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(* Stockists of UFO AFRICAN ENCOUNTERS) rf | N°4 Marcu 1991 a : UFO Afri- ' news N° 4 FESRUNRY, 1991 4 iltor: — qyenia mind | daa. 2iitorsaria Sivan ‘Sorrespondents: Noni RM Roels ‘South Aeron avid Powell Pamela Pucley Prier winele Zinbabwe Wathan Middledorf (Bulawayo) Elias Poul mitra Garis Rouse ‘Alexander Leon (tutare) ‘Trevor Tornton (Gueru) [ALL correspondence to: GEMINI. P.O. Box MP 49, Mount Pleasant, Harare, Zinbabye, PUASE NOTE ; Tine in this Newletter is referred to ‘as 2030 for 8.30 fm and 0120 for 1.20 an. Dates are given a3 07-05-91 which is the day, the month ard the year. contents ftorial Cormont Abductions? Tntreduction, Janet of Dulamayo Bruce of Harare Report frem Namibia: a) and b) canes of LI TS "The: Booysens Triangle Unussal LETS in Gverut Bophutatewane Airport Light > Unexplained Light visible in the Vunca ater and its significance with reard to fos + Dry Ferm Dam in Namib Empey Water Tank in Natal Bull of Fire in Fore Beuttor Du Tolt's Kloof Case (N" 7) et Far Further Report on the ALleged Hotswans order UFO Crash cynthia Hind The "Crem Alphabet. fren Reticul Fact, Fletion or Fantasy? Maria Sullivan ao More Light on the Mt KLTimnjaro Case New cases + ‘The Vanishing Cylinder at Hangkiip JM ane the Tie-up with the Crete in the Grass, Harare How to Become an Invest gator Recermended Books letters to the Biitor Book Review and Comentary 1975 "Hoax Part 1 Prier Wintle 10, 2 1“ “ 6 " " 8 19 2” [ITORIAL compe ‘omnia Hina MONEY, MONE, MONEY, MONEY, I remenber bumping into a Professor frem the University Tyas just off to Brasit, on my way to present a UNO por in Rio de Janeiro (at the Invitation of Irene Granchi of CISNE, Basi) and to Washington, vo speak ata 'Pund for UFO Research" Conference. I told my friend where T was going, and for what "Ite alt very well", he said, "it you do that sort fof thing for money. fut I don't believe in it! Tyas 90 taken aback that at the menent 1 couldn't ‘Ghink of a suitable reply. OF course, In retrospect, Tean think of a dozen things to say 8) 1am rarely handed mney in cash; it's almost Alwys free accomadation and food and sometimes Bless the Brasi lan) s0 air ticket. b) In ay country, we are alloved foreign currency. ‘of 79400 (US$160, 'UKES0) per year! Unless 1" Living with vel1off, xing, qoocrous, indulgent family cor friends, how do l'exist? ‘o) After 11, 1 am not being invited to speak bbecause of my" looks; T present a paper which 1s of interest. to other ufologists (or hopefully so). in ‘other words, all’ the work T do during the year is possible contribution to the fins! solution of what Os are. But then, speaking of money, what does it cost me, personally, ‘for this fascimating hobby of mine? Quite a tot, Toan tell you. for 21 years Iwas a Director of'an industrial minufacturing : 1 worked hard and, together with my husband, sy father fand other mnbers’of my futily, bullt 1t up'into & top concern. 2 hen the business was sold, I had mufficlent money ‘invested to be able to live, wut quietly, for the Fest of ny life. ‘Dut thet wasn't my way; T had always wanted to be a writer — another low-lncane-returm profession -— find. 80 sew was ‘the. time, My first love wus still my interest in Ufology. 1 docided to write a took and 1 travelled widely’ to fathor finstshand information. Tt cost me several Uhowsand dollars wbich the tock has never repald. Maybe, Uf I had been loss naive, more experiesced, # better’ Wester, the book might hive made a fortune. Dut 1 fn ho Whitey Strieber or Jacques, Vallee, oF ald Hopkins, wnt Eimtabwe i not’ the 08.4, I write a lot to sake up for the losses incurred by ay interest in UPOs. Sam tovks, articles ete, Dring in sufficient cash to cover the outlay 10 veriting for non-paying magazines. One small article — othing to do with UFOs ~ might bring’ in USS900. Fran UFos, one rarely earns. So if Bd Walters of Gulf Breeze, USA, has a UFO experience ubich (whether hoaxod of not!) ne could never, in his wildest dreams, ‘realise would event= ally bring him im US$ 200 000 — WHY NOT? ‘and if Dr Bruce Maccabee, who will anewer hundreds of questions free, gratis ahd for nothing, just ONC? Iappens to rake 2'good bit of money trom his eon- ‘tribution to an interesting Investigation == Wit NOT? T haven't been to the USA in three years. T would Like to go again. I haven't been to Britain or” Europe in two years, and T would Like to 9 ageiny particularly as my son and his family how live. there So, if someone has an interest ing UMD case which just might bring in sono British mney aul T'can be ‘of assistance, for heaven's sth, vourt me La! 1 am not mercenary, greedy, grabbing, or out for ‘every buck, But forthe wh do make wemething. out of ulogy, a Long ae 1 tw wt the otal rasan "tre of their activitiew == Us) bout of British ‘Task totem ARWUCTION CASES? Introduction 1 have alvays been wary of abduction capes where ‘there 1s no evidence of an aotual craft, as the mre deeply one becenes involved in UO investigation, the mmre the paranormal side of case histories presents teeif. "Tt ie almst Inpossitie to be Lavolved with UPOs and totally disregard the paranormal ,hbmever mich of a ‘nuts and bolts" person ene might be. Gm the other hand, Tam also losth to ignore evidence which might’potnt to aa abduction ~ vith various factors bearing a common denominator in such cases ~ merely because there Is np direct sighting of Sorat of sort Weighing up the differest factors and bearing in sind that I strongly advocate the reportage of al ‘cases pertaining to anyching to do with UFOs, I bere- with give you two cases, literally, t0 Judge for yourselves. = Ea Janet of Bulamayo (Case 23), November, 1980 Janet recalls a strange dreum she had about sx 0 ago. wprior to this, she had had many vivid dreams of stent ienlling epee terse am ove, be and aiuenquently, when visiting these places, sbe haa found ber ‘dream to ‘be accurate. Recently she dreamed Sie was ins place sith an Inilan nane in Arion (USA) Se chen abe chacked'nith t amp, she faund tat there ‘fas uch & place, although she bas never been to the States nor fe sho faniiiar with places there, except Ing, of couraey she very nig cites, ‘ie particular drean that sho recalled eo vividly, ms bec of an event that took place during the ares, ‘Se dreamt she mas {0 & room which was made of etal: floor, coiling, walls, were all of metals 4 ‘The room was filled with rows of tables Jaden with medical Instruments. Spe was on one of the tables ‘when the people around her seamed £0 be doing Samething to ler head — she bas no recollection of their being any different from ordinary human beings, although she did note that they were dressed in one~ plece sults of a shiny white or silvery colour. Tey had pat sanething on her inead but she is fot fsure wat It gms and there is an impression of ‘then ‘operating’ on ber head. ‘Th the morning, when ohe awoke, she was imediately aware of a blister the sige of a (Zimbabwean) tive ent plece, on the side of her head ie Om examination of her head, there was 2ndeed a mark there, but i was faint. ‘She realined, soon after the dreas, that she was shaving an adverse reaction to electricity. She had hnever aoticed thts before. then she uses her li dryer or electric curling tongs, the surge of electricity ls unpleasant and her ‘head pains at the spot where the mark 1s. Also, ‘when there 15 a thunderstorm, she feels extremely disturbed as any lightning bolt occurs. She has a tingling sensation throughout her bedy which Is snost_ unpleasant. Th 1984, shile working In a Londen office, she was, fitting at'por dest and foved buckvards slightly (she ‘Se not sure for what reason she did this) whea a ‘string of connected neon-tibe Lights fell and ‘Shattered on her desk. (On another occasion, in her diningrocm, a neon Light bulb Tell and shattered on the table, barely missing ber. More recently, In ber kitchen, a similar incident occurred, when an ofdinary Light buib (with