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Fitzhugh, George.

The Blessings of slavery

(28-30) The reading is addressed to retired professionals and begins by equating personal capital to
personal labor. Fitzhugh goes on to assert that to spending your own capital is repulsive and is like a
common man using the results of his labor to secure his needs from others labor. He explains that it is
best to profit off others labor without having to pay or be concerned about the others. He states
capital commands labor like a master commands slaves. He notes one distinction between the two,
that is the master must work just as hard for the slave as the slave works for him. From this he
concludes free labor is cheaper than slave labor. He states the free labor is like being a slave owner
without the obligations of a slave owner. He states capital works harder and costs less than slave labor.
He goes on to state that Negros in the south are happier and freer tatesthan elsewhere. He states that
the young and elderly are free of obligations and have all their needs gien to them. He states that slave
woman dont have to worry about oversexed males. He states once the work is done, slaves relax
mentally, a luxury that white men would die from. He states that slaves have no worries and are content
in their situation. He states that on the white men, free laborers, would die from letting their mind float
free and cant sleep due to the fear that someone else might take advantage of him. He finally free
laborers work harder, longer and for less than slaves do.
(294-299) Fitzhugh to justify slavery by asserting that slaves lacked energy, enterprise and foresight.
That slaves are a curse to themselves as well as to society. He invokes Christianity when he implies that
people who assert that slavery in general or in theory is morally and naturally wrong are violating the
Bible. He states slavery is universal, normal and necessary. He states that slavery of all races is human
and divine province. He notes that Jews have enslaved Jews. That enslavement is like apprenticeships.
He states that the master and slave should be of different races. The wider the differences the better.
He state that world opinion on Negro slavery being the worst slavery is improperly based on slavery in
the West Indies. He states that slavery in the south is much better. He then states the conditions of
slavery is better than those of starving free laborers. He claims that hatred of slavery in the north is
hatred of Negros. He goes on to justify Negro slavery by pointing out inherent deficiencies, that Negros
are inferior. He goes on to compare the mental capacity of negro slaves to whites of poor mental and
physical health. He even claims that owning slaves is a nuisance. He states that slavery is a necessity for
the comfort and luxury of free whites.
. The sections assigned begins by comparing cost and returns of slavery to capital investment. Investing
is the only legal way to make money without working or worrying about those who work for you. The
proper gentleman does not labor for his needs. The author tries to invoked the readers sympathy by
claiming its cheaper to invest in free labor, investments than in slavery. He reasons that slaveholders
must subtract the cost of slave ownership from the profits. He then goes on to state the benevolence of
the the act of slavery, that the master is responsible for all the slaves needs. That the slave didnt have
the mental capacity or energy to supply his/hers needs. He asserts the superiority of the white males by
implying white males are busy solving problems while slaves wander about without a thought in their
heads. Slaves are too busy sleeping to solve problems. That, blacks were a race of perpetual children
requiring constant care and supervision by superior whites. (255) American Stories. This is part of the
paternalistic attitude maintain throughout the south. The statement Paternalism went hand in hand

with racism. (255) American Stories, implies Fitzhugh views were not only paternalistic but racist.
Fitzhugh uses the bible to justify why blacks are more suited to slavery. John Green, Slavery: (US #13
also mentions how the bible was used to justify slavery. Fitzhughs many arguments supplied the
support for average whit southerner to insist upon the supremacy of his or her race, Chapter 11:
1. How does Fitzhugh compare slavery of his day to slavery of ancient Rome or Greece?
He states that the slavery of the past more resembles our wardship and apprenticeship, than
ordinary domestic slavery. Also law permitted citizens to own slaves.
2. Does Fitzhugh see race as an important factor in terms of slavery? Explain
To quote Fitzhugh, negro slavery has no other claims over other forms of slavery, except that
from inferiority. Presumed inferiority was his major reason, along with his reasoning that the
master and slave should be of different races. To quote, the wider the distance the better, as
the slave will feel less mortified by his position.

According to the excerpt what group is persecuting free white laborers?

The group persecuting free white laborers are greedy landlords, bosses and other capitalist.

1. Who is the author?

The is a pro-slavery activist. He probably is a member of the aristocracy.
2. What type of source is this?

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