's eyesight wasn't great. To find her, he always used his nose.
In the evening, the dragon ship would dock by Heartbreak Mountain.
Heartbreak Mountain had a Heartbreak Cliff, at the bottom of the cliff was
Mingxi Bay.
Fengjiu wanted to visit Mingxi Bay tonight to see Yueling flowers.
Although she had considered sprinkling some powder onto her body to
escape from Prince Qing, with Prince Qing's temper, he would be furious
once he failed to find her. At that time, he may very well swallow the
whole dragon boat.
She deliberated back and forth. To find someone who would wear her skirt
and take on her scent was the best alternative. And yet at the thought of the
mighty Prince Qing, she couldn't bear to be cruel no matter who it was. But
Heaven did not disappoint. While she was caught up in her distress,
Changdi timely appeared in front of her...
Fengjiu said to Su Moye, From what I see, Changdi seems to harbor secret
feelings for Xize. Tonight I will leave her a letter in Xize's name and invite
her to meet by the river. Mo Shao, your physique doesn't differ too greatly
from Xize's. If you pretend to be him, it should be a cinch.
She paused, then carefully added: When we go on shore, make a pit a few
steps away and draw water in from the river, then cover it up with a spell.
When Changdi comes running toward you, she'll surely fall into it. I'll be
on a small boat conveniently docked nearby. I'll prepare some clothes. You
scoop her from the water, then lead her into the boat and let her change out


Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

of her wet clothes. Once you accomplish these things, you are considered
my great benefactor. I'll take you to see Yueling flowers.
Su Moye watched as Fengjiu dipped her finger into the tea and drew for
him topographic maps in all seriousness. He laughed in spite of himself:
Your little uncle had always said as the only grandchild in Qingqiu, you
are much too pampered. With that disposition of the Devil, you go around
making all sorts of trouble. I didn't believe him before, but now I see, you
do indeed live up to your name.
Fengjiu erupted: Little uncle relies on little uncle-in-law's backing, he's the
one who goes around making all sorts of trouble. Talk about me with no
shame. She looked aggrieved. Actually, each time my aunt and I stirred
trouble, we always gave careful consideration beforehand. Miserably, she
added: These days auntie has uncle-in-law's backing so she's relatively
relaxed, but I, I still have much to think about.
Su Moye choked on his tea and exclaimed, that could be considered a
good habit. Then he stroked his eyebrows and continued: This plan of
yours sounds great in theory, but since you're pulling Lord Xize into it
his expression became inscrutable. Xize isn't an easy person to contrive. If
he finds out you're using him, I'm afraid there will be more problems.
Fengjiu thoughtfully considered this for quite a while, then quite a while
more, and precisely offered three words: Like I care.
As eventide approached, with a mask perched on her head, Fengjiu
squatted within the riverside reeds and peeked to the situation outside
through bright keen eyes.
The Si'xing was flanked by Heartbreak Mountain in a narrow calm gorge.
Innumerable wishing lanterns belonging to the mountaineers swarmed the
bay. They dotted across the sky like celestial stars.
Tonight coincided with the villagers' Jade Maiden festival. This festival was
a match-making event between men and women, an eternal age-old

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

custom of the locale. On the night of the festival, both unmarried young
men and women wore masked costumes to go out. Where the grass was
quiet and the flowers were still, they used songs and dances to confess
their feelings, forming the start of a lifelong marriage.
Because they were holding such a major event, it was rumored Heartbreak
Mountain would be sealed off tonight.
Fengjiu fiddled with the mask on her head and quietly chuckled. Luckily
she had brought a mask by intuition, else penetrating into the mountains
wouldn't be a breeze.
A gust of wind blew through the river marsh, Fengjiu sneezed and took a
handkerchief from her sleeve to wipe her runny nose. She looked up to see
the water pit she had made in the afternoon just ahead of her. Su Moye
who was playing the role of the purple-robed Xize was now slowly taking
his place.
When the moon rises atop the willow trees, after sunset is when I shall meet
thee4. Forthwith, a blue-robed maiden appeared. She unhurriedly lifted
her soles and sauntered forward, but just before reaching the covered pit,
she ceased her steps. Amid the light emitted from the mountaineers'
lanterns and torches, her ardent gaze directed at Su Moye.
Fengjiu clenched her fists and chanted silently: Another step, just one
The blue-robed Changdi stopped and went no further. Shy with
uncertainty, she demurely issued a heartfelt protest: Your Excellency had
sent me a letter, and I've read it. In the letter you said you have admired
me for a course of time now, that you often have sleepless nights in
thoughts of me...
Fengjiu saw Su Moye's body jerking slightly in the night wind.

These are lines from an Ouyang Xiu poem called written about a couple's
rendezvous on Lantern Festival.


Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

Changdi shyly looked up. Your Excellency also said it is complicated

during the day when there are people around. Since you could not look at
me properly, you invited me here to relieve your longing, but you feared
such thing would be presumptuous
Fengjiu saw Su Moye's body jerking slightly yet again in the night wind.
With gentle eyes, Changdi softly huffed: Well here I am, but why are you
only looking at me without saying a thing? Your staring at me like this
really... really embarrasses me
Fengjiu saw Su Moye's body jerking yet again as he took a step back.
Fengjiu anxiously cheered him on in her head: Mo Shao, stay strong!
Changdi looked straight to Su Moye then gracefully smiled to him with
bewitching eyes: You actually don't have to worry that such action would
be rash. My feelings for you are also she could not help herself and took
one step forward.
Changdi fell into the water pit.
Fengjiu was momentarily stunned. When she could react again, she wiped
her sweating forehead as she saw Su Moye also frozen in front of the water
pit. She quickly jumped out from the reeds and gestured to him that the
fish had been caught. Although there was some surprise, he needed to take
the next step and dive in to save her. Su Moye saw her gesture, hesitated
for a moment, and then turned his flute into a twenty-foot-long pole to
poke around the pit.
From the pit came Changdi's aggrieved voice: Your Excellency, you're
jabbing on my head... Su Moye hastily slowed his pokes and replied, Oh,
sorry sorry, why don't you climb up this pole. Why were you walking so
carelessly? I'll bring you some clothes.
Squatting, Fengjiu saw through the reeds a soaking wet Changdi climbing
out from Su Moye's flute, sobbing as she followed him to the docked small

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

There was some problems, but this matter was half way to success. Only,
Mo Shao had become a bit unstable after his undertaking. Were the words
she left for Changdi in the letter too passionate? So passionate even the
amorous Mo Shao couldn't bear them? Tomorrow if Xize found out she
had used his name to write such a love letter to Changdi, she wondered
whether he would be able to stand it.
Fengjiu let out a long sigh. Her sigh had only left when she heard
someone's voice beside her: What are you doing here?
Fengjiu turned around to look, and happily smiled when she saw him:
Waiting for you, of course. Didn't I say I'll take you to go see Yueling
flowers after we finish?
She gazed to the small boat afar: You're so quick. It's only just and you've
already come back from bringing Changdi away.
Then looking back at him, she said, Why are you still in Xize's
appearance? Change back, there is no one else here.
Two steps out from the reeds, she came back to take a cypress wood mask
and reached out towards Xize's handsome face. I almost forgot. If we're
going into the mountains to see Yueling flowers, we must wear this. I've
also prepared one for you. Since you don't know the way, stick close to
Then she pat his shoulder: Right, if a strange girl sings to you, remember
these eight words: Put on your guard, stabilize your immortal foundation.
And if a strange guy wants to abduct me, remember these other eight
words: Don't be polite, whack him to the ground.' This path before us has
countless beasts and obstacles awaiting, so we will need to help each other
out. Cough cough, of course, it's mainly you helping me out.
Su Moye throated a reply.
Fengjiu tilted her head: Why is it that your voice sounds so much like
Xize? Didn't I tell you to change back already? Looking to the sky, she

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

continued: Never mind, never mind, it's not early anymore; we should
make haste or else we will miss it.
Deeper into the mountains, sunlight gradually died out, the spring night
was without stars. Fengjiu resorted to an illuminating pearl to light the
road. Handsome bamboos and clever plants lined their way.

Fengjiu discovered this excellent spot known as Mingxi Bay from an

archaic book she found in the palace. Included in the book was also a
detailed map. At this moment, Fengjiu was carrying this map in her hand
to navigate the way.
Heartbreak Mountain was celebrating tonight, but the old man under the
moon5 did not comply with appropriate scenery. The sky was as dark as a
big black dome looming over their heads. His Honor was instead hiding

Yuelao () god of marriage and love. He appears as an old man under the
moon, whose possessions include a book of marriage and red strings to tie destined
couples together.


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behind the dome, even his mustache was hidden away; Fengjiu had to
stagger along the entire path.
The deeper they went into the mountains, the more solitude it became.
Occasionally they could hear the roars of tigers. Fengjiu felt it was a wise
decision to drag Su Moye along with her on this trip.
The pretty singing voices faded behind them. When they reached Mingxi
Bay, their eyes were greeted with a pitch black landscape, and their ears
with dead silence. It was vastly different compared to the bustling town at
the onset.
Fengjiu stored the illuminating pearl back into her sleeve, lay down onto
the night-dewed grass, and called Su Moye over to lie down with her. Slow
sounds were heard a few steps away, and she reckoned Mo Shao had
listened to her suggestion.
Mo Shao was somber tonight. Fengjiu at first assumed it was caused by
Chang Di's recitation of the love letter. On the way here she heard a song
wafting out from the woods. She caught the first couplet and the last,
together they formed four lines as follow: We became husband and wife when
we plaited our hair. Doubt never entered our affair. If I live, I'll come back to thee;
but if I die, go on remembering me.6 When the pretty song drifted into her
ears, as if a light was suddenly lit, she only now realized.
Who was Mo Shao? For someone who didn't bat an eyelash at the millions
of flowers surrounding him, would he be stunned speechless by a slightly
outrageous love letter? Mo Shao wasn't speaking because during this good
hour on this beautiful night, he was reminded of the past with Aranya after
seeing these couples pairing off. He thus felt pained and did not talk.
Leaving Mo Shao alone in somberness wasn't something a good friend
would do, therefore she needed to find topics as soon as possible to turn
his attention from all this gloom.

These are lines from Parting with My Wife () by General Su Wu in the Han
Dynasty. He wrote it for his wife when he was commissioned by the Emperor to go to


Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

Within the darkness, Fengjiu cleared her throat and broke the silence: It's
written in books that Yuelings won't flower until the end of the Dog hour
(9 pm). We may have to wait a little more. There's a folksong about
Yuelings, have you ever heard of it? As she told him this, she tapped her
hand and softly sang: Yueling flower, once a snowflake up high. Plucked down,
it withered and died. It lived but a moment, perished in the next. When the moon
rose, it missed the flower. When the flower bloomed, it missed the moon. The moon
was ignorant of the flower. The flower was ignorant of the moon. Flower lived a
fleeting life, flower died a fleeting death.
Fengjiu was lazy in her youth. She did poorly in all her main subjects,
causing Bai Zhi Dijun much headaches. But she was gifted in singing and
dancing. When she was little she would love to show off. It was only later
when she read from her aunt's books saying dancing for others was an act
by entertainers that she stopped. She didn't hesitate to turn into an
entertainer tonight to console Su Moye; for friends, she was willing to do
anything. Fengjiu felt she was quite generous, quite righteous.
It was a very sad song, and Fengjiu had expressed the sentiments well, but
Su Moye after listening to her only said lightly, Your singing isn't bad.
He said nothing more afterwards.
Mo Shao was being a little strange tonight. But because he was this way,
she needed to be there for him even more. Fengjiu gazed into the shadows
and continued to say: For me, flowers and plants aren't that interesting,
but I wanted to read up on these Yueling flowers. You probably don't
know this, in myths, Yueling flowers only bloom on Jade Maiden festival.
When the flowers bloom, we can't see the moonlight, so it is always
moonless at this time of year. In fact, compared to Yueling flowers and the
moon, you and A...
Aranya was on the tip of her tongue when Fengjiu quickly stopped herself.
Mo Shao was feeling sad, the cause of which was Aranya. From her
experience, she best not mention Aranya's name in these times. She
thought wisely and used the word she to improvise: It's already good
enough that you have memories with her. Take a look at the Yueling

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

flower, supposedly it also wants to see the moonlight once. But when the
moon rises it doesn't see the flower. When the flower blooms it doesn't see
the moon. They never get to meet, a love which is not destined to be. Is this
not a tragic tale?
A long time passed but Su Moye was quiet, still. As Fengjiu was about to
speak again, her words dissolved away when her eyes widened at the sight
of bright light slowly rising in the air.
The effulgent radiance gradually surrounded the landscape. A stream
wound around a vast field of flowers. Amid Yueling trees, tiny petals
clustered into blossoms, issuing a dim white light. They left the boughs and
drifted across the sky, as though they had been dyed by a layer of
moonlight and frost. The stretch of flowers resembled a small patch of sky,
with petals floating mid-air like a brilliant stretch of stellar cloud.
So this was the blooming of Yueling flowers. How beautiful it was. Fengjiu
had never seen such exquisiteness in Qingqiu, nor had she on Jiuchongtian.
Fengjiu excitedly turned her head to look at Su Moye. Mo Shao was resting
his head on his hand, still absolutely, categorically somber. She could not
help but sigh inwardly. For the experienced casanova to hurt to this extend,
even after two hundred years he still hurt so much, Aranya must have been
a talented person.
Fengjiu could not bear to see this despondent, silent, and lonely Mo Shao.
She inched closer and pointed to the snow-like Yueling flowers gliding in
the air, determined to comfort him: Take a look, why are Yueling flowers
so beautiful when they bloom? It is because there is nothing else around
tonight, and they are the only ones glowing brightly in the open. They're
the only ones that we can see, that's why they are the prettiest.
She turned to look at Su Moye's masked face and sincerely advised: For so
many years you had no way of forgetting her because you would let
nothing else besides her into your memory. When you try to to erase
everything else, she becomes clearer and her image deeply ingrained, and
she will hurt you even more. She gestured seriously: But this isn't right,

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

besides her there are other people, other things, other this and that.
Sometimes we hold onto our insistence because we are blind. Mo Shao, it
isn't that you don't know this. You just don't want to. At this point, if a
sensible man like Mo Shao still couldn't get it, then she had done her duty
and there was nothing more she could do.
Unexpectedly, Mo Shao opened his mouth to speak. Yueling flowers took
turn to bloom and wane like a flickering stream of light. Under this stream,
Mo Shao coolly said, What's wrong with keeping only one person in my
memory? What's so special about other people that I should pay attention
to them?
Fengjiu had to admire Mo Shao for being able to say this in only a few
words. But pity arose in the midst of her admiration, and she could not
help but soften down: Your steadfast dedication is really rare, but letting
her into your heart will also lead pain into it...
Mo Shao interrupted her, his tone vaguely inscrutable: When was I
Fengjiu reckoned Mo Shao was a dead duck with a stubborn bill he could
not bear for others to see his vulnerability, so she agreed with him: I
know, I know this isn't ordinary pain, but a sweet pain. I get it, I do. But
this sweet pain will break your heart. You must not turn a blind eye,
because this sort of pain is fatal once it pervades you
Mo Shao broke her off: I don't think you really know.
Gosh, as a man just admit to your pain, Fengjiu frowned. She was
suddenly reminded if she wanted to comfort someone, she needed to be
gentle. She eased her eyebrows and softened her voice. Being this way
means you are in denial. If you're not hurt, then why are you so strangely
quiet tonight?
Mo Shao glanced at her once, then turned his back and said nothing more.


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Fengjiu's heart thumped loudly. Don't say because she saw through his
buried feelings with only one sweep of the eyes, he was rendered so
embarrassed he got mad? Mo Shao could also be very petty.
Well, since he was already mad at her, there was no need for her to speak
gingerly anymore. She temporarily put aside her mission of enlightenment.
Nevertheless, there was something she was really curious about. She had
heard numerous stories about Aranya, but she still didn't know how
Aranya was truly like. Why not take advantage of his anger and trick him a
Fengjiu appeared natural and spoke in a casual tone: You said you only
want to keep one person in your memory. How was she like?
Night was quiet; a song drifted in from the distant hills, indistinct and
faint. When Mo Shao finally spoke, his voice was low, but she could hear
the sincerity.
Very beautiful, he told her. And she'll be even more beautiful when she
grows up. He paused then added: She has a good personality too. Then
he recalled: Also very talented. Talented in everything. And finally
concluded: Everything about her is wonderful. Then as though he was
speaking to himself: Since I picked her, naturally everything about her is
Fengjiu mulled over Mo Shao's words. A pretty face, a good personality,
with talents to boot, no wonder Aranya was ill-fated from the very start.
There was an old saying: Heaven is jealous of remarkable women. These
women had always been buried away by Heaven, one could hardly
lament. Fortunately she and her aunt, although fairly beautiful in looks,
did not have a particularly good personality nor any talent. However, she
doubly appreciated Mo Shao's words and wanted to concur with him but
didn't know exactly what to say. She thusly said, There was also someone
I once liked. I seem to have the impression that he was very good looking,
but I think he might have been an awful person. Then she added: That's
why he will get to live a long life.

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Mo Shao echoed absently, With me here, she will also get to live a very
long life.
Fengjiu sighed inwardly. Although she did not detect from Mo Shao's
voice any trace of bitter regret, one cannot judge pain from the surface. He
must have been extremely hurt. If Mo Shao was here that year, he would've
been able to keep Aranya's life. Alas, fate toyed with man. To hear Mo Shao
say these words, she wondered how much remorse he must be feeling.
How lovelorn Mo Shao had been. How sad he also had been.

Before their eyes Yueling flowers drifted further away in the wind like
falling stars. A burst of flowers flew past and was gone in the blink of an
eye, exactly as those words 'live in a moment die in the next.'
Su Moye took the lead to rise and said, Let's go.
Fengjiu also rose and straightened her skirt. When she raised her head, she
suddenly froze under the dying twilight of Yueling flowers. A moment ago
she did not pay too much attention when she was lying on the grass. At
this time when she stood up, she was surprised to find that although Su
Moye's face was obscured by the ornate mask, the exposed strands of hair
were still a silver color of the moonlight.
Out of the blue a thought entered her head like a thunderbolt.
A long while later, in the faint glow resembling early dawn mist, she
suddenly advanced in front of the purple-robed man and tremblingly
raised her hand to his face; the mask fell away. The flowers' throbbing light
spread onto the trees, the grass, and the two of them. In the pulsating light
field, Fengjiu hoarsely voiced: Lord Xize? When he didn't respond, she
asked again, Why did you lie to me?
The young man caught his slipping mask with one hand and lightly
replied, I never said I was your teacher Mister Mo.


Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

Chapter 5
Despite having seen flowers with the wrong person, Fengjiu was glad she
was smart enough to not say anything inappropriate which would
incriminate her identity to Xize. Not only that, she also got to hear a gossip
directly from Xize's mouth. How very lucky she was.
Lord Xize seemed like an iceberg at first glance, but who knew his feelings
for Junuo were so deep. No wonder the mortals say beauty is in the eye of
the beholder.
Fengjiu, however, became a little worried for Xize as she lay down to sleep
that night. How blind was this man, truly, for him to see a good
temperament and even talents from Junuo. For a handsome man, he had
such bad tastes. What a crying shame.
She sighed and fell asleep, but it hadn't been long before she rose to wash
herself as the rooster crowed its early crows.

Last night, she had unrighteously left Su Moye behind to face Changdi
alone. She wondered whether he was able to cope with the hardships or
not. He might come early this morning for reprisal. If she showed sense
early, perhaps he would be soft-hearted and let it go.
Decided thusly, she straightened her back and sat inside her cabin to wait
and wait.
But only until the Morning God's rays had permeated to the open expanse
did Mo Shao unhurriedly show up. After he arrived, he did not make
mention of her transgressions. He only said last night Prince Qing had
chased Changdi around the woods amid shrieks and howls. After being
swathed by Prince Qing ragged, Changdi had fainted upon returning to the
ship. This misfortune had alarmed even the King and Queen. After he


Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

finished, he concernedly reminded her that Changdi wasn't easy to deal

with; for all one knows, she may be seeking retaliation later.
Only now did Fengjiu realize why Mo Shao was so nice today.
Without lifting a finger, the person who ditched him was about to get into
trouble. Of course he would be happy to feign kindness. Mo Shao was still
Mo Shao.
Despite the complaint, she kept his advice close at heart.
She didn't think Changdi would broadcast such a disgrace for everyone to
hear, what with her pride, but how was she to know the King and Queen
would catch it themselves.
In her dictionary, 'trouble' was a bold entry but 'damage control' didn't
exist. She had always been the queen of Qingqiu, and as Queen, she had
believed it was enough to know how to cause trouble; damage control
wasn't a subject she needed to learn. She felt a hint of shame at her past
She thought awhile and asked Su Moye hopefully, No matter what,
Aranya is still Their Majesties' biological daughter. Even if she is to be
punished, they probably won't punish her too severely, right?
Su Moye knitted his brow: That's hard to say.

Seven days later while squatting inside a broken cage at Guanchen Palace's
dungeon, Fengjiu at last got to taste Aranya's parents' furious brand of
discipline. She now knew why Su Moye had furrowed his brow that day.
This imprisoning cage was made from the stone which formed Mount
Jiuqu. It could indeed only be considered as a cage, and one could indeed
only squat inside it the slightest movement would lead to immediate
contact with the cage walls. She didn't know what enchantment was used
on these stone walls but a single touch was as painful as piercing blades.
Absolute torture, it was.

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

Yet this had only been the case after Su Moye had asked on her behalf to
face the wall ten days himself to help her shoulder some of the
punishment. If she hadn't had Mo Shao's generous help, she feared being
imprisoned alone would not be enough to lay this matter to rest.
In the past, she was also confined whenever she angered Bai Yi, and
although she still resented those punishments until now, she only realized
today that compared to Aranya's father, her father Bai Yi was still a very
kind parent.
This pose of a vertical squat was normally already too awkward, now there
was even a need to maintain it at all times. While one could freely cast
spells in this mock world just like in the original Fanyin Valley, magic
usage had been restricted in her cell, she couldn't even use a stabilizing
spell though she wanted to. Thanks to good physical health, she held out
an entire day, but by nightfall she couldn't bear it anymore and let her back
fall against the stone wall. It knocked the air out of her when, instantly, the
sensation of a thousand knives cut through her flesh, so painful it
immediately cleared up her mind.
This same torture went on and on. On the first day, Fengjiu doggedly
thought all would be fine if she would only put up with it. On the second
day, sweat soaked through her clothes and Fengjiu could only wish
someone would come to rescue her. On the third, fourth, then fifth day, she
eventually realized this kind of punishment would never stop, it wouldn't
end simply by enduring it, and no one would be coming to save her. She
didn't know what deep hatred these parents held against Aranya to be
treating her so ruthlessly.
Drowned in pain, from the day she was born till now, this was the first
time Fengjiu thought of dying.
When the word 'death' emerged from the depths of her mind, she was
jolted by a swift case of sobriety. But before her thoughts could wander
further, the dungeon door which had been locked for many days suddenly
clicked open. In the backlight stood a delicate silhouette.

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

She struggled to lift her eyelids and saw Changdi standing in the light
smiling to her.
In the dim dusk light, when she looked as though she had enjoyed enough
of her wretched state, she sauntered over and peered down at her from
above. She said ever so softly, Jiejie, how has prison served you these past
few days?
It was already a struggle to listen to her, let alone making a reply.
Changdi waited for a second then laughed even more delightedly:
Haven't you always been quick-tongued in the past? Yet you are so quiet
today? Or is the pain preventing you from speaking?
She squatted down to be level with Fengjiu and said, That prank of yours
was quite something, it made the stupid snake chase me around so
miserably. But when you came up with your plan that day why hadn't you
thought that I'm not the type to swallow bitterness, that sooner or later I
would be returning the favor? She took another careful look at the cage
and whispered, When Father sentenced you to a stone cell to repent, I
thought an ordinary stone cage wouldn't be any good, so I privately asked
them to especially switch this Jiuqu cage for you. This cage has served you
comfortably, has it not?
Because her legs were numbed, her whole body fell backward against the
wall once more. The sharp pain induced a cry from Fengjiu. Changdi
propped her chin and innocently asked, Are you thinking that Father
wouldn't be so heartless, that once you are released from here, you can
fault me in front of him? She suddenly had a look of scorn: How
laughable, just because I call you jiejie, do you think you are really my
sister? Father took you on one trip to Guanchen Palace and youve already
forgotten the true sort you are? Even if I were to cut you down with a
sword, Father would only confine me for a few days. Do you honestly
think Father will slay his favorite daughter only to avenge you? She
sneered, Aranya, from the moment you were born you were already
destined to be unwanted.

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

Through Changdi's first few words, because she had provoked her first,
Fengjiu felt Changdi was pretty good to have found a way to retaliate and
torture her back. Since she wasn't as good, she had to admit her defeat. But
through the latter part, Fengjiu was glad the one hearing these words was
herself and not Aranya. Even as an outsider, she felt rather hurt.
There suddenly came noises beyond the ajar prison door. Loud gongs
sounded from the distance. Celestial fire, it's celestial fire! Water, rush
water to the palace! someone cried out in alarm. The commotion
worsened. Changdi all of a sudden reached for Fengjiu's collar. Fengjiu
unavoidably staggered toward the cage wall where another burst of pain
hit her. By the time she regained her senses, suffocating smoke had entered
the dungeon. Changdi covered her nose, her eyes shone bright in the
smoke as she lightly laughed: The palace is on fire, it may very well reach
this place before we know it. Jiejie, it seems old Heaven pities your
meaningless life hence he is granting you an early release.
Fengjiu struggled for a fraction of breath and firmly pulled Changdi's hand
into her cell. She squeezed a small smile onto her lips as she brought her
hand to the wall, wanting to let her fathom the taste of cutting blades.
Changdi's shrill scream immediately gave sound. Fengjiu gasped softly:
You can't stand even this much? How unpromising! Your rambling is
very annoying. If you've said enough then get lost!
Changdi held her hand and scampered away. At the door, she turned and
shot a look full of a spiteful hatred.

Smoke swamped the cell. Fengjiu coughed as she tried to remember. Right
before Changdi came, what was she thinking about?
That's right, death. Indubitably, there was no afterlife for immortals. Once
a fairy died, both body and soul would naturally turn back to dust where
the only existence left was nothing more than vapor gas in the vast cosmos.
However, this was the body of Aranya. If this body were to die, her own
spirit could quite possibly be freed and returned to its original body. At the

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

same time, there was also a chance her soul had merged with Aranya's
body, and would live and perish together as one.
Foxes had sharp ears. Now as she emptied her mind her hearing could go
even farther. In the chaotic background, only one sound was clear it was
the voice of Xize. This convenient husband of Aranya was always so
composed, like an ancient lake whose placid surface was without waves or
tide. Surprisingly, there were times when just his voice alone could show
how worried he was.
But his worry had nothing to do with her. Xize's voice floated in the air, his
question being: Where is the eldest princess? She wasn't sure whom he
was asking.
Fengjiu momentarily felt sad for Aranya. Figuratively, the celestial fire was
a blade which mounted on both her and Junuo's throat at the same time.
But her only hope, her husband, was placing his heart and mind entirely
on her sister's safety. Wasn't this a tragedy? And again, she had no one left
to depend upon.
The fire gradually worsened, now licking at the dungeon door. As the
saying goes, the raging fire of a thousand logs, a monstrous fire instantly
flourished. In this critical moment, Fengjiu was exceptionally calm. Her
pain seemed to have been evaporated in the heat of the fire.
She suddenly recalled the time on Jiuchongtian when she was hurt under
the claws of Jiheng's one-winged snow lion, not once did the hope of
Donghua coming to her rescue enter her head. When she stole the Saha
fruit and was trapped in the python territory, she was frightened, but again
such hope did not come close to sneaking into her mind.
Not having that thought was a good thing, because then she wouldn't have
to be sad or disappointed time and time again.
Auntie once said it was Heaven who determined marital fates; a damsel in
distress always had a gallant knight at her side. She grew up thinking this
scenario would be the same for her. Perhaps this was only why she fell in
love with Donghua who once saved her on Mount Qinyao. But apart from

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

that one time, Donghua hadn't helped her again in her moments of need.
She survived each time on her own. She endured each time by herself. In
any case, she had to wonder whether she would have the same sort of luck
this time.
Feelings are deep, yet fate is shallow. Deep feelings were herself; she and
Donghua were the shallow fate. Another word for it would be luckless. She
had no luck which was why she met him, and he had no luck which was
why he let her go.
She briefly mused she was such a poet tonight. She also briefly felt she was
entirely hopeless, and obviously had spouted lies. She had said Donghua
Dijun had become four mere words to her, yet in this life-and-death
moment, she still thought of him unwittingly.
But if she were to really die tonight, would he be sad for a minute's length
after the news reached him? Would he lament: 'I never thought she would
suffer such tribulation at her young age. That year she had tended to my
meals three times a day in Fanyin Valley. She had taken great care of me.'
If she could trade her three thousand years of love and persistence for
Donghua's words, it meant the karma she had garnered couldn't have been
half bad.
As the flames licked along the ceiling beams, one snapped and began to
fall. Fengjiu gazed to the ceiling where only bright fire could be seen as it
paralyzingly glared down on her. Fengjiu closed her eyes. In her calmed
heart she supposed 'from dust to dust' was still a way to life. She waited for
the moment of truth.
She was lucky.
There was still a way to life.
But it wasn't the way to life she had expected.
The black-robed man managed to push aside the colossal fallen timber.
When he saw her damp forehead and waxen cheeks, he startlingly asked,
They went so far as to imprison you in the Jiuqu cage? Flashes of fury

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

emitted from his stern cold eyes. He raised his sword and briskly sliced the
stone cage in four. Fengjiu was released in a moment's time, but in a
moment's time pain also came rushing back in full force. It crept over every
fiber in her body as she groaned in suffering and stumbled over. The
young man steadied and held her at the waist.
A fire-shielding cloak was thrown over her body and head. Chen Ye?
Why have you come to save me? Fengjiu murmured.
He did not answer her; he held her and searched for a way out. The
originally narrow dungeon had turned into a sea of flames. Fengjiu didn't
think it had ever lit so brightly as it was doing now. Before her eyes was
the massive fire, but her nose was feeling very cool. Her mind was aware of
the pain still, but this time she really fainted away.
A long time later, night wind seemed to be blowing by. There was a sound
in her ears: I created this place in order to bring you back to life. Though
you aren't her, if this body is destroyed what significance would there be in
all that I do? I'll surely bring you back, Aranya. I owe you, they owe you.
You have to return and take back what was yours. When this voice said
'Aranya', Fengjiu could feel a repressed pain hidden within it.
But she couldn't tell whether this was a dream or not.
When she awoke from her blackout, a silver moon was hanging in the
distant horizon. There was no one around for miles, only a few listless
flowers nearby greeted her. The fire had left an uneasy aftertaste in her
Fengjiu confusedly looked to the fire-shielding cloak on her body. At
length her mind started to click. The palace was caught in a celestial fire
which spread to the dungeon. In the most dire moment, Chen Ye had
appeared out of the blue to help her escape.
She looked to the barren wilderness around her. The only living things
within a thirty-foot radius were some weary katydids. Her savior had
probably changed his mind on the way back and tossed her here on the
road. There was a bitterness of medicine lingering in her throat, the pain on

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

her body had partly been subdued. It seemed before being thrown away,
she was given a very effective analgesic for treating wounds; her savior
was quite gracious after all.
Chilly wind blew across her face, drawing a few sneezes from Fengjiu. Her
previously injured body had incurred a few more afflictions from the past
several days of torture. Adding onto everything was the gusty wind at the
moment; to have harmful air seeping into her body would likely lead to
pneumonia, and when that day came she'd be the one suffering all alone.
Fengjiu fully understood this potential problem. She tightly wrapped the
cloak around herself once more and followed the moonlight to a narrow
road leading back to her distant residence as she staggered away.
The more she went, the less she saw of the fire's traces. When she reached
Xiaohan Manor, she couldn't see any sign that would indicate the palace
had been in a celestial fire only moments ago. It seemed living far away
also had its benefits.
She entered the courtyard with one push at the gates. She passed through
the flowers and plants and headed for the main hall. Sweat on Fengjiu's
forehead had condensed into large beads. On one hand, she admired her
heroic self for getting home even in her sickly state. On the other hand, her
legs had begun to tremble, and all she wanted to see was a bed so she
could collapse right there and then.
The main hall's entrance was inches away. As she lifted her hand to push it
open, she suddenly heard sounds coming out from behind the carved door,
and it stilled her half-raised hand in midair.
Fengjiu slightly peered inside; on a small table in the room sat a longburning candle, behind the candlelight was a chaise longue. Presently,
Junuo who should not be here was lounging lazily across the chaise.
Aranya's husband in name, Xize Shenjun, sat on a stool adjacent to the bed
with his back turned against the door. His head was bowed as he helped
Junuo dress the wound on her hand. Perhaps because he was once the
Archmage, this husband of Aranya's was not quite like the rest of the

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Biyiniaos. Every gesture he made seemed to have a sub-expression. In his

aloofness was a glimpse of laziness, in his laziness was a glimpse of halfheartedness, and in his half-heartedness was a glimpse of indifference. At
this moment as he helped to dress Junuo's wound, there was an ever
slightest detection of deviation from his his usual actions he was being
Fengjiu remained at the door momentarily. Enduring the Jiuqu Cage's
torment might have confused her brain and caused her to enter the wrong
house. She quietly turned around. She passed through the flowers and
plants again straight for the gates when, suddenly, she saw Chacha coming
out from the arching doorway.
Her faithful servant Chacha glanced up and detected her presence. After
some initial hesitation, she seized her sleeve in jubilation. Your Highness,
at last you brought yourself back safely. There was a large fire at the main
palace and a few subsidiary palaces not long ago. I was worried that the
fire would spread to the dungeon too. Are you hurt anywhere? Without
waiting for Fengjiu's reply, she quickly went on: The moment the fire
started, Mr. Mo had hurried back from his place of penance to look for you.
Did you miss it when you come back with Mr. Mo?
Fengjiu glanced at Chacha, then glanced to the hanging eaves on the
building peeking behind the flowering tree. She mused, Then I'm not lost.
But I think I saw Junuo just now
Chacha pursed her lips: Lord Xize's residence and the eldest princess's
palace were near the main palace. Both were caught on fire. Since the eldest
princess is unwell, the queen arranged for her to stay at our place for the
time being. She carefully searched for Fengjiu's expression. Lord Xizes
taking care of her is also by order of the queen
Fengjiu naturally knew why Chacha's eyes had flashed that way. Saying
she wanted hot tea and rest as an excuse, she sent her away to prepare
teaware. Truthfully, all she wanted was a bed to stretch out on right now,
she didn't care for tea at all. Xiaohan Manor, however, only had top-floor
living. Her bedroom was right above the main guest hall. At this time, she

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did not have the energy to deal with the two individuals inside the main
hall. The clustering flowers and plants in the courtyard could be used as a
wind shield. Her body seemed to be hanging in there too, so why not sit
under the flowering tree and take a little nap. At the same time she would
also wait for Su Moye.

Her nap turned into a long sleep. When she fell asleep she had distinctly
felt a little cold, but by the time she opened her eyes she was surrounded
by warmth. She bowed her head to see a man's outer robe draped over her
body. A voice entered her ears: Are you awake? She raised her head and
saw Su Moye sitting on a stone bench next to the flowering tree.
Fengjiu foggily looked at him for a fraction of a second before saying: You
knew the palace would be on fire tonight and that Aranya would be
trapped in it, didn't you?
Su Moye seemed as though he had expected this question. At length he
answered, I knew there would be a fire today, but in the past when the
fire happened, Aranya did not step out of Xiaohan Manor. That's why I
didn't pay attention to whether the fire would spread to the dungeon or
not. He looked at her then said, And the truth is that she never got
herself into enough trouble to be locked up inside a dungeon. She and you
are different, so naturally the things you encounter would also be
Fengjiu could vaguely have guessed this answer. Since in any case I
cannot replicate her life, how will you know the cause of her death?
Fundamentally speaking, taking a wrong step will lead you down a
wrong mile, Su Moye lightly said. The variables are as numerous as the
lotus petals in Xiangshui Lake. It's very likely even a sheer sneeze can
cause a rippling deviation from the original world. But do you know that
in these many variables, there are also those which can't easily be changed
no matter what?


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Seeing her confused eyes, he went on: Do you still remember the white
lotuses which are formed from people's hearts in the Pundarika Pond in
front of Taichen Palace? Lotuses in the Jade Pond change with each season,
dawn always comes as night passes, but the thousands of white lotus
blossoms in Pundarika Pond remain ever unchanged. His voice fleetingly
became vague as though he was asking himself: Is whats unchanged the
lotus, or a person's heart?
A person's heart, Fengjiu responded.
Su Moye looked at her with appreciation. Yes, only a person's heart
doesn't alter so easily. For example, Junuo towards you; for example,
Changdi towards you; or for example, the king and queen towards you.
His eyes gazed off into the sky. The clamorous dusty world is merely
ephemeral clouds, what I ultimately want to see behind this dusty world
are their true hearts toward Aranya; that would be the cause of her death.
He changed directions and said, Therefore you can do whatever you want
to do without minding Aranya's nature in the past. For the few major
events, however, remember to make the same choice as she did.
Fengjiu thought a bit then nodded. She rearranged the cloak on her body,
leaned against the old apricot tree and raised her head looking to the full
moon in the sky. You go ahead, I'll stay to watch the full moon a while.
Su Moye looked at her for a moment, then gave out a helping hand and
teased her: Chacha said your unchanging heart is due to having me for a
teacher, bracing against the cold night wind here in the garden is also to
wait for me. Since I've returned, there's no need to stay in this misty cold
night. Get up and come back inside with me.
Spring apricots filled the courtyard, the blossoms were as white as snow
under the moonlight. Fengjiu ignored the hand offered to her and
remained looking to the round jade in the sky. After a while she suddenly
said, Have you heard of my story with Donghua Dijun? She had barely
asked when she suddenly realized it was somewhat inappropriate. The
breeze is making me sentimental tonight, she swiftly said. Pretend you
haven't heard anything. Go on ahead.

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The smile on Su Moye's mouth faded, he reached out to the pot on the
stone table and warmed her another cup of tea. Liansong mentioned some
of it to me, he said. Bai Zhen always said your innate personality doesn't
allow you to dwell in sorrow, right now you look as though you are trying
to endure sadness on your own. If there's anything on your mind, you can
always tell me. Although my reputation is but false fame, I can still be
considered as one of your elders.
Fengjiu remained silent for a while before telling him: Changdi replaced
the stone cell the king had sentenced me to with the Jiuqu Cage.
Su Moye's teapot-holding hand shook. What?
Fengjiu tilted her head to glance at him. It was nothing, really, she
quickly said. I've taken some medicine for the injuries. It doesn't hurt
anymore. She gazed skyward again. It's just that when I was enduring
the torture inside the cage, I kept thinking why it had to be like this for me.
Auntie said when she was trapped by High Deity Yaoguang inside the
water dungeon, High Deity Moyuan had come to save her. And when she
was captured to Daziming Palace, Moyuan again came to save her. Ah,
then it seemed Moyuan came to her rescue each time? Then say, hasn't
Auntie used up all my luck? Is that why every time I'm in danger I'm
always by myself? Her voice was tremendously calm, there wasn't a
single trace of hurt in it. Her last words had seemed a genuine inquiry.
Su Moye lowered his voice: Every time? He seemed to see a shadow
deep within the apricot garden, but at a closer look, nothing was there
anymore. Even as he held his breath he could not detect anyone else's
respiration inside the yard.
Fengjiu raised her head and mumbled, Mmm, the sort of danger that
almost took away my life had happened a few times in the past. If I hadn't
gone through those I probably wouldn't have been able to withstand the
torture of the Jiuqu Cage. Because I'm the only granddaughter of the Bais
in Qingqiu, I actually have always been spoiled since I was young. Later on
because I liked Donghua Dijun, I came to experience some bitterness and
became a lot stronger. She continued after a brief pause: Actually, I

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shouldn't say no one ever came to save me. For instance, this time Chen Ye
was there to save me, even if he did toss me aside halfway back. I didn't
really mind. Most people cannot withstand the Jiuqu Cage for five days,
right? I actually survived it, I even got out and came back alone. I'm very
pleased and proud of myself.
Su Moye drained the cooled tea then handed her some warm one. And
And then? She thought for a moment before slowly replying: When I
came back I saw Lord Xize dressing Junuo's wound for her. To be honest, I
didn't think Junuo's injury was that serious, but Lord Xize was bandaging
it so carefully, suddenly it left me feeling a little sad. She lifted her hands
to her eyes. At that time I felt so much like Aranya, but I also felt sorry for
her. If she saw such a scene, she'd certainly feel even worse than I do. And
it made me sad because I now got to see how a well-protected woman
looks. I despise Junuo's pretense of being hurt by such trivial injuries, yet I
was very envious of her.
She raised her hands to cover her eyes. Dijun... why is it that every time I
need him, he's never there for me? There were times when I thought this
way. Whenever I was in danger he never appeared. I told myself it was
because we aren't fated, but I didn't really believe that. I thought if I
worked hard, Heaven would someday be moved. This time, though, I
really think if Chen Ye hadn't saved me, I'd have died. I didn't believe we
weren't fated before perhaps because I wasn't thoroughly disappointed
Then, do you hate him? Su Moye asked after a long silence.
Fengjiu lowered her palms, gazed to the apricot blossoms under the
moonlight, and blinked hard. Probably not. I just feel weary. Dijun is
great, we just aren't meant to be.
You're still very young, Su Moye gently told her, you'll meet someone
better in the future.


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Fengjiu unconsciously nodded. Yes, I'll meet someone better in the

Su Moye smiled: What kind of man do you want to meet?
Fengjiu thought for a second. Although I'm not so weak that I would die if
someone didn't come save me from perils, I do hope to meet someone who
would help me when I was in danger. Then after saving me, he wouldn't
throw me to the side. And when I was sad he'd be there to comfort me.
Su Moye lowered his voice: Haven't you thought about meeting someone
who wouldn't let you suffer, who wouldn't let you be in danger to begin
She did not speak.
Su Moye continued: Does your neck not hurt when you crane it like that?
Did someone tell you looking up will stop tears from falling? Don't you
know that's a lie? What is it that you are trying to bear?
A burst of chilling night air passed by. Fengjiu was still looking skyward as
if the round moon in the sky was full of fascination. Sometime later, two
streams of tears fell from her eyes, followed by low sobs. Then a while
more, she finally bawled heartbreakingly.
A strong gust materialized out of thin air, bringing apricot petals
sprinkling down and swirling turbidly like a snowstorm. Within the flying
petals, Su Moye once again saw the purple shadow. It turned out his vision
wasn't blurred. In the dense petal rain, the purple-robed deity was deathly
pale, at his feet was a spilled medicine bowl. His fingers grasped onto an
old apricot trunk while his eyes rested on Fengjiu's body. Fengjiu remained
unaware, she was only crying harder and harder now. He knitted his brow
and silently gazed toward her. He seemingly wanted to come closer, yet
unable to take that distance-closing step.
Because of the palace fire, Aranya's ten day long penance was rendered
moot. Fengjiu did not kick up a fuss over Changdi's attempt at burying her

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alive. As Changdi said, even if this matter was called to attention, she
would only be receiving a perfunctory punishment. Besides, though it
wasn't brought to attention she was able to crawl back from that pit. If she
were to be buried again, she could drag herself out again. Let's see who
would stay buried in the end, and whose pit was better dug.
Most of the excursion palace lay in ruins in the aftermath of the celestial
fire. More than half of the mountain camellias had also suffered, bringing
the queen's birthday to a dismal scene. The king was beyond enraged, but
since celestial fire wasn't caused by men, there was nowhere he could vent
his anger and looking at the ruins only served to further dampen his mood.
Displeased with the sight, he ordered for overnight preparations to return
the dragon ship back to the Imperial City.
White mist glided ceaselessly on the river surface, lanterns hung high on
the mast, a few pale stars dotted the sky. Day was breaking.
Fengjiu lay sprawling under a fluffy soft damask quilt as she listened to
waves crashing onto the bow. A pleasant scent made its way into her bed
curtain just as a question slowly wandered into her mind: if one woke up
in pitch darkness and found a familiar stranger next to one's bed, how
would one generally react in this situation?
Logically speaking, shouldn't she scream loudly, pull her quilt, back away
into the corner, and use a trembling yet stern voice to shout: Insolent
scoundrel! What do you want? But the person in front of her couldn't be
considered a scoundrel, and had always treated her as a wooden stake. It
was pitch-black at the moment, what could anybody do to a wooden stake
just because it was pitch-black?
Having thought this way, Fengjiu slightly relaxed. She slowly sat up in
bed, leaned against the headboard and lit a candle. When she brought the
light to the handsome man, she startlingly confirmed that his face indeed
belonged to that person. Lord Xize, did you... walk to the wrong room?
Illuminated by candlelight, Xize did not look well tonight. He quietly
studied her for a while with a gaze which seemed to want to dissolve into

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

her eyes. But he made no movement, and she didn't know what he was
Fengjiu considerately lifted the thin quilt to get out of bed and said to him,
I've had enough sleep. You seem quite tired. Were you too lazy to find
your room so you came to sit in mine for a bit? I'll be outside to catch some
breeze. If you go remember to leave the door for me...
Her remarks were, in fact, intended to avoid scandals and rumors. Even
though Aranya and Xize were technically spouses, she was not Aranya.
There was nothing to be said between her and Xize. In the middle of the
night, if something could be avoided then it was best to avoid.
She only lifted her quilt midway before Xize's outstretched hand securely
tucked her back in. Lord Xize frowned as he draped a cloak over her
shoulders and handed her a steaming cup of hot syrup. Has the pain gone
away? Drink this, he told her in a softened voice. In spite of his unmoving
expression, she could hear the concern in these seven words.
Fengjiu confusedly took the syrup in her hands. This face and mien should
be reserved for Junuo's hurt pinkie. Instead, at this very moment he was
staying in her room and even bothering himself to tend to her. Had
someone hexed him?
Fengjiu raised the candlelight to Xize's face and sincerely looked at him in
concern. Your Lordship have you got the wrong person? I am Aranya,
not Junuo. Or perhaps... I really do resemble Junuo to you people who are
possessed. But I'm really, honestly Aranya. You are seeing me as Junuo
only because you are possessed
Xize quietly looked at her for a long while. I'm not possessed.
Fengjiu became even more dubious upon hearing his words. Then
generally speaking, shouldn't you be tending to Junuo at this moment?
she probed.
Xize's eyes came to rest on her face. Is it not a good thing that I'm tending
to you?

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Fengjiu took a moment to think. Comprehension dawned on her. Ah, did

Junuo ask you to look after me to make up for what Changdi did? How
loving they are to one another. I never thought of bringing this matter to
His Majesty's attention. For this you have wasted your care on me, but I'm
not sure I deserve it. Actually, I have Chacha to help me with water and tea
and similar such. When Chacha isn't here, I can take care of myself. There's
really no need for extra help.
She handed the sweet syrup back to him then cautiously said, I know we
don't love each other, but you always help the two of them. I think it's
somewhat... inappropriate. She said 'inappropriate' but in fact it was more
than inappropriate. She felt incredibly offended for Aranya, but with her
identity, she could only say this much.
She calmly brought her gaze back to Xize again, and was surprised to find
him dazedly looking at the syrup in her hands. At long last he replied,
This has nothing to do with them. Then he lifted his head to look at her.
Today I only gave you a cup of water but you don't even want to drink
There was clearly no expression on his face, but when these words came
into her ears, Fengjiu was made to feel a little crestfallen. She didn't drink it
at first because she didn't want him to compensate her in Changdi's stead,
but since he said that wasn't the case, to reject him again would seem
unamenable. She received the cup and stammered, I wasn't thirsty before,
but now I am, then downed the sugary water.
The syrup was obviously sweet, but she could almost instantly taste the
tang of fresh blood. She was unsure whether her taste was malfunctioning
from the torture of several days ago.
Speaking of the torture several days ago, she recalled that taking Chen Ye's
medicine had only reduced her pain in half. Last night while conversing
with Mo Shao in the apricot garden, her body was still in constant pain. Yet
at this point in time, inexplicable comfort enveloped her. Indeed when one
was young, one's bones were strong and a good sleep cured all ailments.

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While she was lost in thought, Xize had taken the porcelain cup from her
hands and placed it on the table. Then he helped her lie down and said,
There is still some time before sunrise. Get some more sleep.
Fengjiu did feel a bit sleepy after drinking the syrup, but Xize's actions
tonight had her awfully befuddled. When he lowered his head in near
proximity, she could also smell the faint fragrance of white sandalwood. It
gave her a nostalgic sense of familiarity. But if Xize wasn't possessed and
wasn't amending on behalf of Changdi, could he have alternatively caught
his head in the door?
Mild incense swarmed the room. Conducive to resting, it aided Fengjiu
well. She had many questions to ask, but they were immaterial compared
to sleep. As she was about to give in to somnolence, she suddenly heard
Xize's voice in the darkness: That night you said you had once loved
someone? A pause. That person had made you very disappointed, hadn't
Fengjiu's heart gave a thump. That night she mistook Xize for Su Moye and
led him to go see Yueling flowers. Subsequently she told him there was
once a person she loved but he was to be considered a terrible man.
More than ten days had since gone by. Now that Xize suddenly asked, she
didn't know what he was referring to. In any case, it was unlike Xize to ask
this question. In her view Lord Xize was an immortal possessing profuse
divinity. Not only in the Biyiniao clan, even the notably stern elders she
knew would have a difficult time matching his otherworldly aura. Later on
when she learned he had feelings for Junuo, she still didn't feel it to be true.
She always had the impression that his feelings were blocked by a layer of
airy divinity. Truthfully it did not feel very much like an earthly kind of
love, and thus she didn't expect for him to ask such an earthly kind of
Although he insisted he wasn't under black sorcery, she worried he
might've been struck with it.


Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

Seeing her in lengthened silence, Xize said, He had indeed made you very
Fengjiu sighed under her quilt and awkwardly said, It really doesn't
matter whether I was disappointed or not. It's just that sometimes love
needs the presence of fate as well. I spent a lot of time gambling on this
fate, but in the end I didn't win. Only recently did I comprehend the
tragedy of insisting on a fate which we don't have, and was enlightened
quite a bit. If there is something Your Lordship is unable to see, we can
discuss about it.
Night was dark and quiet, but she was able to feel Xize's eyes intently
fixing on her. If he now appears in front of you, will you still doubt that
there is fate between the two of you?
Fengjiu laughed, feeling extremely sleepy now. The word 'fate' has never
existed between the two of us. I've wagered on myself for so long, it's about
time to let it go. So you see, whether he appears or not this time wouldn't
really make a difference. It would be better if he doesn't come, I don't really
want to see him.
A long time passed before she heard Xize say: Truly?
Truly, Fengjiu replied in sedateness. She then mumbled, I actually
understand why Your Lordship said these things to me tonight. I know
you've always been reluctant to be in this marriage, and are afraid I'll cling
onto you. You're hoping I can find someone soon? You don't have to worry
about this, everyone has his own fate in life. I'm feeling really sleepy, if
there is anything else let's talk about it tomorrow. When you leave, help me
close the door.
Xize no longer spoke. Fengjiu thought he was probably embarrassed
because she had seen through his mind. She felt she was especially skilled
tonight to be able to read someone's heart. Yet for some reason the room
was filled with a sadness which overwhelmed her. Xize remained in her
cabin even after she fell asleep; she did not hear the door closing upon his


Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

exit. White sandalwood interspersed with the fragrance of incense,

lingering on indefinitely.
Fengjiu slept past noon. She was so hungry she couldn't stay asleep on an
empty stomach. Coincidentally, beyond the door Chacha was receiving Su
Moye's oral instructions inviting her to the bow for some grilled fish.
Fengjiu's sleepiness dissipated at the deliverance of this news. When she
looked around before closing the door, she saw that the furniture in her
room had been put away neat as a pin. The small embroidered stool Xize
moved to her bed last night to sit on was now firmly resting at the foot of
the bed. The cup of syrup she drank from also went away without a trace.
It was as if she had never woken up in the middle of last night, and the
conversation she had with Xize was but a figment of her dream.

She went to the bow and looked around. Su Moye was holding a fish kabob
as he stood beside a broken stove, looking back at her with a grimy face.
The ever elegant Mo Shao was a master at brewing tea on fine charcoal. He
had probably assumed the fire used for brewing tea was the same one used
for grilling fish, not knowing they were entirely different.
Her stomach crawling with ravenous bugs, Fengjiu watched Mo Shao
make a mess and the promise she heard suddenly turning into flitting
clouds in the sky. He had invited her out for fish, but looking at this
situation, he had really asked her out to grill fish for him.
Mo Shao pointed to the mahogany box next to him, and albeit shamefaced,
smiled charmingly at her. I knew you'd hurry over because you'd be
hungry with nothing to eat. I've especially prepared a bowl of porridge for
Fengjiu was pleased to see that Mo Shao still had some conscience left. She
drank her porridge without further decorum. It was a sweet porridge,
gooey soft and fragrant, but for some reason whenever it entered her
throat, there was always a hint of bloody tang on the tip of her tongue.
Aside from this hint of blood, the taste was otherwise remarkable.

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

Su Moye watched her finish the porridge then pointed to the feet of the
barrel, still smiling his charming smile. If you're done eating then teach
me how to grill these fish. They were hard to come by. Lord Xize especially
said having them grilled is beneficial for you. Regrettably, 'though I'm
well-versed in books and swords, fish grilling in particular is a bit...
Upon hearing the name Xize, Fengjiu abruptly choked on her last gulp of
porridge the moment it went into her mouth. Mo Shao swiftly handed her
a drink. Whatever it was, it still tasted like the sweet syrup from the night
before. Fengjiu swallowed the syrup with difficulty to wash the porridge
down and foggily looked at Su Moye. These fish are from Lord Xize too? I
thought there was something wrong with him last night, as if he was
possessed. It seems he really is suffering some very bad witchery if he still
hasn't come back to sense even now. Instead of giving these fish to the
royal chef, he left them to your authority. Since when did you two share
this type of rapport?
Su Moye seemed surprised. Didn't Lord Xize say anything to you after he
carried you back to the ship last night?
Fengjiu was even more surprised. She stared at the syrup in her hand and
said, I was in a bad mood last night so I stayed in the apricot garden to
cry... Umm, after I fell asleep from crying, wasn't it you who brought me
back to the ship?
Su Moye calmly handed the fish kabob to her: That's not the case at all.

Well, last night.

Last night quite a few things had happened. The second Fengjiu let her
unbridled tears fall, a gust of wind came into the quiet apricot garden. Su
Moye wasn't sure if it was from the emotions of Donghua Dijun who was
hiding in the back. Burst after burst of turmoil, then burst after burst of
chill. Seldom did the carefree prince of the West Sea visit Jiuchongtian to
pay homage. Even so, he was informed of Donghua Dijun's reputation for

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

being an emotionless and desireless deity. For the first time he found that
the universe's master, too, had feelings all along.
Her crying went from loud sobs to whimpering sounds, then gradually
lowered into inaudibility. Fengjiu leaned against the tree with his robe
draped over her and fell asleep in tiredness. He had intended to bring her
inside and was about to get up from the stone bench when the purplerobed deity had gone over to the apricot tree, bent down, and picked
Fengjiu up, all while looking as though he had been waiting just for this
moment when she would finally fall asleep.
Su Moye had met Donghua Dijun once when he was a child. The mortals
lived in their earthly realm while the fairies resided on the three heavens of
purity. Still, he had thought that above the earthly realm, the superior king
had also transcended outside and beyond the Three Purities. In his eyes
was an indifference, as though the heavens and earth contained nothing
more than empty void.
Back then he had thought, 'ah, perhaps this was the aura of one who owns
the universe.'
Once in this world, he recognized he was different than he had been, but
because they were so far apart he couldn't really see what it was. Now as
he stood in front of him, his arms holding a sleeping Fengjiu, his eyes
showing a rare hint of softness, he came to understand what the difference
was compared to that year. Something now existed in Dijun's eyes.
The rapport he shared with Xize which Fengjiu referred to was merely in
the form of a question Dijun had asked before he left: Aranya had a
teacher named Su Moye. You're not the Su Moye of this world, but from
Fanyin Valley. Have you come and replaced the original?
Before, there were a few things he could hide from Donghua because he
had been too concerned about Fengjiu to detect anything else. Now that
Fengjiu's identity had been revealed, he knew he could no longer hide the
truth and naturally confirmed.


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Dijun then asked, Did Liansong ask you to come in here to find Xiao Bai
and me? At first, of course he had to pretend he didn't know that Xize was
in fact Donghua. But he then admitted that Liansong had asked him to help
them escape from this place.
He had done everything he could to prevent Donghua and Fengjiu from
recognizing each other just for his own selfish motives. This time when he
saw that they were about to recognize each other, he did not stop them
because he had felt sorry for Fengjiu. Should Donghua want to
immediately bring Fengjiu back, there was nothing he could do. As for
Aranya's karmic matter, he'd simply have to take a few detours.
Unexpectedly, kindness rewarded him. Dijun gazed to the distance beyond
the garden and said to him, It was I who kept the truth from her first. For
now don't tell her who I am. Mystical energy are purer here compared to
the outside world, suitable for her to recuperate. We won't leave for the
time being, you don't have to go back either. Help me look after her when
I'm not around.
The sound of a sneeze brought Su Moye back from his reverie. Fengjiu
rubbed her nose and asked him, You asked me if Xize said anything when
he brought me back on board. I've spent quite some time thinking about it,
but he said what seemed to be a lot of gibberish which I cannot wholly
remember. Did he mention anything to you?
Su Moye thought about it and cryptically smiled. Nothing at all.


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Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

Chapter 6
The wide river flowed east. This river was named Si'xing, and eastward
was where the capital lay. Because they were coursing downstream this
time around, the returning trip went much more smoothly. In only three or
four days they had already reached Heartbreak Mountain.
Mingxi Bay at Heartbreak Mountain how could Fengjiu forget the
companionship she and Xize had shared when they last saw Yueling
blossoms there. Yet this was the third day Xize hadn't shown himself since
the night they spoke in her room. Fengjiu considered herself a
conscientious person; after eating his fish and drinking his syrup, she had
been wanting to express her gratitude in person. At the same time she
wondered whether his condition had improved and if he had regained any
of his senses. Not having seen him left her feeling a little regrettable.
Thanks to Mo Shao's care, Fengjiu ate then slept, slept then ate, living
comfortably for the past several days. Never mind the external injuries
from Jiuqu Cage which had all healed, recently she even gained a muffintop on her stomach. In the wake of this discovery, she sometimes pinched
her stomach dolefully in addition to sleep and eat.
Chacha kept in mind what she saw. Her Highness seems to miss Prince
Qing, she worriedly reported to Mo Shao. She has been holding onto her
stomach every day in endless sighing. She might have found out that
Prince Qing has been sleeping ever since Lord Xize came to visit it.
Knowing her affection for Prince Qing, she must be afraid I would blame
myself, for she has restrained herself from asking me about his condition.
I've been the one mainly responsible for Prince Qing yet I ended up
allowing such serious trouble to happen Her eyes glistened with tears.
Our kind princess is always thinking for others.
Su Moye gazed outside the window and thought to himself, 'these days
your happy princess has long forgotten whether Prince Qing was a scallion
and which hillside he was grown from. She is only bemoaning the fat she

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

gained.' Yet from his mouth came these words: No wonder you are
Aranyas most trusted helper. Smart and clever as expected, and are able to
see through her intention. If you already know what she wants then follow
her wishes; such is the duty of a loyal servant. If she doesn't ask you, she
will certainly ask me, at which time I will give her the details.
Soothed by the overwhelming praise, Chacha expressed her gratitude and
joyfully ran off, leaving Su Moye alone to his rumination. Dijun had acted
with meticulousness and care. Before he left, he even remembered Fengjiu
was afraid of snakes and took it upon himself to take care of Prince Qing.
Poor Prince Qing. He wondered whether he would ever be able to wake up
from this sleep.
Su Moye sighed lamentably.

In another cabin. Disappointed by the fire, the King had been irritated for
days, now he was sick of the continuous sailing. At this time, the rites
official by his side forecast a sky filled with glittering stars tonight, and told
him it was going to be a beautiful evening. His Majesty's interest
immediately kindled upon hearing this. He ordered the rites officials to
clean up the entertainment terrace on deck for a night banquet soon to
Fengjiu had no interest in these dinner parties, but for the past few days
there were only two places she could visit: her room and the bow; there
were only two people she could see: Chacha and Su Moye. To and fro, back
and forth, she was bored to tears. That was why for the first time ever she
left to come to dinner early.
By the time Shangjun, his queen, and the two princesses followed the
railings to mount the terrace, Fengjiu had already drunk two cups of tea,
eaten three plates of sweets, and littered the floor with walnut peels.
Changdi's eyes swept to spot her; a touch of malice and mockery flashed in
them. Fengjiu calmly plopped half a cake into her mouth and pretended
she didn't see her.

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Changdi preened herself prettily today. In her hands was a lyre, on her
body was a white dress fluttering in the river wind, and on her face was
meticulous makeup. But no matter how important a dinner is, it was still
just a dinner. There was no need for a princess to perform music. At first,
Fengjiu didn't really understand. Then she perked her ears and listened to
the courtiers sitting in the distant. It turned out Lord Xize was apparently
musically inclined. One of the courtiers even added mysteriously that
Princess Changdi and Lord Xize were quite compatible in their interests.

But up to the opening of the banquet, the musically inclined Lord Xize still
did not appear, leaving a stiff-faced Changdi holding onto her lyre on stage
like a block of stone. Fengjiu partly gloated in glee but also partly felt sorry
for her.
Nevertheless, Lord Xize proved to be a prized confection. Not only did
Changdi miss his presence, even the queen asked after him. Once there was
full attendance at the terrace and the opening dance came to a conclusion,
the queen's moderate voice found its way to Fengjiu: It has been several
days since I last saw Xize. Shouldn't he have returned today? The banquet
has started yet why do I still not see him?
Fengjiu listened to her words dazedly. While she hadn't seen Xize lately,
she merely thought he wasn't on board and had gone somewhere. She
didn't know when he had left much less when he would be returning. For a
moment, she didn't know how to lie and could only vaguely play along
with the queen's words. I'm afraid there might have been some delay on
his way back, such thing isn't unusual. I'm dismayed to have burdened
Mother with this worry.
There was a number of shrewd people at the terrace, would she buy this
ambiguous answer?
In the steep and narrow Kongshan mountains are ferocious beasts
guarding the soul-preserver herb, interjected Changdi, all of a sudden. If
gathering these herbs for Junuo jiejie ends up causing His Lordship harm, I

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think I must apologize to Aranya jiejie. I assume because His Lordship had
left in a hurry, he hadn't had time to bid you goodbye. You must not know
his whereabouts?
Then turning to the queen, she said, It was I who requested His Lordship
to retrieve Huhuncao from Kongshan. I was worried for Junuo jiejie, for
fear she had suffered a shock the night of the fire and agitated her health.
After saying he will grant my wish because I rarely ask for something from
him, he left the next day. But I'm now beginning to worry seeing that His
Lordship hasn't come back yet. It seems I might have been wrong in asking
him to go
The queen looked to Changdi in surprise, Fengjiu was also a bit shocked. In
the distance came Su Moye's voice: Xize has not met with the two sisters
after we boarded the ship, don't listen to her folly.
Amusedly turning the cup in her hand, Fengjiu watched Changdi feign a
look of concern and bashfulness in her eyes. Things were becoming a tad
Although she had always been slow, as a child she had often conspired
with her aunt to deceive her father, and thus she was only too familiar with
what was happening. She knew well all these twists and turns. When Mo
Shao remarked Changdi was speaking careless folly, he signified she was
harboring a motive. And what was Changdi's great motive?
Her words plainly insinuated there was some discord between Lord Xize
and Aranya, and that their bond wasn't comparable to the affection he held
for Junuo and Changdi. To sing about this sort of petty jealousy under the
table was fine as an amusing tale. Bellowing it on the table, however,
couldn't really be considered a pleasant display. But if she were to say that
Changdi had delivered the speech just to anger her... then she wasn't quite
that stupid.
Fengjiu ruminated awhile when she suddenly recalled the words of the
young courtier moments ago. She at once grasped the situation.


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From Changdi's words and actions, it seemed she was really desperate to
marry Xize and had thus planned this.
Marrying off two princesses to one man was not unprecedented.
Xize seemed to have feelings for Junuo, but Junuo wasn't Shangjun's
biological daughter. Furthermore, she was said to be engaged to Chen Ye.
Although they liked each other, it was nothing more than a short affair and
it would never work out. Besides, Changdi's feelings for Xize did not
develop in a day or too. With her personality, she must have already
pleaded to the king. Either the king hadn't brought it up to Xize or he had
but was rejected.
Although Xize had retired from his post, his ties to Qinan Palace were
centuries old. Compared to Chen Ye, his name was more reputable. Since
the king had always respected him, he of course wanted his support.
What could one do to wed Xize? Compromising oneself was the fastest
way... Perhaps Xize had always been cautious hence Changdi couldn't yet
accomplish her plan. As a last resort, she was going to compromise herself
in front of everyone.
The clever thing about this plan was that Xize wasn't here. Hed have to
clarify his innocence after hearing about it at a later time. But clarifying
one's innocence was a meaningless endeavor unless it was done on site.
Clarifying after the fact would only make it seem as though he was trying
to cover his tail. When subsequent talks became more intense and
subjected Changdi and Xize to tumultuous gossips, for her reputation the
King would naturally find ways to betroth her to Xize.
In the face of these clever tactics, the only thing Fengjiu could do was to
concede her deepest admiration.
Even though the seated bunch of minions would be following the King's
will, they all looked at her sympathetically with knowing eyes. But
compared to the trouble of Xize's asking to share the same room and bed
one day, his marrying Changdi, no matter what, was actually a good thing.

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Fengjiu's heart sang with music. If one paid attention to minute details,
indeed she had lost some face; but if one were to look at the bigger picture,
this plan of Changdi's had actually paved for her a bright open road. She
also didn't need to take part in this relationship. Certainly capital, capital;
excellent splendid plan; congratulations, well done haha.

After a slew of words from Changdi, quite a few whisperings started to

make their way around the tables. But everyone present was smart enough.
No matter how they felt inside, their faades were natural and easy,
tranquil and calm.
As Fengjiu expected, the king did not agree with this. Following Changdi's
confession, he only lightly said what could a mere Shuikong Mountain do
to Xize? Didn't he hear that the royal physicians have something precious
to present? With a few simple words, he had instantaneously diverted the
conversation. At a glance, an old doctor promptly stood up and reported
back that there was surely a treasure to be presented.
The old doctor hunched over in obeisance and said, I once heard Your
Majesty mention that there is some algidity in the three princesses'
constitutions. I happened across a few Jibaiguos today. These fruits must
be consumed during the vernal equinox to be at their most effectiveness. I
had instructed the apprentice to stew them into a porridge as treatment for
the princesses' algid condition. Your Majesty, should I present them
Whilst the King nodded, on the wooden stairs came the clickety-clack of
steady steps. Another voice timely drifted into the seating arena: Jibaiguo?
Presently Aranya cannot have this fruit. Fengjiu turned around. On the
stairs emerged a body from the waist up. Didn't this proper purple-robed
and silver-haired appearance belong to Xize Shenjun who hadn't shown up
for several days, the sweet confection who was dissected on the table just
The entire party panned their eyes to the source of the voice.

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Green mountains hid in the distance, wind glided on the water. A cloak
was seen hanging on Lord Xize's arm, weary dusts of a long journey were
detected on his body, but not the slightest urgency was shown on his face.
With utter calm and leisure, he stood firmly on the terrace and lightly
greeted the monarchs. Then he unhurriedly came beside Fengjiu, placed a
container of soup on the table, slid the cloak on his arm over her head and
said, Coastal wind is drafty, why didn't you know to put some clothes on
when you went out?
Before Fengjiu could poke her head out from the cloak, Lord Xize took the
opportunity to sit down, picked up the teacup in front of her, raised it to
his lips and downed it in one swig. Around them, a few indistinct gasps
were let out.
Fengjiu managed to poke her head out from behind the cloak and saw the
cup on Xize's lips. A boom went off in her head as she came to realize why
there were sounds of gasping. She quickly extended a hand to block him:
Stop, good sir. That's my cup!
Xize turned his head, looking rather puzzled. What difference does it
make when what's yours is mine?
Fengjiu's head again pounded loudly. Avoiding the gaze of others, she
covered one side of her face and sincerely asked, Hey, did you take the
wrong meds? You have never been this way before...
Xize paused for a brief second then concisely said, That's because I took
the wrong meds before. Next, he poured out a hot bowl of soup and
handed it to her: Here, drink this.
Today Lord Xize was altogether unpredictable from words to actions.
Fengjiu simply could not make him out. She took the soup in puzzlement.
What is this? Did you make it? She took a whiff then said with praise,
You actually spend time in the kitchen, too? I would have never thought. I
reserve the highest admiration for those who go into the kitchen, let us
exchange ideas one of these days.


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The cup shook in Xize's hand, but with an unchanging expression he

replied, Mmm I... went to the kitchen to watch Chacha cook.

Because it wasn't a formal dinner, the atmosphere was unrestrictive. The

musicians' string and woodwind notes soared from behind the curtains,
conversations ensued among seated guests. No one noticed Fengjiu and
company's unexpected exchange at this table.
Regardless, Changdi had previously paved the way for men's gossips. A
line from you: 'Last time I borrowed a commentary book from you and saw
your exceptional annotations. Indeed your every word has my admiration.'
A line from me: 'How can my meager rustic knowledge compare to yours. I
dare not claim that I am learned from knowing a few scant words, lest I
become a joke to you.' They appeared as though they were enjoying small
talks and lively drinks, but in reality both eyes and ears were entirely
directed in the direction of the Xi-Feng couple's table.
Since Xize had trekked a long distance to come back to the banquet, the
King should naturally drop a caring word or two. He looked to Xize, then
with a rare concern said two lines to Aranya: Xize said presently you
cannot have Jibaiguo, but why is that?
Why? How would she possibly know? She looked to Xize and ventured,
Because its good stuff maybe? Since Junuo is sick she should have
more, and so I can't have any? In honesty, I
She intended to explain since she was bighearted, she didn't really care
whether they let her eat that fruit or not. She hadn't yet begun when she
was cut off by Xize: She is using Huhuncao. Huhuncao and Jibaiguo are
pharmacologically incompatible. She would not be able to withstand it.
Fengjiu thought to herself, 'If you are on Junuo's side, just stay on Junuo's
side. I haven't said a thing, why start this poppycock?' Her absorption
caused her to be careless and she ended up blurting: I don't remember
ever taking Huhuncao?

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Xize looked at her and prodded his chin: It's in your soup, no?
Fengjiu looked to the bowl confusedly: Isn't this fish soup with ginger?
Xize glanced at her while scooping out two pieces of ginger. Huhuncao
grows in extremely shaded areas hence its strong odor he hadn't
finished when the culinary proficient Fengjiu seemed to have understood:
Oh, so for this dish you first used the flavor of fish to mask the flavor of
Huhuncao, then you used ginger to get rid of the fishy smell? That's quite
ingenious, but there's also another method I would like to discuss with
you. Though the herb is strong, I think the savor of mutton would likewise
be able to subdue it
Xize appeared to agree. We'll try that next time.
Chacha who stood at their side could not help but to chime in: Your
Highnesses, this isn't cuisine...
The buzzing crowd at the terrace gradually settled down into hushed
silence. The two princesses Junuo and Changdi wore an ashen complexion
on their faces while the courtiers below bowed their heads in exchanged
looks. At length, the contemplative king broke the silence when he turned
to Xize and said, That is to say you didn't pick Huhuncao for Junuo?
Fengjiu's head felt heavy. She had forgotten all about that.
This meant she hadn't seen Xize in recent days because he had ventured to
the high mountains only to retrieve Huhuncao for her. What virtue and
talent did she have to burden him to care for her like this. Even if they were
spouses in name and he was adhering to his responsibility, he was quite
dedicated to have taken it this far, really exemplary...
Fengjiu's mind was racing at random, her eyes also darting at random. She
saw Xize glancing to Junuo then sweeping back to the host. The look on his
face was indecipherable. If not for Aranya, why would I make that long
and dangerous trip to Kongshan? He considered for a second then said,
The queen did ask me to look into the eldest princess's condition. In my
opinion the elder princess is doing fine and has no need for my attending.

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Not looking after Aranya on the other hand will cause me some
Fengjiu choked on the tea in her throat. That's just crazy talk. It's obvious
you have always been distant toward me. Have you... taken the wrong
Xize leaned over and helped pat her back. He took a good while then
unhurriedly said, Oh, that's because I don't often come down to the
palace, but you didn't come to see me.
Fengjiu couldn't figure out this logic, she instinctively faulted his words:
It's you who didn't come to see me, okay?
Xize briefly frowned as he thought for a moment on how to respond to
this; he sincerely fibbed, I did come to look for you, but you never noticed
me. You only stayed with your teacher from morning till night. To be
honest, I deliberately ignored you because I was jealous.
Su Moye reacted quickly and said in haste, Your Lordship, you can't
accuse the innocent like that...
Fengjiu was too dumbfounded to say anything.
What Xize said, what Su Moye said, and what the king said thereafter,
because her brain was addled by anger, she completely did not catch. She
didn't even notice at what time the dinner came to an end. By the time her
mind came back, on the terrace remained only her and Su Moye.
A cool burst of river wind passed them. Fengjiu shivered and said to Su
Moye, Mo Shao, do you feel that today Xize is a little... a little...ahh, I don't
know how to put it into words...
Su Moye laughed out loud. He makes you feel a little familiar?
Familiar? Fengjiu was made to see with Su Moye's small pointer. There
were times when Xize gave off the feeling that if Donghua Dijun had
fortuitously come here, they would be the best of mates. If that happened
Lord Liansong would likely have to give up the seat of being Dijun's best

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

friend. In the event Dijun no longer looked for Liansong for drinks and
chess, wouldn't Liansong be very lonely? Might he cry? Ah, that's not true,
Liansong could always look for Su Moye. It seemed without women, they
could still pass time in blithesome peace.
It was already the end of the pig hour (11pm) by the time she crawled into
bed. Owing to Huhuncao, Fengjiu had a restful sleep that night. Early next
morning she perplexedly found a new chaise longue placed in front of her
bed. When Chacha was called over, she related that Lord Xize had spent
the night in this small chamber and had risen from bed to go to the kitchen
since before dawn. It seemed he was learning to make porridge with a few
apprentice cooks.
Not having sat firmly, Fengjiu fell straight down from her bed. Chacha said
in shyness, Are Your Highness upset that while His Lordship had stayed
in your cabin, he had set up a separate couch? She blushed. Chacha also
had this question but later came to understand that His Lordship was
being considerate of your recovering health. He placed a separate couch
not wanting to share the same bed with you not because he doesn't want
to... consummate your marriage...
On the ground, a row of cold sweat condensed on Fengjius temple.
H...elp, help me up first, she told Chacha with a shaking voice.
Consummation. Fengjiu didn't really understand this consummation
matter, and her unreliable mother and aunt had never explained it to her
either. But she vaguely knew it was something horrific. What Xize
ultimately had in mind, there was simply no way to predict. In this
situation, perhaps the only thing she could do was to look for the almighty
Su Moye and consult some countermeasures with him.
But first, she must fill her stomach before looking for Mo Shao; a full
stomach was the most important regardless of what one was trying to


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Mo Shao seemed to have read her mind today, however. After washing
and before food could be put on the table, Mo Shao had already appeared
in her small cabin, humor was evident on his face. Why was there a letter
in my room early this morning asking me to come by? You even wanted to
speak with me in the privacy of your room; aren't you afraid of Lord Xize's
This situation, this scene, they were making Fengjiu's head spin.
Not long ago, she had been excited at the thought of savory porridge, but
for some reason, her mind began to feel foggy the moment she saw Su
Moye come into the room.
She vaguely heard Mo Shao mention something about a letter in his room.
She didn't leave any letter in his room, much less inviting him into her
But right now as she looked at him, all she felt was that the man in front of
her was very handsome. He was the one whom she had spent thousands of
years searching for, all the way from pure celestial realms down to murky
mortal streets. She had toiled so much all because of him.

Seeing Fengjiu staring at him motionlessly while her eyes were slowly
giving birth to a different kind of look, Su Moye's smile gradually died
from his face. He only managed to ask, What's wrong? before the young
girl had flung herself at him. She firmly clung to him in an embrace as her
arms tightly encircled his neck.
Even if this wasnt real, it was Aranya's face, Aranya's body, and Aranya's
breath grazing by his ear.

On the main ship, Changdi sat down across from Junuo. Being a little
anxious, she asked Junuo for the fifth time, Jiejie, isn't it almost time?


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Junuo reached for and unhurriedly tipped over the steaming teapot. She
then gave her a glance and said, What's the hurry. Like brewing tea, there
needs to be suitable heat and appropriate timing. Too fast or too soon,
neither will do. Changdi scoffed and stood up. It was difficult enough to
drug them with a lovesick potion. I'm feeling uneasy. I don't know why
Lord Xize is treating Aranya differently these days. I cannot wait. When he
sees the person whom he treats differently in an entangling state with
someone else, I wonder how he might look. She sneered, And Aranya,
never mind that Father doesn't like her to begin with, even if he had loved
her to the rim of his heart, he would no longer be able to tolerate her with
as great a sin as adultery.
Junuo leisurely returned the tea ware back to its original place. That is of
course. We have to push her to the depths so she can never rise again from
the land of death. This time our strike must be neat and swift. She rose
with a smile. It's almost time. Last night when she slathered our faces, it
was in front of a large crowd. How can we show up by ourselves today?
When they pushed their way out the door, on the Sixing River were rolling

Blue sky and bright daylight reigned outside the small boat; inside,
romantic curtains hung high. A few days ago, Chacha had replaced the bed
curtains for something thicker; when the curtains were down, they could
keep the morning light out.
The bed curtains were now in disarray, a disheveled young man was lying
in bed, pinning down his hands was a young woman in skin-cladding
gossamer-thin fabric, her dress slipping off one feminine shoulder. She cast
her mesmerized eyes onto his body, all while straddling him and baring
her baby-soft porcelain ankles to view.
Spring was blooming behind the curtains. Was this not what they called
'erotic amour'?


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Fengjiu dazedly looked at the man lying underneath her. She was
extremely confused. What exactly was she doing, and what was she
supposed to do next?
The person beneath was rather quiet. His gaze lingered on her face for a
moment as though he was contemplating something. Dragging to bed,
stripping off clothes, pushing down, lying on top.
Fengjiu didn't understand him. The young man looked at her with stilled
eyes. These four steps were done quite adeptly, he seemed to sigh, but I
don't remember ever teaching you this. Where did you learn it?
Fengjiu was surprised to see the forever regal man being held captive
underneath her and even sighing in such a way. In his eyes was her
reflection, shining like the soft starlight on a cold night there existed
coldness yet also warmth.
She lowered down to lay a kiss on his eyes and felt his trembling lashes;
this was so very interesting.
From books, she foggily answered him. In books are jade-like beauties,
in books are houses of gold, you can find everything in books.
Does that book tell you what to do next? The man's voice was very low.
If one wasn't near him, one almost couldn't hear.
She slightly moved away from him to watch his face and nodded her head.
It does. Many, many things, in fact, that she seemed to not recall them
clearly. Since she couldn't think clearly, she was too lazy to think clearly.
She just instinctively wanted to be closer to the man underneath her. The
next step is to blow out the light, after that would be the morning after,
she told him in all seriousness. Then she was suddenly confused: But
where is the light?
The young man maintained his vulnerable pose, having both hands pinned
down by her. He gazed at her a while then at last said, I think something
was left out when you read that book.


Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

Fengjiu mumbled, It was Auntie who gave me the book, I'm sure nothing
was cut out, all the while looking around to see whether there was a light
near their bed. Then she thought and felt perhaps even a book given to her
from Auntie might not have been complete. She curiously asked, Which
part are you saying was left out?
I can't tell you right now. His eyes were somewhat clouded.
As he spoke, his undulating Adam's apple caught Fengjiu's eyes. She never
paid serious attention to these spots before because she had never been this
close to him. Or perhaps there had been times when they were this close in
the past, she just didn't have the guts she had today.
She wasn't interested in what was left out of the book anymore. She uttered
an evasive response, released one of the man's hands, moved toward his
neckline, and tugged open the restrictive lapels. Her hand paused slightly.
The open neckline revealed a beautiful clavicle, and a light lit up in her
The man didnt offer any resistance, he indifferently left her to her will. She
carefully stroked him, then after caressing a while, she quite enviously
said, Collarbone, ahh, this I don't have.
I had wished for a beautiful collarbone every year when I was young,
she ruefully told him, but in the end I still have none. Mother said I was a
little chubby so my collarbone was hidden away, but there had really been
one. As she spoke she brought her hand to the flesh where her collarbone
supposedly hid to show the young man. She froze when she reached it,
sneezed, and said, It seems I do have one.
He clearly could only move one hand, but the young man dragged the
quilt quite easily and steadily raised it to drape around her shoulders. With
eyes still clouded, he explained to her: That's because this isn't your own
body. But even on your own body, we can still vaguely make out the shape
of your collarbone. His movement gaped the lapels wider, exposing a pale
scar beneath the collarbone, one which looked like some sort of knife

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

It was a sentence without rhyme or reason, one which Fengjiu did not
understand. She only brought her hand to touch that scar, blinked, then
carefully caressed it and asked, Does it still hurt?
The man stiffened. He tilted his head; it was obviously an old wound from
long ago, but he casually gave off a groan: A bit.
Fengjiu carefully neared down. She pressed her scarlet lips onto the scar,
remained there for a while, then slipped her tongue out to lick it, her teeth
inadvertently grazing the collarbone. When the man suppressed a groan,
Fengjiu asked concernedly, It still hurt even after coated with saliva?
The man played along with her words, his emotion inscrutable: It could
be because new wounds have formed.
Fengjiu neared the man's neckline and searched for half a day, finding only
teeth marks at his clavicle. She brushed them with her fingertip, raised her
head slightly, and with her lips by his ears, asked in a pliable voice, Is it
here? Then let me lick it again for you...
Before she could finish her words, she somehow found herself now under
him. Fengjiu widened her eyes confusedly as she looked at the handsome
man before her eyes.
He held her hands and trapped her under his body. The quilt that was
originally on her now assuredly rested on his shoulders; under the cover
was a perfectly silent world.
She didn't think she had used very much force to push down on him just
now, nor did she subject him to this confining pressure which was making
her unable to move, but she also did not want to resist.
The young man calmly stared at her, his breath almost audible. She could
tell his breathing wasn't as calm as his expression let on. He was looking at
her, but it seemed as though he was looking at someone else. Her reflection
which was in his eyes also looked to be someone else's.
She tilted her head and curiously asked him, What are you thinking

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A short suspension. I might be thinking... that I want to quickly switch the

two of you back.
She didn't know what he meant in the latter part, but insisted on
understanding. With the same pliable voice, she asked, Why 'might'? Was
your mind blank just now? Noting the man's brief moment of palpitation,
she writhed her wrists and said, Are you tired? I feel a little cold, why
dont you lie back down.

