Philippine Poltics 3

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Like any technology developed, online research poses both

boons and banes. Online research opened a gateway for the students
to access several resources that used to be difficult to infiltrate. In this
manner, online research provides ease to the academe when looking
for sources. As long as the student follows proper citation, there will be
no problem. Online research also makes propagation of knowledge
more rapid. As a result, continuous development and discoveries upon
further conduct of research happen. However, because online research
provides easy access to books and other sources, it also makes them
prone to plagiarism. It is easy now to form a collage of ideas from
different readings and pretend that it is your original work.
Nonetheless, the benefits of using online research outweigh the
possible negative effect. As long as careful mandates are applied and
the users continue to be responsible, online research will result to
further expansion of the human knowledge.

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