its shade) fell and shattered @ few continetres tras ‘there she sas standing, 5 ‘She coments that in every instance she recalls ‘uoving avay from the spot only seconds before the ‘crash, this almost miraculously escaping injury. ‘Apart from the recurring astral travelling areans, ‘she records only one other psychic experience. This happened shortly before ‘the dreast about her head ‘operation. She was walking in the garden of bor hho in Bilayayo when she eam two — what sho des gribes as ‘Tairies' among a bed of nasturt ue: She says it sas @ very brief experience; a matter of two er three secon. She feels they vere fot aware of hors they vere very small, about Goms overall, and dressed in. long Tlowing white dresses, with gossamer wings, AS she told me her story, Jaiet appeared to bo embarrassed hher voice dropped and there vas no eye contact. T felt she did not really want to talk about ber ‘aalry' experience and that she sss parting with the information reluctantiy, periaps carried amay by her conversation with me and ay eyaputhetic treatment of hers With regard to the dream, [ asked her whom she thought “the people" were and wat they wanted of ber.” She did not kno but says sho has become increasingly afraid that they are going to come back for her." And yet, she added, if hey mint ber to ge with them, she would do so'wiitingly.—T could fot elicit aly further information from her as to ‘tho "they! might be, except that perhaps {1 had sone hing to do vith UR. ‘She said she had had an enptiona! problen at hone and has not found a satisfying relationship although she is very attractive; young, slight in build, with wide blue eyes and blonde hair. Spe told me she jas a "loner", often preferring her own company. She is not particularly happy in Zimbabwe and would Like to return to live in London. She’ feels that the might go with ‘thase people’ to another planet 8 she is not all that happy here on Barth. Janet appeared to be completely genuine, intelligent and puzzled by her strange experiences. } 6 She wocepted that se might bo payehie und a bit aifz ferent fran other people. My impression was that she ass a rather withdraum person, reluctant to talk at ‘AIL and certainly not *eelting. 21" ‘She had absolitely no knowledge Of abuctees and had never heard of Buda Hopkins or his work, nor Thad she read any UFO books. Nort fram her mother verifying the scar being there after the ‘dream’, T feet thore is little I ‘ean do t0 autbentleate her stories. ‘Janet bas promised to record in detail anything further that happens to her In conection with this incident, bit I have Hot heard from ber siace the beginning of 1989. Beuce of Harare (Case N* 25) Bruce ie 22 years old. Ho is black and has not ; been exposed to UFD lore despite his good educational Mackgroud. At present he is working in goveronent and studying in his spare tine at the Harare Poly- technic for an Engineering Diplon. Als mother is 2 qualified nurse. Bruce was brought to my attention by a friend of Maria Sultivan's, Theresa, who works with him In government and £9 whom he had reported his experi fences. Op the tasis of these, Theresa lent hin a UFO book which be has described as being entitled (CLOSE ENCOUNTERS co DIRECT ENOOONTENS (he cannot ! remember the exict title, either can Theres) “After he bad spoken t0 her about his experiences, she browht bin toa meeting at my house and subse~ fquent to this, he arrived one evening with Teresa, fo bo interviewed. Neither Therest nor Brice were aware of abduct Jona and quite frankly, I'm not sure that this is shat happened £0 Bruce, Howover, he Is extremely puzzled by the occurrences, ap T al, end I report them as told tome. 1 te appened. last year (1969) in Noventer. I came pane at about 2100 hours and there mas no-one lee in the house; it was particularly quiet. 1 came straight from the fields, tad a tath and woot to ay Foam. I put out the Light ard sas just about to Goze off when T felt funy. I tried to move my fect, ‘my loge and my bands; but i oouldne. —“T-eoalane inove my head either, as I wanted to turn towards the iF; a5 T thought someone was there. There was Sense Sore of aumeprere, not the usial BarENess. Pe was fo Sense of Tight anjahere.—T could Tee! the black encasing me. Then I could bear this sound, Like a-dyramo turning very rapidly. 1 can't recall ow Tongett tasted, it Tee Te tong tim ‘at firat I thought it mas a ghost, although T could see nothing. But then the paralysis went vay ss quickly as it had cope, felt suddenly completely free, and 1 could move, I fell asleep limediately.. Aut there vas no reason for the para ysis, nor for the strange sound. T have had tis paralysis before, ever since 1 vas a child, but it only happened at night. My ‘mother ia a’nurse and shen {told her, stv bad me fmedically checked, but nothing mas found to account {or my experience yhien started hon T'sas about 6 or 7 yours old. T only told Theresa (about the incident) after 1 heard the dynam sound. That really surprised me: At was 20 striking, s0 apparent. " I'couldn’t pin- point It and I only heard it on that ane occasion." Bruce has had several experiences of thie nature, where no UFO is involved, but where several incidents Secur ahich tie up with experiences which have been reported by abductees. “It is basically for this reason that I an recording his story here. On another occasion, during late July 1990, he went to bed quite late: He says:"Mhen I awoko next morning, T wasn't feeling very well. I looked at ay skin: T tried to wash it as 1t ws burning 0 mich, especially behind my ears and around ry face. oo nen CR IRI me Rag Lh hs a in Se eee ee eet sa ome sete seers em a ide te pene oy Sg See Ne uence Sayer aie als. es a a ee ieee reese eee Bega ee ee Pp saa scene aes Rea eres me eee ors re cette nana ote tet i eG cere ae, ee ee es oes etree cae ere eas eee eed eta li if eeali ae eee wid ese reese obltgegetr eek get ee ma piste erie ae ic raat nie ep ee mes pi ei wee Te Ree es ise ete ee eae STA UES Pg BIE Ser Ree net PRA een Deeg ie ere rae Shy Tae aie: Beane ee ee eae a es area ie Gn ARE SL Pare oa Set remanent caer, ed rar nee Sere ae Se ree eter eas cots oa Aeon amen ET eat See eee hmetinn eae Se eee eas bree SEAS acon ee ° Brace gantts, that be was too, frightened to to ETrseelg ade Feng ee aera te, 1k palo face uith fextures that were not nag eNO Hike uss definitely," he said, "and 1 didn't walk pormally, it was tore like gLiding, 1 also rr that it was very quiet when all this mis happening, thore was a0 noise at any tine, not the norgal aoldes of the night iu kfties Bruce sdnitted that he tid several significant experiences. Ho remembers ones wiking 1n the tight He! does not know what wkeoed him.” Hie could see nothing and wnt back €0 sleep tut in the morn there were footprints In the room. 8 lp says, "The floor of the roam had no carpet ‘we floor 1s’ black and the sand outside the foot 1s ahite, "There were footprints starting fran the oor and going across the room to the wardrobe, eepite the room boing locked. The footprints were gutlined in white sand 99 they shoved tip Clearly" too sal] Tor a worm] sized person. Also, “Hey fei to the wardrobe and Finished thers. "They ‘Ald oot go any further. 1 told my mother shout this but she could not explain it-" One final remark of Bruce's mde me feel that hhis experiences warranted recording. "After the ‘occurrence of one of these unisuil experiences, 7 woke up and my genitals were sore; quite painful {n fact. Went day I noticed a dark scar where ‘the soreness was. T have never been able to explain Bruce told mo subsemiently, "was Brought as an African child”, denoting tat be was expoctd to African culture, folklore and beliefs; "ang it ‘is only as his edication progressed that he became famitiar with Western ideas. he an African child, the was always being told,.