The two princesses Junuo and Changdi led a team of maids and broke into
the small cabin. Floating out from behind the heavy bed draperies were
silky whispering words: I'm a little cold, why dont you lie down. A
subsequent faint gasp or two instantly created an amorous atmosphere in
the small room.
The two princesses looked at each other and chuckled in delight.
They came just in time.
But there were techniques in catching an affair. One could either use
words, or one could use force. To use words meant to use formality; from
outside the curtains, they would cite Heaven and Earth and moralities to
guide the pair of trembling lovebirds out from behind the curtains and
admit to their own guilt. To use force meant they would be wielding
weaponry. With a cane, they would strike mercilessly at the lovebirds in
Of course catching the adulterers with force would grant them more
gratification, but the two princesses didn't have faith they could beat Su
Moye. Furthermore, what decency was there in unmarried ladies
disturbing others bed in broad daylight. They thus could only regrettably
pick the previous approach.
In front of the bed lay a white brocade robe askew, a black belt flung
haphazardly nearby. Aha, here lay the pretext. Changdi hooked a sleeve
with her finger and assumed uncertainty on her face. Isn't this Mr. Mo's

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

garment? Then she proceeded to look startled. Could it be Mr. Mo

behind the curtains? Now she looked as though she was completely
ashamed with indignation. Aranya, come out. How can you be so brazen
in broad daylight, engaging in such imprudence with your teacher? Even
the ants can boast to have a better sense of shame than you. What have you
done to the Royal Familys name this time?
Changdi performed the villain remarkably well, and Junuo immediately
joined in. She told the maid beside her, Go, go and ask Father, Mother,
and Lord Xize here. Tell them there's an important matter which requires
their urgent presence. We came wanting to check on Aranya meimei's
health, we didn't know we would run into this. I myself don't know what
to do right now...
As the two princesses harmonized their melodies, the delegated maids also
anxiously left the cabin like sprinting rabbits; one look could tell they were
well-trained servants. The small boat had long had people stationed all
around it. At this point, the two people hiding in bed were akin to two
turtles trapped in an urn. A large group of female officials stood beyond
the bed draperies with guarding eyes; all they were waiting for was the
arrival of the monarchs and Xize. This show happened to be well staged.
With the dragon ship ahead and Fengjiu's small boat slightly behind, the
distance between them were merely measured by a few steps. Combined
with Junuo's clever arrangement, from the time Shangjun stepped onto the
boat to the moment he entered the cabin was but an instants length.
Behind the tightly concealed bed came rustling sounds of fabrics. Because
the two princesses were too busy kneeling down to put on a show for the
king outside, they had not noticed these frictional sounds, and thus did not
feel cause for urgency. Junuo was talented, Changdi was even more so. Just
a moment ago she was still frothing at the mouth with excessive lies and
could not wait to crucify Aranya on the spot, but Shangjun's toes had
barely come into the cabin when the silver blade in her mouth instantly
turned into distressing plea. In prostration, she professed alarming His
Majesty was all she could do in the face of discovering Aranya and Su

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

Moye in a clandestine affair. They had disregarded the morals binding a

teacher-student relationship and were in bed together at this very moment.
As unmarried ladies of virtue, she and Junuo had felt shocked when they
encountered this matter, and they hadnt known what to do. On and on she
Because each step and detail of this play was going in Changdi's way, she
had a fine time acting. Raising her head, she saw Shangjun facing the bed
with eyes full of anger. It felt as though gloomy clouds were bearing down
on the tiny space, it satisfied her so. With this sense of satisfaction, she
glanced to Shangjun again, and saw that he was looking behind her, but his
monstrous anger had dissolved away like a clay ox dissolving in water7,
turning instead into surprise.
Curious, Changdi couldnt help herself from turning around.
She took one look and her body went soft, threatening to keel onto the
Behind them, the curtains had been lifted to the side. Aranya was lying in
bed; sitting on the outer edge was a silver-haired man who was
unhurriedly slipping on his shoes, but he wasn't Su Moye. Although he
was not wearing his trademark purple robe, but rather a pure simple white
one, the man who was leisurely putting on his shoes, the one they kept
saying was an adulterer, was actually and plainly the husband whom
Aranya had legitimately married, Xize Shenjun.
The cabin was momentarily enveloped in a deathly silence. The king
glanced sideway at Junuo; one could not guess what mood he was in.
The maids lowered their eyes and filed into two lines, they did not as much
as dare to exhale. Those standing farther away boldly whispered their
thoughts in mind: their masters in the past had privately ridiculed Her
Highness the second princess; they said she did not deserve the position of

clay ox entering the sea: since mud dissolves in water, this idiom is used to
mean something which no longer exists or is no longer important.


Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

the Archmage Lady as she could not win the favor of His Lordship; now
the sun had risen so high, and the Archmage had only gotten out of bed,
then didnt this mean the second princess had won His Lordship's

Because he just woke up, Lord Xize's silver hair was a bit messy. Although
his clothes were neat on the surface, the closed lapels were not as
restrictively tight as ordinary days. When the morning light sprinkled in,
he made a most remarkable picture.
The picture was beautiful, but the atmosphere in this small cabin was quite
oppressive. His Lordship was also silent. After putting on his shoes, he
didn't care to look at the roomful of the people. He turned around to the
damask quilt and wrapped it around Fengjiu who was sitting on the bed.
He then lightly carried her up and took the path next to the wall screen,
slightly giving a nod to the king: Too noisy. Excuse us.
Shangjun glared at Changdi and Junuo who were prostrated on the
ground. Even as the clans head, he really did not know what to say given
this scenario. He dazedly nodded back and said, After I investigate this
matter, I promise to give you a clear explanation. These words carried in
them a self-humbling sense having been spoken by the clans head.
Unexpectedly, Changdi with her pallid complexion suddenly hissed: He
is not Xize, he has to be Su Moye's transformation. Because he knows he
cannot hide his scandal with Aranya, he resorted to this desperate
measure. Su Moye's sorcery is powerful, you may not be able to see
through it, but you must believe me
The king's expression had changed several times throughout all of this. He
shouted with a deep growl: Silence! Frightened, Changdi took a step
back and bit her lips. The cabin went dead silent momentarily; the only
sounds remained were those of Xizes dying footsteps as he carried Aranya
away. Changdi lowered her head and dug her nails into her palms, leaving
several deep imprints. How dare the fake Xize ignore her words?

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The king seemed a little tired; after staying in reticence for a while, he
suddenly spoke toward the hatchway: Why have you also come here?
Changdi immediately looked up in disbelief; her body went soft, almost as
if she couldnt even remain kneeling. Never in her wildest imagination did
she expect a white-robed Su Moye to be standing at the cabin door holding
a jasper flute in his hand. Why was it Su Moye?
Mo Shaos elegant form stood at the hatchway. On his face was a proper
smile, he gave Shangjun a proper greeting, all while he was inwardly
swearing proper curses.
Dijun how did they ever think to maneuver Dijun? His Eminence had
obviously plotted this entire comical play. Then at the end, he made a
speedy escape and pushed him out to sing the finale instead. That old
He was swearing inside, but a smile nevertheless surfaced on the outside as
he raised his voice to say: I didn't expect Your Majesty to also be here.
Early this morning, I received a letter addressed from Aranya inviting me
to meet her in her cabin at the end of the Dragon hour (9 am). But I was the
one who taught Aranya her handwriting. Others may not recognize if it's
her handwriting or not, but I can still make a differentiation. For this
reason I thought to choose a more respectable hour to come see her. I did
not think I would be meeting Your Majesty and the two princesses who
would also come to visit Aranya. My timing is ill, indeed.
When his words landed, even an idiot might have guessed what the
circumstances involving the brouhaha in Aranya's room were today.
Panic emerged on Changdi's face. She went down on her knees and held
onto Shangjun's leg. Father, don't believe him. He's lying!
Su Moye seemed to not follow. Princess, you shouldn't accuse me of
speaking lies, I still kept part of the letter and its unknown handwriting as


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Changdis originally blanched face instantaneously turned livid. She

looked to Junuo for help; Junuo only bowed in silence, her hands hidden in
her sleeves, her body seemed as if it was bound tightly.
Shangjuns furious eyes shifted from Junuo to Changdi, then back to Junuo.
In a rumbling voice, he ordered, Men, bring the two princesses back to
their rooms. They're not allowed to take one step out the door without my
prior approval.
The king walked away in a huff, his ire did not appear to be mild. Whether
Aranyas affair with Su Moye was true, or Junuo and Changdi had framed
Aranya and Su Moye, the shame was all in the family. If he hadn't known,
then it wouldn't matter at all. Unfortunately his two foolish daughters had
maneuvered him into their chess game and brought it to his attention.
Covering up this matter wasn't difficult, it was how to appease Xize and
keep his face that was the troubling matter. This ordeal was giving him
quite a headache.
Su Moye gazed after the female officials following the departing King; he
lightly weighed the flute in his hand, his smile slowly fading. Moments
ago, Changdi hadnt chosen her words in panic and had accused him of
uttering lies. After using nonsense to counter nonsense, he indeed had lied.
They had put in a significant effort to imitate Aranya's handwriting; even
he was fooled. He even carried the letter and went to meet with Fengjiu.
Only until she flung herself around him did he sense that something was
amiss and that she seemed to be under some sort of witchery.
He'd held a deep affection for Aranya. It was exactly because of this deep
affection that he did not mistake Fengjiu for her for even one moment. But
if he hadnt learned the mystification sorcery himself, he might have been
dragged into this play as intended by Junuo and Changdi.
Once he recognized that it was a set-up, the most imperative thing to do
was of course to find Dijun in the kitchen. He had originally wanted to
switch places with Dijun and let their foiled plan be a lesson to those two.
Dijun was standing in front of a small stove at the time, listening to his
plan. The hand which normally held Buddhist sutras was then holding a

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wooden spoon. He slowly stirred the thick porridge on the stove and
asked, Because they are women, you are unable to pull the trigger? Do
you still remember how to write the word 'tidy'? When Dijun said these
words, the unfathomable expression on his face had been exceptionally
calm, and his voice had given him chills.
He had heard Dijun was one to act with quick precision, but those cases
had all been related to the six realms critical issues. Today's matter could
only be regarded as trivial domestic affair; he wanted to see how Dijun
would go about tidying things swiftly.
Dijun hadnt done much. He only lured the two princesses into inviting the
king to enter the cabin and lift the curtains. Nonetheless, the lifting of the
curtains had enlightened him quite a bit. If Dijun had lifted the curtains
from the front, at most the two princesses would only be deflated. With
this identity, and without throwing away Shangjun's face, Dijun couldnt
really punish the two princesses. But if the curtains were lifted from
behind, Shangjun would need to appease to him by personally teaching his
two ignorant daughters. Compared to the first approach, this one could
make both princesses learn their lessons without any effort on Dijuns part.
It was as tidy as could be.
The furniture in the small cabin was now illuminated by the bright
morning light. Su Moye glanced askance at the untidy bed and slightly
raised an eyebrow. No wonder when he saw Dijun, he wasnt as furious as
he had been in the kitchen. This was because the two princesses had
inadvertently planted for him a lush willow8, allowing His Majesty a jolly
day of fun.

Tangqis original phrase is the second part of the proverb ,

[The flower I carefully planted did not blossom, but the seedling I carelessly threw
into the ground grew into a lush willow]; that is to say good results sometimes happen


Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

Part Four The Shadows Souls

Chapter 7
Spring in the Imperial City always arrived later compared to the
flourishing scenery of the south. After viewing camellias at Guanchen
Palace, the cruise ship returned to the capital, just in time for the lateblooming cherries and magnolias. Streets and towns were awash in
blossoms; it was such a pleasant sight.
Yet however lovely the spring scenery was, Fengjiu's sentiments could not
be moved into noble generosity. Ever since she returned to the royal
palace, she regularly kept herself behind closed doors, wondering how her
two sisters Junuo and Changdi were going to crawl back from the pit.
Changdi had waged war with her in the Jiuqu Cage. Then without waiting
for her to even rest, Junuo had come to give her another kick of lovesick
In all her life, this was the first time she ever got victimized by others time
after time again; it had given some blow to her pride.
Shangjun had placed the two princesses under house arrest. He did not say
he would punish them, nor did he say he would not punish them.
Considering Shangjun's affection for Changdi, Fengjiu reckoned this matter
would be blowing over in a few days. But obviously, it wasn't something
she could get over, and so she waited for the time when they would be
She carried this intention out with her whole body and mind, and eagerly
counted each day on her fingers until her waiting was alas proven to be in
On the 27th of March, a message issued from within the palace declared
that Princess Junuo had not adhered to boudoir conducts, that she had

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committed fornication and begot with an illegitimate child, and as such she
had greatly shamed the Imperial Family and was thus sentenced to be
beheaded; her immortal name was to forever be erased in the book of
merits and she was soon to be executed.
As for Changdi, although nothing was mentioned on the surface, a few
vague private words had come from behind the curtains. It was said
Princess Changdi had broken Shangjun's beloved lamp a few days ago and
was to be exiled to the desolate frontier to reflect on her sin.
Fengjiu was somewhat dumbfounded when she heard this news.
A pregnancy out of wedlock... yet the child in the womb seemed to have
had the king and queen's favor. She had been dubious at first, wondering
if perhaps the Biyiniao folks were more broad-minded than their own
Qingqiu. After asking Su Moye, she came to know that Junuo's conceived
child wasn't an ordinary child, but that he was thought to possibly be the
next Archmage of the clan. Throughout history, all Archmagi had been
born from unmarried maidens who were impregnated through the
absorption of divine essence. This was why despite carrying a child out of
wedlock, Junuo could flaunt around righteously and was even able to
invite Xize to leave the mountains to especially take care of her. Fengjiu
could still remember the day when she had lamented that Junuo had been
too blessed. But now, somehow her unborn child was instead said to be
produced from an affair.
Before she could send people out to inquire, Chacha had brought Su Moye
into the room.
Ever since the lovesick spell incident, Mo Shao had rarely looked for her
alone in order to avoid unnecessary rumors. Yet he came so suddenly
today, showing that there must be some pressing matters.
Sure enough, Mo Shao wasn't as calm as usual. He offered much fewer
roundabout words, and after clearing his throat with the warm tea in his
hands, he came straight to the point: I said to you last month that there
were several major events which decided Aranya's ending and that I

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needed you to make the same choices as she did. Do you still remember
these words?
Fengjiu nodded.
Mo Shao was contemplative: The first event is here.
Fengjiu cleared her throat to rally some spirits.
Perhaps you won't be happy with this, Mo Shao said with knitted brow,
but right now we must look at the big picture. He looked at her and
lowered his voice: Save Junuo.
Fengjiu widened her eyes at him.
In reality, Fengjiu had much of Qingqiu's strength of character. If you
treated her with one part respect, she would treat you with ten parts
respect. If you treated her with one part contempt, although not quite ten
times the return, she would definitely pay back in some way.
Always trying to strive for virtue, the nine-tailed foxes of the Qingqiu
Kingdom were never tolerant of shady business nor did they forgive
treachery, still less did they use kindness to repay evil such as this.
Mo Shao had always been the smartest person in the West Sea and one of
the best strategists among his immortal peers. He had smartly recognized
that this world was operating according to the past. Junuo's beheading on
the execution scaffold by the order of Shangjun was only a matter of time.
He cleverly considered that the queen had previously handled this matter
inappropriately, leaving her without leverage which led to the unmasking
of Junuo's pregnancy. Taking this into account, he had thought to leave
enough time for Fengjiu to first resolve her personal feud with Junuo and
Changdi. Then when Junuo was brought to the scaffold, he would ask
Fengjiu to keep her promise to save her. With her genial easygoing
personality, this was going to go as planned.
Despite calculating hundreds and thousands of things, however, Mo Shao
miscalculated Donghua Dijun.

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In the past, Junuo's pregnancy was uncovered on April 17th, but the
outgoing message from the palace came all of twenty days early this time.
A thought flashed across his mind in that instant. In the small kitchen,
Dijun had serenely mentioned to him something about tidiness.
Now that they arrived to this point, he finally knew what Dijun meant
when he spoke of tidiness.
Dijun must have already known this secret behind the Biyiniao royal
There was power, there were women, there were disputes in this vast
world, and thus there had also been secrets. There was always some sort of
secrets like this in each monarchy, and there was nothing new about the
secret of the Biyiniao clan. Everything only ever boiled down to two things
of relevance: power and women.
This tangled past was actually quite simple. Legends had it the incumbent
Shangjun, Xiangli Que, had usurped the throne from his brother. His
beloved queen, Lady Qinghua, was none other than the sister-in-law he
had stolen from his older brother.
In stories passed down, Lady Qinghua had been faithful that year. She
originally wanted to follow her husband in death, but since she was
pregnant with Junuo, anxious with love, Xiangli Que promised he'd allow
her to keep his brother's blood if she would only stay alive, and thus she
survived. Qinghua gave birth to Junuo as wished and raised her like a
precious treasure. Afterward, she gave birth to Aranya who was Xiangli
Que's flesh and blood. But because she had hated Xiangli Que in those
days, she personally threw the newborn child into a snake pit the moment
she came out of her mother's womb. This was also the beginning of
Aranya's pitiful fate.
Keeping Junuo was a reluctant tactic Xiangli Que used that year as a last
resort. The more he saw how clever and beautiful the child was growing
up each day before his eyes, the longer the thorn in his heart grew. Xiangli


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Que was soon determined to get rid of her. Unfortunately, Lady Qinghua
guarded her child almost too carefully.
Junuo was also to blame in this matter by having an illicit relationship with
her writing teacher and begetting his child. The Biyiniaos had a unique
constitution; it was difficult for them to conceive, and even more difficult
for them to abort; a small mistake could take both lives. Abortion meant
death, having Xiangli Que know also meant death. In order to protect the
only blood of her ex-husband, after much mulling, Lady Qinghua had no
other option but to plant this blatant lie.
Su Moye sighed. These things had really happened in the past; no matter
how tightly covered a wooden box was, air flow still could not be
prevented. If Dijun wanted to find out something which had a form and
shadow such as this, there would always be a way to find out.
With his daily image of planting trees and throwing baits, Dijun had
appeared to be unmindful of worldly affairs. Nevertheless, he had heard
that the universe's master once helmed the six realms with an iron fist, and
naturally did not believe that after falling into this place, Dijun wouldn't
question the causes and consequences.
To know everything without seeing anything, to know the end by seeing
only the beginning, this was Dijun. Dijun had not said much that day in the
small kitchen, but he had likely already foreseen today's outcome in his
Su Moye stared absently at the cup of green tea. Junuo could never die; if
she died, how would this opera be sung in the future? Since it was Dijun
who called the shots and dangled Junuo's matter before Shangjun's eyes, it
was Dijun who wanted to punish Junuo using Xiangli Que's blade. Then
didn't this mean that whoever to come out and save Junuo would become
Dijun's enemy?
Whatever the case might be, he unsurprisingly still had to rely on Fengjiu.
When Mo Shao came back from his thoughts, he saw Fengjiu sitting there
staring at him, her brow creasing into a . She said in puzzlement,

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

Although Aranya didn't cause as much trouble as I did, wasn't she at

strife with Junuo in the past? Why would she want to save Junuo's life at
this junction? I don't really get this logic. If you can convince me today, I'll
do whatever you say, but if you can't convince me, I'll have to think about
Mo Shao was glad she actually knew she was causing troubles. He pulled a
stool over to sit, sipped half a cup of tea, and continued with a storyteller's
appearance: The one Aranya wanted to save wasn't Junuo, but rather
Chen Ye. He then asked her, How much do you know about Aranya and
Chen Ye?
Fengjiu lifted her little finger, her thumb pointing to the tip of it to show
Mo Shao. Only this wee much.
Mo Shao held the teacup, and after a long time, said, Then I'll tell you a
wee more.
In life, the most helpless thing was in the form of but four words: 'if at the
In Mo Shao's memory, 'the start' was April 27th of many years ago on the
scaffold where Junuo was executed, and the 'if' pertained to the fact that he
had led Aranya to see the execution that day.
The month of April as mentioned in the mortals' poetry inevitably
contained a certain sorrow of parting, or perhaps the separation of life and
death. In Siming's words, April was the month of demise. (four and
death sound similar in Chinese /si/ )
Although Fanyin Valley was far removed from the troubled dusty world,
April that year had also been blanketed under a bloody atmosphere. First,
the Royal Academy had executed the teacher who taught the eldest
princess penmanship. Then, the palace took care of several servants who
served the eldest princess. Soon after, even the eldest princess was to be
executed on Lingshu Terrace.

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

She bore two felonies: one being deceiving the Crown, the other, adultery.
Whose blood ran in the eldest princesss veins? Although the clansmen for
many years had kept silence, they finally had to ask themselves whether
this was Shangjun's thunderous scheme. Those who didn't know the truth
took umbrage with the eldest princess for being shameless and praised
Shangjun for being strict and impartial. In this matter, Xiangli Que had
gotten his cake and eaten it too.
Even if it wasnt a glorious matter, the beheading of a princess nevertheless
needed to be recorded into the history annals. The sentencing official
pulled his hair for days on out on how to euphemize the written words for
future generations sake. Those in attendance for the execution that day
were all clansmen; the location was chosen with much deliberation to be
Lingshu Terrace outside the Holy Shrine; even the executioners were
carefully selected from three-generational families of executioners.
Even his own West Sea and Jiuchongtian couldnt match up to such
attentive preparation for a beheading. On the day of the execution, he
eagerly prepared a packet of melon seeds and brought Aranya to the
execution arena, finding their way to the first row.
He watched the show with genuine interest, but Aranya wore a solemn
expression. In her hands was a reincarnation sutra as if she had come to
send the sister whom she never got along with on her final journey.
Originally a ceremonial terrace where the Archmage prayed for blessings,
the execution Lingshu Terrace floated above ground. Behind it and slightly
higher was the sacred shrine surfacing vaguely in the sky. With Buddhist
hymns ringing outward, the entire scenery was that of an ethereal
fairyland. This was the Holy Shrine of Qinan.
In the wind was a scent of wildflowers; on the sky were small drifting
clouds. Junuo stood on Lingshu Terrace dressed in all white. She didn't
resemble a criminal awaiting her death penalty, but rather a stunning
dancer dancing atop the clouds. Although her condemned shoulders
slumped in abjection, her face innately bore a certain aristocratic air.

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

In the arena, everyone had taken their seats. Men separated into two lines
on the execution scaffold. They carried out a mighty sabre the length of
three persons. From it reverberated the intermittent sounds of a tiger's
roars. This sabre a holy execution device belonging to the Criminal Bureau.
The blade was to be unsealed by the blood taken from the beheaded's
wrist, releasing its guardian double-winged white-headed tiger. After
devouring the beheaded's flesh and soul, it would trap the soul inside the
sabre and keep the dead from reincarnating for many years. 'Beheading'
was written just so in the mortal realm, but this was what made the
execution a bit different.
The moment the sabre was mounted and the blood from Junuo's wrist was
sacrificed to the magical blade, the light breeze around the grounds
suddenly turned into blasts of wind. A roar bellowed. Within the shiny
sabre was a clear reflection of a tiger. Dark clouds rolled in before their
eyes as daylight hid away. A ferocious tiger broke free from the blade.
Junuo staggered, color draining from her face. A white flash appeared,
followed by a piercing sound of a sword.
By the time this sound ended, a long sword had stabbed seven inches into
the large tiger, neatly forcing it back into the sabre.
No matter how rescue the princess is performed, it would always be a
great play and never too outdated.
The atmosphere weighed heavily; gusts picked up on four sides. The
injured tiger breathed raggedly inside the sabre. After the changing storm,
the tightly closed doors of Qinan Shrine unexpectedly creaked wide open.
Black feathered wings casted a faint shadow on Lingshu Terrace. The
young Archmage stood on the stage. On his face was an icy detachment.
Yet to retract the wings at his back, he shielded a shivering Junuo behind
him and looked to the distance where Shangjun sat. His voice was clear yet
not without restraint: I did some research on our punishment laws and
came upon the chapter on the Holy Sabre penalty. It is written that once the
Holy Sabre was released, if the punished could seal the tiger back into the
blade before his soul dispersed, it meant the heavens were merciful of his

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

life and regardless of what felony he committed, clemency would be given

for the death sentence. Wise sovereign, will the same judgment apply to
Princess Junuo's punishment on this day?
The white knight was not reckless; he was courageous as well as
intelligent. He knew when to advance and when to retreat. Shangjun
stonily considered his options. Criminal statutes were set by the ancestors,
and the witnesses present were all clansmen. Needless to say, refusal
wasnt an option.
On the other hand, the double-winged white-headed tiger was notorious
for its tenacity. Once the sabre was released, never would it let go until it
had had enough blood to drink. Despite there being a clemency clause, and
some execution robberies had happened in the past, no one had ever
escaped from the white-headed tigers fangs. Just because the white
knight's sword was able to push it back a little didn't mean that the tiger
would be so useless. It was but a matter of seconds before it would regain
its strength and continue to break free again.
Whether the courageous and intelligent knight could save his princess or
not would have to depend on his luck.
The wind blew chillingly. With a wave of his arm, the black-robed
Archmage summoned his sword back into his hand. The white-headed
tiger was released from the sabre once more. Junuo was pushed into a
corner. Shangjun stroked his chin in silence. In contrast, those who came
for the spectacle looked to the stage energetically.
The struggle between the young man and the tiger came to a deadlock.
Blade flashed bitingly, wings swirled in the sky. With each having been
wounded, it was difficult to see who was actually winning. It was a
brilliant fight, and worth every penny paid. Nevertheless, the whiteheaded tiger was formed out of hostile energy. The tiger form was merely
one of its shapes. Besides the outer injuries on his body, nothing else
seemed to be severe. Compared to him, the Archmage seemed to be doing
a little worse. However, each of his strikes was still full of chivalry, giving
no disgrace to Qinan Shrine.

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Aranya leaned back against her seat and said to her teacher, He is to deal
with the white-headed beast while concentrating his energy at the same
time to find the enchantment seal. It is rather difficult for Chen Ye to
single-handedly fight on his own like this.
Su Moye spun his teacup and told her, It's not that there isn't a seal. The
white-headed tiger is bloodthirsty. If Junuo was willing take the initiative
and let it drink half of her blood, then Chen Ye could seal him with full
force and they might be able to keep a fraction of her life. But since Junuo is
with child, itll be difficult to preserve her life if she were to lose half of her
blood. He carelessly tapped the rim on his cup. You and Junuo are of the
same womb. Your blood is more or less the same. But if youre feeling
sympathetic and want to help them, I think it is best not to. Firstly, you'll
offend your father and make him upset. Secondly, the Archmage standing
on stage has always condemned yours growing up in a snake pit. He likely
won't want your grace.
Aranya smiled in sudden realization. Ah, so doing this can make my
father upset? Then it seems I'll have to do it.
Su Moye was left with no time to raise a preventing hand. Snow-white
wings instantly unfolded and in the blink of an eye flew into the overcast
Lingshu Terrace. Su Moye froze on his seat. By the time he recovered, he
just wanted to ram his head into tofu.
Aranya loved to wear red. That is, she was also wearing red on this rather
unlucky day, contrasting her innately cold looks. The color of red was
festive on other people, but when she wore red, she only looked lonely. But
though she looked lonely, it was a conspicuous enough color that when her
wings soared to the sky, even the Archmage who was busy dueling with
the white-headed tiger glanced up in distraction.
According to the mortals theatrical plays, affection would certainly form
whenever the white-knight and his princess gazed at each other in these
critical moments. But what a pity, this screenplay wasn't unfolding like the
usual tales. While the young knight gazed at the princess, she raised and
drew her bow. Her fathomless glassy eyes intently fixed on the mad tiger.

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

She released the twin arrows as they pierced through the wind into the
tiger's eyes. The beast roared in pain; in an instant it could not recognize its
directions of attack. Nonetheless, this was a tiger that couldn't be killed by
weapons. This move was nothing more than a prolonging tactic to find the
seal to the enchantment.
Amid the strong wind and beastly roars, the young woman floated mid-air
several feet off the ground. She leaned over the black-robed Archmage,
their proximity rather close. She had betrayed you, why do you still want
to save her?
The young man with the innately proud face faintly frowned. She is my
intended and the meimei whom I grew up with. Even if she did wrong,
how can I not save her when there is a slightest chance of survival?
The young woman's dazed eyes revealed a smile. Well said. She softened
her voice: Then do you also remember? Although I did not grow up with
you as Junuo did, I am also your meimei. Ever since we were children, you
had said that I was filthy, that since I was raised by snakes and gnawed on
decayed barks, my body had retained a certain filth. When I gave you a
birthday present, you threw it away.
The young Archmage was silent for a length of time. I do remember you,
Xiangli Aranya.
The young woman curved her mouth into a smile and suddenly neared his
ear: I assume you still haven't found a way to seal the white-headed tiger
back into the magical encasement?
The tiger appeared to have finally adapted to the pain of blindness and
figured how to distinguish position through resonances. It roared
menacingly and swept its claws forth.
The young man seized the aerial maiden's hand in a tight grasp and
retreated a few steps backward. At this time, from her fingers suddenly
materialized a broken blade. Her long sleeves fluttered in the wind. Taking
advantage of their entwined fingers, she punctured their two palms, blood
gushing down.

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The young man was slightly taken aback. They seemed to almost be
avoiding the tiger's attacks purely by instincts, their ten fingers still
entwined. In the middle of the maneuvering, the young woman looked
straight into his eyes as a smile appeared on her calm face. They all tell me
an Archmage's blood has the ability to cleanse offensive filth. After
receiving Your Excellency's grace today, I wonder whether my blood will
be much cleaner now.
Their blood mingled and winded down their matching palms, the raw
scent festering in the air. The young man did not show any emotions;
neither did he withdraw his hand. Why are you trying to provoke me?
You're not one to mind these sorts of things, especially in such times as
The young woman swept her glance around and replied insouciantly, I've
lived meaninglessly for so many years; I never knew that's the type of

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

person I'm not. Throughout their dodging, the two had moved closer to
the sabre. Her expression became solemn as she borrowed the wind force
and pushed the young man away. Then with all her might, she flapped her
wings toward the sabre. The man also spread his wings and hastily
followed her, but a sudden burst of red light radiating from the sabre
blocked him out.
Inside the red glow, the young woman firmly gripped onto the holy sabre
using her freshly cut palm. A new wound was added to her old one. A
steady stream of blood continuously saturated the blade. The white-headed
tiger suddenly stopped its attacks and snarled a satisfied growl. Despite
her paling face, good humor surfaced her countenance when she faced the
suddenly docile tiger and said, Good boy, this much blood must've been
enough for you to drink. There should be some limits to having fun,
quickly come back. The tiger swung its tail and head, and really went into
the blade. Because the blood it drank also contained the Archmage's
purifying blood, the sabre instantly sealed the moment it went in.
The red glow disappeared. The dark aura circling around the sabre during
the tiger's sharp attacks was also now gone from sight. The holy sabre
seemed to have lost its support and fell over.
A frazzled Junuo hid behind Chen Ye. Chen Ye looked to the sabre lying on
the ground and saw Aranya emerging from behind the blade. She walked
with faltering steps, bearing it all as if nothing was wrong. She then tore an
edge from her sleeve and bound her right injured hand in a tied knot.
The audience picked their chins off the floor. It appeared they had many
things to say regarding this wonderful turn of events. But these courtiers
stressed on being dutiful subjects. They had to take into account Shangjun's
wrath, and thus repressed their enthusiasm.
Shangjuns mood on the surface was inscrutable, but one could reckon he
was erupting on the inside. His desire to kill Junuo hadnt been there for a
mere day or two. As he was finally able to taste his dream, the worst of
lucks sent Chen Ye to come rob the execution grounds. He had likely
placed high hopes on the white-headed tiger, trusting its ability would

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

subdue even Chen Ye. The Archmage was someone who monitored the
throne on behalf of Heaven. Being too proud and upright of a person, Chen
Ye was also a thorn in his eyes. But he did not expect Aranya to also pop
up halfway into the show. What kind of luck was this?
Now that things had come to this point, on how to go from here was
naturally contingent on the king's judgment. Shangjun stonily and regally
swept his eyes across the terrace. He opened his royal mouth and gave a
measured edict. Although Princess Junuo had escaped her death penalty,
she could not be exempted from living punishment. She was to be demoted
into a commoner, forever banished from the Imperial City. While
Archmage Chen Yes coming to her rescue wasnt illegal by ancestral law,
it was done out of personal feelings. His duty was the monitoring of the
throne, yet he allowed favoritism to play into this affair and thereby sullied
the Archmage title. This matter was to be reported to Jiuchongtian on the
same day, and he was to be expelled from Qinan Palace. He was also
demoted into a commoner, never allowed to enter the Imperial City again.
As for Aranya, as a princess she had acted with indiscretion when she
stirred up a ruckus on the execution grounds in broad daylight. As
punishment, she was to lose her pension and self-reflect on her behaviors.
Shangjun had given careful consideration. It would be a significant matter
if someday a princess were to die in the palace or an Archmage were to die
in the Holy Shrine. But two commoners dying inexplicably would not
merit any chatters.
Escaping death was already fortunate enough. Junuo placed her palms
together and performed a princess's obeisance for the last time while Chen
Ye dropped his gaze to the floor, no expression could be detected on his
face. Aranya turned to Shangjun, however, and with a blithe smile, she
said, I have been so brave in the name of sisterly love today that I was
actually hoping for praise from Your Majesty. It doesn't seem to me that
this penalty is very fair. Before Shangjun could call her insolent, she went
on: Furthermore, this is related to His Excellency the Archmage. A few
days ago, Xize sent to me a letter. He wanted to invite the Archmage over

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

to make a lapis mirror. It will be given to the Heavenly envoy when he next
comes to our valley to be brought back to His Royal Highness the Crown
Prince on Heaven as a birthday present. Speaking of which, this was all
caused by his excessive words. When he last went to Jiuchongtian to seek
audience with Tianjun, he had boasted to the Crown Prince of Lord Chen
Ye's mirror making ability. He did not expect His Royal Highness would
remember such things. She assumed a helpless look. Xize instructed me
to invite His Excellency Chen Ye to our estate to focus on making the
mirror, but at present, Your Majesty is ordering for his permanent
banishment from the Imperial City. Of course I cannot go against Father's
royal edict, but I likewise cannot go against my husband's instructions. I
thus have some questions. Would it be better to move the estate outside the
Imperial City? And also, where will the moving money come from?
Shangjun rubbed his forehead and asked, Xize had really sent a letter?
Where is it?
Without blinking an eye, Aranya replied, He really did send a letter, but I
don't have it with me at this time. My teacher was also there when the
letter was delivered, however. She glanced to the seat next to Shangjun.
Mother came to visit and also took a look; they all saw it. The letter
mentioned a few materials I needed to prepare for the lapis mirror, but
because I didn't understand much of it, I handed the letter to my teacher
and asked him for a few advices.
Shangjun swept his blazing eyes to Su Moye. Mo Shao who drank bloody
mold twitched his lips and nodded. That is indeed correct, but since I'm
not a part of the Biyiniao clan, there were some materials I did not know,
so I handed the letter to the queen asking her to take a look.
Eager to save her nephew, the queen also nodded her head.
Shangjun ruminated for a long while and decreed that for the sake of the
imperial treasury, Aranya did not need to relocate her house. Chen Ye was
to bring his convicted self to Aranya's estate for the making of the mirror.
He was forbidden to leave the premise before its completion. Once the
mirror was completed, he must leave the capital straightaway.

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Like this, the matter was settled.

The finale was coming to an end. The lenient guards did not immediately
take Junuo into custody. They let her kneel on the ground to cleanse Chen
Ye's wounds. Lingshu Terrace was now deserted. The red-robed maiden
did not show any intention to leave. Her complexion was drained due to
excessive bleeding, but she kept on walking in a leisurely strolling pace.
When she reached the unlucky sweethearts, she squatted down before
them and locked eyes with Junuo.
At long last, she moved her lips into a chillingly sarcastic laughter. What a
pity for the admirable bethrothed couple. And yet you two are no longer
related starting from this day. Do remember to keep some distance from
him. She rested her right hand on Chen Ye's shoulder. It was I who saved
him; he is mine.
Junuo replied in tears and resentment, Chen Ye isn't yours. I know I don't
deserve him, but neither do you.
Lingshu Terrace majestically hung in the sky. After the windstorm, a few
scattered clouds were left drifting behind. As though in a good mood, the
red-robed woman paced along the stage and reached her hand out to the
clouds. This world is full of unpredictability. Everything depends on one's
heart, if not one's heart then one's fate, if not one's fate then the prevailing
times. Take a look around you, what is the current situation, where are we
The Archmage's colorlessly abysmal eyes slowly frosted up, seemingly to
have frozen into ice.
The tea had cooled; the recalling of the past stopped here. Each time he
recalled memories of Aranya, Mo Shao was inflicted with some pain.
Fengjiu considerately changed for Mo Shao a new cup of tea. She waited a
bit then tactfully brought up a question in mind: This thing called love is
similar to the Mother-and-child tree on Heaven. There are hundreds of
fruits on this one tree, and so I know there must be different types of love.
But Aranya was already married to Xize. Isn't it inappropriate for her to

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develop feelings for Chen Ye? She had been spending more time with
Xize lately, and had unconsciously considered him a friend. She inevitably
felt upset on his behalf.
She and Xize were said to be a married couple, Mo Shao started to tell
her, but they were more like a pair of old friends. Compared to us, these
Biyiniao fairies are much more fragile. With their shorter lifespan, they
seem to indulge in pleasures more than we do. But with that said, Xize was
actually more abstemious compared to some of the immortals outside of
this valley. He took care of Aranya even better than I who was her
After being wordless for half a day, Fengjiu asked, The person you're
talking about is he the one who is close to Junuo and Changdi, the one
who, for some reason, is being quite good to me lately Lord Xize?
Mo Shao coughed, Well, this place was forcefully created so perhaps some
errors had cropped up. It's very possible his temperament was slightly
altered. Erm, in the past, in the past, Lord Xize was an utterly abstemious
Fengjiu refrained herself from asking Mo Shao on how to return His
Lordship to his former temperament, instead turning to even more curious
things: Since Aranya and Chen Ye would be spending more time with
each other, and Aranya had saved him that time, did he end up liking her
at all?
Su Moye gazed to the far distance outside the window. The Biyiniao clan
held 'chasity' very important. Chen Ye did not find it agreeable that Lady
Qinghua was married to two husbands. Among the three sisters, only
Junuo was mildly acceptable in his eyes. He didn't like the sight of Aranya
and Changdi whom Qinghua had given birth for Shangjun after her
remarriage. Aranya, in particular, ranked first on his blacklist of the people
he despised.
But she had saved him, Fengjiu remarked with some surprise. Isn't this
a great favor one needed to repay with his own life?

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Mo Shao coldly replied, Chen Ye was proud and cold. In his view, since
he had once looked down on Aranya and slighted her, her bringing him to
the estate meant her treating him as a plaything and confining him for
revenge. It was more accurate to say that he hated her than to say he was
grateful and liked her. At length he said, I sometimes recall those words
of Aranyas: whether man or god, one must follow his heart, his fate, and
the prevailing times. She understood these words only too well, but
perhaps while her heart was with Chen Ye, her fate was not with him.
Fengjiu was quite saddened to hear these remarks.
Give it some thought, Su Moye said after a sip of tea. If you are willing
to help, have Chacha send me a letter.


Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

Chapter 8
The sky was overcast with rain; light drizzle had been pattering down for
one and three quarters of an hour. At exactly one, a letter came from the
front manor. Mo Shao was reclining against the windowpane and listening
to the rainfall as he made tea. He lazily spread the letter out to read and
saw a few of Fengjiu's agreeing words; an anticipated smile spread over his
Who was it that created this world? There was once when Su Moye
suspected it was Chen Ye; but this person had been treating Fengjiu, who
was masquerading as Aranya, with scarcely a difference compared to
before. If it was truly Chen Ye, according to how he was described after
Aranya's death, he should be cherishing her as though she was a precious
treasure now that she had come back even if she was only a fake. This
superficial air of indifference was certainly food for thought.
On top of this, it had been some days since Dijun was last seen. Although
Dijun's whereabouts was not always predictable, a complete disappearance
wasn't very common either. Whatever Dijun might be planning,
consciously, Mo Shao did not dare to venture a guess. Recently, Dijun
seemed to have used him very conveniently, often placing queues of
responsibility onto his shoulders. One more day without knowing Dijun's
plans meant a couple more days of peace and fewer days of headache.
He selfishly hoped Dijun would disappear for much, much longer.
In another building, Fengjiu became disconsolate ever since she sent the
The Aranya in Mo Shaos memory had gripped a blade with her bare hand,
all casual and cool. She tore a sleeve, with swashbuckling air. Fengjiu
found a wood-cutting cleaver somewhat similar to the legendary holy
sabre. But while weighing it in her hand, she lost all senses before the blade
even had a chance to touch her skin. She switched to rehearsing the sleeve

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

tearing and bandaging scene instead. Still, no damage was done to even the
sleeve corner by the time her hands were red.
To Fengjiu, Aranya had been every bit heroic, but she had also been
awfully troublesome. If the blood was released in advance, she could take a
pocket container and, upon her arrival on Lingshu Terrace, pierce a knife
into the sack of blood. Should she just do that then? Would it seem
awkward at all?
She stressed herself out haggard thinking about this day and night.
Junuo's death sentence was set for the 7th of April.
On the 2nd of April, Fengjiu watched the night sky and heaved in relief.
The Three Enclosures9 and Twenty-eight Mansions10 scattered in the sky. A
lunar aureole was seen in the Taiwei Enclosure. Although her astrology
learning was shoddy at best, she at least knew this was a pardoning sign,
and she was able to relax a little.
After relaxing, she suddenly realized that in this theatrical script of Mo
Shaos, Lord Xize also played an important role. In the past, Aranya could
freely orchestrate her lies in front of Shangjun because Lord Xize did not
leave the mountains. But this time, Xize was always hanging around
Shangjun. Should she first inform him before she started fibbing lies?
Where was Lord Xize these days, anyhow?
Amid her thoughts, she suddenly saw from the distant horizon a silvery
blue aurora. Fengjiu knew there were boundaries in this world; the skyline
naturally wasn't a true skyline. From its direction, it seemed to be coming
from the Shuiyue Swamp by the Bailu forest.

Three Enclosures the three asterisms in Chinese astronomy, which include the
Ziwei Enclosure, the Taiwei Enclosure, and the Tianshi Enclosure.

Twenty-eight Mansions the Chinese lunar mansion system which segments

the lunar ecliptic into 28 houses relative to fixed stars.


Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

Shuiyue Swamp in the original Fanyin Valley was previously an off-limits

hot spring open only to the queen. The Shuiyue Swamp in this
environment was off-limits to even the royal family, making it more
mysterious. In a word or two, Mo Shao once mentioned that Shuiyue
Swamp acted as a channel between this world and a different one. It
neither followed the rules of this world, nor was it bound by the laws of
newly created ones. It was a dangerous and also very chaotic place.
Given that it was such a place, it was unusual that there now suddenly
appeared an aurora, even if for only a moment. Mo Shao had an
observation of Fengjiu that was very accurate, and that was that she had a
very big curiosity. One soundless incantation later, this curious girl was
already standing on a boulder in the middle of the swamp at the end of the
Bailu forest.
She had only steadied herself and had yet to glance around when she
heard a hum as tiny as a mosquitos buzz behind her: Miss, miss, you're
blocking me. Can you move over a little?
Fengjiu started and turned around. A few steps away was a large umbrella
made from the joining of many lotus leaves. An extremely garish glare of
emerald green, it resembled a shield that was erected beside the water. The
small reminding sound had come from that way.
Fengjiu edged a few steps over, then slightly parted a lotus leaf. A child
emerged behind it. He looked at her in surprise for a tiniest second, then
immediately stepped aside to allow her in while shyly saying, I hadnt
known you were such a beautiful jiejie. Come, come, sit by my side. The
best spots in this row are already taken. Luckily, since I am small, I can
share some space with you.
Fengjiu didn't really know what it was they were doing, but taking a look
at the seat, she comfortably sat down in the spirit of freeloading off of
others. Glancing around, the place was really packed with children. All
held a lotus stem to conceal themselves as they devotedly looked to the

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Fengjiu flicked the lotus leaf in front of her. What do you guys set this up
for? she asked.
This? This is a camouflage, the little boy told her animatedly. Master
Serpent who inhabits this lake is fighting with a formidable deity. The fight
will probably be awesome to behold, so all of us fish sprites rushed out to
watch. We use the lotus leaves to avoid being noticed by Master Serpent,
Fengjiu's lips twitched. It must not have been easy for Master Serpent to
overlook these garish leaves up till now. But also wondering why she had
seen the aurora, she asked in genuine curiosity, Who is the deity that is
trying to capture the serpent? This water serpent... Master Serpent, what
crime has he committed?
The little boy handed Fengjiu a handful of edamame, moved a bit closer to
her, then gestured his finger toward the farther end of Shuiyue Swamp.
It's like this, he said. There is an ice coffin under this lake which emits
immense divine essence. Encased in it is a sleeping beauty; I came across it
when I was playing around here. The divine essence inside the coffin
sometimes flows out, which then attracts Master Serpent on the other end
of the lake. Because the coffin is guarded with a superb enchantment,
Master Serpent only dared to lurk nearby and eat the leaking essence at
first. He later became insatiable and wanted to break the ice coffin to
release all of the divine essence. But Master Serpent wasn't lucky that day;
at exactly the same time he struck the ice coffin, this formidable deity
passed by and fought him off. Theyve been fighting for two days. Right
now they are most likely on the far side of the lake, so we won't be able to
see anything. They'll come back in a while. Let's take a break and eat boiled
peanuts and peas. He then handed Fengjiu more edamame.
As she peeled the peas, Fengjiu thought to herself that this matter of a
sleeping beauty at the bottom of the lake was rather fascinating. But it was
currently not safe. Once the two challengers returned from the water, she
would go down for a view.


Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

Chewing tasteless soybeans in her mouth, Fengjiu sighed that these fish
sprites quite understood how to enjoy life. Sitting in other peoples place,
eating other peoples beans, she couldn't help herself from giving them a
few culinary suggestions. Does your tribe have the seven-flavor herb? You
should grind some that has been sundried and store it in a small jar. When
you boil peanuts and peas, or roast melon seeds and chestnuts, you can
add a spoonful of it. It'll taste a lot better.
The little boy blinked his misty eyes a few times. Full of admiration, he
sincerely accepted her suggestion.
Soon enough, waves surged skyward from the distance as expected. The
lotus leaves before their eyes also shook a little, the movement producing a
gap. Fengjiu took this chance to toss her pile of edamame shells out. The
little boy held onto his lotus stem and said in excitement, Look, they came
back! He handed her another handful of edamame.
Fengjiu gasped as she lifted her head.
The radiance of the towering trees inside the swamp rendered the forest as
bright as daytime. Layers upon layers of fog shrouded the turquoise
canopies. In the distance, it looked very much like the jade terrace on
Jiuchongtian. Presently, this stage was occupied by a struggling silver
water serpent. And there under the moonlight opposite the silver serpent
was a fluttering figure holding a sword. Was he not Lord Xize whom she
hadnt seen for several days?
The purple-robed deity was utterly calm. He floated atop the largest Bailu
canopy, the crescent new moon hanging behind him, his wide sleeves
waving about in the breeze.
This was the first time Fengjiu saw Xize Shenjun wielding a sword. Most of
the time when she saw him, he was tinkering with herbs, so she egoistically
assumed he was feeble and frail. Now seeing him face the serpent with
might and authority, she thought this aura actually seemed to suit him
There was a nice familiarity in his sword-wielding image.

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

The silver serpent had long dwelt under the swamp, and was therefore
especially proficient underwater. It rumbled a cry. As much as half of the
water in the lake shot up. In midair, the water transformed into crystallized
ice projectiles, blasting straight at the purple-robed deity.
As Fengjiu watched the spectacle, she thought how fortunate it had been
that Xize was an original inhabitant of this world and could create a
protective barrier. Outsiders like herself would be subjected to magic
restrictions. Ordinary spells were alright, but stronger magic was
forbidden. In such times like this, she would definitely be turned into a
pockmarked screen by the projectile hail.
The projectile hail was surging toward him, but Xize did not cast any
protective barrier. Instead, he whirled around and drew his sword. The
projectiles were blasted away amidst the snow-white flashes of the blade.
When the radiance from Xize's hand diminished, she saw him use the
blade to gently deflect the last few clusters of projectiles, firing them back
at an angry silver serpent.
The silver serpent curled up in avoidance. The purple-robed deity calmly
noticed the gap and quickly made his move. The blade force grazed the
serpent, cleanly slicing off its tail.
The silver serpent screeched in agony. Its severed tail thrashed down into
the Bailu forest beneath, leveling trees and dyeing the treetops with chunks
of blood. Soon, it spread into the water, the reek of blood overwhelming.
The fish sprites were so riveted that their eyes glowed bright. The little one
next to Fengjiu forgot to peel his edamame in excitement. He grabbed
tightly onto Fengjiu's shirt tail and said, Master Serpent is a multi-tailed
serpent. His tail can regrow 49 times. It always grew back the last 49 times
the moment it got cut off. But look, it no longer regrows this time!
Fengjiu was stupefied. For fear that she was wrong, she said in hesitation,
A moment ago, I seem to see that the deity did not resort to any magic.
Did he counter the arrow storm and also cut off your Master Serpent's tail
using only his swordsmanship?

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

The little boy fisted his hands and nodded. The fighting has been that way
for two days past. Had the powerful deity used magic, the fight wouldn't
have lasted so long. My mother said the most detrimental thing in these
fights is having too large of a disparity between the opponents. What is
there to watch if the outcome is determined within two or three moves?
What make fights fun are their uncertain winning chances, the fighters'
lives hanging in the balance, the viewers' hearts also hanging in the
balance. Making the viewers reluctant to move their eyes is the
responsibility of a brilliant fighter. The formidable deity is so responsible,
isn't he?
Slaying a water serpent with merely a sword was comparable to capturing
a tiger with only bare hands. How sick was this man's swordplay, anyway?
After a prolonged silence, Fengjiu carefully weighed in, His Lordship
does have a great sense of responsibility. Your mother is very perceptive.
A pleased expression rose on the little boy's face. Then suddenly, he yelled
in surprise, Yah, Master Serpent has fled into the water. He anxiously
added, Doesn't he know that his wound will bleed worst underwater?
Fengjiu lamented to herself that this little fish sprite was too
knowledgeable. She turned her neck toward the battlefield where the
sound originated from.
While she was searching around, a large wave suddenly burst forth from
the swamp. The serpent which sank to the bottom of the water
unexpectedly shot out. Above his head was a mass of white light. Within
that white light was a subtly discernible coffin.
Lord Xizes complexion, which had been calm throughout, actually seemed
to have slightly changed. Fengjiu wondered whether this thing on the
silver serpent's head was the ice coffin containing the sleeping beauty as
mentioned by the fish sprite. Momentarily intrigued, she craned her head
wanting to take a closer look.
Murderous intent radiated from Xizes sword. Fengjiu did not detect this
sort of deadly antagonism moments ago even as he was cutting off the

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

silver serpent's tail. The silver serpent seemed to be sensing this as well, as
it was showing some gratified enjoyment. But in a split second, its stomach
had received a stab of the swords blade.
The ice coffin began its descent from the sky.
During the falling process, there was a moment when Fengjiu felt she saw
very clearly the face of the person in the coffin. Without time to be
surprised, however, she underwent an otherworldly sensation that felt as
though her soul was leaving from her body, her mind a black mass. By the
time she collected herself and after her dizziness dissipated, she was
startled to find that she seemed to be falling through the air.
A hand wrapped around her waist as she dove into a chest laced with the
scents of white sandalwood and blood. Rapid wind contrasted his steady
Fengjiu tried to raise her head. She caught a pair of clouded eyes as she
gazed up. These eyes were as cold as frozen snow, but they suddenly
widened when they caught sight of her face and eyes.
How beautiful. Even Qingqiu's most beautiful spring light shining on a
snow field couldnt compare.
Amid her wandering thoughts, she felt his grasp around her tightening
and the breathing near her ears becoming somewhat unstable.
There was a certain anxiety in Xize Shenjun.
Was her presence here such an exciting thing? Fengjiu was made
The wind flapped about, but only in an instant, a hoarse voice spoke two
words into her ear, Hide well. Next thing she knew, she was pushed
away. Although it was a critical moment, he used just enough force,
lending her no discomfort when she dropped onto the branch of the Bailu


Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

By the time she looked up again, Xize had already ridden on the wind far,
far away, leading the silver serpent completely away from the swamp and
seemingly intending to have a new battleground on the bare mountain
Fengjiu sat on a Bailu branch. She raised her hand to her forehead and
glanced in the direction of the bald mountain. She did not see anything; all
she heard was the serpent's occasional painful screeches. Although she
expected Xize to have the upper hand, she could not help herself from
worrying. The new moon was a crescent, the lake a bright mirror. Perched
on a crook of the tree, she startlingly discovered a beautiful woman
reflected on the lake surface. Fengjiu took a closer look at the lovely face on
the clear water and tumbled down from the branch.
After tremblingly climbing out of the water, Fengjiu truly wanted to cry.
She finally figured out why Xize had been so surprised. It turned out the
ice coffin beauty had woken up.
Where did the awakened beauty go? A minute ago, she was in Xize's arms;
now she was lying onshore on the verge of tears.
The thoroughly near tears Fengjiu felt that her luck was utterly rotten
today. Who else in this world had her kind of luck? She only went out for
some fun, but she still somehow managed to let her soul go into someone
elses body. Mo Shao said this place was a little chaotic; she didn't expect it
to be this chaotic. She was now in the ice coffin beauty's body. She didn't
even know how she entered it. She had left Aranya's body, and didnt
know how it was doing presently.
Before her tears could come out, a burst of anguished cries emerged from
behind the Bailu trees. She recognized that the wails were coming from the
little fish sprite who sat next to her. Two lines of fish sprites surrounding
him were also silently wiping their tears away. The ground where they
stood lay Aranyas stiff body.
The little fish sprite whom she had only met by chance cried himself to a
fainting spell: Pretty jiejie, how could you not bear the fright, how could

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

you have been scared to death? The small body struggled to keep itself
from collapsing as he sniffed his nose. Mother said when someone passed
away, we should light her two sticks of incense. We don't have any incense;
we will give you some soybeans. The rest of the fish sprites followed suit.
Aranya's body was soon covered in boiled peanuts and soybeans.
The little fish sprites' righteousness moved Fengjiu; she remained moved
until they took out a flint to cremate Aranya. Before the fire could start,
Fengjiu casted a spell from her hiding position behind the tree to push
Aranya's body into the water. As soon as the corpse hit the water, she
wiped the cold sweat on her forehead and quietly dove into the lake.
Fengjiu surmised that once she neared Aranya's body, there was a chance
they would immediately switch back. That meant she and the ice coffin girl
would each go back to her own place. Wouldn't that be fortunate?
She held Aranya's hand underwater; there was no response. She hugged
Aranya; still, there was no response. She recited a soul-lifting incantation,
but this time she felt as if her three souls and seven spirits11 were bound to
the body of the ice coffin beauty, unable to break free.
This matter needed a bit thinking over.
She wasn't the real Aranya, so she wasnt particularly emotional that she
couldnt change back. But with Aranya's face, she didnt have to worry
about food and clothing expenses. Alternatively, with the ice coffin
beauty's face, should she follow these fish sprites every day to eat
soybeans? The taste of soybeans was unique when eaten occasionally, but
eating them every day would be traumatic. Moreover, she had promised
Mo Shao to use Aranya's identity to help him. Giving up halfway wasnt in
line with her principles.

three souls seven spirits in Chinese culture, everyone has souls versus
spirits. The soul part is spiritual and will leave your body when you die while the spirit
part is corporeal and lingers with the corpse for a while more.


Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

Fengjiu contemplated underwater. Since she couldnt change back, what

other ways were there to make everyone continue believing that she was
Ah, applying a correction spell. Replacing all of the Biyiniaos' memory
related to Aranya's appearance with that of the beauty inside the ice coffin
may be a way.
Fengjiu recalled a famous saying from her aunt, Bai Qian: only
academically poor people are the true geniuses. Fengjiu admired herself for
being a genius and praised her aunts insights now that she was be able to
come up with such a good idea in such a short time. But being a bad
student still had its problems. She was dozing off when her teacher taught
this correction spell; what was the rune used for this spell again?
The ice coffin which was brought out by the silver serpent now rested at
the bottom of the lake just under their feet. Fengjiu haphazardly stowed
Aranya into the ice coffin, haphazardly applied a correction spell according
to a hazy recollection, then haphazardly assured herself that if she was a
real genius, there would be nothing to a minor correction spell. After
completing these actions, she discarded all troubles from her mind and
stepped onto the water bubbles to surface the lake, intending to give her
attention to the progression of Xize's fight.
The fish sprites who came for the excitement had scattered away, leaving
behind a row of wilted lotus leaves on the shore. There seemed to be no
movement on the distant mountain. Fengjiu felt a moment of inexplicable
She gazed down into the lake once more. The reflection in the water had
long flowing hair; a purple male robe draped outside her white dress. She
even looked vaguely familiar.
A light suddenly flashed in Fengju's mind. Could the girl in this ice coffin
be her true body? She couldn't return to Aranya's body, was it because she
had the fortune to return to her own? This idea caused her to take an
unsteady step backward.

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But she had no time to ponder. Dense lightning all of a sudden raided from
the horizon; claps of thunder ensued. A demon must have been
vanquished for there to be this strange phenomenon in the sky. As
expected, the water serpents painful growls resonated from atop the bare
mountain. Cold rain pelted down. Through the Bailu forest's bright
brilliance, she could perceive the rainstorm was a crimson red.
Fengjiu raised her head and anxiously searched for Xize's traces. But in the
hazy mist and rain, she only saw the purple-robed deitys staggered
silhouette in the far distance. His body remained without magical
protection, his long silvery hair blown in the wind. The sword in his hand
seemed to have drunk enough blood, glowing a faint ruddiness while
casting an imposing force.
Blood saturated through the serpent's body; one could no longer recognize
its original silver-scaled form. Its eyes revealed a belligerence, exposing a
terribly menacing appearance.
Fengjiu couldn't help but shudder.
Provoked into fury, the trapped beast tossed its head in massive roars. Like
lightning, it rammed its horn toward to purple-robed deity in madness as
though it had abandoned all of its magical ability and wanted to use sheer
force in one final fight. With her heart in her throat, Fengjiu screamed for
him to dodge. Yet instead of dodging, the purple-robed deity raised his
sword to meet it, his movement steady and fast, cutting straight across the
serpent's head with a force that could cut through wind and rain. While he
stood there unbudgingly, the serpent's hard horn inevitably drilled into his
body. In that instant, her eyesight strangely sharpened. Fengjiu saw him
flip his hand and dissever the serpent's horn from his shoulder. Except for
a slight frown, no other expression which would indicate pain surfaced on
his face.
In the blink of an eye, the Bailu forest's brilliance vanished, giving way to
an envelope of darkness. Fengjiu imagined she had felt a mighty tremor
when the water serpent's head fell to the ground. She shouted Xizes name,
but no one responded. She stumblingly hopped onto a small cloud and

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neared the bare mountain. The air was thick with blood. She repeatedly
cried for Xize, but her cries remained unreplied.
There was a full moon in the sky, a strange sight to have on what was the
2nd of April. Rain came down more heavily, fading away the pigment of
blood. After absorbing enough rainwater, Fengjiu's small cloud became
soggy and could no longer stay afloat; it finally came to a stop at a
mountain cave on the bare mountain.
She was completely drenched in rainwater; coldness seeped deep into her
Where was Xize? Was he badly hurt? Or had he already? Recently, he
had been treating her quite well. He ventured to Kongshan to fetch her
Huhuncao, he sent her fish, and when she was entrapped by her two
sisters, he also came to her rescue.
She didn't know if her panic was due to sympathy or something else, or
whether her trembling body was due to the cold or the fear of something
else. She didn't think she could remain waiting in this cave. Moreover, it
was raining quite intensely outside. Regardless whether he was hurt or not,
she must go look for him.
As she was about to rush out into the cascading rain again, behind her
came a faint sound from the cave. In these old caves deep in the woods,
there likely were a number of exotic creatures. Fengjiu moved along the
wall and probed a few steps inside. She took another step or two when she
did not detect the breathing of beasts. A familiar bloody scent floated into
her nose.
Before she could even lean against the rock wall for stability, Fengjiu
tentatively shouted Xize's name in a quivering voice and fell into the cave.
It was a little better at the entrance where she could vaguely see a person's
shadow under the moonlight. But it was now as black as ink inside the
cave. She had always been afraid of the dark. Ever since she walked alone

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

at night and fell into a snake pit in her childhood, she did not dare to go
out again during nighttime. She didn't know where her guts were
borrowed from tonight. Darkness abound, not a ray of light inside the
damp cave. Overtaken with fright, she quaveringly prepared to dig out an
illuminating pearl from her sleeve to light the way. Had she thought about
this just a moment ago at the entrance, she wouldn't have rolled into the
cave so disgracefully. She didn't know why she forgot about this then.
Her fingers had only touched the pearl inside her sleeve when she
suddenly felt a strong force pulling her from behind. She gave a cry in
surprise as she heard the sound of the pearl dropping to the ground. It
rolled straight down a slope into a small pond. A mass of faint light
radiated from the water, but it only shone to her feet. She only now found
herself standing next to a snake on the ground. One more step and she
would've been unable to avoid having its fangs driven into her leg. At the
moment, the snake was lying in halves.
A hand grasped her waist, holding her close within his arms. Although she
was only a young girl, she had after all been the queen of Qingqiu for so
many years, and was still exposed to some home teachings. She knew that
in these moments, her savior didn't necessarily have to be friends instead
of enemies. She needed to be stay vigilant. She pulled herself together.
Employing a move a mortal crook might use, she intentionally
unintentionally grazed the hand which wrapped around her waist,
wanting to know the general identity of the person behind her.
His hand was very smooth and his index finger was not covered in scales,
which meant he was neither a mountain goblin nor a local demon. The tip
of his little finger was smooth and round, which meant he also did not
belong to either the Ghoul clan or the Demon clan. His palm was much
larger than her own, so he must be a man. Slender fingers, delicate skin
he seemed to be a spoiled rich boy. On his palm was a thin callus, ah, this
spoiled rich boy also occasionally practiced some weaponry.
She was about to probe further when she suddenly felt the breathing
behind her stifled. There was also a strong force. By the time she belatedly

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

reacted, Fengjiu found herself pressed against the rock wall behind her,
trapped in between the cave wall and this rich boy.
Drops of water trickled from the cave stalactites down into the small lake.
Drip, drip.
Her hands were pinned above her head in the dim light. The pampered
rich boy adhered close to her as he studied her with an expressionless look.
His dry fingers stroked her cheek in the same way she had stroked him just
now, feeling her eyebrows, her eyes, her nose, intentionally
She didn't know this caressing business was so sultry a thing. Had she
known, she wouldn't have dared even if she had borrowed a thousand
Ah that's right, she should mention that the spoiled rich boy was Lord
Moments ago, she did not guess it was Xize because his hand was warm
and dry. It didn't have any sticky bloodstains, and was so clean it didn't
seem like a hand that had slain a water serpent. At this point in hindsight,
she and Xize could be considered to have met multiple times, but she
hadn't really ever seen his struggling appearance. From the way he was
acting, it seemed as though he had satisfactorily cleaned himself up after
leaving the battlefield.
His fingers stopped at her lips, caressing her as though he was standing in
front of a wall screen, completely absorbed, and painting its edges into a
masterpiece. Fengjiu could not help but take a deep breath. The fingers
which were brushing on her lips came to a still. Fengjiu nervously
moistened her lips. Xize's normally glacial eyes suddenly became clouded.
Sensing something wasn't quite right, she instinctively withdrew from him.
She was pressed more tightly onto the cave wall, however. In an instant,
Xize's lips crushed onto hers.


Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

A belated gasp let open her lips, allowing his tongue to pry open her teeth
and snake into her mouth. His eyes were closed. Each of his actions was
calm and elegant, but his strength was like that of a whirlwind. She tried to
struggle, but her hands were firmly held by his, and she wasn't able to
resist. She smelled the scent of blood and white sandalwood. Her originally
lucid mind suddenly gave way to a stretch of fog.
Fengjiu felt lightheaded.


Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

Under such force, she almost let escape a moan, but fortunately was able to
control herself. Yet this mouth tussling trapped a great deal of breathing
air. When he lightened his force, it inadvertently drifted out.
Her hands that were clasped over her head were released. He held her
waist with one hand and pulled her closer to him. His other hand stroked
her shoulder, then inched up to support her head to prevent her from
sliding down in case she could not hold on. Her free hands circled his neck
on their own accord, forgetting to struggle. His kiss deepened. She didn't
know why this felt so familiar, as if her hands should know to be placed in
that position during such times.
Her mind went blank as his lips moved to her neck. His warm breath was
caressing her ear lobe. Her body felt like some sort of lotus plant, ignited
by his hands and combusting in terrifying flames. This was a bit like, a bit
like Her head suddenly ached, frigid rain pounding in her mind. Then
the fog cleared, ushering in a light breeze.
Her mind returned.
The sound of dripping water suddenly echoed in the cave. As if they paid
no attention to the two of them, the stalactites let trickle a few drops of
water. It sounded like the ringing of a zither in the otherwise silent space.
She pushed Xize's chest away; her effort was quite forceful, but it was
ineffective. His lips grazed over her collarbone as he grunted in pain. He
buried his head in her left shoulder and held onto her waist as he
whispered, Hey, don't push. I feel dizzy.
Her hand on his chest felt damp. When she raised it to her eyes, by the
warm light of the sunken pearl in the pond, Fengjiu sucked in her breath as
she saw her hand covering in blood. She vaguely perceived words jumping
from her mouth: You bled so much, it would be stranger if you weren't
The man leaning on her shoulder seemed to become weaker. Don't move,
let me lean on you awhile.


Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

The smell of blood was increasingly thickening. Fengjiu gritted her teeth
and said, Just leaning on me won't do, you need to lie down. Your wound
hadn't even been bandaged.
You came when I was about to bandage it, Xize replied in a lowered
Fengjiu muttered, I didn't agree to let you put me against the wall,
Xize ignored her words and said, That's because it didn't hurt just now.
He next said, Don't provoke me into speaking. The more I talk, the more it
After she supported an injured Xize down, Fengjiu absentmindedly asked
herself what this scenario was counted as.
She was taken advantage of, and taken thoroughly at that.
It stood to reason that she should be angry. Any brave lady would slap him
and call it light punishment. But to take advantage of this person who was
suffering a serious injury, this person who was already sick enough
without her slapping him, lying in front of her near collapse, how could
she care to inflict on him more injury?
She could not understand where his strength had come from just now.
That sort of display had really made her a little frightened. She never
thought that the word 'kiss' could also have such a serious meaning even in
her dreams. In fact, she could be considered to have gained some
experience today.
There were only a faint soft light and their shadows reflecting on the cave
wall inside the cave as they listened to the ceaseless rain outside.
Listening to the rustling rain, Fengjiu was momentarily lost in thoughts.
In the nine-tailed fox clan of Qingqiu, 30,000 years old was still young
enough to be considered juvenile. At her age, she was qualified to
experience love, but it was still a few thousand years too soon for the

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

deeper bedroom affairs. When she was a little fox whose fur had not grown
full, she was infatuated with Donghua Dijun and heard from Zheyan that
rather than a passionate lady, Dijun probably preferred the purer kind. For
that reason, she wholeheartedly made herself as pure as could be.
In her school days, a few of of her naughty classmates had brought some
naughty books to school and invited her to read with them. She would've
read them if Donghua Dijun didn't have that sort of ideals. But at the
thought of Dijun's innocent dream girl she confiscated the books and
gifted them all to her aunt.
It should have been a good time to learn about bedroom affairs when she
was forced to marry Cang'yi. It was expected that before the wedding, her
mother would impart to her some knowledge. But because she was tied up
inside the palanquin and stirred the entire country into a pot of confused
porridge, her mother who was prematurely aging from the exhaustion of
enduring her fights unsurprisingly forgot to teach her.
When she went to the mortal realm to repay a favor, the Emperor
surnamed Song and Ye Qingti were both honest men who believed they
would already be compromising her if they just held her little pinkie
without her permission. Naturally, there was no need for such topics.
Fengjiu was now surprised to find that at her age, she was already forced
to marry three times in all: the Song Emperor, Ye Qingti, and Xize Shenjun.
Cang'yi Shenjun could be considered a failed wedding. And right now, she
was bearing a widow's name whilst forced to have a husband. Of course,
this case and others weren't actually bizarre for them as gods. The bizarre
thing was that she still knew nothing of bedroom affairs even till now. That
year when she so persistently chased after Donghua, she humbly believed
her little amount of experience could be considered as amour, but where on
Heaven and Earth did such amour exist?
She was too inexperienced in the past. Today, after some comparison and
analysis, she came to conclude that among immortal goddesses, her pure
kind of love and her aunt's marriage at 140,000 years of age were really
bizarre love fates.

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

Her maternal aunts often bemoaned that despite her beautiful looks, she
just didn't have any seductive skills. She was so hopeless that they would
sigh again and again each time they saw her. She came to realize today that
she had indeed shamed the red fox family. In the past when her aunts had
sighed in resignation, she had also pondered that if she were able to win
over the loveless and desireless Donghua Dijun, it would be an
accomplishment greater than any enchantress could ever dream of
achieving. She'd be able to restore the red foxes' reputation, and all the
young foxes in the clan would come to worship her. When her pursuit of
Dijun ended without success, she learned that being a renowned
enchantress was perhaps not that glorious of an endeavor.
She no longer had this ambition; all was forgotten.
After so much thoughts, she only felt that she had made herself too
innocent throughout the years. When she had time, she should go to the
market and buy a few erotica. She wondered which store would sell that
sort of books.
Dried firewood crackled and popped in the burning flames. She had just
used magic to dry a few bundles of wet firewood from outside; half was
burned to fend off the cold and to drive away snakes, the other half was
lightly spread out and draped under the purple robe she had on her into a
temporary bed for Xize. Her purple robe seemed quite like the one on Xize,
but she did not think much about it.
At this point, the cave was lit bright under the firelights glow. Although
Shui'yue swamp was disorderly, it could also be considered a propitious
place. The surrounding small hills were all unearthly beautiful, and even
this small cave seemed rather extraordinary.
They stayed here for the time being. Inside the expansive cave, walls were
webbed with wisterias, their shadows reflected by the fire-glow. Next to
the small pond was the surprising presence of a zen tree whose canopy was
leafy even in this perpetual darkness. In the pond drifted several eightpetal lotuses, either white or red. This place seemed as though it was made
for meditating.

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

Lord Xize lay on the temporary straw bed she made, his face still pale. A
blotch of blood stained through the bandage where he had been impaled
by the serpent, but his spirit seemed much better.
Fengjiu was glad it was only his shoulder that got pierced by the serpent's
horn. She asked from a distance away, Is it still painful and
uncomfortable? Can I talk to you?
To Xize, she appeared to be sitting at the other end of the cave. He
frowned. Yes, but at this distance, you might want to shout.
Fengjiu moved a few inches closer and paused her eyes on his bleeding
shoulder. Feeling pain and discomfort on his behalf, she asked, When it
came at you, why didn't you dodge from it?
I can't really hear you. Can you speak louder?
Fengjiu puffed her cheeks and neared a few more inches as she peevishly
said, I'm sure you can hear me. But Xize's deadpan face seemed as
though if she did not sit next to him, he would never open his mouth.
Being extremely curious, she held a straw cushion and shyly came to him,
then asked again, Why didn't you avoid it?
Why would I avoid it? Xize said as he regarded her. Ive waited two
days for this opportunity. If I hadnt put myself in danger, how could I
have put it to death?
He said these words with little gravity, but Fengjiu listened to them
fearfully, and she rationally countered, There are some who won battles
all the time without putting themselves in the sort of predicament as you
did. You're too reckless. Yet in her mind, she knew that he was not
reckless and that everything he did was with composure. Otherwise, the
serpent's horn wouldnt pierce only his shoulder. She hadn't been on
battlefields, but she generally understood the strategies involved in
fighting. And in a verbal fight, the most important thing was of course
luring each other into provocation. A win in such cases would still be
considered valorous.

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

Xize was not provoked as she had assumed. Instead, his eyes were filled
with puzzlement. Does everyone call these trivial things a battle these
days? It's nothing but child's play. This instance of serpent slaying isn't
worth mentioning either.
Fengjiu dryly replied, You were too overly confident back there. Had you
used magic, it wouldnt be this bad. Why didn't you use magic?
Xize thought about this question for a moment and tentatively offered, To
prove that I'm good at fighting?
Fengjiu grabbed a small rock wanting to give him more damage, but Xize
held her hand as he studied her face. He lowered his voice: Are you angry
because my kissing wasn't good enough just now?
Fengjiu held the small rock as her mind briefly vacated her brain. She was
completely at a loss as to how they arrived at this topic. Weren't they just
talking about something serious? She was momentarily befuddled, all her
blood rushing to her head. She gritted her teeth and asked, Dont they say
youre an abstemious deity?
Xize contemplated for a second and replied, I've been poisoned. By the
serpent's venomous blood.
Fengjiu searched his face. Presently, this handsome and pale face was
utterly sincere, and she supposed his argument was somewhat credible.
For some reason, Xize had been friendlier to her recently. Thinking back to
the day when she was drugged by Junuo with lovesick potion, she had
seduced him in every possible way, yet his gentlemanly resolves were not
shaken, and he did not take advantage of the situation. Although he often
did perplexing things, she was sure he was an honorable gentleman.
She inwardly believed it was something beyond his control. Although she
was taken advantage of, he must also be feeling awful, and she suddenly
felt sympathetic. I have read from my aunt's books that there had
frequently been those who were similarly poisoned, some graver compared
to you. If that was for detoxification, then I'm not the sort of immortal who

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

doesn't have that Hippocratic or whatever mindset12. Let's not mention this
again, you also don't have to feel guilty, just forget it.
Xize agreed. Alright, I'll try not to feel guilty. He turned sideways and
said, Sing a folksong for me.
Why? Fengjiu dubiously asked.
It hurts too much, I can't sleep.
Although he was nothing but a pack of lies, Fengjiu believed him without
so much as a doubt, and the word 'hurt' instantly dug into her heart.
A strong person occasionally showing weakness was even more pitiable,
and she was made even more sympathetic. She noted that Xize was still
holding her hand, but she did not feel that he was taking advantage of her
anymore. Instead, she expected him to be in severe pain, and he was just
seeking support.
Once her compassionate heart was born, it kind of grew out of hand.
Perceiving that it was inconvenient for Xize to hold her hand, she simply
abandoned her small cushion and moved to sit beside him. She knew Xize's
spirits werent good at this time, and thus only picked some soft nursery
rhymes to sing.
A slight echo drifted in the cave like a layer of fog. Xize's head rested on
her lap as he held her hand close to his chest. His eyes were slightly closed,
and he seemed to be at peace.

xuanhu jishi hanging a gourd bottle to save lives. This idiom comes from a
story where an old man was selling medicines in a market, and above him hung a
gourd bottle. It was later discovered that this man was an immortal who was punished
to earth, and his mortal disciple returned with the medicinal knowledge he learned to
save lives. Medical clinics thereafter hung gourd bottles outside their doors as a medical


Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

She expected he was asleep and stopped singing, but she heard his low
voice say, In my childhood, I had also heard a number of nursery rhymes;
they were different from your singing.
You don't sing, Fengjiu replied.
Xize's eyes remained closed. Who says I don't? he said, then softly
hummed, Bright moon on the night of the fifteenth, the green hill a
moonlight sheen. Short fences line the foothills, a maiden sows greencolored beans. Green vines wreathe the fences, and from them green posies
gleam. Green posies are plucked down for toffee and cream.13
In Fengjiu's consciousness, even her father had not sung nursery rhymes to
lull her in her childhood. In her 30,000 years of experience, she never
associated the words 'nursery rhymes' with men. But Xizes singing made
her realize her impression with respect to nursery rhymes and men had
been wrong. His voice was already very nice, and when he sang, his voice
was deep, rendering the song into an ancient hymn. She heard her
grandmother sing this song once before, but it didnt have the same feeling.
Much later, she recovered and softened her voice, I've heard this song
before, but the last line isn't like that. It's for 'dowry'. From green vines
grew green posies. Green posies are plucked down for dowry. You
changed the lyrics, didn't you? Did you like to eat toffee when you were
The cave briefly fell into silence. The fire was about to go out. She leaned
against a zen tree. Xize's voice was even lower than her own: I probably
would if I had eaten it. I didn't have parents, so no one gave me toffee
when I was young. I might have felt envious watching other people eat.
Fengjiu was dozing off sleepily, but his words made her a little sad when
they entered her ears. She couldnt help but clasp his fingers. She was
learning more about Xize tonight.
You'll make some for me later?

There's no cream, I just added it in to make it decently rhyme -_-


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She gently nodded when she heard him ask. In her heavy sleepiness,
Fengjiu realized he could not see with his eyes closed and caressed his
fingers as though she was soothing a child. Alright, I'll make some for
you. I make toffee the best.
In the dwindling fire glow, the wisteria's shadows gradually faded away
on the cave walls, the eight-petal lotuses in the pond also closed up.
The purple-robed deity opened his eyes and saw the maiden's sleeping
face. Her dark raven tresses hung loose to the ground like a stretch of black
silk. Not bun up, it revealed an elegant and childlike face. The vermilion
phoenix mark unfurled on her forehead like phoenix quills, adorning her
snow-white face exquisitely. This was Fengjiu, the queen he had chosen.
However, she applied this correction spell very sloppily. This level of
correction sorcery could only fool Chacha and other fairies with paltry
He caressed the flower mark on her forehead and fixed the correction spell
cast on her body. She muttered a thing or two, but did not wake up.
Interbreeding was not easy between a nine-tailed white fox and a red fox.
As the only nine-tailed red fox in the world, she also grew up so
handsomely, thus it could be considered ancestral blessings. He reckoned
he actually had very perceptive eyes.
But there was some strange matters.
He was convinced he had personally placed Xiao Bai's soul into Junuo's
womb, yet she ended up entering Aranya's body. He previously attributed
this to the flawed creation of this world, but today, her own soul had
returned to its original body.
This was highly unusual.
If he were to say Xiao Bai was Aranya, and Aranya was Xiao Bai
Dijun conveniently cast a sleeping spell at Fengjiu's brow, rose, and carried
her out of the cave.

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His shoulder wound still hurt, but he was used to this sort of pain; he put
on a happy face in front of Fengjiu because he discovered Xiao Bai was
quite softhearted. As long as he put on a feeble front, even if he provoked
her monstrous anger, it could easily be resolved. This was Xiao Bai's fatal
weakness, but he wasn't worried whether other male deities would take
advantage of this vulnerability of hers. Even if they had such intention,
they might not have the thick skin to do it. He sometimes really didn't
understand these people. Skin and face were corporeal stuff, were they that
Stars dotted outside, cold rain had stopped.
In only an instant, he found Aranya's body in the sunken ice coffin at the
bottom of the water. Dijun held Fengjiu as he summoned a puff of cloud to
carry Aranya's ice coffin. When he left the lawless swamp and averted his
attention to the case, Aranya's body was disappearing little by little as
anticipated until it left no traces behind. Within moments, there was no
longer a beautiful woman inside the ice coffin.
Fengjiu who had her arms wrapped around his neck suddenly stirred
within his hold. He found an old tree to sit down and let her lie in his arms
more comfortably. He slightly furrowed his brow in pensive thoughts.
This was a replacement.
Because Xiao Bai was Aranya, or because Aranya was a reincarnation of
Xiao Bai's, her soul thus entered Aranya's body and replaced Aranya's soul,
disregarding his sorcerous interference. If he hadn't brought Xiao Bai's
body to rest at Shui'yue Swamp, if her body had also adopted this world's
mechanism, she would've completely taken over Aranya from shell to soul,
just like this time.
But if Xiao Bai was really Aranya
If he didn't remember incorrectly, Aranya was born 295 years ago, in the
fifth year of King Wude Xiangli Que's reign during the Biyiniao clan's
twilight days of their golden era.

