Classroom Management Plan Rules

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Classroom Management Plan

We are kind
We treat our classmates, teachers, and school staff with respect
We act responsibly
We have all our work complete, supplies ready, and follow directions the first time.
We appreciate our differences
We all have different learning styles and personalities. We learn to work together
in a safe and fun environment.
We know that it is okay to make mistakes
We are in school to learn and make mistakes, not to be perfect.
We take responsibility for our own learning
We are always prepared for our lessons and we know that we can ask any questions,
even if we feel they are silly!
Daily Protocols:
Activity: Completing problem set after math lesson
Can students engage in conversations with each other during this activity?
Yes, students are allowed to engage in conversations.
If yes, about what? Students are allowed to talk about the math problem set and
help each other out.
If a student has a question about the work assignment.With whom? The
students are able to ask their peers at their group table.
How many students can be involved in a single conversations? However big their
group size is. The group size is usually 2-5 students.
How long can the conversation last? The conversation is allowed to last 2-3
How do students get questions answered? How do students get your attention?
The first step for students that need questions answered is to ask their peers (at

their table). If all of the peers at the table cant answer the question then they
are able to raise their hand for the teacher's attention.
If students have to wait for help, what should they do while they wait? The
students should see if they can approach the problem while waiting for the
teacher's assistance and have their questions ready.
Can students get out of their seats during the activity? It depends on the problem

set and what it calls for.

If yes, acceptable reasons include:
Bathroom break
Group work at different tables
Needing different supplies
Teacher direction
Turing in finished worked
Book shelf for quiet reading after work is complete
Do they need permission? Only for bathroom ( monitoring who is leaving)

What behaviors show that students are participating fully and responsibly?
Student should be focused on their work. Students are also able to have a small
discussion with peers at table if they have questions.

What behaviors show that a student is not participating?

Student having an off topic discussion
Not silent reading
Playing with school supplies
In bathroom longer than 3 minutes
Talking to other groups and not immediate table
Levels of Consequences:
We are kind: We treat our classmates, teachers, and school staff with respect

Rule: respect classroom, respect our peers, respect our school

Possible Consequences: lose recess, call to parents, write letter to apologize to
whom it concerns, lose centers time

We act responsibly: We have all our work complete, supplies ready, and follow
directions the first time.
Rule: Do your best work, complete assignment, have appropriate supplies, and
always follow directions
Possible Consequences: lose recess, call to parents, lunch detention, lose centers
We appreciate our differences: We all have different learning styles and
personalities. We learn to work together in a safe and fun environment.
Rule: respect classmates, dont bully other students, never laugh at another peers
effort, and we make everyday a great day
Possible Consequences: lose recess, call to parents, write letter to apologize to
whom it concerns, lose centers time, lunch detention if student receives more than
2 warnings
We know that it is okay to make mistakes: We are in school to learn and make
mistakes, not to be perfect.
Rule: we can make mistakes, erasers are our friends, never give up, ask questions,
challenge yourself, share thought process with peers/teacher, never be
embarrassed to fail
There are no consequences for this rule. If the student talks negative about
themselves then they are lead to write a positive letter to themselves. This leads
to a positive attitude and self confidence.
We take responsibility for our own learning: We are always prepared for our
lessons and we know that we can ask any questions, even if we feel they are silly!
Rule: Always do your best work, always ask questions, learn from others, do your
work, ask for help, and never make a rude remark if a student asks a question you
already know the answer to
Possible Consequences: lose recess, call to parents, write letter to apologize to
whom it concerns, lose centers time, lunch detention if student receives more than
2 warnings
Responses to Early Stage Misbehaviors
Discussion with student
Verbal reminders
Report on behavior chart

Have student read class expectations as reminder

Extra short assignment if it continues more than once a day
Responses to Chronic Misbehaviors:

Go over expectations with student privately

Have daily discussion with student to see why it is occurring
Behavior log for student if it continues and happens frequently
Discuss positive reinforcers with student
Have conference with parents and come up with a plan to help their child succeed
academically and socially
Motivation Techniques:
Class-wide Motivation System