‘lon't do this, it's bad for you and the ghost might camo and get’ you. 0 te said, “So ny thoughts alvays mule me foo! oy Grperiefces fad to do With ghosts, Nowy 1 fonger think It's 4 ghost: you do tot fight with @ oon and then oot recall wit happened Afterwards: Yell, do you? Although T have discussed Us tn Bruce's presincey I have not gone into 4e U2 any Great doptty and 1 know he had not read MISSING TIME SF IITMUTERS by Bat Hopkins. ‘he people fo Zimemwe rarely have acooas to UFO took un the Liurary ~ certainly tm Harare ~ has Wetle to otter. “form, the easence of Bruce's story 1tes in the ny factore that normally crep up Ie abfuction cases, tren aben airect contact with © UFO is not involved. have underiined the points in question to mike them clearer. So tint does one mike of Oruce's story? Ie it worth pursuing, oF do ve leave it tothe Paychic Temearch Socketies? Tn the eeantine, we plan to talk to him again and eat eins ny" furteroogoing exerienen a abo, If poouidle,to arrange # Bypctic regression Eeselon' or him -~ sowrthing he fe vow founders isfortinatelyy ia Zamabme hypnosis ts Tegal unless ‘ordered by co's piysician, #0 at the penent we are Siding fice on thise Bit we sill keep readers {ntorme on thie az. REDORT EREM NAMIBIA (Sent in by Mr and Mrs HM Roots, Windioek) Case 28 (A) on the 20¢n Apel, 1982, between 1945 and 1400 hours, the witness was witering bor plants in her garden in’ Windhoek. The weather was clear, with a slightly hazy sky tovards te horizon. n ‘Te witness became aware of about 20 Lights of different sizes and brighteness, moving approx. 30° above the optical horizon. Tater, she observed another 5 Lights joining then, tho latter shining intermittently. "The lights were ina S.tasterly direction from the witness and then sioved northwards until obscured fram view. @ On the 24th Novenber, 1983, a farmer, a South African Alrways pilot, and police, Saw an object in the clear sraing Sky. Light emanated fron the object on Its east side as reported by the pilot. ‘The farmer in Aroab saw the ‘Object hovering above him and thought he saw something ‘angi lag below it. “he object cam frop the Bast (about 80 km west ‘of Aroab)'at an estimated belght of approx. 12 im (Saa pllot report) Gament : Wile it ts almpst impossible to check Dark as far as 1985, tis case sounds suspiciously ‘similar to the French satellite balloons relessed from Pretoria, South Africa. Tho aluninlun-type top surface of the balloon reflects the sunlight giving off an extremely bright Light. There are Uisvally 2-3 appendages which hang’ below the onetre laneter balloon shich circumavigatos the Barth. {e'ean drop to 8000 ft at night apd reach 140 000 ft during the day. Probably because of wind currents in the 25-0" Longitude belt sbieh the balLoons travel, releases are generally in May, June and Novenber Ponder on Tabs “DREAWAWD": ThIs title refers to an American Air Force Tase, soneshere near las Yegas and knom officially as Area 51 where experiments vith crashed UFOs are Siuegediy taking piace: 2 3 ject they saw Like this = ont Pe Tue object they saw looked Like thi: ‘The Booysens Triangle, 1886 (Case W* 22) Rectangular patches of Dae A bright Light, ee ee On 17th June, 1986, six people (names known to the Poosiply wintows 9 ‘iltor) were'present in the Booysena residential area of Johannesburg, South Africa, when they ob Served an ohject moving across the sky. The time ‘mas 2110 and the sighting lasted for approximately Vepour trails Tetaton’ ody seened to be ‘The observation was mde by all witnesses wo very dark blue-geey fat first thought it was an aircraft as it moved | colowe ft a steady speed and ina straight Line tram XE ; reat ‘eo oe Light: ceftecticny Direction of Aignt ‘The sky was clear and noonless with sane very con thin cloud high cirrus cloud, but stare were clearly visible . f through the thin Cloud. The only source of [ae i oe oe ee illumination yas the street 1ights. rd ese hme ee ‘The Tight source was Iatyer than a match-head vapour tralte fand slightly emailer than the {ull moon, and - initiatly the witnesses thought t might be slumb jet. However, they all felt it mus travelling slower tian a 747, tut 2s the altitude vas greater than Baitor's Comen 30.000 #t (3 O00 m) and there was no toise, they ruted thie out. though this report is not in great detail and t They felt that the object was huge, well over oat tcie Se annot identisy hat wax seen st the tine, we are 1 000 tt Cate) nena, including it in this issue as it ties in with the They discunsed reporting the matter to the news- ‘recent Delgian flap of 1900 {Match 90/1st) when bupers tut. two” of the wittesnes did not want to bo + the Beigian Air Force scramled two F-16's to {volved > the iden sas abandoned. Investigate an object picked wp on radar aad seen ‘They watched the papers for other reports for visually. several days but none appeared and the matter Tho object had a distinct triangular shape, was Tefe at that. sev at! a < MARS: The planet has been particularly bright in our ‘Skies. ‘Now we will have to walt {ill 2003 when Mars Will be the Closest yet — 35 milion miles may. ent u Unusual LITS én Gor, 11th August, 1900 (heport by Trevor Thornton) Mr 17", an amateur astronomer who, through hiss ‘work, knms aizeraft, weather balloons, satellites, etc, bas made the following report. jie was on © frieni'e farm pear Greystone, Zinbabme, shen he observed what at first appeared to be a Star above. the wostern borizon. Wnst attracted his attention was that tho ‘star’ appeared to move. "After watebing it for sone minutes be was in no doubt that the object was moving in an (oid fashion, up and dove and fran left to right. At Time it would veoain statiooary. Tne change of position was not great but very fast. He could ot guess tts ease size or position, but it was at “s* above the horizon, duo west. The tine when first noticed vas 1910 and i sae last goen at 1940. ‘The weather was cool, there was 00 wind, the sky was clear except for a naryou band of cou! behind which the object cocastonally a1ppat. Mr "T' then looked. throw) his binoculars and the object: still appeared star-like. Stil making forratic movennts, It slowly wut dow behind a row ‘of kopjen on the horizon. ‘Ture other manors of his family also witness the object Bophutatovana Airport Light Novenber 1989 (Case N°25) (nis report cones from an aircraft electronics engineer whose namo Is know 10 the Biitor] Ur 0.0. reports the sighting of a Flying object over ‘the tavatho and Mafikeng ares of Bopiutatswans (southern Africa) on 14th Rovenber, 1289. 'C.0. works for BOP AIR, the Rational Carrier, and fs based at Muabatho Airport. a Te 6 AC about 780 hrs on that day, he noticed that his fellow engineers and varkers were staring up at the ‘sky outside the hangar. le Joined then and observed 4 shiny object apparently stationary in the sky. Boing interested’ in the subject of flying objects, he watched for few minutes and then decided to try to plot ite position. He selected a nearby amp pole and Lined the object up,looking through ‘the pole's superstructure with his eye at ground level, and he mea mark On the ground, He returned ‘0 the hangar to find sone way of making the mark ‘more permanent. While there, be phoned bis vite {in Maftkeng, same 20 kms away, and got her to take: sone photographs of the object with their new camera with & 200m lene. "The best of the photogrsphe ‘ras enclosed ‘with the Feport He kept returning to bis irk every now and then, ‘and found that the object tad fovea every tino he ‘checked, though still visible in the sky. Soon after ards, Clouis covered the sky and further odwervation Was Impossible. There wore fairly fast winds that forming, which could account for the movement of the object. C.0, subsequently heard reports that the fying wing of the Bopiutatevaua military bad seat a hell Copter to investigate, but the ‘copter could not each a height above 3 500 m, vhllst the object took evasive action and subseqiently mist have been lost to sight. Point to Ponser In an interview between Marie-Therese de Brossea and