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

Three hundred years ago, he had spent the majority of his cultivation to
patch the Miaoyi Huiming Realm when it showed signs of collapse and
threatened to bring the first calamity of the world. To make up for the lost
cultivation, he had needed to sleep for nearly a hundred years. When
Aranya was born, he should be in a dreamless eternal sleep. Although he
wasn't aware of what went on in the world, according to Zhonglin's
subsequent report on the fairy realm's matters, Xiao Bai should be selfcultivating in Qingqiu at that time.
Gossip-monger Siming also mentioned that in these three hundred years,
the only time Xiao Bai left Qingqiu for a prolonged time was 228 years ago
when she went to the mortal realm to repay some favor for nearly a
That was to say, when Aranya came into the world, it wasn't possible for
Xiao Bai to be in Fanyin Valley. The timelines did not match, and their
appearances also did not match.
Xiao Bai and Aranya were undoubtedly connected, though what the ties
were ultimately, there was no way to investigate right now.
If there was a Miaohua glass here, he could look into Aranya's past and
present lives, and everything could easily be solved. But unfortunately, the
Miaohua glass was currently on Jiuchongtian.
He had always thought this waterfall of a mirror didn't have any great uses
other than looking elegant. He didn't expect there would be a time when it
would come in handy.
For the time being, he could only try making it. He reckoned he needed to
find out whether there were suitable materials around here. He recalled
that Fanyin Valley had several divine peaks. It had been a while since he
last made a mirror, and the Miaohua glass could be considered one of the
more difficult ones to make. It should take him a while.


Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

Chapter 9
Junuo's prosecution day finally arrived on the 7th of April.
Fengjiu vaguely recalled a mortal poem her aunt Bai Qian had read to her
once with the intention of cultivating her spirit. This poetry line contained
great spirit: Amid the twilight saw strong pines; turbulent clouds
remained calm in their flight.14
Fengjiu was disappointed that she couldn't let her aunt witness her strong
yet calm spirit during Junuo's beheading on Lingshu Terrace, even if she
did acquire such spirit unwillingly.
Rumor had it the picky sabre never drank anything besides blood. For this
reason, she couldn't toss her marvelous plan of throwing a blood pouch at
the blade. Now that things had gotten to this point, she could only trudge
And yet, she must ready herself to confront the tiger with her might and
Shangjun with her wits. Despite sweating profusely at only at the thought
of touching the blade with her bare hand, there was no going back at any
rate. If she was able to rescue the lovebirds in such stormy conditions, she
could possibly make a name for herself.
She only regretted having forgotten to plan this through with Xize while
they were at the Shui'yue swamp.
Fortunately, however, she reckoned Shangjun wouldn't look for him these
days. That day when she parted ways with Xize at the Shui'yue swamp's
entrance, Xize said he was going on a long trip and would return to Qinan
Palace in ten days. If she needed something, she could go to the palace to
look for him.

These lines are taken from Mao Zedong's (Inscription

on a Picture Taken by Comrade Li Jin at Xianren Cave of Lu Mountain).


Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

She pondered for a moment and thought she should first write a letter and
bid Chacha to take it to Xize once he returned to the holy palace. She
would ask for his help to make this deception a success. Only then would
this matter be considered settled.
In addition to Xize's letter, she must also write to Chen Ye.
And not just one, but many, many letters at that.
She looked at her right hand which was wrapped like a steamed meat bun
and sighed with a throbbing head.
Of course Fengjiu knew Aranya didn't desperately rescue Chen Ye on
Lingshu Terrace just to vex her father.
According to what Mo Shao said, Aranya was highly capricious. At times
she was reticent, at times she was animated, and sometimes she was also
carelessly casual. But if one delved deeper into her mind, she was actually
someone with distinct likes and dislikes. For example, since Shangjun and
his queen had never liked her, she did not like them either. On the other
hand, since Mo Shao treated her well since she was young, she
remembered always his kindness. Yet why did she show Chen Ye such
consideration on Lingshu Terrace even though he had always disliked her?
This was one of those really incomprehensible things.
Every feeling in this world has its own logic, but romantic feelings are born
for no particular reason. Once erupted, it can even take people's lives.
What exactly happened after Junuo received her punishment on Lingshu
Terrace in the past?
According to Su Moye, Chen Ye came alone to Aranya's home on the 28th
of April and was arranged by the old steward to stay at the side manor.
Aranya practiced calligraphy that morning, then listened to music in the
afternoon. In the evening, she debated Zen with Mo Shao and did not see
him. The next day, she took a few books to the water pavilion and spent a
day there, still refusing to come see him. The day after, there was rain.


Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

Since the water pavilion wasn't a suitable place to visit, she stayed in her
study to ponder chess games and again did not come to see him.
At night, her old steward reported that on the first day, he had conveyed
the princess's words to His Excellency the Archmage that he was a special
guest of the estate. If the side manor was not to his liking, there were also a
few garden houses within the estate he may frequent. Apart from the
princess's chamber, he was free to wander anywhere at his leisure.
However, His Excellency had not taken one step outside the side manor in
the past three days, and was often seen frowning in a very sour mood.
Furthermore, although they had gone to the holy palace as bade by the
princess to inquire in advance about his taste and had prepared dishes
accordingly, he actually touched very little of his meals.
Not knowing what to do in such a situation, he had to report back.
The old steward stuffed his hands in his sleeves and perked his ears to
await her instructions.
Aranya was silent for a moment, then picked up a silk parchment, dipped a
brush into the inkwell and wrote a letter.
This was the first letter she wrote to Chen Ye.
In her lifetime, Aranya wrote to Chen Ye twenty letters in all. When their
relationship sundered, these letters were sent back to her. After she died,
they were passed on to Su Moye. He burned these twenty parchments
before Aranya's departed soul, however.
Half a lifetime of sentiments had been nothing more than a wisp of smoke.
Nonetheless, there were many sentences in these letters Mo Shao could still
recite till now. For example, the beginning of the first letter had said,
Having recently heard that Mengchun Estate is hosting a new guest, I
would like to send my greetings. Having stayed at the compound for three
years, I was afraid it would be deserted after my departure to the scenery's
detriment. Comfort fills my heart now that I have learned of Your
Lordship's arrival.

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

In these letters, Aranya pretended to be a female scholar who once guested

at the Princess Estate, and who had left the estate the year before for the
Royal Academy. She who in leisure loved to enjoy tea and wine, and
during her time at Mengchun Manor had buried many good wine in the
courtyard. Especially remembering a very good urn of plum wine which
she no longer had the luck to enjoy, she wanted to gift it to him. Knowing
guests were susceptible to forlornness, she hoped he would find comfort in
the wine.
The letter ended here. Every word was light, and she did not say anything
At the bottom, she signed 'Wen Tian'.
Wen Tian was really a female scholar in the Royal Academy. In her
impoverished early years, she stayed at Aranya's home with her fame of
two volumes of poetry. She was admitted into the Royal Academy through
Xize's recommendation at Aranya's request. But Wen Tian had never lived
in Mengchun Manor.
The manor was named 'Mengchun' (Early Spring) because the beginning of
spring was when the grounds were at their finest. Aranya had also come
here to stay each spring where she grew tea and brewed wine.
The old steward deferentially received the letter after she finished writing.
Aranya remembered something and charged him, If Chen Ye asks where
this letter came from, tell him it was sent by a scholar from the academy.
Don't mention me at all.
The old steward bowed in acceptance of her bidding. Uncertainty rose in
his heart but not a trace of it appeared on his face. Aranya had poured a
cup of tea by this time. She added, If he knew this was from me, he
wouldn't read any of it. It must be bothersome to be confined here. It may
be a small comfort to have someone he can talk with. But I reckon there
aren't very many who can have conversations with him. There are perhaps
only a few scholars from the academy he looked on with some respect.


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Forging Wen Tian's name on the letter sure enough brought about good
things. Three days after the letter was sent, the old steward came back to
report that in the past two days, the Archmage ate a bit more than the days
before. After last night's dinner, His Excellency the Archmage even went to
Boxin Pavilion to take a turn. The servants did not dare to come too close,
but he did not stay for long. He wrote back a reply, and asked that it be
brought to Scholar Wen Tian at the Royal Academy.
Aranya opened the letter; it was also a piece of silk parchment. Through
Chen Ye's excellent handwriting, the content, a tepid expression of his
gratitude, was quite simple. If this was anyone else's writing, such a simple
letter could be misunderstood as a perfunctory courtesy. According to
Chen Ye's temperament, however, he wouldn't even bother to reply if he
really meant to be perfunctory. Aranya's lips curved up; a smile hinted on
her face. Her steward observed her expression and quickly brought out ink
and paper, urging his mistress to pick up her brush.
Intending to help him pass his time, she deliberately mentioned Mengchun
Manor's study in the second letter. The book collection in that study was
actually richer than in the room she was presently using. She had always
personally taken care of the books there, and on the evening before Chen
Ye arrived, had added some newer ones. Among those books, she was
particularly fond of a few travel journals. The texts tended to be
extravagant in their descriptions, and her annotations on top were
particularly differing. She placed these on the bottom of the shelves, where
no one normally paid attention to.
Needless to say, she didn't mention these books in her letter. She only
recommended to him several sets of rare archaic books. But when he wrote
back, his reply two weeks late, he mentioned the fresh and interesting
annotations in the travel journals. He assumed the handwriting was hers,
and in exchange recommended two of his favorites.
There was one day when Su Moye arranged an exquisite chess game he
derived from a thousand books for her to solve. She struggled to no avail.
When her steward presented the sixth reply from Chen Ye, she readily

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

described this consummate chess game in her letter to him. That afternoon,
she received the seventh reply from Chen Ye. On two sheets, he solved Su
Moye's exquisite game, then described to her an equally exquisite one he
challenged her to solve.
By late spring, the words in his letters had gradually increased. Even
though they remained lukewarm, there was a noticeable difference from
those in the beginning.
According to the old steward's report, although His Excellency the
Archmage did not let shown much expression these days, his mood was
much more cheerful than before. Of course, he remained inside Mengchun
Manor. Sometimes he solved chess games or sketched chess manuals;
sometimes he brought books to sit by Boxin Pavilion; at other times he
would walk and pause in the courtyard. Only this last activity of walking
and pausing gave the old steward puzzlement over what the Archmage
was doing.
But Aranya knew what Chen Ye was doing. In one of his succinct letters, he
mentioned he found one of the old urns she buried in the courtyard which
he then divided into four white porcelain bottles. He drank half a bottle as
he played chess last night. His guess was that she had fermented this wine
using berries that had been soaked in frost, then sealed it underground for
three seasons. Afterward, autumn's dried mustard seeds were immersed in
the wine for half a month, then the liquor was infused with herbal scents
and sealed underground for another two years. He asked whether this was
the case or not.
He guessed correctly to put it precisely. Her steward presented to her a
white porcelain bottle along with this letter, saying this wine was bade by
His Excellency the Archmage to be delivered to Scholar Wen Tian.
This was the 20th reply from Chen Ye.
On a moonless windy night, Aranya carried the white porcelain bottle and
wandered all the way beyond Yuchun Manor. She made a leap onto a
camphor tree.

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

This tree faced Chen Ye's chamber. Inside, the soft glowing lamp had not
been put out, casting Chen Ye's profile on the window. Aranya found a
place to lie peacefully between the branches, popped open her bottle, then
gazed at the tightly shut window while she drank.
When she finished half of her bottle, she coincidentally saw Su Moye
wandering to the treetop. He took a seat on a bough beside her and offered
a few clarifying words: I've been teaching you for a number of decades.
It's bad enough you never fully learned anything, now you don't even
understand the essence of the term 'romantic'. The pigeon post trick is
passable, but don't you think drinking wine in forlornness is rather
Teacher, your remarks are wrong, Aranya lazily replied while lying still.
Drinking alone would be a little too forced if it isn't at the right time, in
the right place, and with the right person. And tonight I am but a helpless
person, in a helpless place, in a helpless mood. These sorts of of helpless
involuntary things are exactly like the natural rise of the sun and the fall of
the moon, like the blooming and wilting of flowers. She gave a laugh,
raised the bottle and took a swig, Is this pointless, or is this romantic? Of
course this is romantic.
The word 'romantic' had barely left her mouth when the small window
burst open and out came a black figure. Aranya's eyelids twitched. By the
time Chen Ye faced the two of them from the distant wall, the white
porcelain bottle had been appropriately hidden away within her sleeve.
The black-robed Archmage stood straight in the wind while the improper
duo was either lying or sitting. Chen Ye frowned and swept his eyes across
the pair of them as he indifferently said, It's already so late at night, I'm
sure you're here with certain counsels for me?
Su Moye rose and stood atop the tree. I'm afraid I'm not worthy to give
you counsel. The night sky is beautiful tonight, so we borrowed this
marvelous location to discuss literature and classics. He then added, I
heard Your Excellency is knowledgeable in the profound philosophy of
Zen, I wonder if we may sit down for a little discussion?

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

Aranya laughed, Teacher, you want His Excellency to sit on the wall to
discuss philosophy with you?
Discussing philosophy is a sincere matter, Su Moye replied in all
seriousness. I've heard that many years ago, Garuda by Lord Buddha's
side could not be enlightened. Then he sat down with his nemesis on the
same tree and came to realize the causes of their feud15
Chen Ye's eyes gazed straight at Aranya as he asked her an utterly random
question, What kind of wine are you drinking?
She was startled, but instantly restored her usual look. It is a gift from a
friend, but it's only a small bottle. I had just finished it. I'm afraid Your
Excellency's timing is ill.
Su Moye looked at the two of them, raised a brow and smiled, The friend
who gifted this wine will be visiting the estate tomorrow. If Your
Excellency is interested in this wine, why don't you meet her to find out?
Chen Ye looked at him. And who was it that gifted the wine?
Without waiting for Su Moye to answer, Aranya's tranquil voice sounded,
Wen Tian of the Royal Academy, Scholar Wen Tian.
When he heard this name, Chen Ye's cold solemn face seemed to change
ever slightly.
According to Mo Shao, his discovery of Aranya's borrowing Wen Tian's
name to exchange letters with Chen Ye was purely coincidental. However,
his mentioning of the wine gifting that night despite knowing that Aranya
wanted to hide the matter from Chen Ye was actually intentional.
At the time, he didn't yet understand his own feelings for Aranya. He only
thought if she wanted to have Chen Ye, he would help her get him. Aranya
had made the problem to be more complicated than it really was. She only

Garuda is a golden-winged eagle, and its nemesis is Naga, a cobra.


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had eyes for Chen Ye, but she was being too roundabout that he couldn't
stand by to watch. When he uttered those words, all he wanted to do was
to create an opportunity for Wen Tian to meet Chen Ye as soon as possible.
Only then would Aranya quickly come to a decision of her own.
Either she could admit to Chen Ye that she was the Wen Tian in the letters
and reveal everything to him. Where this romance would then head would
depend on its fate, but at least this way, there was still a ray of hope. Or she
could turn herself into Wen Tian and Chen Ye's matchmaker, handing this
relationship to Wen Tian and completely severing the feelings she had for
Chen Ye. No matter what she chose, it would still be better compared to
her current dragging.
In Mo Shao's mind, borrowing someone else's identity and trapping herself
in such love while subjecting herself to pain wasn't something his student
should do.
Fengjiu thought if it were she, she would choose the first option. This was
because she had heard a rumor that if someone became a matchmaker
twice, it'd be difficult for her to get marry. She counted on her fingers that
she had already helped Donghua and Jiheng once. If she offered help again
this time, she would be done for.
Aranya was already married, however, so perhaps she could avoid future
worries. Moreover, she had never been a matchmaker for anyone, so she
might've wanted to have a taste.
In short, after a sleepless night, she chose the latter. When it was barely
dawn, she called Wen Tian into the estate. At Wen Tian's surprise, she
handed her the twenty letters Chen Ye had sent. Except for what she felt
for Chen Ye, Aranya related everything in this matter from start to end to
Wen Tian. She evenly composed a mouthful of poppycock: When Junuo
was banished from the Imperial City, she pleaded to me to take care of the
Archmage. You know I'm good hearted and would naturally accept the
request. But he and I had never gotten along. If the letters contained my
name, it was bound to provoke from him more resentment, so I could only
borrow your name. But I am busy with affairs in the estate lately, so I also

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

cannot act on my will. I can't help but to ask you over. I'm wondering if
you can take on this task and look after the Archmage in my stead. There's
no need to write about anything special, just miscellaneous hobbies and the
mundane daily life.
Wen Tian had received many favors from her in the past. Being someone
who also understood courtesy, she naturally promised to help in her busy
time. She suspected none of her nonsense.
She watched Wen Tian open each of Chen Ye's letter as the latter gave a
sound of praise from time to time: I didn't notice this before, but His
Excellency the Archmage is actually a very intriguing person. These chess
formations are also quite interesting.
You're good at chess, Aranya replied with a smile. I rarely bested you
when you were still living at the estate. How great, you can discuss a bit
with the Archmage this time. She paused then continued, But when you
reply to him, you'll need to imitate my handwriting. I didn't give too much
thought about it back then. Although I signed using your name, I still
wrote with my handwriting.
Wen Tian pressed her lips together and said, This shouldn't be difficult.
At the gathering the next day, Chen Ye indeed showed up.
Aranya didn't pay any particular attention, but Mo Shao was an attentive
person to the bones. The gathering venue was therefore hosted inside a
pavilion in the middle of the lake.
This pavilion was one of Mo Shao's proud designs. With only a small
bridge connecting it to the lake, the pavilion was erected in the middle of
the water, surrounded by lotuses on four sides. In the distance, it
resembled a bud sprouting from the dense layers of lotus leaves. On each
of the six upturned eave corners hung a wind chime. Each time the wind
blew by, the bells would ring in a serenely zen-like way. It could be
described as the culmination of worldly elegance, where no detail was left

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

Unfortunately, the pavilion was named by Aranya. Purposely ignoring all

attention to detail, she bluntly called it the Lake Pavilion. Mo Shao
pondered awhile, figured this name could be considered interestingly
straightforward, and acquiesced. Aranya took a piece of unpainted red
plank, a wolf-hair brush, and some waterproof ink, then wrote onto the
wood plank 'Lake Pavilion' and hung it up. Mo Shao huffed, figured this
sign could also be considered natural in its simplicity, and acquiesced
When Chen Ye stepped into the pavilion, his eyes paused at the
flamboyant characters on the red sign hanging above his head. Inside the
pavilion, the maiden in simple white garments looked to Aranya. Catching
on, she faced outward and said, My writing of those words was quite
inadequate. Thanks to the princess's kindness, it is still hanging here till
now. I must've made you laugh, Your Excellency.
Chen Ye's eyes moved in her direction. Wen Tian's appearance could only
be said to be delicate, but with the complementing ethereal water behind
her, she actually looked quite genteel and elegant standing inside the
pavilion in her simple dress.
Chen Ye's eyes seemed to soften. He lowered his voice, Wen Tian?
The maiden smiled as she rose, It is I.
Later, Su Moye had asked Aranya on what went through her mind as she
witnessed this scene. But this 'later' wasn't that much later. Chen Ye hadn't
joined them for long before he was invited away by Wen Tian for a game of
chess by the lakeside.
Only he and Aranya remained inside the pavilion. One busied himself with
steeping tea by the small red mud stove; the other peeled oranges while
distractedly keeping up with the conversation. It couldn't be discerned
what she was thinking through her ambiguous eyes.
What Mo Shao did was actually a little harsh, so harsh that it pricked her

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The black-robed man and the white-robed woman by the lakeside were
like a pair of sculpted lovers. Aranya threw a peeled orange to Mo Shao; on
her face remained a smile, although it was somewhat reluctant. Wen Tian
is a good woman. Her knowledge is on par with him. Although her family
isn't wealthy, he has also fallen on hard times. If Wen Tian accepts him
right now, it shows that she isn't seeking splendor and glory. If they end up
together, then what I'm doing today can be considered a good deed.
Su Moye frowned, The words you said to Junuo on Lingshu Terrace that
day aren't the same as your actions today.
Aranya arched her brow, Those words were only used to tease Junuo.
She gazed to the distance where the black and white figures were playing
chess by the lakeside and softened her voice, He's a cold and proud man.
But what can I do when he has good looks, superb power, great
swordsmanship, beautiful calligraphy, good chess skills, and even
exceptional taste and knowledge. He seems cold and proud, but he's
actually quite attractive.
She then laughed, Have you thought? That his hating me isn't really his
fault? After Mother remarried and gave birth to me and Changdi, she has
committed infidelity. And so my blood and Changdi's blood are both
unclean. This is actually nothing but a point of view. Everyone has his own
opinion about these kinds of things, so I can't really say who is right or
wrong. But since he has this way of thinking, he and I could no longer be.
I'm actually a little envious of the way he looks at Wen Tian.
A while later, she added, But I also hope he can be happy.
Su Moye handed her a cup of tea. It's not beneficial to drag out this love.
Fortunately, you still regard this matter with some lucidity. Now that we
are at this point, you should put away your feelings soon.
Aranya received the tea and thanked him.
This matter seemed to be set aside thereon; no word was mentioned again.
They chatted about domestic affairs and waited for the lakeside couple to
finish their game.

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From what the steward said, Chen Ye and Wen Tian exchanged four letters
with each other after the Lake Pavilion meeting. Along with Scholar Wen's
letters were two small presents, a white-crowned sparrow made from
straw and an embroidered fan pendant with Jixiang pattern; Chen Ye
reciprocated with two books.
Chen Ye had chosen the books himself and charged the steward to buy
them from the market; they were the two volumes of Canglangzi's travel
journal. Aranya was holding a teacup while feeding fish by the pond at
that time. She inattentively scalded her tongue with the hot liquid. When
she recovered, she told the old steward he didn't need to report to her their
affair thenceforward. After all, Chen Ye didn't come to her estate as a
prisoner. She then told him to buy the same two books which Chen Ye
gave Wen Tian for her to read.
On some level, Fengjiu found Aranya admirable. Sometimes she herself
wanted to cry or drink her sorrow away when she thought of her
heartache, but Aranya sent the person she loved to someone else. Aranya
didn't cry or drink, let alone sighing laments. She just did what she needed
to do each day. If she were to compare herself to Aranya, Fengjiu thought
she was actually more lacking. She suddenly felt ashamed.
But the heavens didn't operate according to one's likings. The heavens
liked to brew a storm in the midst of calm.
A few days later, Chen Ye headed out to Boxin Pavilion at night.
Coincidentally, he came upon two lines of words on an ormosia tree next to
the pavilion. They were harvesting words that had been carved deep into
the trunk. The bold yet soft calligraphy were quite profound. They were
very similar to the handwriting found in the stack of messages he kept in
his letter box: Moonlight strewing across the starry yonder, wind weaving
through verdant boughs. Let's drink like there's no tomorrow, and forget
all troubles and doubts.
Under the moonlight, his face suddenly paled when he read the
inscription. It didn't include harvesting conditions or season. Instead, a

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slightly slanted engraving was found underneath the two lines. A single
name stood by itself. Xiangli Aranya.
Fengjiu perked her ears, eager to hear the rest of it. But Su Moye only
tapped onto the holes on his jasper flute. Everything was out by then, but
if you were Chen Ye and you discovered the person who wrote to you
wasn't Wen Tian but rather Aranya, how would you feel?
Fengjiu pondered briefly and ventured, Very, very happy?
Mo Shao smiled and said, If that was me, I would be very happy too if
there was a young lady who treated me well, and she was a beautiful girl
at that. It was a profitable trade no matter how one looked at it.
Fengjiu immediately inched closer as though she had met a kindred spirit.
Well, isn't that so?!
Su Moye paused then said, Unfortunately, the person Aranya met was
Chen Ye, and Chen Ye isn't me nor is he you.

Aranya had sat in the study to await Chen Ye's wrath.

She was lounging on a low divan peeling melon seeds while reading
Canglangzi's newly published travel journal when she suddenly saw a tree
bark with inscribed words on it flying past her. Following the direction of
its flight, she detected a black robe, followed by Chen Ye's calm face and its
concealed fury.
He looked down at her from above, in his eyes flashed an iciness. You
were the one to write the letters, the one to ferment the wine, and the one
to solve the chess games. Was it fun? Did you enjoy making a fool out of
He took a step closer; the flash in his eyes intensified. When you see me
being deceived and dragged around by the tail, yet still sincerely replying
to each and every one of your letters, you must think 'Hah, there's actually
a day when he comes to this.' Your heart must be filled with gratification?

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Aranya stared at the inky words on her book for a length of time then
suddenly spoke, My teacher told me I should either put up a fight or
severe the feelings in my heart. I've already severed those feelings, you
shouldn't have come here.
She thought for a while more. Even if you already knew certain things,
you should still pretend to not know them. Shouldn't the two of us remain
strangers as we were before?
Chen Ye looked at her and chillingly replied, Were we only strangers? I
thought we despised each other?
Aranya's book-stroking fingers quivered, her voice a whisper: Have you
ever thought that maybe I'm different from you, that you may hate me, but
I don't hate you? Maybe I even really like you, and everything I did was to
make you happy.
She looked up. Before you knew I was the one who wrote these letters,
weren't you very happy?
He took a step back. You're jesting me.
She seemed a bit distraught. What if I'm not?
There are many possibilities between us, he said, his expression
stiffening, strangers, enemies, arch nemeses, and any other number, but
this is the only one that will never do.
Aranya looked at him for a long while then smiled and replied, I could be
telling the truth, or I could be lying. Perhaps I do really like you, perhaps I
just want to tease you.
Reportedly, Chen Ye and Wen Tian stopped their correspondence
thereafter. Wen Tian once sent a letter to ask Aranya. She simply said Chen
Ye found out the truth, and she apologized for having pulled her into it.
Wen Tian said nothing, she only replied and comforted her in a sentence or


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At this point in the story, Su Moye gazed to the late sky and returned to his
room to rest for the time being.
Fengjiu had pondered many times about Aranya and Chen Ye's ending,
but she didn't expect their story to have such a sad beginning. It made her
heart heavy, and also quite woeful. Because she had eaten too many buns
before going to bed, she could not fall asleep. She took a walk around the
garden, recalled Su Moye's story in the day, sighed a few long sighs, then
finally returned to bed after the night dew had begun to descend.


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Chapter 10
With the injury on her hand getting better, Fengjiu could start to move pots
and pans that day. In her estimation, Xize Shenjun should already have
returned to Qinan Palace.
At Shui'yue swamp, she once bragged to Xize that she was best at making
toffee. Back in Qingqiu, the one thing she was proudest of was her culinary
skills. Too bad she hadn't been able to show off due to her injured hand.
Not using her hand for another day would've been unbearable. The
moment the doctor removed her bandage, she rushed to the kitchen like a
whirlwind. But what should she shape these toffees into?
Anyone in this world who knew anything about anything would choose a
fox as their favorite animal. In her heart of hearts, she assumed Xize to be a
knowledgeable person. At the same time, she was completely confident of
her original fox form. For this reason, she made a fox-shaped mold
according to her original looks. She waited for the sugar to caramelize, then
poured the syrup into the mold as she hummed a little song. After it
cooled, it became a fun little toffee fox. Each toffee fox was put on a thin
stick to eat easily.
She made ten foxes, wrapped them up neatly, then attached them to the
letter she wrote a few days ago asking Xize to help her in her sham. She
charged Chacha to promptly bring them to Qinan Palace and hand them
directly to Xize. Compared to the toffee, the letter is a bit more important.
If you encountered any trouble, you may abandon the toffee to protect the
She watched the look in Chacha's eyes. It was slightly doubtful, then a little
startled. There was some comfort, but also a trace of joy.
She heard the little attendant who went with Chacha open his mouth to ask
confusedly: Why is the letter a little more important?
Chacha had reached the arching doorway when she lowered her voice to
reply. Fengjiu could not catch what she said; it seemed to have been: This

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is the first time Her Highness wrote this kind of letter to His Lordship, of
course the letter is more important.
Fengjiu scratched her head and returned to plop down onto her bed. 'This
kind of letter'. What kind of letter was 'this kind of letter'? She was only a
small palace servant yet she had more experience than her, even knowing
what kind of letter it was. But exactly what kind of letter was it anyway?
Su Moye came at the hour of the Rooster (5-7 pm). He seemed hurried as
he told her Xize had called him for an urgent matter and he needed to
make a trip to Qinan Palace. He could guess she hadn't started on Aranya's
letters to Chen Ye, so in the past few days, he already wrote all of them for
her. All she had to do was send one every few days to Mengchun Manor.
Fengjiu truly hadn't started on any of the letters. She secretly sighed that
Mo Shao was really her kindred spirit. However, she found it a little
strange and wondered how Xize was able to call him out when, outside of
this valley, Su Moye was a master to whom even Shangjun must give some
regard. But the joy at seeing these letters temporarily dispelled her doubts.
In her childhood, her most loathed thing was Buddhism class, next was
writing assignments from her teacher. Since he was so noble this time, Mo
Shao made himself incomparably wonderful in her heart. She almost
bounced the entire way in escorting him out of the Princess Estate.
Taking advantage of the rising moon on the willow tree, Fengjiu asked her
steward to deliver the first letter to Mengchun Manor.
During dinner, she drank a bowl of porridge and had half a cake. As she
was about to rest, a young attendant stumbled into her home. He sobbed as
he said big trouble was going on in Mengchun Manor.
Fengjiu started in surprise. What big trouble could it be to make such a
clever child so scared? The attendant rubbed the swelling on his forehead
and cried breathlessly.


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How could there be bullying in her estate? Whoever committed this crime
was giving her absolutely no face. Fengjiu held the attendant's hand and
knitted her brow in outrage, Let's go, jiejie will back you up.
Inside Mengchun Manor, most had gathered in Chen Ye's room. A chaotic
war zone indeed seemed to be inside from the shadows she saw on the
Fengjiu contemplated. Would it be better to be severe with reason, or to be
gentle with affection for this instance of servant discipline? Most of her ire
had gone away on the way here, and after thinking awhile, she felt she
should be a little gentler.
She had only stepped into the door with a gentle face on display when a
porcelain cup flew to her face and hit her forehead.
It landed on the ground and sent the roomful of people into shock. Her old
housekeeper immediately dropped his head to the ground and asked for
forgiveness as he wiped the perspiration on his forehead. I didn't, didn't
know Your Highness was coming. Your your humble servant
Fengjiu calmly wiped the soup on her face using her sleeve and cut him
short, What's going on?
Having gone through training, the servants agilely but soundlessly came to
her, some handing her towels, some sweeping the shatters. The old
housekeeper trembled as he answered, His Excellency Chen Ye had a bit
to drink tonight. I couldn't leave to report to you and was afraid you'd be
worried if you didn't hear from me. So I told the attendant to send you
words. I did not think it would alarm you, how unforgivable of me
Fengjiu only saw Chen Ye lying in bed now.
Several servants surrounded the bed. One sat on the ground and seemed to
have been there before she came in; one was cleaning the broken pieces on
the floor; one brought a new bowl of concoction for Chen Ye.


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It turned out Chen Ye was drunk. And drunkenness was as trivial as

sesame seeds. If she were Fengjiu at this time, she'd definitely throw him a
towel and leave.
But she was now Aranya.
Aranya was in love with Chen Ye. One frown of his would cause worry
and make her concernedly write him a letter to cheer him up and erase his
frown. His drunkenness right now was undoubtedly a big deal.
The housekeeper attentively observed her expression and tentatively said,
Since His Excellency Chen Ye is drunk, his mood isn't very stable. Your
Highness, if you remain here, you're certain to be hurt or troubled. It's
good enough to have me waiting on him inside. Perhaps you should retire
to your chamber to rest.
Fengjiu carefully assessed the situation before her eyes. If she were Aranya,
she'd be beside herself with worry. Thinking so, she immediately raised her
worried voice and replied, How can I do that? I came here to visit him,
but he's so drunk right now, how can I be at ease if I didn't stay to look
after him? These words had barely left her mouth when, without waiting
for others to react, she was the first to feel tightness in her chest and
quickly gave it a rub.
Her steward seemed to understand after listening to what she said. He rose
and helped her to a chair nearby, then assured her, Even though His
Excellency is drunk, he is very still. It's just that he wouldn't let us feed him
hangover soup. Because we tried to come near, porcelain wares were all
smashed on the spot. I wonder how many have been be broken by now.
Between his words, crash, another porcelain bowl was shattered. Two
maids and a servant squatted in front of Chen Ye's bed; a well-trained one
devoted herself to cleaning up the pieces, the other well-trained one
handed him another concoction bowl, and the physically strong servant
went to stop Chen Ye from overturning it again.


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At this time, because Aranya had personally favored and spoiled Chen Ye,
Fengjiu suddenly said, If he wants to smash it, let him smash it. What are
you stopping him for?
The servant immediately withdrew his hands. On the housekeeper's face
was both grief and woe. Your Highness may not know, the porcelain
wares His Excellency destroyed were all of premium grade given by the
Royal Palace. The bowl that was just smashed was worth at least ten night
Fengjiu's heart suddenly bled, but because she needed to show that she
favored Chen Ye, she lied through her teeth, Haha, no wonder the
shattering sounded so delightful.
The steward stared at her; he seemed to have developed a greater
A maid who specialized in dressing wounds dressed Fengjiu's bruise with
a towel. Suddenly, Chen Ye who was lying in bed opened his mouth to say,
Tell them to all go away.
Fengjiu squinted her eyes. Does that mean he's awake?
The maids and servants all turned to look at her. Under these stares,
Fengjiu expertly threw the towel onto the floor and hastened to his bed.
Full of nonsense, she asked concernedly, Do you feel any better?
The old steward dismissed the servants to the outer hall, then personally
guarded outside around the corner in case Fengjiu had any command for
Chen Ye opened his eyes to look at her. This was the first time Fengjiu saw
that one could actually be inebriated into drunken paleness. He sounded
sober when he spoke, but his eyes were full of vague haziness. Fengjiu
reckoned he was really drunk.
Chen Ye looked at her for quite some time then finally spoke, I knew this
place wasn't going to be exactly the same as in the past, and that many
things would change. But as long as her body was here, it didn't matter

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how much they changed. It's best to change everything, in fact, so that I
won't Without finishing his sentence, he seemed to be strongly
suppressing a certain something. There was great suffering in his voice:
But a shell is nothing but a shell. How could a shell have written this
letter? No, it's also best not to have this letter, it's best... He took her hand,
then let it go as if he was out of strength. You should not be her. You
cannot be her.
You are not her, he said again a while later.
Fengjiu was startled as she asked back in a low voice, Who are you saying
I should not be?
Chen Ye gazed to the bed canopy but did not answer her question. His
countenance was terribly handsome, terribly cold, and terribly bewildered.
I once told her, he hoarsely began, that with the many possibilities
between us: strangers, enemies, arch nemeses, and others, was there not
any possibility for mutual appreciation? She then laughed. Tell me, what
could she mean by laughing?
Fengjiu was wordless for quite a while. Perhaps she thought your words
were kind of cool?
Chen Ye ignored her remark. Instead, he looked at her fixedly. In his
bewildered eyes appeared a restrained pain. At length, he smiled, You
said you could be teasing me, or you could actually like me, but the latter
was really what you had in mind, am I right? In his hurt was an
occasional trace of joy, as if within silent despair suddenly bloomed a white
manjusaka. Fengjiu finally understood why Aranya fell for Chen Ye. His
Excellency the Archmage had really good looks.
For a moment she was silent, not knowing how to answer him. Then at
length she said, Erm, okay.
Chen Ye obviously didn't know what she was talking about; she didn't
even know herself. She just now remembered Su Moye's old stories, her
heart thumping, her brain a mess. When she saw Chen Ye pausing for a bit

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then looking as if he was going to say something else, she felt a little
annoyed and knocked him unconscious.
Silence all around.
She was about to process the reason behind her thoughts when she
inadvertently looked up and saw her old steward huddling by the door
looking back at her in shock.
Fengjiu suddenly realized that she had delivered the blow too abruptly.
When she saw Chen Ye lying unconscious in bed, she drew a breath and
quickly went for damage control: He wouldn't drink the hangover soup
and would not lie still. Wouldn't that be more uncomfortable for him?
Knocking him was a last resort, but it did lead to a good outcome. Alas, the
wound is his, but the pain is mine. As I look at him this very second, my
heart is throbbing with pain.
The old steward's look of shock sure enough became one of concern and
sympathy. He tentatively tried to comfort her, Your Highness
Fengjiu clutched her bosom and interrupted him, The pain sometimes
trickles in, it sometimes comes in tearing fits. At this moment, it's like one
of a prickly needle piercing through my heart inch by inch, ahh, it hurts so
much! I shall go back first and wait for this pain to alleviate. Please take
care of the rest for me, everyone! She clutched her chest as she spoke, then
retreated to the door.
Between the old steward's brows revealed a deeply touched feeling. He at
once said with loyalty, Your humble servant will serve His Excellency to
the best of my ability in order to share Your Highness's burden.
Once at the door, Fengjiu exhaled in relief and raised her hand to wipe the
perspiration on her forehead. Acting also required techniques; luckily she
did not lose her composure in this situation thanks to her past experience.
One day when Su Moye had a bit more to drink than usual, he sighed to
her a line or two and reconciled that this thing was really a puzzling
mystery. How could there be such a thing as two unrelated people linking

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together in a way that if she was happy you'd be happy, if she was sad
you'd be sad. At this point, Fengjiu's heart was overwhelmed with
emotions. What was so difficult to understand about this? She and Chen
Ye, for instance, had come to this. No matter what, they'd always have a
little connection. If he was happy he wouldn't come to annoy her, and she'd
also be very happy. But if he was sad he would come to torture her, then
she would also be very sad.
She let out a sigh, then looked back at Chen Ye's clamoring room. Recalling
her recent cheesy words to her housekeeper, she shuddered and made an
expeditious escape.
Now lying in her room, Fengjiu turned a small teacup in her palm.
Whenever she contemplated something, she always had a habit of turning
things in her palm.
She knew Su Moye had his suspicion about this world's creator, but the
two of them had never seen exposed traces left by anyone until tonight's
drunken display by Chen Ye. This stuff called alcohol was really no-good.
If it was truly Chen Ye who created this world, he must've created it just to
be with Aranya again. But if that was the case, why had he been so
indifferent to her ever since she came here? This part made little sense to
her. He even said weird things tonight such as she shouldn't be Aranya, or
that she was only a shell and the like.
Mo Shao once said the creator of this world wasn't that powerful. Anyone
who fell into this place would replace the original, but by logic, only those
people themselves would know. Even the creator shouldn't have this
knowledge. In other words, Chen Ye couldn't possibly know that she was
in fact Bai Fengjiu instead of Aranya. Yet he kept insisting she was only a
shell. Or perhaps since he created another Aranya but could not fool
himself that she was real, he thus said she was only a shell?
The lamp fire made a crackling sound. A trace of foggy memory suddenly
flashed in her mind. That night after Chen Ye rescued her from the Jiuqu
cage, she had heard these words in a trance. Even though she couldn't

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remember much, they left a bit of impression: I will resurrect you. I will
bring you back. At this moment, she thought perhaps it did sound a little
like Chen Ye.
As Fengjiu thought through this, she became aware of a headache forming.
Moreover, one shouldn't think too much at night else sleep wouldn't easily
come. She laid the cup down and decided to revisit the matter once she
woke up.
She slept till dawn. Her old steward was waiting outside when she awoke.
He gave her a revitalizing cup of soup as he told her Lord Chen Ye had
sobered up and was quite moved when he heard the princess had visited
him in person last night. Supposing the princess must've been disturbed,
he ordered the cook to make this soup and asked him to bring it to her. He
could see Lord Chen Ye was actually quite caring toward the princess.
As the old steward said these words, his eyes gleamed with happy tears.
While he was shedding tears, Fengjiu drank from the cup of soup and
thought it was indeed pretty refreshing. She ate half another bowl of
porridge for breakfast, then after cleaning up, felt there might be some
serious matters she needed to ponder on today. These matters seemed to
have something to do with Chen Ye last night. She spent half a day to think
but could not recall what Chen Ye said, nor could she remember what she
wanted to think about. After some silence, she thought that since she didn't
remember, it probably either didn't matter or she was confused and
remembered wrongly, and did not care to think about it anymore.
Su Moye was called away by Xize. Chacha was sent to deliver toffee foxes
to Xize. And Xize? She bet Xize was also sitting around at the palace right
now. Maybe the three of them were gathering around a small table to enjoy
toffee and tea having fun and game.
Fengjiu felt a bit bleak, and a bit lonely at the same time.
She passed a bleak and lonely day this way in the kitchen to make more
toffee foxes. She made two for herself and two for each of her servants,
saved five for Su Moye, and still had five left over. After thinking a little,

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she remembered Chen Ye had sent soup to her in the morning and would
need to be reciprocated. Being someone who understood the courtesy of
reciprocation, she packed the rest of the toffee foxes into a bag then bade
her steward to take the package along with the second letter over to Chen


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Chapter 11
Fengjiu went to bed early and fully clothed when night fell. She had a
feeling Chen Ye might be tormenting himself tonight, and had thus been ill
at ease waiting for the old steward to come back with news.
After half an hour of waiting and seeing neither the steward's voice nor
face, she became increasingly anxious and simply got out of bed to put her
slippers on with the intention to secretly sneak to Mengchun Manor for a
peek. Fengjiu sighed to herself that she was being too dedicated. Even
Aranya may not have been as solicitous in those days as she was now.
While sighing, she suddenly heard chirping of birds drifting in from
outside the window. The estate did not keep any birds, so how unusual it
was to hear birds singing here. She pushed the door and glanced outside.
Fengjiu didn't think she had ever been so astonished.
Because Aranya had loved natural whimsies, each scenery and object in the
estate was plain and simple. Even this courtyard looked quite ordinary.
The most special place was perhaps a mere old tree in the middle of the
courtyard with climbing roots entwined. When the sun was high, it was an
ideal place to enjoy the breeze.
But right now, when the bright moon was shining in the sky, she saw
wreath after wreath of flowers linking into a floating sea of Fulings.
Luminous birds of a species she did not recognize flew forth from the
flower sea in the wind. On the ground was a carpet of snow-white flowers.
Slightly above this carpet were floating night-blooming cereus of a blue
hue. They were like tiny lanterns suspended in the air.
The purple-robed deity idly stood under the flowering tree. In his mouth
was half a toffee fox. His head was bowed while he fiddled with a flower
wreath in his hands. When he noticed her opening the door, he gazed at
her for a moment then raised the completed wreath in her direction and
said, Come.

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Fengjiu did not move for a long time. A few birds cleverly picked up the
flower wreath from Xize's hand then flew and placed it onto Fengjiu's
head. It was a ring of zen twigs decorated by tiny flowers in white and
blue. It seemed to fit her head just right.
Fengjiu remained leaning against the door, frozen. Many thoughts
instantly drifted into her mind. One such thought was that Zheyan had
often boasted this and that of his Ten-Mile Peach Orchard; now it seemed
besides bearing ten miles of peaches, his peach orchard was much less
pretty than this flower sea. Another such thought was that Qinan Palace
was quite far away, yet Xize was in the courtyard at this moment, meaning
he had hurried back. Should she invite him inside for a cup of hot tea?
Another such thought was that in history, ancient male deities made flower
wreaths for their sweethearts as a token of love. That Xize had gone so far
as to send her one in exchange for the toffee foxes showed he was either
too polite or he hadn't read history books...
Within the bird chirping, while her mind was overworked with thoughts,
Xize remained standing idly under the flowering tree. Come, I'll take you
to the Maiden Festival.

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Those words drifted over and seemed to carry with them an invisible force.
When she came toward Xize, her skirt swept along the carpet of flowers
and sent bright sparks alight as they fluttered 'round her ankles.
Fengjiu walked to and fro and kicked up more petals, lighting up even
more specks of light. The flock of birds in the bespeckled space also
flapped jubilantly. She kicked gaily and said to Xize in delight, It isn't
often you make this place so beautiful, let's stay here to play for a while.
Can we not go Before she could finish, her waist was seized. The word
'outside' had just landed when the two of them seemed to be standing in
the Imperial City's night market.
In the sky were sparkling stars, on the ground were luminous lanterns.
Fuling and cereus flowers hung mid-air while underneath was a clamor of
Fengjiu watched the sprinkling petals in the sky in bemusement. Did
you... cover the entire Imperial City in this illusion?
At that very moment, two young ladies out for a frolic walked past them
and left a few floating words behind, I bet some deity is in a good mood
tonight. He must have created this beautiful illusion during the Maiden
Festival to please his sweetheart. How timely we also get to see it. He's so
doting, his sweetheart's a lucky girl...
The lucky Fengjiu was bent on chasing after Xize into the marketplace. She
couldn't fully catch what the young ladies were saying. But in her chase,
she didn't forget to say, Even though it doesn't require strong magic to
create this illusion, it has to be exhausting to cast it across such a great
distance. Look at you, you were gravely injured not long ago but you don't
know how to think for your own good at all. I really don't understand why
you would do something so reckless. Ah, but how would you know? I've
forgotten about your body's injuries just now at the garden too.
Xize looked as though she had asked a silly question. Didn't those two
just say? I'm in a good mood tonight.


Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

Fengjiu was greatly confused. I've never seen you in this good of a mood.
Why are you feeling especially happy today?
Xize pointed to the toffee fox which had lost its shape: You gave me this.
Fengjiu felt her throat tightening.
She wordlessly watched the toffee fox, then wordlessly glanced to Xize and
at length said, Are you that happy just because I gave you some toffee
Xize's voice was soft when he throated a yes. His gaze was deep as he
looked at her. Your giving me toffee foxes made me very happy. Do you
know why I came back to accompany you to the Maiden Festival? Why I
made the illusion you like?
The moment Xize throated a yes, Fengjiu's foxy heart had already melted
into a puddle of water. By the time she listened to these words of his, that
puddle of water almost evaporated into foam. What a pitiful lad. He didn't
have parents and didn't receive any love when he was young. She only
gave him a few insignificant toffee foxes but he was already made this
happy. What a grateful lad he was, too. So many people she gifted toffee
foxes to, but only he repaid her in such an earnest way. If others paid
double for small favors, he simply paid triple.
Fengjiu gave Xize a knowing look. Her voice carried with it love and
affection: I do. I know it all.
After some silence, Xize said, I don't think you do.
Fengjiu looked at him sympathetically. In today's world, Xize's sentiment
of profuse repayment was very rare. It must not be easy for him to find
other kindred spirits. Xize must be a very lonely person. Since there were
too many who didn't understand him, when he met someone who did such
as her, he wouldn't be able to accept it right away. There was no reason to
force him.
The more she looked at him, the more her heart was slowly overtaken by a
wave of maternal love. What a pity she couldn't return to his childhood

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

and reincarnate as his mother to care for him. She couldn't help but comfort
his shoulder: If you say I don't, then I don't. We'll go with whatever you
say. She looked at his hand. There's nothing but the stick left of that
toffee fox, have you finished the other nine? Do you like eating this? I
didn't bring any more with me, but there should be some pastries in the
night market, I'll buy you two boxes. Shall I make you more when we go
home? Or I can make you something else. This isn't the only thing I know
how to make.
Xize watched her for a long time then softly said, I'm not picky. I'll eat
whatever you make. He then added, I'm glad you care so much for me.
Fengjiu was near tears. These words he said were so intimate. She knew
other lonely people, but none as gentle and considerate as Xize. This made
Xize seem even more precious to her.
Fengjiu studied his face and thought he must have been a thoughtful and
adorable child. How did he grow so big with no parents to raise him? How
many grievances did he receive? It was a pity she couldn't buy everything
he hadn't known in his childhood this instant and show him how to have a
good time.
Filled with love and affection, she grabbed Xize's sleeve and said ever so
generously, Let's go, I'll take you to go have fun.
'Maiden Festival' literally means a festival for young ladies. Immortals
outside Fanyin Valley didn't know of this festival, but two hundred years
ago, Fengjiu was a regular visitor to the mortal realm. She naturally had
some knowledge and recognized that the Qiqiao Festival16 on July 7th in
the mortal realm was somewhat similar to this.
But of course, the immortals' festivals were far more interesting. For
example, on each lantern hung along the street was painted an auspicious
animal that could speak and move. Even if it was only a floral lantern, the
Qiqiao Festival also known as Qixi Festival and Chinese Valentine's, the day on
which the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl reunite on the magpie bridge


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sound of wind blowing over a flower field could also be heard when one
leaned in closer. Or for example, the dough figurines from the clay stall
were also in all sorts of weird animal forms.
The dough-figure-selling lad took some leftover clay and shaped a harp out
of it. He next stuck it on a stick and placed it with the other colorful clay
figurines. The harp was made out of clay, but it could actually produce
music. Fengjiu thought it was interesting and looked at it for a few
moments more when she heard Xize asking her from above, Do you like
this harp?
When she heard Xize's way of asking, she unconsciously thought of her
cousin, the little dough. The little dough was a very tactful child. He was
never transparent about what he wanted. For example, when she took him
down to the mortal realm, he stared at a sunny-side-up egg with huge
watery eyes and wrung his shirt as he sheepishly asked her, Fengjiu jiejie,
do you want sesame pancakes? She would then know the little dough
wanted to have sesame pancakes.
Xize's question at this time was just like the little dough's.
The young lad who was facing Xize said most persuasively, Sir, you have
very keen eyes, indeed. Although my reputation as the dough figure man
is but false fame, I'm in fact an expert at shaping harps. Many gentlemen in
the city patronize my stall to buy clay harps for their sweethearts. This is
the last one of the day, if you want, I'll
He hadn't finished when Fengjiu tossed a gold leaf onto the stall's surface.
Good, I'll take it. Wrap it up for me!
The young lad closed his dropped jaw and stuttered, Will... will the young
lady be buying this? Don't gentlemen usually buy it for the ladies?
Xize hadn't had a chance to react when Fengjiu already took the dough
figure and placed it into his hands; her voice was unusually loving: You
never got to play with dough figures as a kid, right? This is made from rice
flour, but it can't be eaten. Place it by your bedside and it can be played
with for a few days. If you want something that can be eaten, there is a

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sugar painting shop ahead, I'll buy you some. She expectantly asked, Do
you like this harp?
Xize looked at her with difficulty for a moment, then appropriately
answered, Yes.
Feeling satisfied, Fengjiu turned to the stunned lad and generously said,
He liked this thing you made a lot. Very well done, keep the change, it's
my gratitude for your crafting skill.
The dough figure man dazedly withdrew his hands with the silver taels as
he watched the retreating figure of Fengjiu in admiration, murmuring a
praise, What an amazing woman.
Fengjiu bought for Xize two sugar fire-breathing dragon paintings17 and
two boxes of cake as promised.
Along the way, Xize asked her if she wanted a Biyiniao feather shuttlecock,
a cypress fox mask that could raise its eyebrows, and a bagua lock18 that
would hum if it was put together incorrectly. She bought them all: a
shuttlecock, a mask, and a lock for him. After she bought them, she never
failed to pleasantly ask Xize whether he liked them or not. Needless to say,
Xize could only answer he did.
Once she heard Xize say he liked them, Fengjiu couldn't help but feel
happy, couldn't help but reward the vendors selling those souvenirs.
Her purse was empty for the rest of the night stroll, but she was very
Three or four playful masked children ran in front of them. One of the
taller kids jumped up and reached for an aerial night-blooming cereus. As
though they had feelings, the flower blossoms darted away. The child was
stunned for a moment, then giggled and ran off.

Sugar painting an edible folk art using liquid sugar to 'paint' figures

Bagua locks also known as Kongming locks which are interlocking wooden puzzles
said to have been invented by Zhuge Liang


Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

Fengjiu suddenly remembered her own devilish childhood. She turned and
cheerfully said to Xize, I was just like them. I used to also love running
around in the streets.
There really were many interesting things in her childhood. She was
enraptured in recounting them to Xize as they walked. I had a classmate
in those days; he was a gray wolf. Once, I didn't let him copy my
homework. So while I was napping in class, he made the fur on my body
erm, he made my feathers all black.
Xize brushed away the stray light specks on her head. You were often
bullied as a child?
Fengjiu raised her brow. How could that be? All my classmates couldn't
wait to flatter me. Only Gray Wolf didi dared to defy me from time to time.
Of course, I've always had my revenge. Our teacher took us to the
mountains for herbology once. On the way back, we stayed on the
mountain overnight. I went into the woods to catch a rabbit, and while
Gray Wolf didi fell asleep, I stuffed the rabbit under his belly. Early next
morning I told him he gave birth in his dream, and that I even helped him
deliver the cub. Gray Wolf didi was scared to tears on the spot.
Well done, chuckled Xize.
But then he found out that I played him, she sighed, so he chased after
me for two whole months.
Only two months?
Fengjiu reluctantly gave him a glance. Because two months later were the
final exams. He wanted to copy my ancient history answers.
Xize nodded. So you were good at ancient history.
Fengjiu had a moment of jolt, but she immediately put aside her distracting
thoughts and candidly replied, It's because I used to worship a revered
deity when I was young. He was a great hero in prehistoric times. The
entire collection of history books was essentially a list of his glorious
accomplishments, so it's not a surprise I was good at history.

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Seeing Xize suddenly stop walking, she also stopped. Truthfully, I even
thought to study hard on his favorite subject in those days. Unfortunately,
his favorite subject was Buddhist philosophy, it was something I couldn't
do even if I tried. I didn't quite understand why he tried to learn things like
Buddhism when he fought and killed all day long in the past. Then one day
I finally came to understand. People who wielded swords to kill didn't
necessarily abstain from discussing Buddhism. Actually, he also enjoyed
fishing, but unfortunately my teacher didn't have a fishing class. She
finished speaking and sighed in nostalgic pity.
When she looked up, Xize's eyes contained a look she didn't quite
comprehend. His hand stroked the slightly crooked flower wreath on her
head as he lowered his voice, You've done so much for him.
Recognizing that it was a praise for her, she sheepishly pulled the cypress
mask over her face. A muffled voice came out from behind the mask: It...
was nothing. Just my being foolish in those childish days. Suddenly
hearing a boisterous cheer ahead, she tiptoed to look and at once held on to
Xize's sleeves. Sounding a lot more pleasant than a moment ago, she
excitedly said, It seems the girls are throwing potpourri sachets ahead.
C'mon, let us go and take a look.
Fengjiu had heard of the Biyiniao clan's Maiden Festival and its tradition of
girls throwing scented sachets.
It was said that in the city, a tower would rise from the ground at night. It
was called the Vega Tower. Millions of years ago, Queen Vega of the Vega
star had gifted it to a Biyiniao prince as a token of love. Though the
mistress of Vega star had been lavish, the Biyiniaos did not marry
outsiders. Despite having a short courtship, the two could only rue in the
end that it wasn't meant to be. They left behind this solitary tower which
only re-emerged on the night of the Maiden Festival. Girls with secret
longings climbed it and professed their feelings on this night.


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According to folklore, girls would bring their hand-embroidered sachets

and ascend the tower. If their hearts desired happened to come by, they'd
throw their sachets at them. He who was of the same mind would catch the
sachet, he who was not would throw it away. He who caught a sachet shall
accompany the sachet's owner on a night stroll.
Fengjiu genuinely thought that this tradition was both romantic and fun. If
Qingqiu had these things tens of thousands of years ago, Migu wouldn't
have been single till now.
In high spirits, she led Xize all the way to Vega Tower. On their way they
saw the lad who sold them the dough figure. Miss, you seem to be in a
hurry, he called after them. Are you going to Vega Tower? I have one
piece of advice for you. Your gentleman here is too handsome, you must
not go to that place!
Fengjiu didn't forget to turn around in spite of her hurry and thanked the
lad. She merrily said, We're only going there to join the crowd. He's
already taken; he won't randomly receive the ladies' sachets. Thank you for
your reminder.
He said something that was drowned out in the crowd, but what he said
reminded Fengjiu who worriedly asked Xize, Did you hear what I say?
With natural ease, Xize took her hand in his lest they became separated in
the moving mass. Mm, I'm already taken.
Fengjiu pulled the mask down and put on a serious expression: Ah, I said
that too, but that's not the point. The important thing is that you should
never randomly receive sachets from any of those girls, do you
She had forgotten to tell him so a moment ago. Xize was a lonesome person
without a childhood. Right now, whatever he saw was bound to feel novel.
She could tell from the way he expressed interest in the shuttlecock, the
mask, and the bagua lock. If he also felt the girls' sachets were novel and
caught one out of curiosity... that girl would think her wish was fulfilled.
When they found out he only intended to play, these girls would be in for a

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world of hurt. And if they took things too hard, they might even throw
themselves down Vega Tower.
At this thought, a burst of bitterness arose in her heart. She said to him
again, You are absolutely not allowed to take any of their sachets,
Xize's gaze lingered on her face. Mm, understood, he said, an
imperceptible smile displaying on his lips.
Are you sure?
I'm sure.
Fengjiu exhaled in relief.
Unfortunately, she had been too nave in her thinking. The moment they
arrived at Vega Tower, countless scented pouches came flying at them.
Fengjiu frowned. In legends, this act of sachet tossing was nothing more
than a try at chance which depended on fate. But the sachets that were
falling onto Xize's body presently were sticking firmly to him. Wasn't this a
bit too aggressive?
She finally got what the dough-figure lad was saying.
From the tower came a burst of fragrant air. A row of giggling girls leaned
over the balcony while another queue happily climbed downstairs to meet
the gentleman who got hit with the sachets, Lord Xize, to redeem the
implicit promise.
The cosmetic vendor standing next to Fengjiu gave her a sympathetic look.
Miss, you must be from elsewhere. Did you come here tonight with your
Fengjiu paid little attention to Xize being called her sweetheart. She
stepped closer and said, Auntie, how did you know we're not from here?
Then you must know why these sachets won't fall down?


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The elderly woman had been selling cosmetic under Vega Tower nearly all
her life, of course she knew why. Her expression was complicated when
she told her, Before, these sachets were only ordinary sachets and Vega
Tower was the luckiest ground to wish for romance. Then one hundred
years ago, an extraordinarily handsome man appeared, the dream husband
of many a young lady. Because they wanted to be his companion for just
one night, they combined their efforts and made these sachets so that they
would stick onto his body without falling to the ground. She sighed sadly,
The handsome man was therefore forced to accompany 73 young ladies
on a stroll around the Imperial City on that Maiden Festival night with the
meager strength of one person. I still remember that night. It was such a
spectacle to behold.
Fengjiu imagined the scene in her head and remarked, That would indeed
be a spectacle. I wonder whom among those 73 ladies the handsome man
married afterward. But no matter whom, it must have been a beautiful
The elderly woman again gave her a sympathetic glance. Afterward?
Afterward, this gentleman from nine generations of only-sons turned
Stunned, Fengjiu suddenly turned and looked back at Xize. No wonder
most of the men who passed under the tower tonight were duds and
scraps. No wonder Xize was covered with sachets the moment he got here.
He was able to protect her from the sachets thanks to his agility, but
because of that, he wasn't able to protect himself.
She was the one who insisted on bringing Xize here. It was unintentional,
but if Xize ended up following the footsteps of their predecessor and also
turning homosexual because of this That was simply unthinkable.
Not daring to imagine anymore, she grabbed Xize's hand and pulled him
into a sprint. Behind them was the vague sounds of miffed women: Sir,
don't run away She pulled Xize and ran as fast as her legs could carry

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The crowd cleared the way to let them through. Urgent wind followed
them as several fallen cereus blossoms were crushed under their feet.
Street light gradually diminished. Xize who was dragged behind her
unhurriedly spoke, Why did we suddenly run away?
At these words, Fengjiu recalled the girls on the tower and shuddered.
How can we not? Are you saying you want to spend a night
accompanying them around the capital?
Xize paused. You don't want me to go with them?
He pulled Fengjiu into a small alley. Although lamp light was sparse, there
were more fuling and cereus blossoms here than there were lanterns at the
marketplace. With the moonlight peeking through the clouds, it was
actually quite bright.
Fengjiu stopped and panted as she thought to herself what a silly question
he was asking. Of course I don't want you to become homosexual because of
them. However, she had been running and talking at the same time, and
couldn't help but breathe raggedly. She couldn't even say 'mm' at this
second and could only manage a nod. This nod seemed to have pleased
Fuling and cereus flowers slowly drifted in the air. The alley was oddly
quiet with her breathing being the only sound. They had been running in
haste, but the flower wreath on her head had not come off. Her untied hair
hung down from under the wreath like a black stretch of satin, wisps of
hair plastering on her perspiring forehead. The phoenix blossom mark on
her forehead was alarmingly exquisite. A flush surfaced her snow-white
She was indeed very pretty, but because she was still young, she hadn't
dealt with the amorous world at all. Yet at this time, she actually gave off
the allure of a more sophisticated woman.


Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

The cypress mask hung on her neck, its fox ears scraping her jaw. Feeling
uncomfortable, she pulled on it but it only bounced back at her. She
pushed again, looking somewhat childish in her effort.
Xize stepped closer and helped her hold the mask. He just held it like that.
He didn't say whether he would help her remove it or not. His beautiful
eyes continued to behold her face.
Not knowing what to do, Fengjiu also raised her eyes to look back at him.
They stood staring at each other for a while this way when she slowly felt
the atmosphere wasn't feeling quite right. Seeing Xize leaning over, she
hastened to take a step back and said, I haven't ran like this in so long
Her subsequent words were prevented by Xize. He threw away the mask
with one hand and held her waist with the other, then lowered to her lips
and whispered, Me too.
Fengjiu blinked and pushed Xize away, but he did not move. His breath
grazed across her lips, tickling her. Her hands were placed on his chest. She
wasn't able to push him, but it was also odd if she didn't push. So she gave
another try, but he still did not move. As she was about to push again, the
hold at her waist suddenly tightened, pulling her entire being against his
body. She started and let out a cry. Just as she detected a smile flashing in
his dark eyes, her mouth was instantly invaded by a softness. Her head
boomed, shocked to realize it was his tongue.
His placid eyes seemed to be lit with moonlight. He continued to harass
her tongue; she didn't know to what extent he intended to push her,
vaguely feeling that this wasn't the way to go. She began to move her rigid
tongue and sensed Xize stiffen. Feeling encouraged, she clumsily entwined
Xize's tongue wanting to force him back. Xize watched her fixedly,
coordinating his actions with hers to let her crush against his tongue until
she completely entered his mouth.
She was sometimes very competitive, and often loved to show off. Once
her desire to flex her muscles developed, it couldn't be recalled. A scent of
white sandalwood overwhelmed her; it had come from Xize's body. Her

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

mind a blank coupled with her competitive instinct, all she knew was that
she wanted to push Xize with nowhere to turn.
She placed her hands on his shoulders, stood on tip-toes, crushed her lips
against his, and explored her tongue around his mouth, thinking to herself
she was being offensive all the while. Much later, she quietly left Xize and
felt some numbness and ache on her tongue, and quite breathless. Xize's
breathing was steadying, his nose touching hers. He moved his lips to the
corner of her mouth and brushed her bottom lip. This gentle touch sent
quivers across her body. He lingered on her lips a moment more then
released her.
The cypress mask was once again replaced to her neck, its fox ears still
poking at her chin.
It was as if suspended time had begun its flow again. The cereus which
gathered nearby quietly parted, making a trace of dotted light like summer
Fengjiu was dumbfounded for a stretch of time and stunned for a while
more. After realizing what she had done, she became reticent for a length.
Xize raised his hand to the flower wreath on her head. She stepped away to
avoid his touch, rending his hand hanging mid-air. At this moment, a
night-blooming cereus fell at his fingertips, its light shattering like ripples
on his palm.
Her shadow spoke in the dark, I... I A long time passed but she could not
say anything else. A while later, not hearing Xize speak, she said with some
embarrassment and confusion, I don't know what I was doing. I was very
happy tonight, like I had been in my childhood when there was no worry
or sorrow. In fact, for a while I had been all sorts of happy.
Xize looked at her. Why aren't you happy anymore?
She held back her fluster and struggled to feign composure. You've been
helping me out a lot lately. I think what we have could be considered
friendship. Maybe I've done something to make you misunderstand, but I

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

didn't mean to. Even though we are married on paper, it's not something
either of us wanted. Let's be friends, what do you think?
And you think this is better? he said with a softened voice. Then who
were you thinking about just now?
Who was she thinking about? Of course she wasn't thinking about anyone.
She just felt she must have been possessed to try to flaunt that kind of
thing. She shook her head like a rattle-drum and said, I wasn't thinking
about anyone. Don't accuse me. Wishing he would just forget what had
happened, she added, I heard it's good to not have desires and illusions. I
was never like that before, and I don't want to be like that now. I don't
want to have any false hope or dream, nor do I want to become someone
else's dream or hope. Do you understand what I'm saying?
Xize quietly studied her. As she was saying these words, he could not
detect the same innocence that had been there when they were running
amidst cereus blooms. Her expression now contained a rare cautiousness.
As expected, it was still too soon. He sometimes felt that she was very
smart, but she was also very dense, and sometimes she was dense and
smart all at once. To lower her guard, it seemed he could only first do as
she wished.
His eyes rested on her for a moment. Then he said, That was just residual
venom that hasn't cleared away. What were you thinking?
Fengjiu was befuddled.
When Xize kissed her moments ago, she thought he was either poisoned or
he had liked her. She didn't think he could be so unlucky to be poisoned
twice, so she thought it must have been the latter case. She even kissed him
back. She was obviously not in her right mind.
She had gathered her courage, thinking she was taking a step back in order
for Xize to confess with his dignity intact. She hadn't expected it to be the
lingering poison. Maybe she caught the poison from him too, and all of this
was due to poison.

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Since Xize asked what she was thinking, he must have heard from her
words that she thought he liked her. He was certainly implying that she
was thinking too much. Sher really did think too much. At this thought,
her face immediately flushed in shame and she offered him a dry chuckle:
Oh, so it was the residual venom. I... I'm a cautious person, so sometimes
it's easy for me to overthink. Don't make fun of me hahahahaha. But this
venom is really potent. It's been more than ten days yet you still have
residual poison lingering around. Isn't it a concern?
Xize looked at her for a moment in silence, then said as appropriate: The
serpent's venom should be potent, but it's not too much of a concern.
Fengjiu leaned back against the wall, momentarily didn't know what else
to say. Xize no longer spoke; the air was thick with awkwardness. You
must have been so uncomfortable when the poison acted? she said at last.
Xize calmly replied, Mm, I'm just hanging on with forbearance.
Fengjiu let escape an 'oh' before the alley fell into silence again. In this
silence, she called to mind a question. She wanted to hold back but wasn't
able to and ended up asking, If you were hanging on with forbearance,
then why... why didn't you try to endure it just now?
It's not good to suppress oneself too much, he replied in frankness. You
said we're going to be friends. If we are friends, you shouldn't mind such a
little thing, should you?
Fengjiu didn't know why she was feeling a little irritated, but Xize's words
made sense. Moreover, if she became angry right now, it would only show
that her generosity was too paltry. She had to continue laughing and said,
Of course I wouldn't mind, but you've put up with it for so long
Xize's gaze bored into her. Because I've put up with it for so long, when I
don't need to put up with it, I just don't. Without waiting for Fengjiu to
answer, he clutched his chest and frowned as though he was in pain. The
wound seems to have reopened when we were running just now. It hurts a
bit. Let's go back.

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Ten days of lingering poison and a wound which hadn't healed, yet Xize
actually said it wasn't a concern. What a liar. Fengjiu tended to fret over
others sometimes. At this point, she was too flustered that she forgot
everything. There was only one concern in her mind. She stepped forward
and held Xize. Your injury doesn't seem to be healing very well. Had I
known this, I wouldn't have made you go out. Let's hurry back. I'll call
someone to treat it for you. She worriedly supported Xize, not noticing the
smile forming on his mouth.

Chacha was still at Qinan Shrine. Her young substitute looked quite clever,
but was ultimately not as good as Chacha was in certain things because of
her young age, for example, the problem of where Xize would be staying
If it were Chacha, she reckoned she would sneak in another porcelain
pillow on Fengjiu's bed when no one was around. Instead, her young
substitute was a little more cautious. She appropriately asked for Fengjiu's
opinion, Your Highness, would it be okay to arrange His Lordship to stay
in the guest room as usual? You've already prepared both the east and west
wings for him... but I'm not sure if His Lordship prefers the east or the
At this time, Xize was lazily lying on Fengjiu's bed. The apothecary had
just arrived to check his wound.
There had really been no wound, but unexpectedly, Fengjiu went as far as
calling for a doctor in the middle of the night. Seeing as deception sorcery
involving blood could not deceive immortals, he quite simply gave himself
another injury on the chest. His resting at this time was actually legitimate.
Fengjiu yawned and asked Xize, It's not early anymore. Do you want to
stay in the eastern wing or the western wing?
Xize's chest was bandaged, his eyes closed. He replied without looking up,
I don't think I'll be able to move. I'll probably have to stay here tonight.

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

Fengjiu fought to keep her eyes open, yawned and said, That's fine too.
You can sleep here tonight, I'll go to the eastern chamber to rest. Ah, I
should leave a servant here to wait on you. If anything happens, send him
to alert me.
Xize still didn't move. How can a servant be as thorough as a friend? He
lowered his voice as though he was doubtful of her: I thought you said we
were good friends?
Fengjiu's head was prickling. Good friends. She did say this. But when she
said those words, she was thinking of Warrior Xiao Yan. Xiao Yan was also
her close friend who often drank and shared stories with her. Despite not
being very cultured, he had been trying to become cultured. But this good
friend, Xize? He was more like her boss.
She helplessly scratched her head and said in defeat, Alright, but if the
poison acts up tonight, you'll need to endure it. Then she pointed to the
six-panel screen and bade the young maid: Place a small divan beyond the
wall screen for me.
Fengjiu had always been soft-hearted; her maternal instinct was also very
easily excited. Tonight, she was overflowing with motherly love. Even
without Xize's egging, she might have stayed to personally look after him.
Regrettably, Xize had unwittingly kissed her. This kiss made her motherly
heart suddenly drop into the depths of an icy abyss.
Xize's retrospection was right. That one step he took had been too fast.
Fortunately, when his mind returned, he was able to salvage half of that
Xize temporarily rested at Fengjiu's estate for the next few days. Whenever
she wanted to leave for something, the symptoms of his injury seemed to
recur. As a close friend, she naturally couldn't do anything else besides
watching over him at all times.
Luckily, watching over Xize wasn't too boring. She was even gaining more
knowledge when she was with him.

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

For example: tea drinking. She had always thought the sort of tea brewing
using black-glazed cups per Donghua's style was already so particular.
Now looking at Xize, she realized such attention wasn't even that
particular. The mood of tea drinking lay in eight words: Unity of heaven
and earth, use local materials.
It was early summer or thereabout. Several lotuses bloomed in the estate.
Xize told her to look for a few lotus blossoms and put some coarse tea
inside them. After one night, the tea leaves would be infused with lotus
scent. Then on the next day, they could steep this tea using mountain
spring water. Even if they were drinking out of a big mug, the flavor
would be so wonderfully natural, it'd still be an enjoyable experience.
Another example: the blooming garden. All she knew to do was snapping
off a few branches and sticking them into a vase. She hadn't heard of
placing them into a bowl before. On the other hand, Xize was so idle, he
found a large bowl to make into a planter and filled it up with silt. He then
chose a few twigs among the plants in the garden and planted them into
the sand. Next, he decorated the arrangement with Lingbi stones and
sparsely mixed small flower buds in between, resulting in a beautiful
miniature landscape. He used the rest of the flower branches to make into
butterflies or rabbits for her sometimes.
They also played chess occasionally. Needless to say, she wasn't his
opponent; but he didn't beat her all the time. From time to time, he also let
her win one or two games. Nevertheless, he did this with such cleverness
that made it fun and logical, and never left any traces behind.
When she couldn't sleep, he'd read to her from across the screen. His deep
voice and the gentle breeze soon brought her to her dreams. Often at times
like this, she thought to herself finding a cultured friend wasn't an easy
thing. Imaginably, if Xiao Yan were to read to her, she was sure he
wouldn't recognize half of the words in the book and would stop to ask
her. He'd only stress her out even more.


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The more they got along, the more she came to believe that Xize was an
incredible person. With him by her side, time seemed to pass so
effortlessly; she didn't notice the hour anymore.
That day, she put in the effort and personally went to the kitchen to
prepare Xize's medicine. Across the corridor was a clump of young
bamboo, behind which were two maidservants in private chat. Their
whispers inadvertently floated into her ears: I bet His Lordship is actually
very affectionate toward our princess. I heard the flower sea raining over
the city last night during the Maiden Festival was created by His Lordship.
It must've moved Her Highness. Ever since, the princess and His Lordship
have shut themselves inside from day till night for six full days. Hey,
maybe our estate will soon be welcoming a little prince. Say, should we
start preparing some baby clothes? When that day comes, we'll ask Chacha
jiejie to bring them to the little prince. I feel excited just thinking of our
little prince wearing the little garments we make while chasing after
butterflies in the courtyard. His Lordship's actions need to be quicker ah.
Fengjiu slipped and almost fell into the pond beside her, but was able to
hold onto the fence thanks to her quickness. After hearing these remarks,
she came to realize she had stayed with Xize for six days. She was never
one to sit still, thus she was sincerely surprised that she could stay inside
cramped quarters for all of six days this time... She also heard these
maidservants say Xize had deep affections for her. They were even looking
forward to the two of them making a little prince behind closed doors. She
didn't know whether to laugh or cry. A corner of her mouth twitched all
the way to the kitchen.
When she brought the medicine back to the room, she was going to tell this
interesting story to Xize, but she did not find him inside the bright and
spacious room. There was only a note left on the long table near the
The handwriting on the note was quick and light, and fairly impressive.
The words conveyed that he needed to go on a trip and would be coming
back either today or tomorrow. What he went out to do, he did not say.

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Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

Chapter 12
Fengjiu had learned many subjects as part of her formative education. The
school had taught everything there was to teach, hence she had also
studied Buddhism and Daoism. In her belief, harmony was most
important. For example, if there was Heaven, then there was Earth; this
was a kind of harmony. If there were men, then there were women; this
was also a kind of harmony. Xize left, then Su Moye returned; this was yet
another kind of harmony.
At the time Mo Shao suddenly appeared in the pavilion, Fengjiu was
clambering over the fence to feed the fish. When she heard a sound behind
her, she casually glanced back. Upon catching Su Moye's appearance, she
shuddered and almost fell down from the fence.
Presently, the West Sea's most refined and charming second prince, Su
Moye, was sporting a head of disheveled hair and and a pair of bloodshot
eyes. He held a large bowl in his hand as he poured himself some tea.
There was a moment of silence. Fengjiu pinched herself to see whether she
was dreaming or not, then came closer and dubiously asked, Mo Shao,
from the way you look... don't tell me you broke into someone's daughter's
bedchamber last night and got chased by her father with a stick?
Su Moye placed the bowl down and gave her a glance. His eyes were full
of resentment and grief. Xize invited me to the holy palace so that I could
help him make a magical object. When it was most critical, you had Chacha
bring toffee foxes or whatever they were to him. He received the damn
things and tossed everything to me without even a word. After he went
down, he never came back. I'm so exhausted. Right now, my hands are
stiff. Even my face is stiff.
When he saw her surprised expression, he sighed and said, I'm not saying
this to blame you, but you need to be understanding. This appearance of
mine is directly caused by the many days of exhaustion and sleeplessness.

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It's really to the West Sea's blessings and my own resilient life that I even
have enough breath to talk to you right now.
Fengjiu did have a moment of shock, but it had little to do with guilt. She
was only sighing at Xize's eagerness to show gratitude. Now seeing Mo
Shao's dispirited face, inexplicable sympathy rose from within as she tried
to comfort him: You know, Xize is a grateful person, and you did him
such a big favor. After the magical object is finished, I wonder how he's
going to repay you. Just thinking about it makes me excited. She seemed
to be truly excited as she spoke these words. Then again, you're not
missing any treasures, nor do you care for beautiful women. I bet he will
choose a more sincere repayment worthy of your friendship, such as
personally cooking a meal for you...
Dijun's cooking was a highly mysterious and a highly dangerous thing.
Liansong's regretful lament rang in his ears. The teacup could not help but
clatter a bit in Mo Shao's hand. He said, If he can't think of any ways to
repay me, don't ever remind him. He saw puzzlement appear on Fengjiu's
face and added deadpan: Doing a good deed each day is a West Sea house
rule. We never ask for repayment. If we help others just for the hope of
receiving repayments, we are doing nothing more than taking advantage of
the wretched. I'll only be despised by my clansmen.
Fengjiu suddenly understood. In her eyes was an appreciative expression.
Mo Shao coughed and quickly changed topics: Let's put this aside for
now. I'm back this time to pick up a few things from the Royal Palace and
also to ask you: has everything been alright in the past few days over at
Chen Ye's place?
What was considered alright, and what was not? Fengjiu pondered on this.
Chen Ye had been quietly imprisoning himself in Mengchun Manor for the
past several days. He was so quiet that if Mo Shao didn't remind her, she
would've forgotten her estate was housing such a great deity. In her mind,
that was quite alright. But she didn't know whether this was Mo Shao's
definition of 'alright' or not. She ambiguously asked, He didn't come to
bother me; that should be alright, right?

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

Mo Shao laughed, but there wasn't a smile in his expression. Of course, it

was a bit difficult to see a smile from his face right now. He would not
have had to bother you first. He was this way to Aranya in the past, and
he'd be just the same to you now.
This brought back some of Fengjiu's curiosity. I've also heard that Chen
Ye, because of Aranya, had rid three of the seasons with a slash of his
sword. This was a prevalent rumor, so he must've had mutual affection for
her. Everything happens for a reason, though. I don't think this mutual
affection was born out of thin air only after Aranya died. You told me half
of their past last time, do you wish to tell me the other half today?
Su Moye half leaned against the back of his chair and gazed to the lush
lotus leaves in the distant lake and said, The other half? I don't know
much either. There was but a thing or two that could be proven. Then he
said, Where was I last time? Chen Ye knew his letters were penned by
Aranya, went to her study, and then said some severing words to her?
Fengjiu sighed regretfully: Strangers, enemies, arch nemeses, he said these
were the only possibilities between them.
Mo Shao sneered, He ought to have remembered this sentence the rest of
his life and adhere to his words. To Aranya, that would've been a
The pavilion momentarily fell into silence. At length, Su Moye quietly said,
Among the thousands of living things in this world, I've only seen such
blitheness once in all my life from Aranya.
Some of Aranya's blitheness could be seen after her severance with Chen
Ye in the study. It was normal for any other woman, if not quite in tears all
day long, to at least be locked inside her bedchamber heartbroken for
several days if she was told such harsh words by her crush.
Aranya's behavior, however, had seemed as though nothing had happened
that day inside the study.


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No longer needing to change her ways in consideration for Chen Ye, her
days passed by increasingly leisurely. Apart from her usual calligraphy
practice and opera attendance, incidentally, the archery teacher at the royal
academy had gone home for a visit and she thus came to school as his
substitute for a few days. She left each day when the sun rose and came
back when it set. She was able to live with Chen Ye, who was suffocating
inside Mengchun Manor, in peace this way.
Because she was substituting at the royal academy, she often ran into Wen
Tian hurrying along with a text book in her sleeves. Wen Tian was just like
her namesake in her tranquil temperament. After school, she did not hang
out with any of her colleagues, living her life in an orderly way. She had
been feeling apologetic toward Wen Tian since a few days ago. She could
imagine she'd be burying her face in a pile of books, then sit around some
more even at home. Reckoning that she must be bored, now and again she
asked the kitchen to prepare another pair of chopsticks and brought Wen
Tian home for dinner.
Wen Tian loved chess almost to an obsession. She had once had the chance
to play with Chen Ye. Although Aranya didn't know how their game
panned out that day, it seemed to be an unforgettable game from the way
Wen Tian had looked. Finally on the third time she brought Wen Tian
back, the scholar hesitated for a period of time, then cautiously inquired
whether it would be possible for her to come to Mengchun Manor and
learn a few things from Chen Ye.
Needless to say, she agreed.
Wen Tian's face was filled with gratitude.
Thereafter, Scholar Wen regularly visited Mengchun Yuan.
On the first few days, the old steward ofttimes came to report the hour on
which Scholar Wen arrived at the manor and the hour on which she left,
what she said to Chen Ye, and how many games they played.
Once, he added with concern that although he could see Chen Ye wasn't
particularly warm, he was at least willing to regard Scholar Wen favorably.

