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Page Title: Homepage

Portfolio (#C43939), Contact (#28641A)

Page Title: About Me

Flower will be mainly selected as the theme of this project.
A Butterfly menu bar will be placed on the centre of the
homepage. When user clicked on each part of the wing of
the butterfly, it linked them to the pages of About me,
Favorites, Portfolio or Contact.
Mouse over effect on Flash menu bar:
When the cursor move to the menu bar, any section that
was pointed by the cursor will presents a mouse over effect
Font Type: Broadway
Font Size: 23pt
Font Color :
About Me (#C43939), Favorites (#FF7000),

A caterpillar menu bar will be placed on the bottom left
side of all the main pages. It consists of About me,
Favorites, Portfolio, Contact button on the body of the
caterpillar which help linked user to the pages. The head of
the caterpillar will serve as Homepage button that linked
user back to Homepage. When the cursor move to the
menu bar, any section that was pointed by the cursor will
presents a mouse over effect animation. Image will be
placed on left hand side while bodycopy of brief
introduction about me on right hand side.
About Me Title (top left)
Font Type: Broadway
Font Size: 58pt
Font Color :

Body Copy
Font Type: Berlin Sans FB Demi Font Size: 23pt
Color : #FF99CC


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