Prof. Jean-Pierre Petit, Director of the Nationa Science Aosearch Contre’of France, reported in the MUFGN JOURKAL, wien asked why he thought the ‘alien’ visitors were’ not contacting us, said, "when two civil- isations that are very different culturally and tech- nologically meet, history teaches us that with rare exceptions, the tore advanced Uiteraily dissolves the eRe eee N RE 16 Unexplained Light Visible In the Vurba (Case N° 31) ‘This report originally cane fran Kathy Newman of the Vinba and concerned a nelghbour of bers. ‘Te incident cocurred on the night of Tuesday, 2ard November, 1990. Philip, the cook of Mrs B.S: was sitting dutside his hut with hie wife when, at’ 2230 they saw this very bright object sulenly appear {from the south and moving north. Te was so bright that it 11t up the ground for quite & way around than. There was a longish Plane caning from the rear of ‘the light, hich ais elLipt= ical in shape ~~ rather elongated” Te was imge, according to the cook, with a large ‘ight Underneath, and approxiating to the size of the full mon. "There was also a Tight in front of ‘he object, wich kept on linking on and off + the larger undernesth Light remined on all" the time. No noise accompanied the object and there was no lurusual snell. The observation took place over 4 Period of approximtely © minutes whee bath Potlip Bod his wife, al ough extremely frightened, were able to obeotve Lt all the tine, BL. Coments : 1 have not been to the Yuma (near to Tatare) since this report sas received, 0 although T have poten’ to both wanen, have dot been ablo to talk with Mullip and his wife yet ‘As soon as T have the opportinity to travel there, Till interview thea: personaly. ‘We FACE OF ARS? Located in Cytonia, in Mars’ Northern homiarhere, this "face Ie 1500 fe (G00 m) high. ‘Ten miles (16 kn) SW of the “fave im @ muge pyramid. oe mm NATE AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE WITH REGARD TO UFOs Paul Norman, Vice President of VUFORS in Australia. and a colleague of tine, hus written recently to ay that he is interested in the relationship with UFOs land their need for water, or thelr use of water. {As we have several cases of note in Africa relating to water, I thought it would be timely todo a brief review of these eases. ‘The first case comes from our investigator in Namibia, RM Roots. case N° 28 (C). Report from Gonasiy-South/Hoachanas nthe 26th April, 1985, the witness heard her child crying in its cot and wont 0 see what was Wrong. (She was not specific about the tii, just that it wes during the night). ‘AS she attended to the child, che saw a light sphere - ‘full of flickering stirs" — fall from the ‘sky and hover over the henestead. "The following morning, the witness" hushand, Mr V., fowid that the farm dam was Gry. The size of thd dan waa Tem In diameter and Qn high. Mr V. said this was the second tine ie S months that this had occurred, although there 1s no. leakage in the dam. Ho added ‘that he had lived on this farm ‘since. 1982 and in several instances he had seen a “spocky Light’ which moves over the land aad then goes. "it's the size of a large motor-bike headlight’, he added. (Case N° 33: the Bapty Water Tank "Me witness in this case did not want to be identified although I know bim well and can vouch for its ‘authenticlty. 8 ‘Tye witness Lived oo smll-holding in the Valley of a Thousand 111s, In Natal, south Africa, — Me and his wife had a salt hos? on the property where inis daughter bred horses. One morning. she arrived At breakfast tine and asked her father AF he would TILT the water tank which stood on struts, as it as neurly enpty. "The tank ms fade of corrugated iron and ran into ‘a trough for the horses. There was a ladder up the Side which the witness ¢Linbed up to ascertain that ‘the tank was full after ho had run water into it. ‘The following morning his daughter turned up again land accused her father of not attending to ber request. He protested, Toe tank was empty, she told him. Me Gould not believe ber as be persomlly noted its fullness the day before, But upon examination of the tank, Tt ws true: there ws no water there. ‘The witness examined the ground below the tank, and also the task Lteelf to see Lf there vere any visible racks, The ground was bone ary and there were to Giscorntbie leaks. He called in an engineering friend to check the tank out, but vis man could find othing wrong. Abait! tye days Tater, che witness learned that there liad been same UFO’ activity im the area on the night tn question; at least, that strange Lights had been seen in the aky Case N° 27: Fort Beaufort, Cape, South Africa ‘Tis Story began on the 26th June, 1972 when Boor de Hlerk, a labourer on Bennie Snit's farm in the Port Beaufort area, spotted a big ball of fire hovering ear the farm'reservoir. When he called Sait to. cone and witness “the ugly thing’, Suit fetched his S309 rifle and called the police, ‘After many shots ad been fired with only one bit, the ball dieappeared Into the undergrowth, Despite’ the sraliness of its size ( about 9/4 m in diameter) Itappeared to react, to voices and mover, and changed colour when hit. ‘There mae a great deal of, fuss and denigration tron Thott nl See“stid) ef'm sick and fired of the vole business, and I'n going to forget about it.” But on Saturday, Sth July, to mysterious explosions vere heard fran’ the Srasside Fare and at daybreak, Seit discovered that his reservoir had been shattered, ‘The reservoir was 8 min diameter and mde of heavy brick and cement and held thousands of gallons of water. Coincidence, or some significance with WATER? case NT ‘The Final case T wish to quote at the moment 1s the Du Toit's Kloof Case, in the Cape, South Africa. This ‘case appeared in detail in UFO AMINES N°2 and only @ brief sumary is given here. "The witness, leary, had driven to the top of Du ‘oit's Kloof to test fis wife's car battery shen he ‘Nas approsched by a mn requesting xater. Ne drove the min toa nearby strean ant filled an of] cannister be had in the car with the water. Subsequently, the tran told bim to go back to whore be had been picked Up and beckoned Henry to goin mim. le took Henry to 42 disc-shapod craft standing in the shadow and invited Henry to enter. Inside, be indicated to Henry to wait ‘where he wa, and then proceeded to take the cannister of water to amin Tying on a bench at the other side of the craft, llenty could not ascertain if the man thom he was told had been injured "on entry into Your atmosphere’ had been given the water to drink Or whether It had been applied to his injuries. over the years of ry investigation into UPDs, I have cone across Several dozen cases where water has’ been involved. Either the craft to be sucking up waver through tontacle-1ike structures protruding from beneath the craft, of hovers over a space of water where it is difficult to check if any vater bas been ‘ken aboard. Ae far as T am concerned, 1 heart Paul Noman th his resvarch into this very interesting sidelight Of the UFO syndrome and would appreciate any other Feports fron reaasrs on "water" caves in Africa. In the report in APRINENS N° 3 (June 1990), T wade it clear that Janes van Grounen was the perpetrator of ‘the hoax concurning the above Incident. But only as Far ae the events were concerned, T never doniod. ‘that snetting might have happened on the Border and for the purpose of this extension to the earlier Investigation, 1 intend reporting on the further Gavelopments, with only passing ¥eferance to the fraud- ‘lent behaviour of Yan Greanen. — He, incidentally, appears to have left South Atrica apd was last reported ‘to have been seen in Cairo with a Garman girl friend. Thad two phone narbers for him and both David Powel God T repentedly dialied the numbers; But although the Bhooe tary (which showed that it was still pald up), ovane replied. An interesting side-Light to this ‘ee discovered by Davide on a page of alloyed *hiero- Sliphic writing” which Yan Grounen