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A Broken Me

A poem by: Stephanie Karin

Sometimes I pull away from you,

Because I am afraid,
Afraid of my heart getting broke in two,
And also of being betrayed.

I may seem strong and well put together,

But I’m fragile inside so you know,
I may be this way, I don’t know, maybe forever,
That’s why I take things nice and slow.

Some things in my past aren’t easy to forget,

That’s why I am torn up inside,
I’m not going to lie I was happy when we met,
But now I feel like I’ve lied.

I’ve lied to you and I’ve been lying to myself,

Because I haven’t told you the whole truth,
The truth of who I am and what I am about,
And why I am broken in two.

But I believe I’m getting better,

With each and every day that goes by,
I remember you say to people I can’t believe I met,
And I remember I kept asking you why?

You tell me because I’m cute and I’m sweet,

And I have a personality to match,
I’m lovable, and kind, and great to be around,
And over all a really great catch.

I’m glad you love me and I’m glad I have your trust,
But I hope you understand it’s hard for me enough,
To love someone and trust them too it seems to be just lust,
But I hope you know I do care for you and have a little bit of trust and stuff.

Please understand I need some time,

To be alone and by myself,
Some time to do me and find what I’m about,
And maybe even get some help.

I didn’t mean to make things hard for you,

That was never my intent,
I just wanted to be honest and true,
And for you to understand what I meant.

What I meant when I said I care for you so much,

I wasn’t lying to you or to me,
In fact I care for you a whole bunch,
Which is why I am setting you free.

You have the freedom to do whatever you want,

And to be with whomever you choose,
This decision I know in my mind will haunt,
But I know I will never lose you.

You’re my friend ‘til the end forever and much more,

And you know I’ll always be there for you,
When you find your life is just a total bore,
I’m the one you can come talk to.

Please remember me dear friend of mine,

And remember what we had,
Please stay true, and thoughtful, and kind,
And most of all please always stay glad.

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