Georgetown: Bible Study

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Georgetown MEN’S


“He is my father’s God, and I will exalt him”

Read Exodus 15.

1. When have you experienced a narrow escape from death or disaster? What
role, if any, did you observe God to play in your deliverance? What was your
attitude toward God once you had reached safety? Can you empathize with
Moses’ song of celebration?

2. Verse 1 says “Moses and the Israelites sang this song to the LORD.” What
evidence is there that this song was an intensely personal one for Moses? In what
ways had God become Moses’ salvation at this moment? In how many different
ways, and from how many different things, had he just been saved?

3. How does Moses describe God in verse 2? How does this affirm how God
introduced himself to Moses in Exodus 3:6?

There are three great themes in this song: Israel’s deity, deliverance and destiny.

4. What are some of the different ways Moses describes God in this passage? What
qualities are ascribed to Him? Which of these qualities have you personally
experienced, and how? Have you experienced God’s strength? His majesty?
His glory? His holiness? What have those words come to mean to you? What
have those encounters made you want to do? Has God ever become your

5. How do God’s words and deeds compare to those of his enemy (verse 9)?

4/15/10: Lesson 8
6. In what kinds of ways has God delivered Israel in this passage? What does that
deliverance consist of? Are you surprised by what these verses omit about Israel’s

7. What does this passage say about what God saved Israel for? What do verses 13
and 17 say about Israel’s destiny? In what way is that destiny related to verse 18?

Read Exodus 16.

8. How would you describe the Lord’s attitude toward the people’s complaints
(here and at the end of chapter 15) about their lack of food and water? What
did God intend to teach them by providing miraculously for their needs?

9. Why do you think God placed so much weight on the necessity of following his
careful instructions regarding the manna?

4/15/10: Lesson 8

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