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Page Title: Movie

When Movie button was clicked, user will be lead to this
Movie page. Two short movies will be embedded onto the
page. The selection on the option for the movie will be
placed on the left hand side of the page. Once the user
clicked on any of the movie title, the movie will be played
on the blank screen provided. Media player button will be
attached which enable user to click for the desired action
whether play or pause or stop the movie.
Back button
Font Type: Bauhaus 93
Font Size: 36pt
Font Color :
Movie Title Button
Font Type: Copperplate Gothic Bold
Font Size: 18pt
Font Color : #FF9900

Page Title: Portfolio

When clicked on the Portfolio menu bar button, user will
be directed to this page whereby there are two icons
(Image Gallery and Animation) to be selected. Image
Gallery icon will serve as button lead to Image Gallery
page while the Animation icon lead user to Animation
page when user click on it.
Portfolio Title (top left)
Font Type: Broadway
Font Size: 58pt
Font Color :
Image Gallery and Animation icon button
Font Type: Bauhaus 93
Font Size: 32pt
Font Color :

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