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Then, would it be alright to continue letting this scholar into Mengchun

Aranya smiled and looked to her steward, then said, It's good to have a
friend who shares your hobby. Your following them around like that is
enough for people to lose interest. What His Excellency the Archmage
wants to do is his own business. He has met with misfortunes this time. We
opened our door to help him, not to imprison him. I seem to recall having
mentioned these words to you before.
The old steward received this admonition and returned to seriously ponder
on it. When he caught on, he wanted to sew his mouth shut.
However, the old steward had been by Aranya's side his entire life. He was
like a loyal child. In his mind, even though Her Highness seemed to hint
that he no longer needed to report to her Chen Ye's business in the future,
he felt he should still report what ought to be reported. For example, Lord
Chen Ye had been playing chess with Scholar Wen to a trance these days.
This needed to be reported.
The steward's old heart was like a spider carefully weaving its webs.
Noting that although Chen Ye was often spacing out these days, he didn't
always space out. Only when he played chess at Boxin Pavilion or at the
miniature stone forest did Chen Ye go into a trance.
He was often staring out to the ormosia tree beside the pavilion. From what
the steward saw, there wasn't anything particularly mystifying about the
tree. It just looked fairly handsome now that it was grown, and its sturdy
trunk happened to be missing a length of bark. He recalled that this tree
might have had a line or two of Aranya's inscription on it before.
The miniature stone forest in Mengchun Manor was where Aranya used to
practice archery. Its stone formation was arranged in a solitary open space.
On breezy days, playing chess here could bring peace to one's heart and
In Scholar Wen's hand was a chess stone. Her beauty was exceptionally
serene and elegant. Those who didn't know would probably think Chen Ye

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was watching Scholar Wen into a daze. But who was the old steward? He,
of course, perceived Chen Ye's eyes sweeping past Scholar Wen's head and
focusing on the boulder behind her.
On the boulder were a few lines as follows: I cannot banish my sorrowful
longing, so there is no point in hastening it away. The many changes in this
ephemeral existence, are but predetermined fate at play. This sorrow and
grief, this worry and fear, all shall in due course go on their way.
Although there was no signature left behind, the steward knew whose
handwriting it was. There was only Aranya who loved to write calligraphy
in this estate. But seriously writing with brushes and papers wasn't to her
liking. On a whim, she would pick up any random object and draw a few
strokes wherever she might be. In the past, she had also properly signed
her name under each inscription. But eventually her writing became too
prolific and she didn't bother to sign anymore.
The loyal steward kept what he saw in mind, then taking advantage of
Aranya's good mood one day, he unstitched his sewn mouth and brought
up the matter.
Evenly, Aranya continued her writing. She smiled with a sigh, I had once
deceived him. It's no surprise he would be angry when he saw my words.
Why must you arrange the chess games in those places? The ink flowing
from her brush became thicker. But there aren't many places in Mengchun
Manor with my inscriptions either. If he really dislikes them, please see to
it that they are taken care of. If they were carved on trees, you can strip off
the bark. If they were carved in stone, then chisel them out.
Aranya made it sound so easy, but the old steward was reluctant about
removing those inscriptions. There was a small part of him that thought
Aranya might have been wrong. Then he thought, even if she wanted to,
Chen Ye hadn't said he disliked them himself. He wanted to hear from him
directly before he decided whether they should be removed or kept.
There had also been a lot of things going on these past few days. Although
Chen Ye's detainment to the princess's estate to make a lapis mirror for

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

Crown Prince Yehua was a sentence in pretext, efforts on every facade had
already been made. A room had long been prepared in Mengchun Manor
for Chen Ye. Days had been spent on collecting the required materials.
Everything had been found by now, and they were only waiting to start the
furnace to smelt the glass. On one of Wen Tian's visits to Aranya's, she said
she had heard some rumors relating to Chen Ye's mirror-making and
wanted to come along for learning experience. He would need someone to
help, so she volunteered, asking the princess to give her this chance.
Aranya gave it to her.
Su Moye tapped the rim of his cup and said to her, It seems Scholar Wen
has really fallen for Chen Ye. I really admire your generosity in granting
her whatever she asks for.
Aranya leaned over and poured him more tea. Chen Ye has his own
choice in love; it's not his fault that he didn't choose me. Did you think I'd
become a hateful villain out of jealousy? She then said, Half of the hatred
in this world stems from nothing more than the idea itself. I didn't think
there was a reason to be resentful. Tonight was an opportunity that hadn't
presented itself before. Giving him this romance required little effort on my
part. How can we even mention it as generosity?
At length, Su Moye replied, I didn't think you would be the resentful type,
but it's still hard to avoid being bothered by these things. I was just
wondering, if ever you became resentful because of him one day, for what
reason would it be?
Aranya turned the cup in her palm. Then it must be because he was once
mine to have. Let's say for example he fell in love with me, then didn't love
me anymore and fell for someone else instead. She went on as she
laughed, A girl's idea of love is as vague as dust, you might barf if you
listen to it. Here, drink some tea for a second.
Su Moye gazed to the inside of his cup. There are major things in this
world, and there are also trivial ones. Whether big or small, they are all


Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

difficult to sever. Heaven's Crown Prince Yehua and High Deity Bai Qian's
love story, for example, should not be underestimated.
Teacher, you're right, but my problem is barely real. I've never even
thought about it.
Mortal wise men of the past advised that nothing in this world was
absolute; they must've been talking about this. Immortals only boasted of
their long age that they never tried to understand Heaven's will until they
were met with disappointment. Immortals aren't just those born to the
deity clan. Whether demons or humans, all must sever their six desires and
seven emotions in order to attain divinity. Once they rid of their desires,
there wasn't anything left to be disappointed about. So most of the gods
were actually inferior to the humans if one were to speak of the unknown.
The archery teacher had returned, bringing with him many souvenirs from
his hometown in profuse gratitude to Aranya. No longer having to come to
school, she spent a few idle days at her estate. Occasionally, she took a few
books out to Lake Pavilion to enjoy the breeze. When she reached the
lakeside, she encountered Chen Ye and Wen Tian heading back. She didn't
avoid them nor did she hide. She continued walking past them. Wen Tian
greeted her with a smile; she also smiled back. Chen Ye looked at her in
silence. Two steps past them, she turned her head and said, Yesterday my
steward said you wanted a special material to make the mirror pieces of
stone from Mount Qinan, I seem to recall. They haven't collected
everything for you. Steward Xu knows of the various materials, but they'll
still need you to come and pick them out yourself. I've let His Majesty
know. I'll be going to see Xize the day after tomorrow, are you going to join
Are you doing this as a favor to me because you think of me as a caged
bird that's being trapped so pitifully? said Chen Ye, coldly.
Aranya raised her book to block the sunlight and replied, If you say it's a
favor, then let's consider it a favor.


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Trying to smooth things over, Wen Tian offered, Can I come along, too?
Outsiders normally cannot enter Mount Qinan without permission from
His Majesty, but I really want to visit it this once.
The other two were still locked in a stare-down with neither conceding
even an inch. Of course Wen Tian will come with us, Chen Ye replied.
Aranya was a little surprised. She smiled and said, That's fine with me.
Having Wen Tian will prevent the two of us from starting a fight along the
Two days later. Behind Qinan Mountain, Chinese parasol trees cast their
shadows in the sun; bamboos rustled in the light breeze.
Aranya brought along a basket filled with assorted homemade pastries.
She peacefully sat in the open space outside of the bamboo cottage and
waited for Xize to complete his pranayama and open the door to welcome
in his guests. Chen Ye coldly glanced to the the basket beside her, then,
without a word, went ahead into the quarry with Wen Tian.
Xize's pranayama continued to noon. As he opened his door, he yawned
and leaned against the fences in his fluttering white robe and said to her,
You got here so soon. Oh, and you brought cakes for me too?
Aranya carried the basket over and greeted him. You wrote that you've
caught a Quanyin beast19 to help me practice my archery. You knew I'd be
coming to visit within two days at the latest, yet you shut that door the
entire morning. I was beginning to think you didn't want to see me. These
were her words, but her face was lit with some interest: Where's the
Quanyin beast right now?
Xize received the basket and turned around, walking as he told her, You
scared me with that zombie look when you first arrived. Obviously, I
Quanyin beast: also known as an aoyin, a man-eating beast from Sanwei
Mountain, resembling an ox with four horns.


Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

couldn't let you in lest you give me bad luck. You're finally looking alive
again. It would've been better had you looked alive sooner, though. It's not
often you come here to see me, can't you brighten up a bit?
Aranya sighed, My spirits haven't been great these days, but surely, I can't
resemble a zombie just yet. Did you make me stand outside boiling half a
day in the sun to help me absorb some vitality?
Xize plopped a piece of pastry into his mouth. What else could it be for?
He raised his head; a stone forest was emerging behind the dissipating fog.
It was dense with erratic stone peaks. In the sky above was a ring of
encircling violet light. They could faintly hear the roar of some strange
beast. He seemed to find this sound pleasing to the ears. After listening to
it for a while, he said, Because this Quanyin beast kept causing trouble
year after year, I was bothered to go catch it. It is the most agile out of all
the exotic animals, and it's also insensitive to pain, so it's very suitable for
you to practice your shooting. If you can shoot it, you'll be able to shoot
anything in Fanyin Valley.
Aranya conjured a bow from her sleeve and smilingly said, Let me go
meet him.
The Quanyin beast was a prehistoric four-horned animal. Its temperament
was as ferocious as its looks; it could only be described as fierce. Aranya
raised the Jianshi bow and flew into the stone maze. Because the Quanyin
beast had been starved by Xize for days, the smell of human excited its
senses. Even though it didn't have enough strength due to hunger, its
claws were sharper than usual, and its body was also more alert. It was
hard to blame the beast for risking its life to feed itself.
Aranya used the stone boulders as shields and held her breath as she kept
her distance from the Quanyin beast. Wingless arrows pierced through the
air, but before they could reach its body, it had smartly escaped. From
outside, Xize at length called in: You won't hit it if you aim for it. None of
the things you used to shoot was faster than your arrows, but the Quanyin
beast will always be faster. It'd do you better to calculate the speed of your

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arrows, then calculate the speed at which the beast moves and shoot at a
Xize had his point, but it was easier said than done. What he said meant
that Aranya would need to do three things. First, she'd have to hide from
the Quanyin beast to avoid being caught and devoured by it. Second, she'd
have to immediately make an accurate estimation to raise her bow. Third,
she'd need to observe and grasp its habits and movements. They'd been in
the maze for half an hour but neither was able to gain the upper hand. One
could imagine how angry the Quanyin beast was, not being able to enjoy
the meal that was right in front of its eyes.
Xize stood to the side of the stone forest and said while sipping his tea, Do
try to come out soon. It's quite normal to not be able to shoot him within an
hour. If you got eaten because you were tired, what would I say to your
His voice had barely landed when the Quanyin beast's enraged roar was
heard reverberating from within the stone formation.
The maiden in red had pushed herself from a stone pillar into the air and
released a well-calculated arrow. It was aimed at the four-horned beast's
abdomen, a terrific aim and exceptionally accurate. Her tranquil eyes
betrayed a trace of delight. She planned on landing and quickly retreating
from the formation; tragedy, however, fell at this very moment.
The second she landed, not noticing a bunch of loquat pits on the ground,
she lost her footing and fell straight down, then knocked her forehead on a
nearby stalagmite.
It all happened in a flash. The furious Quanyin beast was ready to pounce
Flapping wings suddenly sounded in the empty sky. Like overcast clouds,
black feathers obscured the light of day. A blade thrust into the surging
beast's chest and drove it into the side of a stone pillar. Everything
happened in a split second. The black-robed man's eyes were as fathomless
as an abyss. He made a seal from his palm. Behind the silver light, the

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

erratic stones in the forest rumbled and began to move. Comfortable now
that it had broken free from the blade, the Quanyin beast roared in desire
to pass through the stone formation.
Because the formation was mobilized by Chen Ye, it wasn't as careless and
loose as it had been. The Quanyin beast was pinned in place. Nevertheless,
it wasn't going to be easy for the two of them to leave the maze. There was
only a small opening between them and the Quanyin beast in the
southwest corner.
Aranya clutched the bleeding wound on her forehead and foggily regarded
him as though she still hadn't figured out why he would suddenly appear.
What other thoughts would she have at this critical moment? Chen Ye held
Aranya and pressed her injured head against his chest; black wings tightly
enclosed the two of them. They struggled through the nearest rocks in front
of the beast, their pressing bodies rolling over to the the most vulnerable
spot of the force field. Once they got out of the formation, Xize
immediately reinforced the force field. His gaze fell upon Chen Ye as he
said to him in commendation, It's been a while. You're much more
composed on the battlefield compared to before. He then added, You
had always loved putting on that cold face and ignoring other people when
you were young. How come you haven't changed at all after growing up?
How can you let her fight the Quanyin beast knowing it's so dangerous?
Chen Ye replied, rather stoically.
Didn't she hit it, though? If not for the sudden fall... He guiltily scratched
his head. Ah, it's all my fault. I took a stroll in the maze yesterday and
peeled some loquats Then he at once said in sternness, But real
battlegrounds are all like this. No one will be there to help her clean loquat
pits. She'll just have to be careful herself. That was precisely my lesson to
Aranya lay in Chen Ye's arms. After a while, she interrupted, I don't think
anyone would be eating loquats on the battlefield, so there's no need to
worry about this.

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Chen Ye stared at Xize; there was no trace of warmth in his eyes. When
she was in danger what were you doing? She's your wife.
Xize at once seemed ridden with guilt. I was eating the cakes she brought
for me so I wasn't paying attention But he instantly turned stern:
What, just because we performed nuptial rites we're supposed to be
husband and wife? That may be everyone's narrow-minded view, but
Aranya and I don't feel the same way. Besides, weren't you faster than me
in your rescuing of her? Wouldn't anything I might have done have been
Chen Ye's expression frosted up like a block of ice. If I hadn't been fast,
her arm would've been bitten off by the beast.
Xize said in bewilderment, She's the one whose arm could've been bitten
off. If she's not questioning me, why are you questioning me?
Chen Ye's hand was still covering Aranya's bleeding forehead. A curious
look spread on her face as she played along with Xize: That's a really good
question. I'd also like to know.
Chen Ye looked down at her for the first time. The blood on her forehead
had stained his hand. Contemptuously, he had once said these things
weren't clean, but he was letting them dirty his fingers this time. He did
not withdraw his hand. In his eyes was a flash of something resembling
Aranya softly asked him, Chen Ye, do you like me?
How dare you...
She brushed aside his fingers that were pressing on her forehead. There
was a trace of anger in his voice: Can you stay still?
She laughed, You really do like me, Chen Ye.
His fingers again draped over her forehead. He pressed his lips together
and did not speak, but she was the sole image which existed in his eyes.
Her condition had seemed to him so serious. Like an otherworldly being

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who had broken through a snowy fortress, aside from her smile, behind
him would be an eternal sky filled with scattering snow.
But even that was difficult enough.
She cheered up and reached her hand out to poke at his chin. It doesn't
matter if you won't admit to it. I have a headache, show me a smile.
He continued holding her. He let her play with his chin but slightly
lowered his gaze to her: Do you want to die?
She gave him a faint smile. Has anyone ever pinched your chin like me?
He was still looking at her in the same way, waiting for her hand to pull
away. What do you think? He should have been angry, but he didn't
sound angry in the least.
When Wen Tian rushed over to offer a silk handkerchief, her hand froze
mid-air as her face paled in color. Xize plopped a piece of cake into his
mouth, glanced at the sky, coughed and concluded, Those who need to
find a bed for the injured should go find a bed, those who need to cook
should go cook. Why is everyone standing around here?
Regarding the question of whether Chen Ye had liked Aranya or not,
Fengjiu had perspired cold sweat when she listened to the first half of their
past from Mo Shao. At this time, it was as if a boulder had suddenly sunk
into the deep abyss and left a loud boom behind her. What was rising, was
her floating belief. She was both pleased and relieved.
But while listening to Mo Shao speak of the Quanyin beast, she also
wondered whether, in order to satisfactorily sing this show with Chen ye,
she would also need to meet the legendary Quanyin beast living behind
Qinan Mountain?
Her scalp was prickly when she thought of this.
But for Aranya and Chen Ye, it should have been a moving incident that
brought the two of them together. Her previous worries were quietly
drowned out. She was fated to have a doomed love; her path wasn't lined

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with roses. Because she sincerely sympathized with Aranya, she had hoped
her fate would be a little smoother. This outcome was to her satisfaction.
She asked if he wanted another cup of tea. Su Moye glanced at her, a faint
smile appearing on his disconsolate face. That smile for a moment chilled
her to the bones. Fengjiu shivered and was reminded that this man sitting
across from her was nicknamed God of a Thousand Faces.
The thousand-faced deity's fingers lightly tapped on the table. I know
what you're thinking. You feel that this was a happy ending, don't you?
He gazed to the lake in the distance. It wasn't an ending at all. There were
many other things that happened afterwards, but only one could be
regarded as good. He paused, then went on: Xize is really quite
honorable. Although this marriage was meaningless to him, he never once
over the years submitted a memorial to ask for a divorce. He had pitied
Aranya for being a scorned princess. As his wife, her days were finally
getting better. Since that day behind Qinan Mountain, Chen Ye and Aranya
stayed together for two years more. I'm not sure what was there between
the two of them. At that time, I had returned to the West Sea. All I know is
that Chen Ye was still living in confinement at Aranya's estate in those two
Fengjiu inwardly wondered to herself. Mo Shao said he had business and
was called back to the West Sea, an excuse one couldn't deny. But could it
be that when he finally came to understand what Aranya meant to him,
unfortunately, the person he loved had already found someone else?
Because of his heartache, Mo Shao had returned to the West Sea. Now that
she knew, Fengjiu tried her best to choose her words: I guess it can't be
helped that you don't know everything which had happened. But you just
said there were many bad things that transpired; what were they?
Su Moye was lost in thought for a time. At last, he said, According to
history records, King Xiangli Que died from illness two years later. Crown
Prince Xiangli He inherited the throne; his accession was on the 24th of
July, exactly on the birth of the Nagarjuna Bodhisattva. He had only been
on the throne for seven days when the neighboring Owl Clan condemned

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

the Biyiniao Clan's condoning of transboundary hunting and sent troops to

wage war. Xiangli He personally undertook the expedition and drove the
Owl Clan beyond the Silver River. On August 17th, Xiangli He died in
battle. Xiangli He was childless, and, according to the order of succession
to the throne, if Junuo wasn't demoted into a commoner, she would be next
in line, followed by Aranya and Changdi. On August 19th, the exiled
Junuo was welcomed back into the Imperial City to succeed to the throne.
The next day, Aranya hanged herself.
Fengjiu was astounded.
Su Moye added, Perhaps because Aranya had turned to dust, and
according to the Biyiniaos, hanging was indeed a good way to obliterate
someone's soul, they therefore had the bravado to use it to deceive me.
Fengjiu calmed down for a moment. She frowningly said, I've heard that
after Aranya passed away, the succeeding queen immediately ordered for
her name to be classified as a forbidden word. I have some questions. Did
the clan actually allow Junuo to bypass Aranya to the throne? They also
kept insisting that Aranya hanged herself, but they didn't give you a reason
for her hanging? And why should Junuo ban Aranya's name from being
There were rumors, said Mo Shao expressionlessly, that rather than
dying from illness, Shangjun had actually been poisoned by Aranya.
He brought his gaze back to Fengjiu. Of course, if this was the case, the
questions you raised wouldn't be perplexing. But do you believe this
Fengjiu instinctively shook her head. She asked in sudden recollection,
What about Chen Ye?
Su Moye sneered, Chen Ye? It was rumored that after Shangjun passed
away, he was again welcomed back into Qinan Palace. Aranya was
imprisoned because of the king's death. He once submitted a memorial...
Fengjiu's heart abruptly sank. What was written in it?

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A glacier seemed to have formed from the icy smile in Mo Shao's eyes.
The memorial had requested for Aranya's case to be moved to the holy
palace, saying that since she was guilty of such a serious felony, she ought
to be executed by the shrine. There was a long pause. The next day,
Aranya committed suicide.


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Chapter 13
Fengjiu had a dream that night. In her dream, thick clouds were obscuring
the sky as wind rushed over the open field. There was widespread fire, and
dark smoke diffused in the air. A melancholic river snaked across the field;
on its bank stood a flickering shadow.
Fengjiu could tell the person standing by the riverside was dressed entirely
in red. Despite not seeing her appearance very well, she knew it was
Aranya. With many questions running through her mind, she stepped on
the dead grass, wanting to come closer. But for some reason, she could not
near her.
When she saw the red shadow plunging into the thick smoke, she hastily
called out: Why do you want to kill yourself? What had happened that
you must die even at the risk of disintegrating your soul?
The woman's laughter drifted to her with the wind. With the same
nonchalance Su Moye had mentioned, she said, Yes, why indeed? The
wildfire suddenly expanded and jumped to Fengjiu's feet like a beast.
Startled, she flew into the air. Her body became airy and then she woke up.
In the morning, Fengjiu wondered if this was perhaps a prophetic dream,
but she couldn't figure out what it was foreshadowing. Chacha, who
returned with Mo Shao yesterday, was now lifting her skirt as she ran in to
remind her that Mo Shao would be returning to the Holy Palace. Last night
when she cleaned the study, she saw a bag of toffee foxes with a note that
said it was for Mo Shao. She asked whether Fengjiu still intended to give it
to him. Fengjiu tapped her forehead. Luckily, Chacha was there to remind
her. She went to the study to look for the toffee foxes, then excitedly went
to see Mo Shao.
After a good night's sleep, Su Moye finally looked like a human today,
almost fully returning to his former dashing form.


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Fengjiu chivalrously threw the toffee bag in front of him. Su Moye choked
on his tea. I also have a share?
Of course, Fengjiu generously said, even my sweeping servant has his
share. It'd make no sense not to leave you some. And then she told him as
if she was taking credit: Naturally, your share is bigger than theirs. I also
added more powdered sugar onto yours. The ones I gave to Chen Ye are
also like yours. I heard Chen Ye gave them to his young attendants, and
they all think they taste quite good.
Su Moye's expression kept on changing and finally settled on one that was
both pitying and helpless. He received the toffee and said to Fengjiu,
Have you mentioned this to Xize?
Do I need to tell him this? Fengjiu asked quizzically.
Mo Shao's face became even more pitying and helpless. Erm, best not to
tell him. Remember not to say anything later on either. That will be better
for you.
He had thoroughly confused her. Why not?
Because I want to live another two years, Mo Shao thought to himself. But he
only said to her with some discretion, Oh, because with your current
identity, it's not very proper to personally make candies and gift them to
your servants and master. In the past, Aranya didn't do such things either.
If you tell Xize, you'll only attract his suspicion and complicate things.
I see, Fengjiu suddenly came to realization. I hadn't given this matter
careful thought. It's still you who considers things thoroughly.
At this point, because Xize had been mentioned several times, Fengjiu
suddenly recalled something else. She said to Su Moye, I suddenly
thought of something. There's one thing I have to ask you. Because I'm a
terrestrial animal, I'm not very familiar with sea life. But since you're from
the sea, you'd probably know this. What are the antidotes for the venom
from a water serpent's blood? It had been more than ten days since the
water serpent's venom seeped into Xize's body, but it was yet to be

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purified. The Biyiniao apothecaries were just earth fairies after all. They
had no knowledge on this and couldn't actually diagnose this poison.
Although it wasn't a very serious poison according to Xize, Fengjiu was a
bit concerned.
Su Moye was confused. A water serpent's blood? A water serpent's blood
isn't venomous. In fact, its blood is an extremely rare tonic. Regular poisons
would be cured once they come into contact with a water serpent's blood.
For certain poisons that are too strong due to being made with several
different types of poisons, apothecaries would typically use a water
serpent's blood as a primer to first cure what can be cured, afterward,
drawing out the rest of the poison is much easier. Who told you a water
serpent's blood is venomous?
Fengjiu looked at Su Moye in stuttering bafflement. But but he said he
was poisoned by the water serpent's blood. That he acted that way be...
because of the poison, and that it was beyond his control.
Su Moye poured himself a cup of tea, raised an eyebrow and said, Who
ever said this must've lied to you. The teacup had only touched lips when
he suddenly paused and turned around to look and her. You said he
'acted that way'. What kind of 'acting that way' are you talking about?
Fengjiu said nothing.
Su Moye tentatively asked her, He didn't take advantage of you, did he?
Fengjiu's face went white and then turned pink. Her blush deepened by the
second and had now turned red.
Su Moye's lips twitched. He could already guess who this was.
He had really drunk bloody mold today. Rather, he had been drinking
bloody mold ever since he accepted Liansong's entrustment and
encountered Dijun in this place. Dijun's courtship was just too ingenious
that one should forgive him for not really picking up on it. Nonetheless, he

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knew very well what the consequences would be if His Majesty knew he
had spoiled his plans.
Fengjiu sat on a pear-wood chair against the sunlight looking lost. He
wasn't sure what she was thinking.
Su Moye coughed, trying to remedy the situation against his conscience.
Truthfully, even though a water serpent's blood is an antidote to many
poisons, love poison isn't one of them. If love poison has contaminated the
water serpent's blood...
Fengjiu propped her chin on her hand. Her blush had diffused a bit. Are
you saying that the water serpent may have been poisoned with love
poison and then it in turn contaminated others? But if in the case I got love
poisoned, you then touched my blood, would you also contract the poison?
Where in the world does such a love poison exist? Mo Shao, you don't
really think I'm that gullible, do you?
Su Moye gave a hollow laugh. He could almost see Dijun placing the
Canghe sword on his neck. At length, he sighed and said to Fengjiu,
You've told me that you want to meet a better person, someone who'll
save you when you're in danger, someone who won't toss you aside after
he saves you, someone who'll comfort you when you're in pain. Have you
ever thought that maybe the one who deceives you is the person you've
been looking for?
Fengjiu was stunned for a moment. It's true that I'm happy when I'm with
him, but...
Truth is, I could guess who that person is. Don't you think there are times
when his interests and personality resemble Donghua Dijun's? Not
waiting for Fengjiu's answer, he went on: I think it's not that you don't like
him, you just feel that you're turning him into Donghua Dijun's shadow.
There have been so many times when you say you would let go, but in the
end you still can't. That's what you think, isn't it?
In fact, Su Moye's speech was mostly hogwash. Even when he knew what
he made up was ridiculous, he still tried to lead her toward this crooked

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rationalization. If she could think his words over once, she would
definitely think them over twice. Once she thought about them a few times,
she might even believe that she actually liked Xize.
At this point, this was the only way he could help Dijun remedy the
Fengjiu fell silent for a moment. In that moment, Su Moye drank several
cups of tea. He believed that Fengjiu was being quiet in order to gather her
energy in preparation to chew him out. He brought it upon himself
anyway. He awaited her tirade.
At length, Fengjiu finally spoke in a low voice: Hmm, maybe you're
Su Moye's half-full teacup spilled down his collar as he looked at Fengjiu in
Fengjiu again fell silent for a moment before she said to him, Everything
you said today is good advice that has me sober up. Do you still have
something else to advise me?
A surreal feeling suddenly enveloped Su Moye, but his voice remained
calm: Oh, nothing. Only this: if you really like him, don't pressure
yourself. It might just be because that's the type of men you like, and it just
so happens Dijun and he are both that type.
After Mo Shao left, Fengjiu sat in his room for a long while. In the short
time she was talking to Mo Shao just now, she was in shock, anger,
confusion, and then comprehension. Four different moods all of a sudden
circled her until her brain was dizzy. She tried to think but she just
couldn't. She was shocked that Xize deceived her, she was angry that Xize
actually deceived her, she was confused as to why Xize deceived her, and
she realized he might have deceived her because he liked her.
When she suddenly realized this, she couldn't help but become startled at
first. However, when her aunt Bai Qian taught her divination in the past,
there was a good saying that those who did not have this talent must

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command a guessing technique if they wanted to pass the class. She must
first exclude all known possibilities. The last remaining possibility, even if
it seemed impossible, was also the most likely. This was the secret to
success in divination.
Although Xize had denied whether he liked her or not, Fengjiu could also
be considered an experienced person in love. Her view was naturally no
longer ignorant. She knew that once someone loved, he could sacrifice
everything like her uncle-in-law Yehua. He could also dare to do
everything like her friend Xiao Yan. Or he could stubbornly deny
everything, which, she feared, was precisely Xize's type.
She didn't understand at first what her feelings for Xize were. Among all of
her friends, Xize was undoubtedly the most knowledgeable and the most
tasteful. It was only natural she had a favorable impression of Xize.
Otherwise, he'd unlikely be able to take advantage of her even in the name
of serpent poisoning. In the past, when Gray-wolf didi carelessly hit her
face and left teeth marks on her cheek during one of their games, she had
given him a beating so brutal he was afraid to speak to her for three
But if she were to say she liked Xize, then why was she so terrified when
she thought Xize liked her? She couldn't find an answer until Su Moye's
words floated into her ears today. As though a hole had been drilled in her
head, a light permeated into her mind. Though painful, it gave her clarity.
Mo Shao was indeed Mo Shao. His once sentence whisked into her mind
like a breeze and dispersed what little fog that was still left.
Yes, Xize felt familiar, because he was the same type as Donghua Dijun.
However, her affection for Xize did not stem from Donghua Dijun, but
rather because he was the type that she liked. And it just so happened they
were both that type.
Mo Shao's words made complete sense. Xize was the man she was looking
Now she ruminated, what debt was she still carrying?

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Ye Qingti's was the most important. After parting ways with Xize when the
duel with serpent ended in Shuiyue Swamp, she discovered a pouch with
the Saha fruit in her sleeve. This was when she realized that this shell was
her original body.
With the Saha fruit hidden safely, she could use it to revive Ye Qingti after
she got out of Fanyin Valley. At that time, the debt she owed him could be
paid off, and her promise to mourn for him could also be erased.
And then the name Donghua floated in her mind. She froze for a
moment. Dijun had really given her a lot of grace. Of course, he had also
made her suffer many hardships. But he and Jiheng were now a couple.
Dijun no longer had anything to do with her. In a few years, if he
remembered her, she would only likely be an amusing little friend in his
After thinking through everything, she realized she no longer carried any
debt of gratitude. That being so, since Heaven had sent her someone from
above, why not quickly hold onto him?
This guy Xize was nothing more than a dead duck with a stubborn bill. She
had even given the difficult Donghua Dijun a try, how much more difficult
could Xize be? Thinking so, she calmly drank a cup of tea, suddenly feeling
quite confident...
Three days later, Junuo left the Imperial City. Her pregnancy was affected
on the day she received her sentence on Lingshu Terrace. By Lady
Qinghua's various pleadings, Shangjun finally relented and allowed her to
remain in the capital long enough to recuperate.
Fengjiu heard from Mo Shao that Aranya did them a favor that year by
letting Junuo and Chen Ye meet one last time. Therefore, she had arranged
everything with the sentence administrator some days ago to put on a
goodbye show by the river outside the city for the two of them. He said
Aranya didn't actually come along that year, but having nothing else to do,
she felt that there shouldnt be any problem if she were to take a little look.

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The setting sun's afterglow shone on the water. Weeping willows lined the
riverbank. But those touching scenes often depicted in the Biyiniao travel
journals involving goodbye gifts and tears totally did not happen.
Junuo stood under a willow tree, her body now thin as a twig. Chen Ye
stood tall, gazing across the river. The bearded administrator stood a few
paces behind them, his eyes burning like a pair of bright torches. A long
time passed by in silence.
There were actually people in this world who were so dense! Would
anyone who got stared at by outsiders be able to express his deepest
feelings? She sighed, and then called the bearded administrator to come
over and help her try some tea. During the time she spent with Xize in the
past, she had learned the pleasure of enjoying tea in the wilderness. She
thus took this opportunity to bring along a tea set for some practice.
Sure enough, just as the bearded administrator lifted his feet, behind them,
Junuo made some movement. Her voice was very soft. Unfortunately, the
whispering came to Fengjiu's foxy ears from the wind very clearly.
What she said was full of repentance: I can only forsake your affection in
this life of ours. I was too nave, and now I do not deserve you anymore. I
only hope... I only hope we can renew our promise in our next life. If there
is another lifetime, let's never forsake one another.
Fengjiu's arms instantly raised in goosebumps, the teacup in her hand
slightly shook. She perked her ears wanting to hear Chen Ye's response,
but she had been perking for quite a while yet there was no response from
Chen Ye. At length, he answered her, seemingly puzzled. What affection
have I for you?
There was a trace of unsteadiness in Junuo's voice: You, you said that I
was the meimei you grew up with. That even if I've done wrong, you
would not abandon me. You're normally not a meddlesome person. Yet
knowing that rescuing me would bring terrible consequences, you still put
your life at risk. If these things aren't because of your feelings for me...


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Chen Ye lightly said, I save you so that your father's blood can be
retained. I wouldn't be a man if I did not repay my debt of gratitude. You
should thank your father for his kindness toward me.
Then why have you come to bid me farewell today? asked Junuo
incredulously. Isn't it because you can't bear to abandon me?
I just wanted to take the opportunity of coming outside for a walk.
Junuo's voice trembled: You've never liked Changdi and Aranya, but
you've always treated me the best.
Chen Ye suddenly said with some contempt: That's because of your
mother's unchaste and inauspicious blood. I should have known that since
you and Changdi were born from the same womb, there was no difference.
And yet I had thought better of you.
Junuo shook with rage, her voice tearful: If I am of unchaste and
inauspicious blood, then what about Aranya? She is also born from the
same mother. She's already married to someone else yet she still tries to
flirt with you. Isn't she even more unchaste and inauspicious? Isn't she the
one who's willing to corrupt herself? Yet you are willing to be imprisoned
by her...
Chen Ye sneered, You're perfectly right that I'm willing to be imprisoned
by her. What of it?
Fengjiu's pointy ears abruptly shook, her hand dropping to the ground.
The administrator concernedly came up to her and asked, Do you have a
toothache, Your Highness? Fengjiu shook her head and gave him a cup of
tea, then pointed to the riverside, meaning to tell him that he could start
departing when he's finished with his tea.
She came to catch a show today, and so she did. She really didn't expect
Chen Ye's reason for rescuing Junuo to be this untold layer. But this was
also quite in line with his temper. Chen Ye was verily not the kind of
person who pities women. She knew well enough that he could hurt


Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

someone by just opening his mouth. Now looking to the distance to see
Junuo trembling like a leaf in the wind, her heart was filled with sympathy.
Junuo went away in abjection. Chen Ye gazed to the riverside scenery.
Outside the city were tall mountains and running streams. Compared to
the small landscape in the estate, it was naturally more open here.
Chen Ye had just argued with Junuo. Perhaps he would be thirsty. Fengjiu
wondered whether she should invite him over for a cup of tea to clear his
throat or not. She had only called out when she instantly felt some regret.
With Chen Ye's contempt for Aranya, he probably wouldn't come; she had
called him over for nothing. Thinking so, she suddenly felt pointless and
awkward. She prepared to pour the leftover tea and gather her tea set to
Unexpectedly, Chen Ye actually came over. Not only did he come over, he
also sat cross-legged. Not only did he sit down, he sat opposite her. He
looked up and asked, Where's the tea you were talking about?
This scene in the play... Fengjiu quickly got into her role and answered,
Right here, right here, as she handed him a small cup she had just filled.
To act realistically, to portray Aranya's feelings for Chen Ye, Fengjiu must
raise a few words of concern. At the moment his lips touched the rim of the
cup, she worriedly told him: I've just brewed the tea so it's still a bit hot.
Give it a blow first. And when he drank the liquid down, she said
expectantly, There's nothing special about this tea. It's only brewed with
some coarse leaves. But the water was collected from the dew on lotus
leaves. Give it a try and see whether it's to your taste. Chen Ye placed the
cup down and looked at her with penetrating eyes. She calmly handed a
silk kerchief to him and continued her caring act that was full of
indulgence: You must've been absent-minded just now. Look, your mouth
is stained with tea. Use this.
Chen Ye watched her for a moment before receiving her handkerchief.
There was a mocking hint in his words: I don't understand you. A few
days ago, I heard your and Lord Xize's affection for each other had made

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

you the model couple among the aristocrats. Yet why is it that you're
showing so much care for me today?
Fengjiu's heart gave a thump. Xize never left Qinan Mountain in Aranya's
time. He had played no part in Aranya and Chen Ye's story. But she had
forgotten that Xize was now one of many variables. Mo Shao had warned
her that she could do whatever it was she wanted, but she must be sure to
play along according to the past when it came to the relationship between
Aranya and Chen Ye, for this was a crucial component of the future
Fengjiu held Chen Ye's hand and sincerely said, Xize and I are merely
playing with each other. But my feelings for you... She was about to blurt
out have always been genuine when she quickly bit her tongue as she
suddenly remembered Aranya only had a secret crush on Chen Ye at the
At this very moment, it just so happened Chacha had brought Xize, who
came back from Qinan out of the blue, to the riverside looking for Fengjiu.
What the two encountered was precisely this scene.
Weeping willows were swaying on the banks; river breeze softly grazed
the water surface. In the grass field sat a tea table. There, Chen Ye and
Fengjiu were sitting opposite each other. Fengjiu had Chen Ye's hand in
hers from across the tea table. She was softly whispering something to him.
In her eyes was infinite tenderness.
Chacha's mind was completely muddled. She began trailing behind Xize
when she saw him take a few steps closer. She heard her own princess's
voice floating into her ears: Xize is a good man. Perhaps 'playing with
each other' isn't a very accurate description. However, what you say really
worries me. He and I are only friends who help each other out from time to
time. I vow to Heaven I have absolutely nothing to do with him. Not
before, not now, and not ever. Will you believe me?
Chacha did not have time to ponder over Fengjiu's words, but she did melt
at her soft voice. She accidentally gave a sneeze. In that moment when her

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

head tilted to the side, she saw Xize's slightly stunned expression. His
Lordship's face was white like snow, his eyes cold like frozen ice.
Chacha gingerly turned around. She saw the couple sitting by the tea table
also watching them. One was indifferent while the other was quite
surprised. She thought perhaps they were alarmed by her sneeze and only
discovered them now.
Chacha glanced over to see that Her Highness's hand was still covering
Chen Ye's. Although there was some surprise in her eyes, she had yet to
withdraw the tenderness in them. Moreover, the princess was dressed
entirely in red today. Sitting alongside Chen Ye who was dressed entirely
in white, they looked just like a match made in heaven.
Xize's eyes paused on them for a moment. She had never seen that kind of
expression on his face before, but in the end what kind of expression it was,
she could not say. His Lordship took a step forward, then stopped, then
looked at the couple that was sitting in stillness for a moment, spoke not,
and finally turned to leave. She remembered that His Lordship's back had
always been dignified. No matter what crisis there was, his pace had
always been unhurried. It had had its own kind of grace. For some reason,
his footsteps were a now little urgent.
Chacha stood still in place, knowing she shouldn't follow him this time.
She heard Chen Ye meaningfully say to her master: If there's nothing
between you two, why is he leaving?
She heard her master answered earnestly but equally vaguely: Oh, there's
really nothing between Xize and I. You needn't test me. Perhaps he left
because he felt he had disturbed our enjoyment of tea and scenery. Or do
you think having more people would liven the mood? If you prefer
something livelier, I can call him to come back.
Chacha saw His Lordship's back slightly pause and felt in that moment he
was going to erupt. But in just a flash, he had disappeared from their sight.
Chacha recalled the image of His Lordship's back and thought to herself
His Lordship was indeed His Lordship. He had even made the landscape

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

one of 'jade tree in the wind'. However, the wind may have been a bit
strong, making that jade tree in the wind seem a little desolate.
Chacha suddenly felt a wave of sympathy washing over her.
Fengjiu looked to the pouring downfall outside her window in a daze.
After they left the field in the afternoon, she was proud of herself for
watching Xize walk away while still reassuring and accompanying Chen
Ye through tea before walking him back to Mengchun Manor. This was her
professionalism. She was caught in a scenario no different from an
amorous guest who visited the brothel to find his sweetie only to run into
his shrew of a wife who came to catch the affair. She believed that a
habitual offender still couldn't have taken care of things better than she
did. On the one hand, she felt it wasn't very easy to be a player. On the
other hand, she felt she had done such a great job that she must be
naturally gifted.
After Chen Ye returned to Mengchun Manor, she spent an entire afternoon
searching for Xize. By the time rain drizzled down, she still couldn't find a
trace of his shadow. She turned around and went back. If she had to guess,
she'd say Xize was jealous. But he had always been a sensible man, she
didn't need to explain herself to him right away. Dealing with Chen Ye was
a very tiring thing, she had better save some of her energy. It wouldn't be
good to get sick in the rain.
Chacha rested the candlestick on the windowsill and looked to the pouring
night sky. She worriedly looked to Fengjiu and said, It's raining so hard,
His Lordship must be drenched!
Fengjiu yawned. He should be able to find a shelter. It's nothing to worry
If you haven't been able to find him, sighed her maid, it must mean he's
purposely avoiding you. I'm sure he wants to see you but is afraid of it at
the same time. He wants you to explain to him that there's nothing between

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

you and His Excellency Chen Ye, but he's afraid that you'd say there are
actually feelings between you two.
He's not that complicated of a person Fengjiu replied.
Chacha sighed, Just think, His Lordship has gone to some deserted place
and at the moment, it's raining cats and dogs. But His Lordship's heart is
already overwhelmed with shock and sadness, how can he pay any
attention to the rain? Even if the icy rain seeps through his clothes, that
coldness is nothing compared to the despair in his heart.
He can't possibly...
Chacha looked at Fengjiu with some resentment. By the time he realizes
it's raining, I'm sure he'll hope that Your Highness would still come despite
the rain. He'll hold you in his arms and forget all about the injury you've
inflicted on him. But you.... She gave Fengjiu another resentful look. You
went home the moment you saw a few drops of rain. Is there even a place
for His Lordship in your heart? What pain he must be feeling. He'll wonder
why he can't just die from the rain.
Fengjiu's head couldn't dodge the onslaught hurled at her. It can't be that
Chacha struck the iron while it was hot: Your Highness, do you want to
go look for His Lordship again?
Fengjiu struggled to imagine an injured Xize in the rain. She didn't know
why, but she kept picturing his sitting around enjoying the rain by a
simmering hot pot. How could standing miserably in the rain be something
Xize would do? She lamented Chacha had worried too much and gave a
cough: I'm going to bed. Xize must've gone to bed himself. I'll look for
him tomorrow after the sky clears up.
Chacha had wasted her breath trying to turn iron into steel. She sighed,
shook her head, and turned to make Fengjiu's bed.
Outside the window, rain pounded on. Fengjiu foggily thought to herself
that it had been so sunny for the past few days. The rain came just in time

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to wash the haziness away. She gradually fell asleep in the pattering of the
rain. In the middle of the night, she felt that her bed had gotten narrower.
There was a dampness passing over her face. She didn't sleep very soundly
tonight, and so it only took a second for her to jolt awake. The candlestick
beyond her bed curtain abruptly lit up.
Through the dim candlelight on the other side of the thin curtain, Fengjiu
was able to discern a person's figure. It was Lord Xize who was taking up
the other half of her bed. Coldness surrounded him. Sensing light, his eyes
slowly opened. After a brief moment of stupor, he looked to Fengjiu and
asked, What are you doing here?
Fengjiu looked back at him for a while and said, I should be the one
asking you this.
A puzzlement appeared in Xize's eyes. She yawned and added, Since this
is my bed. Tonight, Xize seemed to be slow in reacting to everything.
You've returned since earlier, haven't you? No wonder I couldn't find you
anywhere for a whole afternoon. Do you stay in the eastern or the western
wing? You're in my room right now... because you sleep-walked and went
to the wrong room, right?
Xize was silent for a long time. I went out for a walk and didn't really pay
attention to the time. I've just returned and accidentally entered the wrong
Outside, rain and wind continued whistling. She slightly groped on her
bed for a length of time before pulling out a shell, the room was
immediately covered in a soft light. At this time, Fengjiu finally saw that
Xize was soaked in water. The spot where he lay was also sodden with the
wetness from his body.
Fengjiu was quite stunned. It turned out Chacha was a prophet.
She reached for Xize's frozen fingers. Holding them felt as though she was
holding a lump of snow.


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Fengjiu gritted her teeth: If it's raining so hard, don't you know how to
find shelter or create a force field to keep dry from the rain?
Xize closed his eyes sleepily. I was too busy thinking to notice the rain.
Fengjiu tried to climb over him.
Xize grabbed her hand. There's no need to hurry outside to avoid
rumors. He sounded tired. What could I possibly do to you in such
Fengjiu struggled away from his grasp.
I won't do anything to you. My head's a little dizzy. Keep me company
just for a while.
The veins on Fengjiu's forehead were popping blue. To hell with rumors
and company. You've been in the rain for hours, how can your head not be
dizzy? I'm going to prepare a bath for you. If you can move then take off
your clothes and give them to me. Cover yourself with the quilt. If you
can't move, then don't.
I can't move, he said.
On the other side of the wall screen, Fengjiu replied while rolling up her
sleeves and preparing the bath. Then you can take a bath with your
clothes on.
Xize thought for a while then said, Actually, I think I can move now.
This was where magic came in handy. Even though the servants had been
to bed now that it was in the middle of the night, she could still make her
own hot bath. Fengjiu dipped her hand into the tub to test the water. She
placed a wall screen around the tub and brought a small stool over to sit
with her face to the door, then told Xize the bath was ready.
After a series of crashing and splashing, Fengjiu wondered if Xize had
banged himself on the furniture, but as he was naked at this point... she
restrained her worried impulse. Only until there was the sound of water

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from behind the wall screen did she bring a stool over to sit near the screen
in case Xize needed something from her.
Fengjiu was pinching her thighs when she heard Xize speak from behind
the screen: I was thinking about the letter you sent me when I was talking
the stroll.
What letter?
The sound of water stopped. You said you wanted to use my name to
save Chen Ye on Lingshuo Terrace because you were quite moved by his
honorable feelings for Junuo.
Fengjiu at last recalled she had sent Xize a letter along with the toffee foxes
in which she related to him Chen Ye's matter. She probably had written a
few scholarly lines, but she couldn't really remember exactly what she had
written, so she couldn't really understand why Xize suddenly mentioned it.
She just vaguely answered him, Ah yes, there is such a thing.
I believed it at first because I didn't think you would lie to me.
Fengjiu's heart leapt to her throat. Did he mean he had figured out she
wasn't Aranya and that she was playacting with Mo Shao? A drop of cold
sweat rolled down her forehead.
Xize continued: So it turned out you rescued him because you like him.
His deep voice was trapped in the fog; it did not sound quite real. Fengjiu
was relieved. So this was what he was thinking. I didn't lie to you. You've
thought too much, she told him. But because her heart suddenly relaxed,
her voice was light, and to Xize, it sounded as though the mere mention of
Chen Ye's name could render her happy.
There was another unspeakable silence.
Xize unhurriedly said, When did you start to like him? Before she could
reply, he spoke again, Was it because he had rescued you from the Jiuqu
Cage, but I hadn't? Since you want someone who would come to you in
times of danger, you feel it should be him?

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Fengjiu was a bit confused. Xize had been insisting they were good
buddies. Were these the things good buddies should be saying? Moreover,
she only remembered mentioning the type of person she liked to Mo Shao.
How come everyone seemed to know what type of person she preferred
With the bravado of a dead duck, she cleared her throat, wanting to lure
Xize to be clearer: You're my good friend, when I'm in trouble, you don't
need to be the first one there. You see, you are different from Chen Ye.
She waited for Xize's reply but behind the wall divider was a long
silence. After waiting for a length of time, she felt that the silence wasn't
very normal. There wasn't even the sound of water. Fengjiu panicked. He
was feeling dizzy, did he faint in the water?
Unable to ignore Xize this time, she strode three steps and crossed the
screen. Because she had just added into the tub herbs such as dried ginger
and speranskia to help fend off the cold, the water was somewhat murky.
Xize was not on the surface.
Fengjiu called to him. There was no reply. She shivered and stepped to the
tub. She reached into the water without even rolling up her sleeves. When
she found something rigid, she fished it out from the water. Xize surfaced.
His half naked body now above the water surface, one of his hand was
grabbed by her, the other was holding aside his long wet hair. He knitted
his brow at her. In the night pearl's soft glow, water droplets continuously
rolled down from his bare skin. Fengjiu brought her gaze from his
collarbone to his neck, then to his face. Suppressing her blushing face, she
tried to appear composed as she asked him, Don't scare me like that. What
were you doing down there?
Thinking. You're too noisy.
The hand she used to hold him stiffened. She had just decided that he had
feelings for her. But now his words made her unsure. Perhaps she was the
only one in a one-sided love. Although Xize's behaviors had always been
strange, did he really not have any feelings for her? Because her love

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advisor, Warrior Xiao Yan, wasn't here to give her a timely solution, she
spaced out for a moment, then let go of his hand in embarrassment and
said, Okay, then continue with your thinking. Put your clothes on once
you're done bathing and go back to the eastern wing. I'm going there to
prepare your room first.
She turned to go, but her exposed arm was held back by Xize. A
suppressed husky voice came to her from behind: How is Chen Ye better
than me? Fengjiu was dumbfounded in place. If he had not suspected her,
she would have thought he was being jealous, but at this time, she was a
little confused. Or was he asking the question literally... She thought for a
moment, then honestly answered, I've never thought about this before.
She never had improper thoughts about Chen Ye, so she naturally
wouldn't compare him with Xize. However, in Xize's ears, this remark had
sounded as though she was clearly in love with Chen Ye and disdained the
comparing of Chen Ye to others. The room was momentarily very quiet.
Between their breathing, one could hear the wind outside the window.
Fengjiu's throat was feeling astringent for some reason. She struggled away
from his hold.
A strength suddenly came to her arm. Having not stood firmly, she
abruptly fell into the bathtub, splashing sprays of water everywhere. The
scent of fragrant herbs lingered around her nose. Warm water soaked her
undergarment, the gossamer fabric at her arm was soaked through,
plastering onto her snow-white skin. Fengjiu moved a little and was
alarmed to find her sitting on Xize's lap, his face in close proximity.
Such a handsome man, with long soaked hair and a glistening face.
Normally his clothes were so reserved that even his neck wasn't shown. At
this moment, however, his entire upper body was bare above the water.
His dark pupils, a brewing storm. And his face was very calm.
Fengjiu blushed like a tomato. She sat on his lap and did not dare to move.
She really couldn't keep up with this show; she didn't know what to sing

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Xize's free hand touched her face as he whispered, Can Chen Ye say
pretty words to make you happy? Can he say you're beautiful, nice, and
talented? He paused and stared into her eyes. I hadn't said nor could I
say the nice things you wanted to hear, but can't you see how I feel about
Fengjiu stammered a 'yes'. Half a second later, cried a 'yes?' again.
Her knotted mind didn't fully process his words when she stammered her
first 'yes'. After half a moment of thought and when she had ruled out all
possibilities and finally understood what he was saying, her second 'yes?'
was a startled 'yes'.
Sure enough, he had those meanings after going roundabout in circles.
Fengjiu suppressed her the blooming flowers in her heart and armed her
face with composure.
I never thought I'd be too late, Xize said a while later, I never thought
you wouldn't want me. He said these things too naturally, as though
Fengjiu had given him all the grievances in the world.
So you got jealous and stayed in the rain?
Xize looked to the ceiling. I was thinking of what to do, but I couldn't
think of anything. Getting rid of him might be a way, but it'll make you
Fengjiu said in gladness, Thank heavens you were still thinking of
whether I'd be sad or not and did not rashly kill Chen Ye.
Even though you hurt me, I am still a man, how can I hurt you?
You can actually say nice words for a change?
Those were nice words? Xize tiredly said.
While they were talking, the water in the tub had turned cold. Seeing that
Xize's emotions seemed to have eased, Fengjiu climbed out of the tub. Xize


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looked somewhat tired as he leaned into the tub, no longer stopping her.
He did not say anything either.
Fengjiu looked down to Xize from outside the tub. Their height difference
suddenly emboldened her. Xize did not seem to be just a little jealous. She
also felt sorry for him, but who told him to be so stubborn?
Using magic to make the water warm again, she leaned over secretively
and whispered into Xize's ear: I can't believe you're being so jealous. Have
I ever said I like Chen Ye?
Xize's eyes flew open.
She placed her hand on his head as though she was pacifying a child. That
thing in the afternoon was just a misunderstanding. I like you, so how can I
not want you? She placed a kiss on his cheek, a sweetness rising in her
heart. Before Xize could react, she sneezed and discovered that her wet
clothes had started to seep coldness into her skin. She hurried behind the
screen to change out of them to dry.
Fengjiu particularly admired herself tonight. She had won Xize so
effortlessly. As expected, her techniques were great after a thousand years
of training.
There was still one thing that gave her some headaches. Her being Aranya
was only pretense, so of course she could not stay here her whole life.
However, Xize was from this world. How would she take him out? Would
he be willing to leave with her?
After thinking for a while, she felt that it wasn't very urgent and did not
bother to think about it further. She hummed a little song while she
changed the beddings that were made sodden by Xize. Now that they had
reached an understanding, there was no need to move to the eastern
chamber in the middle of the night when one of them was still dizzy. The
two of them could just rest here. It would be fine if she were to place a
small divan next to the bed as usual.


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She reckoned Xize would need to wash himself again. She retrieved the
night pearl and only brought a candlestick to the screen for Xize. Because it
was the dead of night, she thought she might be a little embarrassed when
Xize stepped out. Not knowing what to say, she climbed first onto the
small divan and intended to feign sleep.
Feigning sleep was her specialty.
She heard soft footsteps coming closer. In the blink of an eye, the candle
light was off, and the small divan became narrower. After returning from
his bath, Xize still tried to steal bed-space from her. She had been lying
sideways. Presently, she just felt her bed getting hot and humid. Dense
vapor seemed to have been brought to the divan, intermixed with some
herbs and white sandalwood scents. It somehow gave off a lingering
Fengjiu knotted her quilt. Should she continue to feign sleep or mention to
Xize that she had dried the large bed's bedding and for him to sleep there?
Fortunately, there was no major movement from Xize. He only pulled a
corner of the quilt to cover himself, then whispered to her, If you don't
have any feelings for Chen Ye, then why did you say those things to him in
the afternoon?
Fengjiu sighed inwardly, you ask so directly, but sorry, I'm already asleep.
Xize placed his hand on her shoulder, and said to her in an extremely soft
voice, Want to know what will happen if you feign sleep?
That was just me and Chen Ye singing a play to provoke you. I didn't
expect you to be provoked by this.
While it was true that it was nothing but poppycock, it wasn't yet the
opportunity to tell him the truth. Besides, Xize appeared to believe this
poppycock of hers.
Xize's jealousy made her feel tender, but it was funny all the same. She
teased him: Even this provoked you into such jealousy, next time if
someone said a few words to me, would you be jealous too? Patience is a

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good virtue, you have to learn it a bit. A hand reached across the quilt to
touch her cheek. Xize softly sighed: It might be too late if I didn't get
jealous now.
Fengjiu was muted for a second. Heat surfaced her face.
It was a most delicate silence.
She pretended to unconsciously turn her back to Xize and said, How can
it be too late? I'll tell you an old story, you'll see that you'll need to learn
from me.
She cleared her throat and adopted a storyteller's voice: Before you, I've
once liked someone. I've told you before when we went to view Yueling
flowers. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. To be by his side, I had
disguised as a pet. At first, he was very good to me. But when he had a
fiance, things were somewhat different. His fiance picked on me, his
fiance's pet also picked on me. And he had taken their side. But even
when things came to that point, I was so in love with him that I didn't think
I was too late.
When she finished telling him the past, she was ruefully quiet for a while,
then coughed and scolded Xize who was lying next to her: Although it
was unfortunate, it helped me learn many things. I went to look for you the
moment you got jealous. I prepared a bath for you the moment you got
drenched in the rain. How can you say it's too late, I...
The rest of her words were swallowed back down her throat. Xize hugged
her from behind and whispered to her, He was a bastard.
She gasped in surprise and didn't know what say.
She didn't know why his actions were so strangely gentle tonight. He held
her in his embrace as if she was a treasure he could never lose.
Outside, the squall was swirling. His embrace was exceptionally long. It
wasn't that she hadn't thought of what might happen tonight. Although
she liked Xize with all her heart, she was a bit afraid of this consummation

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They only heard each other's breathing in the room. At long last, she felt a
hand softly brushing aside her long hair.
She had been using a thick quilt lately and wore less at night. She was
originally only wearing a thin nightgown. Taken into account that Xize was
in the room, she just randomly put on a thin purple robe outside her
dressing gown.
At this time, her dress and robe were sliding down her shoulders with the
movement of Xize's hand. The bared skin felt a bit cold and made her
shiver. He planted a kiss on her bare shoulder, straying down along her
neckline. She could feel him close to her, bringing with him a white
sandalwood breath.
Although the room was pitch black, his hands were deliberately sliding
toward her. He untied her robe, slipped into her undergarment, then with
the unique warmth after a bath, stroked her sensitive skin.
His fingertips were soothing and elegant. It felt as though he was writing a
word, painting a picture, or playing a song.
Fengjiu felt she was simmering on a small fire. The more she withstood the
heat, the more her blood was boiling away inch by inch. She could not bear
it any longer and started to breath raggedly. When she reached out to stop
his wandering fingers, she found that her grip on his arm had no trace of
His behavior tonight was beyond what she could expect. She wanted to
raise her voice to refuse, but as she hazily called his name, her lips were
sealed shut. At this time, not only was her blood boiling badly, even her
brain had been boiled into a pot of paste. She remembered a few kisses
between them, but none of them was like this.
One of her hands pressed against his bare chest, the other clung onto his
shoulder. She was kissed until she felt faint, yet at the same time, she
distractedly thought to herself that his robe was rather loose tonight.


Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

His hard chest was warm, but not smooth, as if there was some scarring.
Her unconscious caresses prompted his gentle stroking at the small of her
back to increase its strength. His kissed deepened.
In between her ragged breathing, a trace of pleasure was climbing in her
mind. She confusedly wondered why she had wanted to push him away
before. She couldn't come up with an answer. Over and over again, she
only knew to respond to his kiss. Her scorching blood drove her need in
finding an outlet. By the time her clothes were gone, her bare skin against
his, their nakedness's softness and warmth finally gave her some relief.


Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

In the past, she had heard that this sort of thing was a little frightening, but
she didn't think that it was so scary now. The silver-haired man's kiss was
obviously a matter of great pleasure.
She didn't know what was going to happen next. She only felt no matter
what it was, it was all a matter of course. But even so, when he entered her,
she was still shocked.
His breathing along with his voice lingered by her ears. A delicate pain was
born from her body. With absolute restraint, his fingers ignited fire on her
sensitive body, his kiss deepened with each movement.
His caresses and kisses seemed to soothe her pain away. He placed his
glowing forehead against hers and asked, Does it hurt? His deep voice
was like a gust before the storm, sending her aflutter.
She nodded aggrievedly yet still unconsciously placed her hands on his
shoulders as she tightly hugged him. She leaned into his ears and cried, A
little. You were caught in the rain, don't you have a headache?
His hand held her waist. I don't care, he said huskily.
After a night of heavy rain, the next day was bright and sunny. Fengjiu was
wrapped up in the quilt as she leaned against a wind screen on one side of
the bed. The young man sleeping sideways on the bed had his hair
scattered on the pillow, a silk cover draped over his waist. A cold soft
sheen was reflected from his silver hair by the subtle sunlight, rendering an
exceptionally handsome sleeping face. Fengjiu blushed.
Ahem, she had consummated with Xize last night. It wasn't as terrible as
she was told. It was true that it was painful at first, but it was nothing
compared to injuries and wounds from brawls and fights. And it didn't
hurt anymore later either. She hazily recalled having cried a bit, but it
hadnt come from the pain. She was a broad-minded citizen of Qingqiu, it
was nothing worth mentioning. Before, trying to become innocent because
of Donghua Dijun was the more perplexing thing to her clansmen.


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In her opinion, consummation with Xize was a good thing. If she liked
Xize, and Xize also liked her, then there was nothing wrong with it. It was
a little sudden, but that was all right too. She had been worried whether
Xize would leave this place with her when the truth came out. Now that he
had thoroughly taken advantage of her, he wasn't going to be able to get
away with it. At this thought, she was very encouraged.
This person was hers.
She leaned over in high spirits and made some sounds with the silk
ribbons. Xize remained still. It seemed he was in deep sleep. She
rearranged the quilt on him and fixed his silver hair a bit. He unexpectedly
mumbled, Why aren't you sleeping? She blushed and lowered her voice:
Because according to traditions, we should get up early the day after our
consummation to eat purple yam cakes.
His eyes were still closed, but his lips gave hint of a smile. His voice carried
a sleepiness: Do you want everyone to know we've just consummated
yesterday? Let's not pay too much attention to formalities.
He groped for her hand and held onto it tightly. Sleep with me a while
She lay back down, her fingers lacing with his. In the wonderful morning
light, she happily closed her eyes and went back to sleep with him.


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Chapter 14
Fleeting days of spring were mentioned in a mortal verse as follows:
Intoxicated by birds and blooms, wakened to find Spring'd gone too
soon20. When Fengjiu first heard this poem from her scholarly father, it
had made a rare show of her literary understanding. Mortals lament the
ephemerality of spring for it is the best time out of the four seasons.
Enamored by beautiful things, people often did not feel the passage of
time. By the time they turned back to look, what had passed would always
seem too short. When she said these words, her father was made to feel
that he had met a kindred spirit; a special assurance was found in his eyes
when he looked at her.
Lord Xize left the estate today. Feeling somewhat melancholic as she
watched his retreating figure, Fengjiu thought of this poem. Spring was
gone by the time she woke up. Although the time she and Xize spent
together wasn't quite that short, one week was indeed fleeting, like a
drunken spring.
She had wanted Xize to stay a little longer, but that would be cruel to Mo
Shao. Mo Shao sent a long letter yesterday to Xize which she accidentally
saw. Pitifully, he said he had worked on the magical instrument to the final
stage. But being such a sublime object, it would be extremely dangerous
upon completion. If it wasn't managed well, it might even backfire after all
the energy and effort that went into making it. The situation was urgent.
He requested for His Lordship to return to the shrine as soon as possible.
At the end of the letter, he didn't forget to ask in grievances that he had
sent a total of eleven long letters to His Lordship a few days ago; did His
Lordship not receive them yet or did he use them to light the candles?
At this time, she called to mind that for the past few nights, the candles
seemed to have a wafting scent of ink. She couldn't help but feel a little


from , an Ouyang Xiu poem from the Song era


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sorry for Mo Shao. Out of compassion and righteousness, she let Xize leave
the estate the next day.
It was a bit unfortunate that Xize had left. Spending the past few days with
him had made everything in the Imperial City so much more interesting
than they had been before.
For example, Xize had taken her fishing. In all honesty, she wasn't very
interested in this fishing business. At first, she had only wanted to humor
him. But once she gave it a try, it seemed quite exciting. Xize prepared a
simple boat, on the bow of which rested a small stove and a bottle each of
oil, salt, paste, and vinegar. He took her downstream to enjoy the
spectacular spring in the suburbs. They moored the boat near noon. While
he fished, she warmed the wine. When he caught something, she cleaned it
and made a sumptuous feast. After lunch, he drifted the boat into a nearby
pond. In the lotuses' shade, he read as she lay in his arms dozing away.
Sunlight filtered through the lotus leaves, sprinkling iridescent light onto
her face while she buried her head into his chest.
He had a habit of unconsciously stroking her soft hair while he read. In the
past when she was a little fox at Taichen Palace, Donghua Dijun had also
loved to play with her fur this way. She was a pet then and felt quite at
ease and comfortable. Xize's present action somehow gave her a sense of
intimacy in addition to comfort. She surmised they must've been connected
at hearts, and marveled at how amazing connected hearts could be.
Because Xize didn't care much for other people's idle talks, when he took
her fishing, viewing flowers, or watching street performances, he did
everything openly. Since he never thought to go incognito, they eventually
ran into acquaintances who recognized them. An aristocratic couple out
and about on a spring excursion wasn't a strange sight for the Biyiniaos.
However, while other couples paraded around, the two of them were
indeed different with their traipsing all over town on foot. In only a few
days, the romantic story between the former Archmage and his princess
bride spread across the capital. When Fengjiu visited the palace to offer her
respects, the queen's regard of her was visibly different.

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

Fengjiu didn't really care how this matter was passing around the palace.
She just vaguely sensed Chen Ye mustn't be allowed to find out. As was
said in a mortal proverb, Fengjiu believed she was eyeing what was in the
pot while already eating from the bowl. It was really deplorable. But as she
already made a promise to Mo Shao, she could only keep on being a good
lowlife despite her guilt. How to be a good lowlife, you ask? Although it
was never taught by the scholars, fortunately, the third prince of Heaven
was available for reference guidance.
Chen Ye's invitation came in the afternoon on the third day. When her old
steward delivered it, Fengjiu had just awakened from a nap and was a little
confused. In Mo Shao's story, Chen Ye didn't seem to have taken the
initiative to invite Aranya to Mengchun Manor, did he? Or perhaps Chen
Ye did invite her but Mo Shao didn't know about it or had forgotten to
mention it to her? She put away this question, and with a calmed mind,
came over to Mengchun Manor. She wound around the miniature stone
forest and up to Boxin Pavilion.
There was no one inside the pavilion. On the empty stone table was a
single glass bottle. The hazy afternoon sun shone down, tinging the
turbulent silver smoke inside the bottle with a layer of gold. There seemed
to be a force field inside the bottle, for the turbulent fog could not escape
from it.
Curious, Fengjiu reached out to touch the object. A biting chill immediately
shot to her head. She shuddered and wanted to pull back, but the bottle
seemed to have been glued to her hand. Fengjiu was a little taken aback.
For the time being, she only kept her eyes on it and did not pay attention to
surrounding movements, not until a voice ahead reminded her: Does it
perhaps feel familiar? Fengjiu raised her head to meet the deep and placid
eyes of a man in black. Chen Ye.
It did feel a little familiar. That was because this bottle was somewhat
similar to the cricket jar she once had as a child. But she vaguely sensed
that Chen Ye wasn't asking her about this. She noted that when Chen Ye
lifted his sleeve and drew a spell, the force field inside the glass bottle
instantly vanished without a trace. Thunder and wind started to wail in the

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

distance like demonic cries. In an instant, the clear yonder was overcast
with dreary clouds. Lightning tore across the gray sky as the sun hid away,
swapping for a crippled white moon, its light bewitching.
Unlike the eerie sky, in the bottle, a warm and soft pearly mist gradually
subsided the surges. Like strands of cloud, they wound around Fengjiu's
fingertips, each thread at a time. Chill began to seep into her finger bones.
This sort of ominous scene could only be caused by a demon's being
vanquished or by someone's usage of sacrilegious sorcery. She suppressed
the rising dizziness in her head and looked to Chen Ye. Wh... what kind of
magic is this?
The black-robed Archmage fixedly watched the white mist as it seeped into
her body and lightly replied, Have you perhaps heard that earth fairies
who have passed away can also re-create their souls using the Jiepo lantern
or some other methods as the mortals do? He paused for a moment, then
looked at her and continued: Even if the soul was burned to ashes, even if
the Jiepo lantern from Heaven couldn't be used, I was told that creating
this world not only could take us back to the beginning, it could also
construct another soul for the deceased just as the Jiepo lantern can.
Fengjiu contemplated on this. She had a hazy impression that at one point
she had also seemed to suspect that this place was created by Chen Ye. But
why did she drop her suspicion in the end? She couldn't remember no
matter how hard she tried to think. Now that he openly admitted to it, she
wasn't as horrified as she thought she would be.
At first, she felt a little guilty for putting on a charade with Su Moye. Little
did they know, Chen Ye had also been acting.
A single ray of cognizance remained in her mind. She knew she should at
least put on a look of shock and ignorance to prove she was really the
Aranya Chen Ye had personally made in this world. It appeared also that
he wasn't at all suspicious of her.
Her vision was already beginning to blur. She clenched her lips as she
heard him: What was wrong will still be wrong. I never wanted to deceive
you and start over again, but whatever the case may be, you have to come

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

back. It's fine if you hate me, it's fine if you regard me as a stranger,
anything would be a result. I've waited 230 years for this day. Each of his
spoken word rendered his face a little paler, as though every word gave
him pain a stark contrast of his voice which was full of iciness.
By the time the silvery soul fully entered Fengjiu's body, she could only
sense a vast blackness in front of her. One last line floated into her ears,
seemingly from another world: They say this place was made from your
phantom mind. Only I know... you never had any phantom mind; it is I
with the phantom mind.
Fengjiu never knew falling into a deep sleep would be such a painful
Fainting was supposed to be good for the reason that she should be
insentient. And indeed, she didn't have any sensation in her body right
now, but for some reason there still remained some awareness.
In her mind, she was helplessly watching her soul fight with another soul.
This was definitely a weird experience for anyone going through it. Fengjiu
didn't really react at first. She just watched the show on the sideline. All she
knew was that the two forces in front of her were entangling more and
more intensely, going as far as trying to devour each other. By the time she
began to feel pain in her head, she had found the two souls battling each
other before her eyes.
She felt surprisingly useless lately. She had no way to stop the two souls
from fighting; standing by in pain was difficult enough. When her fingers
were stuck to the glass bottle a while ago, she hadn't any strength to fight
back either. It was very strange.
Her head hurt as though there were 180 big gongs pounding inside it.
Fengjiu suppressed her pain and thought in distraction. She had just
thought of something when she suddenly found her soul strengthening
and swallowing up Aranya's soul. As Aranya's soul was succumbing,
dense feathery snow all of a sudden came down from the sky. In a flash,
the snow turned into a tall looking-glass in front of her. She didn't have a
great memory, and again, raised her hand toward it. When her fingertips

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

touched the glass surface, a strong force abruptly pulled her inside. Yet to
find her footing, a stretch of memory came surging at her.
It wasn't hers, but that of Aranya's. Inside this bizarre mirror was Aranya's
life. Aranya's thoughts, Aranya's joy and grief, in an instant she actually
felt them all. That part of the past was like a revolving lantern, spinning
fragments of her life in an endless merry-go-round. With each revolution,
however, emerged a different landscape. Fengjiu was curious. Did her soul
make Aranya a part of her after consuming Aranya's soul? Could Aranya
be resurrected as Chen Ye said? Then, if Aranya was resurrected, what
would happen to herself?
This was an existential problem. After thinking for a moment, she found
that this tedious problem could still be mulled over after she woke up. She
shouldn't waste her time on it for now. There was another important
matter that needed her urgent attending to. As she decided on this, she
immediately cast aside her question. In an uplifted mood, she directed her
entire concern to the one important thing she recently discovered how
did Chen Ye and Aranya's tale unfold after the scare of the Quanyin beast
in the stone maze behind Qinan Mountain?
She worked away at recalling these memories. As she pieced the numerous
fragments together, she was able to see a few true occurrences. They
belonged to the two years Mo Shao said he was unsure of.
Fengjiu was pleased at her own good guess of those mysterious two years.
Chen Ye and Aranya did in fact have a love story. Since it was Aranya's
memory, her feelings toward Chen Ye were unquestionably clear. On the
other hand, Fengjiu reckoned since Aranya didn't see Chen Ye's feelings
very clearly back then, Fengjiu naturally didn't get to see them very clearly
The third prince of Heaven had a famous saying: 'Look at the love to see
the lover.' For example, there was the passionate kind of love, the steady
kind of love, and also the courteous kind of love. There were people who
loved very much but said very little. Then there were people who love very

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much and said just as much. One could not say that someone else's feelings
weren't love just because his love was different from one's own.
She had always admired the third prince for being an expert in love affairs.
If he had personally said them, then they were naturally good advices. She
used this good advice to test on Aranya and Chen Ye. She thought that in
the past two years, despite his unfriendly demeanor to Aranya, despite his
unconcerned words, perhaps he was the kind of man who loved very
much but said very little. His love was exactly the courteous kind of love.
The memories of these two years were too paltry. Too lazy to sift through
for them, Fengjiu randomly chose to skip to a day toward the end. She
gazed into the glass and saw a pavilion. Inside it was a stone table. Laid on
top was a bouquet of flowers whose name she did not know. A wide vase
stood beside it.
Chen Ye sat by the stone table with a book in his hand. Two years of house
arrest had made him colder and more reserved. He was focused on his
book, turning its pages from time to time. Aranya sat next to him. She was
concentrated on fiddling with the bouquet on the table. Sometimes she
would enthusiastically place the cut stems into the vase and examine them.
Other times she would place them in front of Chen Ye and let him see
whether she had trimmed them well or not, whether they needed more
trimming or not. Again and again like that, Chen Ye raised his eyes from
his book and blankly asked her, Are you sitting next to me to deliberately
disturb my reading?
Aranya pretended to poke at his chin with the flower stem in her hand.
What fun is there to read alone? I'm here to keep you company. She
laughed, Isn't it because you don't want to leave me for even a moment,
Your Excellency?
Chen Ye tilted his head and reluctantly picked at a few cumbersome leaves
with his fingers. Your knack for making up stories is getting increasingly
better. The stem is a bit long here; there are also too many leaves.
Aranya smiled in easiness. Your Excellency, you flatter me. This humble
woman is only good at reading your mind.

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Chen Ye intercepted the pruning scissors from her hand. His own hand
shook as he said, If you call me 'Your Excellency' and yourself 'humble
woman' one more time, I'm going to toss you out.
Aranya softly smiled. Your Excellency, you always said you'd throw this
humble woman out, but you've never done it, have you? When she held
the flower stem, its blossoms blocked the hair by her ear. His eyes lingered
on her profile for a length of time. She pretended to not notice and placed
the last stem of the bouquet into the vase. That was when she heard him
say in a low voice: Turn around.
She turned back to look at him, her eyes were still smiling. That was only
a joke. Don't be angry and throw me out.
He did not speak. He stood up and plucked a small flower from the vase,
then slightly bent down and slid it into her hair. He softly caressed her
temple, then stopped and pulled away. He picked his book up again, his
eyes back onto its pages. In the silence, another page was turned.
She froze for a moment. She touched the flower blossom above her ear and
softly said at length, I sometimes feel that it isn't enough. Then I
sometimes feel it's already great with you being this way.
He raised his gaze again from the pages of his book. What isn't enough?
he asked in seeming uncertainly. But she just smiled and shook her head.
Dawn rays dyed the small pavilion a color of warmth. Sky and water
glided on ceaselessly. The azure pond glistened softly in the morning light.
Bursts of lotus fragrance wafted in the air. The couple in the pavilion in the
memory slowly faded away, leaving only a pale silhouette in the vast
This silhouette was stirring and even somewhat pitiful to Fengjiu. It
would've been great if their tale could forever suspend at this moment in
time. But what comes will always come. Mo Shao had told her that the
records in history books pertaining to what happened after those two years
consisted of but a scarce few words; it was nothing short of tragic. In
Fengjiu's opinion, there were always times when history books weren't
reliable. Nonetheless, when subsequent memories merrily emerged, she

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was surprised to find that history records relating to King Xiangli Que's
death were actually reliable, as rare as that was.
On the evening of July 16th, from the palace came the news that the king
had passed away from illness. His Majesty had always been hearty and
hale. It was uncertain what rare affliction it was; she only knew they said
he died, and so he did. Aranya was playing chess with Chen Ye at the time
the news arrived. Her stone fell onto the chess board with a clack, bringing
the game into chaos. Chen Ye held a white stone wordlessly in his hand. A
servant hastily took a night cloak and draped it over Aranya's wrist. She
briskly walked out. As she crossed the doorstep, she turned her head and
said, That stone just now doesn't count. Keep the game the way it is. We'll
determine the winner on another day. Chen Ye raised his voice: Wait.
He rose and picked a white flower from the vase, walked over to her,
removed the jade hairpin by her ear and slid the flower onto her hair. His
fingers briefly caressed her temple before he stopped and told her, Go.
Three days later, Aranya leisurely returned home. Everything at the estate
remained the same aside from the fact that the Archmage who had been
guesting at Mengchun Manor for the past two years was said to have been
welcomed back to Qinan Palace not long ago. The old steward wiped the
perspiration from his forehead and reported to her that he was about to
send someone to the palace to bring her the news, not knowing she would
be coming back. The Archmage had only left a few moments ago and
probably hadn't gone too far. The implication was that if the princess
wanted to say goodbye to His Excellency, there was still time.
It wasn't exactly proper to chase after him with Aranya's status. Her
steward was carried away with anxiousness, but she was altogether very
sober. There was only a brief moment when she was lost in thought. She
slid her cloak off, then removed the withering flower from her hair. She sat
for a while in the evening wind. Blown away by the current, the petals lay
like blemishes on the pristine floor. She stared at the bare stalk in her hand
and smiled sadly. Did you give this to me that night to say goodbye? I
never even knew.

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Each ruler has his set of vassals. Different kings in power have different
arrangements. The shrine's clout had always been independent from the
crown. Even Xiangli Que had had a difficult time suppressing the
Archmage-less shrine when he was still on the throne much less someone
without a strong foundation like Xiangli He. This was why Chen Ye was
ushered back to Qinan Palace.
Even though she was a sovereign herself, Fengjiu didn't really understand
these considerations regarding Xiangli He. Ever since she could remember,
her home Qingqiu had only changed rulers once. It was when she took
over her aunt's position. She remembered that ever since her aunt stepped
down from her post, she began to live each day happily, and always looked
at her with the sympathy of someone who had been there before.
Furthermore, courtiers from the East Land were mostly uneducated. Their
biggest hobby was pretending to be commoners and setting up stalls at the
market. If they ever had any contention, it was because someone had taken
someone else's stall. According to them, Qingqiu was a fairy kingdom.
Although they held government posts and wielded some power, how
could they behave like the humans and let power blind them? Although
the deities on Jiuchongtian also fought over positions like this, it was all
because they didn't have any purpose in life. They hadn't tasted the
pleasure of running a stall and had only ever experienced power abuse. In
other words, they just had no zest for life. Putting aside whether these
courtiers were right or wrong, it was true that they had saved her a lot of
These memories came rushing to her one after another like a waterfall
crashing down from the cliffs, splashing icy sprays when they hit the
gravels at the bottom. Since the beginning of time, these so-called tragedies
had always come in a hysteria like this, cruelly and heartlessly. The next
round of memories was closely linked to the rumor in Su Moye's story.
As it turned out, it hadn't been a false statement.
It was July 22nd. Shangjun's entombment was nearing completion. When
night fell, the princess's estate was surrounded. Aranya was handcuffed

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

out of her home and brought into the palace. She was charged with
The main prosecutor from the Criminal Bureau in charge of this case was
her mother's younger brother, her uncle.
After Shangjun passed away, it stood to reason that the crown prince
would succeed to the throne. However, Crown Prince Xiangli He had
never been a respected heir. At this point in time, he was a powerless
crown prince who would only become a puppet king, and all the power
would fall into the hands of Lady Qinghua. Everyone in court knew full
well that the Criminal Bureau's prosecutor was merely Lady Qinghua's
henchman. In other words, the person who placed these charges on Aranya
was her own mother, the one who ensnared her was her own mother, and
the one who was now obdurately pushing her to her death was also her
own mother.
On the seventh day after Aranya was put under arrest, Lady Qinghua
deigned to visit her in prison. Her cell was humble. A heap of hay was
made into a sleeping mat. Next to the cell door was a small rotting table, on
its edge sat a dim oil lamp. In a plain robe, Aranya leaned against the table
to practice her calligraphy. Outside the cell door was a jailer watching over
a brazier. Every time she finished a piece of paper, he would receive it from
her and burn it away.
Lady Qinghua's floor-length garment swept on the stone staircase of the
dark dungeon. When she heard the soft rustling, she gazed up to take a
look at her visitor. She raised a brow: Since you're here to see me, I
assume you've taken care of everything in the palace. Her tone was gentle,
offering a casual greeting as if they were meeting in the royal garden rather
than this prison cell.
In her splendid palace clothes, Qinghua stopped two paces short of the cell
door. The jailer opened the door then stepped down. Aranya held a
finished parchment in her hand as she continued: Nothing's the matter in
here. At first, I really didn't understand why you had accused me of such


Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

charges, but after pondering for a while, I've somewhat figured out the
You've always been smart, Qinghua replied lightly. She dropped her
eyes and kept them on her face for a while, then took out a sealed
document and a porcelain vial from her sleeve. She hesitated for a moment,
then leaned over and placed them onto the old table. Take a look at this.
No emotion could be heard from her voice. It was just like those unfeeling
perfunctory responses she gave whenever Aranya came to offer her
Shone by the hazy candlelight, faint ink strokes emerged on the folded
document. Aranya spread it out in front of her and skimmed across the
spirited handwriting on the parchment. Her shadow turned slightly gaunt.
Each time she gazed down on the piece of paper, her face turned a little
paler. A long while later, she looked up to her mother. Besides looking
slightly wan and having a trembling pinky, her expression was otherwise
calm. Her lips were still able to curve into a smile as she said, His
Excellency Chen Ye had written this report quite methodically. It's so
unlike his usual unconstrained style.
As Qinghua regarded her, a sense of pity almost surfaced in her eyes. Are
you comfortable here? she at last asked.
Aranya bowed her head in seeming thought. After a length of time, she
softly chuckled and gave an irrelevant answer: My father was a decisive
man in all his life. I didn't think he would one day lose to the word 'love'. I
reckon he never thought that you are still unable to forget Junuo's father
even to this day. Junuo was without a doubt a thorn in his eyes. When he
banished her from the capital and ruined her future, he was only doing it
for his gratification. Yet he had planted the seeds of his death in doing so.
But Mother, you didn't forbore for years just to stop there. Ultimately, your
goal is to make Junuo queen and take back what was her father's, am I
She gazed to the candle flame and said, The Crown Prince, I, and also
Changdi, we are all blocking Junuo's path. Since the Crown Prince isn't

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

your son, you naturally wouldn't have any mercy for him. Changdi is a
simpleton; she has nothing save for her arrogance. Perhaps it would do just
fine to break her sanity. The royal family would never let a mad girl
become their ruler. But to have two heir apparent daughters both go crazy
would surely invite people's gossips. One of us must die. Since you're
protecting Changdi, I would have to be the one dead. She forced a smile.
I didn't think you would come to this. Mother, your plan really left no
way out for me.
The prison was deathly silent. Aranya placed the memorial aside, spread
out a piece of paper and inked her brush. A drop of ink fell onto the open
paper. She lowered her voice, You asked whether I'm comfortable here.
Back then, I had also survived after you abandoned me in the snake pit.
This time, you at least remember that I like calligraphy though you had me
imprisoned here and make an exception to prepare paper and ink for me to
let me pass time. Then how can I not be comfortable?
A long time passed before Qinghua at length said, You know I'm not the
only one in this.
The brush in Aranya's hand quivered. On the paper was written, 'The
many changes in this ephemeral existence, are but predetermined fate at
play.' Her script was originally very good, but because of the tremor at the
final word, it had lost its elegance.
Nevertheless, she held firmly onto her brush.
Qinghua's eyes paused on her writing as she said in a low voice, Chen
Ye's station has been prestigious from the day he was born. Even the king
was mindful of him. He has always been very strong-minded, even as a
child. He went as far as wrecking his future in order to save Junuo. And yet
the best strategist in these worldly affairs must never head toward his own
future prospects. His initial intention was to draw up a long-term plan
while in exile, yet you had wanted him for yourself. Did you know that
that was precisely what he hated? She gave her a glance and continued:
Did you just lament your father's sentimentalism and ultimate defeat by
the word 'love'? Your father was frighteningly treacherous. I had rather die

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

than live, but the only thing I could do was sticking by his side. But what
about you? While you are intelligent, you are far inferior to your father in
these matters. Chen Ye was merely trifling with you, but he had made you
think it was true love and brought you down to this wretchedness. Isn't
this also losing to the word 'love'?
The candlelight sparsely spread along the memorial. In the past, this very
handwriting had also been on a white stationery, saying he had found a
few of her wine jars in the courtyard, asking her if it was made by the
brewing method mentioned in her letter or not. Today, it was still the same
handwriting, but the words it penned were all absurd: Xiangli Aranya is
guilty of both regicide and patricide. Her heart is crueler than those of
wolves and tigers, her deeds are more wicked than those by jackals and
To the line 'predetermined fate at play' written on top of the rice paper, she
added another: 'This sorrow and grief, this worry and fear, all shall in due
course go on their way.' She had always comforted herself with these
words whenever she came across unbearable pain in the past. After
finishing the last character, she put away her brush and lowered her voice:
What do you mean by 'trifling'?
Qinghua's eyes seemed even more pitying as she said, He requested your
brother to grant him a marriage.
Aranya slowly lifted her head.
She isn't a woman from any prominent family. But her saving grace is that
she is demure and virtuous. She's a teacher at the Imperial Academy. I
heard this woman actually came from your estate; she goes by a single
character for her name: Tian. Wen Tian, even her name sounds genteel.
Aranya closed her eyes. A while later, she said, I feel a little tired. Mother,
please leave.
Qinghua turned, then after two steps, looked back and said, Your case has
been settled this morning, the execution is in three days. Chen Ye sent this
report at noon, requesting His Majesty to move the execution to the shrine.
Your going to the shrine is a matter of course, since the shrine has many

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

more punishment instruments compared to the Criminal Bureau's

dungeon. I know even if your soul were turned to ashes, you would never
want to receive this humiliation. If you can't bear it, then use the drug in
the porcelain vial to end things yourself. As your mother, this is the last
compassion I can offer you.
After Qinghua's figure disappeared from the dim light emitted by the oil
lamp, Aranya suddenly trembled in a convulsion. A mouthful of blood
dyed the white paper and its black words in blots of red. The lamp's small
flame uneasily wavered, then finally extinguished.
Qinghua's figure stopped at the dungeon door. As it was about to walk on,
Aranya suddenly spoke from her cell, her voice a hoarseness:
Compassion? From you to me?
She continued after a fit of coughs: You may also remember that year
when Teacher Mo rescued me from the snake pit. The first time I saw you,
they said you were my mother. I was really happy to see how beautiful you
were. When I saw you heading my way, I ran over for a hug but
accidentally fell. You passed by me as if you didn't see me, as if I was a
flower, a blade of grass, or a gravel. Your skirt grazed my face. I was
knocked over and injured my arm, but you looked straight ahead and
walked passed me. The rustling sound of fabric sweeping on the ground
that day was exactly the same as tonight.
Qinghua's fingers held the side of a magnolia.
There was another coughing fit. She softly added, I never knew what love
was in my entire life. You were stingy with giving it, so I fought for it
myself. Now you're destroying it, too. I really don't understand. Why must
you be so cruel? Am I your enemy? Does seeing me in pain brings you
Qinghua's lips quivered. A long while later, she said, If you reincarnate, I
will pay you in our next lives.
Aranya smiled faintly and said in tiredness, Do let our mortal bonds end
in this lifetime. If there is another life, I have nothing more to ask. My only
wish is to never see you again in existence beyond.

