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LASS 2.0.

1 Changes for ARC

Added Master Load All/Save All
Added Load/Save support
Added Load/Save
Added a new "Smart Menu" for layering instruments on a KS
Unassigned KSs now let MIDI pass through (more keyboard range for your instr
Added a note value to the Articulation List for easier workflow
Added 2 additional KS sets
Added program change support
Improved default CC behavior
Fix for simultaneous KS bug
Stage & Color
Added simultaneous view modes with click-able blips
Added textual display of current layout
Added 6 additional presets with 6 new Sonic Profiles: Bat Man, Lost, Fantasy
on Thomas Tallis, Sul Pont - and for sords: Bat Man, Lost
Stage OFF by default
Added discrete loading of Stages and Colors
Time to transmit ARC presets roughly cut in half
Significantly lower CPU required to transmit presets
Real Legato:
Added Load/Save
Added Vel Atten CC assign
Auto Arranger/DNH:
Added Load/Save For All Presets
Added true persistent Preset support
Added DNH CC assign
New Multis
Good multis for playing chords with AA on:
AA Batman Cries Harmony (KS MIDI Ch 1).nkm -- Play anything up to a triad fr
om Middle C and above... and take out a hanky.

AA Harmony Vlns+Vlas+Cli (MIDI Ch 1).nkm -- Another general spread voicing M

ulti for lines or chords up to a triad. Play from Middle C and above.
FX Tutti (Ch1 - play above middle C).nkm -- Play anything up to a triad and
ride CCs 83 and 111 (and the Mod-wheel for dynamics). Be afraid... very afraid.
Long Articulations Key Switched per section:
KS Airy Basses Long (KS MIDI Ch 16).nkm
KS Airy Cellos Long (KS MIDI Ch 16).nkm
KS Airy Vlas Long (KS MIDI Ch 16).nkm
KS Airy Vlns I Long (KS MIDI Ch 16).nkm
KS Airy Vlns II Long (KS MIDI Ch 16).nkm
Short Articulations Key Switched per section:
KS Shaws Basses Short (KS MIDI Ch 16).nkm
KS Shaws Cellos Short (KS MIDI Ch 16).nkm
KS Shaws Vlas Short (KS MIDI Ch 16).nkm
KS Shaws Vlns I Short (KS MIDI Ch 16).nkm
KS Shaws Vlns II Short (KS MIDI Ch 16).nkm
Instrument Fixes

Fix for instrument level AA range bug

Fix CC Attenuator default settings to "Off" on Trills.
Fix Octave KS disparity on certain patches
Various other small fixes.

For a more detailed look at these changes, go to:
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ermission by Audiobro.

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