said wae discovered Inside the crashed UED, two telephone nutbers appeared. One of these is a Pretoria nber shich David has repeatedly dialled; on one oscasion, the Line was ‘cngaged, but uben he dialled again shortly afvervards, ‘the phone rang without reply. — have now picked up 2 second telephone nunber ch the sane sheet. Of paper (ie is a London number land an tryleg to track this down.” ‘Whatever results with regard to the crashed m0, ‘I'm quite sure that Van Groanen will be involved somushore along the Line. Further contact wich GIC of Bulawayo (whom I have now met and uho has proved to be of great assistance) has show that the "firoball' vhich was originally reported to have been seen on 07-05-1989, was in face, seen on 07-05-1988. ‘the tine of sighting wos 2345 and it was seen from ‘eye Matopos Road at the 29.5 kn pog whan GME was. travelling in his car. 1h3 weather was calm and clear ard the object, viewed for} of a second, was Moving fast eastward ata 10" angle. a 1 moved vertically below Arcturus, and was brighter than vor Te was 8 greenish colour with a luminous shite tral, Tand afte aighig ity GI war 1 vada above igen, there vas nore of significance during this time. Seems ~ No part of this roport ties in with what Van Craton had to any, with che exception: faceived & etter from Irene’ Gronehi, head of €.1.8.8-8. in Brasil, and a top Brosilian investigator. One of her cop investigators, a doctor whovaas a mort Feiiable and inveliigect researcher, had inte viewma actarine sergeant who wes tow betised from the ser ‘ices and working in his oan basiness. He bad been with machinery and cranes, cleaning up the area and what was left over Looted Like a heap of bent eamininy his evidence, there is a queetion ‘of dates. If hs was flow to’ South Africa in 2 wi eee: Came mia are ear sot ta ae al ei, acer aces 2 SaaS SRST ST en Fi Benn iene nt ie pet erare pa cee ar ee SEs Se ee cece tn ero Serenata ts waa eavaeys peepee ee Saots ee ee miss a eres c Sie Poe peice eee See seer ses & Ss os Ee a mae Spr ai oe ih ce eT ly, i ai hae tame neae Sit eh A ce entice i SS ioe oi bere BOS es sae, eta oc mae at eee reer noted by other nationals? Sw matin nema cago a tas na TS te sue cece eerie teat 1 etaa ee, eee rn, He Se Ske 2S ae near EE Be Se aera ene nS see ies ms et Se EE ee tae ton ein ar acer a Hee {weit in mtu 3 eu end PROS OEE oe oie leat Se eee ee EL rae. 2 Oh a published letter in the INURL OF UFO WEST XGATION, a coction of ¢ho USAP (prasumably) ha Feplied t® a9 enquiry From sr tapry bares, a Man Chester solicitor and well-known UPO investigator. ie says + "OGr contacts advise that the cbject in question was not brought down by South African forces, but rached due to ‘advanced corponites fatigue, Rosateliive in trouble? In one of the docunents producnd by Van Greunen, he mentions several nares, Same of which are + DA Fielding ‘Major Counter intelligence WA Spaulding Capt. 7 Hd Greet cape: * 4 JH Van Greunen Capt! 1 RO Shickerling Capt. Air Force Pilot Major Fielding was a very groat friend of Elizabeth Klarer, the South african wanan who had a UFO exer ence in 1957. - Ho, died about three yaar ago. WA Spaulding, 1 Suspect, hac boon bervawed #fan LLL Spaulding of Ground Saucer Witch. fd Geset is Van Greunen's pilot friend sho might initially have spilled the beans. BET Shickerling {a an ex-SAAF pilot whe had a UFO ‘experience in Botawana, for whose Air Force he flies. T don't recognize the other namos tut I feel that. they wore picked out of anata well. thoy are well ‘knoan ‘South African nanes, Like smith, Wilson, Jones ‘and 90 forth. doubt that we will ever know the truth about yhat fon the South African border but T cannot. help feeling that vhatever it was, it certainly was fot spacecraft with to fighting aliens inside! on page 7, item (c) of AFRINDS N° 3 we roferred to a strange, hieroglyphic type of writing whieh Van Greunen bad alleged was fund inside the crashed craft, Ey i actually produced two pages referring to this Writing, with an interpretation (his,obviously) and Sone actual sentences, Most people’ seamed +o fsccegt this as authentic. A colleague of mine, ‘Trene Granchi~ already feferred to above ~ had come across similar writings and sent me several ages produced by various people, Maria Sullivan, Sar Asst. Riltor, who worked for sone tine for a Professor of Linguistics at Wite University in Johannesburg, South Africa, voluntesred to do a ‘study of the writing allegedly found insido the craft. ‘this is ber report. the ‘CREM ALRBET PREM RETICULE! Fact, Fiction or Fantasy? ‘mo be given a chest of incorprehensible symbols Durporting to be an alphabet From the star system Reticuli, and to be asked whothor I think this is a ‘Senuine alphanet of a "real" Language, is a daunting Sxperience, How can one begin to analyze a totally Uinkrom se of shapes, said to be characters of an Seeraterrestrial dialact copied fran originals llegedliy seen aboard an allen erat shot down in southern AErica? For this - a8 you may have already guessed - is yet another tsist in the tangled plot of the incredible Yan Graunen Saga, alias tho Saucer-that-didn't-get=anay and was shot down by @ South African Air Foroe laser ‘canon over Botsuana fn May, 1985. ‘the strange symbals, toysther with a key to their sounds in fxglish and (1 quote) ‘various deciphered Phrases as seen and translated on beara Alien craft bya person signing himself Captain Janes Van Greunen, ‘Sut Intelligence, Pretoria, and dated Toth August. (cr [Sth Octcber) 1983, xeprosent an astounding feat of inventiveness. ~ ‘this ‘alphabet! of a ‘dlalect" [Note: not the main Tanguage of Reticuli but one of its dialects] can sists of 132 characters, each representing a 3-letter found in Bralish, e.g. Mh, REP, YIE, TUT, NX, GH, MN, ete. In the ‘deciphered and translated" parts as set ‘ait by Vani Greunen, there is a sequence of three Tong Sentences where not one single sytol is repeated! ‘This factor, more than anything else, mde me very Suspicious skout the genuineness of Such a language, ‘thether of earthly or unsarthly origin. ‘The Dutch philologist, Professor Marius valkboff, tate of Wituatersrand University in South Africa (with them worked), used to stress that there are several “portant. points to look for sen analyzing an unknown written language. Three of them are CNSISTENCY, Toole, and especially REPEAT PATTERN. Vieitten language in particular ~ whether primitive cor advanced ~ ae a complex end-product and obeys Cairly . whether it is read from lett eo right Gr right to ieft, domvards or upwards, the sane signs ‘of very similar Signs, should give the same, or similar Sounie: "ven in pletorial languages such as same Oriental tongues or Byyptian hieroglyphics, there is Consistency anda repeat pattern: the signs signify ‘SSunds and the same eign will signify the sam scund, or word -~ so that one can begin te recognise sone of Tham after some stady, ‘One could say that it is essential to check for this repetitive pattern, T have sean cone very [ancient writing, sent to Irene Grapetii of Brasil by (ne of her comacts. though it looked totally in Secigherable at first, T picked out a very large fnuiber of instances where one or other symbol was repeated, €.9. BY. 8. iw. 2% {In fact, tn one Line of jeriting containing 25 Characters, the symol dye featured six tines; and Ht was used with great Frequency throwhout the 38 Lines of closely-written text that 1 studied. and thelr origins, such as Hobrow, Sanskrit, Celtic, Mioyi, Filippino and Taniara. Sime characters were based’ on facial expressions, “seme on bird tacks, tree branches, to. A, the first letter of gur alphabet, started Life'as the head of an ax,'W7 luc. ALP. It evolved into its prosent form when alphabets becane more ated more Simplified as we became mere civilized ‘he best example is perhaps that of Byyptian hleccpiypns which were Gnberacne onl tie consi, am were eventually superseded by the much simpler Genotic characters. ‘Bs