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Suffocating silence took over the air. Qinghua's footfall drifted further
away. They were faintly discernible, but one could hear a hidden turmoil
from those seemingly steady footsteps. When Qinghua's figure
disappeared into the darkness beyond the prison door, a jailer standing
from the distance hurried over to light the lamp.
The last scene of this memory fragment showed Aranya folding up the
bloodied document and slowly lighting the lamp. The flame danced across
the blurry bloodstains and burned them away in the blink of an eye. Ashes
sprinkled down onto the wooden table, bringing with them little sparkling
ember specks.
Su Moye had asked if ever she became resentful because of Chen Ye one
day, for what reason would it be? At the time, she had joked saying it must
be because he was once hers to have. For example, he fell in love with her,
then didn't love her anymore and fell for someone else instead. She didn't
expect her words would become prophetic one day. He probably never did
love her, and even her precious memories were nothing but lies. How
clever he had been.
She lowered her eyes onto her injured fingers that had been licked by the
flames. A while later, she said to herself, Would you be able to vent if you
saw how I look today, Chen Ye? A long time passed when she added,
But you know, for me, this revenge is a bit too cruel. The oil lamp cast
her reflection on the dark stone wall, dignified, but so very gaunt.
Life's twists and turns never go as we want. They didn't go according to
Aranya's hopes, and neither did they go according to Qinghua's.
Aranya was snatched away one day before she was transferred to Qinan
Behind Qinan Mountain, the weather was mild. The sun shone down warm
rays. Twittering of birds chirped out from the woods from time to time.
Not far from there, the Quanyin beast from the stone forest was peacefully
sunbathing with his belly up. All was calm and peaceful, as if the

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vicissitudes outside this mountain were all parts of this impermanent life's
fun and games.
Fengjiu saw a white-robed man sitting on a boulder reasoning with
Aranya, but she didn't recognize who he was.
His black hair was casually tied under his hat, his face was cool and
nonchalant, his demeanor was rather insouciant, in his hand was a stick
made from a maize stem, and he seemed as though he could not wait to
knock the stick straight at Aranya's head. What is left in that palace for
you to miss at this point? I finally managed to rescue you, but you cannot
wait to go back. Don't tell me it's for Chen Ye? At this junction, he slightly
pondered and rapped his maize stick onto the boulder. No, you're not the
type that would still hang onto him even till now. What exactly do you
want to descend the mountain for?
Next to the boulder were two verdant ancient trees. Sturdy vines climbing
on them made for a cool bed. Aranya sat and gazed to the distant scenery
beyond the forest as she said, There's one thing you always say: the
ephemeral world and its fleeting life are but an experience. I think that
makes a lot of sense. Many experiences equal a long life, fewer experiences
equal a short life. I recently realized that my life may seem short, but it
could be considered rather long. She paused then continued: If there's
anyone for me to miss in the palace, perhaps it's just my brother. He's a
pushover. In truth, he has no ambition for the throne. This war with the
Owl Clan is no accident. It's undoubtedly my mo Lady Qinghua's ruse.
She intends to use someone else's blade to permanently eliminate him.
Being a kindhearted person, my brother won't be able to defend against the
enemy. Once on the battlefield, he will never come back alive.
The man in white frowned. Even though Xiangli He treated you well, this
is his fate to bear. Can you actually protect his life considering the
situation? You've just gotten out of the vortex yourself, why jump back into
If you know my personality, Aranya unhurriedly told him, then you
should know I wouldn't turn a blind eye and abandon my brother. I will go

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

to the battlefield and change places with him. At that time, I'll need you to
also stay on the lookout. Don't worry, I cherish my life very much. I'll
weigh my decisions carefully. Compared to my brother, I won't be met
with dead-ends everywhere, and I'll have my chances at surviving. Seeing
the white-robed man's gloomy face, she laughed and said, I haven't seen
this expression of yours too often. Fortunately, there aren't too many
people who treat me well in this life. You and Teacher Mo aren't as unlucky
as my brother, so you don't need me to make such a risky rescue.
The man in white regarded her for a moment and said, You've always
been so stubborn. I know I can't stop you no matter what I say, but the
battlefield is a dangerous place, what if you don't come back from this
She was calm. If I didn't come back from this trip, even if I died, I would
be killed in battle in the name of my brother. Compared to Lady Qinghua's
forcing me to commit suicide, this way of dying is much more meaningful.
By that time, will you take the trouble to change my brother's name and
bring him to a safe place so that he can live an ordinary life? After a while,
she added, I had written twenty letters to Chen Ye, please also help me
take them back. It would be somewhat laughable to leave the sincerities in
those letters with him.
The man in white sighed. I'll remember the things you've entrusted to me.
I just hope I won't actually have to carry them out when the time comes.
When are you heading down?
She lay on the cool vine bed and used her arms as a pillow, her lips
showing a little smile. The breeze is nice, the sun is mild. Today is a day to
sleep. Let me steal half a day of bliss for now21.
This paradisaical scene behind Qinan Mountain gradually faded into the
thin sunset. Fengjiu repressed her heavy heart as she tried to open the last
stretch of memory. If we were to talk of folktales, her aunt Bai Qian had an
infinite collection. Due to the prolonged exposure since she was little, she
steal half a day of bliss is a saying taken from Li She's Written at Helin Temple


Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

had read quite a few of them. She didn't even know how many of those
tearjerkers she had read, but none could be compared to the story before
her eyes. This memory didn't have a single drop of tear. Instead, it was a
sublime blade that was both terribly cold and terribly heavy. When it took
away a person's life, it was unhesitatingly swift. Aranya's injury had been
very quiet, her pain had been very quiet, and even her death had been very

According to Su Moye, Xiangli He was recorded in the annals to have

personally gone off to war and driven out the enemy for seventeen days.
But since his force wasn't strong enough, he ultimately perished on the
battlefield. In the memory, Fengjiu was able to see the truth that was
masked behind the thin pages of history. Dying in battle wasn't Xiangli He;
it was Aranya.
The war with the Owl Clan was caused by the Biyiniaos' condoning of
transboundary hunting. The war between the two clans, then, naturally
happened on the borderline where the Si'xing River ceaselessly flowed to
the south 'round the Pingyun mountain pass, year after year, into the Cibei
Sea. The section of the Si'xing River by the Pingyun Mountain and Cibei
Sea had always been known as the Southern Si'xing. Beside it sat a large
musical forest abounded with musical trees. Since antiquity, this forest had
been used by the Biyiniaos and the Owls as the boundary between the two
Aranya rushed to the battlefield on August 7th. It had only been six days
since the war erupted, but the Biyiniao Clan had already lost a large tract of
land and was forced to retreat to the south of the Si'xing. An army of 80,000
strong had suffered a loss of 30,000. The remaining 50,000 soldiers were
presently trying to impede the advancement of the Owl Clan's 120,000strong army from the other side of the river.
Military orders requesting for reinforcements were expedited one after
another to the Imperial City. Qinghua turned a deaf ear and remained
immobile. In front of them was a powerful army, behind them was no

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

helping hand. Army morale slumped dramatically. They already looked

completely defeated before they even stepped onto the battlefield. That
night, Aranya snuck into the army base and knocked Xiangli He
unconscious. She had him transported out of the army, put his armor on,
and took over the commander's tent.
Aranya led 50,000 weary soldiers and pushed the Owl Clan beyond the
river with the advantage of the semi-circular formation of the river. On the
Si'xing, blood drifted along the oars; dead corpses lined the south bank. It
was late summer, and at night, cool breeze blew across the riverside, but
one could only smell rotting corpses and the stench of blood. The semicircular formation thwarted the enemy for seven days, taking from the Owl
Clan 50,000 soldiers. Even so, due to prolonged insufficient food supply
and lack of reinforcements, it could not withstand the Owl Clan's repeated
attacks thanks to their sheer number. Finally at midnight on the seventh
day, the formation was broken at its first lapse of defense.
Venus was bright in the night sky. Ecstatic, the oldest prince of the Owl
Clan was about to send his troops across the river. Under the starry sky in
the purview on the other side of the stream, an iron bow the height of a
man suddenly materialized from the commander's hand. Three wingless
arrows carried biting wind with them and pierced across the night sky.
They plunged straight into the stream, turning into three colossal iron
pillars that lined across the raging current.
The Soul Evocation formation.
Venus was wrapped away by the suddenly darkening clouds. A mass of
golden light fiercely burst forth from the slender body next to the towering
iron bow. After shooting to the sky, the golden light formed into a giant
Biyiniao, majestically hovering over the riverfront. Its wings fanned bouts
of gale, sweeping the armored calvary off their feet. The figure beside the
iron bow still hadn't moved. Lashing gale knocked away his helmet,
revealing long raven tresses, then a cold beautiful face.


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Amid distressing neighing, the golden Biyiniao perched atop an iron pillar
in the middle of the river, its wingspan spreading across the better part of
the stream. It flapped its wings again as its entire body erupted into flames.
The strong flames went ablaze like an interminable fire, blocking the entire
Si'xing River and forming a natural barrier from the enemy. Scorching
wind set the musical forest chiming. The musical trees were called such
because their leaves and boughs made musical sounds with the blowing of
To block the enemy beyond the Si'xing River, Aranya had resorted to the
Soul Evocation sorcery and incinerated her own soul. This was what had
really disintegrated her soul, the reason her existence had turned into
The sky was inky. Fire continued to rage on the rushing river. The
Biyiniao's cries echoed through the forest; mesmerizing songs rang out
from the musical trees. They sounded like a requiem mourning the death of
a princess. Unafraid of the scorching wind, the tiny white musical flowers
braved through the flame on the smoky river like migratory birds,
scattering down like descending snow. There was a particularly persistent
one that slowly drifted down onto Aranya's hair. She raised her hand and
brought it to her ear, her fingers briefly brushing her temple then stopped.
It was what Chen Ye had done each time he gave her a flower. She was lost
in thought. Then a long while later, she smiled to herself. The golden
Biyiniao cried its last as she stroked the white flower on her hair and
slowly closed her eyes. The giant bird on the river froze into a statue. Only
the flames did not cease. The long-haired princess was leaning on her iron
bow, her life completely depleted as she entered into an eternity of empty
void. The fire did not die until three days later. When it finally
extinguished, the princess and her iron bow had been turned to dust,
dissolving in the rolling current.
This had been Aranya's life.
Fengjiu still couldn't figure out what Aranya was thinking when she
smiled for the last time.

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When she returned from the memory, in front of her was a tall lookingglass covered under heavy snowfall. Fengjiu reached her hand out toward
it when all of a sudden she was met with darkness. At the moment she lost
consciousness, she thought to herself that she had finally managed to pass
out. It would've been great if she could faint like this sooner.


Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

Chapter 15
The highest place at the princess's estate was Boxin Pavilion. Ancient trees
surrounded it, each toweringly sky-high. With the sunlight filtering in, the
small pavilion was shrouded under a layer of antiquity.
At this time, there were four people inside the pavilion: Donghua Dijun
and Archmage Chen Ye sitting opposite one another, a sleeping Fengjiu in
Dijun's arms, and Su Moye standing with hung hands. All the right people
in the right place at the right time. Objectively speaking, it made for a
rather fine picture.
Because the two men in front of him were both relatively calm and quiet,
the second prince Su Moye was quite confused watching the show before
his eyes. Although he had always been great at reading people's faces, he
had been tortured by Dijun in recent days in making the magical
instrument. His exhausted brain was a little numb at the moment.
Furthermore, he hadn't recovered from the shock which happened three
days prior.
Three days ago was a lucky day. Heaven was compassionate for a turn and
made his 12th letter to Dijun take effect in recalling Dijun back to Qinan
Palace. After urging Dijun to the point of vomiting blood, His Majesty at
last came back and he could finally swallow back his blood. He was hoping
to leave the mountain for a break after finishing the magical instrument.
Dijun never actually said what kind of magical object he was making. In
the spirit of a vassal's duty, he hadn't asked and only did what he was told.
He only found out after Dijun returned to the shrine at the time it was
finished. It was a mirror, but not any ordinary one it was the Miaohua
He had heard of the Miaohua glass hanging in the 7th celestial sky of
Jiuchongtian before. It was said that this glass could reproduce the wax
and wane of billions of mortal worlds in the great trichiliocosm. That being
said, Fanyin Valley was a fairy land, it was not a land of the mortals. The

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Miaohua glass shouldn't be able to show its past events. He was slightly
stumped. If not for this function, what did Dijun waste his effort to make
this looking-glass for? He couldn't possibly have made it as a vanity mirror
for Fengjiu, could he? On second thought, he damn well could have.
Thank heavens, Dijun wasn't so outrageous this time. When the glass was
completed, His Majesty studied it for a moment then wrote something on a
piece of paper and threw it into the glass. Soon after, a clear little scene
The scene within the looking-glass startlingly stunned him. It was the
snake pit by Jieyou Spring more than two hundred years ago. In the hail,
four blood-shot eyed pythons were hissing skyward, laden with the pain of
losing their child. The little girl in his arms stretched her limbs outward,
struggling to return to the snake pit. Her eyes were twinkling with tears,
her mouth was hissing a language of the snake specie. He was standing on
a cloud as his jasper flute floated in the air. No one was playing it, but from
it came a snake-repellent song. The little girl continued to resist his hold.
He could've used magic to restrain her, but whatever he was thinking at
the moment, he only used his hands to lock the girl who loved to hide
behind the stones to listen to his flute in his arms. Unable to do a thing, her
eyes welled up with tears. He stroked her forehead and softly said, You're
very smart. Though you don't speak, you can understand what I say.
You're not a snake, but the second princess of the Biyiniao Clan. Do you
want to live as a snake in this tiny hole and be treated as an outcast by your
clansmen? Or do you want to spread your wings and soar in the sky?
Tears pooled in the little girl's eyes. After a long time, she bit down on her
lip as if she was enduring a great pain. A flutter sounded as a pair of white
wings instantaneously unfolded from her shoulders. She imitated his
sound: Biyi He smiled. Good child, is this the first time you opened
your wings? From now on, I will be your teacher.
The Biyiniaos could either have one wing or two wings. Aranya was a
double-winged Biyiniao.
Needless to say, he was caught astonished to revisit the emotions of many
years ago. Dijun already stewed a pot of tea and poured for them two cups.

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He casually said, I've altered this mirror a bit to be able to see the current
and past lives of immortals. Looking at the Miaohua glass, he added, It
was likely Chen Ye who created this world. I wanted to take a look at what
he wanted to do and see whether Xiao Bai had anything to do with Aranya.
Stay here to watch with me. If anything happens, you can take care of it for
For the time being, he ignored Dijun's allowing him to stay while expecting
him to continue his unpaid work. His brain became muddled for a brief
second. There was a tremble in his voice: Your Majesty, are you saying
that this mirror can show why Aranya died?
Was this very surprising? Dijun asked in seeming puzzlement.
He collected his emotions and answered, I did not know there was an
instrument that could show past lives of immortals. It's very surprising,
yes. He then said, I heard the Miaohua glass could only reveal one side
of things. Your Majesty, is this past only from Chen Ye's point of view?
Dijun faintly nodded his head. He poured more tea and reminded him,
Don't touch the glass's frame. Be careful not to let your mind be disturbed
by the thoughts of the people in the glass. Regrettably, his reminder was
so leisure and careless that Mo Shao's hand had already touched the frame
out of curiosity. Within a split second, a heavy emotion struck right into his
heart through the glass frame that was connected to his hand. It was as if
he was suddenly reliving a stretch of life. Someone else's life. Chen Ye's
Mo Shao recalled Aranya had told him some years ago that the first time
she met Chen Ye was a few days before his tenth birthday. At the time, she
had just left the snake pit. Although she had a teacher who cared for her,
the enormous palace often felt too lonely, and she wanted to be friends
with everyone she met.
She was taking a turn in the garden that day. From behind an old apricot
tree, she saw Chen Ye, Junuo, and Changdi playing a guessing game of
plants among the flower beds ahead. Already looking exceptionally

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

handsome, this cousin of hers was even more dashing and magnificent
under that day's sunlight. She wanted to be his friend even more.
It was only a few more days until his birthday. She thought that it was a
good opportunity to befriend him, and so she should go to offer her well
wishes. Recalling his graceful demeanor when he was standing among the
elegant flowers that day, she had wanted to visit the garden to pick a
handful of blooms as gifts. Unexpectedly, her plan failed because flowers
lived such a fleeting life. From how they appeared in her memory, she
sketched them back amateurishly onto a piece of paper. Then, she carefully
carried the drawing with her to her uncle's home. On that birthday, he
didn't wear his everyday clothes as he did in the garden. Instead, he wore a
shrine outfit, appearing mature and handsome beyond his years. He was
again with Junuo and Changdi. When he saw her from afar, he
immediately averted his indifferent eyes elsewhere.
In the afternoon, she found the drawing she had given him in a small ditch
in the backyard. The ink had been so soaked that the original picture
couldn't be traced out anymore. Her youngest sister, Changdi, stood by the
ditch and taunted her, Chen Ye gege said you were raised by snakes and
chewed rotten sod to grow up. How terribly filthy. He doesn't want your
When she later told him this story, she had laughed and said she and Chen
Ye had only seen each other twice like that in their childhood. Since then,
she didn't entertain the thought of getting close to Chen Ye again, neither
did she visit her maternal uncle's home anymore. She and Chen Ye had
had no fate from the very beginning. When she later insisted on having a
fate with Chen Ye, he didn't know himself whether her insistence was right
or wrong.
Mo Shao believed Aranya did insist, and he was convinced that her
insistence for this romance had planted her fatal curse. As for Chen Ye's
feelings toward Aranya, he didn't believe he could possibly have any
feelings for her. If he had loved her, how could he watch her walk to her
death like that? Taking a step back, he had been sick of her for decades.
They only got along better for but two years. There could be a number of

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feelings in those two years, but none could be said to be very deep. As for
his actions after Aranya's death, they were just spurred by the common
regret of knowing what he had only after he lost it. Chen Ye did not love
Aranya. If he did, it would be the greatest joke.
And yet Heaven liked to tease. The emotions within the Miaohua glass
surged like flood water. The color on Mo Shao's face gradually drained
white. Dijun sipped some tea and asked him, Can you still bear it? His
poor face scrunched up into a smile: Your Majesty, what if I can and what
if I cannot? Dijun gave a concise advice: Just hang in there.
Everyone said the cold and reticent Archmage was highly enigmatic. One
could speculate the king's royal will, but it was only a self-guessing game if
one were to try predicting the Archmage's thoughts. Yet at this time, the
thoughts of this indecipherable Archmage were bluntly presented to Mo
Shao in plain sight.
It was so clear, as if he was Chen Ye himself.
Chen Ye's holy birth wasn't very peaceful. When his mother was carrying
him, she was taken to the shrine to await her due date. But there had been
no strange omen in the sky on the day he was born. When she gave birth to
him, he was a very frail baby, so weak he did not even cry. The incumbent
Archmage, Xize, wasn't in at the time. A few ungenerous magi had
grumbled and mumbled, wanting to expel his mother and him out of the
shrine. Fortunately, Shangjun Xiangli Yin happened to pass by on his way
to the shrine to take sanctuary from the summer heat. Kindly, he had kept
him and his mother back.
When he saw his breathing was becoming weaker, Xiangli Yin promptly
cut his wrist and saved his life with a bowl of his blood. His first cry came
in the afternoon. There was originally only a blazing sun in the eastern sky.
But suddenly, there climbed a full moon. For a brief moment, the sun and
moon simultaneously shone. Xiangli Yin laughed, Well, isn't this our
clan's little Archmage? Since his descending from Heaven is so brilliant
and beautiful, why not name him Ye (bright/sparkle). He used his

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

mother's surname in combination with the name bestowed by Xiangli Yin

and was thereafter called Chen Ye.
King Xiangli Yin decided on his mother's marriage and promised her hand
to his brother-in-law. His mother thus moved out of the shrine to her
husband's home. At the time, he had just turned one and was designated as
the next Archmage. He remained at Qinan Palace where he was raised in
He followed the then incumbent Archmage, Xize, and learned from him
the ability of a high priest.
Time fleetingly flew by. He was five by the time tumult occurred below the
mountain. Lord Xize ate mung bean cakes as he warned him that although
Qinan Palace held the monitoring post, if the king's misconduct wasn't
severe enough to result in widespread destruction, it wasn't in the shrine's
jurisdiction to interfere. The contention in the palace was those people's
own battle to fight. If we were interested, we'd come to join in the fun. If
not, we'd shut our gates and have drinks and cakes.
They closed the palace gates and enjoyed mung bean cakes for several days
when finally came the news that a new king had ascended the throne. He
was even marrying the previous king's wife, Lady Qinghua, as queen
consort. Palace rites officials came to ask for the Archmage's benediction.
Xize excused himself citing that he was too full from mung bean cakes and
wasn't in the condition to travel. He sent a few of his attendants to take
Chen Ye to the palace instead. It was his first time presiding over a prayer
ceremony. He was only five years old, but he did not make any mistake.
Xize was very pleased. From then on, he became increasingly lazy.
Whenever there was anything that required the Archmage, he never failed
to send him in his place.
His mother married Qinghua's brother and thus Qinghua became his aunt.
Soon after, Qinghua gave birth to Junuo. Because he regularly visited the
palace, she often left the baby in his care. When he turned ten that year, he
left to the mountain for his training and for two years did not set foot in the
imperial palace. By the time he returned, Junuo told him that her mother

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had given birth to a baby sister more than a year ago. Her sister was very
cuddly and adorable, but her mother had tossed her into a snake pit.
Fortunately, the four pythons did not eat the baby. They even captured rats
and bit their necks to feed her their blood.
There was only one snake pit in the Imperial Palace; it was by the Jieyou
Spring. Why he wanted to see the child mentioned by Junuo, he couldn't
say for sure. That night, the moon was a frosty silver. He stepped onto the
moonlight and was about to enter the garden when he heard a few palace
servants whispering behind the bamboos. They said the child in the snake
pit often crawled around during this hour, but for some reason they didn't
hear any sound tonight. Could she have fallen ill? Did they need to report
this to the queen? They pushed the task of reporting to the queen back and
forth, but fearing the queen's ire, no one eventually volunteered. When the
queen threw this child into the snake pit, they reckoned she had not
wanted her to live. If the child got sick, it was exactly what the queen
wished for. They would only be inflicting bad luck upon themselves if they
were to go and report back to her. It was best to turn a blind eye. Like this,
they gossiped a while then scattered away.
He approached the snake pit. The four pillars stood still, behind them
toward the edge of the formation was an infant lying on her stomach
trembling on the ground. It was a full moon on the 15th, the hour of
extreme yin. The pythons within the pillars had gone to absorb lunar
essence and had no time to look after the child. He avoided alarming the
pythons and carefully hoisted himself at the formation's edge, barely
reaching the child. Under the moonlight, he saw a dirty baby clutching a
dead rat in her chest, her hands full of blood.
She was his cousin. Also his cousin, Junuo was born with a silver spoon in
her mouth. This child, however, was dressed in rags and lived filthily in a
snake pit, her only source of food being rat blood. The infant lay shivering
on the ground for a while. She broke out crying when she finally could not
bear it anymore. As if someone was pinching down her voice, her cries
were soft and weak. It was a broken, soundless cry, but it struck him deep
in the heart.

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He didn't know what the baby was suffering from. He didn't know what
medicine she needed either. But there was nothing more effective in Fanyin
Valley than the Archmage's blood. This, he knew. Due to the barricade of
the snake pit's force field, he could not enter deep into the formation to
bring the child out. All he could do was bite his finger and reach his hand
into the force field to the child's lips. A few drops of blood flowed down as
the the child finally found enough strength to grab his finger and started to
suckle. She had a big appetite. On top of that, she didn't know that his
blood was only a medicine meant to cure her sickness. Instead, she treated
it as a source of nourishment and suckled it until she was satiated as if it
was rat blood before she would release him.
It was his blood that saved her life. Now, it was coursing in her body. He
had never used his own blood to save anyone's life. It made this child feel
special to him.
He wiped her face with his sleeve and saw the child's facial features more
clearly. Junuo said her sister was very cuddly and adorable. She was
indeed very cuddly and adorable. He couldn't believe Lady Qinghua could
be so heartless. The satiated child quietly looked at him with her clear big
eyes. He stroked her forehead and smiled. The clever child imitated his
look, a smile curving up from her tiny mouth. He patted her gently and
coaxed her to sleep. She watched him with wide eyes for a time before
eventually falling asleep. When the extreme yin hour passed, the pythons'
vigilance returned.
From then on, he regularly found opportunities to quietly go see the child
whenever he came to the palace. However, only on the extreme yin night of
the 15th could he usually come close to the snake formation. He later found
out from Xize that the blood of the king could drowse the pythons into
somnolence. In the name of worshiping ceremonies, he was able to reserve
quite a bit of Shangjun's blood. With this method, he was finally able to
enter the snake formation. There was once when he tried to see whether he
could take the child outside with him, but for some reason, her soft arm
had only touched the force field before the sleeping pythons suddenly
awakened. If not for his quick reflex, he would have perished in one of the

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pythons' belly. He knew then that he was only a ten-year-old child. Despite
being the successor to the Archmage, he was so still so powerless.
He felt sorry for this cousin and secretly looked after her for five years. He
brought her food when she was hungry, he made her warm clothes from
molted python skin when she was cold, and never once leaving a trace of
his care. Five years passed by without anyone finding out, freeing her from
any ill luck she might be met with. She was thrown into the snake pit the
moment she was born, and so she didn't have a name. She wasn't a snake;
she was a princess of the Biyiniao clan. She must have a name. Since her
parents didn't want to give her one, he really hoped that he could. He
named her Aranya, meaning pacific22. He wrote 'Aranya' onto her palm
and slowly read it aloud to her. Aranya, this is your name. In the future
when I say this word, I am calling your name. The smart child followed
suit and wrote on the ground with her finger, amusing him greatly. He
used magic to etch those three syllables onto her arm, then gently told her
to write according to them. The ignorant child clung onto his sleeve and
blinked her eyes, struggling to say, Ye Ye Ran. He softened his
voice: Yes, I am Chen Ye, your cousin. You are Aranya, Xiangli Aranya.
Since days of yore, all succeeding Archmagi must go on an ascetic retreat at
the age of fifteen for a long training; this training lasted twenty years. After
completing this training, he would become the deputy Archmage. There
was little he cared for when he was young. His heart and mind had looked
forward to that long retreat. Now that he was taking care of her, another
day he could push it back was another day he had with her. But it was
ultimately a responsibility he couldn't escape from.
He worried that no one would look after her after he left and that she
would repeat the mistake of drinking rat blood again. The night he
departed, he planted a four-season fruit tree in the snake pit for her and
brought down sky water from the Holy Palace to irrigate it. In the blink of
an eye, the plant flourished and bore fruits. He plucked one down and
Aranya is technically Sanskrit for wilderness, might be linked to peace and quiet
because of the solitude associated with the wilderness.


Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

gave it to her, teaching her that from now on, if she was hungry she should
eat this, if she was thirsty she should drink spring water from Jieyou
Spring, she mustn't live off of rats anymore.
She was already five that year. She was born as lovely as jade and snow,
but because of the poisonous miasma in the snake formation, she couldn't
really remember things nor could she really speak. Nevertheless, she
seemed to know that this was goodbye. She clutched his robe and wouldn't
fall asleep. He watched her for a long time, then at length said, You're still
so little. I bet you'll forget me by the time I come back. The child assumed
he was asking her to do something and nodded in half comprehension. He
stroked her fringe. Under the white moonlight, four-season flowers
fluttered down with the wind. One fell onto her shoulders. He picked it up
and wore it behind her ear. He caressed it then stopped, faced the child and
promised, I'll be back. When I become the Archmage, I'll be able to get
you out of here. He paused and pulled the child into his embrace. I'm
your only family, Aranya. They don't want you, but you still have me.
When he left that night, the child suddenly woke up from her dream and
cried vehemently. But he did not look back, letting her cries gradually
disappear behind him.
Twenty years felt like an entire lifetime. He returned to the Palace on the
night of the fifteenth. Shangjun hosted a welcoming banquet for him.
Anxious to see the child, he caught one news relating to her. It was that
their special guest, the second prince of the West Sea, had broken into the
python formation. Shangjun led his feasting court and hastily rushed to
Jieyou Spring. He, too, immediately followed behind. Setting foot here
again, everything was in ruins. Foremost into his eyes was the cottony
cloud in the sky where a little girl was carried in the arms of a white-attired
man. Her snake-skin skirt was covered underneath the man's outer robe.
When the white robe was lifted by the wind, her long black hair flew out,
revealing a childlike face that was extraordinarily delicate. Twenty years of
not seeing her, the child had grown up.
Jieyou Spring's clear water became turbulent. The serpents persistently
seethed in hisses. The jasper flute's notes softly floated in the air. The little

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

girl was spreading her wings for the first time in the white-robed man's
arms. No one in the royal family possessed wings as white and pure as
hers. Snowy feathers floated down and landed on his outreaching
fingertips. On the cloud, the white-robed man glanced down to the child's
arm and all of a sudden said, Aranya, what a meaningful word. Since you
don't have a name, what's better than using Aranya? He saw her stare at
the white-robed man in bewilderment, intermittently uttering, A ran
ya? The white-robed man smilingly said, Very good, Aranya. I am Su
Moye, Su Moye of the West Sea.
I am Chen Ye, your cousin. You are Aranya, Xiangli Aranya.
The second prince carried her in the air. He nodded to Shangjun, on his
face was a smile. In the West Sea, if we wanted to raise a good boy, we
would often let him experience life away from home. I reckon Your
Majesty wanted to hone the second princess and thus left her in the
formation. It's just that I quite like this child. I want to make her my
disciple and have her with me so that I may teach her. Will you be so kind
as to grant me this favor, Your Majesty?
His honorable words were clever. Shangjun's expression was complicated,
but he eventually relented.
He saw the second prince stroking the child's forehead and whispering to
her, From now on, you no longer have to stay here. Are you happy to be
coming with me? She gently nodded her head, an innocent smile curving
on her lips. She was smiling the way he had taught her as a child. As
expected, she had forgotten him, but there were still traces of him left in
her. After twenty years of training, he finally had enough strength to save
her from the pythons. But he was not yet in power. Even if he rescued her,
the only thing they could do was going into hiding. Compared to the
protection he could give her, that of the West Sea's second prince's was
The moment the snake-repellent music stopped, a python suddenly raised
its fangs skyward. Fine needles specifically made to deal with these
pythons flew out from his fingertips. The ferocious python's attack was

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

thwarted as it fell heavily onto the ground. He expressionlessly stuffed his

hands back into his sleeves and, taking advantage of the courtiers'
clamoring, quietly left Jieyou Spring. She was born ill-fated, he thought.
Now her fate was finally improving. It was a welcoming thing.

Through twenty long years of arduous training, through seasons of dull

ascetic mountain life, he often thought of her. He was the foreordained
Archmage. His mother treated his birth as an honor and never regarded
him as her son. Since she worshiped him more than she loved him, he
hadn't ever tasted the feeling of love. He once told her he was her only
family, but she was also his only family. He brought her back from the
brink of death, gave her a name, and devoted all of his affection to her. He
had a fixation, and it was her. But there was now a better pillar she could
lean on. It was time, he thought, that he completely let go of his fixation
before it became demons.
Another ten years passed by. He thought of her always, but not once did he
mention a word about her nor came anywhere near her.
Lady Qinghua gave birth to Changdi while he was away on his retreat. He
reckoned her hatred for Xiangli Que had abated substantially by then, for
compared to Aranya, Changdi had it much easier as a princess. When he
returned and came to the palace, Junuo and Changdi often followed him
around and brought Aranya up in front of him. Junuo had always been
quiet and did not tend to argue about these things. Even so, she forgot the
kindness she once had for Aranya in their younger days. And when
Changdi spoke with so much rapture, she couldn't feel vexed even if she
wanted to.
One day, Changdi again brought her up: Today, I heard an old palace
servant say that when Aranya was still in the snake pit, she had drunk rat
blood and eaten rat meat to live. Can you guys imagine that? Since she had
drunk that much rat blood, most of the blood flowing in her body must
have turned into rat blood too, right? Tsk so filthy and base, I can't


Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

understand why Father actually allowed her back into the clan, and as a
princess to boot. She's not deserving! Cousin Chen Ye, am I right?
He thought to himself, if what flowing in her veins was rat blood because
she had drunk rat blood, then wasn't it his blood coursing in her body if
she had drunk his blood? This idea distracted him a little.
Changdi persisted in prompting him. Cousin, was what I said right or
not? Impatient, he said to her coldly, If we're going to discuss bloodline,
you know full well the one type of blood that is regarded as base by Qinan
Palace. The color in Changdi's face drained away. Regarded as base by
Qinan Palace was an unchaste bloodline. In this respect, there was no
difference between Changdi's and Aranya's bloods. Even so, Aranya was
raised by him and had drunk his blood. Even if she inherited her mother's
unfaithful bloodline, what did it matter?
Xize presided over fewer and fewer ceremonies in recent years and built a
cottage in a bamboo grove behind Qinan Mountain. He then spread words
that he had contracted a serious disease and needed to move in order to
recover. Believing his words at first, he went to visit him at the cottage. He
saw Xize holding his trouser legs catching fish barefoot in the river. His
face seemed even more spirited than his own.
Xize gave a few phony coughs, then said with a sincere expression, I'm
unwell, but since I'm a strong-minded person, I really disdain the sickly
kind. I may not look sick to you, but the truth is that I'm nearing my
He assured the soon-to-die Xize: Many of our colleagues told me they'll
come to visit you in the near future. Your being so strong will surely
impress them. The smile on Xize's face went rigid.
It was said that subsequently, another mage went to visit Xize at his
cottage. All he saw was a Xize confined to bed looking quite disheartened.
Ever since Xize contracted his illness, everything at the shrine naturally fell
onto his shoulders. This year, Jiuchongtian's Taishang Laojun held a lecture
on the theory of zen at the Moonlight Garden on the 32nd celestial sky. He

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attended in place of Xize. At first, the gathering was said to last a long and
dull 81 days. But because so many immortals were invited to the seminar,
there formed a liveliness in the atmosphere. Taking advantage of the high
spirits, the fruit fairy hosted a fruit party for the immortals, extending the
event for nine more days.
He never thought that by the time he returned to Fanyin Valley, he would
be hearing wedding music.
Aranya got married. Her groom was Xize.
It was a windy day. Qinan Palace floated in the sky. From it, a cloud
stairway rolled down to the ground. Amid hazy sounds, Xize came down
in his groom outfit and personally led his red-attired bride away from her
palanquin. He held her hand and together, they ascended step by step
toward the majestic palace gates. Behind the gates where he stood was a
rootless Bodhi tree. He saw that she was wearing a red cloak in the same
color as her bridal dress. Her veil covered most of her face, revealing only a
pair of scarlet lips and a small white chin. He knitted his brow, took from
his sleeve a black tail feather, and lightly blew it from his palm. Strong
gusts suddenly picked up on the cloud stairway and lifted her veil. She
patted her hand over her flying hair strands and raised her face, her
eyebrows slightly exasperated. It had been a while since he saw her. She
was beautiful like this.
He was lost in thought. Four-season flowers had descended like snowfall
on that night long, long ago. Under the flowering tree, he had hugged her
younger self and whispered to her a promise: I'm your only family.
Aranya, they don't want you, but you still have me.
From the time he turned away a decade ago, that promise was no longer
relevant. She would gain more loved ones: her teacher, her husband, and
later her children, too. With one last glance, the wind gradually subsided.
Xize rearranged the veil on her head. Her scarlet lips gave hint of a feigned
smile. It wasn't the smile he had taught her, but he knew another person
who smiled like this. It was the second prince Su Moye of the West Sea.

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Time flowed on unceasingly like water in a stream. No traces of him was

left in her. It was as though he had never appeared in her life before. Xize
brought her into the shrine where the doors closed heavily behind them.
The black feather floated back into his hand. He had lost her ten years ago,
he could not say he was losing her again. Only, the wrong person by her
side this time for some reason gave him far more pain than the time before.
Another twenty years came and went. Xize abdicated his position and he
succeeded him as the next Archmage, becoming the youngest Archmage in
the history of Fanyin Valey. Xize feigned an appearance of being terminally
ill and hid behind Qinan Mountain. When he went to the bamboo grove,
Xize even teased him, You are ridiculously handsome and ridiculously
intelligent, pity you keep that straight face on all day long. Obviously, your
serious face is more handsome than your smiling one, but you should still
smile a bit now that you've come to bid me farewell. Make me feel more
comfortable, hmm?
He glanced around the bamboo grove but did not find any feminine
accessory. He finally could not resist and asked, Where's your wife? Xize
shook the damp quilt that was drying under the sun. Why would a young
lady like her stay here in seclusion with me? Of course she's at her home
away from the mountain.
He looked to the mountain scenery and lightly said, You treat her very
Xize smiled and proudly agreed, She's really lucky to meet such a good
person like me.
It was said that in addition to his peerless appearance, this Archmage also
possessed an indifferent and proud personality, and was difficult for others
to be close to. His behaviors quite fitted the rumors. Ever since he took over
Qinan Palace, the shrine fell into greater quietude. If there wasn't a major
ceremony, it would be hard to spot the Archmage's shadow.
In his second year as Archmage, Lady Qinghua asked Shangjun to
designate him as Junuo's prince consort. At the time, it was difficult for

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

him to refuse with his unstable foundation. Nonetheless, citing that he was
still underage and needed to train longer, they only performed the
betrothal ceremony; the wedding was indefinitely postponed. After the
engagement, he retreated behind closed doors within the shrine and spent
his time practicing calligraphy and swordsmanship, planting trees and
playing chess. His only companions where the oil lamp and writing scrolls.
The year Aranya got married, he had sowed a four-season seed in the
garden where he lived. He did not water it with sky water and it was thus
slow to grow. After a lengthy twenty years, at the time Junuo's incident
transpired, the first flower had only fallen off and given birth to the first
Even though Junuo had greatly wronged him, she was Xiangli Yin's only
blood and he could not abandon her. He knew as well as anyone that
saving Junuo was akin to walking to his own death. The king was bound to
take this opportunity to expel him from the shrine. But in life, there are
things that seem to be hopeless yet in reality hold an unexpected way out.
Xiangli Que was a tyrannical king. He had been eyeing the shrine from the
day he ascended the throne. Xize had seen through him, but he had found
it all too troublesome to deal with. This was why his successor was no
more than a child when Xiangli Que took reign. Xize gleefully tossed
everything to him to live freely in seclusion behind Qinan Mountain. Due
to the complicated power play within the shrine, no one had noticed that
Xiangli Que's ambition and intransigence had grown quite big. Although
he was the almighty Archmage in recent years, there were still some
difficulty and constraints in everything he did. Once the shrine lost its
Archmage, Xiangli Que's obstinate ambitions for the shrine would not
subside. If unfortunately Xiangli Que was cautious in recent years, he still
had a way to provoke him.
No matter how Qinan Palace was contending against each other internally,
they would never allow for external desecration. The sooner Xiangli Que
struck the shrine, the sooner the shrine's various forces would be able to
put their grudges aside to fight their external enemy. He was the

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foreordained Archmage. Even if Xiangli Que could depose him, once the
Imperial Palace and the Holy Palace went at war, he was the only one who
could safeguard Qinan Palace. Even those pedantic old magi would have
no other choice but to welcome him back. This was retreating to move
He held such a high station, this young yet enigmatic Archmage. He had
the worship of the world, but life was hardly better than a wasteland.
Perhaps with the help of the easternly wind sweeping away earthly dust,
only in the lofty Qinan Palace could he see some four-season seeds. But
they were nothing more than a few dormant seeds.
But what sort of fate had let him see her again on Junuo's execution
scaffold? She was dressed entirely in red, her white wings unfolding.
Floating in the air, she looked down at him as her lips curved into a little
smiled: Do you also remember? Although I didn't grow up with you as
Junuo did, I am also your meimei.
Aranya, this is your name. From now on when I say this word, I'm calling your
They all tell me an Archmage's blood has the ability to cleanse offensive
filth. After receiving Your Excellency's blood today, I wonder whether my
blood will be much cleaner now.
You're still so little. I bet you'll forget me by the time I come back.
It was I who saved him; he is mine.
I'll be back. When I become the Archmage, I'll be able to take you out of here.
Take a look around you, what is the current situation?
I'm your only family. They don't want you, but you still have me.
How can I forget? Aranya.
But he now realized he had left her for too long. He didn't know since
when she had also begun to learn how to seize and hold captive.

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

He dreamed of her in those deepest recesses of his dreams. In them, he saw

he was the one who rescued her from the snake pit and it was in his
embrace she had spread her wings. It wasn't that he hadn't thought there
would be a day he'd fall into abjection. But if there was one person he
didn't want to witness his abjection, it could only be Aranya. And yet, he
was caged in her estate at this very moment. In a cramped space. Like a
No one likes to be caged.
Then, she wrote to him using someone else's name as a mockery.
He was an expert at hiding his emotions. He wouldn't be so angry if it
hadn't been Aranya.
Candlelight flickered in the study. She was lazily leaning against the low
divan when she said to him, Have you ever thought that maybe I'm
different from you, that you may hate me, but I don't hate you? Maybe I
even really like you, and everything I did was to make you happy. If she
wanted to make him happy, why did she borrow someone else's name?
Why didn't she sign her own name at the bottom of the letters? He was
furious. For the first time in his life he couldn't find anything to say. But
she had laughed: I could be telling the truth, or I could be lying. Perhaps I
do really like you, perhaps I just want to tease you.
At the moment she said she might really like him, she was slightly tilting
her head, on her face was an innocence he hadn't seen in a long time.
Before she uttered the word 'like', he had never considered that those
dormant four-season seeds buried deep in his heart could perhaps be love.
Yet as she said those words, it was as if the seal on an enchanted box was
finally broken and everything that was hidden inside began to gush out.
Why did he undergo those long cultivations? Why did he want to save her?
Why was she the only one who came to his deepest, most secret dreams?
He had acted by instinct when he broke into the stone maze to save her
from the Quanyin beast. After he held her and rolled out of the force field,

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she whispered into his ear: You really do like me, Chen Ye. Holding her
in his arms, he saw in her eyes an intelligent brilliance just like the time he
taught her to read her name under the moonlight in their childhood. Ye
Ran Her speech was incomplete. Those two incomplete words had
perhaps been a harbinger.
He was doomed to fall in love with her. He actually had never ceased to
long for her.
The following two years were a good stretch of time. He moved several
four-season trees to Mengchun Manor. By summer, half were blooming
while half were bearing fruits. Aranya stood under the trees in thoughts.
There was also a four-season tree inside the snake pit, she told him.
These fruits were what I regularly ate when I was young. I heard that the
snake pit did not have this tree in the past, yet overnight it took root and
came to fruition. The heavens must've taken pity on me. She was trapped
in the miasma of the snake formation. Sure enough, she no longer
remembered those memories. That was alright, he thought. It was already
enough like this right now.
Whenever she was met with something, she would move a rattan bed
underneath the shade of the four-season tree in the moonlight. One night
as he was coming out from the glass-making room, in the distant layer of
frost-like moonlight, he saw her lying on the rattan bed looking to be fast
asleep. The large four-season canopy cast a slight shadow over her head. A
poetry book slipped from her hand.


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He loved watching her sleeping figure. Her peaceful, dreaming face

allowed him to instantly forget the many troubles in his heart. She was still
by his side.
White blossoms scattered on the rattan bed. He leaned down and watched
her for a length of time, then picked one up and
placed it in her hair. He stroked her temple,
paused, then glided his fingers over her eyebrows,
her nose, her lips. The first time he gave her a
flower was also under a four-season tree. It was as
though he was fulfilling his vow through this
intimate act. You still have me Aranya, having me is
enough. A time later, he leaned down to kiss her
forehead. She did not wake up.
And yet, fate was starting to go wrong at this point.
With the pretext of examining the progress of his
mirror making, Lady Qinghua came to Aranya's
estate to speak to him. In the glass-making room,
Qinghua's mask-like makeup was reflected on the
two-sided mirror fragment in his hand. She said in
a low voice, Each day Xiangli Que remains on the
throne is another day you can't return to Qinan
Palace. I don't know what sort of plans you have,
but I know you don't want to be trapped in here.
You have always respected my late husband, and I
haven't once forgotten his revenge. Why don't we
help each other achieve our goals? If Junuo gets the
throne, I vow on her behalf that the Imperial Palace
will never offend the Holy Palace.
According to his previous estimation, he could've forced Xiangli Que to
wage war with the shrine if he was freed. But at this point, Xiangli Que was
no longer as reckless as he had been before. His policy to suppress the
shrine was like the eroding of termites. The shrine seemed fine on the

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

surface, but he was sure Xiangli Que had supplanted much of the shrine
from inside. He was not ignorant to outside affairs during the past two
years of house arrest. He had been waiting for Qinghua to come to him.
When he was young, Xize often preached to him that Qinan Palace should
never be involved in such a degradable thing if they could help it. Such
things were beneath their style. He reckoned Xize had long expected that
they would be involved in such degradable things one day. Since he didn't
want to deal with it, he unloaded the burden onto him. With Qinghua's
help, Xiangli Que would definitely die. Qinghua's intention was to help
Junuo onto the throne, but whether Junuo ascended the throne or Crown
Prince Xiangli He ascended the throne, what did it matter to him? Qinan
Palace just needed for Xiangli Que to die.
Qinghua came to the estate thrice, appearing every bit sincere. He planned
ahead and gave her a brocade bag. Using poison had never been an
ingenious plan, but it was most suitable with Qinghua's plan. Xiangli Que
was suspicious in nature, so before that last step, there were quite many
detours he would need to take. Which path should he take at each turn,
what was required to avoid, whom could he win over in the government,
whom could he start winning over, what would happen if certain things
went well, what would happen if they didn't go well. He set out a thick
stack of papers; like counting chips, each move needed to wholly precise.
Although Xiangli Que had doted on Qinghua, he had generally constrained
her like a bird in a cage. She hadn't quite understood government and
politics previously, but it was he who had shown her the way of the
Two nights before Xiangli Que passed away, Qinghua came to the estate
again. He was drawing a lapis glass frame in the glass-making room. If it
turned out well, they could make a mold according to it. Although she was
his aunt, Qinghua respectfully called him 'Your Excellency' and negotiated
with him the situation regarding Xiangli Que. She promised that he would
be welcomed back to Qinan Palace immediately after the incident. He held
the brush in his hand and focused on the parchment. If this goes well, I

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

want Aranya. Qinghua quickly looked up. He gave an appearance of

indifference. She had unmistakably imposed many things on me, of
course I will have to return them all to her. He glanced up to Qinghua,
frowning. Or does it pain you because she is after all your flesh and
blood? Qinghua was quiet for a moment. Alright, after everything is
over, Aranya will be yours.
Since he would not be marrying Junuo, the shrine's power also shouldn't be
falling into Junuo's hand. Qinghua wouldn't let it fall to Aranya. This was
the best excuse to bring her safely back to the shrine.
But the biggest mistake in his entire life was underestimating Qinghua.
On the night of July 16th, Xiangli Que passed away. On July 19th, he was
rushed back to the shrine to preside over Xiangli Que's funeral. Not more
than three days later, an incoming message to the shrine said Aranya had
assassinated the king and had been taken into custody. At the time, in the
shrine's main hall, the black sacrifice bottle abruptly slipped from his hand,
shattering on the ground. Qinghua didn't keep her promise. Above and
beyond his expectations, she had considered everything so thoroughly.
Whether his feelings toward Aranya were pretense or truth wasn't
something Qinghua could possibly know. She made this move only in case
there would be a day when, in the off-chance, he developed any feelings
for Aranya and helped her threaten Junuo's position. She just wanted to
put Aranya to death. She had never thought of herself as her mother. How
could he not have thought of this?
Once, Qinghua came to the shrine and spoke before him as though she was
speaking out of a mother's difficulties. Your hatred for Aranya runs so
deep that I can't help but feel sad. She was wrong to have held you
prisoner, but she's still my flesh and blood. I cannot bear to see her
suffering persists. From how I see it, even if she did make a grave mistake,
her death still won't be able to obliterate your hatred, will it? If you do this
favor for me, whatever you need in the future, you just have to give me the
words. Having said that, there was a perceivable sharpness as she
watched for the reaction in his eyes.

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He frowned in seeming disgruntlement. A moment later, he slowly said,

There is a female scholar by the name of Wen Tian at the Imperial
Academy. I'm not sure whether you happen to know her. If you want to
make it up to me this time, can you take her in as your goddaughter? When
I was downtrodden, she did not treat me poorly. We are each other's
confidante and love. I want to make her my wife. Qinghua's smile slowly
emerged, finally relaxing a little. Of course.
Qinghua allowed for Wen Tian to keep him company at the shrine. When
they met this time, a rare smile appeared on the face of the habitually
temperate woman. She suddenly said to him when nobody was around, I
know you married me out of gratitude, yet do you know that the person
who was the most gracious to you was in reality the third princess? Her
Highness treated you so well, even I could see. This time, she is unjustly
aggrieved but you just sit idly by. I did have feelings for you, but I found
out today you're no longer someone I love.
He didn't explain himself. Precisely in such times, he didn't believe anyone
except for himself. Wen Tian had his admiration if she had said those
words from her heart. If, however, she had said them by the will of
Qinghua to test him, he needed to be even more cautious.
Qinghua eventually believed him and loosened her surveillance.
Additionally, Wen Tian was there. One day, he took advantage of Wen
Tian's trip to the back of the mountain for sky water and went to Qingyi
Cave. Qingyi Cave was where the most divine essence gathered in Qinan
Mountain. For two years past, Xize had been living in isolation in this cave.
Wingless arrows carried a folded letter past the force field enveloping the
cave. In the letter were events relating to Aranya's imprisonment. That
year, Xize went into seclusion and led two magi with him to guard the
cave. Although he trusted Xize, he did not trust the two guarding magi. He
thus modified his handwriting in the letter. This time, he could only hope
Xize would see the letter personally and leave the cave to save Aranya.
Times of urgency required greater composure and careful consideration. If
Xize could save Aranya, in a few months, he would quietly leave the shrine

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and reunite with her. If Xize didn't see this letter, the only other way was to
move her execution to the shrine. By that time, albeit at only half or
perhaps even less, he might still have some chances of protecting her to a
successful escape.
Qinghua had calculated in such ways against him. If he was spared, he
would not let her get her wish. Since she was bent on making Aranya dead,
he would make sure to place her onto the throne one day.
In this vast world, he never had a loved one; neither did Aranya. No matter
how everyone was plotting against them, as long as they had each other, it
was enough.
On August 1st, Aranya was stolen away. It was also the day Xiangli He set
off to the battlefield. When news came, he was presiding over a blessing
ceremony for the expedition's army on Lingshu Terrace. Recently, there
had really been too many derailments, but fortunately one thing finally
went on the right track. He was right to have trusted Xize. After Aranya
was stolen, he was placed under tighter surveillance. Qinghua ultimately
remained suspicious of him. But luckily she was well. Her safety was
Although he was at the shrine during the war with the Owl Clan, he was
informed of a thing or two whenever war reports arrived. But among the
few things he knew, none included the fact that the person taking charge of
the commander's tent at the Si'xing was Aranya, not Xiangli He.
On August 6th, the army was driven back to the south of the Si'xing by the
Owl Clan and lost 30,000 soldiers.
He took a stroll around the shrine and saw in the four-season garden a few
fallen fruits that had been pecked by birds, showing a few brown seeds. He
collected these seeds and stored them away.
On August 8th, Aranya used the semi-circular formation to stop the
enemy, blocking the Owl Clan beyond the river without any way to move.


Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

He cleared a space in the courtyard, sowed the seeds in the open space,
then regularly watered them with sky water. The following day, the seeds
grew into handsome saplings.
On August 14th, the Owl Clan broke the semi-circular formation. Aranya
resorted to the Soul Evocation sorcery and set the Si'xing ablaze in celestial
He changed out the soil for the seedlings. Green buds have begun to sprout
in the past few days. There even flowered a pretty little bloom. He used
magic to preserve it, thinking to himself it suited her well.
On August 17th, Aranya died in battle. Her soul turned into ashes,
disintegrating in the Si'xing.
He lingered in the garden; the four-season tree was dense with branches.
He took a pair of scissors and snipped a few blossoms, thinking to save
them so that she could display them in a vase to admire in the future.
Rumors spread that Xiangli He had died in battle and Aranya had been
executed for a capital offense. Even Xiangli Que's favorite daughter,
Changdi, had gone mad after hearing the news of her father's death. In the
large imperial family, only Junuo remained. On August 19th, the exiled
Junuo was welcomed back to the Imperial City to succeed to the throne. On
the 20th, Junuo personally visited the shrine to seek his benedictions. After
the ceremony was completed, she invited him out for a stroll in the lotus
On the face of the simple yet self-preserving girl in the past was now full of
vicissitudes. Gazing distantly into the water in the lotus pond, she at length
said, I lived two years in exile. Although there were some hardships, I felt
I was truly alive in those two years. I've come to terms with a number of
people, and I've come to terms with certain things. Among the three of us,
Aranya was the one who actually had a good upbringing. Growing up, I
hated her so much, only because I was terribly envious of her unrestrained
life. When she was just born, I remember I had been very fond of her. He
didn't know what her intention was in saying this, and did not reply.

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There are many things my mother didn't tell me, Junuo said a second
later, but I know deep down inside. I don't think it's true that Aranya had
assassinated the king. She looked back at him: Cousin, my mother scares
me sometimes.
Qinghua lived her entire life for this eldest daughter. A treacherous tigress
doesn't eat its own cubs, but she did not care. She used the blood of her
younger daughters to hoist Junuo onto the throne. Yet in the end, Junuo
didn't feel an ounce of gratitude. Instead, she felt frightened by her. This
was retribution.
He lightly replied, What you're afraid of isn't her, but the power she
wields. You are now the queen, your mother shouldn't interfere in state
affairs much longer.
August 22nd was a good day. The sun wasn't strong, and there was an
occasional breeze. This weather was most suitable for visiting family and
friends. As if he especially chose such a time, Lord Xize came to visit him at
the shrine.
At the time, he was reading in the four-season garden. Xize came in
through the arched doorway and beelined for him. He was looking a little
downhearted and resigned. He saved his greetings and sat down opposite
to him. The world outside has changed again and again, but how very
leisure you are, hiding in seclusion here.
He looked up and glanced at Xize. Then he turned another page and
diverted his gaze back to his book. I recall you used to say the shrine was
an unworldly place. That being the case, what relation is there between
those worldly things and an unworldly place? Turning another page, he
added, Aranya, she
Xize frowned and cut him short. I have never encountered love, so I
naturally don't know how you and Aranya think. But since you've asked
this question, you obviously also care for her. If that is the case, why bother
pushing her to this point? Of course it's your two's business. It's not my
place to say anything as an outsider. The path you chose, the path she

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chose, they were but your own fates. He sighed. I came here today only
because I remembered her wish. She had twenty letters at your place.
Before she left, she asked me to take them back.
It was as if Xize hadn't said a thing. The only word that drove into his ears
like a long needle was 'left'. His fingers stiffened on the pages of his book
as he slowly raised his voice. Left? You rescued her, then let her go?
Xize was rendered somewhat befuddled, as if he didn't quite understand
why he was asking this question.
An ominous feeling suddenly took over his heart. He abruptly rose and
headed to the garden gate. Since you're here, you should have a way to
help me leave this place. No matter where she went, if we leave the
mountain this instant, we can still catch up to her. You don't know this, but
she is one with many whimsies. Leaving her alone outside gives me a bit of
worriment He wasn't a talkative person, but he was afraid of being
interrupted. But in the end, he knew himself what he was afraid of. He and
Aranya only had each other. Fate was going astray again. But it must never
choose this moment to go astray. What if even this one footstep was wrong,
what if...?
As though he suddenly understood, Xize spoke from behind, Did no one
tell you? Chen Ye, Aranya went to the battlefield to trade places with
But he was cut short. Don't say it.
Don't say it.
As though if Xize didn't say it, everything as he had hoped would remain
as he wished.
The garden fell to a deathly silence. Only the cool breeze idly turned the
pages, making some light rustling sounds.
He grabbed the garden gate, his forehead was perspiring cold sweat. He
was still struggling for a look of composure, as if the pretension was
enough to make his deepest, completely self-destructive fears from

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But Xize's hesitant words stopped his steps. Aranya, she A slight
pause. Qinghua showed your memorial to her. Before heading to the
battlefield at the Si'xing, she said she might not have been meant for love in
this lifetime. You were what she had fought for. Even if what she had with
you was only illusory, she was fine with it. She just didn't expect you to
hate her so much. No matter how generous she was, she couldn't bear it
after all. She said she would be coming back. I didn't know she was going
to the Si'xing to seek her own death.
He spoke with extreme calm. Each of his words plunged into his heart like
a sharp dagger. He knew Xize didn't mean to, but he wanted the stabs to be
deeper and more painful. That way, he would feel he was still alive, he
would have the strength to refute Xize. Aranya wouldn't die. I won't
believe one word of it.
Xize studied him for a moment, then lowered his voice. You may choose
to believe it or not. He sighed, Qinghua and Junuo only found out after
she died. Because it was related to the power struggle in the royal family,
they hid it from the courtiers. But I don't understand why they have to hide
it from you.
He didn't know how he could make a sound: Tell me, where is she?
Xize lapsed into a long silence. In the endless hush, he finally came to
understand. The young mage did not want to believe, but he had no other
option. But rather than believing him, he was more willing to believe his
own eyes. At length, Xize said, Having nothing left to lose, she unleashed
the Soul Evocation formation. This frightening ancient sorcery consumed
her soul, turning it to ashes and oblivion within the Si'xing.
His figure shook fiercely. His feet staggered. His pace became more urgent.
That day, the powerless Archmage that was thought by the palace spies to
have been too tightly guarded actually played under their noses and
walked out of the front door on his own. Incredibly aggravated, they
showed up one after another to stop him. With a face resembling an


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asura23, the Archmage was armed with a single sword. In one flash, each
and every spy was decapitated in his track. Out of almost one hundred
spies, only one remained alive. He was saved because he was a little spy
who was always late to everything, including this time. After the
Archmage had left in the distance, the little spy quiveringly conjured a
messenger pigeon and tied the news that the Archmage had left the shrine
onto the bird's foot to be delivered to Qinghua and her daughter who were
far away at the Si'xing River. Qinghua and her daughter were at the Si'xing,
according to the Biyiniaos' traditions, to pray for the fallen soldiers.
On August 26th, skeletons of soldiers piled high next to a tall terrace along
the South Si'xing riverside. A few dotting clouds were drawn to the terrace
where the queen was arranging a very large praying ceremony. After
expediting for the past few days, he arrived at the scene precisely on today.
The river that resembled a jade belt meandered around Pingyun Mountain.
In the bright dawn, soft sounds rang out from the musical trees. Without
food or drink, he had hurried along for the past few days, Aranya lingering
in his blank mind. Every time he closed his eyes, his mind was filled with
her image. She was so lively that she didn't allow him to believe she had
left him. But how could he not believe it? He wasn't one to lie to himself.
He had been on clouds for the past several days. Thoughts together with
pain all had left him. He just wanted to come to the Si'xing. He came to
look for her so that she would give him an answer, an ending.
He never thought to escape from the queen's ceremony. He was just
strolling along the riverside, imagining the long journey she went through
in her dying moments, that last path she walked in her life. What was she
thinking when she was passing through this road? Did she still hate him?
He walked to the end of the water where a tall tower was rising high.
Banners and flags surged like wild flowers. Qinghua's face came into his
sight under the purple canopy. There was a rare panicking fright in her
eyes. He didn't know whether his appearance was scary or not. He only
asura - a type of Buddhist demigod who has three heads, three faces, and four to six
arms, i.e. very scary-looking.


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knew Qinghua had stiffened her face and sent down some order. Next, a
shower of iron arrows charged at him. He instinctively drew his sword.
The blade remained by the riverside, its powerful force field holding
strong. However, the arrow shower was interminable. Eventually, he was
pushed with nowhere to turn.
A burst of wind suddenly picked up on the riverside. It sounded as though
someone was playing an elegy from within the musical forest. White
musical blossoms fell from their boughs, passing through the sharp arrow
shower and landing on his sword's enchantment. A small blossom
remained at his hilt like a pure white butterfly. It fluttered down, and like
that, Aranya appeared in his sight. Raven hair, crimson gown, with a hint
of a smile. She removed the white blossom from his hilt and played with it
in her hand. Then she slowly slid it onto her hair, her fingers briefly
stroking her temple before pausing. He ached so much inside. He wanted
to reach out and grasp her, but he was only grasping at emptiness. It had
been nothing more than the surviving shadows of the musical trees. While
his mind was wavering, an iron arrow passed through the sword's
enchantment and drilled into his shoulder. The strong force drove him
back several paces. Blood from his mouth dyed the hilt a color of red.
Having recently heard Mengchun Manor is hosting a new guest, I would like to
send my greetings.
I could be telling the truth, or I could be lying. Perhaps I do really like you,
perhaps I just want to tease you.
You do like me, Chen Ye.
I sometimes feel it isn't enough, but I sometimes feel that your being this way is
quite good already.
He had lost her so many times, but he was now comprehending for the first
time what loss really meant as he watched her shadow disappear from his
sight yet again.
That person. You'd never see her again. You could never hear her speak
again. You could never touch her again. She even decidedly gave up on

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reincarnation. No matter how many afterlives there were, no matter who

you became, you would never be able to meet her.
She was gone, completely and utterly gone.
Immense pain from deep inside cut through him, spreading inch by inch. It
was belated despair. He had never tasted despair in his life. Had he known
this earlier... what were his forbearance for? What were all his earthly fears
for? What was he staying alive for?
Gales surged in, daylight from the eastern sky was instantaneously covered
by dense clouds. The sword that was blocking the arrow shower suddenly
burst forth a mysterious light. Flying arrows melted into nothingness when
they met this light. It spread little by little like an intimidating burning
stove, its blazing trail destroying everything in sight. This was an
annihilative power. He didn't know since when he had had such a force, he
just knew he had a desire to bury everything together. And once this desire
arose, it was difficult to withdraw. He also did not intend to withdraw it.
On the tall terrace, Qinghua's and Junuo's eyes contained the shadows of
trepidation. It made him happy seeing them so powerless. Here lay Aranya
in eternal rest. There were mountains and water, there were flowers and
birds. Since she could not come back again, being buried here with her
would be his ending, it would also be everyone's ending.
The nebulous mysterious light spread over the Si'xing. The surging river
quietly rose in vapor until there remained only the sediments in the
riverbed. Junuo had fainted on the high ceremonial terrace several meters
away. Only Qinghua was still struggling to hold off. In this critical
moment, from the thick clouds on the tall terrace suddenly emerged a
figure. Xize Shenjun. This was ultimately an annihilative calamity. The
former Archmage who had always been carefree could no longer idly stand
The former Archmage was dressed in white, his sleeves fluttering a
superior fairy essence. There was a weariness that couldn't be concealed
from his expression. He did everything he could to confine the spread of

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the mysterious light as he faced him and said, It's not that there isn't a
way to save Aranya. According to legends, Jiuchongtian has a holy object
called the Jiepo lantern which can create souls for mortals. Although the
Jiepo lantern cannot be used for us earth fairies, everything has its inner
workings. In accordance with the Jiepo lantern's mechanics, you can create
a sustaining soul to re-create another soul for Aranya. And why not? Chen
Ye, do you want to be buried here with her in regrets or do you want to see
her again?
The floating mysterious light suddenly stilled. Xize's words had knocked
some sense into him. He stared straight at the white-robed mage in front of
him and asked hoarsely, What do I have to do?
Xize said in lowered voice: Are you willing to use your lifelong
cultivation to create another world for her? She'll only be an artificial shell
initially until you have patiently waited your due to rebuild her soul in
order to make her completely resurrected. For this, are you willing to pay
with your entire life?
He looked to the mage standing before him, his face was extraordinarily
calm. Now that I've already lost her, tell me, what wouldn't I be able to


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Chapter 16
The second prince of the Su family, Su Moye, was known to be quixotic his
entire life. Although he had been hurt in Aranya's tale, he still retained a
certain poise and grace. It was both sad and pitiful, amassing him praise
from many for being a rare gentleman. Su Moye had always thought that
he was only a bystander in Aranya's love story, a small unfortunate role
who happened to be hurt by love. But after viewing the Miaohua glass,
Chen Ye as the protagonist would take the cake if they were to speak of
heartache. Furthermore, the many injuries Chen Ye was afflicted with were
given to him by this very bystander. This root wasn't something he
could've expected. But whatever the case was, this was an answer. He had
pursued this matter for more than two hundred years simply to seek for an
answer, yet the truth was like this. His love and pain for a moment seemed
as though they had never been entrusted to anyone. But in the end, this
was still an answer.
Mo Shao felt ashamed for having been blind and deaf. He never expected
that Chen Ye and Aranya's past would be like this, nor that Chen Ye would
create such a realistic Aranya's Dream. Both were enough to make him
shocked. Then when the third unexpected thing was revealed to him, not
only was he shocked, he was also made to ponder the unfairness in life.
The third matter had nothing to do with Mo Shao. Rather, it was largely
related to His Majesty the King.
At this time, the Miaohua glass was showing the image of Chen Ye
slashing three of Fanyin Valley's seasons with a swing of his sword,
exhausting his cultivation to create Aranya's Dream under Xize's guidance.
The second prince unconsciously raised his hand and was bound to the
glass frame, forced to share Chen Ye's emotional turmoils. In his haziness,
he heard Dijun slowly say, Come back and let me have a look.
It was true that he was lured by Chen Ye's life within the mirror, but he
really didn't know how to come back either. Dijun seemed to also know

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this. It was just that he had always been used to commanding others. He
watched his useless appearance pensively for a moment, then drew a few
lines onto a piece of paper and dropped it into the mirror. The glass surface
instantly rippled like spring waves. The image within the mirror gradually
vanished behind the ripples. Su Moye's right hand was suddenly freed
from the frame. When he looked into the mirror again, the ripples had
calmed down, but auspicious clouds and celestial cranes from Heaven
were now beginning to emerge on its surface.
Su Moye said in bewilderment, This is
Dijun propped his cheek and watched the mirror as he lightly replied,
Three hundred years ago.
Su Moye swept his eyes across the familiar pavilions and palaces in the
mirror as he became more bewildered. We were watching Chen Ye's life
from three hundred years ago, but why is the mirror showing Heaven?
Dijun turned the cup in his palm and pondered, If I'm not mistaken He
paused mid-sentence.
Dijun rarely pondered. More rarely still did he hesitate. This was because
pondering and hesitance both represented a kind of uncertainty, and Dijun
wasn't usually unsure about something. Su Moye glanced up, surprised to
find a building looming within involute clouds in the looking-glass. Four
pillars and a high old beam opened up to a wide spacious room. But there
was nothing inside this room. The only noticeable thing was a large cloud
bed. It seemed a figure was lying on the hazy bed. As the image in the
mirror slightly zoomed in, Su Moye perspired cold sweat. Lying on the bed
of clouds was a purple-robed silver-haired deity. Who else could he be but
Donghua Dijun? Nevertheless, when he glanced to the living Dijun sitting
beside him, His Majesty was still turning the cup in his palm. There was a
calmness in his expression as he watched the mirror as if he had seen this
Soon after, there came some movement in front of the cloud bed. A
solemnly dressed young officer neared the cloud bed. He solemnly

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exchanged the decorative flower vase at the headboard, solemnly lit the
incense burner in front of the wall screen, and then solemnly rearranged
the corner of the quilt for the sleeping King. As he finished straightening
the quilt, an elderly fairy came in. Because the young officer and the older
fairy were donning daily clothes, one could not tell their ranks from their
outfits. The gray-bearded elderly fairy bowed deferentially to the solemn
young officer and said, Lord Zhonglin, may I ask why you have called for
me so urgently?
Zhonglin Su Moye had heard of this name before. Rumors had it Dijun
appointed this fairy to oversee the palace's affairs when he retired to
Taichen Palace. Zhonglin Xianguan was Dijun's most faithful retainer. His
meticulousness and prudence were known throughout the lands. For tens
of thousands of years, he had been a model to all other attendants in
Zhonglin Xianguan knitted his brow and said, Elder Yunzhuang, I've
invited you here for a crucial matter. Dijun is now asleep because of the
subduing of the Miaoyi Huiming Realm. You and I both know he had
forbidden this matter to spread outside the palace, lest it gives rise to
unrest in the six realms. Speaking of which, also thanks to your help,
Siming Xingjun changed a few lines in the mortals' book of fate a few days
ago before we were able to deceive the other immortals. Purporting that
Dijun was seeking to experience mortal illness and death, hatred and
resentment, love and parting, his skandhas had been burning with interest
in the eight bitterness of a mortal's life and he had left to reincarnate. Dijun
went to sleep so suddenly. Though he did not leave any subsequent
command, there is recently a thought that has been making me ill at ease.
Elder Yunzhuang stepped closer: Dare I ask what is disturbing you so?
He was indeed a courtier from Taichen Palace. He went straight to the
problem instead of beating around the bush like the rest of Jiuchongtian.
Zhonglin sighed. Even though Dijun had subjugated the Miaoyi Huiming
Realm and locked up Miaoluo, if it's known that Dijun went to sleep for
this, even if Miaoluo has been confined, I'm afraid she will suddenly wreak

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some sort of havoc. To protect Dijun's 100-year sleep from a reappearance

of Miaoluo's scourge, I gave some thought and recently found an answer.
Elder, you are very good at creating souls. If you can take half of Dijun's
shadow to make a soul and send it to Fanyin Valley Of course, when this
soul is born, he won't know that he's Dijun's shadow or that he is
shouldering the great responsibility of guarding the Huiming Realm. Still,
this soul ultimately has a trace of Dijun's breath. As long as he is reborn in
Fanyin Valley, he will be a deterrent to Miao Luo. Furthermore, a Biyiniao's
lifespan is finite. Once turned to dust, the incarnated soul will naturally
return as Dijun's shadow. As far as Dijun is concerned, there is really
nothing to worry about later on.
After a length of silence, Elder Yunzhuang pondered aloud, M'lord,
you've considered everything so thoroughly. This old man was also just
thinking for a moment that this is the only viable method. But in my
humble opinion, after I make this soul and send it to Fanyin Valley, you
and I both need to drink amnesiac water to forget this matter. Since you've
always been meticulous, I assume you'll also agree with this old man.
Albeit this reincarnated soul is said to only be a fraction of Dijun's shadow,
it is still a part of His Majesty. If either of us inadvertently reveal the
matter, a determined person could very well give us trouble by devouring
this soul. Dijun will be weak during his sleep, and hence his immortal
foundation will certainly be affected.
Zhonglin nodded: You're right.
The scene in the glass quietly faded out after Zhonglin showed the elderly
fairy out of the room. Undulating clouds, endless rooftops, all seemed to be
dissolving in water. The Miaohua glass stood in front of them just like any
ordinary glass again.
Among the new generation of immortals, Mo Shao had always thought of
himself as being unruffled and cool. But by some unknown luck, things
beyond his expectations kept coming at him one after another today,
making him feel quite overwhelmed. After what was shown in front of his
eyes arrived, he couldn't be unaffected anymore. He didn't know what the

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heck Miaoyi Huiming Realm was. But throwing this aside, he understood
perfectly well the conversation inside the mirror between Zhonglin and
Yunzhuang. They said Chen Ye was no other than Dijun's shadow. Chen
Ye was actually Dijun's shadow? Being struck by lightning in broad
daylight still could not describe Mo Shao's feelings at this time. But if he
were to say struck by lightning, at this time in front of the mirror, there
should be someone who was struck even worse. He couldn't help but look
to Dijun.
Yet Dijun, who should be struck worse, was still calm and cool. His
graceful demeanor while pouring tea was also just as before.
When he first entered this world, Donghua never actually thought that
Chen Ye could be his own shadow. There had been times when he felt that
the Archmage's breath was somewhat familiar, but because he was too lazy
to bother, he haphazardly attributed it to two people's practicing the same
magic as an excuse to not pursue the matter any further. There weren't
many occasions when he actually used his brain, and so his brain had
always been a bit rusty. He didn't start to doubt whether Chen Ye had
anything to do with him until he saw through the Miaohua glass the
strength that could destroy Heaven and Earth. That destructive mysterious
light was originally his most advantageous sorcery. In retrospect, his guess
wasn't wrong. Sure enough, he and Chen Ye did share a certain origin.
But this origin wasn't that difficult to accept either.
A shadow, that was all that it was.
Knowing Chen Ye was his own shadow wasn't anywhere as surprising as
the day he saw that it was an earth fairy that was using creation sorcery.
Today explained about how an earth fairy could use creation sorcery. After
all, it was his own shadow, wasn't it...?
He hadn't considered that there would be a shadow and didn't plan
thoroughly enough. If Chen Ye was his shadow, then Xiao Bai and
Aranya... He raised the brush, ready to paint Aranya's image to drop into
the calmed Miaohua glass when wind and thunder all of a sudden

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sounded outside the window. He looked up to see ominous clouds pulling

in, seemingly from the Imperial City... The teacup clattered on the table.
The Miaohua glass was abruptly stored away inside his sleeve. He got up
and hasted to the Imperial City.
Su Moye also looked out the window amid the rising winds and thunder.
This thundering sounds a little strange, he said. A gust of wind later, he
saw that Dijun had urgently departed the room. After so many days of
following Dijun, he had never seen him so concerned. He was curious, but
there wasn't enough time to hesitate; he also needed to catch up.
Menacing blasts picked up. Donghua sailed on winds and landed outside
Boxin Pavilion at Aranya's princess estate in the Imperial City. At this time,
he saw Chen Ye leisurely carrying Fengjiu onto a chaise inside the pavilion.
The mage had barely touched the lady's jade arms when a long sword had
stopped his erring hands just in time. And just like that, the seemingly
sleeping Fengjiu had steadily lain in Donghua's arms. Su Moye slowly
headed down from the clouds as he inwardly marveled at the King's
The Canghe blade drilled into a pavilion column at Chen Ye's eye level. In
the past, Dijun froze this world's Xize in the Biaoyi cave behind Qinan
Mountain after deciding he would be using his identity. Afterward, he
began to wholeheartedly play Xize's role. Admittedly, Lord Xize's original
looks and personality were neither of great concerns to him. There was just
one thing he had to be careful with whenever he drew his sword, he must
take care to hide the famous Canghe's true appearance lest people
recognize his identity through the recognition of his sword.
And yet at this time, that renowned Canghe sword was piercing so
imposingly and blatantly under Chen Ye's very eyes. The zircon on its hilt
flashed numerous beams which seeped into the afternoon sunlight inside
the pavilion. It was simply blinding.
Su Moye was convinced that if it hadn't been for the Canghe sword's
prevention, Chen Ye would have fought back to recapture Fengjiu.
However, the Canghe was worthy of its fame. Once it made its appearance,

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it had subdued the madness in the mage's eyes. After a brief silence, they
heard Chen Ye slowly speak: The Canghe? Now that he recognized the
Canghe, how could he not recognize the venerated deity in front of him?
The mage was indeed intelligent. He looked up to Dijun again, his
expression carrying some uncertainties. I am greatly honored that Your
Grace has come to this world. However, I'm not sure what virtues I possess
for you to deign to come here. Are you concerned with my private affairs?
One couldn't see what sort of expression Dijun held as he faced his own
shadow Slightly casting his eyes over the empty glass bottle on the stone
table, he said to Chen Ye, It seems you have collected the essences needed
to make another soul for Aranya. Have you placed all of them into Xiao
Bai's body? Su Moye glanced at Fengjiu who was lying in Dijun's arms.
Since His Majesty's words were quite calm, it seemed there was no major
concern with Her Highness's body.
Indeed, nothing in this world can escape from your eyes, said Chen Ye
after a long silence. Although I do not know why you are currently here,
the woman in your arms is the one person in this world I cannot let go of. I
hope Your Grace can show leniency and give her back to me.
Donghua sat down on the chaise next to the stone table, letting the sleeping
Fengjiu fall into his chest. Wrapping one hand around her, he slightly
gazed up and said, She is mine. Why should I give her to you?
Chen Ye startlingly looked up.
Donghua gently brushed his free hand, removing the correction spell on
Fengjiu's body. He lightly spoke, Xiao Bai fell into this world. The Aranya
that was created by you was replaced by her. Looking at the shocked
expression on Chen Ye's face, he lightly spoke again, Xize Shenjun of the
previous generation was indeed a master. If Aranya was just a Biyiniao,
this sorcery he taught you to resurrect her would still be possible, albeit
sacrilegious. But Aranya was just a soul formed from a shadow. She only
had one life in the first place. After her life ended, she should return to
smoke and dust. No matter how you collected her life essences, you still

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

won't be able to create another soul. No matter what you do, you won't be
able to revive her. She won't be coming back.
The jasper flute in Su Moye's hands clattered onto the ground. Chen Ye
said dazedly, What are... you saying?
The Miaohua glass from Dijun's sleeves was again brought to the sunlight,
erecting on the stone table. Donghua was still holding Fengjiu in his arms
as he calmly raised his hand to conjure a brush and paper from thin air. He
sketched a small picture of Aranya, then wrote a few words next to it and
tossed the paper into the mirror and said, Why was she born as a shadow,
I am also a little curious. Let's take a look.
Previously when they were taking a peak into Chen Ye's life, the first thing
that had appeared was his birth. Presently, it was a school that was shown
in the Miaohua Glass.
Just outside the school, several fairy birds and animals were playing on the
green hillside. From the classroom came a reading voice; the passage was
from the Prajna Sutra. As the sun shifted, the reading gradually lowered,
seemingly bringing class to an end. Soon after, an elderly immortal
sporting a goatee carried his books and walked out of the school. One after
another, students filed out to the hillside and mounted onto their riding
animals, flying away from the mountain in groups of two or three.
Slowly coming out last, with quite a few handsome boys surrounding her,
was a young girl in red. Her hair was as black as ink and as luscious as
clouds. Her eyebrows arched like a pair of crescent moons. On her
forehead was a scarlet phoenix feather blossom. Her eyes were stars, her
lips cherry. In her expression was an impatience. This was Her Highness
Fengjiu of Qingqiu.
Is this also three hundred years ago? asked Su Moye.
Dijun kept his steady gaze fixed on Fengjiu from within the looking-glass:
Two hundred and ninety-five years ago, a bit before Aranya was born.