Class will set a goal together and once that goal is reached then reward will be
given. Class will come up with whole group reward. (ice cream party, movie day,
pizza party, no homework for a week)
The students will keep track of this goal by daily updates. Teacher will have a
interactive tracker on smart board. Once the pot of gold is filled to the top
students will earn the reward. Each gold coin is worth 5 points. Class has the
opportunity to earn more than one piece of gold a day. Once students reach 70
piece of gold then they can cash in for reward. Students also have the chance to
lose gold coins due to lack of respect in classroom.
Teacher will also have Youve got a friend in me tickets that she will hand out
weekly. Students will earn this ticket when teacher sees them helping another peer
out or peers can request that another peet gets one for doing a good deed. These
will be put in a cowboy hat and three students will be drawn every Friday. Students
will earn reward for being a good peer. This will motivate students to work well
together and treat everyone with respect.
Implementation Plan
Common Routines, Activities and Transitions:
Students will be introduced to the expectations at the beginning of the day and
throughout the day as a constant reminder to stay on track and do their best
Students will be provided with clear directions and visuals to reference to
throughout the day. Students will be provided with a focus wall with that
weeks/daily tools to help them succeed with their academics.

Teacher will provide students with positive reinforcements and rewards

throughout the day to encourage positive behavior.
Teacher will make transition process an opportunity to earn double coins for the
pot of gold.
Teacher will reflect on exit tickets after class has finished activity or lesson to
see how he/she can better it. Teacher will reteach if it is necessary.
Teacher will track student data to see what needs to be improved or what students
need to be pulled aside for extra support.

Classroom Management Plan Rubric

a. rules



Rules exceed 5 in number,

No more than 5 rules in
No more than 5 rules in
or are so few in numbernumber are provided that
number are provided that
that they fail to reflectreflect aspects necessary
fully reflect aspects
aspects necessary to

to ensure a classroom necessary to ensure an

ensure a classroom

environment conduciveeffective
and productive

environment conducive to
learning. All rules areclassroom environment
learning. Some rules are
positively stated.

conducive to learning. All

not stated in positive

rules are positively stated.


Respect for others

permeates these rules.

b. daily protocols
A limited number of daily
Daily protocols are

Daily protocols are

protocols are established,

sufficient in both number
comprehensive in nature,
thereby minimizing the and quality to addressestablishing efficient
potential to produce a aspects necessary to classroom routines,
fairly well-managed

provide for a well-

thereby reducing


managed classroom,

management time while

thereby reducing someincreasing learning

management time.


c. levels of

Less than 3 levels of

At least 3-4 levels of At least 3-4 levels of


consequences are provided

consequences are

consequences are provided

to stop inappropriate

to stop inappropriate

provided to stop

behavior immediately. inappropriate behaviorbehavior immediately. All

Consequences do not

immediately. Most

consequences reflect

reflect developmental consequences reflect student developmental

levels of students. Levels
developmental levels of
levels. Levels of
of consequences are notstudents. Levels of

consequences are highly

sequential; and therebyconsequences

provide effectively,
to provide more rigorous
sequential and more

sequenced, and provide

consequences for repeated

rigorous consequencesmore
for rigorous

repeated misbehaviors.
consequences for repeated

d. motivation

Less than 2 individual At least 2-3 individualAt

least 2-3 individual and


and/or 2 whole-class

2-3 whole-class

2-3 whole-class techniques

techniques are provided.techniques are provided.

are provided. Several
No incentives are offered
Some incentives are incentives are offered and
and/or fail to reflect a offered and include a include a variety of
combination of intrinsiccombination
of intrinsic
intrinsic and extrinsic
extrinsic rewards.

and extrinsic rewards.rewards.

e. implementation
Implementation plan lacks
Implementation plan Implementation plan fully
clarity in how the classroom
delineates how the

delineates how the

management plan will beclassroom managementclassroom management

conveyed and introduced
to will be conveyed and
plan will belogically and

introduced to students.
sequentially conveyed and
introduced to students.

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