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Kuah Rui Ning 0303011

Service Marketing Individual Assignment

1.0 Donutes Coffee & Bakery
Donutes is a coffee and bakery shop that was started in year 1989 with a rich history of 20 years
(Donutes Corporation, 2010). They first established in Kaohsiung, Taiwan and now have more
than 30 outlets in Taiwan and 3 outlets in Malaysia. In 2013, they first landed in Puchong and it
is the outlet that I will analyses on. Their selling points are 365 days 24 hours operating hours
and the cosy in-store environment. Hence it is not surprised that there is always no vacant seats
in Donutes, especially during the night.
2.0 Servicescape Analysis
2.1 Spatial Layout & Functionality
Spatial layout is important for Donutes because they are practicing moderate contact service
which some of the task customer need to be self-service. Hence, cleverly layout design is needed.
Spatial Layout Arrangement
To guide customer clearly, Donutes separate the customer lounge and sales corner (Refer to
Appendix 1.0). At the sales corner, there is small merchandise corner, customer service and
payment register counter (Refer to Appendix 2.0). Then, outdoor take-out counter is to benefit
customers who drop by to purchase and those who purchase beverage only (Refer to Appendix
3.0). Moreover, consumers especially students, middle-aged people and older people prefer more
entertaining atmosphere and it will be a critical factors in their final choice between similar cafe
or restaurant (Ryu, 2005). By realizing this, Donutes use open kitchen concept to allow customer
view the kitchen cleanliness and baking process from window (Refer to Appendix 4.0). This
helps to enhance pleasure and create memorable experience and transparency to customer
(Alonsu & ONeill, 2010).

Kuah Rui Ning 0303011

Service Marketing Individual Assignment
Furniture Arrangement
Donutes use magazine shelf and wooden shelf as invisible wall to form a small enclosed area.
They believe this may convey a sense of enclosure to customer who prefers more privacy
(Simpeh et al., 2011). Then, there have space between each table and chair because customer
will feel uncomfortable if they proximity to other seats (Ryu, 2005). The tables and chairs also
arrange in a way that able to show the passageway to ancillary service areas such as washroom
and magazine area (Refer to Appendix). With this, the customer satisfaction and sense of
belonging will be enhanced as they can access to any corner easily (Simpeh et al., 2011).
(Refer to Appendix 5.0 for illustration purpose)

2.2 Symbol & Sign

Donutes place their brand name and logo everywhere in the store, either on the wall, glass door
or cabinets to communicate its brand image. Symbol that indicates their business nature and
illustration that tells the brand history also on the wall. Therefore, customer can remember their
brand because repetition exposure can enhance customer memory and future brand recall
(Bettman, 1979).
Donutes also teach and communicate with customer by using sign as a label, giving directions
and inform behavioral rules (Lovelock & Wirtz, 2011). For example, there is a sign indicate the
outdoor counter as take out counter; washroom sign, wifi details, no pets and more signs on the
wall. It also has a bigger sign that tell the customers dos and donts at the entrance.
(Refer to Appendix 6.0 for illustration purpose)

Kuah Rui Ning 0303011

Service Marketing Individual Assignment
3.0 Recommendation
Lastly, the overall servicescape design of Donutes is good. I personally feel that the comfortable,
convenient and effective layout has created a pleasure experience for me. Therefore, I am very
satisfied with it.
However, I suggest Donutes to make the merchandise area more stands out or place it near the
passageway. With this in-store display, it can spur consumer impulse buying (Harrison, n.d.). On
the other hand, they should also use sign to communicate service script to customer like telling
customer the steps to collect their drink (Refer to Illustration 1.0). This is important because
according to script theory, any error in the script or the step customer need to follow during
service delivery will lead to dissatisfaction (Lovelock & Wirtz, 2011).

Choose your drink at

payment counter
(Outdoor / Indoor)

Refer to your waiting

number (on the

Wait for the number

to be called

Collect your drinks

from the outdoor
take-out counter

Illustration 1.0 Steps to collect drink in Donutes

550 words (excluded in-text citation, heading and sub-heading)


Kuah Rui Ning 0303011

Service Marketing Individual Assignment
Alonsu, A. D. and ONeill, M. A. (2010) Exploring consumers images of open restaurant
kitchen design. Journal of Retail & Leisure Property [online]. 9, pp. 247-259. [Accessed 1 May
Bettman, J.R. (1979) Memory factors in consumer choice: a review. Journal of Marketing
[online]. 43(2), pp. 37-53. [Accessed 5 May 2015].









from: [Accessed 29 April 2015].

Harrison, S (no date) What is point-of-purchase placement in merchandising? Available from:
[Accessed 5 May 2015].
Lovelock, C and Wirtz, J (2011) Service Marketing: People, Technology, Strategy. 7th ed.
England: Pearson.
Ryu, K. (2005) Dinescape, emotions and behavioral intentions in upscale restaurant. Department
of Hotel, Restaurant, Institution Management & Dietetics College of Human Ecology [online].
pp. 1-183. [Accessed 1 May 2015].
Simpeh, K. N., Simpeh, M., Nasiru, I. A. and Tawiah, K. A. (2011) Servicescape and customer
patronage of three star hotels in Ghanas Metropolitan City of Accra. European Journal of
Business and Management [online]. 3(4), pp. 119-134. [Accessed 4 May 2015].

Kuah Rui Ning 0303011

Service Marketing Individual Assignment
1.0 Floor Plan

Kuah Rui Ning 0303011

Service Marketing Individual Assignment
2.0 Sales Corner

Kuah Rui Ning 0303011

Service Marketing Individual Assignment
3.0 Outdoor Take-out Counter

4.0 Open Kitchen Concept

5.0 Furniture Arrangement

Kuah Rui Ning 0303011

Service Marketing Individual Assignment

Kuah Rui Ning 0303011

Service Marketing Individual Assignment
6.0 Symbols & Signs

Kuah Rui Ning 0303011

Service Marketing Individual Assignment


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