civilizations advance, written languag> tends to become simpler, e.g. the American rendering of English words: Like "labour", "Plow", ete. Whatever the Language, word-characters are repeated, especially the Link words such ae prezositions, prom nouns and conjunctions ... certainly his is the fase in advanced Languages. ‘the point I want to make is that repetition is an essential part of all the (terrestrial) languages T fam familiar with of have researched for this article, ‘And the fact that such a pattern is missing fron the so-called Reticuli Ossuect Auphabet found in the alleged alien craft shoald mike us seriously doubt its authenticity. In fact, in the document. labelled ‘the Cram Alphabet” by Van Greunen. there 18 no con sistency, no logic that one can see, ane no repeat pattern. * * See 'Correction’ footnote on page 28 "Plough", ote. ad ‘labor’, n After failing to find these points, T wondered how the person wo did the "translatien’ could not only fave deciphered this most inpenctrable alphabet, but feven translated the most abstract concepts ~~ all {in the space of sane Gaye, possibly wesks, but no longer; the docunent is diced August, or October, 1989; that is, soon after the supposed crash of the We in Botswana. Banples of inconsistencies i- NOG is shown as A ue HOB i827, PK is OD ond = TE. hace te seen 19 find Tew being the sound of Ky pacha. fu then vere 4 it in REG and ROB? hat about KUER, which locks 1ike this “2X7 > do eopecjally HSE, with its doble-k sauna BB 2 mm is*2e put m0 =s1 ond mt = FL). act, he Sou ES Is eo complicated hat te aind corsa ade Seng sine tec AS Ievter, when a sinilar character-snd, SOF, ia shown rare are pny nove emglen, eu Wi = ZK.» tt ios =A ard Xs is, , al seemigly with the sound of 5) but with tocing similar ony of thas and even if thie allogad Dialect of Reticulum (sic) is a pictorial language, the way the characters have ho tit-in with others of the sane or very similar Sound, wakes it far more difficult to try to decipher (OF make some sonse of. ‘The CREM language (REM = = Cod 9 aguis propabty detent the dacipherer of the Rosetta Stone: eet aa caftow this nan so aly ten for Ome notte - could, in such # short tine, translate uhole bstract ideas from afew characters. He ie either 2 genius —-- or an Alien! tty opinicn stout the ‘Gocghered and translated’ Socsnoes claimed by Van Crcanen to have been eaken Eee tape soa Of oe allon cater We Ot ey fame straight cut Of a G-class space Chere acrigeéa jan avid tendo of Soll, or viewer of Ny aged sae in voce are three fine exmpes y MSE dC OW® LO “a a, "BOLUS 90 BARI CONPTRNED, COMPLETE OVERTHREW OF MINOW RACE AND THIAEREATICN| sic) OF ACL, LEADERS IN FOE.” “DISSAPATION( sic) OF ALL WATER FROM SEAS AND RIVERS 7O BE EXECUTED AS APROVED (sic) BY LEADER AKAN (or MERON]." “Could this be a misspelling for Elizabeth larer'sAkon'? D VeP GALS wes on KP K, ‘MOIAL BISLAVEENT OP RACE KNOW AS HONG AND EVEMIUALL (sic) SECURED EXTINGTIGN (sie) OF ENTIRE POPPULACE (sie).* Golailla couldn't have put it better! Correction: Note that the last letter (character) in 2] and the fourth-last in nestage Dare very Similar, but do pot tally in the translation. My favourite phrase 18 BX e-em PI Rare Si. WA PIE aL AW? Lao GW KD “SOCLRE AND CLMEUTE SYSTEMS. ELEVATION WATER OF "INETIATIONS, 1 would think that if the characters were copied from sonewbore, it was not. fron an ‘extraterrestrial’ language. Agter all, @ civilization that can span tthe unimaginable distances Letwsen Earth and the Reticuli System, must surely have evolved a less fombersone and tiae-consiming way of writing. Gwolution im language leads to simplification, not the contrary. 4 can only disnise this so-called alphabet of an ‘ertraterrestrial dialect. ~ ant especially the ‘de~ Sphered aml translated sentenses given above — a 2 Complete fabrication in line with the others that fave mo tho Van Grounen Saga one of the most Snpeddently aiccesaful confidence tricks in recont afelogical history. DRE EIGHT Ct SVE MOUNT KILIANIAND CASE In APRINS N° 1 (July 1986), page 5, there is mention of an interesting case which’ took place in Konya on Feb, 19th, 1951. Tt is cartainly not a ‘new case and’the witnesses would now be 40” years Older, nut at Jeast some should now be only” in thot ‘early’ seventies and cehers even younger. ‘The case sas never properly resolved as one of the crucial, (elenoases Seamed to have disappeared, so we wonder {Te anyone in the Duran area enn throw any 2i9ht on this case. » Wo are grateful to Richard Heiden of Milwaukee, USA, for a mich more detailed soscunt of this case and include it here, ‘Nine men and two wonen vio saw a mystery object fying near Noont Kilinenjaro, Tanganyika (now Tanzania), signed an affiawvit giving a very clear report, They Saw the matery object for '7 minutes from their plane ‘and described it a3 ballet-nosed and metallic. Radio Gperator Dennis Merrifield (34) ‘wis the Eirst to soo it fand to draw the pilot's attention to the object. he pilot was Capt. J Bicknell (30). ‘The morning ‘ms Clear and cloudless, with good visibility. Bicknell says, "I timed the object for 17 minutes hile the Logebtar held its course... Twice it rose Nertically to a final height of 40°000 ft (12 500 m), then it moved east towards the coast at a terrific speed." ‘One passenger, Capt. WB Fussell, a Newport, Mon- nouthehire sports desler who had a pair of powerful Binoculars, said, “throuch eho glasses the object appeared bullet-shaped. The colour was whitish ‘Silver with three vertioel black bands down the side. Por ten minutes i renained stationary, then It Suddenly rove vertically by 5 000 ft." Again it became Statiooary, then a minute later it rose again fand moved laterally away at a great speed, probebly 400 mph ‘When ‘confronted with the theory that it misht have ‘been a balloon, Cape. Fussell denied this erphatically. “iow could a balloon hover notionless and nove at 400 ugh in the same woather conditions? — The cbject was Gefinitely metallic,” be said. ‘Also aboard was a redo officer frem the Anerican freighter ROBIN MENERAY. He said, "T couldn't swear to it but through the binocslars T thought I could identsey a xv of clroular windows." Charles J Vernon, purser of the ROBIN MOWBRAY and also an American, said "he object mst have been fimenee, two or gheee tines the size of the Largest passenger plane. a Several attengts were mde to take chotographs of the object, “cape. Fuscoll took a picture with his mtni~ ‘ature Camera, but Overstreet, the radio officer, shot Jo ft of colour film with » telescopic lens on his Capt. Bicknell said, °J later learnt that Over~ strect. was on his way to the United States to show {the film] vo the authorities there, The name of the vessel on which he was travelling was mentioned to ro Gt the tine, and the date of his” expected arrival. {in spite of repeated roguests fran me for further sew, have almays ray a complete blank ac to the vere abouts Of Me Overstreet and his colour €iln." At sone later date, both BickneL] and Merrifield ‘stated that they felt the cbject was an alrcrart of Sane sort. Merrifield felt that it vas a machine, 500 years ahead of its tine, (Familiar words ~ Ba.) "the NATAL MERCURY in Durban, South Africa, published both @ story about the sighting and, it 1s believed, 2 photograph purporting to be the UFO. ‘This was Sutained from Ray Overstrest, sho had taken the cine filimof the object. Stories abound that Overstreet, Gissppoared, oF at least that he could not be traced. However, dames asoloy, a reporeer, says there is no rystery to the case.” "he Film exists; it was exam Shed by the (US) Alr Force. Tt was found to be Little rote than a bouncing bit of Light ard was returned.” "This doce not disprove what Bicknell, Merrifield ‘and all the others saw, bot it doses not prove it elthor. ‘There mist be poeple in the Durban area, in theic sixtles of seventies, who might renber this incident. Better still, there might. be people (ex-Kenyans) who kKoaw