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To say that Aranya might have been Fengjiu's shadow was only Dijun's
guess. But when he dropped Aranya's picture into the Miaohua glass and
Fengjiu appeared on its surface, it became quite apparent. As he expected,
Aranya's soul was verily made from Xiao Bai's shadow. But why did Xiao
Bai also send her shadow to reincarnate in Fanyin Valley? At the same
time, she did not seem to know that Aranya was her own shadow. This
was giving Dijun thoughts.
Inside the mirror, the boys tailing Fengjiu were gradually approaching. The
closest three who were smothering her were wearing a blue robe, a white
robe, and a green robe each respectively. From how they were dressed,
they did not seem to be fairies from Qingqiu, but rather like young men
from the Heavenly clan.
When voices where heard from the Miaohua glass, it was the blue-robed
boy's turn. He seemed the romantic sort. Full of unspoken feelings, he
gazed toward Fengjiu and said, I've long heard that Qingqiu is a blessed
magical land. I've been meaning to take a tour during my time studying
here. It just so happened I met Bai Zhi Dijun a few days ago. His Majesty
said Your Highness is very familiar with the local sights. After today, we
will be having ten days of break. I wonder if Your Highness can spare
some time to accompany me on a tour around Qingqiu.
Fengjiu weathered the lad's meaningful eyes and said, I
The green-robed boy elbowed the blue-robed boy aside. He looked at
Fengjiu with earnest sparkling eyes. One day is more than enough for
sightseeing. I've heard of Your Highness's amazing culinary skill. On our
break, why don't you come with me to the mortal realm for drinks? I have
quite a few favorite restaurants I'd like to show to you. There are some
dishes even Heaven does not have. Surely, Your Highness must be
Fengjiu weathered the lad's burning eyes: I
The white-robed boy pulled the green-robed and blue-robed boys behind
him. His eyes contained the melancholy of an autumn lake. He said to

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

Fengjiu, Eating and drinking are frivolous activities, after all. I heard Your
Highness is quite accomplished in magical weaponry and ancient history.
Unfortunately, these are my worst two subjects. Would Your Highness be
able to spare some time during the break to help me improve in them?
Fengjiu weathered the lad's autumn-water eyes: I
The three boys' eyes were filled with expectations.
Fengjiu weathered their expectant eyes and turned around to pull forward
a sleepy lad. She said to him, I are there any plans for the break after
The sleepy boy rubbed his eyes, took a small notebook from his sleeve,
turned a few pages, yawned and said, Ah, Your Highness has many
plans. Bai Zhi Dijun has ordered that before noon, Your Highness is to visit
and ask after his three lordships' injuries. Oh, they're the three lords who
invited you out to play on the last ten-day break whose leg you broke,
whose hand you fractured, and whose neck you injured. In the afternoon,
let me see, ah, Your Highness will need to hurry to Mount Zhonghu to duel
with Lady Zhiyue. This is a death match, so basically Your Highness is
only free in the evening.
The blue-robed boy, green-robed boy, and white-robed boy stood frozen
like statues.
Fengjiu blankly closed the notebook for the sleepy boy then turned in front
of the other three and kindly said, The duel with Lady Zhiyue isn't quite
as serious as a death match. It's just a matter of severing one of her limbs or
two. I might be able to finish the fight and come back around the hour of
the rooster (5-7pm). Gentlemen, which one of you will wait for me?
The three boys glanced at each other in horror and ran for the hills,
momentarily forgetting to even lead their riding animals away. They were
slipping away even faster than rabbits.
Dijun's torch-like eyes paused on the glass surface; a curve slightly
twitched on his lips.

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

It was now getting late inside the mirror. The sleepy boy glanced to
Fengjiu, conjured a brush out of thin air, re-opened the small notebook in
his hand, licked the tip of the brush and scratched out a few names on top.
Three more scared off, he remarked. Although your family is slightly
rushing your marriage, there's no need to scare them like this. Though you
don't have any intention right now, what if you want to get married in the
future? You may need them then.
Fengjiu rubbed her brow and changed the subjects: I don't have a riding
animal. Gray-wolf didi, you don't have one either. Little uncle's riding
animal, Bifang, seems to have some business today and won't have time to
pick us up. Do you think we should call for a cloud or walk down the
The sleepy boy closed the small notebook and pointed to the horizon,
Hey, what is that clump of auspicious cloud?
Fengjiu's gaze followed his finger to the distance where she didn't see any
auspicious cloud. It was only the horizon dyed by the sunset glow into a
golden strand. But a few clumps of thick clouds were indeed pulling in.
Although Dijun had altered the Miaohua glass to show the past and
present lives of earth fairies, Su Moye didn't expect it to show the past
lifetime of a Qingqiu goddess. If it could, then this past must somehow be
related to Aranya's life. He didn't see any relationship between the scene
just now and Aranya, but by the time the thick clouds within the glass
landed and dispersed, he came to understand why the Miaohua glass
would show this school. The deity who landed in front of Fengjiu and
Gray-wolf didi was the lord of the underworld, Xie Guchou.
As they were also spiritual things, the lives of mortals concerned three
deities: the first was Lord of the Northern Star, the second was Lord of the
Southern Star, and the third was the master of the underworld, Lord
Guchou. The Southern Star oversaw birth, the Northern Star oversaw
death, and the underworld was in charge of postmortem judgment as well
as reincarnation. Lord Guchou was as solitary as his name. He roamed
alone and was perennially secluded in the underworld, rarely keeping in

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

touch with other immortals. Each year, one could only see this deity during
Tianjun's court. In Su Moye's impression, every time they met, this deity
always looked dignified.
At this time, Lord Guchou who stood in front of Fengjiu looked almost
sickly. After asking her to dismiss Gray-wolf didi beside her, he pointed to
the rugged mountainous road ahead and said, Qingqiu's evening scene
isn't bad. Let's take a walk along this road.
Fengjiu followed behind Xie Guchou. Now that the students had all gone
home, the mountain was drowned in silence. As birds flew home, there
was an occasional cawing above their heads. The two looked around and
chose to sit underneath a wishing tree. Xie Guchou removed a hip flask
from his waist, took a swig and said, There is something I think I should
let you know.
Fengjiu laughed. Is it my late gift of wine? This, you can be assured. You
and I are friends. Since I've promised to send you a jar of Zheyan's peach
wine I won't ever go back on my words. It's just that, well, recently Zheyan
and my little uncle are having a row. Even for me, it's not very good
Xie Guchou cut her train of thoughts: It's Donghua Dijun's matter.
Fengjiu's smile stiffened on her face.
No one in the world must know this, said Xie Guchou. I imagine Lord
of the Northern Star has not noticed it either. Perhaps because I am in
charge of reincarnation, I've just now found out.
When he saw that Fengjiu had given him her undivided attention, he
added, Recently as I was sorting through the soul registry, I detected a
soul from some strange place. I went to check it out and found that it was a
soul with neither a previous existence nor a subsequent existence. It did not
come from reincarnation and it won't be reborn after death. This sort of
soul that is born without going through reincarnation can only be created
by the gods, and in this world, the number of those who can create such
souls are far and few between. Among the gods and in addition to me,

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there is only Elder Yunzhuang from Taichen Palace. A few years ago, I
heard because Dijun had wanted to understand the eight bitternesses of a
human's life, he had sought to join the mortal realm. Although according
to Siming's book of fates, Dijun won't be reincarnating to the mortal realm
until thirty years later, it is rumored that he had been retreating to Taichen
Palace in all these years. However, during his retreat, he had ordered Elder
Yunzhuang to create a soul from his shadow and send it to the mortal
world for some experience. It wasn't a bad idea. There shouldn't be any
trouble. At this point in the story, Xie Guchou felt his mouth getting dry
hence he lifted his flask and took another swig. Dijun concealed this
matter from everyone. I assume it's extremely confidential. I've considered
for a long time before telling you, do you know why?
The scaly sunset had diffused. A hazy half-moon pulled up on the
mountaintop. Fengjiu lay down, looked to the misty sky and laughed, So
that you can swindle another jar of wine from me?
Xie Guchou gave her a glance and shook his flask. What can I possibly do
in front of you? Do you have anything I don't already know? When we
drank together seven years ago, didn't you say in your drunkenness that
Dijun had saved you on Mount Qinyao? You thought to pay him back by
saving him in the Wicked Lotus Sphere, but in the end you were saved by
him and was indebted yet again. You said that sooner or later, you would
need to find an opportunity to repay him. In my opinion, this is your
opportunity. Compared to Dijun, his shadow might even be better. For you
to come back to Taichen Palace and see him again would be a bit difficult
for you, wouldn't it?
Fengjiu closed her eyes and said, You're different today. You're babbling.
She paused then added, You used to say that these heartbreaks will
naturally fade away after a long time. But that was wrong, you know.
Xie Guchou lowered his gaze to her. Oh? How so?
In the night wind, Fengjiu covered her eyes as she replied: It's been ten
years, but I still haven't forgotten any of those sad things. Whenever I think
of them, my heart breaks the same as it did back then.

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Xie Guchou also lay down and gazed to the misty night sky. That's
because it's still not long enough.
Fengjiu turned to look at him. To be honest, I have also thought of the
good times. I didn't tell you that Dijun had built a hexagonal pavilion for
me to keep cool, given me roasted yams, made me sweet and sour fish, and
even bandaged my wounds for me.
And what else? What other things has he done for you?
Fengjiu stuttered, He also... he also... Momentarily not knowing what to
say, she turned her head away then at length said, He had saved me.
Xie Guchou lightly said, Saving you took little effort. Under that
situation, His Majesty would lend a helping hand no matter who it was.
He sighed, The good memories of him are only so little? Fengjiu, then
how many bad memories were there?
Fengjiu gazed to the moon. Bad memories would you like to hear some
of the ridiculous things I've done? After a stretch of silence, she started:
Well, there was once when I altered a dagger blueprint belonging to Lord
Liansong. But Jiheng claimed she had fixed it, so I bit her. Dijun scolded me
and took her side. At the time, I had run out of the study. At night, for
some reason I believed that Dijun would come to apologize because he had
wrongly accused me, and sincerely worried that he wouldn't be able to find
me. For that reason, I deliberately curled up in his chamber's doorway the
entire night. Isn't that ridiculous?
Then, did he come to look for you?
Fengjiu did not reply right away. After a long time, she said, No, he
stayed in the room to paint with Jiheng.
The moon gradually climbed over the mountaintop. A few fireflies were
gathering under the wishing tree. Xie Guchou asked, What happened
Fengjiu unconsciously replied, Afterward She fell into silence for a
while, then continued: Afterward, Jiheng was with him. Although I was

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wronged, I still really wanted to be with him. You know that all I wanted
was to stay by his side, but I just couldn't find any opportunity. Later on
I scratched Jiheng and he had me locked away. Zhonglin felt sorry for me
so he let me out for some sun. But I came across Jiheng's pet, Suoying. It...
it hurt me, then I accidentally fell into the river and was rescued by Siming.
In the end, he married Jiheng and I left Jiuchongtian. She mumbled,
They're all very boring things. I'm sure you're tired listening to it.
Xie Guchou frowned. He didn't say anything else to you afterward? And
you just left Jiuchongtian like that?
Fengjiu whispered absently, Hmm, yes. She watched the sky through the
cracks between her fingers as she said, Siming said my feelings for Dijun
were already as deep as the sea, but for what it's worth, I still don't really
know what love is. Even though I had liked him no matter what, compared
to his supreme eminence, if you ask me what I wanted, I would rather have
him not be so great. I just wished he didn't live in Taichen Palace and that
he wasn't the King. That way, only I would see his good points, only I
would like him. I'd treat him very, very well. Zhi'he once said she'd been
with Dijun since her childhood and that my feelings for him couldn't
compare to hers. I know, too, that there are many who like him. But if we
are just talking about our feelings for him, then I believe I was the one who
loved him the most.
Xie Guchou sighed, He never knew your feelings in those days, and
perhaps will never know the rest of his life. Weren't you sad that he was
indifferent to you?
Fengjiu murmured, How could I not be? But I became a pet so that I could
be with him. It was only natural to be treated as a pet. That was how it was
for pets. Sometimes we are loved, sometimes we are not. His indifference
toward me did make me a bit sad. Maybe it was because I didn't see myself
as a pet deep down inside after all.
You have humbled yourself enough in front of him, Xie Guchou replied,
shaking his head. For him, you abandoned your precious fur, your

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

respected station, and your family and friends. If you were repaying a
favor, these have been enough.
Fengjiu closed her eyes. Forget those. They were only my yearnings; they
can't be mistaken for gratitude. A long while later, she added, You're
right, it would be a good opportunity if the Dijun in the lower realm is a
shadow. Since Dijun wanted to conceal this matter from the immortals, I
shouldn't have knowledge that he is in that world as well. If you don't
mind, please make a soul out of my shadow and let it reborn where he is.
This time, I hope that my shadow can properly repay him for me, save him
whenever he is in danger, help him get whatever he wants.
Xie Guchou reached for the wine flask. Help him get whatever he wants...
what if he doesn't get what he wants, and this repayment is still
Fengjiu gazed to the moonlight on the distant mountains and replied,
Didn't you say Dijun himself will be reborn into the mortal realm in thirty
years? If it's still unsuccessful this time, I'll go and beg Siming when that
time comes. I'll ask him where Dijun has reincarnated to. She softly said,
In thirty years when I see him again, I believe I won't be as useless as I am
Xie Guchou drank some wine and warmly said, Alright, give me half of
your shadow. Regardless of whether this favor is repaid or not, I'll bring
news back to you.
Hazy moonlight and shadows of birds. The nebulous scene in the glass
turned into a clear blue sky as Aranya was welcomed into the world in
Fanyin Valley. Subsequent events displayed one by one in the mirror, all
the way until Aranya's soul flew from the Si'xing riverside, its parent
shadow returning to Xie Guchou's hand in the underworld. Chen Ye
staggered away from the pavilion. Su Moye didn't stop him, neither did he
ask where he was going.


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Chen Ye was a smart man. Presumably, he had guessed he was Dijun's

shadow and realized Aranya was Fengjiu's. Two shadows. Their lives had
been nothing more than someone else's expendable pastime. Anyone who
had been told such a thing would be devastated. Moreover, as Dijun said,
Aranya wouldn't be coming back. Why she fell in love with Chen Ye, why
she saved him, why she always tried her best to help him get whatever it
was he wanted, Su Moye finally understood. Because she came into the
world for him, her life was fated to be his. He didn't know what Chen Ye
was thinking when he dazedly left the pavilion. He seemed so broken that
he could not bear to ask.
Dijun also didn't stop Chen Ye from leaving. Instead, he just remained
staring into the looking-glass as though he didn't even notice him. Dijun
was frowning. Su Moye wasn't sure whether there was sadness in his
expression. He had never seen Dijun being this way before.
It was only a mirror, nothing but a dead thing, Su Moye thought, but it had
made everyone so woeful.
A moment later, Xie Guchuo emerged on the mirror surface, again visiting
Qingqiu. He sat by the Wangsheng shore as he drank with Fengjiu.
In the cool breeze, Fengjiu poured some wine and said, Did my shadow
fulfill her duties? Was she able to help Dijun's shadow get what he
Xie Guchou received the cup from her and sighed, No. To the day she
died, she still didn't know what it was he most wanted. This repayment
didn't have the ending we were hoping for.
She's... dead? Does this mean the repayment also failed? It seems I will
have to find a good day to go beg Siming.
Xie Guchou drank down his cup. He poured himself another and said to
her, Won't it be hard on you to see Dijun again?
As flowers fluttered down, a blossom fell to Fengjiu's fingertips. She
lowered her head and softly smiled. After a long time, things such as

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

heartbreaks will naturally fade away. I didn't believe you before, but this
time I think you're right. By the time we meet in the mortal realm, it will
only be for repayment. Then perhaps we'll meet again one day in Heaven
at some banquet or other. He'll be the revered deity who rarely comes to
parties, and I'll still be Fengjiu of Qingqiu. In his eyes, I'll just be a young
queen he is meeting for the first time. What we had between us were
simply my once having liked him without his ever knowing.
Donghua was greatly affected. She first met him on Mount Qinyao, but the
first time he met her was two thousand years later by the Wangsheng
shore. She said they might meet one day at a banquet. She wasn't wrong.
They later met at her aunt's wedding where she almost kicked a flower pot
onto his head. He had caused her so much grief over the years, but at that
time, he couldn't detect anything from her face. She just acted like a young
queen meeting him for the first time, smart, lively, and beautiful.
The Miaohua glass had quieted down for some time yet Dijun was still at a
loss for words. Su Moye called, Your Majesty. Dijun's eyes were gazing
to an unknown place, still to say a thing. Su Moye stepped forward and
called to him again, Your Majesty? Dijun finally recovered. He looked at
him for a moment then asked, When was the first time you met Xiao Bai?
He took Su Moye by surprise. Fengjiu's words from within the mirror may
have saddened Dijun and called to his mind something that triggered this
question. But this question wasn't exactly easy to answer. He met Fengjiu
at High Deity Zheyan's Ten-mile Peach Orchard where the two had
privately met instead of being introduced properly in the ways of the
nobility. If he were to answer truthfully, Dijun might think he had
harbored some feelings for her, and that wouldn't be good. If he were to
hide the truth, when Dijun learned of it in the future, he might think he hid
it because he really did have feelings for Fengjiu, and that also wouldn't be
good. He hesitated for a moment. Feeling that Dijun didn't ask what form
they met and only asked about the time, he cautiously replied, About a
thousand years ago, I just happened to meet Her Highness by chance.
Why are you asking, may I ask...?

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Donghua's gaze was affixed on Fengjiu's face who was sleeping in his
arms. He placed his hand onto her flushed sleeping face, knitted his brow,
and said, If she wanted to see you, she could always go to see you. She
liked me, wanted to see me, became a servant in Taichen Palace for more
than four hundred years, but we weren't fated to meet each other even
once. In theory, we shouldn't have such a difficult time meeting. Then why
was it like that, do you think?
Su Moye remembered when Fengjiu told him this story, she said they were
ill-fated. At the time, he didn't take her words very seriously. He always
felt that the so-called 'ill-fated' should be like him and Aranya. He had
feelings for her but she did not for him. However, neither Fengjiu nor
Dijun was married. Moreover, they had feelings for each other. It just so
happened life was full of unpredictabilities, and there had been some
miscues along the way. How could that be called 'ill-fated'? Dijun's sudden
question led to some thinking of his own. He tactfully answered him, Her
Highness once said she had no fate with Your Majesty. But I think it's only
because Her Highness was having a hard time, hence she was looking for
an excuse to give up, but it's not true.
Donghua lifted his left hand and made a seal. Xiao Bai is right. Perhaps it
is indeed bad fate at play. Suddenly, a gust kicked up from the ground.
The green tiles on the pavilion rang continuously. Protected within Dijun's
hold, Fengjiu still showed no signs of waking up. The moon in the sky
unexpectedly moved closer. In front of it lay a boulder on which an elderly
fairy with gray hair and beard was leaning.
This was the Diezhou (lit. shaking the universe) sorcery. This world could
easily collapse if someone who fell into it resorted to strong magic. With
this said, the Diezhou sorcery was one of the most powerful magics. This
mirror, if broken, could easily be repaired. But if they were to fall into
danger, one couldn't say for sure what would happen. Su Moye strode
forward. You must not use this sorcery. The ground has started to quake
around here. Your Majesty, please calm down.


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The elderly fairy by the boulder benevolently said, From what I see, His
Majesty is much calmer than you, my dear sir. Perhaps because you are in
there, you haven't discovered that this world has already started to
collapse? If His Majesty didn't use the Diezhou sorcery and call me here to
inquire after divine will, this dream still wouldn't hold out much longer.
Su Moye was astounded.
The elderly fairy greeted Donghua and said, After guarding the Stone of
Destiny for tens of thousands of years, I did not think the first person to
call me to inquire after Heaven's will would be Your Majesty. Since
Creation rests in your hands, pardon my ignorance, what is it that you
want to inquire from the Stone of Destiny that you did not hesitate to use
the Diezhou sorcery to call me here even though you aren't one to be
puzzled about Heaven's will?
The Stone of Destiny in front of the moon enlarged with the words of the
elderly fairy. Shades of writing were visible on it. Donghua unhurriedly
said, What does the Stone of Destiny say about the fate between Fengjiu of
Qingqiu and me?
Su Moye was visibly surprised. The elderly fairy was also surprised. The
Stone of Destiny is engraved with immortals' destinies. I'm sure you know
that although destiny is written down, it wasn't written so that people
would know about it. If it is let known, there is bound to be changes. Even
if I let you know how the relationship between you and that little princess
is engraved on the Stone of Destiny, as soon as tomorrow, what is
engraved will no longer be the same as it is today. Some might change for
the better, some might change for the worse. What would you do if your
thread of fate with her worsened after you asked? In my humble opinion, it
would better... if you didn't ask.
The Diezhou sorcery suddenly set off interminable wind. Amidst the gusts,
Donghua lightly said, What can be worse than my lack of fate with the
Qingqiu queen?


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The elderly fairy's countenance altered. But in just a flash, he sighed, Your
guess is correct. Your Majesty and the young lady of Qingqiu originally did
not have even an ounce of fate. Although her persistence toward you is
very touching, Fate is beyond the control of man. According to the original
carvings on the Stone of Destiny, Her Highness's... blind infatuation shall
be buried under ice and snow where her pain and sufferings shall melt
away like nothing more than water flowing east. However He
considered for a moment before saying: Three hundred years ago when
Your Majesty sent your shadow to the lower realm, the Stone of Destiny
introduced a change.
Dijun lowered his voice, Go on.
The elderly fairy stroked his beard. When your shadow came to the lower
realm, Her Highness also sent her shadow to follow you there. Such
persistence is rare, and I wonder if it moved the heavens. After Her
Highness's shadow descended the lower realm, the Stone of Destiny
actually created a fate for it. Destiny was written for this shadow's origin to
begin in a snake pit. The rescued shall repay with her life, and her savior
shall see his wish fulfilled. While it wasn't lined with roses, there wasn't to
be any big obstacle. They were to have a life of happiness. The elderly
fairy gave a helpless glance at Su Moye. But this dear friend had
unwittingly stuck his foot in the middle of it all and unfortunately jumbled
up a few details. Sure enough, it caused a ripple effect. In the end, what
fate they had become undone. It was a shame, it really was.
Su Moye's complexion turned ashen. Have I inadvertently become a
The elderly fairy said, There are two sides to every coin, so you should not
generalize. It might be a sin from this view, but it could very well be merit
from another view. There is no need to give yourself grief. If we are only
speaking of this matter, His Majesty must actually thank you. He sighed,
Those two have an unfinished fate, yet shadows don't have afterlives.
That being the case, the Stone of Destiny laid this stretch of unfinished fate
onto Your Majesty and the young princess. This was the only reason why

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

you could properly meet each other. If it hadn't been for this, you would've
been destined to never cross paths with one another.
At this point, he hesitated before saying: In truth, Your Majesty and the
young princess are now considered to be destined. But since Your Majesty
so inquired, tomorrow the Stone of Destiny will undoubtedly be rewritten.
It isn't within my ability to know whether or not Your Majesty and the
young princess is fated from now on. I just feel that it would be such a pity
if this already fragile fate was destroyed because Your Majesty had asked
to know about it.
So what if Destiny says we're fated, and so what if it says we're not?
Donghua coldly replied. I've never feared Destiny, and I certainly don't
need its charity.
Flustered, the elderly fairy placed his palms together and said, I've heard
Your Majesty has become increasingly indifferent ever since you sought
seclusion from the world. But I've witnessed today that you are still the
same master we once knew. I apologize that my words have crossed
boundary, but I am very pleased to see you like this.
When the elderly fairy bid farewell, rooftops suddenly shook violently as
green tiles fell to the ground and wood and stones came tumbling down.
Su Moye supported a column while saying to Donghua, Is this caused by
the Diezhou sorcery?
Dijun raised his hand to remove the Canghe blade that was still drilled into
the column. It's Chen Ye.
The air as breezy, the moon as silver as before, but under the breezy
moonlit sky, the world created by Chen Ye was starting to move.
Mountains were crumbling, water was changing its course. All around
them were wails and cries. These were the signs that this world would
soon be collapsing.
The dream's master, Chen Ye, had lost his will to live. This world thus
started its collapse. When they found Chen Ye by the Si'xing riverside, sure
enough, he was already submerged underwater.

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The usually surging Si'xing was as still as glass. Its turbid water had also
turned clear. Reflected on the riverbed was the black-robed Archmage's
handsome face, looking ever peaceful as though there had never been pain
to trouble him.
Su Moye could not say whether he felt sympathetic or guilty toward Chen
Ye. He couldn't believe a romance could accidentally fall through like this.
They had clearly been happy, but were made to separate at opposite ends
of the world. First they were separated in life, then they were separated in
death. People say the most painful thing is a love where you cannot be
together in life and cannot meet in death. But that was still not it. The worst
grief is when you clearly loved her but she never even knew to the day she
died, and you could no longer let her know.
Su Moye raised his voice: I've always wondered. If Chen Ye had made this
world, why did he still save Junuo and let the tragedy occur as before?
Saving Junuo would force Qinghua to betray Shangjun. Once Shangjun
died, he probably wanted to bring Aranya onto the throne. In her past life,
Aranya died because she didn't have any power. He probably wanted to
give her this so that even if he wasn't around, she would still be protected.
Su Moye was dumbfounded. By the time he recovered, he saw Dijun
stroking Fengjiu's forehead, a silvery glow pooling at his fingertips. Su
Moye blurted, This is
Although Xiao Bai had consumed Aranya's essences Chen Ye so
laboriously collected, it's not really difficult to separate them out. As he
spoke, he parted the river surface into rising blue waves. The white glow
slowly made its way into Chen Ye's body.
When the waves closed up, the black-attired mage could not be seen at the
bottom anymore. Instead, from the water grew a twin four-season tree, tall
and dense with flowers.
Donghua lifted his hand. The four-season tree turned into a sapling and fell
into his palm. After studying it for a moment, he handed it to Su Moye and

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said, After we get out of here, give it to Xize so it can be planted in Qinan
Su Moye took the sapling and cautiously said, Since Chen Ye is dead, his
soul will naturally return as your shadow. Or could it be that you...
Donghua nodded. I've sealed it inside this tree. He paused. I've also
sealed that one half of Xiao Bai's shadow which turned into Aranya in here.
The two of them were supposed to turn into ashes once they were dead,
but if the world always played by the rules, then it wouldn't be so
interesting anymore. I'm now sealing them here. After millions of years,
whether this will lead to some good fortune will have to depend on
Behind them suddenly exploded in flames. Then something sounding like
broken glass started to crack. The Canghe sword left its scabbard and
instantly turned into innumerable images, forming a solid force field that
firmly protected the three people inside.
A deafening crack tore across the sky. By the time they opened their eyes,
they were back at Jieyou Spring in Fanyin Valley.
On the hollow lake surrounded by walls of water, Jiuchongtian's third
prince turned around from the chess table and greeted them from above,
Hey, the three heroes have finally come back. He smiled across the chess
table. They came back unscathed. I've won fair and square. Haha, pay up,
pay up. On the chest table, a sleepy head at once jerked up, thereby
revealing an exquisite jade-like face. He looked to the three heroes who had
returned safely then immediately pointed in anger: What's wrong with
Xiao Jiu? Why is Ice Face walking out on his feet but Xiao Jiu is brought out
sideways? I knew I was wise. I've always said Ice Face isn't as honorable as
I am. He has absolutely no grasp of gallantry! Su Moye disorientedly
watched the two on the lake and said, I'm sure sparring is fun and
everything, but can you two temporarily take a break and find us a place to
crash first?


Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

Part Five Mistaking Destiny

Chapter 17
Lord Liansong wasn't really an honest immortal, so he did not shy away
from doing unconscientious things. But because he never felt there was
anything particularly problematic with these unconscientious things, he
rarely ever felt guilty. In his words, it was the way of the nonchalant. In the
words of Cheng'yu Yuanjun, his heart's desire, it was the way of the
unaccountable and bastardly.
That bastardly Lord Liansong was now a little sad and distressed because
of guilt.
To speak of Liansong's sadness and distress, we must speak of Donghua
After the three returned from Aranya's Dream, the clever Biyiniao servants
winked to each other and prepared for them three nearest chambers
without even waiting to be ordered. Seeing Dijun freely carry Fengjiu into
one of these rooms, Liansong got the picture and was just about to tell the
servants they didn't need to follow in when he was surprised to find Dijun,
who was already inside moments ago, suddenly popping up at the door:
Come in for a second.
Lord Liansong was a bit dumbfounded. He deliberately gave them the
opportunity to stay in the same room so that they could express a few
words of affection to each other. Right after an escape from perils was
always a good time for confessions. These were times when a girl was most
vulnerable. He could easily win her over with little more than some
tenderness. It being such a critical moment, what in the world did he call
him in for?


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Lord Liansong cluelessly came into the room. When he saw Fengjiu lying
fully clothed in bed, he said in befuddlement, Why have you used the
sleeping spell on her? When you guys came out, I saw that she had had
some signs of coming to. I can understand that you're worried for her and
thus want her to have a bit more sleep, but too much sleep isn't actually a
good thing...
Dijun used two strands of black ribbons to secure his cuffs and said in
reply, Help me keep an eye on her. Don't let her wake up before I come
Liansong looked at his fastened cuffs. Isn't this your medicine-making
attire? He then added concernedly, Don't tell me Fengjiu has fallen
gravely ill?
Dijun glared at him. If you keep jinxing Xiao Bai to fall gravely ill, I'll beat
you up till you fall gravely ill.
Lord Liansong came over and carefully examined Fengjiu's complexion.
Then why did you
Dijun sighed, She doesn't want to see me, so when I was in Aranya's
Dream with her, I had to borrow Xize's identity. But if she wakes up and
starts to remember things, it's going to be a little troublesome. The
medicine bottle you brought from Laojun is going to come in handy now.
Liansong was shocked. Are you going to feed her the medicine so she
would forget everything from Aranya's Dream?
I don't plan on making her forget everything, Dijun lightly replied as he
fixed his cuffs, so I will be reformulating the medicine to alter its function.
I'll rewrite all of those memories, especially the ones where I was deceiving
This is what you came up with? asked Liansong in bafflement. As the
god of romance, he never thought there could be such a boorish and blunt
approach. He was stunned speechless for a good long while. Although it's
a bit risky to tell her the truth, after she wakes up, honestly confessing and

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begging for her forgiveness is the best way to get to the root of the
problem. But if you do this, isn't it going to be even more problematic
when she finds out the truth one day? Think about this carefully.
Dijun raised his hand to rub his forehead. I called for the Stone of Destiny.
It said our fate is too fragile and must not be subjected to too much
turbulence. Xiao Bai still has some misgivings toward me at this time if
she remembers I was lying to her in Aranya's Dream, I can't say for sure
what's going to happen. This is the only risk I don't dare take. No matter
how I think about it, this is still the best solution.
Liansong sighed deeply and said, Had you known this, you shouldn't
have pretended to be Xize to deceive her in the dream. He then quipped,
Didn't you feel jealous watching her and your version of Xize get close?
Donghua frowned and said in seeming puzzlement, Why should I feel
jealous? I was just borrowing Xize's identity; I'm still me. Didn't she fall in
love with me again because she'll never be able to love anyone else but
Liansong could only chuckle. You're right.
Dijun left the moment he was done speaking, leaving behind Lord
Liansong to sit by the bed and sigh. In crucial moments, being too
deliberate might very well ruin things. Directness was indeed Dijun's style.
Yet Liansong was somewhat worried by the King's decision this time. He
was also now an accomplice in snookering the little fox. Liansong sadly
looked to the bed, then woefully sighed again. He felt awful to be
deceiving the innocent and kind fox, but if he didn't deceive her, Dijun was
going to give him a hard time, and it'll be an awfully hard time at that. To
deceive or to not deceive? He'd just have to deceive her.
By the time Fengjiu opened her eyes, it was already dark outside. A halfmoon shone into a hot spring in the room, its water shimmering like fish
scales. In the air was a light floral scent. She gazed upward in the
moonlight to the bed curtains. Next to the silk fabric hung a lacquered
panel, on top of which was a pot of blossoming Maha Manjusaka. If she

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didn't remember incorrectly, this seemed to be the palace the queen had
arranged for Dijun in Fanyin Valley. Had they returned?
Fengjiu gazed to the fiery Manjusaka flowers above her head for a long
time. Right, Dijun had exchanged the Saha fruit for Jiheng. When she stole
the fruit, she fell into Aranya's Dream. Dijun followed in to rescue her. He
also kissed her and said many, many gentle words, so she forgave him.
Afterward, her soul for some reason took over Aranya's body and Dijun
somehow became Xize. Aranya and Xize were husband and wife, so she
and Dijun became husband and wife. Dijun gave her flower wreaths, took
her to the Maiden Festival, brought her fishing, and viewed flowers with
her. His wet long hair, their intimacy under the lotus leaves, Dijun's kiss
Fengjiu jolted awake. A long while later, she muttered, Everything
must've been a dream
She slowly turned around when she sensed something moving beside her.
In the moonlight, she was staring at someone's face. Dijun's sleeping face.
Fengjiu's heart skipped a beat. Or could it be that she wasn't dreaming?
And instead, her deepest desires, the desires that she couldn't give up no
matter how many times she tried, had actually turned into reality. Because
she wasn't used to it yet, she kept thinking everything was a dream
whenever she woke up each night.
Dijun loved to sleep on his side and loved to leave his hair messy in his
sleep. Her lips let out a small smile as she smoothed out the disheveled
strands on his forehead. Slowly, her fair fingers glided along his headband
then slipped down to the silver hair behind his shoulder.
Yes, this was real.
She couldn't sleep, so she quietly watched his sleeping face. She suddenly
felt warm and fuzzy. She leaned over and gave him a kiss. After staying
connected like that for a while, she saw his somewhat groggy eyes lifting
open. With her lips yet to part from his, she softly asked him, Are you


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He looked at her for a while then closed his eyes again. He pulled her into
his arms and nestled his head on her shoulder. Still a little sleepy, give me
a moment, he said foggily.
His breath tickled her ear. She hugged him back and lightly laughed, It's
still early. Go back to sleep. I won't bother you.
His voice seemed to have gained some lucidity as he whispered: What
about you?
She placed her palm on the sleeping acupoint behind his ear. She kept the
pressure light as she softly told him, I've slept enough. So that we can
come back, I'm sure you've spent a great deal of energy. I'll help you
massage, just sleep.
He throated a reply which ended in a deep nasally sound. It was so unlike
his usual calm indifference. She instantly melted. Her massaging pressure
became lighter and softer. His lips suddenly fell upon her nape. She
slightly leaned away from him. Didn't you say you were still sleepy?
His hazy voice sounded at her shoulder: I'm not that sleepy anymore.
She moved away a little to watch his just-awaken face. Under the
moonlight, she saw a pair of deep dark eyes, a straight nose, and slightly
set lips. Along with hair that was now disheveled again after she had
smoothened it, they gave off a seductive languidness. He also watched her.
Not being able to make any sound, she only mouthed: Are you planning
on being wicked? She saw him slightly raise an eyebrow, his eyes
displaying a smile. She was dazed. She took the initiative and planted a
kiss onto his lips. But he instantly returned the attack mercilessly. She
clung onto him.
Out of the blue, a shatter sounded at the door. A white skirt flashed by,
leaving behind fragments of a night pearl on the ground that were still
illuminating in the moonlight. Startled by the sound, Fengjiu tried to get
up. She had only risen halfway when she was stopped by Donghua.


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Underneath the quilt, Fengjiu whispered in an extremely flustered voice:

Isn't this currently... Xiao Yan's residence? You didn't tell him that you've
moved back here, did you? Donghua used magic to lock the door and
clear away the night pearl fragments. He lay down and pulled her out from
the quilt as he softly told her, I've already told Yan Chiwu when I moved
back here. The hot spring can help you recover from fatigue. He'll stay in
Jifeng Yuan for the time being. It was only a mouse that overturned the
flower pot a second ago. Seeing her flushed cheeks and the vibrant
phoenix flower on her forehead, he caressed her reddening eyes: What is
it? Did it scare you? She glanced at him and gave a nod. He softly asked
her, You're scared even when I'm here? She looked at him for a moment,
then turned her head sideways and quickly said, Fine, I wasn't scared. I
was embarrassed, okay? He was stupefied. When he knew what he was
doing, he found himself kissing her again. She also slowly slid her arms
around his neck. The floral scent intensified in the room. Even the
moonlight seemed to have picked up some of this fragrance.
Early next day, Fengjiu received a message from Xiao Yan. He said he ran
into Ice Face and Su Moye on their way to Qinan Palace and was glad to
hear she had awakened. He asked if she could start drinking and eating
meat again. If she could stomach them, she was invited to Zuilixian for a
rendezvous. Meng Shao would like to say farewell to her. His handwriting
throughout the letter was quite elegant; only 'rendezvous' wasn't used very
appropriately. Fengjiu could not help but sigh. In only a few days, Xiao
Yan had become even more educated.
In the letter, he also rambled on about some other things. He essentially
told her the Biyiniao Clan found out that their identities were false when
she entered Aranya's Dream. Because of Donghua and Liansong's presence,
they were afraid to investigate any further. Nonetheless, Meng Shao had
asked him in private several times. Thinking of their friendship, he told
Meng Shao that he was in fact a Demon Lord, and although he left her
identity vague, Meng Shao was led to misunderstand that she was also
from the Demon Clan.

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Xiao Yan said in earnestness that whether he continue the deception or

come clean with him all depended on her. After all, even though Meng
Shao was so infatuated with the fabled version of her, he would never be
able to beat Ice Face. For Meng Shao's safety, it might just be better to
continue keeping the truth from him.
Fengjiu held the letter feeling heavy-hearted.
Dijun told her this morning that they'd been in Fanyin Valley long enough.
After he took care of the things in Qinan Palace, he would bring her back to
Jiuchongtian. Dijun's going to Qinan Palace was for the planting of the
four-season tree that contained Aranya's essences and Chen Ye's soul. She
had heard a bit about Chen Ye and Aranya's past from Dijun. It was like
listening to a story. It was truly a lamentable past that caused her some
sadness after hearing it.
She pestered Dijun with questions about some other things and also found
out that the present queen of the valley was indeed Junuo. The Junuo in
Aranya's Dream was unquestionably horrid, but the real Junuo wasn't at
all hateful. Becoming the queen was just part of her good fate. She heard
Qinghua was met with somewhat of a bleak ending. It was said that Junuo
later married a decisive Prince Consort who together with her confined
Qinghua in the inner palace. On her 20th year of confinement, Qinghua
finally went mad. She occasionally uttered a thing or two, but it was mostly
about Aranya.
To Fengjiu, these things had been resolved and had little to do with her.
There was just the letter in her hand where Xiao Yan made a rare exception
of going straight to the point.
Meng Shao.
Meng Shao was loyal enough to have really considered Xiao Yan and her to
be his friends. Now that he knew they were leaving, he wanted to bid them
farewell. She should be honest as friends. However, Meng Shao she
wasn't very sure whether or not to tell Meng Shao her identity. After a long
time, she sighed and thought to herself she would just play it by ear.

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After more than a month, Zuilixian was still as opulent as before. Lately,
Meng Shao liked to sit in the grand hall. He said it was so he could be
closer to his people. When Fengjiu arrived, she vaguely heard him speak
fervently about something: Even though I've never seen her, I'm sure she's
a beauty whose face launches a thousand ships, who's as tranquil as the
moon's reflection on an autumn lake, whose gait sways like a willow in the
wind, who's demure and virtuous, gentle and kind, respectful and prudent.
If we must compare her to a flower, only the lotus could compare to her.
She has the very elegance and purity of a lotus...
Who? Fengjiu asked as she grabbed a cup from the table. Who are you
depicting with such exaggerated descriptions? Is it a new musician at
Xiao Yan helplessly looked at her. Meng Shao is describing Her Highness
Fengjiu of Qingqiu.
Fengjiu slipped and fell from her chair. She sat on the ground with her cup
in hand for a long time before she at last said, Oh.
Seeing her fall, Meng Shao finally stopped talking. He sighed and reached
a hand out to pull her up from the ground. Although you're always
hanging out with us, you're still a girl. Please pay some attention to
appearances. What decency is there to sit on the ground in front of so many
people in public like this? A girl should still act like a girl, you know.
Fengjiu took his advice and climbed up. Meng Shao happily continued
telling Xiao Yan: I'm sure Her Highness Fengjiu is the finest of all noble
ladies. Because she's so pure and kind, she loves small animals and would
never touch vulgar things such as meat and wine. She's a holy goddess
who only consumes wind and dew, and so compassionate that she would
even be reluctant to kill a mosquito.
Fengjiu, who had just nailed a big fly with her bamboo chopstick, looked to
Xiao Yan in uncertainty.

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

Xiao Yan finally couldn't bear it as he interjected: Although Fengjiu is

indeed a what was it again? Ah, a beautiful woman whose face can
launch a thousand ships. Next time you talk to me, please use some
practical vocabs. Trying to remember these phrases gives me headaches.
Anyway, where was I? Right, Meng Shao, this is how you imagine Fengjiu
to be, but what if she wasn't like that? Would you still love her? He
pointed to Fengjiu: If she was like this, would you still love her?
Meng Shao looked to Fengjiu and laughed till he was out of breath. How
could that be? He pointed to her and said, If Her Highness Fengjiu was
anything like her, I'd have to ram my head into a block of tofu and kill
Xiao Yan painfully turned away.
Fengjiu calmly gnawed on the left-over rabbit leg in her right hand and
slowly said, I'm really Fengjiu of Qingqiu. General Changsheng was my
gift to you. That box was also my gift to you. I called you Xiao Ming that
time when I saved you. I'm really sorry to have kept this from you for so
The restaurant was dead with silence. Meng Shao held his cup in
stupefaction. After a long time, he spoke with a trembling voice: Are you
really Her Highness Fengjiu, Her Highness Fengjiu who does not touch
meat and wine, who only consumes wind and dew, who loves little insects
and small animals?
Fengjiu said with some caution, Maybe you've misunderstood me a little.
In truth...
Meng Shao tremblingly interrupted her: What were you drinking just
Fengjiu looked to the cup in front of her: Wine.
The tremble in Meng Shao's voice was more apparent now: What were
you eating?
Fengjiu looked to the bones on the table: Rabbit meat.

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

Meng Shao's voice was starting to sound a little ghastly: What did you
nail with the bamboo chopstick in your hand?
Fengjiu looked to the bamboo chopstick in her left hand: A fly.
Meng Shao's eyes rolled back as he turned sideways and fell to the ground.
Fengjiu and Xiao Yan cried in unison: Meng Shao!
Donghua, Liansong, and Su Moye were walking into the hall at this point
in time. When he heard this cry, Su Moye took two quick strides to see
Meng Shao lying on the floor. He asked in surprise, What's wrong with
Xiao Yan squatted in front of Meng Shao, poking at him for half a day. He
said in sadness, Tsk, Brother Meng's decades-long dream has shattered
into pieces. He passed out due to the unbearable blow. Luckily, I have
some revitalizing medicine with me. Hold on, I'll take it out and let him
have a sniff...
Soon after, he who got shocked gradually woke up thanks to the
revitalizing medicine. Meng Shao climbed up, gave Fengjiu a glance,
pushed Xiao Yan, who was squatting in front of him, away, then cried as
he ran from the restaurant: Women! I'll never trust women again. If even
the woman I worship turns out to be like this, how can I believe any other
woman in this world?!
Lord Liansong waved his fan as he failed to follow: What exactly shocked
him so? He seemed as though he'll change his preference to men from now
on. I know many women; men, however... He suddenly looked to Su
Moye as though he was thinking of something. Say, what do you think
about introducing your older brother to him?
Su Moye gazed after Meng Shao's figure. My brother prefers someone a
bit more masculine. Prince Meng may not be masculine enough.
Fengjiu was still holding the unfinished rabbit thigh in her hand. She
looked to Xiao Yan with some sadness. I never thought I'd turn him gay.
Should we chase after him? What if he does something reckless...?

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

Xiao Yan gave Donghua a glance, then looked back at Fengjiu and sighed,
So what if he's gay? If he starts to like you again, that's going to be the
least of his problems24. It'll be good for him to go outside and cry it out.
Perhaps he will think things through once he's done crying. In my excellent
opinion, he'll only feel worse if we chase after him at this time. Best not to.
Come, come. Let's just have some rabbit meat.
They sat down and began to divide the rabbit. It wasn't clear whether
Dijun was happy or upset. Fengjiu neared and whispered into his ear:
This meat isn't any good. It's just good enough to fool them. I'll make you
something better when we go home.
Dijun's eyes finally gave hint of a smile. Okay.
She continued whispering into his ear: You woke up so early this
morning, I'm sure you're still tired. Let's sneak out in a bit. While you get
more sleep, I'll make some soup for you. When you wake up, it'll be ready
for you to eat.
Dijun's voice became softer when he replied this time: Okay.
After safely returning from Aranya's Dream, Fengjiu noted that she had
seen everyone except for Jiheng. Although she knew now that Donghua
harbored no feelings for Jiheng, and although Xiao Yan also told her there
were extenuating circumstances behind why Donghua agreed to marry
Jiheng that year, she had personally heard Jiheng admitting her infatuation
for Donghua. For this reason, she felt relieved that Jiheng hadn't come to
look for Donghua these days. But with how much she liked him, it was

in ancient China, the term used for homosexual is (lit. cut sleeve). In legend,
Emperor Ai of Han cut his own sleeve off so he could attend court because he could not
bear to wake his male lover who was napping on his sleeve. Fengjiu's original line is: I
didn't think I'd turn him into a cut sleeve. And Xiao Yan's response is: His sleeve is
not the only thing that will be cut off if he starts to like you again.


Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

strange that she could stay away for that many days. After feeling it was
strange, she thought it was also quite admirable.
Her admiration only lasted three days and five hours, however, before
Jiheng couldn't endure any longer and finally showed herself.
It was on the day Dijun was bringing her out of the valley. Although it was
common knowledge that Fanyin Valley was difficult to enter yet rather
easy to leave, those who lacked cultivation would still have a hard time
leaving on days the entrance wasn't open unless they were led out by an
experienced deity. This was the reason Dijun had to bring her out today.
On behalf of Dijun, Su Moye had arranged ahead of time and told the
Biyiniaos that since Dijun liked his peace and quiet, there was no need for
the entire clan to come see him out. They also waived the fanfare the queen
had prepared, guaranteeing the peace along the way out. Fengjiu hadn't
arisen early for morning walks in a long time. She also went to sleep late
last night, so she couldn't help but fall asleep while walking. Even the
scenic mountain road and lovely morning dew could not rouse her up.
Passing a turn, a pond emerged into view. Fengjiu contemplated on
whether she should come over to wake herself up with some water. In her
hazy sight, she suddenly detected Jiheng's fluttering white figure in the
morning breeze beside the pond.
Behind Jiheng stood a gloomy Xiao Yan. To be successful in this courtship,
Xiao Yan said he wouldn't be leaving with them and would instead stay in
the valley with Jiheng for the time being. Even if the path ahead was lined
with obstacles, he was determined to walk that path with her.
Looking at the unfolding scene Su Moye stroked his jasper flute and said
to Liansong, Should the two of us hide ourselves for a bit?
This was such a rare entertainment, one that was especially related to
Donghua Dijun. The third prince thought it was a crying shame he couldn't
come any nearer to watch and listen more closely. When he heard Mo
Shao, he snapped his fan open, covered his mouth, and cleared his throat:
Okay you go. But me, I'll take a look, ahem, I'll take a look...

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Jiheng and Xiao Yan strode to them, stopping when they were a few paces
from Dijun. Jiheng paid special attention to her grooming today: curved
eyebrows like crescent moons, rouged lips like cherries, only her eyes were
a little swollen as though she had just cried, but even that didn't affect her
beautiful face. Jiheng's beauty had never been the delicate fragile kind, but
there was now something pitiful about her.
As Jiheng's eyes paused on Dijun's right hand, her face blanched white.
Fengjiu didn't have enough sleep, so her mind was slow today. She
followed Jiheng's gaze to Dijun's right hand which was holding her left
hand. She suddenly remembered that when they left, because she was
sleepy and dragging her feet, Dijun held her hand and led her away. He
seemed to have not let go during the entire way. She thought of the time
Jiheng had come to gloat to her about the Saha fruit. Although it was
Jiheng who came here herself for no reason, she felt it would look as if she
was using their hand-holding to deliberately gloat to Jiheng. Then what
difference was there between her and Jiheng or Zhihe? She yawned,
realized this didn't actually mean anything, pointed to the pond ahead and
said to Dijun, Jiheng seems to have something to say to you. I'll go to the
pond and splash myself awake. She took this opportunity to pull her hand
Xiao Yan's exquisite face appeared grievous as he watched Jiheng watching
Donghua ardently. When he could not bear to watch anymore, he turned
and said to Fengjiu, I heard there are water monsters inhabiting this pond.
I'll sacrifice a little and go with you.
Dijun glanced at Xiao Yan and said indifferently, You needn't sacrifice
yourself, I'll go with her. He turned and said to Jiheng, Whatever it is,
we'll talk when I come back. Then he took Fengjiu's hand and led her
away to the pond. Fengjiu was a little confused: My face is mine to wash.
Your talk is yours to exchange. Wouldn't that save time? Why would you
go with me? Dijun casually replied, There's plenty of time, we're not in a
hurry. After about ten paces, Fengjiu seemed to have realized and said
with some embarrassment, Are you worried I'll fall into the water? Dijun

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gazed down at her: What do you think? Fengjiu frowned, You must be
worried that I'll scare the monsters if I fall into the water. Dijun arched an
eyebrow. You know me so well. Fengjiu scoffed, then still annoyed,
scoffed yet again.

Fengjiu didn't see incorrectly. Jiheng did cry the past few days. That night
when she heard Dijun had returned yet he didn't come back to Fengjiu's
manor but switched places with Xiao Yan instead, she felt their fate might
still have a chance. Thinking that it was easiest to sway someone's heart
after dark, she purposely produced a night pearl from her sleeve and
walked to Dijun's chamber to visit him in the middle of the night.
Ever since Dijun came to stay here, she was always the one to wait on him.
There were times when she even pretended to not know he was inside and
just walked in without knocking. Dijun had never said anything. That
night, she had the same intention of quietly coming into Dijun's room to
add more incense for him. If Dijun was asleep, the next day when he found
out she had added incense for him, he would see how much she cared for
him. If Dijun was awake, she wanted to grab this opportunity to confess
her feelings to him. She knew she was beautiful; she knew even better that
she was most beautiful under the vague moonlight. Even if she couldn't
move his heart, she would still be able to leave a lasting impression.
With these thoughts, she eagerly pushed open the door to Dijun's chamber.
Right afterward... she cried and ran back. She cried several more days until
she heard Dijun would soon be leaving the valley. She dried her tears,
calmed down, and realized this was her last chance.
So what if Dijun had Fengjiu? In the orderly scheme of things, it was
Fengjiu who inserted herself in between her and Dijun. Even if Fengjiu had
feelings for Dijun, they had only been for over a year. On the other hand,
her deep feelings for Dijun had gone on for more than two hundred years.
They weren't something she could simply let go of. Xiao Yan said she
didn't need to be so stubborn, then why couldn't he be less stubborn? This
was a love she must still fight for. The words she wanted to say to Dijun

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today were self-humbling enough however, and she did not want anyone
else to hear them. Seeing Dijun take Fengjiu to wash her face, she froze a
bit, then followed them and called after Dijun, Teacher, please wait.
Donghua turned around to face her.
Jiheng timidly said, The truth is that I have a favor to ask of you today.
I've especially come here to wait for you so that I may have your
Donghua still did not speak. Jiheng knew he was waiting for her to
continue. I made a mistake when I was young and ignorant, and for that
reason could not return home for the past 300 years. I'm also too ashamed
to go home. But I can't guest at Fanyin Valley forever. I hope you can think
of my father and take me away from here. I won't mind even if I have to
serve as a menial maidservant in your home. She gritted her teeth and
gave Fengjiu a brief glance. If you so kindly agree, I am willing to wait on
you and Her Highness Fengjiu the rest of my life.
Fengjiu started when she heard Jiheng say her name, her sleepiness
completely gone. Although Princess Jiheng's words were very selfhumbling, if Dijun was softhearted enough to bring her to Jiuchongtian, it
would be akin to bringing along a ticking bomb. Men don't pay attention to
women's subtle thoughts, she didn't pay attention to them before either.
Luckily, Warrior Xiao Yan was there to give her some pointers and she
knew better now. She hastily said to Jiheng in complete sincerity: In my
opinion, Fanyin Valley is a perfectly beautiful place. It's even better
because it isn't tainted with miasma from the temporal world. What's good
about going to Taichen Palace as a maidservant? Palace rules are strict, a
menial servant can't step into the inner rooms. I've already tried being that
maidservant you spoke of. I tried for 400 years but could not see Dijun
once. You'll only demean your status if you do that. As for me, well, I was
young and quite thick-skinned. When Dijun looked over, she saw a
playfulness in his eyes. In her mind, she thought perhaps Dijun was saying,
Your skin isn't any thinner now. Her face suddenly burned hot.


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Surprise surfaced Jiheng's eyes, but she looked to Dijun full of hope.
Donghua coldly said, You can only keep the Qiushui poison under control
if you remain in Fanyin Valley. If you can peacefully stay here for 3000
years, the poison in your body will go away on its own. His words
implied she didn't need to think about leaving the valley anymore.
Jiheng said in panic, But wouldn't that mean I won't be able to see you
Fengjiu offered, Actually, I can leave a portrait for you
Donghua suddenly spoke up: Your father entrusted you to my care before
he died. However, I've never liked to take care of someone who wants too
many things from me.
Jiheng's face instantly turned ashen. At last, she miserably said, I

By the pond, Fengjiu was looking absently into the water. Dijun soaked a
handkerchief and handed it to her. Fengjiu placed it onto her face. Once the
coolness seeped onto her skin, she finally awoke and said, Luckily, when I
was a servant in your palace, you didn't have a chance to recognize me.
Had you known me then, you'd tell me the same thing you said to Jiheng
today. She hesitated: Truthfully, what you said was a bit cold.
Dawn began to rise from the east, bringing with it brilliant rays of light.
Green grass laid out like a carpet by the pond. Dijun lay down and looked
to the vast sky above. He seemed to be in thoughts as he said, If I had
known you then, my son would be old enough to go out for errands by
Fengjiu was removing the handkerchief from her face and couldn't really
hear him too clearly. What did you say? she asked.
Dijun rested his head on his left hand, patted onto the grass with his right
and said to her, Let's lie here for a while before we go back.

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Fengjiu was lost in thoughts. She was very familiar with this position of
Dijun's. He always lay on one of his hands when he fished and used the
other to prop the fishing rod. While waiting for a fish to take bait, he
sometimes even used a Buddhist sutra to shade his face from the sun.
Dijun's many looks were all handsome, but she loved this peaceful one the
most. Bewitched by his good looks, she lay down despite knowing there
were people waiting for them. She even willingly crawled into his arms,
although she didn't forget to remind him: Mo Shao and the third prince
are still waiting for us. We're just gonna lie here for a bit, okay?

Among waves of green grass, Dijun hugged her and closed his eyes.
They'll find something to do. We don't have to mind them.
Su Moye looked to the couple watching the sunrise by the pond and said to
Liansong, Has this ever happened before? In your opinion, what should
we do now?
Liansong sighed. He ditches me all the time, but this is the first time he
ditches me for a girl. He waved his hand and conjured up a chess board,
then sighed yet again, What else can we do but wait? Let's kill time with a
few games, shall we?


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Chapter 18
Fengjiu already had her plans.
The first order of business when they were out of Fanyin Valley was to
come apologize to her aunt. Back then, it was her aunt who brought her to
Jiuchongtian. After she was kidnapped by Dijun, they had lost touch for far
too long. Although the Bai family didn't generally constrain their children,
her aunt must be very worried nonetheless. She should really come by to
appease her vexation.
The second thing she needed to do was to revive Ye Qingti. To save her, he
had been killed by a demon's blade and his soul had been infected with
demonic energy as a result. Even if he were to reincarnate, he could only be
reborn as a demon, suffering lifetime after lifetime. The only way to save
him was to create a fairy body that could contain and purify his soul, then
bring it to the Jade Pond and wash away all the impurity in order to make
him into an immortal. In the past, she had gathered his soul and preserved
it at Xie Guchou's place. Since the Saha fruit was born from the White Bone
Spirit, and the White Bone Spirit wasn't a mortal womb but a fairy entity,
she could easily revive him now that she had the Saha fruit. After
apologizing to her aunt, she could next go to Xie Guchou's place and
retrieve Ye Qingti's soul from him.
Once she had Ye Qingti's soul, she could then take a trip to her
grandmother, Elderly Fairy Fumi. This was the third task on her agenda.
Although she and Dijun were now married, they hadn't had a wedding
ceremony with family as witnesses. This type of ceremony meant little to
Dijun, but it was extremely important to the elders in Qingqiu. A wedding
was a must. But Dijun firstly didn't come from a prestigious family, he
secondly did not hold any power, and he was worst of all an excellent
fighter. It wasn't going to be easy for them to get a pass from her
grandmother. After working so hard to have Dijun, she couldn't let her


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grandmother take away her marriage. For this reason, she needed to come
see her grandmother in private to get her blessing.
But things rarely ever turned out the way people wanted.

In a pavilion at Xiwu Palace, Crown Prince Yehua of Heaven, Fengjiu's

handsome uncle-in-law, was leisurely painting. Bai Qian, her aunt, was
leaning against a low divan reading a travel journal. The little dough, her
cousin, was curling himself in her aunt's arms as he took a nap.
She nervously came over to greet her aunt. Her uncle-in-law the crown
prince smiled at her but her aunt didn't even lift her eyes. She only heard
her voice coming from behind the book: Oh, is that Fengjiu? Have you
forgotten what your responsibilities are these days? This was the tone she
used whenever something was amiss.
She shuddered and stammered back, I... I don't remember.
Her aunt still didn't look up as she continued: Then let me remind you.
Your Bingcang (concealment of weapon) ceremony is going to be in
another 15 days.
Bingcang ceremony. She suddenly recalled and looked gloomily at her
aunt. Auntie, are you waiting till the sun goes down to look at me? What
if I hadn't come back in fifteen days?
Her aunt finally looked up; in her eyes was a smile. If you really hadn't
come back in another 15 days, I would've disguised as you and helped you
out a little, but now that you're already back, don't even think about taking
advantage of me. There are 15 days left. You'll have enough time to
prepare if you sleep fewer hours each day.
Tears fell as she exclaimed, But I need my eight hours of sleep a day!
Her aunt looked at her sympathetically. Aww, my poor pitiful child. But
you're still so young. A couple of hours of sleep won't kill you.


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She looked to her uncle-in-law for help. Lord Yehua placed his brush down
and said, Poor child, indeed.
Hope immediately kindled in her eyes. Lord Yehua switched to a rabbithair brush and said, It's a good thing you came back early. Had you come
back next week, you might have needed to pull all-nighters.
The hope in Fengjiu's eyes flickered and went out in a poof.
Even though the Kingdom of Qingqiu did not have onerous etiquettes as
did Jiuchongtian, there were still some important rituals such as the
Bingcang ceremony. This was a ceremony each newly crowned ruler had to
perform after he ascended the throne. The ceremony date would be
divined by Bai Zhi Dijun from the enthronement date and the new king's
birthday, usually a century later. During this period, the new king must
personally make a weapon. On the day of the Bingcang ceremony, he
would encase it away in front of everyone's witness in the holy land for the
next generation to use. For example, the Taozhu sword she was using was
her Aunt Bai Qian's masterpiece she had made for her own Bingcang
Ever since Fengjiu took over her aunt's position and succeeded as the new
ruler of the East land, she spent half of the past two hundred years in
learning and the other half in forging this magical weapon. What she made
was a sword. Because the sword was made with materials from Hexu
Mountain, it was called the Hexu sword.
The Hexu sword had actually been forged a few days before her aunt's
wedding, but she had no idea where its case had flown to. She used to
think there was still plenty of time left. After her aunt's wedding, there
shouldn't have been any problem even if she were to stay in Jiuchongtian
to play for a couple more months.
Unexpectedly, she had forgotten all about this after she fell down to Fanyin
If she just brought a bare sword to the ceremony for everyone to see, it
would be strange if her grandfather, Bai Zhi Dijun, didn't skin her alive.

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Fengjiu sighed to the heavens. There was now no need to carry out any of
her previous meticulous plans. Making the sword case was her priority at
this time. Fifteen days, fifteen days. She just had to wing it for now.
Fengjiu sighed all the way to the 13th heaven's Pundarika Pond before she
ran into Lord Liansong. The two walked together the rest of the way.
Seeing Fengjiu's mournful expression, Lord Liansong couldn't help but
show some concern. Moved by his concern, Fengjiu told him everything
that was weighing her down. Liansong waved his fan and laughed, Don't
you have Dijun at home? Donghua's sword case making is the best in the
world. He'd be able to do it in a day or two. Wouldn't it be a waste if you
don't take him out to use in such a critical moment? He teased, Say a few
sweet things and I'm sure he'll help you. Why are you here sighing?
At this point, half of Fengjiu's mind was on what material to choose and
what style to use. When she heard Lord Liansong, she vaguely replied, I
just thought that I should take care of my own business. There's nothing
wrong in asking Dijun, but I'll never get any better if I rely on him for
everything. Dijun also wouldn't want me to become a useless person who
always relies on him. At most, he'll just help me devise a schedule to keep
track of the progress. He likely won't help me much with anything else.
She remembered something as her eyes suddenly lit up: Or, why don't
you make a bet with me to see whether Dijun would offer to help me or
not? If I win, you'll let me have the left-over precious Yufu jade you used to
make Chengyu Yuanjun's dagger from last time. If you win, I'll make you
sweet and sour fish with the plump fish from Pundarika Pond for half a
The two were entering the palace gates at this time. Lord Liansong put
away his fan and laughed, Although the bet is quite fair, thinking of your
situation, I'll probably win. He tapped his fan and said, Actually, it may
not be very good if I win. If I eat your sweet and sour fish, with Donghua's
jealousy, it'd be strange if he didn't make me spit it all back out.
Your Highness, you're exaggerating. And I'm sure Dijun isn't that bad...
The two walked in as they chatted.

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Lord Liansong was indeed lucky in love but luckless in wealth these days.
Sure enough, after Dijun listened to the results of Fengjiu's trip to her aunt,
brush and paper immediately appeared in the air as he made for her a
schedule for the making of the sword case. He posted it on a column
opposite her desk in the study, then after some thoughts, gave her a few
words of encouragement and nothing else.
When Donghua stepped away from the study, Fengjiu quickly snuck out to
look for Lord Liansong and told him in a low voice as her face lit up,
Thanks to Your Highness, it seems Lady Luck is knocking on my door
today. Your Yufu jade is destined to be mine.
Lord Liansong also replied in a low voice, You were looking quite down
not long ago. Why are you so happy now? Just because you've won a Yufu
jade from me?
Fengjiu's voice dipped lower: It's been decided that I'll have to make a
good sword case within fifteen days. I can't be any sadder than I already
am. It's better to let go after fretting for a while. It's such a pleasant surprise
that I can swindle Your Highness's Yufu jade to add some bling to my
sword case. How can I not smile?

Outside, Donghua had ordered Zhonglin to set a chessboard and two stone
seats under an autumn tree. The study had been taken over by Fengjiu
today. Right now, she was designing her sword case at the desk. He and
Liansong would be bothering her if they played chess in the study. Since
today's weather was warm, playing chess outside in the cool breeze wasn't
a bad idea.
Zhonglin carried the chessboard around as he kept looking for better
locations, asking Dijun whether this was okay or that was okay. But it was
never okay. Zhonglin sweated all over. Although Zhonglin Xianguan
always seemed so rigid, he did everything in Taichen Palace to Dijun's
liking and was nicknamed 'mind-reader'. Right now, he couldn't even place

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a chessboard to Dijun's liking. This was giving the mind-reader Zhonglin

incredible pressure. Shifting back and forth, Lord Zhonglin was about to
collapse when he heard Dijun unhurriedly say, Hmm, this location isn't
Lord Zhonglin just couldn't understand. The chessboard was now all the
way in the shades of the colored leaves. It was too far to enjoy flowers from
here. Why would Dijun take a fancy to this spot? When he rose and wiped
his sweat with his sleeve, he looked up and saw the long desk inside the
study. Behind the desk, Fengjiu was laying out paper and ink. Lord
Zhonglin was suddenly enlightened. It seemed because the desk wasn't
quite facing the study's door, no matter how one looked in from outside,
the view wasn't very clear Lord Zhonglin said to Dijun with the utmost
sincerity, There is a nice cool breeze outside. Since Her Highness Fengjiu's
desk is too far away, she's less likely to enjoy that breeze. Let me move Her
Highness's desk a little. Dijun gave him an appreciative look and nodded
approvingly: Yes, move it a little.
Fengjiu was hard at work inside. Donghua and Liansong were also hard at
work outside. Black and white stones were criss-crossing across the
chessboard. Lord Liansong seemed enthused: We were also having wine
while playing chess last year in Taichen Palace. I remember giving you a
piece of advice then. I said that if you were looking for a queen to do
spiritual study with one day, Zhi'he wouldn't be a bad choice. But to be
honest, it was a little forced to couple Zhi'he with you. It's just that at the
time, she had already been at Taichen Palace for so many years But I now
see that you didn't wait in vain after all if you were spending all these
years waiting for Fengjiu. She is really the only one fit to be your queen.
Donghua arched an eyebrow and said, Have you come drunk today? You
rarely ever say anything this sensible.
Liansong paid little attention and laughed, No, I didn't come drunk. But I
did make a bet. He added, Although my impression of Zhi'he wasn't
bad, erm, she's pretty alright at dancing, but if we speak of beauty and air,
to tell the truth, Zhihe is nowhere near Fengjiu. He placed a white stone

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down and continued, Today I told Fengjiu that she could look for your
help in making the sword case, but she said she should take care of her
own business. She couldn't keep relying on you and become useless. I
originally thought it was just some pretty words since a young lady will
always want to be spoiled. I didn't imagine that if you didn't help her, she
really wouldn't care. She actually meant what she said.
Donghua gazed to the study where Fengjiu was. The girl in red was
concentrating on the white parchment in front of her There were times
when her expression was solemn. Imaginably, this was how she would
look in the future when she reviewed the courtiers' memorials. Dijun
placed a black stone onto the board and softly said, Xiao Bai has always
been very sensible.
The sensible Fengjiu was so busy these days that her feet couldn't even
touch the ground. Before the immortals even put on their robes for
morning court, she had already sat herself down in the study. She sat from
dawn till noon, then from noon till dusk, then from dusk till midnight.
Dijun also busied himself in the small garden in the back.
On the third day when Zhonglin moved all her things to the small garden,
Fengjiu finally realized what Dijun was busying himself with in the garden
for the past few days. The hexagonal pavilion on the lotus pond had
completely changed no matter where she looked. Its six sides were now
covered with windshield screens. The crystal table and chairs had been
replaced with a long table. A thick blanket was laid on the see-through
glass floor to prevent cold feet.
From what Zhonglin said, Dijun seemed to have felt the study was too
cramped and thus deliberately arranged this small pavilion for her to use.
The first day she moved here, Fengjiu felt that the little pavilion was
definitely much lovelier than the study. Because the scenery in the garden
was lively whether it was day or night, when she was tired from making
the box, she only needed to gaze up to recover from fatigue. When she
wanted to sleep, she only needed to lower the screens down into an
enclosed room. Dijun's consideration moved her a little.

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Fengjiu ate and slept in the pavilion. She was beyond busy, but if
Jiuchongtian were to compile a list of idle immortals, she sincerely felt that
Dijun was bound to be in the top three. She was forced to station inside the
pavilion due to official business, but Dijun actually moved to the pavilion
on his own accord. Although most of her tea was delivered by Dijun, and
when she was too busy and skipped meals, Dijun also spoon-fed her, most
of the time, Dijun was really just doing some idle reading inside the
pavilion. When she was drawing the sword case, Dijun was sitting next to
her to read. When she was choosing the timber for the box, Dijun was lying
next to her read. When she was chiseling the wood, Dijun was dozing next
to her to read. By the time she tried to roughly assemble the sword case...
Dijun had fallen asleep with the book over his face...


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Ten days passed by in a blink. The box had been largely finished. Only the
carving on the decorative Yufu jade was missing. Fengjiu finally relaxed. In
her sleep that night, she suddenly remembered something.
Dijun seemed to have asked her a few days ago when she would be
bringing him back to Qingqiu to see her parents. How did she answer him
then? At the time, she was chiseling a piece of wood. She inattentively said
the truth, Once I've convinced my grandma and my old man, I'll bring
you back.
She was buried in work. As she recalled it now, her heart immediately gave
a thud. How could she have spoken so bluntly then? Dijun's face was
covered with a book at the time. For a long time, he did not speak, and she
didn't pay any attention. Now that she thought about it, Dijun must've
been upset. But he showed nothing strange in recent days.
She couldn't help but lift open her eyes. In front of her was a peacefully
sleeping Dijun. She touched his face and whispered in guilt, I'll definitely
convince my grandma and my old man soon, then bring you back to
Qingqiu. I'm sorry for the time being. Don't be mad at me because of this.
Then she gently patted Dijun's hair. Because she had apologized to Dijun,
the large boulder in her heart was lifted. Looking at the sky, there seemed
to be half an hour of sleep left. She nestled into Dijun's chest away from the
moonlight and fell asleep.

The Bingcang ceremony was set for the 18th of February. Fengjiu toiled
through fourteen days and nights. Just before dawn on the 16th, she finally
dropped her chisel knife upon the completion of the case. Done! Now she
could forget all about this.
The four-foot-long black-wood case was made into a chest. The seams left
no marks. A group of five playful foxes was engraved on the bottom and
sides. The lid was studded with two Fuling flowers carved from Yufu jade.
Since Fengjiu's culinary skill was excellent, she often carved radishes and
pumpkins for her dishes. Without mention anything else, the pattern on

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the sword case had been done very elegantly. She wondered whether this
sword case could be compared to her grandfather's and her uncles' weapon
cases or not. But at least compared to the one her aunt made that year, hers
was much better.
Fengjiu looked at the case placed at the end of the long table and felt a
wave of pride. She felt proud for at least a second as she thought to herself
it didn't look too bad. Then, she thought of sleeping. In the night pearl's
glow, she saw Dijun lying next to the long table. She didn't know when he
had fallen asleep. She reached a hand out to pull up the cloud quilt on
Dijun's body, then carefully nestled right beside him.
Unfortunately, she had been lying down for a long time but no sleep would
come. After tossing about for a while, she turned around yet again, stood
up, and laid out some paper and ink. She thought for a moment then began
to doodle. She doodled until sleepiness came in the form of yawns. When
she put her brush away, she suddenly heard Dijun's roused voice coming
from behind: I thought you've already finished drawing the case. What
are you still drawing when it's so late?
Fengjiu loved listening to Dijun's just-awakened voice. The nasally
hoarseness was very pleasant to the ears. Wanting him to say a few more
words so she could continue listening, she deliberately didn't speak.
Because the night pearl was too bright for sleeping, she only lit a candle by
the desk. There was only a quiet halo at this time inside the pavilion. Dijun
placed a hand on her shoulder and leaned over. He looked at her drawing
in the candlelight and said, This looks like a house? He tilted his head
to look at her and asked, Right? Why aren't you saying anything?
After a dozen maddening days, she realized she had been neglecting Dijun
as of late. She'd been wanting to have a nice conversation with him. Now
that she got to drink up his voice, she moved the candle a little closer and
said, The sword case has been finished. I can't fall asleep at the moment so
I took the bamboo house layout out for a look. I'm actually not used to
living in the Fox Cave my aunt had left for me in Qingqiu. Since long ago,
I've thought about constructing a small bamboo house outside the bamboo

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grove, but the layout I drew before didn't include a spare room for you and
the cubs, so I want to re-configure it a bit and let Migu construct it.
Although you might only stay six months out of the year in Qingqiu, I
think that
Dijun seemed to be interested in hearing more. He pointed to the drawing
and asked, Is this area for me? He added, I'm actually very flexible with
time. It doesn't really matter whether I stay at Taichen Palace or come to
Qingqiu. I can always stay permanently in Qingqiu too. But I thought I'd be
staying in your room. Why should there be any spare room?
Fengjiu proudly told him, This is a result of my very thoughtful
consideration. If we fight and I kick you out, you'll have nowhere to sleep.
Although there is a study, if you sleep there, Migu will have to be troubled
to prepare temporary beddings for you. That'll be too troublesome.
Dijun was quiet for a moment before saying, I feel that no matter how
much I upset you, you still shouldn't kick me out.
Fengjiu waved her hand and said, Oh, that's not important. Forget that for
now. More importantly is adding a few rooms for the cubs. I intend to stay
in this bamboo house for about eight hundred years, so we need to think
about the number of spare rooms there'll be. How many do you think we
should have?
However many spare rooms there are is however many kids we'll have, is
this what you mean? In that case, one is enough.
Fengjiu became sleepy again amid their conversation. She yawned and
said, Actually, I had wanted two rooms because wouldn't two little ones
be more fun? But then I'm a little worried that they'd just play with each
other and wouldn't be close to their mother. What am I going to do if they
don't want to play with me? Auntie's household only has the little dough
so he always sticks to her. I think that is better, so I only drew one extra
room in the layout, if you're not okay with this


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Dijun acted decisively and told her, Then have two, don't worry about
this drawing anymore. I'll take care of the rooms for them. That's settled
Fengjiu had just finished yawning. She covered her mouth and said,
But as Dijun blew the candle out.
Due to the Reborn Bodhi flowers' glow on the walls, it wasn't very dark
inside the pavilion. Dijun slightly raised his hand. The six screens lowered
and blocked out the stray light. Dijun's lips lingered on her forehead. He
covered her with the cloud quilt, then pulled her into a hug. If you don't
sleep now, it'll be day again. You've been working hard for so many days,
don't you feel tired?
Fengjiu immediately forgot all about what she was going to say. She
tugged Dijun's lapel and vaguely nodded. I wasn't tired when I was
talking to you just now, but I don't know why I'm feeling tired and sleepy
now that the light went out. But did you take a look at the sword case? Did
I make it well?
Dijun hugged her close. Yes, I've seen it. You made it very well.
Beyond the East Sea in the center of the mainland was Qingqiu Kingdom.
It had been 100,000 years since Qingqiu had had a Bingcang ceremony.
According to the annals, the ceremonial stage was erected on Tangting
Mountain in the East land that year. On the stage were exotic flowers
banding into a one-hundred-step staircase that led to the highest summit
on the mountain. Dressed in all white, a young Bai Qian had held the
sword case with both hands and made her way up the flower stairway.
When she reached the sacred Tangting peak and encased the Taozhu
sword away, her grace was such that it was widely lauded by all the
prehistoric deities present.
True to its reputation as the holy land of the East, Tangting Mountain
remained lushly verdant after 100,000 years, showing no sign of decline.

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The summit used as the Bingcang ceremonial stage was where the first rays
of dawn shone each day. The very large and very tall stage was entirely
composed of auspicious clouds, clear and pure. The billowing mist was
simply a picture of ethereal sublimity. As expected, the immortals held
rather spectacular ceremonies. Although the spectator stands on the
opposite side were entirely built from rare ancient timber grown on the
mountain, and were thus reasonably extravagant, they were still a bit
lacking compared to the stage of clouds.
On that lacking grandstand sat three people at this time. On the far right
was Jiuchongtian's crown prince, Lord Yehua of Xiwu Palace. To his left
were Lord Liansong of Yuanji Palace and Donghua Dijun of Taichen
Palace. Dijun sat in the middle, occasionally playing with a small crystal
box in his hand. He turned and said to Liansong, I can understand why
you've come this early. You're here for what else but fun. But did Yehua
mistake the hour to have come here so early?
Lord Liansong laughed obscurely. You're considered quite blessed, you
know, being able to come see Fengjiu's Bingcang ceremony. Qingqiu rarely
has this formal of a rite. I reckon this must be the most important out of all
the ones they have. Legend has it a young Bai Qian had enchanted all of
the prehistoric immortals at her Bingcang ceremony with her unparalleled
beauty. Over drinks a few days ago, this kid Yehua said how lamentable it
was he didn't have a chance to see Bai Qian perform her Bingcang
ceremony. He could only imagine what she looked like that year from the
descriptions recorded in books. He probably came early today so he can
see the place where Bai Qian had performed her Bingcang ceremony that
Dijun glanced to Lord Yehua, who was watching the cloud terrace
contemplatively on the other side, and suddenly said, Say how did Xiao
Bai look when she was a baby?
Lord Liansong choked on his tea. Besides the fact that you probably won't
want Yehua to hear this, he might also think you are purposely provoking
him. He's going to keep in mind everything about you in the future. His

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gaze was temporarily caught by the crystal box in Donghua's hand. He

pointed his fan at it and asked, What's that thing in your hand?
Dijun opened his palm: You're talking about this? Xiao Bai made me some
snacks. I'm afraid they would melt in the sun so I covered them in a glass
Lord Liansong felt as though a thunderbolt was striking him on a clear
blue day. Snacks? For you? He walked over to take a closer look. Inside
the transparent pale blue box were really pieces of toffee. They were even
made into little foxes. Lord Liansong's lips twitched. I've known you for
so long, yet I never knew that you like to eat snacks. But never mind this
for now. Today Fengjiu will be performing the ceremony in front of tens of
thousands of immortals. She'll certainly be very nervous, and yet you went
as far as making her make snacks for you. Aren't you a little shameless...?
Dijun was still playing with the box in his hand. A smile lingered on his
lips as he replied, Don't accuse the innocent. She slept too much during
the day so she couldn't sleep last night. She made me get up to go make
them with her. And besides, she dared to kick a flowerpot at my head the
second time I met her, and then could still blame Migu with unruffled
aplomb afterward. He lightly glanced across the throngs of immortals
swarming the stands and unhurriedly said, It's just a piddling battle. Do
you really think she would be so easily distressed?
Lord Liansong tapped the closed fan on his palm and sighed, Talking to
you isn't as fun as talking to Yehua. He looked to the rolling clouds in the
east sky. Several idle Zhenhuangs have arrived. Bai Zhi Dijun's family
must've also arrived. I'm gonna go look for Yehua to sit down. You should
also go take your seat at the top. When everyone comes and sees you sit
here, he'll be afraid to sit down. He glanced to the seat on top, laughed
and said, According to rankings, Fengjiu's grandfather will also sit below
you. Hah, since Fengjiu actually has the nerve to bag you, it's true she
doesn't need to be nervous about this sort of occasion.
The throngs of immortals outside the stands were small fairies across the
lands. High Deity Bai Qian's Bingcang ceremony had been far too long ago.

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Those who witnessed that ceremony had mostly passed away. The new
generation of fairies could only sift through a handful of records in the
annals and be fascinated by this ancient rite. As early as three days ago,
they had swarmed into Tangting Mountain to hold their places. When
these little fairies saw the terrace of auspicious clouds that gave birth to a
magnificent world in a matter of seconds, they sighed in contentment and
thought to themselves they hadn't wasted their time in securing their seats.
By the time they saw the three early-arriving deities, all with unparalleled
looks and each handsome in his own way, they sighed in contentment
again and thought to themselves they hadn't wasted their time in securing
seats. The ceremony had not yet begun but there were already so many
interesting things to watch. They wondered how much better it would be
when the ceremony actually started. Again, they sighed in excitement and
thought to themselves they hadn't wasted their time holding seats.
Still too early for the ritual hour, the immortals began to mingle in
socializing conversations. For example, there was a foreign fairy who
accosted a local fairy sitting beside him: May I ask if you are a Qingqiu
fairy? Do you know who the black-robed and white-robed deities are
among the first three to arrive?
The small fairy from Qingqiu blinked his eyes and proudly said, The
black-robed gentleman is Qingqiu's son-in-law, Jiuchongtian's crown
prince, Lord Yehua. I'm not sure about the white-robed gentleman with the
fan. But since you only asked me about those two, perhaps you know who
the purple-robed silver-haired one is? He's quite good looking. And yet,
the immortals who arrived later all went to pay him homage. Even though
he looks quite young, I reckon he must not hold an insignificant position.
He excitedly added, So there are also such characters in Heaven who are
just like Her Highness Fengjiu of ours. Her Highness Fengjiu also doesn't
hold an insignificant position despite her young age. The foreign fairy
gulped in reply: That revered deity's position is a bit higher compared to
Her Highness Fengjiu's of yours. Although I only bowed to him once when
I ascended Heaven for his bestowal of a rank, he swallowed again, he
was once the master of the universe who later retired to Taichen Palace,

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

Donghua Dijun. His Majesty is as old as time, his looks as radiant as the
sun and moon. Her Highness Fengjiu of yours...
He had yet to finish when he was interrupted by the local fairy that stared
wide-eyed at him: He's... actually Donghua Dijun? Donghua Dijun in the
flesh? His hands fisted in excitement. I really hadn't wasted my time
saving seats today!
Whenever Qingqiu held a ceremony, it had always been the custom to not
send out invitations. Those who had the time and interest to come would
be welcomed as guests; those who didn't have the time or interest weren't
forced to come. This was Qingqiu's way. Even so, based on the customs
and occasions, one could largely guess who would be present.
But why was Donghua Dijun here today for this ceremony? Qingqiu's head
of state, Bai Zhi Dijun, couldn't figure it out. Bai Zhi looked to his close
friend, the all-knowing, prattling High Deity Zheyan, questioningly. But
Zheyan also appeared to be confused as though he didn't quite understand
Sitting next to Lord Yehua, Lord Liansong looked to his nephew and said
in bitterness, Hey, why aren't they asking me?
Lord Yehua held his teacup and arched an eyebrow. I heard Qianqian say
that Cheng'yu hates those who gossip about other people's business the
Lord Liansong immediately straightened up in his seat. Oh, I just wanted
to help them out. But it seems they're not in great need of my help
The late-arriving Bai Qian led the little dough to their seats and gave the
two of them a puzzling look. What were you two talking about? she
Lord Liansong smiled secretively. Yehua was miserably imagining your
grace that year.


