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Task 1: Give the correct form of the word in the blank
1. He was the only candidate who (apply)............... for the job.
2. My parents will have celebrated 30 years of (marry). by next
3. Preparing for an interview can be very (stress).
4. My parents dont put pressure on me to make a (decide) . about
what to study at university.
5. If a boss wants to have a well-qualified staff, he should have to pay his
employees (appropriate).............
Task 2: Choose the best answer
1. Did Shakespeare write this play?
A). Did this play written by

C). Was this play written by



B). This play was written by

D). Did this play Shakespeare write?

2.They will build a new hospital in our town .
A). A new hospital will be built in our

C). Our town will build a new hospital.

D). Our town will be built a new hospital.

B). A new hospital is built in our town.

3. Britain imports many cars. They were made in Japan.


A). Britain imports many cars were made C). Britain imports many cars that made
in Japan.

in Japan.

B). Britain imports many cars made in

D). Britain imports many cars which


made in Japan.

4. They have taught English in this country for years .

A). English have been taught in this
country for years.

C). English has been teaching in this

country for year

B). English has been taught in this

country for years.
D). English has been taught them in this
country for years.
5. Miss White said to him, Why are you so late? Did your car have a flat tire?
A). Miss White told him why was he so C). Miss White asked him why he was so
late and did your car have a flat tire.
late and if your car have a flat tire.
B). Miss White asked him why was he
so late and did you have a flat tire.

D). Miss White asked him why he was so

late and whether his car had a flat tire.


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