the whereabouts of either Bickel), Merrifield or, moet important of all, Ray Overstrect. aus story hes appeared, over tha years, all over the world, fait teshere as Close to Done asin APRINEKS aml sone feaders might be able to help. Ey saw_cases (Case 25: ‘The Vanishing Cylinder at Hangkl' (Clavestignted by Pam Puxley, Cape Torn, South Africa) Mr C.D Gaussen (65), a retired man of Glencairn, Cape, Liked nothing better than to walle along the beach enjoying the bracing sea alr.” He had been, in his fom words, "walking along. that beach for 8 years!” and ooking olt over the tay to the mountains seme 40 ims stay, and never during all that tine had he seen anj~ ‘thing uoueusl- Until that clear, beautiful afternoon of August ‘and, 1960 when, looking as usual towards the mount ‘ins across the fay, be becane aware of a strange “scmsthing’ on top of one of the sx} mountains Semediately next to tangklip. The '¢hing’ appeared to be a large cylindrical tank, of a dark colour, and because of the exceptionally clear atmephere be could see tt in detail, even 40 fons avay. and it Certainly Looked to be’ of sane considerable si20. ‘Mp Gaussen watched the object as he walked down the beach tovards the rallvay crossing; it did not soe to be moving. Just then, he meta couple caning in the opposite direction. ‘He asked then if they were Yamillar with the appearance of the mountains 1 the Gistance, and wen they sald they were, he poiuted fut the dark cylinder etanding out clearly againet the mountain background. The couple were very sur prised, saying they had lived in the area for years find tad never seen anything peculiar on the aountains. WnLle they were watching the strange structure and discussing it - about five minutes after meeting ~ the object suddenly started moving, becare more elongated and developed sonething Like "luge" or "ears! on the sides.” To their astonishment, it moved up and suddenly vanished over the mountain, presuratly ‘down the other side. ‘From appearing very dark while it stood still, ‘the object seemed to became Lighter in colour ston it started moving. 33 Mr Gaussen said, "It moved up, the mountainside, then Aleveloped ‘these sort Gf "earn on the sides, and while we all watched this, it suddenly... whoops. di ppeared very quickly.” ‘We bad Tinet thought it might have been a shadow projected by the sun, or a cavern projecting a shadow, but this did not fit’ in with what he and the other witnesses saw. "T've heen walking up and down that beach for 8 years, and often looted across the bay at the mount ‘ins, vot never have T soon anything unusua) Like T ‘an that day." ase 90: JB and the Intriguing tie-up with the ‘tax’ On the night of July 25, 1975, JB and ber business associate Tay were driving fron Tkarare to a motel whore they 11¥ed, outside fusape. They stopped in Narondera for cigarettes and cold drinks, wien JB necane aware of # strange, unplensant ancl. About § minutes after leaving Marondera, JB spotted what sho thought at finst wus @ lange orange moon anong tho treos on the roadside. She mim soon aware fof her error mien she saw the Foal moon through the bhick window of her car Sone 20 minutes later, till followed by the orange nll of Light", they artived at the first garage in Macheke (when approaching. Tran lirare).. The garage Lights vere on, an unusual occurrence during: the War Of Independence fn Zimpamwe om JB vanted to stop but Tony was nervous and refused wo do so, At this stage JB could see that the object wus epg-siaped with the top cut off, Tt appoured fo be descending. She was excited but Tony ener noreasingly nervous and started an asthma attack. “The object was lov enough for JB to soe that It was ‘wider than the road, about 20 metres in diameter. There were no openiigs or marks. JB was leaning out cof the window In order to see ciearly, when she became ‘mare of the spell again (She described 4¢ as similar to the smell of Dursan Harbours a corpoeite of oll, far, seaweed, decomposing matter, ete). Tony, now extremely agitated, thought they vere going to’ be Abduoted, but JB roraines calm threvghoat. ‘Tony pressed find on the accelerator ami they shot under The object, when the heat inside the car (thie during Zinbabwe's'winter) becane intense, almost unsearable hen they cane to the sscond garage in Macheke, there was a light visible from one of the novsee oposite and JB wanted to stop aud draw the attention ‘Of the poopie’ in the Bouse to the object, but Tony refused, Ten minutes before they arrived at thelr Gestination, the orange globe stot up Into the sky. and vas gone. "Later, JB's brother confirmed that there fad been reports of ‘something in the sky" over Harare. Bi. coments : This sighting ie particularly inter sting because Lt took place on the sane night an the fewerience of John Clark, the Macheke man woo claimed to have been throm on the ground and paralysed by & terrifically bright Light above bis garden (Soo UFOS AFRICAN EXCUNTERS, p 109 ££). Clark's house and: garden were opposite to the ‘second garage in Macheke, only & Short distance from ‘where JB and ‘Tony passed’ under the object. However, there is a discrepancy in tine: Clark saw the Tight at 1890 in the evening, whereas JB and Tony did not pass the house until 2115 ~ 2190 that might. Clarke was locked unconscious by the Light and did not came. to until well after midnight. 2s tt is relevant to note that Clark's expertence was labeled & hoax by most people as well as this tilitor. This was mainly due to bis drinking problen and questions about the stability of his character vo= luntecred by people in iacheke. caso 92 : The Circle in the Grass ‘tis incident occurred sometime in Decerber, 1988 Thi alcbougs we tried, we were umble to plapolnt te ect aate. ir and ira 8, of Cleveland Park were in their Viving root (aunge) of thelr property in Cleveland Park, Jarno. "Te eas after Supper and che curtains were trav ag it vas already dark. Mr B was sitting with SiS" to the window and Mee 8, facing the window, Soienly sas.a Uright orange glov {Tae behind the clawed Sirtalag. "she polted this ou t0 bor busand but he iooked, he glow bad gone "ofye following morning, thei” gardener called then to cone and see's cirele wie bad appeared on the Inve, it seem ax though the etrele was etched in ini grass, ine outzise dlaneter ves approximately Shiney (7 ft) aid the Loside diameter vas Sten (3F0). ‘Te clrcle Looked ike this + Unfortunately, I did not receive this report until a year later, but went imediately on the Dist Decenbor Tho to examine the cirele which was still evident. ‘The burnt grass of the clrele waa then a bright green, list the inside of the cirele was a mich paler colour. 6 We took several sanples,one from within the circle, one in the actual circle Itself and twa contro! samples from outside the clrele at varying. degrees aay from it.” “These samples were taken to Mr Fenner of the Chemistry and Soil Research Institute under the Mais try of Land, Agriculture & Rural Settlenents and be produced the following analysis 1, Sott from Circle itself pil analysis: 6,1 2. Soll from inside circle, pi aimlysie: 6.6 Control Sampie a)” pil anaiyeis: 645 ALL soil wetted up readily. 