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Bai Qian sipped some tea to clear her throat, then looked to the audience of
small fairies who were staring at Yehua with starry eyes from below the
terrace and leisurely said, Well, I was actually slightly younger than you
are now, but my grace wasn't nearly as flaunty as yours is today.
The little dough immediately acted like a grown-up and echoed his
mother: Father, you really are too flaunty. It's not good to be flaunty like
that. Not good at all.
Lord Liansong raised an eyebrow and laughed out loud. Out of ten miles
of peach blossoms, each of you already occupies five. From what I see,
aren't you complementing the other quite well? There's really no need to
poke at each other.
Lord Yehua lightly asked, Then uncle, have you ever occupied half a mile
of Chengyu's ten miles of peach blossoms?
Lord Liansong offered a dry chuckle. I didn't even pick on anyone today. I
should've known not to open my mouth...
Sunlight filtered through the layers of clouds, enveloping all things on
Tangting Mountain in a golden cage while rendering the magical
atmosphere even more pronounced. As sounds of music soared, a maze
battle formed by ten sword-wielding immortals suddenly emerged on the
rosy cloud terrace. They were here to test whether the blade presented
today was qualified to be safeguarded in the sacred mountain or not.
In other words, Fengjiu needed to pass this formation with her newly
forged Hexu sword. If she passed, she would ascend the one-hundred-step
grass staircase to seal the sword within the holy summit. If she couldn't
pass, they could only divine another date for the next Bingcang ceremony a
hundred years from now. At that time, not only would the years of effort in
making the sword go to waste, it would also be a disgrace. That was why
Lord Liansong had supposed Fengjiu would be feeling nervous today. The
reason why this rite was grand, and perhaps even more ceremonious than
the ruler's wedding, was because it was harsh to the new king.


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Fengjiu's father, Bai Yi, was the officiant today. Fengjiu hid behind a cloud
in the sky as she watched her father ramble on and on on stage. She was
just waiting for him to finish rambling so she could fly down. She luckily
didn't hear any of her father's long-windedness because she was too high
up. Unfortunately, beside her ears was the still the loyal servant Migu's
Migu carried her sword case and worriedly looked to the maze behind Bai
Yi. He couldn't help but say, In a second, Your Highness should take it
easy. Truthfully, it doesn't really matter whether you can pass this maze or
not. No one your age had ever performed this ceremony in Qingqiu before.
Although it's inappropriate for me to say these words as your subject, His
Lordship is also forcing Your Highness a little too much regarding this
Migu's words came through Fengjiu's left ear and went out of her right
one. Her eyes were on her grandfather and Donghua Dijun. Suddenly, a
ray of light flashed in her head. She mulled that her grandfather was
actually the highest in Qingqiu. Why would she need to bother convincing
her grandmother and parents about her marriage to Donghua if she could
just convince her grandfather? Her grandfather was the one who had the
final say! But how was she going to persuade him?
He didn't care for ceremony, so perhaps she should candidly say to him:
Grandpa, I've found a husband. He's the one sitting above you today
Donghua Dijun. Please give us your blessing. But would such wording be
too stiff?
In the past, her aunt had taught her the strategies of persuasion. What did
Auntie say? Oh yes, she said to convince someone, it was best to first bring
up some kind of relationship in your conversation. It was all the better if
she could evoke some of his memories. The most important thing was to let
him feel a sense of familiarity. Additionally, it would be even better to
express sincerity to him at the end. At this point in her train of thought, she
felt she had understood. She revised the somewhat stiff remarks and
whispered to herself, Grandpa, I've found a husband. He's the one sitting

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above you today, Donghua Dijun. I heard that he was a former classmate of
yours. And you've also fought under his command! Great. Relationship:
check. Memories, familiarity: check, check. As for sincerity He and I will
definitely, positively be filial to you. Grandpa, please give us your
blessing! Aha, now there should be a check by sincerity as well.
She really wanted to go over there, but Migu was pulling on her sleeve to
tell her: Your Highness, the hour has come. Enter the maze.
He reminded her, If you don't pass, then you don't pass. There's no need
to be afraid of people's mockery. Never force yourself, okay?!
Fengjiu heard him and said yes in reply, but she didn't really agree with
Migu's opinion. Daoist classics, Buddhist sutras, poetry and literature,
although she wasn't up to par in those sort of things, she was sure she
would come out on top every year among her peers in Qingqiu when it
came to swordsmanship.
Migu had worried for nothing.
As soon as Bai Yi left the terrace, a mystical sound rang in the air. The maze
immediately took shape. Behind a cloud high above in the sky suddenly
emerged a silver light that was produced by a sharp blade's leaving its
sheath, splitting the golden cloud masses apart. A sword-wielding redrobed maiden rode on the winds and instantaneously entered into the
Sitting high above, Dijun, who had been bored to death playing with his
toffee box, changed his posture and slightly raised his head.
For an instant, the maze was filled with red and white sword flashes. The
world came to a still. Icy blades ceaselessly clashed. On the tenth stroke,
the red figure found a chance to break free from the maze, but
unfortunately at each critical moment, the ten-people maze suddenly
produced a hundred figures that formed an impregnable wall, pushing the
one who wanted to escape back inside.


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The small fairies in the audience, especially the local ones from Qingqiu,
perspired cold sweat for the young queen.
This maze had been designed from the time of prehistoric Bingcang
ceremonies. This magic was personally created by Bai Zhi Dijun from the
divine power of the Tangting Mountain. Once the cloud terrace took form,
the spell would also automatically activate, thus making it difficult to
predict its formation. Fengjiu furrowed her brow. Just now, she
thoughtlessly answered each stroke with a stroke of her own. It was an
impetuous plan of attack. From the very first move, she had identified that
these ten fairies were not as good as she was with the sword. She thought
she could take care of them in one quick word and nicely leave the maze.
She didn't imagine, however, that this maze's subtlety didn't lie in how one
used his sword, but that at every crucial moment, there were always a
hundred people popping up to prevent her from leaving.
What a conundrum.
Dragging on this way wasn't going to work. After her aunt's assessment,
these ten fairies had slept for a hundred thousand years. They only came
out today to make things difficult for her, so of course they had more
energy than she did. It seemed she'd need to find a straightforward attack.
Although this spell created by her grandfather was different each time it
took shape, there had always only been ten fairies. It would be
unreasonable if they had recruited 100 people just for her. Even though her
grandfather had always hoped for her to succeed, he didn't have such high
hopes, did he? Her eyelids twitched. Then... those one hundred figures
could only be a mirage.
At this thought, for some reason she could not help but distractedly look to
the highest seat on the stands where Dijun was sitting. When he caught her
eyes, his lips curved into a mysterious smile. The two fingers at the corner
of his eye slightly gestured a hint. It startled her a little. When the maze
fairies' blades attacked, she took a deep breath and backed away a few
meters. In her head briefly floated the half courtyard full of snow stakes in
Jifeng Manor Dijun had made for her to practice in Fanyin Valley. In those

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days, there were a few old apricot trees in the garden. When she was
practicing blindfolded, Dijun often lay beneath an apricot tree to enjoy his
tea. Right, her eyes.
Fengjiu's mother looked to her grandmother; the anxiety in her eyes was
higher than the Nanshan Mountain and deeper than the Canghai Sea.
Why did Jiu-er have to run into this bloody maze? Even I may not be able
to pass through it. Jiu-er is still so young, how much cultivation can she
possibly have? Mother, what will we do? What will we do?
A flash gleamed from Fengjiu's grandmother's eyes as she thoughtfully
said, It's not necessary a bad thing if she doesn't pass. I've always
disagreed with your father-in-law's views. A young lady should be raised
like precious pearls so that she can marry a good husband and make a
good home, not so that she can do things like carrying on the ancestral
mantle or inheriting the throne. This was all because you two had tossed
Jiu-er to her paternal grandparents when she was little. If you had given
Jiu-er to me that year, this wouldn't have happened. What man in this day
and age would like a woman cavorting around with swords and spears?
Your sister-in-law, Bai Qian, is our latest example. Wasn't she able to marry
into a good family only recently after she stopped playing with weapons?
If Jiu-er defeats this maze today, who among these young talented men is
still going to dare to marry her?
Two drops of tears fell from the corners of Fengjiu's mother's eyes. My
husband said this maze created by my father-in-law is so critical because it
is used to assess the new rulers and encourage them to be diligent after
their accession to the throne. If Jiu-er doesn't pass, my father-in-law will
undoubtedly think it's because she isn't motivated enough. She'll be
punished no matter what. But in your view, if Jiu-er passes this maze, she
may not be able to marry into a good family. What a dilemma. What will
we do, what will we do...?
Fengjiu's grandmother waved her hand and said with a sense of finality,
Then you and your husband must dissuade her grandfather if he wants to
punish her. Is this more important than finding her a good family to marry

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into? She turned back to the cloud terrace, her words pleasant:
Fortunately, Jiu-er is putting on quite a display today. She's showing her
weakness rather well. Look, she had only avoided a few strokes but she
had won the affection and sympathy of everyone. From the way this is
going, defeat is a...
'Foregone conclusion' couldn't leave her grandmother's lips. A long while
later, she pointed to the cloud stage while shaking like a dry leaf: How...
how did she pass through?!
Because her grandmother was too busy lecturing her mother, she did not
look too closely at how Fengjiu had broken the formation. However, the
deities in the stands and the audience of little fairies saw it all very clearly.
Moments ago, the young queen was forced to the edge of the terrace. Just
when their hearts were leaping to their throats, they suddenly saw her
withdraw her sword and cut her own sleeve to blindfold her eyes. While
everyone was bewildered by her action, she unhesitatingly rushed toward
the maze with movements even more graceful than when her eyes were
open. Within three moves, she had created an opportunity to pass through.
When the one hundred figures appeared, she held her sword and shifted
slightly to the right. The crowd hadn't reacted by the time she had broken
through the illusion. The maze was broken.
The young queen stood tall as she tugged down the red satin sash around
her eyes and looked up to the high spectator stands. Her bare face free
from makeup faintly flushed due to the fight. With clear bright eyes, she
looked somewhere with a gleam, then instantly withdrew her gaze.
She normally seemed lackadaisical, but when she encountered such a
troublesome maze, and moreover under the scrutiny of the world, she
didn't show any trace of fright. Each of her step in advance and retreat was
suitably calm. All was in silence. After firmly awing the stadium, she
leisurely sheathed her sword back into its scabbard and softly exhaled: I
can finally show off the sword case I made.


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During the Bingcang ceremony, the sword case was only needed at the last
one hundred steps leading to the sacred summit. If one didn't pass either
the sword assessment or the maze, the sword case wouldn't have a chance
to make its appearance.
Fengjiu raised her hand in a gentle stroke. A golden light immediately
flashed in the air and floated to a stop in front of her; inside it was a long
narrow case. The Hexu sword suddenly gave a loud clashing sound. The
case opened up, and instantly the three-foot-long blade was encased inside.
Bai Yi, as officiant, faced the holy peak in reverence: Please take the Hexu
and safeguard it inside Tangting. Forever strong, protecting the East land.
The holy peak in front of the ceremonial stage opened up amid loud roars
of cheers. The red-attired queen raised the sword case high, her expression
solemn, as she steadily took each step toward the grass staircase. Her
subjects unanimously prostrated while their well wishes thundered on:
Our virtuous young master has completed the magical weapon. Please
take the Hexu and safeguard it inside Tangting. Forever strong, protecting
the East land.
Laudatory cheers reverberated through the mountains and woods, and did
not end for a long time.
This time, Lord Liansong came to Tangting Mountain firstly to see
Cheng'yu Yuanjun who was there to join in the fun and secondly to watch
the festivity himself.
Because he had clear purposes, Lord Liansong really scored many good
materials today.
In the moment he moved his fan from one hand to the other, for instance,
he saw a little movement from the little fox and Donghua as they were a
distance away from each other. Of course no one else noticed, but Lord
Liansong had keen eyes. He saw that once Fengjiu broke the maze, she
turned her attention to the stands. Dijun who was on the highest seat

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

switched to propping his cheek with his left hand, then casually mouthed
to her: Beautifully done. The little fox smirked a bit, then restrained her
smile and prudently withdrew her gaze back to the Hexu sword. While
waiting for her father to recite the ode, she even pretended to be
unintentionally sweeping her eyes around to see whether anyone was
paying attention to them.
Batting eyelashes in public wasn't something even Lord Liansong had done
himself. He suddenly felt that he had wasted his name as the god of
romance in all these years. He couldn't help but turn his attention to the
group of fairies from Heaven in the stands, singling out Chengyu
Yuanjun's figure there. Ever since Chengyu Yuanjun took an outer seat on
one side of the stands, she had been sticking to Siming Xingjun discussing
how many ways there were to eat walnuts. Enraptured in her discussion,
she didn't once bother to turn and cast him a glance.
Lord Liansong distractedly looked at her back for a moment, feeling sad
and melancholic.
At the peak of his depression, Lord Liansong glanced up to see a mass of
thick cloud slowly drifting over under the scorching sun. After recognizing
the person who was hiding behind the thick cloud, his sadness suddenly
went away. Lord Liansong waved his fan and sat back in his seat, feeling
things were getting a bit interesting now that he was able to encounter a
party crasher at today's ceremony.
At this point in time, Fengjiu was carrying the Hexu sword to the holy
summit. She had yet to remove her hands when she saw this mass of cloud
drifting closer and could not help taking a pause. In the midst of her pause,
she heard a sound of laughter coming from behind the cloud: This is
indeed a large event that all the gods have come to celebrate. But in my
humble opinion, Her Highness Fengjiu's Bingcang ceremony seems to still
be missing a step. Behind the dispersing fog was a man draping in
luxurious mink. In his hand was a heater. He floated on the cloud with a
smile as he was surrounded by a group of servants.


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There was only one person in the world that could make Fengjiu sweat on
his behalf. He was the Black Demon Lord Nie Chuyin. Showing up in this
place at this time, spurting such remarks, Nie Chuyin had clearly come to
crash the party. Nonetheless, the Bai family's elders were all present.
Fengjiu knew a junior like herself didn't need to make an appearance just
yet. She retrieved her sword case and gazed up to her father, Bai Yi.
Among Qingqiu's elders, her father was the most diplomatic. When the
music stopped on stage, Bai Yi's expression was as breezy as a spring day.
I've always heard the uninhibited Demon Clan had never cared much for
ceremony. I didn't expect Your Lordship to be so concerned about rites and
rituals. Today, Qingqiu is holding a ceremony in her own territory. That
we even troubled Your Lordship to come here to remind us is quite a
Nie Chuyin's eyes seemed a little provoked, but a smile remained on his
face. I'm afraid your remarks are not accurate. The word 'remind' really
wronged me. I've seen twice Qingqiu's prehistoric Bingcang ceremony and
thus I greatly admire this tradition. It's just that as I recall previously, there
would be a duel after the sword assessment. It was very fascinating. But
why is Her Highness Fengjiu sealing the sword away right after the sword
assessment today?
Those who were at a loss about what Nie Chuyin really wanted were still
at a lost; those who understood already understood.
In years past, Qingqiu's Bingcang ceremony had had a round of dueling
with the new ruler. Fairies of the same generation could all challenge their
new king. If they lost, it didn't really matter. But if they won, they could get
a promise from the king. According to legend, Bai Zhi Dijun had set two
rounds of sword assessment and sword competition. The first round was to
instill a sense of aspiration into the king after he was crowned; the second
round was to encourage the Bai children to be the best among their peers
since a young age. If they weren't first, they would need to grant a wish to
someone else, and the price of not being first was too high. Thus, although
the Bai children all grew up unconstrained, they each eventually became

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

successful. Bai Zhi Dijun's four sons had all gone through this torture.
When it was youngest daughter Bai Qian's turn, because the queen didn't
have the heart to see her suffer, she cried every day in front of Bai Zhi
Dijun. After two months of crying, she moved Bai Zhi Dijun enough that
he eliminated the sword-fighting round from the Bingcang ceremony.
Additionally, he had to affirm that, thereafter, if Qingqiu had any other
female ruler, the Bingcang ceremony would be without this sword-fighting
High Deity Zheyan slightly leaned over and asked Bai Zhi Dijun who was
sitting beside him, The Bingcang ceremony is an important tradition
which happens after the coronation of a new king. If there are changes to
the rules, they must be recorded in Qingqiu's book of rites before they
become official to the world. Had you forgotten to change it at all?
Bai Zhi Dijun held his forehead and said, You know just as well that
Qingqiu doesn't care for these rituals too much. I did forget about this.
Then did you also forget to limit the peers who can challenge the new
king to only fairies from Qingqiu?
Bai Zhi Dijun vaguely recalled: The previous ceremonies had all been in
prehistoric times back when the world was still a simple place. The Demon
Clan hadn't ever thought to take advantage of me before. For that reason,
this oversight of mine isn't really a surprise.
Zheyan sighed, Because of your forgetfulness and oversight, you might
have to let Nie Chuyin take advantage of you today, and since his reasons
are perfectly valid, you are not going to be able to say anything back.
Bai Zhi Dijun knitted his brow in reply: He's at least 70,000 years older
than the lass. If he ended up competing with her, wouldn't he be making a
fool out of himself for bullying a child? I assume his skin isn't that thick.
And among his followers, I don't think there's anyone who can beat her.
High Deity Zheyan didn't say anything in reply. The two drank some tea to
clear their throats as their eyes returned to the clouds in the sky, at which
time they heard Nie Chuyin say: If Qingqiu's ritual book on the Bingcang

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ceremony has not been changed, then there should be a duel today. I've
long heard of Her Highness Fengjiu's superior swordsmanship. Swordfighting is also a great love of mine. I wonder whether we can exchange a
few moves.
Bai Yi's breezy face instantly frosted up. Even if there is to be a duel, Your
Lordship and my daughter are not from the same generation. How can you
speak of peer exchange? Please watch your self-conduct.
Seeing that Bai Yi was angered by his words, Nie Chuyin laughed heartily:
Her Highness Fengjiu is Qingqiu's grandchild, I am also from the third
generation of the Demon Lords. Speaking from this view, Her Highness
Fengjiu and I are from the same generation. Since I love sword-fighting, I
do sincerely want to exchange a few moves with her. Although it is a
contest, I'm after all a descendant of the Demon Clan, and I'm definitely not
afraid of defeat. It can't be that Her Highness Fengjiu, as a descendant of
the Deity Clan, is actually afraid of defeat?
Nie Chuyin was indeed a third-generation Demon Lord, but the Demon
Lord position had always relied on fists rather than bloodline. Saying that
he and Fengjiu were peers were really far-fetched, but even if it was farfetched, it was ultimately a poor counter to nitpick over his logic.
Furthermore, what was originally a competition within the clan had now
become a contest between two clans from what he said. Even though the
Deity and Demon Clans had cultivated a certain neighborliness in recent
years, they were still poking around for each other's faults. Now that Nie
Chuyin had issued such provocation in front of the entire world, Fengjiu
had to choice but to accept.
There were those among the spectators who were genuinely worried for
her, and there were those who were there only for the spectacle. Leading
the former group was Cang'yi Shenjun who had always been secretly
admiring Fengjiu, even till now. The latter group was led by Donghua
Dijun's foster sister, Princess Zhi'he.
High Deity Zheyan glanced to the situation and gave Bai Zhi Dijun a
helpless look. You see? You have underestimated the situation. Success

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has never depended on face since the beginning of time. This thing called
face is nothing but useless. Nie Chuyin has determined to throw away his
face to bully the lass. He probably wants a promise from Qingqiu so that he
may later use for his ambitions. Unfortunately, you have always liked face
and image. I know you'll only swallow your loss. Let the lassie go out and
carefully play with him then.
Bai Zhi Dijun rested his teacup down. Let the lass play a few moves with
him, he said as he nodded to Bai Yi.
At his father's response and Nie Chuyin's increasing glee, Bai Yi was frosty
as he called Fengjiu down from the top of the grass staircase.
Compared to her father's silent indignation, Fengjiu seemed very
nonchalant in contrast. In addition to the ignorant few in the audience who
looked at her expectantly, the slightly more sensible all understood she
would never defeat Nie Chuyin. She didn't think she necessarily had to
defeat him, so she was very calm.
Fengjiu calmly opened the case, calmly extracted the Hexu sword, then
calmly placed her hands together and suggested toward Nie Chuyin who
was also carrying a sword: Sir, it's an honor. He wasn't an opponent she
could beat as she pleased. Although there was no way she could win,
fighting with him a bit might bring her some good harvest.
Swords swirled on the stage. They sometimes swept like a flying dragon.
They sometimes sparked flickers of fire. By the tenth stroke, Nie Chuyin's
iron sword had pointed straight at Fengjiu's neck. A drop of sweat slipped
to Fengjiu's cheek from her temple. Ultimately, their strengths were too
different. Nie Chuyin withdrew his sword and sheathed it back into its
scabbard as he feigned regret: It's all because I had overestimated Your
Highness's swordplay. It turned out the Deity Clan's swordsmanship only
amounted to this.
Bai Yi frowningly looked to his father. He gritted his words to Bai Zhi,
Are we going to let him insult Qingqiu too after we already let him take
advantage of us? On stage, Fengjiu modestly said, Even if Your Lordship

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is 80,000 years older, or thrice as old as I am, we are peers after all. It only
took all of ten strokes from you to defeat me. You have my admiration.
The corners of Nie Chuyin's eyes curved into a little sneering smile. How
eloquent you are. But I have won this round. A win is a win. As someone
who keeps your words, I reckon Your Highness won't take back your
The word 'promise' had yet to touch the ground when they suddenly heard
a voice coming from the spectator stands: Wait.
All eyes turned to the direction of the voice. Its owner was a blue-robed
fairy with a pleasant face. He was Hanshan Zhenren under Nuwa.
Hanshan Zhenren had worked under Lady Nuwa for tens of thousands of
years. Although his rank wasn't considerably high, because he was in
charge of issuing marriage licenses for the Deity Clan, his peers always
bowed respectfully when they saw him and avoided calling his name, only
politely addressing him as 'Zhenren'. Only until this zhenren recorded a
couple's marriage in his registry could they really be regarded as married.
Reasonably speaking, this zhenren didn't have anything to do with the
Bingcang ceremony. At this time, this totally unrelated Hanshan Zhenren
was standing at one of the most remote locations on the right side of the
stands. He placed his palms together and gestured toward the stage:
Although I'm only an ignorant man, I'm sure the sword challenge in
Qingqiu's Bingcang ceremony is to be dueled together by the new ruler and
his or her spouse. Although Your Lordship has defeated Her Highness
Fengjiu, you have yet to beat her prince consort. It seems a little premature
to be asking Her Highness for a promise from Qingqiu.
There was a burst of silence from the audience, followed by a burst of
murmuring. Bai Zhi Dijun's hand stilled on the tea table, High Deity
Zheyan's face froze in shock, Elderly Fairy Fumi's mouth dropped open,
High Deity Bai Yi almost fell off his seat, and High Deity Bai Qian dazedly
asked Lord Yehua, She's married? To whom? Since when? Lord Yehua
prudently replied, It must be if Hanshan Zhenren says it is. He
suspiciously looked beside him to the third prince. The third prince acted
like an honorable gentleman as he cried, I'm not a gossiper, you know!

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Fengjiu craned her neck to look to the highest seat on the spectator stands.
The purple-robed silver-haired deity was nowhere to be found. Nie Chuyin
faced the troublesome Hanshan Zhenren in momentary silence and
sneered, I've never heard Her Highness Fengjiu has a prince consort. Even
if that's the case, it's not certain that I won't be able to beat him. Who is he?
Please come up. I really don't think you can beat him, Fengjiu thought to
Everyone gazed up as they waited for the prince consort mentioned by
Hanshan Zhenren to appear from the sky. But at this point in time, they
saw a purple-robed deity unhurriedly ascending the ceremonial stage from
the right side. He casually fixed his sleeves: Shall we start? I've just left to
grind my sword. He had long silver hair, an indigo headband, and a
handsome and regal countenance. When he held a Buddhist sutra, he was
solemn and tranquil beyond all existence. When he wielded a sword, he
was as fierce as a destructive cyclone. He was the person who was sitting
just now on the highest seat of the spectator stands, Donghua Dijun the
former master of the universe.
Nie Chuyin stiffened. The audience completely quieted. In the blink of an
eye they had all dropped to their knees. On the stands, the high-ranking
Zhenhuangs and Shangxians also unseated and got to their feet. If Dijun
was standing, how could anyone else dare to sit? Fengjiu vaguely
remembered something like this had also happened once in Fanyin Valley.
Once this person appeared at Plum Valley, the immortals all instantly got
down on their knees. Fengjiu finally came to understand why Dijun didn't
like to leave home. Wherever he went people kept kneeling down. It was
exhausting just to watch.
Dijun watched the rows upon rows of prostrated immortals rather as
though he was viewing the fragrant saplings he had planted on the 13th
heaven. He slightly waved his hand to excuse the kneeling crowd, turned,
and comforted Fengjiu who was standing beside him, I knew you'd lose.
Don't feel as though you've embarrassed me. He handed her a kerchief.
How many moves did you block?

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Fengjiu wiped her sweat with the handkerchief as she stammered, Ten.
Donghua nodded his head. That's not bad. Then he turned to look at Nie
Chuyin and said, What do you think about exchanging a few moves with
Black Demon Lord Nie Chuyin was a man with a dream. Ever since the
Demon Overlord Shaowan passed away, the Demon Clan had been
divided into seven factions and jointly headed by seven Demon Lords.
After attaining his Black Lord position, Nie Chuyin had been bent on
unifying the Demon Clan where there would once more be an overlord
who stood above all the others. Marriage alliance with the Deity Clan
would be a great way to accomplish this dream. Unfortunately, all
influential High Deities from the Deity Clan were men, yet he was an
orphan. Unlike Lord Xuyang, he did not have a little sister to marry off. He
took a step back to think. If there were a gay deity among these High
Deities, for his ambition, he would even sacrifice himself. That didn't work
out. He took another step to think. If he wasn't related to them, it was best
not to offend them. But if he must offend them, then he must at least
negotiate a favor from them.
His coming today had truthfully been very well calculated. He knew this
move would certainly offend the Bai family of Qingqiu, but for a promise
from them, the offense would be well worth it. However, he never thought
he would be offending Donghua Dijun as well. If things had come to this
and he had offended everyone, not only the Bai family but also Dijun, then
it was even more imperative that he secure that promise from Qingqiu.
He was decidedly not Dijun's opponent. He could never fight with him.
With an extremely reluctant smile on his face, Nie Chuyin said, Your
Majesty, you flatter me. This duel is originally an exchange to learn from
peers. Her Highness Fengjiu and I could be regarded as peers, but Your
Majesty and I are separated by an entire prehistoric era. How can I ever be
your opponent? Although I've challenged Your Majesty in challenging Her
Highness Fengjiu, you are so superiorly exalted that I'm afraid we're not

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equals after all. I fear your dueling with me will be contrary to the
ceremony's rules.
Having just received a shock, High Deity Bai Qian frowned to Yehua and
Liansong. He has an excuse for why he should duel with Fengjiu, then he
has an excuse for why Donghua shouldn't duel with him. This guy is so
good at bullshitting that he's got all the reasons down. If Donghua rashly
comes to a decision at this time, it'll indeed seem as though he's bullying
his junior. When she finished speaking, she melancholically muttered a
curse, feeling a bit worried.
Lord Liansong idly tapped his fan and laughed: I think Nie Chuyin has
overestimated Donghua's skin.
There were various chatters among the audience at this point, but Dijun
was very calm and quiet. In his calmness and silence was also a certain
confusion. Following Nie Chuyin's remarks, he mused, You're saying
that we're not equals? He furrowed his brow. How are we not equals?
Nie Chuyin was speechless. The audience was also speechless.
Dijun glanced at Nie Chuyin, then glanced to his side at Fengjiu and
unhurriedly said, Since she is my queen, she is naturally my equal. You've
just said that you are her peer, then it's only of course you are also my peer.
A duel between the two of us is obviously an exchange between peers.
Which rule from Qingqiu's book of rituals would we be violating?
Nie Chuyin stiffened. This
Dijun slowly weighed his sword and said, So I hear swordsmanship is a
great love of yours. What a coincidence, I also love sword-fighting. It can
be seen that our meeting is serendipitous. Let's have a duel!
The deities were entirely dumbfounded. High Deity Bai Qian spat the tea
in her mouth as Lord Liansong leaned on the arm of his chair to avoid
getting himself sprayed. When he let go, he said to Bai Qian, See? What
did I just say? Nie Chuyin's nonsensical sophistry simply won't work on
him. To Dijun, skin and face have always been immaterial things.

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Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

Chapter 19
Qingqiu's Bingcang ceremony certainly left a big impact. After being lucky
enough to attend the ceremony, Cheng'yu Yuanjun went back to
Jiuchongtian and set up a storytelling stall on the 33rd Heaven. Her gossip
sessions always sold out through half a month of relating details from the
Bingcang ceremony. Needless to say, it was a smash hit among the
The fairies' favorite part was where His Majesty the King struck away the
iron sword from Nie Chuyin's hand in only one move.
Legend had it Nie Chuyin was bullying Fengjiu, the young queen of
Qingqiu, at the sword competition. His Majesty the King came on stage
and made an appearance for the young queen. Unable to stand Nie
Chuyin's rambling, he drew his sword from its scabbard after according
him three courteous strokes and overpowered his iron blade in just one
move. The second the iron sword landed on the ground, Dijun blitzed the
Canghe straight ahead. In the twinkling of an eye, he had simply split the
heavy iron blade into halves as though he was slicing a bamboo shoot. A
hilt swung the two blades and spun them in the air. Dijun's Canghe sword
precisely stopped at Nie Chuyin's chest. One single stroke had
unexpectedly shown a sublime swordsmanship that was constantly
changing no matter the strength of its moves. It was said that the lucky
fairies in attendance were all stunned at the time. On one hand, they were
spellbound by Dijun's solemn grace. On the other hand, they were feeling
rather inadequate compared to the ancient gods. In recent years, their
magic hadn't excelled anywhere. Fortunately, the Demon Clan's sorcery
hadn't seemed to develop that much either. At least they could find a little
comfort in this.
Losing badly, Nie Chuyin left Qingqiu in a panic, too humiliated to go on
any further about the clans' swordsmanships. The young queen of Qingqiu
could finally seal away her sword and complete the ceremony.

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The storytelling business was booming on the 33rd sky. Through the
reverence the immortal held for Dijun, Cheng'yu Yuanjun was able to rake
it in. His Young Highness, the little dough, received a few gold ingots as
payment after helping her collect tea money for several days. Cheng'yu
Yuanjun was in a splendid mood. The little dough was also in a very good
mood as he bit into his gold.
But for each happy person there was, there existed a sad one. The Bingcang
ceremony had thoroughly broken many people's hearts, including a string
of high-ranking goddesses and fairies on Heaven.
In the past, the fairies didn't dare to harbor any feelings for Dijun. Because
His Majesty was made of legends, they never thought he might one day
marry a queen consort. Or they may have thought that even if Dijun
wanted to marry a queen, it could only be one of them, thus they rarely
had any inappropriate ideas toward him.
After the Bingcang ceremony, Princess Zhi'he in a stricken frenzy came
running to Taichen Palace. When Zhonglin Xianguan saw her haggard
face, he didn't have the heart to drive her away. Thinking that Dijun wasn't
there anyway, and letting her stay a few days would be kindness, he
prepared a room for her to stay in.
Princess Zhi'he drank away her sorrow as she waited for Dijun to return.
Whenever she ran into someone, she would grab him and ask how exactly
Fengjiu of Qingqiu was better than her. On the third day, she incidentally
caught Zhonglin Xianguan passing by. Being an absolutely honest man, he
looked at Zhihe's puffy eyes for a moment before offering: Dijun likes a
beautiful woman who can cook, who excels as sword-fighting, and who
knows how to fight. Princess, you can't do any of these things. Besides...
Zhonglin Xianguan was utterly sincere: although you are considered
beautiful, compared to Her Highness Fengjiu, you're actually... a little
ugly. It was said Princess Zhi'he coughed up blood on the spot, gave three
long laughs, plunged headlong into the carriage Zhonglin Xianguan had
pulled over, and, without turning back, left Jiuchongtian to return to the
mountain she was banished to.

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New Year celebration on Jiuchongtian was quite festive. However, because

the rumor mill in Qingqiu had never been as vigorous as in Jiuchongtian,
the season came fairly peacefully. Only Fengjiu's good classmate, Graywolf didi, was slightly distressed. Classes remained open at the clan's
academy, and Fengjiu had been leaving behind a ton of homework. Graywolf didi had been generously helping her take notes. Thinking she would
be returning to Qingqiu for the Bingcang ceremony, Gray-wolf didi was
thrilled that his burden would finally lift. He came to the Fox Cave to look
around when he heard Donghua Dijun and Bai Zhi Dijun standing inside
chatting after the ceremony had been concluded. Then after a cup of tea,
Fengjiu was taken away. Gray-wolf didi carried away the heavy notebooks
he had brought for Fengjiu as he sighed in resignation. But on second
thought, these heavy notebooks could actually be gifted to Fengjiu as
wedding presents. This way, he wouldn't have to gift the couple any
congratulatory money. He was suddenly happy again.

High Deity Zheyan had been hanging around Qingqiu for the past several
days ever since he watched his share of the hubbub during the Bingcang
ceremony. Extremely curious about whatever Donghua and Bai Zhi had to
say between each other, he obliquely poked in from time to time.
That day, Bai Zhi Dijun summoned Bai Yi and his wife to the Fox Cave for
a talk. Zheyan knew the talk must be about their domestic affair, and the
domestic affair must also have something to do with Fengjiu. If it had
something to do with Fengjiu, then it naturally had something to do with
Donghua. He plastered himself onto a chair in Bai Zhi's home without
moving so much as an inch. Bai Zhi Dijun had to admire Zheyan's resilient
willpower and in the end relented in letting him listen.
According to Bai Zhi's words, he and Donghua did come to a quiet place
that day to talk about an important matter.
Even though Dijun was standing there simple as usual, his posture was full
of regal supremacy. And yet in a humble demeanor, he had professed he
had fallen in love with his granddaughter, Fengjiu, at first sight, and would

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like to have her hand in marriage as his queen. He had originally planned
to propose, become engaged, and then wed according to the rules. But
because the two had recently fallen into a dreamverse, due to various
mishaps, he simply married her in order to streamline things. He felt very
sorry toward her and also very apologetic to the elders of Qingqiu.
Dijun then said there was another thing that had always bothered him. He
originally planned on coming to trouble Qingqiu's hospitality once they left
the dreamverse, but he discovered that Qingqiu was extremely strict in
their selecting of son-in-laws. One would need to come from an established
family and wield some sort of power. He feared he couldn't do anything
about his background, but he could have a little discussion with Tianjun as
far as power went. He also said because Xiao Bai was afraid a son-in-law
like him would not be to the liking of the elders, she had been under a lot
of apprehension. He didn't think it would be good for him to rush the visit.
But now that the entire world knew he was Qingqiu's son-in-law, even if
he wasn't liked by everyone, he could only ask them to look past his flaws
and accept him.
Lastly, Dijun said Xiao Bai actually enjoyed festivities. If Qingqiu would
agree to give her hand to him, they should also hold a reception party and
invite the immortals to come. He asked to have Qingqiu and Taichen
Palace's help in order to prepare the wedding banquet together. Zhonglin
would be taking care of things on Taichen Palace's side. As for Qingqiu, he
felt Xiao Bai's mother would be a very good candidate. The wedding was
set for half a month later. The location was to be at the holy Blue Sea.
Because he had gone to Nuwa's place after they left the dreamverse to have
him and Xiao Bai entered into the marriage registry, they no longer needed
to conduct the nuptial rites. He asked that Xiao Bai's mother be troubled
with the wedding preparation since Xiao Bai was exhausted from her
recent efforts in the Bingcang ceremony. He would take her first to the Blue
Sea for a recuperation getaway.
After Bai Zhi Dijun listened to this speech, he pondered for a long time
before finally figuring out 'Xiao Bai' was his granddaughter. Bai Zhi Dijun

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was very upset, believing his only granddaughter had been stolen by
Donghua, and had wanted to oppose. And yet, Bai Zhi and Donghua had
known each other for tens of thousands of years. Donghua's speech today
was longer than everything he had said in all those years combined.
Momentarily stunned, Bai Zhi Dijun missed his opportunity to voice his
opposition. By the time he recovered, Dijun had taken Fengjiu away from
Zheyan had long known of Fengjiu's infatuation for Donghua. When he
heard that Donghua and Fengjiu had been entered into Nuwa's marriage
registry, he calmed down a bit. Since Fengjiu could be regarded as his
niece, it meant that Donghua would be his nephew-in-law. He'd never be
able to defeat Donghua in magic, but he was the superior one in seniority
at this time. It pleased Zheyan so.
Fengjiu's mother was also extremely pleased, but not because of the
seniority she gained. Fengjiu's mother wasn't any different from her. She
grew up listening to Dijun's legends since she was young, her heart filled
with pious reverence. Never in a million years did she think that she'd
become Dijun's mother-in-law one day. When they first arrived at her
father-in-law's and heard that Dijun had personally said she would be the
perfect choice as the wedding planner, Fengjiu's mother who had never
planned a wedding suddenly felt very excited. She inwardly resolved to
plan the wedding so well that she wouldn't disappoint Dijun's trust.
However, Elderly Fairy Fumi, Fengjiu's grandmother from thousands of
miles away, was a bit more clearheaded. It was said she was awed by
Dijun's swordsmanship ever since that day. All day long she would lean on
her forehead and sigh: Tell me something, Jiu-er didn't look for a husband
so she didn't find anyone. But once she looked, she found such a
formidable man. How will she have the upper-hand over a husband like
him from now on? Even if she swallowed her grief and came home crying,
how could her family even back her up at that point? I had wanted to find
her a comparable or slightly inferior household so that even in the event
she suffered at her husband's family, Jiu-er could still have her

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grandfather's backing. Now, if she's marrying into Donghua Dijun's

household, where is she going to turn to when she's being mistreated?
Elderly Fairy Fumi's eldest daughter-in-law filially waited by her knees
and comforted her by saying: Without mentioning the lass's natural
beauty, just her sweet little mouth is enough to make others happy. Hasn't
she always charmed you? Moreover, a married couple doesn't necessarily
fight all the time. The lass is still so young. After the wedding, I'm sure His
Majesty will spoil her even more. And looking at the big picture, since she
has inherited the throne of the East land at such a young age, having
Dijun's help will lighten her burden. In my opinion, this is actually a very
advantageous marriage. Eldery Fairy Fumi listened to her eldest
daughter-in-law. Persuaded by her insights, half of her worries finally
After handing the wedding to Bai Yi and his wife, Bai Zhi Dijun coolly
went traveling with his wife with no guilt in the least in leaving behind his
son and daughter to housesit the Fox Cave. Luckily, Zhonglin Xianguan of
Taichen Palace took care of everything inside and out. On the same day, a
lengthy group of elderly fairies had arrived in Qingqiu to aid Fengjiu's
Wedding news gradually spread. On the third day, invitations made from
carved jade were sent out to the various realms. Occasionally, the
immortals could be heard to say that a feast hosted by Dijun was indeed
extraordinary. Even the invitations were engraved on jade. Zhonglin
Xianguan was very pleased as he inwardly applauded himself for his
Fengjiu's parents had been in a frenzy for the past few days, but Fengjiu
was thoroughly happy and free at the holy Blue Sea.
When Dijun made an appearance for her that day during the Bingcang
ceremony, her first reaction had been to scan the audience siting below.
Her face was Qingqiu's face. No matter what, she had to remain calm. And
so she did. In reality, however, a boom had gone off in her head, as if she
was facing an exploding minefield. In such times, a girl could be expected

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to feel moved or bashful. She felt neither. The only thing she could think
was: Heaven saves her, there goes her secret marriage with Dijun! She had
intended to slowly bring the matter to the clan elders. Dijun only came out
because Nie Chuyin was being overbearing, but her grandfather might
very well turn her out of Qingqiu.
She was anxious for an entire morning until Dijun finally stepped out of
her grandfather's Fox Cave. Dijun sincerely told her that her grandfather
Bai Zhi did not mind their marriage at all. He was nothing but ecstatic, and
even offered to host a reception for them. He was happy to take care of the
wedding planning, and since he also felt sorry that she had been working
so hard these days, he specifically asked him to take her away on a retreat.
It turned out her grandfather had cared for her so much. Fengjiu's heart,
which had been hanging uncertainly in the air, suddenly floated back to
the ground. She was now relaxed and at ease.
By the time they arrived at Donghua's home, the holy Blue Sea, Fengjiu had
latched onto Dijun's arms as she took in the spectacular landscape. Her
eyes twinkled with excitement. Believing she had come here to recuperate
on the wish of her grandfather, she felt free as though she had taken the
last of her exams. Nothing was on her mind; only 'fun' was in her head.
At the tip of the world was the holy Blue Sea. There, continuous mountain
ranges enclosed the holy spring. It was called a holy spring but it was as
large as half of the North Sea. The most wondrous thing about this place
was that plants and flowers thrived on the expansive water as they did on
land. Birds even resided here. Then deep inside this forest was a majestic
stone palace erecting in the middle of the holy water.
When Fengjiu's aunt-in-law said she was a sweet-talker, her remarks
weren't wrong. The happier Fengjiu was, the sweeter she became. She was
in a good mood today. Additionally, the person she liked most, Dijun, was
by her side. She was very happy and pleased, as though nothing in the
world could bother her anymore. Because there was now only sweetness in

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

her heart, she felt she was capable of saying all the honeyed words there
Even though they could ride on clouds into the palace, it would take away
from the experience. Dijun took her on a small boat along the flower path
to the palace gates. Fengjiu poked a hand into the water as she cheerfully
asked, Why hadn't you told me before that your home is so beautiful? I
think the holy Blue Sea is much prettier than Jiuchongtian. Why aren't you
living here?
Dijun pulled her hand in case she fell into the water. Seeing how pleasant
her mood was, he softened his voice to answer: This place is too big. It
feels a little empty to be here by myself.
Fengjiu took hold of his hand and brightly said, We'll have to stay here
more from now on. With me by your side, it won't feel empty anymore.
She then proceeded to point left and right to the sides of the boat. Can we
really plant whatever we want on the water here? She excitedly offered
her ideas as though she was mistress of the lands, Hey, how about
planting a few pear trees here, some grapefruits there, and some grapes
over that way? She lithely leaned into Dijun, placing her right hand on
his. Have you ever eaten ham hock and snow pears? There's also shrimp
with grapes, as well as grouper with grapefruits. These are all my
specialties. Let's plant more fruit trees here. Before long, I'll be able to make
them every day for you.
When she sweet-talked, she could really melt anyone's heart. Dijun
watched her with a twinkle in his eyes and smiled, If that's the case, we
already have snow pears, grapes, grapefruits, shrimps and groupers. But
where are we going to find ham hocks?
She smiled mischievously, We can cut some off from your body.
Two little birds flew over their heads. You have the heart to do that?
Of course. She nodded in seriousness.


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Hearing no reply from Dijun who only knitted his brow, she blanked for a
moment then turned away, on her face was a certain self-control. Don't
furrow your brow. Every time you do that, I feel a bit, a bit...
Dijun continued to knit his brow in curiosity. A bit what?
Her cheeks flushed red. She blurted after a period of suppression,
unable... to help myself from wanting to kiss you.
Instantly, she saw Dijun leaning in. His voice was low and deep: You
have my permission.
She seemed a bit embarrassed. That's not a very good idea in broad
Dijun goaded her: Don't worry, there are only the two of us here in the
whole Blue Sea.
She pressed her lips together in thought, and then demurely and properly
held Dijun's face and gave him a kiss.
After retiring to seclusion, Donghua seldom came to live at the Blue Sea.
The stone palace had been left empty for a very long time. Although he had
sent Zhonglin to clean the place up a bit, it was still very desolate
compared to his permanent residence, Taichen Palace.
It being Fengjiu's first visit, everything she saw was a novelty. Even the
desolation of the palace was interesting to her. She pulled Dijun's sleeve
running back and forth as she planned in excitement on how to decorate
the palace in the future.
Dijun's bedroom was fairly furnished. She was generally pleased. She
eagerly thought about where to place the vanity, or where to add an
incense table. When Dijun took her to the garden to pick loquats, she felt
the plants in the garden were too disorderly. Dijun sat on the stone bench
to peel loquats for her. She brought out some paper and ink and thought
about how she should rearrange the landscape in the garden. Dijun peeled
and pitted the loquats as he fed her. She ate as she pointed her brush to the
paper, asking Dijun, How should we place a rockery here, do you think?

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Should we place a veranda, then build up a hillside and plant a few

decorative maple trees on it? On the hilltop, we can plant you a few of
those sandalwood saplings. Let's clear the woods behind the hill. Since you
like Fuling flowers, we will plant a lot of Fulings there. And here, we'll
have a porcelain kiln for you, plus an incense workroom. She looked to
Donghua with sparkling eyes, Is there anything else you want?
Dijun watched her for a long time. Are they all for me? What about you?
Fengjiu drew and drew. She pointed to a corner of her drawing and
pressed her lips together to say, I want to have a small lotus pond here.
We'll construct a pavilion on the water surface to catch the breeze and stargaze. And here, I want to have a vegetable garden so I can grow some
plants to make side dishes. We'll grow my favorite white turnip, and we'll
grow your favorite mallow and spinach.
Dijun's eyes softened as he thought for a moment before replying, Some
time ago, Xiwu Palace sent a chasteberry salad, do you remember? They
said it was Yehua who made it himself. It was pretty good.
Fengjiu smugly said, My uncle-in-law's cooking is only so-so; he's not as
good as I am. Do you like eating that? We'll just have to grow some
chasteberry too, then. As soon as she finished speaking, she added
another area onto her drawing.
After he finished peeling the loquats, Dijun leaned closer in to study the
drawing with her. It can afford to be a bit bigger. What is this? A martial
arts stage? We don't need this. Make it all into a vegetable garden. Let's
plant the ones that are both pretty and tasty. Is there any vegetable like
Yes, there's the multicolor chili peppers that are both delicious and pretty.
But you eat pretty mild and you don't like spicy food. Let me think, we can
grow things like okra, kale, horseradish, or pumpkin... Right, we can also
make a gourd arbor. Gourd stir-fry is very yummy. She suddenly stopped
amid her excitement.
Dijun looked up and waved his hand in front of her. What's wrong?

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Fengjiu's expression seemed faintly dazed as she stammered: Oh, it's just
that I suddenly realized we are discussing what kind of veggies we will be
planting in our home. It almost feels unreal... Her dreamy eyes came upon
Dijun's own deep eyes as he asked her, In our home?
Yes, she replied. She looked around them and asked in uncertainty,
This is your domain, isn't it? Donghua nodded. She sighed in relief and
said, Then I didn't say anything wrong. This is our home, isn't it? Even if
we only stay here for a short time each year, it's still our home.
Ever since Donghua Dijun came into existence from the Blue Sea hundreds
of thousands of years ago, he had never had a family. Although he was
later adopted by Zhihe's parents, they were never that fond of him due to
his head of silver hair. But because they pitied his orphanhood, they raised
him out of kindness. However, they did not give him much emotional love,
so they weren't really his family. The word 'home' was a very strange word
to Dijun. Hearing it all of a sudden from Fengjiu stirred something in his
Seeing Dijun in silence for a long time, Fengjiu thought about what she just
said, set her lips into a thin line and grumbled, Why are you making that
face? I don't think I said anything wrong.
Dijun brought a finger up to push her lips into a smile. His countenance
revealed a gentleness. I like it that you said 'our home'.
Fengjiu still didn't really get it, but seeing Dijun happy made her happy
too. She continued to say ever so sweetly, I like our home too. It's already
so pretty, after we spruce it up a little, it will be even prettier. When our
family and friends come here to visit, we'll be such proud hosts.
Dijun was in agreement. Yes, other people fill their gardens with flowers.
We fill ours with vegetables. Of course we'll be such proud hosts.
Recognizing the sarcasm in his voice, Fengjiu pursed her lips. Then who
was it that happily suggested scrapping the martial arts stage and
converging everything into a vegetable garden? Hearing Dijun's soft
wordless chuckles, she amped up the saccharine level, See? You also feel

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that it's better to make it all into a veggie garden, don't you? After our
wedding in a few days, I'll start to take care of them. But since Qingqiu is
very prudent, we don't have a lot of servants. We can only allocate a few
workers from Taichen Palace. After some thought, she deflated. Even
though I'm the ruler of the East land in name, everything is taken care of by
my parents, so I'm not that busy. Even so, I still need to go back to school. I
can't keep staying here. She glanced at Dijun: I know you have a lot of
time, but if I'm not here, it's pointless for you to be here alone. We should
send a few caretakers from Taichen Palace to tend to the vegetable
Dijun seemed to think what she said made great sense. He helped her with
some ideas: If there's nothing urgent at Taichen Palace, I'll have Zhonglin
come here to take care of the garden.
Fengjiu was surprised. But doesn't Zhonglin have to take care of you?
Dijun raised his brow: Why should he follow me when I come to Qingqiu
to be with you? Are you saying you can't take care of me?
Fengjiu gave some thought, caressed Dijun's face, gave him a flirtatious
look, then crinkled her eyes and said, You're right. How can Zhonglin
love you as much as I do? After teasing him, she felt amused herself. She
suddenly saw a flash in Dijun's dark eyes as he pulled her hand over to his
lips and placed a kiss onto it. He hugged her close, rested his head on her
shoulder, and said almost with a sigh, Yes, you love me best.
Fengjiu recalled that this childish line was her cousin's favorite thing to say.
If his parents did something to make him happy, the little dough would
probably widen his watery eyes and say in the softest baby voice, Dad,
you love me best, or, Mom, you love me best. He was so pitiful and
lovable at the same time. When Dijun said these words, his voice was low
and his familiar breath seemed to envelope all around her. He had so many
looks, the quiet look, the solemn look, the indifferent look, the languid
look, even the rogue look as well as this rather surprisingly coquettish look.
She loved them all so much that she didn't know what to do.

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Because they had peeled so many loquats, his words seemed to have
contained a wafting scent of the fruit. She couldn't help hugging him more
tightly. Of course I love you best, she softly whispered back.

Following the Bingcang ceremony, Donghua wanted the wedding to take

place in a fortnight at the holy Blue Sea. By Zhonglin Xianguan's
estimation, it would be the 4th of March.
After distributing the invitations, Zhonglin Xianguan sent a fairy crane to
ask for Dijun's instruction. Essentially, he said it was a good decision for
Dijun to choose the Blue Sea. Among the eight directions in the sky and
the eight land masses on the ground, the holy Blue Sea was where
strongest divine energy gathered. The landscape there would be so
paradisaical, the guests would forget all their troubles in their delight.
Though the profuse fairy energy of the stone palace may overwhelm the
felicity, in Zhonglin's opinion, everything would be alright if they were to
hang a few red lanterns and streamers. Additionally, Fengjiu's mother also
suggested holding the reception a bit early so that their guests would be
more comfortable. They had discussed whether to come several days in
advance to prepare. Coincidentally, High Deity Bai Qian had sent some
new theater pieces from Chengtian Terrace; they were all Her Highness
Fengjiu's favorites. At that time, Dijun should bring Her Highness back to
Heaven to rest. What were Dijun's thoughts on this?
His words were very judicious. Things were also taken care of very
satisfactorily. The fairies on Heaven who previously questioned how
Zhonglin Xianguan could hold the steward position in Taichen Palace for
tens of thousands of years despite his young age could now see it was for a
Zhonglin's suggestions were to Dijun's liking. When he received the letter,
he began to estimate how many more days they would continue to stay at
the Blue Sea if they were to proceed according to Zhonglin's plan. It turned
out to be only ten more days.

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At the time, Dijun had felt ten days were far too short. But by the time he
spent those ten days, he realized they were even shorter than he had
At first, because he thought Fengjiu had been toiling in recent days, in the
morning Dijun regularly took her sightseeing, then at night let her rest
early. As for him, he stayed and did some reading next to her to court
sleepiness. However, Fengjiu was only a young girl after all. Two days of
rest were all she needed to gain back her energy. Before going to sleep the
night before, she heard from Dijun that there were Luan birds living on the
fairy mountain nearby. Early next day, she excitedly pulled Dijun along
here and there to catch Luan birds. Once she caught them, she played with
them for half a day before releasing them back to their nests. Then,
remembering the conversation they had on the boat the other day that they
would be planting fruit trees, she picked a sundry of fruits on the mountain
and followed Dijun around, asking him to teach her how to plant them.
Dijun took her diving to the bottom of the spring to plant them. After
coming back up, he asked her with a faraway look, Are you feeling better
now? Fengjiu had been running around everywhere. Thinking the nice
wind on the mountain they visited in the morning would be great for
flying kites tomorrow, she pleasantly told him, I'm all better. Afraid
Dijun wouldn't agree to let her fly kites, she hastily added, I'm so better
that I can't get any better. With the same faraway look, Dijun merely
throated a reply.
When it was time to get out of bed the next day, Fengjiu couldn't get up.
The day following the next day, Fengjiu still tragically couldn't get up.
Fortunately enough, her ability to recover didn't fail her. No matter how
torturous something was, all she needed was a good night of sleep and
she'd be fine again. Besides, it wasn't that she didn't like this endeavor.
Dijun's appetite for exploration was just a tad too much, wearing her out a
little bit. Apart from this, she didn't mind it at all.


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Having fun was Fengjiu's natural talent. When she thought of the many
serious things that still needed to be taken care of after the wedding, and
that there weren't many carefree days left, she spent all the time she hadn't
spent on sleeping to come up with ways to have fun. Dijun accompanied
her, doing all sorts of delightful things. Their best accomplishment was that
under her instructions, he had succeeded in making his first ever edible
sweet-and-sour fish.
Ten days fleetingly passed by. The night before returning to Taichen
Palace, Dijun took Fengjiu to go see the Blue Sea's nightscape. The Blue Sea
wasn't most beautiful when warm sunlight shone. Rather, it was on inky
nights at the very end of the month.
On the last day of each month, the sky and earth would become ominously
pitch black after sundown on the hour of the Rooster (5-7pm). The
complete darkness continued all the way until the beginning of the hour of
the Pig (11pm) when stars began to sprinkle across the black satiny sky
above, starting with Venus in the west and followed by a giant silver moon
at the end of the sea. The moon should be crescent by the end of the month,
but it was round here in the Blue Sea, and was even shining along with the
stars, showcasing the magnificent nightscape.
With a lovelorn moon hanging in the sky, a romantic scenery was
unfolding on the ground. As soon as the moonlight began to spread, a soft
white mist rose from the water and diffused across the clear spring. The
flowers and plants poking through the mist also emitted a quiet glow that
dotted the scene like a sea of multicolor wishing lanterns.
Amid the swaying wind and clouds, sudden piercing crows of Luan birds
slashed across the sky in the horizon where land and water met. The quiet
landscape burst into life. Countless birds flew out from the mountains,
their chirps forming a beautiful song. The divine birds with beautiful
plumage softly danced to the magical sounds, their grace breathtaking.
From the viewing terrace, Fengjiu stuttered in excitement, Do these divine
birds come here to dance at this time every month?

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Donghua was sitting on a carpet woven from Qinyuan feathers and leaning
against a stone pillar when he replied, You say it as if they're so free.
Fengjiu at once understood it was Dijun's doing. She ran over and sweetly
held onto his arm. Her eyes were still sparkling as she stuttered to him,
Can can you tell them to come a bit closer and perform the 'One
Hundred Birds Saluting the Phoenix' dance for me?
Donghua coolly said, I'm not going to do it for free. What are you going to
do for me in return?
Why are you so petty? muttered Fengjiu. I've even taught you how to
make sweet-and-sour fish. Her eyes suddenly glinted. Then let me dance
for you too. Her hands moved from his arm to his shoulder. Don't
underestimate me, I'm pretty good at dancing too. I'm not any worse than
your foster sister, Zhi'he. It's just not proper for me to dance for other
people, that's all. She smiled shyly: I've lived this long but I still haven't
seen a 'One Hundred Birds Saluting the Phoenix' dance that is actually
performed by one hundred birds. If you tell them to dance for me, I'll
dance for you...
Looking at her fluttering lashes, Dijun suddenly remembered when Fengjiu
was still his baby fox in the past, she was exactly like this every time she
resorted to coquetry. Of course, she didn't have this supple voice in those
days, but she still had these very same watery eyes. Whenever she was in a
good mood, she would lovingly nudge her head against his hand. In order
to wheedle something from him, she even mewled, mewled, mewled in
fake whimpers. Back then, he had had his own way to deal with her. Each
time he saw her cry that way, he only felt amused. Things such as I like
teasing people to tears, cry a bit louder were easy to say. But now,
watching her beguiling him this way and yet suddenly having no way to
fend her off caught him a little off guard.
She had always been polite and proper in front of outsiders, pretending to
be dignified and mature. But he knew she was actually quite coquettish.
She had kept to all manners of propriety in front of him, be it in Fanyin
Valley or Aranya's Dream. Compared to when she restrained herself in

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front of him, he much preferred this innocence and sweetness. This was the
real her. When Miaoluo remarked that there was a sea of Fulings in his
heart and she wondered who was hidden behind it, he already knew the
hidden one was a little red fox. Though it wasn't romantic love at the time,
she was already special to him.
Under the soft moonlight on the viewing terrace, Fengjiu became anxious
seeing Dijun watch her for a long time without saying anything. Don't
ignore me like that. Isn't it a good deal...?
Donghua came back from his trance and agreed with her. It is a good
deal. He smiled, Then why don't you dance for me first?
Fengjiu hesitated a little: Let's not have the divine birds wait for me. Let's
have them dance first. It's already late. They still have to return and rest
after they finish. You're a revered deity, you should know how to
sympathize with your subjects.
Under the strewing starlight, Donghua let her hold his shoulders as he
slightly tilted his head and said to her, I'm just preventing someone from
going back on her words. Didn't you say you would sincerely make it up to
me? Where is your sincerity if you're haggling with me like this?
Fengjiu reluctantly left his side and backed away to the viewing terrace
where she cleared her throat and said, Since there's no background music,
I'll just dance a short one for you, okay...?
As though he had predicted she would use this loophole as an excuse,
Donghua slightly waved his sleeve and magically produced a harp. He
plucked the strings while faintly smiling at her. Since you're going to
dance, you should at least do a full dance. I'll play the background music
for you.
Fengjiu covered her mouth in surprise and asked in disbelief, You even
know how to play the harp? I... how come I never knew?
I don't play very often so of course you don't know. He casually looked
up at her. Are you thinking that your husband is so talented?

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Fengjiu's face immediately burned red. Hus... husband sounds so strange

coming from you. Erm, 'husband' is an odd-sounding word to begin with.
'Dijun' is better...
Donghua paused amid testing the strings. He waved her over: Come
Fengjiu meekly came over and was about to say, What for? when Dijun
had cupped her face and squished it. He gazed down at her in all
seriousness. Think carefully. Who am I to you?
Her face was losing its shape in his palms. She couldn't help waving the
white flag. My my husband. Let me go, let me go!
Satisfied, Donghua let her go and patted her head. Go. He watched her
back and sighed, You're the one who said you'll dance for me. You've
dawdled all day and there's still no movement. I'm going to die waiting,
you know.
Fengjiu rubbed her cheeks and said in grievance, That's because you keep
bothering me.
The bright moon and stars illuminated the satiny background, their quiet
glow shimmering across the Blue Sea. The divine birds perched quietly on
the treetops. Soft music flowed from the harp as the red-robed maiden
lithely danced to it. Under the moonlight, her long dark hair seemed to be
coated with a layer of light. The sleeves concealing her face slowly moved
away, revealing a beautiful face behind them. Her fingers came together to
form two hibiscuses. When she raised her hands, her sleeves slid down and
showed a pair of ivory arms. Her steps were as soft as ripples on a quiet
night, and as exquisite as a blooming flower on the water.
Donghua missed a note. He had always known her to be beautiful, but
never the sophisticated type. Her beauty was principally in her elegant and
sunny demeanor. At this time, he discovered that her elegant face could
actually be said to be dazzling. Whenever she wanted to please him, her
gaze would so naturally become alluring. Of course he knew who had

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made her look this way. Even she might not know herself how enticing her
gentle gaze could be.
The chord suddenly came to a halt. Fengjiu raised her head in confusion.
Silence momentarily surrounded the terrace. At long last, she saw Dijun
open his arms wide and call out to her in a hoarse voice, Come over here.
The way Dijun was sitting there beckoning her was simply too irresistible.
Despite being a little suspicious, Fengjiu moseyed to him but without
forgetting to complain: Telling me to go, then telling me to come. Why do
you always call me? Can't you come to me? And anyway, you're not
allowed to squish my face anymore.
Dijun readily agreed: I won't.
Are you sure?
I'm sure.
Dijun really didn't squeeze her cheeks anymore. Instead, he pressed her
straight onto the carpet. She let out a cry in surprise. At first, she was still
concerned about letting the divine birds perform the 'One Hundred Birds
Saluting the Phoenix' dance for her, thus she struggled away from his hold.
But her strength wasn't as great as Dijun's after all. Soon, Dijun was
furrowing his brow and even using that low deep voice that she loved so
much to coax her. Her head was so dizzy with his bewitching ways that
she let him do whatever he pleased. She even cooperated with him a little.

It was the next morning by the time Fengjiu woke up. The sun had risen
high above the mountains. Of course, last night's silver moon had taken its
rest, and the divine birds had also returned to the forest. If she wanted to
see them dance, she would have to wait till the end of next month. Fengjiu
chew on her fingers underneath her quilt and wanted to wail. What a
crying shame it had all been. Bai Fengjiu, what an idiot you are. How could you
have listened to Dijun's words? How could you have believed his nonsense? You
really are an idiot!

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When it came time to leave the Blue Sea, Zhonglin and Fengjiu's mother
still hadn't arrived. Because she didn't get her wish last night, Fengjiu
seemed a bit jaded as she glumly followed Dijun back to Taichen Palace.
When they arrived at the palace, Fengjiu was still without her usual spirits.
Even when her aunt Bai Qian invited her to come see a play, she also
politely turned her down. Only until Dijun promised to bring her back to
the Blue Sea next month and order the divine birds to dance for her did she
finally gain some spirits. But her disposition was still not completely there.
Before, she simply ignored everyone. Now, she was merely unresponsive.
Dijun watched her for a long while before voluntarily bringing out some
paper and ink to write a pact with her. He wrote in black and white what
would happen to him if he didn't do as had previously promised. Then, he
even pressed his fingerprint onto the parchment before neatly folding it up
and handing it to Fengjiu. Her spirits finally improved and she was able to
even grin at him.
The holy Blue Sea was doubtlessly going to be boisterous in the upcoming
days. Zhonglin had suggested that the Dong-Feng couple return to Taichen
Palace because he knew Dijun much preferred his peace and quiet in recent
times. Although Taichen Palace wasn't exactly isolated from the rest of the
world, everyone knew of and would sympathize with his busy
preparations for the wedding. No one would be coming to the 13th sky to
bother him.
In all fairness, Zhonglin had been very thorough in his thinking. But the
world is always full of exceptions and unpredictability. They are hidden
from the very beginning, waiting to erupt.
On the second night in Heaven, Taichen Palace welcomed a dear friend.
This dear friend scaled the wall to come inside, broke into Donghua's
bedchamber with uncanny familiarity, lifted open the bed curtains and
grabbed onto Donghua's untucked arm. Ice Face, take a trip with me! It
was a rather emphatic request. Unfortunately, he received a kick as soon as
he uttered it.

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The room was lit by candlelight. Donghua sat bedside and completely
blocked Fengjiu from view. She nonetheless voluntarily poked her head
out from the quilt and looked over his shoulder, shocked to find their guest
sitting on the floor. Huh? Xiao Yan? Why are you here in the middle of the
night? Did you sleepwalk to the wrong place?
In Warrior Xiao Yan's disheartened expression was something quite tragic.
Jiheng asked me to come see Ice Face. She's... Xiao Yan choked back his
tears as he looked to Donghua: She's in serious danger. She would like to
see you for one last time.
Fengjiu froze and looked to Donghua. Donghua frowned. She's living in
Fanyin Valley. Why would she be in danger?
She begged me to bring her out of Fanyin Valley, said Xiao Yan
Donghua rose, put on a robe, and poured himself a cup of tea. Even if
she's left Fanyin Valley, she shouldn't be in serious peril. What did she
Yan Chiwu removed a chain from his neck. Hanging on it was piece of
white crystal. Embedded inside was a small object that seemed to be a claw
of some sort, very small and exquisite. Yan Chiwu said chokingly, She
asked me to give this to you. She said you'll know once you see it.
Dijun's tea-holding hand paused in the air. He received the pendant and
caressed it for a moment before suddenly looking up to Fengjiu: Go on
ahead to the Blue Sea tomorrow. I'll go to take a look at her then meet up
with you later.
Having received this answer from Dijun, Yan Chiwu gave him a deliberate
look then said, I'll wait for you outside.
Fengjiu was very surprised to hear Jiheng was on the verge of dying. Even
though she wasn't overly fond of Jiheng, she still felt sorry for her. For this
reason, she nodded without any hesitation when she heard Dijun asking
her to come to the banquet ahead of him. She walked over and helped him

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into his robe. The weak candlelight reflected Donghua's departing figure,
which somehow seemed vague and hazy.
His hazy and distancing silhouette appeared to be foreshadowing
something, but Fengjiu did not pay attention to it at the time. Only, she
could not fall asleep again that night.


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Chapter 20
Donghua never showed up on the day of the wedding.
Nine days later, he still hadn't shown up.
What she had done, what she had said, as Fengjiu thought about them
now, she felt her impression of those nine days was still very hazy.
She only remembered it had indeed been a beautiful day on the 4th of
March. The sunlight had been particularly warm, and the Blue Sea had
seemed even more beautiful, such that all those who came to the banquet
had offered their admiration.
Although it was only a supplementary wedding reception, it had been
important to both Zhonglin and her mother. Except for the vows to Heaven
and Earth, all the other complicated rituals had been prepared. After she
dressed, her mother went over the rules of rituals in earnest with her. She
felt a little bothered, but she was also very curious and expectant.
Immortals from across the realm arrived early to the banquet. Even the
pretentious Tianjun came on time. Yet as the auspicious hour came ticking
closer, Donghua was still nowhere to be seen. She finally panicked. She
recalled Dijun had said he would arrive later the night before he left, but he
did not say in detail when exactly 'later' would be. Perhaps he wouldn't be
back in time for the auspicious hour, she thought. She suddenly felt a little
empty. But upon further consideration, it seemed she might be a little
petty. Although this wedding was very important, Xiao Yan did say
Jiheng's life was in danger. Dijun said he'd only come to take a look at her,
but standing before her sick bed, he might feel some pity and decide to stay
a bit longer so that he can fulfill her last wishes. No matter what, respect
for the dead was the right thing to do. So Dijun wouldn't come back in
time. No big deal. She shouldn't fight with someone who was about to die.
By the time she had thought things through, Zhonglin was hurrying in.
The most competent steward of Taichen Palace didn't seem very well.

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Zhonglin averted his gaze and told her, I still haven't seen Dijun
anywhere. He must've been held up by an urgent business. Pardon my
asking, if Dijun can't come today, does Your Highness think we should let
go of all the rites and have this be a normal banquet?
Zhonglin's suggestion had been in consideration for her honor. It was
written on the invitations that this was a wedding reception, but luckily no
one really knew how the reception would be like. Making it into a normal
banquet wasn't necessarily a bad thing. Banquets were an excuse for
immortals to gather and make merry. It wouldn't be a problem if Dijun
didn't show up. The elders all knew Dijun had never liked these kind of
parties, anyhow. Before retiring to seclusion, it wasn't rare for him to be
absent from his own celebratory feasts.
But if everything were to go as Zhonglin and her mother had arranged, this
banquet would be considered a wedding. Dijun's absence would make her,
as queen consort, humiliated.
She was grateful to Zhonglin for his consideration of her.
Watching her expression, Zhonglin hesitated a while before saying: This
reception was very important to Dijun. If he couldn't make it today, it must
be due to an emergency. Dijun would never disregard you. I dare say that
since His Majesty had left the banquet to my care, he trusted that no matter
what happened, I would be here to protect you.
She smiled and replied, You're right.
Once the auspicious hour passed, she felt as though she was freed.
Although she had guessed that he wouldn't make it back on time, she had
hoped nonetheless. She had arduously waited for more than two thousand
years to have Dijun, to become his queen. Of course she was very happy.
She didn't really care for these traditions like all the other brides. And yet,
she would only be married once in her entire lifetime, and so she couldn't
help but hope for it to be perfect. As long as the auspicious hour hadn't
come, she couldn't let go of that secret wish. She was a little disappointed,
but she had regained her composure since then.

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Beyond the veranda, cheerful conversations faintly rang out from inside.
She perked her ears and listened for a while, feeling it must be very festive
inside the grand hall. She wondered why she was feeling a little lonely
when it was so festive. She poured herself a cup of dark tea and took little
small sips.
Halfway through the dinner, her mother and grandmother suddenly
appeared outside her room. Elderly Fairy Fumi worriedly sat in front of
her. Jiu-er, tell me the truth. Why didn't Dijun come when it's such an
important day? Did you and he...
She continued to sip her tea and then gave her grandmother a reassuring
smile. Dijun has something urgent to take care of. Before he left, he had
told me that if he couldn't make it back in time, Zhonglin Xianguan would
take care of everything. Grandma, hadn't Zhonglin taken care of
everything so well?
Of course Dijun had never told her such a thing, but if she were to tell her
mother and grandmother the truth, she knew they wouldn't like it.
Finally, her grandmother and mother were put at ease.
The guests drank to their hearts' content at the banquet. Those who were
still sober bid their farewells on the same day. The few who were too drunk
stayed the night in the guest rooms of the stone palace and all gradually
took their leave the next day. The holy Blue Sea returned to its desolation.
The Bai family stayed for two days, then also headed back to Qingqiu.
Only she and Zhonglin remained at this place.
In reality, she was still feeling a little upset. On the first two days, she
couldn't help wondering from time to time why Dijun was delayed for so
long. Even if he was fulfilling Jiheng's dying wishes, it didn't need to take
this long. If he was really pitying her and wanted to stay by her side a bit
longer, why didn't he send someone to let her know?
At midnight on the third day, she suddenly awakened from a nightmare.
In truth, she couldn't at all remember what she had seen. She just suddenly
thought to the fact that she hadn't received any news from Dijun for several

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

days. Had something happened to him? Her face grew pale as she hastily
called for Zhonglin in the middle of the night and stuttered her worries to
him. Although she knew Dijun had gone to see Jiheng, she had forgotten to
ask that night where Jiheng was. She was feeling more nervous by the
second, and insisted on urging Zhonglin to leave the Blue Sea with her that
very night. One was to head to the southwest to look for Xiao Yan, the
other to the southeast to look for Jiheng's brother, Lord Xuyang.
Three days later, the two met again at the Blue Sea. Due to days of
traveling, both looked rather weatherworn.
When she arrived at the Blue Demon Clan's territory with her reason for
visit, a rather staid Demon envoy frowned to her with a deep sigh and said
that their master hadn't returned to the clan in nearly a year. They didn't
know where to go to look for him either. If and when she saw him, he
asked that she please tell him to come back as soon as possible. The Blue
Demon Clan would certainly be grateful to her for relaying this message.
When Zhonglin met with the Red Demon Clan, Lord Xuyang told him
three hundred years ago when his younger sister eloped with her guard
Minsu, the Red Demon Clan had cast her out. Thenceforth, Jiheng was no
longer related to the Red Demon Clan. Where she was now was something
they really couldn't offer an answer to.
There was no clue at all where Dijun was currently. Zhonglin quickly
grabbed her as she stumbled and almost fell. In her daze, she saw a few
auspicious clouds drifting toward them. Out in front were her paternal
grandparents. Following behind them were her parents.
Her grandfather's eyes were shot with rage. When he saw her, his anger
seemed to have also contained a hint of pity. At last, he asked her, Where
exactly is your husband right now?
She tried to pull herself together and replied, He's got an urgent matter
Bai Zhi Dijun interrupted her in anger: So jilting you on your wedding to
be illicitly involved with Jiheng of the Red Demon Clan is an urgent

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It's true that she herself had been confused these past few days. But she
thought that since they were husband and wife, she should trust him
unconditionally. She came to his defense instinctively: What do you mean,
Grandpa? I knew about this too. Jiheng's life is in danger. Dijun is only
seeing her for one last time out of pity. As immortals, we should have
compassion for the dying, shouldn't we?
Bai Zhi Dijun sneered. Seeing her for one last time? Then why did I hear
that he had carried Jiheng and broken into Danling Palace of the Red
Demon Clan with lofty aplomb this morning? He was taking Jiheng's side
to Lord Xuyang's face and even traded the Miaohua Glass of the 7th
heaven to force the Red Demon Clan to welcome back their banished
princess? I heard that when she was lying feebly in his arms, there wasn't
any sign of being fatally threatened!
A boom went off in her head.
Bai Zhi Dijun shook his head as he sighed. Fortunately, the Demon Clan
had clamped down on this news, so not many know of this matter.
Otherwise, once this spread across the realm, where will the Bai family put
our face? He looked at her. Face is actually not the most important thing.
More importantly, how can I tolerate Donghua's mistreatment of you?
She had grown completely pale. At long last, she said to him, I want to
hear Dijun's explanation first.
Bai Zhi Dijun wanted to continue, but his wife stopped him and softly
consoled her, Come back to Qingqiu with us to rest for the time being. If
Donghua is sincere, he will come to Qingqiu to find you.
She walked next to her grandmother like a sleepwalker, then turned to
Zhonglin still like a sleepwalker and said to him in a fragile voice, It takes
one day to go from the Blue Sea to the Red Demon Clan, and another from
the Red Demon Clan to Qingqiu. Tell Dijun I will wait two days for him.
Now that the entire Bai clan had come to take her away, Zhonglin knew he
couldn't stop them. He had no other choice but to weakly agree.

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She spent those two days in Qingqiu in a constant daze. Most of the time,
she just sat in her room absently. Her father sighed and muttered to her
mother that he couldn't stand to see her being so quiet. Although she had
always exasperated him whenever she jumped about in her lively ways, at
this time he really missed her old appearance. Her mother's response was
only to wipe her tears.
It wasn't her intention to worry her parents. She was just waiting for an
answer. Before she got her answer, everything was wearing her out.
In Aranya's Dream and at the Blue Sea, she felt Dijun's treatment of her
didn't seem to be pretense. But why hadn't he come to look for her? Was he
not worried about her? She thought about it but couldn't really figure it
She thought and thought until her head ached as though a nail was drilling
through her skull in painful bouts. Each time the pain passed, a few
peculiar fragments emerged from the depths of her mind.
For example, she remembered when she fell into Aranya's Dream, Dijun
had rushed to her rescue. After she gained consciousness, Dijun said many
sweet things to comfort her. He told her that it was all his fault that he
didn't recognize her when she was the baby fox and let her receive all those
grievances. She cried asking him why he traded her Saha fruit. He patiently
wiped her tears dry and forthrightly admitted because she said she would
use the Saha fruit to make pastries for Xiao Yan, he thus became jealous of
Xiao Yan. When she mentioned Jiheng, he frowned in reply. Why do you
think this way? She and I have nothing to do with each other. She
believed his words and even forgave him.
But the fragments that came and went in her head was in the Shuiyue Bailu
forest, on a large bed, she had told Dijun perhaps they weren't fated, that
was why parting may be a better thing. He had seemed pensive as he told
her, There's no 'that was why'. The truth is that we've already wedded.
Because Xiao Bai, don't you like me?


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Clearly, in her impression, she had always known Xize was Dijun in
Aranya's Dream. But sometimes when pieces of her memory surfaced, Su
Moye would advise her, If you really like him, then don't pressure
yourself. Perhaps he's just your type, and coincidentally, Dijun and he are
both like that. Who was 'he'? If Xize, hadn't she always known them to be
one and the same?
She couldn't remember when Dijun had said these things to her, and
remembered even less when Su Moye had enlightened her thoughts. When
she forced herself to remember, she was only left with a splitting migraine
for her efforts. Only when she held her head did she feel some relief. When
her mother saw the way she was curling up on the couch and clutching her
head in pain, she rushed out in panic to invite High Deity Zheyan from the
Ten-Mile Peach Orchard.
And yet it was already the morning of the third day. The two days she
gave Donghua had long passed by. After two days of miserably waiting,
she at last got her answer. Donghua didn't come. Zhonglin didn't come.
Her head pounded excruciatingly.
The weather was warm outside. High Deity Zheyan stepped onto the
sunlight as he entered into the Fox Cave.
Zheyan checked her pulse, then reached his hand out to check her soul.
When he pulled his hand back, his eyes seemed to be a bit affected. He
cleared his throat and asked her mother to bring her some candied ginseng.
When only the two of them were left inside, he said, Someone had altered
your memory, did you know?
For a moment, she didn't quite understand. She blankly shook her head.
Zheyan sighed, In this world, those who can change someone's memory
using medicine are few and far between. From my rough estimation, there
should only be Donghua, Moyuan, the Buddha, and I. Moyuan and I, in
addition to the Buddha, have no reason to change your memory. As unruly
as I am, something so profane... He raised his eyes to look at her. In them


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were the same faintly discernible pity her grandfather had shown her three
days ago at the Blue Sea.
Zheyan took from his sleeve a pill. Take this first. I'll immediately make
another one that will recover your memory.
She woodenly held the pill against the sunlight shining in from the
window panes and softly asked, This pill doesn't recover my memory?
Then why am I taking it?
Zheyan had stepped one foot over the doorway by the time he heard her.
He turned back and sighed, I've heard about you and Donghua from your
uncle. I'm not even sure whether this matter is good for you or not at this
point. He seemed to struggle for a decision before finally saying, It's
prenatal medicine. You're with child.
The room momentarily drowned in stillness. The shiny pill rolled onto the
ground. Zheyan picked it up, slowly came to her, placed it into her hand,
and at length stroked her hair.
She hadn't shed a single tear in the past nine days. She finally burst out in
tears at this moment. They spilled from her eyes down to her cheeks, but
there was neither sound nor expression. Only her voice was a bit shaken as
she faintly asked, Uncle, tell me, how could he have deceived me? She
faintly repeated to herself, How could he have deceived me?
She didn't like crying, but whenever she cried, it was always so
heartbreaking that others couldn't help pitying her. Her expression was
calm; only her tears surged like a broken dam, dripping down and soaking
her red skirt with water stains that resembled blooming Fulings.
These nine days had been too long.
Zheyan sent over the finished pill the next day. When her real memory
came back to her, her mood wasn't affected as badly as she had thought it
would be. Perhaps it was because she was too tired.
She finally remembered. Dijun in reality had never told her why he
switched her Saha fruit. At the time, Jiheng asked and he just gave. He said

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he and Jiheng had nothing to do with each other, but she clearly saw his
special treatment of her. She finally had enough time to think about these
things now.
He did love her, but that didn't mean he didn't love Jiheng. He was
supposed to be the most abstemious god from Heaven to Earth. In the end,
was it she or Jiheng who had dragged him into this convoluted world?
When she fell into Aranya's Dream, she was on the brink of death, and he
had chosen her. Now that Jiheng was on the brink of death, he chose
Jiheng. Ultimately, who was it that was blind to his own feelings?
She reckoned he understood he had wronged her in choosing Jiheng. That
was why he was too ashamed to come to Qingqiu to see her.
She and Dijun had traveled a very long way. She was chasing after his
shadow in the first half of that path so miserably. Luckily, by the grace of
Heaven, she finally caught up to him in the second half. From the very
beginning, it was she who wanted to have him, so no matter how tiring the
chase had been, she hadn't seemed to mind.
This love was so hard to come by that she had always believed she should
cherish it. She had in truth minded the fact that he had missed the
wedding, but she thought she could pretend as though she wasn't bothered
by it. When her grandfather said Donghua and Jiheng was having an affair,
her mind suddenly went blank. But even as her mind was blank, she still
wanted to believe him. She wanted to at least hear it directly from him.
She had tried so hard. She thought she had given him enough time. If he
would only come here, she would believe him no matter what he said. But
the person to fall in love first was always the humble one. Hereafter, she'd
have to walk this road alone.
She was too tired. She didn't want to have him anymore.
It wasn't very easy to live as immortals, for the long road ahead could be
extremely lonely. So that their days wouldn't drag by in tedium, immortals

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needed to find themselves a pastime. For example, Taishang Laojun's love

for pharmacology, Nanji Xianweng's love for chess-playing, and High
Deity Bai Qian's love for novel reading were all for this reason.
Since they hadn't yet found a hobby, gossiping naturally became the most
important endeavor for the younger fairies who had recently ascended to
immortality. Whether one was doing the tattling or the listening, the main
character in these gossips must be someone both sides knew. That way, it
would stay interesting for the both of them. The first deity these fairies had
the pleasure to meet after ascending to Heaven was of course Lord
Shaoyang of the Donghua Estate, Donghua Dijun of the 13th heaven.
Coincidentally, the biggest scandal in the fairy realm within the past 200
years had to do with Dijun's losing his young bride.
As rumors had it, Dijun's wife was quite a character despite her young age.
She was the niece of High Deity Bai Qian, Jiuchongtian's crown princess,
and the granddaughter of Bai Zhi Dijun from Qingqiu. Moreover, she had
inherited the throne in Qingqiu since 400 years ago. During the Bingcang
ceremony 200 years ago, she had sealed the Hexu sword into Tangting
summit by passing a one-hundred-swordsman maze while she was
blindfolded with a red sash. Her grace had stolen the hearts of everyone
that day. Among the realm's beauties, she was ranked only second to her
aunt, Bai Qian.
After hearing the rumors, everyone wanted to meet Dijun's bride. They
were even more curious as to why Dijun had lost her. However, they could
only talk about his personal affair in secret; not everyone could bear the
consequences of sticking one's nose where it didn't belong. No one dared to
find out. They only vaguely heard that after the lady went missing,
relations between Qingqiu and Taichen Palace seemed to become fairly
strained. Dijun, who lost his wife, turned the world upside down searching
for her for the past 200 years. In contrast, the Bai family who lost their child
curiously did nothing.
The friendly High Deity Bai Qian was easy to converse with. When Siming
Xingjun asked her during tea, she stroked her fan in surprise. Missing?

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Young ladies from our family always leave home to gain experience, that's
all. I've never heard of this rumor before. Who started this rumor? Really,
spread something true at least!
Siming Xingjun hesitated before respectfully asking again, Then can you
let me know where Her Highness Fengjiu went for this training?
High Deity Bai Qian laughed as she spread open her fan. Children of the
Bai family are raised without constraints. She goes where she wants. We
don't have a chain on her. I'm afraid I really don't have an answer for you.
Siming Xingjun froze for a moment, then said, I'm comforted as long as I
know Her Highness is well.

The young yet prominent character in these gossips, Her Highness Fengjiu,
was squatting on a hilltop in the mortal realm to slice some yams at this
Lately, her son Bai Gungun ate too much meat and developed a small case
of indigestion. The old apothecary on the foothill prescribed to her a
digestive remedy. He said she could either boil some yams with rice gruel
or roast some hawberries with brown sugar to treat indigestion for
children. Bai Gungun didn't much like sweets, so Fengjiu decided not to
roast hawberries with brown sugar. In a while, she'd go down the
mountain to buy some salt to make him salty porridge. Bai Gungun liked
salty food.
Regarding Fengjiu's disappearance, High Deity Bai Qian didn't really lie to
Siming when she said she had gone to train.
In ancient times, there was one particularly important subject at the
Shuizhaoze Academy that was opened by Fushen for the various clans to
study at, and that was to gain experience in the mortal realm. There are
billions of worlds in the Trichiliocosm. Staying one year in each world
would take at least one billion years. Fortunately, Fushen was kind enough


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to only randomly select 100,000 mortal worlds for his students to gain
experience from.
As legend had it, the outstanding students who had the opportunity to
experience the world included the future master of the universe, Donghua
Dijun, the Heaven Clan's god of war, High Deity Moyuan, the Demon
Clan's ancestor goddess, Queen Regnant Shaowan, the world's first
phoenix, High Deity Zheyan, as well as Fengjiu's paternal grandparents.
It could be seen that all of these students who had gone to the mortal
worlds to gain experience had become successful, and greatly successful at
In the past when Fengjiu took over the regent position in the East land, her
father Bai Yi had actually been shortsighted when all he wanted to find
was a good son-in-law who could aid her. In this regard, he would never
be as farsighted as her grandfather Bai Zhi. Bai Zhi Dijun had intended to
bring Fengjiu to the mortal realm after the Bingcang ceremony. She was a
queen after all. What dignity could she retain if she were to depend on a
prince consort? She should have her own capability. When he told his
granddaughter his plans, Fengjiu surprisingly pleased him by readily
However, a few things had cropped up since the Bingcang ceremony.
Benevolently, Bai Zhi Dijun had thought to let his granddaughter rest a
couple of years before sending her to the mortal realm. Unexpectedly, she
hadn't rested for but a few days before she packed up her things and said
her farewells. Seeing how aspiring his young grandchild was, Bai Zhi
Dijun naturally agreed. Before she left, he gave her an envelope with
parchment inside and told her the other half of the set was with her aunt
Bai Qian. Since she was all alone outside, if there was anything urgent she
needed to see her family for, she could write onto this parchment and her
aunt would be able to read her letter.
Before going to the mortal realm, Fengjiu stopped by the Underworld to
see her friend Xie Guchou. She stayed there for three days and used the

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Saha fruit to create a body for Ye Qingti, smoothly placing his soul into that
immortal shell.
Ye Qingti could be resurrected within three months, but she could not wait
till then for his return. She asked Xie Guchou to take care of him for her.
After he woke up, she asked that he teach him some divine practice to rid
of his dark energy. After three hundred years when his cultivation came to
an end and before he ascended to Heaven, she would come by again to
help bring him to the Jade Pond in Jiuchongtian to wash away his mortal
dusts and join the fairy realm.
Those who ascended to Heaven firstly needed the help of fate. They then
also needed to come to the Jade Pond to wash their impurities away. This
ritual must be done by the person who had created the fairy shell. This was
the rule written in the immortality registry.
After arranging everything, she took Bai Gungun who was still in her
womb to set up camp in the mortal realm.
In the first mortal world, Fengjiu gave birth to Bai Gungun. Afterward, she
moved to a different mortal world every three years. Although magical
spells could easily backfire in the mortal realm and she was therefore
restricted in her usage of magic, she was fortunately smart and good with
the sword, and so she fared pretty well living among the humans.
Within 200 years, she had opened a restaurant in the city, run a bookstore
in town, kept a convenience store in the market, and put up a tea shop in
the countryside. She was sometimes a shopkeeper, sometimes a helper. She
had earned rouge money from the brothel girls at Yihong House and made
money from fortune-telling to the ladies at the local temple. After nearly
ten places, it felt as if she was really cultivating in the mortal realm. She
kept cultivating like that until she felt that she had seen all there was to see
in the ways of the world.
Having seen enough of the ways of the world, Fengjiu moved to this
mortal world the year before when she did not want to continue immersing
in the glitz and glamor anymore. Intending to change her taste and try at

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living in simple recluse, she took her son Bai Gungun to this mountain
This poor ravine that seemed poor was in fact very poor. Nonetheless, it
had a very impressive name called Hidden Dragon ravine. In the Hidden
Dragon ravine was the Hidden Dragon village. Of course, Hidden Dragon
village was also very poor, but the good news was that it was a large
enough village with almost twenty households. Even though they were
poor, if they rationed, twenty households could still squeeze out a yam
each day to afford a schoolteacher.
The schoolteacher was a poor scholar who had repeatedly failed the
imperial examination. By the time he grew old, he realized he wasn't meant
to become an official in this lifetime. At 60, he went home to teach for a
living. His dilapidated private school sat on the outskirt of the village,
sitting distantly from and facing the two thatched huts Fengjiu set up on
the hillside.
Bai Gungun left home each day when the sun rose and did not come back
until it set. He slung a small sack his mother sewed for him, crossing half a
hill from his thatched hut to his teacher's thatched hut to study.
Bai Gungun was already 197 years old this year, yet he did not look any
different from the human toddlers. He was still as tiny as a pea. If there
was any difference, it was just that this pea was a little rounder and cuter
than the mortals' little peas. Additionally, he was born with silver hair, and
so he seemed a bit more extraordinary than the others. But his
extraordinary hair color wasn't exactly a good thing. Thus, Bai Gungun had
already started to dye his hair since an early age. He once asked his mother
the reason why. His mother smiled to him and said it was because they
were fairies. He was a little fairy boy, and all little fairy boys had silvery
hair and were slow to grow. Bai Gungun instantly believed her since he
had never met any other fairy or little fairy himself.
But as time passed, Bai Gungun discovered ever since his mother told him
they were fairies, she liked to use it as an excuse for many other things.

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For example, there were seven chestnut cakes at home. His mother brought
out two plates to divide them and gave herself four while only giving him
three. When he told her in seriousness that his classmates' mothers never
fought with their children over cakes like this, his mother scratched her
nose and told him that it was because they were fairies whereas the others
were mortals. Fairies and mortals had different rules regarding this!
Another example was that his mother liked to kick away the quilt during
her sleep. Ever since he was old enough to know things, he would wake up
every night to tuck his mother in. He had always thought a son was just
born to tuck his mother in at night. Then came one year when he
discovered, while chatting with his little friends, that everyone else's family
was different from his. He came home and gave his mother a serious talk
about how their family should be like that from now on. His mother
scratched her nose again and said that in the fairy realm, all the sons woke
up in the middle of the night to tuck their mothers in. They were mortals,
what did they know about us fairies!
Oh, and there was also this other thing. This was very, very important. Bai
Gungun didn't remember anymore when exactly it was he found out for
the first time children in the mortal realm not only had mothers but also
fathers. After one of his close friends asked where his father was, he came
home to ask his mother. His mother was drying corn in the yard at the
time. When she heard him, a bunch of corn cobs fell and hit her foot. She
endured the pain and smiled to him reluctantly. I gave birth to you alone.
You don't have a father.
He ran over with his stout legs to help massage his mother's foot. But all
of my classmates have fathers, he asked in puzzlement.
His mother's voice sounded slightly faraway when she replied to him:
That's because we are fairies. Little fairies only have mothers, they don't
have fathers.
Bai Gungun sensed that something fishy was going on, but he didn't have
any way to find out the truth. He could only suspect inwardly. He
sincerely wished that adults in the fairy realm didn't actually fight with

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

their children over cakes, that adults there would get up to help tuck their
children in at night, and that little fairies also had fathers. If that were the
case, he would also have a father. There had been times when he wondered
what his father would look like if he had one. He used his friends' parents
as models. Except for appearances, fathers seemed to excel more than
mothers in most aspects. If he had a father, his father would certainly be
better at cooking, his swordsmanship would also be better, he would wake
up on time, and he would never kick away the quilt. But these were only
Bai Gungun's own private thoughts. These were the things he never shared
with his mother.
Their reclusive lives at the Hidden Dragon ravine were days of idleness
and leisure. Birds flocked here at night to the green mountains and white
moonlight. Although it wasn't as beautiful as the fairy realm, it had its own
quiet beauty. When Fengjiu thought of how many more years they could
remain here, she suddenly felt her heart burning.
She brought out the envelope her grandfather had given her. As soon as
she opened the letter, she found her aunt Bai Qian had surely enough
written to her.
Bai Qian often wrote to her during these two centuries. The first letter she
wrote was on the 2nd month she arrived in the mortal realm. Her aunt said
73 days later, Donghua finally came to Qingqiu to look for her. She
reckoned he thought she was still there. Bai Zhi Dijun could not stop him
and agreed to let him in. But of course, he couldn't find her.
Her aunt said Dijun's expression was very bad, but Bai Zhi's wasn't any
better. He icily told Donghua, Your Majesty's repute is beyond what the
Bai family should've reached for. It was the lass's fault for being wayward
to begin with. Fortunately, she finally managed to come to her senses and
realized she wasn't fit to share a husband with the princess of the Demon
Clan. She voluntarily seeks a divorce from you. Please grant her an
annulment paper.
Donghua's face was completely without color, but he still managed to
calmly say: These aren't the things Xiao Bai said.

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

At this moment, High Deity Zheyan happened to be bringing peach

blossom wine to the Fox Cave. Seeing the tense atmosphere, he politely
interfered: All right, all right, let me say a fair word or two. Fengjiu really
didn't say anything about a divorce. But she did ask me a question: why do
you keep lying to her? Is it because you think she's so stupid and easy to
fool? You wanted her as you pleased, then when you didn't want her
anymore, you just tossed her to the side. She felt very tired; she didn't want
you anymore.
Zheyan threw his hands up: Of course, these words sound like something
a child would say in anger, but what do you know, the very next day she
really did pack up and leave. Even I haven't seen her to this day.
When Dijun heard these things, his face looked very hollow.
Fengjiu was lounging in the courtyard to sunbathe at the time she received
this letter.
Seventy-three days. She was quiet for a moment, then wrote back asking
her aunt if Jiheng of the Demon Clan had been cured from her serious
illness and whether the Miaohua Glass of the 7th heaven in Jiuchongtian
was in the Red Demon clan at present.
A long time later, her aunt replied with one single word: Naturally.
She stared at that single word intently for a while and thought that Dijun
was indeed so meticulous. He had to give appropriate care to Jiheng first
before coming to look for her. Had she been too shameless in the past that
he would think she would stay in place to wait for him?
After sitting there lost in thought for a while, she felt she was really
perplexing. She had already left, so why was she paying attention to those
trivial things?
Thereafter, she never replied whenever her aunt mentioned Donghua in
her letters.


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Luckily, her aunt didn't talk about him very much. There was only one
time that she said Donghua might've found out she had gone to the mortal
High Deity Bai Qian expressed admiration for Dijun's methods. She said
when Dijun couldn't find her in Qingqiu that day, he instantly returned to
Jiuchongtian and seized two royal mandates from Tianjun, then had the
elderly fairies send them in conjunction with the Yupu seal from Taichen
Palace to the Demon Clan and the Ghoul Clan. As soon as the seven
Demon Lords and Ghoul King Lijing received his order, they at once
helped to search for her within their respective territory. Bai Qian had no
idea what was exactly written in those mandates.
Dijun seemed as though he didn't care the entire world would know he
had lost his bride the way he was scouring the realm for her. But his
expansive search had also been very effective. It only took 180 years to turn
the entire world upside down.
Failing to find her shadow even after tearing the entire fairy realm apart,
Dijun naturally would think of where she was hiding.
Bai Qian joked in her letter as she said even if Dijun knew she went into
hiding in the mortal realm, the mortal realm was composed of billions of
worlds. Sitting in front of the Miaohua Glass to scrutinize each world
might not even guarantee the discovery of her location. Moreover, the
Miaohua Glass had been sent to the Red Demon Clan. She heard they
hadn't found a suitable place to hang it. It was easy to take the Miaohua
Glass down but it was more difficult to hang it up. Even if Donghua
personally came there to hang it, such a magnificent waterfall would take
several decades to mount. All the same, this was really a problem of his
own making.
Toward the end, Bai Qian mentioned she recently ran into Donghua by
chance. Dijun's spirits seemed to be much worse than before. He was
severely thin and his face was looking quite ill. Nevertheless, she
immediately added that the weather in Heaven wasn't great lately. Even
she had caught a cold, so Dijun might have also caught a cold.

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

At the time Fengjiu received this letter, she was sitting with Bai Gungun on
a high mountain peak to listen to the sounds of wind and thunder. The
squall flapped against the mountainside like the mortals' ceremonial
drums. Bai Gungun listened to it in rapture. Even as his hair was messily
blown in the wind, his small face was filled with earnestness, his chest
drumming excitedly.
Fengjiu read the entire letter in the squally gusts. She was a bit calmer now
compared to a century ago. Although she found it ridiculous that Donghua
was looking for her like this, she didn't leave because she was too hurt.
That would sound as if she was hiding from him. She didn't do anything
wrong, so why would she hide? It wasn't her intention to keep her location
a secret. The Bai family just wanted to make things difficult for Donghua
out of their indignation. In retrospect, however, there wasn't even anything
to be said between Donghua and her anymore. Not seeing each other again
wasn't necessarily a bad thing.
She took a long deep breath in the wind. And ended up choking herself.
What she didn't know was that Bai Qian had hid something from her in
this letter.
It was true that High Deity Bai Qian met Donghua Dijun, but it wasn't
accidental. Rather, Dijun personally invited her to the Jade Pond to view
blossoming lotuses. Although Bai Qian was ranked as a High Deity, she
was still a junior compared to Dijun. As an elder, he could've sent someone
to give words if he wanted to invite her out for flower viewing. But Dijun
personally wrote an invitation instead. An impressive strength of character
was shown through his strong and flowing calligraphy.
The scent of tea wafted inside the pavilion by the Jade Pond. The two took
their seats. Amidst the tea mist, Dijun went straight to the point: Did Xiao
Bai come down to the mortal realm?
Bai Qian startled, then smiled politely and said, As Fengjiu's friend,
Siming had also come to ask me. The Bai family has never cared too much


Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

about our children's training progress. All I know is that she's left to go
gain some experience. But as for where to, I've really no idea.
Dijun looked straight at her, his voice was shallow: You do know.
Bai Qian's smile faded slightly. Would Your Majesty like to listen to a
story? Without waiting for his response, she continued, That lass Fengjiu
is very good at cooking. She knows how to make anything and everything
in this world, but there's one thing she doesn't know how to cook, and
that's the unicorn plant. Does Your Majesty know why?
She poured herself a cup of tea and went on: It's not because she hated the
taste of the unicorn plant or that she was allergic to it. It's only because this
plant only grows in the Western Heavens and it cannot survive elsewhere.
Because it was her childhood favorite, she wasted 300 years in doggedly
trying to plant one in Qingqiu. She even neglected her schoolwork in the
process and received her father's beatings several times. She had really
poured all her energy into it but the unicorn plant ultimately could not
survive in Qingqiu. She was so tired that she simply gave up on it
completely. From then on, she never spoke of any dishes with unicorn
plant let alone eating it again.
She looked at Donghua meaningfully. Once that brat decides to cut things
off, she cuts them off more cleanly than anyone. Someone as cold as I am is
still exceptionally warmhearted compared to her in this regard. And the
interesting thing is, she always believes herself to be a sentimental person,
never realizing how unsympathetic she can be, just like how she never
realizes she no longer eats the unicorn plant.
Dijun suddenly gave a cough, which was followed by a series of coughing
fits that lasted for a while before it finally stopped. He said to Bai Qian in a
hoarse voice, Your analogy is correct. At this time, I'm the unicorn plant
she had abandoned. He coughed again. It didn't have her love, so there
wasn't anything it could really say after being tossed away. But me, I want
to find her and give ourselves another try.


Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

Bai Qian's face showed a tiny trace of surprise as she said, Then why don't
you place your wager in this bet of billions of mortal worlds. Let's see
whether you and Fengjiu are fated or not.
Dijun's bleak eyes became bleaker upon Bai Qian's remarks. He replied at
long last, You're telling me to make a bet on our fate when we are unfated.
I may never find her again.
Bai Qian's friendly eyes gradually turned cold. She fiddled with the tea lid
in her hand and slowly replied, Then why search for her if you feel you
aren't bound by fate? If you genuinely want to look for her, there will
always be a way.
Shortly after, Donghua really did find another way. It was when Fengjiu
received a letter from Bai Qian while she was pondering on her future at
the Hidden Dragon ravine.
This letter surprised Fengjiu greatly. It was written that the Jade Pond in
Heaven would be open for the last time on the 5th of May when Dijun
would be granting titles to newly ascended fairies. After these fairies were
allowed to wash away their mortal dusts, the Jade Pond would forever
close, and Heaven would never permit the immortalization of mortals
At the end of the letter, Bai Qian wondered since when had Donghua
investigated Ye Qingti's matter. His action clearly showed that he wanted
to use Ye Qingti to force Fengjiu's hand. He really did find a good way to
seek her out. She continued by saying Fushen had once remarked that
Donghua had reached the state of single-mindedness in the nine mental
abidings where good and evil were separated by but one thought. What he
did was so unkind that perhaps he had lost his balance and was entering
straight to the dark side.
Fengjiu held the letter in her hand, unable to stop herself from trembling.
It had been many years since she was last this way.


Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

Chapter 21
Never did Ye Qingti think he would one day pursue immortality.
Moreover, all he had to do was wait to participate in the Jade Pond's
washing rites today and then come to Qing Yun Hall in the Great
Overarching Heaven to pay homage to Dijun before he would become an
In Ye Qingti's memory, it had been 400 years since he was last alive as a
human. He was born to the Ye family during the Jin dynasty as the oldest
son of the Marquis of Yongning. Having had roots in the military, the
Yongning marquisate had always lost its master to battles and warfare. His
father, too, was killed in war the year he turned 35 years old. When he
inherited the marquisate, he was only 17.
At the time, the Jin dynasty was already well into its twilight days. The
aristocrats were only occupied with their self-indulgent ways. Compared
to this pack of riffraff, the Ye descendants on the other hand were
exceptional retainers. Among them, Ye Qingti was especially outstanding.
It stood to reason that with his handsome appearance, his exemplary
character, and his distinguished background, Ye Qingti would be a soughtafter son-in-law to other noble families in the capital. Regrettably, ever
since the Jin dynasty was established, the Yongning marquisate had been
infamous for leaving behind widows. Love and pity for their daughters
prevented the nobles from marrying the young ladies to the Ye family. For
that reason, each generation of marquis had always had a difficult time
finding himself a match. His only hope rested on the emperor's royal
Ye Qingti inherited his title just as unrest was arising in the frontier. Before
the young marquis could wait for the emperor to grant him a wife, he was
already rushing to the battlefront to defend the border. Within five years,
he had completely driven out the riotous Tartars.


Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

The emperor was very pleased in view of Ye Qingti's immense exploits.

After he returned to the capital, not only did the emperor reward the
Yongning marquisate lavishly, he even bestowed him with a marriage to
the oldest daughter of the Grand Duke of Qi as well as a beautiful woman
as his concubine. There had been a number of previous emperors who
liked to reward women to their retainers. However, the incumbent
emperor had lived for over 40 years and had been on the throne for over 20
but had never once given women to his retainers as rewards. Despite being
a military general who didn't have the same convoluted mind as those of
scholar-bureaucrats, he could perceive there being something strange in
this matter.
After privately conducting an investigation, he found out the beauty
bestowed on him by the emperor was Consort Chen from the palace. She
wasn't very favored to begin with. Then came one day four years ago on
the festival of the Skanda Bodhisattva when she saved the emperor from
drowning and caught His Majesty's attention. It was said Consort Chen
had loved His Majesty to hell and back before she was favored. But for
some inexplicable reason, by the time she had his affection, she consistently
offended him with her coldness and indifference. There was yet another
secret. In spite of her indifference, the emperor remained ever doting
throughout four years. But in those four years, there hadn't been one night
when she would let him near her body.
At that moment, Ye Qingti was sitting on a wall to enjoy the moonlight and
some wine. Upon hearing this from his agent, his flask fell to the ground
into shatters. After a long period of being stunned speechless, he finally
managed to say: What a peculiar woman. But if His Majesty could tolerate
her even when she was being that way, what crime could she possibly
commit for him to give her away as my concubine?
The agent considered for a moment before saying: She had written a
love letter to the Her Ladyship, the Imperial Consort.
Taking in a concubine wasn't the same as marrying a wife. From the formal
proposal to the bridal escort, it would take several months to carry out all

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

of the six rituals in order to welcome a bride into the family 25 . For a
concubine on the other hand, one only needed to choose a random date
and usher her in through the back door. Since an early age, Ye Qingti had
had his focus on the battlefield and had had little interest in love affair.
Suddenly, he was quite curious about this Consort Chen. The day Consort
Chen came into his home, despite the late hour at which he left his study,
Ye Qingti still thought of coming by Biyun Manor to meet this intriguing
Because he didn't want to bother his servants to open the door, the marquis
hopped over the wall to enter Biyun Manor. Before his feet could touch the
ground, he heard a clear laughter that rang like silver bells. He glanced in
the direction of this sound. Spread in front of his eyes was a viridescent
lotus pond with crowding green leaves. A few meters away, a white-robed
woman was lightly treading on the water to chase after fireflies.
In the moonlight, she occasionally turned around. A flower tattoo
blossomed between her ebony eyebrows, her bright eyes seemed to
dissolve the starlight in the sky, and her smile rendered her beautiful face
even more stunning. The marquis stopped in his tracks. Two poetry lines
he learned as a young boy suddenly came rushing back to his mind: She
was as faint as the clouded moonlight, and as airy as the snowflakes in flight26.
At the time he hopped over the wall, he landed behind an old pear tree and
accidentally stepped onto a fallen dry twig. The dry snap was distinctly
perceptible in the quiet night. Sure enough, alarm appeared on the
The six traditional rites involved in a Chinese wedding are proposal, determining the
compatibility of bride's and groom's birthdates, exchanging of birthdates/formal
engagement, exchanging of betrothal gifts, selection of auspicious date, and wedding

These lines are taken from Cao Zhi's Rhapsody on the Luo Goddess ()
wherein he described a mysterious and beautiful woman who appeared to him on the
Luo River, whom he referred to as a fairy spirit, and whom was alleged to be Lady
Zhen, his sister-in-law.


Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

woman's face. A warm white light instantly materialized and fled to the
water pavilion on the water. Behind that light, the woman was no longer
anywhere to be found.
He hurried to the water pavilion. Inside, a woman in blue was rubbing her
sleepy eyes as she rose from the stone bench. This blue-attired woman had
a round face that could only be said to be elegant. She blankly stared at him
for a while, then said, Lord Ye? He noted the flower tattoo on her
forehead. No, it wasn't a tattoo; it seemed more like a birthmark an
exquisite flower that resembled unfolding phoenix plumes, exactly like the
blossom on the white-robed woman's forehead from moments ago.
Having guarded the frontier for many years, he had seen all kind of
strange things. As he watched her adorable and amusing pretense, he
asked her candidly, Are you a demoness?
He thought she would deny like the time he saw a snake demon marrying
a hunter in a small village near the border the year he was twenty. Even
though her tail had already been exposed, she still aggrievedly defended
herself. However, Consort Chen only froze for a split second before she
dejectedly frowned to him: Do I look like a demoness? Without waiting
for his reply, she sighed again. It's gotten worse and worse. In the past, I
was accused of being a flower demoness just because of the flower on my
forehead. Even when I'm in my true appearance, I'm still thought of as a
demoness. She sighed and asked him yet again, Do I really look like a
demoness? How? Have you ever met any demoness that's as beautiful as I
It was precisely because her beauty was so unworldly that he was sure she
was a demoness. But because she asked him if he had ever met a demoness
as beautiful as she was, he suddenly thought of another hypothesis. As farfetched as it sounded, he still asked her with a smile in his eyes, Then are
you saying you're a fairy from Heaven?
She pursed her lips. You mortals must think fairies only exist in Heaven?
I'm not a fairy from Heaven but a fairy from the Qingqiu Kingdom. Have

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

you ever heard of the East Land? I'm the goddess Fengjiu of the East
When she said these words, her clear eyes showed a trace of teasing glint.
Though it was on Consort Chen's face, one couldn't help forgetting that
face in favor of only noticing her brilliant eyes.
His heart pounded erratically within his chest.
Through twenty-three years on Earth, Ye Qingti had never known what
love was. Yet when he finally experienced it for the first time, he fell in love
with a fairy. This fairy was incredibly beautiful, lively and kind,
exceptional at cooking, and well-versed in martial arts. She got along very
well with him. According to her words, she especially came to the lower
realm this time to arrange a love trial for their emperor.
Hey, do you understand what it means to create a trial? she asked him.
I'm actually not the person in charge of creating trials. I just have crappy
luck. I was supposed to come here to repay a favor, but I ended up running
into my aunt who was changing the fate of someone and temporarily got
involved. She complained about the emperor to him: Siming made me
create a love trial for him. Do you know how much I've been suffering?
Siming gave me a play as reference. I've done everything an ungrateful girl
would do to injure a man, but he still loved me so unfalteringly. She
shivered in the cold. I had no choice but to resort to this last attempt of
writing a love letter to his imperial consort. She sighed: I've stooped this
low, so tell me something, shouldn't he give me a strip of white silk or a
cup of poisonous wine? What was he thinking when he gave me to you as
a concubine? Now I don't even dare leave lest I implicate you.
She treated him as a friend, always confiding in him everything that was
on her mind. He held a wine jug and took a swig with a smile. He didn't
remember where he had heard the saying that fairies were void of feelings.
Immortals did not have the seven emotions and six desires. Since he fell in
love with a fairy, his love would never lead anywhere. Sometimes he
resented that night when he allowed his heart to be moved. Then he
resented that very moment of vulnerability that had lasted a whole five

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

years, staking deep in his heart with no way to remove. He had hesitated,
he had struggled, he had gone to hear the Imperial Reverend lecture, he
had mediated with eminent monks, but in the end, he still wanted to go
back to her side. Even if he could only watch her from afar, it was enough.
She said she came to create a love trial for the emperor. She might as well
have come to create a love trial for him.
He hadn't thought to give her any burden. He had intended to take his
feelings to the grave. But in his dying moments, he failed to control
Ever since Consort Chen wounded His Majesty's heart, the emperor began
to immerse himself in religious studies. He became very trusting of an old
Daoist priest, so much that he even wanted to appoint him as the Imperial
Reverend and build a royal temple so that they may discuss the way of
Dao on the 15th of each month.
That night, he found out the priest was in fact a wicked demon. Having
had his eyes on the emperor's soul to brew an elixir, he had painstakingly
planned for five years. He intended to take advantage of the rare extreme
yin on that night to take the emperor's life. Thus when the emperor came to
the temple as usual, he naturally had the Lanyu sabre ready to harm him.
He did not expect the silver bell she wore on her wrist to be a magical
object that was used to sense danger surrounding the emperor. He also
didn't think that a fairy could have feelings. At the time the Lanyu sabre
came slashing forth at the emperor, her face blanched livid. When she
lunged forward to block the emperor from the blade, she screamed two
syllables 'Donghua' heartbreakingly. The emperor wasn't called Donghua.
It was the first time he heard of that name.
She had no hesitation jumping out in front of the emperor, and him, he had
no hesitation jumping out in front of her.
The Lanyu sabre's tip drove into his heart, but its blade was held firmly in
his grasp.


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He was afraid the blade's tip would penetrate through his chest and harm
the woman who was standing behind him.
The demon was struck dead by her sword's counterstrike. The guards
standing outside belatedly surrounded the emperor in a protective barrier.
He finally could not hold on anymore and collapsed in her arms.
He always smiled whenever she complained to him. In his dying moments,
a smile was still found on his colorless face. They say fairies are void of
feelings, so I believed them. But the truth is that fairies can also love,
He saw her cry and nod. Hope kindled in his heart. We aren't meant to be
in this lifetime. If it's possible can we make a promise in our next
She was still crying. Her tears fell on his face, but she did not give him the
answer he was hoping for. She sobbed, Qingti, I owe you this life. I'll
make sure to repay you.
Qingti, I will mourn for you through three lifetimes.
Qingti, rest in peace.
He loved her so deeply. He laid down his life for her. But there was no
such thing as exchanging a life for love in this world.
She had clearly told him immortals could fall in love, but she was
unwilling to give her love to him. She cried, telling him she would repay
him. Life could be given back, but was love something that could be given
When he woke up in the Underworld 200 years ago, he discovered that the
times had changed. Seven years after his death, the Bianrong clan pushed
west and the capital was held captive. When the Jin dynasty fell, the crown
prince led the royal family to the south where they rebuilt a new court
called the Southern Jin and settled in peace for a hundred years.


Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

He was originally someone who had been long gone. It was she who gave
him an immortal body, half of her cultivation, a soul that wouldn't ever go
through reincarnation again, and a title that no mortal king could hope to
obtain no matter how much wealth he dispensed. She said she would
repay him. And so she did.
The Underworld's lord, Xie Guchou, shook the wine jug in his hand. I've
heard a little about the love you harbor for Fengjiu. But if you've come back
to life as an immortal, you should treat those feelings in the past as one big
dream. Forget it all. Fengjiu has done so many things for you because she
wants to repay those genuine feelings you have for her. You had saved her
life, Donghua Dijun had also saved her life. To repay Dijun, she was
willing to give herself to him completely. For you, she risked her life to
steal the Saha fruit and gave you half of her cultivation. She was repaying
you both, but why do you think the repayments were so different?
After not receiving a responce for a long time, he softly sighed, It wasn't
because His Majesty was an eminent deity and you were a mortal. It was
simply because she loved one man while she didn't love the other. Her fate
with His Majesty has been entangled for thousands of years. There were
numerous times when she said she would let go, but she never really did.
He poured wine into his cup, not minding the fact that the shaken liquor
had lost its flavor. He emptied his bowl and said, Her love for Dijun has
become an instinct over the years. Your forgetting her will be better for
Xie Guchou took the initiative to mention this once. Thereafter, he never
talked to him about Fengjiu and Donghua again. He didn't ask either. He
only sometimes remembered those words that seemed to have been spoken
with a sigh: Her love for Dijun has become an instinct over the years. Your
forgetting her will be better for you.

By the time he reunited with Fengjiu by the Jade Pond in Jiuchongtian 200
years later, he finally understood the meaning behind Xie Guchou's words.

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

She was even more beautiful than she had been in the mortal realm. When
he saw her, he was both happy and surprised. She also smiled at him and
called him 'Qingti' like she used to do, but in her smile was now a hidden
They stood facing each other by the Jade Pond. In recent years, he was the
only mortal to ascend to Heaven.
The washing ceremony took place very simply. She was a bit
absentminded when she recited the ode. When the ceremony ended, a
young fairy came by to invite her away. Blinking her eyes, she said, Dijun
asked that Your Highness come ahead to the Crystal Tower next to Qing
Yun Hall.
He could see that the young fairy only needed to mention Dijun for her to
become distracted.
It wasn't as if he hadn't heard of her avoiding Donghua throughout these
many years. It wasn't as if he hadn't thought perhaps Xie Guchou was
wrong, and she had really let go of Dijun this time.
But what did it matter if she had really let go? She only needed to hear his
appellation to become affected. If it wasn't instinctive, then she still had
feelings for him. If it was instinctive, then that was even more crushing.
When she recovered and bid him goodbye, she said they'd be fellow
immortals hereon. As such, she hoped they would look out for one
He looked at her for a long while and could only say alright in reply.
Gazing after her gradually disappearing figure, he also turned to go.
Perhaps that was all fate had in its plan for them: meeting on Earth and
parting in Heaven. That was more than enough, he thought.
The Crystal Tower was a two-story tower next to Qing Yun Hall on the
36th celestial sky. Donghua Dijun presided over court only once a year,

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

and that was on the 5th of May when he granted titles to the fairies in Qing
Yun Hall.
In years past, the fairies would sometimes come visit the Crystal Tower
after they'd paid homage to the King. There was no sign this year,
however, of any fairy coming up the tower. While having tea on the second
floor, Fengjiu reckoned it must be due to the unflinching young fairy who
was guarding downstairs.
This young fairy's demeanor was not as prim and proper as the other
heavenly fairies who seemed to have been produced from a single mold.
She had been lively on their way here, and had neither been shy nor
punctilious. Even though Your Highness doesn't know who I am, I've
long heard of Your Highness. I'm a spirit fox from Fanyin Valley. I was
saved by His Majesty and brought to Jiuchongtian two hundred years ago.
I heard that there had also been a time when Your Highness stayed in
Fanyin Valley. Our valley is very pretty, wouldn't you say so, Your
Fengjiu had always thought the fairies in Jiuchongtian were too stiff, but
this young fairy's friendliness was very compatible with her. She said yes
in reply and smiled to ask her about recent events in Heaven.
The young fairy sighed, After I got better, I was assigned to His Third
Highness's Yuanji Palace. Later, Siming Xingjun's estate was short on help
so I transferred to his home for a time. Then later still, because your
wedding with His Majesty required a bit of work, Lord Zhonglin called for
me to come back. Since I've worked at three different places, I should be
the most well-informed on news. But if there is any news these days, then
there's really only one. Siming Xingjun often mentions Your Highness,
Lord Liansong often mentions Your Highness, His Majesty also
At this point, she deliberately paused. But detecting no intention on
Fengjiu's part to press for more, the young fairy hung her head in
somewhat of a discouragement. Since I normally serve Lord Zhonglin, I
don't actually get to see Dijun very often. However, I heard Dijun hasn't
been staying in Taichen Palace that much during these 200 years. Most of

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

the time, he is at the holy Blue Sea. Lord Zhonglin says that is Dijun's
actual home. It's where His Majesty's memories are at.
Fengjiu slightly paused amid walking, but she did not stop for long. By the
time the young fairy finished saying what she had to say, Fengjiu had
stepped onto the golden staircase of the Crystal Tower.
As familiar footsteps sounded downstairs, Fengjiu gazed to the Mandarava
flowers drifting outside the windows and fell into a sense of serenity. The
tea in her cup was a cerulean so blue that it inspired one to wax poetic. If
she had been literary, she might've recited a line or two. At this time, there
was only one line she could remember, however. It was the one she heard
by chance from Su Moye: After awakening from a spring slumber, I find
the books mundane. My new joy is drinking bitter tea in leisure by the
Fengjiu took a sip, but the tea in her hand wasn't actually bitter.
Seeing each other again after many years... how was this played out in
operas? Most of the time, there was only one thing to say: It's been a
while. You look to be doing quite well.
The purple robe came into view, bringing with it a medicinal scent. Fengjiu
slightly gazed up. After two hundred years of not seeing each other, as her
aunt had said in one of her letters, Donghua was now much thinner, his
complexion a little sickly and wan. But his spirits appeared to be all right.
Since he seemed a bit unwell, 'you look to be doing quite well' wasn't very
appropriate to say at this time. Fengjiu reached for another teacup and
instead asked him, Would you like some tea?
Donghua stepped over to sit down beside her. He made no movement
momentarily. Her reflection was the only thing in his eyes, his gaze steady.
He was studying her.
Fengjiu pushed the teacup to him, deliberated for a while, then faintly said,
You didn't need to go through this much trouble to look for me. I only left


Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

to gain a bit of experience. We were sure to meet again sooner or later in

the fairy realm. Closing the Jade Pond... wasn't really necessary, was it?
His gaze was steady and calm. In a voice just as faint as hers, he replied, If
I hadn't done that, would you have appeared? He softly sighed, Xiao Bai,
I just wanted to see you again.
She lapsed into silence. Life in the mortal realm had been days of ease.
Although returning to the fairy realm hadn't brought with it too many
serious burdens, it still wasn't as carefree as the mortal realm. In these
recent years, it was true she hadn't thought to voluntarily come back. She
fiddled with the lid in her hand and said, I've learned a saying from the
mortals in all these years I've lived among them. 'Better to forget then to
suffer together'. It's actually a good saying. Then she said in seriousness.
It isn't really important whether we see each other again or not. So many
years have passed, after all. Unhurriedly, she added, Have you and she
been well these past few years?
He knitted his brow. Who?
She smiled but did not reply. She took another sip of tea and only spoke
after she placed the cup down: My aunt mentioned your looking for me in
one of her letters, but she didn't say anything about how you two are
doing. Even though I've never liked her, if you have chosen her, then
there's nothing else I can say. The most trying time has passed, and I'm
doing very well now. I also hope that you're doing well.
He watched her distant politeness with eyes that were filled with weariness
and melancholy. I was wrong to not have come back on time.
Surprised, she glanced up at him.
I had brought Jiheng back to her clan. I had completed my duty to her,
he said.
More surprised, she gave some thought and then asked him, Is it because
I left that you think I'm now more important than she is? I didn't leave out
of anger. You don't need to...

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

He shook his head. There has never been anyone as important as you
She raised her head in bewilderment. What...?
He took her hand and, after a long while, released it. She opened her palm,
in which was a crystal ring. On the ring's surface was a phoenix blossom in
full bloom, spreading like a pair of flying phoenix plumes.
His right hand hovered as though it wanted to caress her cheek, but it only
stopped at her ear and helped her tuck in a stray strand. He looked at her
and repeated, There has never been anyone more important than you,
Xiao Bai.
She was slightly flustered. She looked down at the vermilion glass ring in
her hand and at length said, At the time, I had really waited for a long
Her voice dipped into a whisper: When you didn't come to the reception, I
was worried that you were met with some mishaps. I was very ill at ease.
Then, my grandfather said you and... She paused, as if she didn't want to
speak of that name. It wasn't that I believed everything everyone said. I
had waited for you to come back with an explanation. I would've believed
whatever it was you had to say. If you had hurried back and told me these
exact words back then, if you had told me that there had never been
anyone more important than me, I might've believed you. But now...
He closed his eyes. Xiao Bai
She shook her head with a smile and interrupted him. As I waited for you
in Qingqiu at that time, I sometimes wondered... You've said to me so
many things. What was true and what was false? But then I realized. What
good was it to think of those things? After all, even the memories in my
mind had all been manipulated.
She looked up at him. Dijun, let's stop here. We've each lived well these
past 200 years on our own, haven't we?
He looked at her, his voice a hoarseness: I didn't live well at all.

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Her hands trembled as she unconsciously mumbled, You She thought

of something. Did my grandfather give you a difficult time? I heard he
once asked you to write an annulment paper. He was only saying it out of
anger. Even though we've separated, you still shouldn't be made to write a
divorce paper. Grandpa has a tendency to speak folly in his anger. For both
of our reputations, it's best to come to Lady Nuwa so we can mutually...
His countenance was calm, but his eyes were ice cold: I won't mutually
separate from you, Xiao Bai. You'll always be my wife to the day I die.
Today, you're
He rubbed his temple and continued her sentence: I'm a little scary today,
aren't I? Don't be afraid.
Sunlight on the 36th sky had begun to recede. He spaced out for a second
and then said, At the Blue Sea, the pavilion you wanted had been built,
the vegetable garden had also been cultivated. I've ordered the divine birds
from the fairy mountain to come each month and dance in front of the
viewing terrace. Whenever you want, you can come back to watch them.
She froze. Right now, I
He interrupted her and said, I've created a hot spring next to the viewing
terrace for you. There is abundant darksteel buried under the Miaojing
Mountain next to the hot spring. It's a good material to forge magical
weapon. I've built a weaponry vault on the foothill of Miaojing Mountain
for you. Inside are the swords I've collected over the past 200 years. They
should all be to your liking.
Watching her stupendous face, his voice softened. Stop drinking cold
water. And don't kick your quilt at night.
Why are you saying these things to me? she asked in a daze. Her
eyebrows furrowed together while doubt loomed on her face. She was very
polite and courteous to him today as if they were strangers. Finally, she
was letting that ingenuous look she had during the time they were most
intimate appear. He held her hand to his lips and placed a kiss on the back

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of it. In her slow reflex, she forgot to pull her hand back. His eyes flashed a
faint smile, then just as quickly were taken over with exhaustion. At last, he
released her hand and told her, Go.
She looked at him as though she didn't know him anymore. She asked him
in somewhat of a bewilderment, Dijun, is this... your way of making
things clear between us? She bowed her head for a moment. By the time
she raised her head again, on her face was an even more distant smile. She
placed the phoenix flower ring back onto his palm. I don't need any of the
things you're giving me. I don't need this either. You don't really have to
give these things to me. I guess everything is clear between us now.
He watched her leave without stopping her. Only when her figure had
completely disappeared from the 36th heaven's gate did he start to cough
terribly. A golden bloodstain smudged the ring's surface. Zhonglin hurried
over upon hearing his coughing. A bit tired, he placed the ring inside a
brocade handkerchief and gave it to Zhonglin. She's too stubborn that she
wouldn't take it right now. After I die, you have to make her accept it no
matter what. When I'm gone, there are a few things I need to leave her.
Zhonglin knitted his brow in acceptance. When he received the
handkerchief, the young immortal could not help letting his tears fall. He
bowed his head as a single drop of tear fell to the handkerchief, spotting
like a plum blossom.
Fengjiu was sleepless that night.

This time, Fengjiu did not go back to Qingqiu. She instead borrowed a side
hall in the Underworld from Xie Guchou as a temporary lodging.
When she decided to go to the mortal realm, she knew she wouldn't be able
to leave Qingqiu even for one second if she let her grandfather know she
had conceived Bai Gungun. For this reason, she asked Zheyan to keep this
matter confidential for her. High Deity Zheyan had always thought the
reason she wanted to hide was because she didn't intend on giving birth to
Bai Gungun. Thus, he had hidden her with all his might, never even

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mentioning a word to her little uncle. He had also secretly sent to her heaps
of safe aborticides. It made one question what sort of hatred he had for
This time, bringing Bai Gungun back, she knew explaining to the elders
would pose as difficult. Because she still hadn't found a solution to this
problem, she decided not to return to Qingqiu for the time being and
temporarily stayed at Xie Guchou's instead.
The Underworld was habitually deprived of sunlight. It did not have the
same diverse resources as Qingqiu had where one could pick a number of
narcotic herbs just one step out the doorway. If one was unlucky enough to
be afflicted with insomnia, then he could only stay wide-eyed and wait for
On the second day in the Underworld, Fengjiu came to look for Xie
Guchou with a pair of terrifying raccoon eyes. Xie Guchou thought for a
while, and then sent two jars of wine to her room. He said they were the
best of the best. If she drank some before bedtime, they would cure her
insomnia like magic.
That night, Fengjiu started out with a small bowl. Then she had a larger
one. But the more she drank, the more awake she became. She kept
drinking till the rooster crowed, but not only did she not feel sleepy or
even tipsy, she was all the more energetic.
Xie Guchou took a brief look at her appearance and said that because too
much was weighing on her mind, mild alcohol wouldn't be effective. He
had two stronger jars sent to her room along with a message that if she
wanted to have a good sleep, she should drink them until she got drunk,
he'd help her look after Bai Gungun for a few days.
Two days of vigil had caused Fengjiu to be fairly exhausted. She thought
Xie Guchou's idea was a terrible one, but it was nevertheless an idea. That
afternoon, she drank both jars and got drunk out of her mind. She fell
asleep the moment she placed her head down. It was undeniably a good

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

She didn't wake up until four days later. As soon as Fengjiu fluttered her
eyes open, she saw Xie Guchou and Ye Qingti sitting by her bed in
solemnity. Xie Guchou was as still as a log, in his arms was a snoring Bai
Fengjiu was startled by this scene and quickly gained full consciousness.
Luckily, she went to sleep fully clothed that day. Otherwise, the first thing
she'd do right this second would be chasing these two outside.
Never mind Xie Guchou for now. Fengjiu looked at Ye Qingti in some
puzzlement: You aren't supposed to be here even if the welcoming feast
for the new fairies has ended. Did Donghua Dijun not give you a title? Or
did he appoint you as Xie Guchou's assistant?
Bai Gungun slightly moved in his sleep, as if he was disturbed by his
mother's voice. Xie Guchou patted his back and whispered to Fengjiu: Do
you know what immortal title Dijun appointed Ye Qingti to?
Fengjiu looked to Ye Qingti questioningly.
Ye Qingti wryly smiled to her. During court that day on the 5th of May,
Dijun did not give me any title. Since I became an immortal thanks to you,
it doesn't matter whether I have a title or not. But the other day before the
feast ended, Dijun privately called me to Taichen Palace, he paused, and
appointed me, a new immortal without any experience, as the succeeding
Dijun of Taichen Palace. He said after he is gone, Zhonglin Xianguan will
assist me in overseeing the fairy registry in the fairy realm.
Dijun also ordered him to never see Fengjiu again for as long as he
remained a fairy, but he left this part out and did not mention it to Fengjiu.
What did you say? Fengjiu quickly asked.
At this moment, Fengjiu looked just as she had on that night 400 years ago.
The rare panic and fright on her face caused Ye Qingti to become a little
Ever since Fengjiu screamed the word 'Donghua' that night, Ye Qingti had
always wanted to know who Donghua ultimately was. After waking up in

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

the Underworld, he became even more curious upon hearing this name
mentioned several times by Xie Guchou. After he learned a little more
about the fairy realm, he realized Donghua was a preeminent ancient deity
from Heaven. Xie Guchou once sighed off-handedly that it was Fengjiu
who sought Donghua first. While ordinary fairies wouldn't even dare to
dream of such a thing, Fengjiu not only thought about it, she even did it
and found success. Actually, she had his admiration. Ye Qingti couldn't
wait to meet this deity called Donghua Dijun.
The title ceremony at Qing Yun Hall was a very good opportunity to do so.
But Ye Qingti had stood in the back and therefore hadn't been able to see
very clearly. All he could vaguely spot was a majestic purple-robed and
silver-haired deity. Dijun did not speak much that day. His voice was also
not very high, and he consistently appeared to be cold and indifferent. In
court, this eminent deity did not once mention him. Ye Qingti had thought
it was due to his history with Fengjiu that he ignored him on purpose.
Unexpectedly, a few days later, only he was called to Taichen Palace.
That was the first time Ye Qingti had a clear look at Donghua Dijun. He
was sure he heard that he was a prehistoric deity hundreds of thousands of
years old, yet his good looks was remarkable, and he appeared to be just as
young as he was. Only the air around him indeed seemed to have been
accumulated after thousands of years. Dijun was leaning against a jade
chair as he gazed down at him; his expression was cold and aloof. Only
you hadn't been given a title among the new round of immortals. You
weren't someone who had seriously cultivated for divinity, so I doubt
you'd be great at much of anything. In that case, why don't you become the
next Dijun of Taichen Palace? Compared to all the posts here, looking after
the fairy registry is a fairly simple job.
By the time he felt his sleeve being pulled on, Ye Qingti awoke from his
memory. He saw Fengjiu asking Xie Guchou even though she was tugging
his sleeve. Her voice was trembling: What did Qingti say? I didn't quite
hear him.


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Xie Guchou seemed to pity her. It's not that you didn't hear him. You just
don't want to believe it.
Life all of a sudden vacated Fengjiu's eyes. Her whole body staggered. I'll
go to Taichen Palace to look for him. A white light flashed by, leaving no
traces of her behind.
Because the title given to Ye Qingti was so extraordinary, and on top of
that, after suggesting this idea, Dijun had ordered the elderly fairies to
keep an eye on him and prohibited him from leaving Taichen Palace, Ye
Qingti sensed that there was something strange and took advantage of the
chaos this morning in Taichen Palace to escape outside.
Without knowing many people in the fairy realm, he could only come to
the Underworld to discuss this matter with Xie Guchou. But after Xie
Guchou heard what he had to say, he led him straight to Fengjiu's bedside.
In his mind, Fengjiu would certainly be surprised after she listened to this
story. Even so, he didn't know why she would act so strangely.
On their cloud ride chasing her to Jiuchongtian, Xie Guchou explained to
him: In the fairy realm, any fairy from the title of Shangxian and higher
always chooses his own successor. Usually, he will only choose someone
who has the deepest divine bond with him. Dijun chose you to be his
successor naturally because all of your fairy essence originally came from
Fengjiu. It's not you who has the deepest bond with him, but it is Fengjiu
who has the deepest bond with him.
Amid fluttering wind, Xie Guchou added, Designating a successor
customarily only happens at the very last minute if it could be helped. In
other words, there could only be one reason, his voice sounded somewhat
faraway, for a fairy to name his successor. That is, he is near the end of his
Fengjiu wasn't an outstanding student in her younger days, but she was far
and away a prodigious troublemaker. Because she was often tracking

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

down Gray-wolf didi, breaking into someone's home had become a

familiar activity. Still, she herself had never thought she would one day
break into Taichen Palace.
Taichen Palace wasn't an easy place to break into, however. As soon as she
scaled the wall to come inside, several elderly fairies had already appeared
out of thin air. They froze a bit when they saw who had trespassed before
respectfully inviting her into Yuhe Hall. Then, they bid an official to let
Dijun know and ordered the maids to bring fruits and tea to her.
Everything in the palace still seemed very orderly. Fengjiu's heart calmed
down a bit. Only her hands couldn't stop shaking and her head felt a little
She waited for half a tea's time. When she heard footsteps from outside, she
quickly stood up. Stepping in were Xie Guchou and Ye Qingti; they had
come in from the front door. They were also invited in by the guards and
presented with tea by the maids.
The three sat in silence, waiting. Another half a tea's time passed by. The
more Fengjiu waited, the more anxious she became. As she was about to
break right into Donghua's bedchamber, a white silhouette finally made his
way in from the door.
The steward, Zhonglin Xianguan, unhurriedly came in. He swept a glance
at Xie and Ye, slightly knitted his brow, and said to Fengjiu with some
sarcasm, How kind of Your Highness to be breaking into Taichen Palace
at this time. Have you come on Qingti's behalf because we had detained
him a few days ago?
Fengjiu's eyes rested on his face. She only asked, Where is Donghua?
Zhonglin Xianguan wasn't as respectful today as he was normally. His
brow creased deeper. Dijun hasn't been feeling well lately. He's resting in
his chamber.
Glancing to Ye Qingti, he turned and said, Dijun did make Qingti swear
that he can't see you again for as long as he remains a fairy. I'm guessing
Your Highness has come to Taichen Palace to see Dijun for this? But in my

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opinion, Qingti didn't place too much gravity on this promise either. If you
two already don't care about this promise, then please don't blame Dijun.
To be honest, Qingti was only a mortal in the past. Your Highness, as his
widow, had mourned for him for more than 200 years. If the small fairies
can see this, then of course Dijun can also see it. The entire Jiuchongtian
believes Dijun is matchless in his impartiality, but what kind of person
Dijun is in the end, Your Highness should know. Dijun only asked Qingti
to make such a promise because he
At this point, thunder suddenly rumbled in Jiuchongtian. Zhonglin went
still. He rushed to the door, his face was void of color. Thunderbolts
continuously hammered down as if they were trying to crack open the
entire Jiuchongtian. The originally clear sky in an instant turned pitch
black. Amid the roaring thunder, stars in the sky rapidly fell down, one
after another.
What kind of sign is this? asked Ye Qingti.
Xie Guchou frowned wordlessly.
I want to see Donghua. Let me see him, Fengjiu suddenly said.
Sadness emerged on Zhonglin's face. But with a forced calmness, he told
her, Dijun really does need to rest. I've already explained everything
about that matter to you. If you still have anything to complain about, just
let me know and I'll pass your words to Dijun without missing one
syllable. He gritted his teeth: Rest assured, as long as it's Your Highness's
wish, I can guarantee Dijun won't ever fail to comply, even if he needs to
use his life at this point, his eyes reddened, as if he finally could not rein
it in anymore. What else do you want Dijun to do? Forgive me for my
disrespect, but what more do you want Dijun to do?
Tears rolled down Fengjiu's cheeks. Zhonglin, tell me the truth. What
exactly is going on with him?
After a second of silence, Zhonglin raised his head. Let me tell you a story.
But it's a very long story, where would you like to start? He answered his

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

own question: That's alright, let's just start with Blue Demon Lord Yan
Chiwu taking Dijun to go see Jiheng.
The night before their wedding, Yan Chiwu had really come to see Dijun
because Jiheng's life was in danger.
Five hundred years ago, Jiheng was infected with the Qiushui poison when
she tried to save Minsu on Mount Baishui. Dijun had helped them flee to
Fanyin Valley, which was not tainted with mortal impurities, so it could
stabilize the Qiushui poison in her body.
Because Jiheng's father had once been one of Dijun's commanders, he had
entrusted her to Dijun before he passed away. For this reason, Dijun could
not help but take care of her, if only due to the debt of honor he owed her
father. Although Dijun did not have any feelings for Jiheng, and treated her
even more coldly after realizing her feelings for him, Jiheng's obsession for
Dijun ran too deep.
After the news of Dijun and Fengjiu's wedding at the Blue Sea spread
across the realm, a heartbroken Jiheng had begged Yan Chiwu to take her
away from Fanyin Valley.
After they left the valley, Jiheng secretly ran to Mount Baishui and
willingly became a feast for the venomous creatures there. By the time Yan
Chiwu found her, she was already at death's door. She besought Yan
Chiwu to bring Dijun to come see her one last time, even saying that she
would die on his wedding day just so he would never be able to forget her.
However, she was afraid that Dijun would be too cold-hearted to follow
Yan Chiwu even if she was on her death bed, so she handed her father's
claw to Yan Chiwu and told him if Dijun was reluctant to come, he should
let him see it.
The mutual regard between her father, Menghao Shenjun, and Dijun was
very deep. Once a commander under Dijun, he had fought alongside the
King in prehistoric battlefields and had lost his left arm while he was
protecting His Majesty. As a sea dragon, Menghao Shengjun's left arm was
his claw. In a battle against the Demon clan, the demons had come into the

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possession of Menghao's claw and wanted to use ten lightning strikes to

destroy it in order to shame the Deity clan for their incompetence. Dijun
broke into the Demon clan with only the Canghe sword and seized back
the claw. He enclosed it within a crystal badge and gave it back to
Menghao, while solemnly promising that it represented the debt of honor
he owed him. As long as the crystal badge was still in Menghao's hand,
Dijun would never refuse whatever he needed upon his life. This was a
promise from Dijun.
Sincere promises are only reserved for true gentlemen. Menghao Shenjun
was a true gentleman. Despite having held the crystal badge for thousands
of years, he never once asked for anything from Dijun. The only thing he
asked before dying was that Dijun would look after his daughter, Jiheng.
Menghao only got to see Jiheng as he was dying. Having nothing else on
him besides the crystal badge, he decided to give it to Jiheng as a keepsake.
But somehow, Jiheng was able to find out that this crystal represented a
promise from Dijun.
Standing at death's door, Jiheng sobbed her feelings to Dijun, saying things
such as living was meaningless if she could not stay by his side, or Fengjiu
would never love Dijun as much as she did, or she was willing to die for
Dijun, how many people were willing to do something like that? She
pleaded to Dijun that even if she died, as long as Dijun promised to leave a
place for her in his heart, she would rest in peace.
Even a rock would be moved in the face of such confession. Unfortunately,
what Dijun despised most was clingy people who used death to threaten
him. It only made him more repulsed by her. Thus to her sincere
confession, Dijun only furrowed his brow in silence. Jiheng finally
collapsed. She accused him of not even accepting her one tiny dying wish.
She had thrown away her life for Dijun, she did not think Dijun would
wrong her this way. Before her father died, he had left the crystal to her,
the crystal that represented Dijun's promise. Today, she wanted Dijun to
repay what he owed her father to her and honor his promise.


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What Jiheng wanted was for Donghua to divorce his wife and vow to leave
the queen consort position empty, never to marry again.
Donghua finally spoke: Your father would never have guessed you would
use the crystal I gifted him to make such a request. Watching her tearstained face, he added, Although this crystal represents my promise to
him, it is still up to me what the promise shall be. I will save your life and
cure the poison in your body. I'll then bring you back to the Demon Clan
and arrange for you to live there in peace. That will be my repaying the
debt of honor to your father. Give the crystal back to me. From now on,
your life and death no longer have anything to do with me. I don't want to
see you again.
Jiheng was stunned for a long time. At length, she began to cry
There were two ways to cure the Qiushui poison, either slow or quick.
Slow would be using magic along with magical medicine to cure part of the
poison, stabilize it, then bring her to Fanyin Valley to recuperate as they
did 500 years ago when Jiheng was poisoned for the first time. Quick
would be to draw the poison from her body into one's own body, then treat
oneself at a later time. The poison in Jiheng's body at this time could only
be cured by the second method.
Because the poison could not be left in her body for too long, curing it
would take at least 6 or 7 days. Bringing her back to Red Demon clan
would take another day. In Dijun's careful estimation, the Diezhu sorcery
could not be used in the Blue Sea, so he wrote two letters and bid Yan
Chiwu to deliver them to the Blue Sea. One was to be given to Fengjiu, the
other to the wedding planners, her mother and Zhonglin. The story was
briefly explained inside each other these letters. The letter written to
Fengjiu's mother and Zhonglin had also suggested that there was no need
to announce a postponement to the guests, lest their wedding become a
joke. They should instead explain that the Blue Sea's tradition was to invite
their guests for a week-long visit. The week-long feast inside the stone
palace was for those who received an invitation. Afterward, there would be

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

a feast at the entrance of the Blue Sea for those who didn't receive an
invitation. The main reception would take place when he came back in
eight days.
His arrangement was nothing less than solicitous. Unfortunately, those
solicitous letters did not arrive at the Blue Sea on time.
Zhonglin suddenly said, I heard you already know Dijun had altered your
memory. Then do you know why Dijun had done so? Forgive me for
venturing a guess. When you found out Dijun had altered your memory,
you must've been very angry, you must've thought Dijun was disrespectful
and only did whatever he pleased, and you must've thought you wouldn't
ever forgive Dijun and you would cut things off with him, am I right? Ah
no, not only did you think that, you have done so. He sighed and said,
When Your Highness was still a baby fox in Taichen Palace, I was always
by your side, so I know how your temper is. But have you ever thought
that Dijun might have untold difficulties?
At length, he sadly smiled. Dijun asked Destiny, and Destiny said His
Majesty and Your Highness weren't actually fated. Dijun knew if he didn't
alter your memory, he was unlikely to reconcile with you again. Since
Destiny was already written, Dijun was just using his own method to
protect this love. Perhaps his method was wrong, but hadn't he tried his
best? But in the end, who can really fight against destiny?
Fengjiu's expression grew ghastly. New tears covered old ones as she bit
onto her lips.
Destiny said their fate was too fragile. And so it was.
Yan Chiwu had rushed to the Blue Sea with Donghua's letters.
Unexpectedly, he was met with an enemy on the way and after a hardfought battle, Xiao Yan lost out at the last minute and fell down Mount
Jinwo. He was rescued by the mountain god and ended up staying in a
coma for several months.
After he brought Jiheng back to Demon clan, Donghua only realized his
letters were never delivered when Zhonglin brought Fengjiu's message to

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

him. He immediately rushed to Qingqiu, but the moment he left the Red
Demon clan's border, he perceived a change in the world. After the
stabilization of three hundred years ago, the Miaoyi Huiming Realm was
about to collapse.
It was indeed Destiny to choose this exact moment to collapse.
In the guest hall that was only lit by the dim glow of a few night pearls,
Zhonglin slowly explained what the Miaoyi Huiming Realm was and said,
Five hundred years ago, the Miaoyi Huiming Realm had begun to show
signs of collapse. Dijun spent half of his cultivation to stabilize it and
afterward went into a century-long sleep. At that time, wasn't there a
rumor that claimed Dijun had reincarnated to the mortal realm in order to
experience mortal sufferings? With Dijun's personality, why would he have
such a strange whim of wanting to experience human's sufferings? Taichen
Palace only spread such rumor to cover up the fact that Dijun was in a
deep sleep. After waking up from this long sleep, Dijun has always been
preparing to purify the Huiming Realm. The Miaoyi Huiming Realm has
been collecting the three poisons for thousands of years. Even if it were
Dijun, it would be difficult to purify it. He will need to use all of his
cultivation and at least half of his fairy essence. Originally, an eminent
deity like Dijun only needs to retain a wisp of essence and go to sleep for a
few thousand years. By the time the world evolves, he can still return to the
fairy realm. The Miaoyi Huiming Realm has chosen this precise time to
collapse. The best way is for Dijun to completely purify it now, keep half of
his essence, and go into 10,000 years of sleep.
In the frightening silence, Zhonglin softened his voice: But Dijun ordered
me to hurry to the 36th sky to take the Lianxin Glass from Qing Yun Hall.
The Lianxin Glass is a holy object used to stabilize the Miaoyi Huiming
Realm. Facing a decision of life and death, Dijun did not choose to purify
the Miaoyi Realm but to stabilize it again. Why, do you think, did he
choose this route? Do you know what kind of consequences there will be if
Dijun chooses this?


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Yuhe Hall was in complete silence, the only sound being Zhonglin's soft
sigh. Repairing the Miaoyi Huiming Realm had depleted half of Dijun's
cultivation. Originally, he only needed a century-long sleep to recover, but
at the time, Dijun had directed all of the Qiushui poison from Jiheng into
his own body. The Qiushui poison will spread to his essence. If he wanted
to regain the lost cultivation, it would take at least five times as long. But
once the Miaoyi Huiming Realm is stabilized, it could only stay stable for
another few centuries, there is fundamentally not enough time for Dijun to
recover his cultivation. By the time the Miaoyi Huiming Realm collapses
again, Dijun could only use the rest of his cultivation and his entire essence
to hold it off. The road awaiting Dijun Zhonglin looked up to the sky,
unable to finish his sentence. He switched to saying, Since Dijun is so
much smarter than I am, how can he not know which way is better? He
only chose to stabilize it because, because he could not bear the thought of
not seeing you again when he finally returns to the fairy realm tens of
thousands of years from now. Dijun worries that without him here to
protect you, you wouldn't be able to pass your divinity trial and would not
survive until then. Rather than that, if he dies, he would still have a few
hundred years of happiness with you before he passes away. But
Zhonglin said chokingly, but you've been gone for the past 200 years.
Her lips were bleeding, but Fengjiu had no idea.
Zhonglin continued the onslaught: Do you know how Dijun has lived
these two hundred years? You must know now why Dijun would abuse his
power to close the Jade Pond just to force you here? All because that'd be
the last time he'd get to see you. But there have been so many
misunderstandings that could no longer be explained or should be
explained because he is afraid you would blame yourself. Dijun had at
first intended to purify the Miaoyi Huiming Realm and then fall into a
deep sleep with you. Even now, he manages to think of the long life ahead
of you and does not want you to feel guilty for the rest of your life. Do you
know how difficult it is to do that? Yet at the Crystal Tower when Dijun
told you he has had a rough time in the past 200 years, what did you say to

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

How could she not remember what she had told him?
I don't need the things you're giving me. You don't really have to give me any of
these things. I guess everything is clear between us now.
She unconsciously placed her hand on her chest, but no more tear would
Xie Guchou said, Lord Zhonglin, that's enough.
As if all of his strength had drained away, Zhonglin woodenly pulled out a
handkerchief from his sleeve and placed it into Fengjiu's palm. When she
opened it, inside was the crystal ring Donghua had gifted her. The
vermilion phoenix flower on the ring surface had a golden red stain that
was as brilliant as the sunrise.
Zhonglin lowered his voice. Dijun has bidden me to give this to you after
he passes away, but... He laughed miserably. Everything I've said and
done today has gone against His Majesty's order, but none of that matters
anymore. Dijun said the Tiangang Cage he gifted you in the past will turn
to ashes when he dies. He fears it won't be able to protect you anymore, so
he leaves this crystal ring for you. This ring is made from half of Dijun's
heart. Even when he's not here anymore, it will not go away. It will stay to
protect you always.
Half of his heart. Her memory came flooding back like tidal waves. She
vaguely remembered it was when they first entered into Aranya's Dream.
While her memory was jumbled, he lied to her and said she had forgiven
everything he did wrong in the past because he had knelt down to her.
What did she say in reply?
Dijun, you must've done more than just kneeling down to me right? Even
though I don't remember much, you must've done something even more
embarrassing, right?
Don't try to trick me just because I can't remember. I changed my mind just
because you knelt down to me? Don't underestimate me. I don't believe you!
How did he answer her?

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

If I want you forgive me, what should I do, Xiao Bai?

What did she say?
Carve your heart out. I heard that when one wants to declare his feelings, there is
nothing more sincere than to carve his heart out. Mortals die when their hearts are
removed, so when death is made into remembrance, such memory cannot fail to be
significant nor can it fail to be sincere.
A sweet tanginess rushed up to her throat; she swallowed hard, her voice
was no longer recognizable to her own ears: He can't just go like that.
Zhonglin, I still have many things I haven't said to him, I have to see him
again, I...
Zhonglin's expression was full of woe. It's too late. Do you not see the
meteor shower filling the sky, Your Highness?
Outside, most of the stars in the sky were indeed falling down.
She staggered half a step. Without waiting for Xie Guchou to catch her, she
had straightened herself. Her eyes were reddened. It was obvious once
sentence was difficult enough to say, but she was saying each line so
clearly, almost as if she was gritting her teeth: What do you mean it's too
late? What does the destruction of the world have to do with me? Didn't
you say he had wanted me to accompany him in his long sleep? Now that
he's walking to his death, wouldn't he want me to be with him even more?
What do you mean he wants me to live well because I still have a long life
ahead of me? He would never want me to live well. What he really wants is
for me to die with him.
She finally broke down and cried like a kid who was throwing a tantrum:
If not, then he'll be in trouble with me. Destiny said we aren't fated to live
together. Then it should be fine to die together, right?
Amid Fengjiu's crying, Xie Guchou stepped forward and said to Zhonglin,
Even if he is purifying the Miaoyi Huiming Realm, there should be a place
he is doing it at. Lord Zhonglin, where exactly is Dijun right now?


Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

Zhonglin closed his eyes. There is a blue-water lake at the holy Blue Sea.
There is also a marsh. The lake lies inside while the marsh lies outside. At
this time, Dijun should be inside the marsh next to the Blue Sea. If you
hurry now, you might get to see him one last time.
It hadn't been long since Ye Qingti became an immortal. He had very little
idea as to how the gods' battles were waged. For this reason, the scene
unfolding before his eyes gave Ye Qingti a considerable shock when he
arrived with Fengjiu at the water marsh outside the Blue Sea.
A transparent silvery wall was erected from the ground next to the marsh.
As stars continuously fell down from the sky like withering flowers, they
affixed onto the wall and made it seem as though it was a barrier made
from starlight. Behind the wall, crashing blue waves were rising high. On
the crest of a wave, a sword-wielding purple-robed deity was engaged in a
fierce battle with a demoness who used a red sash as her weapon.
The black miasma behind the demoness coalesced into a three-tailed
python that behaved like a giant beast with its own cognizance. It was
recklessly seeking opportunities to attack the wall in order to destroy and
break free from the confinement. At times, the silver light behind the
purple-robed deity turned into a dragon, at times a phoenix, other times a
unicorn, determinedly fighting off the three-tailed python.
Enraged cries from the beast resonated behind the wall, shaking the
ground and sending the agitated waves pelting down torrential rain.
Hatred loomed in the eyes of the red-robed demoness. The purple-robed
deity seemed pale, but he stood his ground like a stationary pine. The
Canghe gained speed and became more murderous with each move. At the
same time, the holy animal born from the silver light had bit seven inches
deep into the python. The python struggled to break away, desperately
pulling the holy animal along with it and slamming them both against the
wall by the water marsh. The ground instantly rumbled while the
demoness and deity each coughed a mouthful of blood.

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

Ye Qingti had followed to this place to prevent Fengjiu from doing

something stupid. When he arrived, and while Fengjiu's attention was on
the fight, he used magic to cuff their hands together.
Even if she was determined to join the fray and seek death with Donghua,
if her hand was tied to his, he expected that she wouldn't be reckless
enough to pull him into peril with her. Of course, he knew she might hate
him for the rest of her life, but compared to ensuring her safety, that
mattered little.
He waited for her to cry and beg him to release her, but to his surprise, she
only tilted her head to look at him quizzically, then raised their tied hands
up to look a bit, and softly asked him with an utterly calm expression
though her face was still tear-stained: Did you know that the wall around
the marsh is a force field Dijun had woven from the stars in the sky? For
such powerful force fields, no outsider is permitted to enter unless the
creator himself allows it. She cleverly persuaded him, Just release me, all
right? Even if you don't tie me, I still have no way of coming inside.
How good, he thought, she could still use reason to sway other people, she
was much calmer than he had thought. But of course he didn't have the
same understanding of the fairy realm as she did. How was he to know she
wasn't lying to him?
He firmly shook his head.
She wasn't angry. Instead, she said to him even more softly, Dijun's attack
is so rapid that I reckon he wants to quickly finish the fight and swiftly
behead Miaoluo. Perhaps... he doesn't think he has enough strength left. If
he were to continue wasting his energy, he wouldn't be able to purify the
three poisons due to the exhaustion from eradicating Miaoluo.
Her voice was soft and light, as if all she was doing was commenting on
the fight. It made him briefly let his guard down. In that split second, she
pulled his left hand that was tied to her right one and rammed straight
ahead into the force field.


Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

He had yet to react by the time he was thrown against the force field. For
some reason, however, she was already inside while only her tied hand
stayed outside. Calmly, she summoned the Taozhu sword from her left
hand. Instantly, the blade left its scabbard. Seeing her intention to cut off
her right hand, he startled and began to recite the incantation to release
their limbs. The Taozhu sword pierced through her sleeve, missing her
flesh by mere inches. He sweat cold sweat, but she smiled at him, then
instantaneously flew into the battle.
Why was she able to enter the force field? He suddenly remembered the
glass ring on her left hand, the one that was made from half of Donghua
Dijun's heart. With half of the creator's heart, of course she would be able
to enter without any problem.
Ye Qingti's throat tightened as he watched her white figure flying into the
bloody hail. He staggered two steps, then slumped to the ground.
Fengjiu hid on one side of the force field and could only feel the strong
wind thrashing about. When Zhonglin was talking about the Miaoyi
Huiming Realm, he had explained that because everyone's fairy essence
was different, only one fairy essence could be used from beginning to end
to purify the three poisons. If other fairy essences interfered, the situation
could turn out to be calamitous. Fengjiu knew she couldn't help Donghua
purify the poisons, but she could help him take down Miaoluo.
Fengjiu had once fought with Miaoluo's manifestation in Fanyin Valley.
She already knew she wasn't its opponent.
She had disregarded her own life and death at this point, but her brain
wasn't so empty that all thoughts were absent. She knew sometimes there
was only a thin line between helping someone and troubling him, and she
definitely wouldn't bring trouble to Donghua. She only had one way to
near Miaoluo, and that was by the method Donghua had taught her in
Fanyin Valley. At the time, Donghua had wrapped his arm around her
waist, held her sword-holding hand, and whispered a reminder in her ear:
Pay attention. At first, she hadn't seen very clearly, but she had recalled
and practiced it countless times afterward. Why? She didn't know.

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

Anything he taught her, anything he gave her, she just instinctively wanted
to learn and understand.
At this time, she was highly alert. Above a high-rising wave, Miaoluo
could only off Donghua's onslaught each move at a time. The three-tailed
python had been lured to the water marsh to fight against Donghua's holy
animal. A large opening was left behind Miaoluo. This was her only
The Taozhu blade charged ahead with everything she had, carrying with it
thousands of light beams that resembled the falling stars from the sky
today, issuing a piercing sound across the sky. The stroke Donghua had
taught her did not require speed. More important were the constant
changes in her position that prevented the opponent from being able to
guess the origin of the attack. The Taozhu aimed straight for Miaoluo's
chest, but its waist was her true target.
Sure enough, even though she had applied all her strength into the attack,
the red-robed demoness was still able to avoid, if only just. But the Taozhu
sword's mighty wind force had sliced off a chunk of flesh at Miaoluo's
waist side. Enraged, it struck her chest with a palm-strike, sending her
flying into the air. At this time, the Canghe drilled into the back of a
distracted Miaoluo. An iciness pierced its chest as the blade made a slash
from left to right, cutting Miaoluo into halves. It was such a ruthless strike
that her blood gushed out and dyed the pouring rain a color of red. In the
bloody rain, Fengjiu looked for Donghua in the distance. She saw anger
and pain emerging in his eyes as he hurriedly came to her side, his mouth
seemed to be calling her name. She laboriously forced a smile to send his
The monster had been destroyed. The three-tailed python suddenly lost its
form, returning to an amorphous mass of miasma. The silver dragon raised
its head in a roar and then also returned to a silver light. Suspended in the
force field, the Canghe instantaneously turned into a giant blade as tall as
the force field, then multiplied into a row of 72 swords and separated the


Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

force field in half. The diffusing poisons were trapped on one side of the
blade wall. On this side were just the two of them alone.
Fengjiu's imagination was taking flight at this moment. All of the beautiful
impressions she had of herself in life might have gathered at this single
point in time.
She felt as though she was a fledging chick, a budding lily, or a silver pool
flooded in soft moonlight. Those were the most beautiful things she could
think of at this time. She felt she needed to fall into Donghua's arms just as
beautifully as those images. This might be the last time they get to see each
other, how could she not be beautiful?
She clung onto Donghua's neck. He pulled her into a tight hug and soothed
her injured chest, asking her in urgency whether she was in pain. She
buried her face in his chest and bit her lips hard until they gained some
color before raising her head to look at him and shook her head.
He calmed down when he saw that her lips were still red despite her pale
cheeks and tiredly asked her, Why did you come here? Is it because you
didn't study hard in school so you didn't know how dangerous this force
field is? Do you know that you won't be able to get out?
She nodded in his hold. I know. She knew why he had to use the
heavenly starlight to weave this force field. Force fields made out of
starlight were customarily used to trap evil beings. Once entered, no one
would be able to leave unless the creator is killed. And if the creator
wanted to leave, he would need to destroy all the evil that was trapped
inside. Donghua had created a starlight force field so that he would perish
together with the Miaoyi Huiming Realm. Even if she wasn't a genius, she
at least understood this much.
He looked at her with a bewildered look. If you already knew, why did
you come in here? He sighed as he asked her, Tell me, how am I
supposed to send you out now?
She was a little miffed. Why would you want to send me out? All the
things I said must've pained you greatly. Do you not want me anymore?

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

But you had hurt me too, so we're even now, okay? I've come to stay with
you. In your heart of hearts, you also want me to come to you, don't you?
He froze for a long time, but eventually smiled: You're right, I truthfully
wanted you to come to me. I want to take you with me wherever I go, even
if I am going to my end... He closed his eyes. But that isn't right. Xiao Bai,
you're still so young, you have a very long life ahead of you.
She watched him still trying to be brave even till now. It suddenly made
her a little grateful for Miaoluo's strike.
She cupped his face and softly sighed. I'm afraid that's not possible
anymore. Even though you don't want to bring me with you, I... might
leave before you instead. A burst of coughs ensued. She had suppressed it
for so long, at last she could not suppress it anymore. Miaoluo's strike
hadn't been very powerful, but she was already so drained that damages to
her fairy essence were inevitable.
Donghua's countenance was suddenly robbed of color. He trembled to
check her pulse, but she held his hand to her chest and said, Donghua, it
hurts. Coax me with something sweet. She rarely called him Donghua
because she had felt embarrassed. Calling him thusly produced a hint of
blush on her otherwise colorless face, and her countenance seemed slightly
He closed his eyes, hugged her, and whispered in hoarseness: What sweet
thing would you like to hear?
She tried to suppress the sweet tang rising in her throat: Say you like me.
He rested his head on her shoulder. She felt her shoulder getting wet as she
heard him whisper in her ear: I love you.


Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

The dull pain in her chest slowly dissipated and gave rise to an airy feeling
through her entire body. She stroked his silver hair and softly replied,
And I you. Her voice was becoming a
little faint, but she didn't forget to remind
him, In a moment when you purify the
miasma, you still have to hold onto my
hand. We've already agreed. Wherever
you go, I will follow. She murmured on,
Since I'm the one who loves you best, I
must always be by your side.
He held her shoulders and let her fall
against his chest. He placed a kiss on her
forehead and promised her: Alright.
She drowsily reiterated: Hold my hand
and don't let go.
I'll never let go.
Within the bright force field made from
starlight, the sky-high blade cleaved the
force field into halves. Tidal waves rose on
one end where thick miasma lingered. On
the other end, blue water formed a jade
bed. The purple-robed man clasped the
white-robed woman as they sat in stillness
like a pair of embracing sculptures.
After a long time, the purple-robed man
raised his hand and gathered a silver light.
Fuling petals drifted down inside the force
field, ever peacefully, like a never-ending snowfall.


Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

Bai Gungun did not find his mother upon waking up.
Uncle Xie Guchou's expression was extremely solemn. He picked him up
and said there was somewhere he needed to take him to. Uncle Xie Guchou
had always been solemn, but he
seemed especially solemn today. Bai
Gungun was sensitive enough to sense
that something bad must have
After they rode across the sea of
clouds in the sky, Uncle Xie Guchou
led him to a palace surrounded by
auspicious clouds where they then
headed into a garden filled with
maple trees. There were many uncles,
aunts, brothers and sisters in this
As they passed through an arching
doorway in the garden, they heard a
fan-waving uncle talking to a beautiful
sister: In fact, purifying the Miaoyi
Realm and similar world crises are the
Deity clan's responsibilities; they have
nothing to do with the Demon clan.
You said you just happened to pass by and see Yehua and the others
struggling to break the force field, so you lent them a hand. But let me ask
you, Xiao Yan, why were you passing by the Blue Sea in the first place?
The beautiful sister was at once flustered. I I was lost, okay?


Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

What an idiot, Bai Gungun heard Uncle Xie Guchou say. All the
brothers, sisters, uncles and aunts in the garden turned to look at them. The
beautiful sister was outraged. She stared at Uncle Xie Guchou and asked,
Whom were you calling an idiot?
No one in the garden paid attention to the outraged sister. Instead, they all
looked at him in surprise. Bai Gungun buried his head into the crook of Xie
Guchou's neck, just barely turning to show his round, dark eyes.
The fan-waving uncle stared at him for a while, then pointed his fan at him
and asked Uncle Xie Guchou, Whose child is he?
Can't you tell by looking? replied Uncle Xie Guchou, indifferently.
The fan-waving uncle widened his eyes in surprise: Donghua's?
Bai Gungun didn't know what 'Donghua' was. Was it the name of a place?
Uncle Xie Guchou didn't care to pay any more attention to the people in
the garden, and instead carried him through the doorway, turning through
yet another door. Behind this door was a long corridor of rooms. With his
sharp hearing, Bai Gungun heard some muttering ringing in from the
garden: If it hadn't been for Bai Qian, her husband, and Moyuan's rushing
there in time to break the force field and using half of Kunlun to seal away
the dark force, this child would've lost both of his parents. How pitiful.
At once, someone replied, You're right, High Deity Zheyan. However,
even if it was precarious, this instance showed that one shouldn't
unconditionally believe in Destiny. For example, who would expect the
force field could be broken? Who would expect Kunlun was so special that
it could seal away the three poisons? Then again, I'm really concerned how
long it will last this time. Dijun is going to have to cultivate for thousands
of years before he can regain what he lost. If Kunlun ever collapses before
A female voice spoke up: Siming, what a worrywart you are. Do you
think Moyuan's seal is a joke? Compared to Kunlun and Dijun, I'm more
worried for Her Highness Fengjiu. Her fairy essence was severely
damaged, and she still hasn't regained her consciousness...

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

Bai Gungun didn't understand what they were talking about earlier in the
conversation, but this sister said she was worried for his mother and that
his mother's fairy essence was so badly damaged that she still hadn't
woken up... Bai Gungun's hands curled into tiny fists. Uncle Xie Guchou
patted his back to reassure him. Do you think Zheyan is a crook doctor?
Your mom is hurt, but she'll wake up soon after a few months of rest. She
has always praised you for being so calm and responsible for your age. Let
me see now how responsible you are.
Bai Gungun didn't know who Zheyan was, but he knew Uncle Xie would
never lie to him. Since he said his mother was alright, she must be alright.
But his heart was still tense with worry, all the way up until they went into
a room among the corridor of rooms.
The smell of medicine took over the space. His mother was lying in bed
with her eyes closed. Engravings of plum blossoms and orchids adorned
the headboard. A handsome uncle with hair just like his was sitting
bedside. In his hand was a bowl of medicine. He was using a white
porcelain spoon to slowly stir the concoction inside.
Uncle Xie placed him down. Displaying no timidity, he tottered to his
mother's bed with his short legs. How fortunate, despite being
unconscious, her countenance was glowing with life. Just as he began to
relax, he heard a voice above his head: Who are you?
He gazed up to the handsome uncle and gave a concise answer: I'm Bai
The handsome uncle knitted his brow. Bai Gungun who?
Bai Gungun pointed to himself in all seriousness, then pointed to his
mother who was lying in bed and said, Jiujiu's son.
Crash. The medicine bowl fell to the floor from the handsome uncle's hand.
Bai Gungun felt a bit hurt. Was his being his mother's son that difficult to
accept? Why did everyone seem so shocked? Moments ago, it was the
uncles, aunts, brothers and sisters in the garden. Now, it was this

Three Lives Three Worlds, the Pillow Book 2

handsome uncle by his mother's bedside. Adding to that, this uncle was so
shocked, he even dropped the medicine bowl.
Uncle Xie Guchou signaled to him with a glance that he should stay put
and not run around, then stepped outside.
The room was so quiet that Bai Gungun felt a little nervous. Remembering
their exchange, he gulped and mustered up enough courage to ask the
handsome uncle: What about you? Who are you?
After a long while, he saw the handsome uncle reaching his hand out to
caress his head. The voice above his head was softer, giving him warm
fuzzies this time. Gungun, I'm your father.



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