0,5 of pil is Significanc, T have not been able to establish how this difference of 0,5 fil could have cccurred, and what might have fallen there to cause. the change In structure of the soll, but 1 am avaiting a further report. tron peoldgist friend, HOWTO BECKMAN TAVESTIGATOR = Part. Questioning of Witnesses + Coviously, the most important aspect of a UFO roport fs the vitness/es to the event. one has to try and establish, at one time or another, wheter: 4) he/she, in your opinion, is telling the truth as they seo Its ») he/she 4s Tying/hoaxing outright; ©) he/she is reporting an event but exaggerating (a 1itt1e/a lot) 4) he/she 18 such a good witness that there is Little doubt in your mind that they are reporting what they, and everyone else, have seen. a (on the shole, being able to categorise the story of the witness as above cones only with experience, on’t be discouraged (f you make mistakes; after all, that's part of Learning. ‘There are many famous UFO people: professors, University lecturers, pilots,pollcesen —— men and wonen of excellent abliity, who never interview a witness. Paul Norman, Vice Président of VUFURS (Victoria UFO Research Society in Australia) first Introduced me to the word ‘Amebiir' Professore! His interpretation (ms casentially derogatory: people who made positive identifications of UFO sightings and denigrated wit- nesses, without ever leaving thelr offices. In sone instances I concur with Paul on this isaue: in the Rosnead Tennis-Court Case, a Professor frum WITS University said the damge to the court had bec caused bby a whirlwind, — Woon confrontod with the burnt trees: (vo facing the court), he quickly changed to ‘lightning! (ona warm, cloudless day?). I do realize that not everyone can go into the f1eld to research. The field investigators bring in the evidence and the character assessment to the best of their ability; but 1t is the ‘armchair’ experts who mestly Interpret the evidence. ‘Stlll, for those of us who are not experts, the initial learning of UFOlogy mist lle infield invest- gation’. "At first I was totally sceptical of every thing T heard. They were not necessarily dishonest people, it ws all misinterpretation or "fanciful Imgind tion. Aut then I began to fealise, vtien evi— dence upon evidence piled up, that the encounters then Selves were REML, wherever the craft and entities might cone from. Wy carly attempts to interview vere all ‘by the book! ""T handed out form, all boustifully comp! ted, ‘out missed the escontials: the awtionalisn of the en counter; the impassioned questioning by the witness Ey 1 didn't take long for me to sbandon them almost totally, although fT stillvuse then instially wen & ‘vitness and case are out of com. I always enclose 4 s.a.c. (an incentive for a repiy!) and this does five we the basic story of the case shile still fresh {nthe mind of the witness. But, unless the sighting 18 easily identifiable, 1 fotlow up by visiting the person/people involved, as soon aa, possible Tuse the first session ss. ‘contidence-gaining' sod then Introduce the tape recordoe.T never have oly one necting Unless of course, the subject is easily, {dentitiable, eg. meteorites, bolides, special buitloons, debris, ete. Sometimes 1t tas inconvenient to wo back to some renote part of Africa and quite a Dit'of time would elapse: but T had already obtained the piysical easentiale ehich were the Important {soues to renember lomediately. The fact that ronths lapsed before the next interview was often beneficial ‘The witness had tine to think, to evaluate, to add mil significant detail which had pot occurred to Hin/ter initially. In otber instances it gave them tine to treat ne vith more confidence; to tell me things that were too strange to report in the firot In th cage of Danie Yan Graan, be showed me ~ on ay third vielt to the small, lasigntticant village there he Lived ~ the plece of glass he had picked up tn site after the craft took off: still warm to the ‘ouch and with bits of grass tod sand eabouded tn It, winere the heat fram the craft had melted tne sand ane eft this unimal evidence. ‘On my second visit be ronembered the 8-beaded ccaptages which grew beside the fence where ihe craft iad stand and «dozen other detalis he'd never: thought to report before, ist more Important than ever, his com. thoughts on the issue, Ler My did they oot try to contact hin, or exchange an artifact of somo sort. Were they Russians?" Wy were the too horses grazing {there Dot affected? [UFO AFRICAN ENCOLNTERS, pp. 1-201 = "all these were part of an overall assescnent. 9 hen 1 have gained my witness's confidence by showin Tem thereto listen to their stories without disbelief, or incredulity, I'am already half-way there. Apart trom eotabiisbing mae, place, date, time and descriot- {onin ay introduction, 1 let them talk. “fell ae what appened™, T say, ‘and if you're not couer say Go! But don't be empatrasced to’ vel] me Sting” After ally T'n a aother of children of both ‘Soest f'n a granimther and pretty open-ainded stout most. things “So when Teoontly the first black African abucte (that T know of) cine my way aad he was Hesttant about he position of a scar he oculd not identity, 1 re SSeured him, adding years to my adulthood. ""T was ‘SMicnly’ ao old thee be noed have no fear of fe 85 a ono,” Gbit alvonced from ay tacks wen 1m do Tae with younger, good-looking Ufologist \erne GiSexs tlary’ Eving, Hichard fall, Richard Haines, Soko Spencer et aly’ Then, ny gosdness, the years rapidly dissipate) ‘Oocasionally, 1 throw 1n a question or two, Deering An mind ty 17 fears of training with MOFON, And howe ate the typo of data you should work wi a) If paralyzod, was it partial or total? Gould you sti] 00 what was going on? b) If there yas a bright Light, how lange or how smili'~ te comparison mith the moon or estar? cc) Tf your witness heard a sound, have them Geseribe Le without suggesting what 1 might bbe ike 1) huming tke boes? (Danke Yan Graan) 41) ike the sound of a dynamo? (Bruce ‘case in this issue) 41) a peeping sound? iy) fn explosive sound? 'Y) a shistling sound 7 (See Case 3 in UFO AFRINEWS 1) 0 ©) Very often, a smell accorpanies the sighting: 1) ozone 41) Sulphur 411) other, e.g. a witness desorited the accompanying smell Like that of "Durban Barbour! I actually wrote to the Port Captain of Duroan to met hie definition and he was kind fenough to reply: A rather cily, ‘unsavory smelt ©) Then, one has to go into after-effects, Prysical after-effects would iclader 4) bloodshot and sare eyes: double vision (inte Van Graan) 11) unaccountable body sears (Bruce) | ALD) difficulty with breathing 4y) Yoni ting | ) anbarn vi) peeling skin (Bruce case, this issue) vil) welgnt lose/gain ‘i110 speech defects, 1.e. slurring, Stuttering, laublitty to form words (Caroline Case, AFRINERS N""1) 1) Atter-eftects: Peychological 4) Disorientation, og you ere in your ‘bedroom and then suidenly inside a ‘craft (Janet of Durban); 11) (oes of Time 414) You recognize the place, but the background as changed," eg. Frances and Peter travelling to Durban, South ‘African fron farare, Zimtabwe.” They new where they were but instead of ‘dry, sparsely pushed terrain, chore ‘seeped to be swanpland and water. a iv) You are tert with special powers, Cceorine (TRINEWS 1) bad be ‘rons CAMRTRENS 1) Ba be sparks fanating from the window sill where Se mus sitting; Jan Oherbolzer” (Case 49, AMUNENS 3) suv in is mind's eye how the pulley on the mining mchine Should work. ‘There are many more categories and sections that Questions ean be divided into, too numerous for me to fnedude here. However, this’ Ls merely a start and you will learn, popetully, as you go along. 11 wy Toforwation ie now being fed ibto a computer but it will take many months to complete the data. ‘On the other hand, it is THERE and 1 wiil willingly assist wherever ad whoever T can, provided they ure fenuine investigators. Upotoor by James: NcCampbel1. INIRUDERS by Buda Hopkins. Price £3.40 Obtaimabte trom Arcturus Book Services, Bax 811383, Stone Mountain, CA 30088-0023, U.S.A PUKMENON by" John Sponcor b Hilary vans. Price £4 ‘Obtainable’ from Spacclink Books, 118 tollj~ brush Lane, Hlanpton, Middlesex TW12 2QY,0.K MORON TAVESTIGNTORS ANTAL. Price | US$. ‘stainadie fron WFO, 103 Cldtome Road, Seguin, "K, U.S.A. (aval lable’ to MIFON members only) OK FOR GENERAL, READING ‘THE TWELVE PLANETS SPEAK Thy Cart Van Viierden.. Ron FO RRDORT 1007 by Timothy Good ~ paperback © ALTHRBSTIVE 3) ty” MAtRINS MLO sto.05 OUT THERE. by Howard Sun uss10.05, DIMENSIONS "by Jacques Vallée $4.45 7 Obtainable from Jocelyn Warnock, 99 Bockhaven Ri, ‘Gowies Hilly Pinetown 3601, South Africa 2 LETTERS 70 THE EDITOR ran ¥ D Musinaly, USSR 1 am very proud you have overvaoe alt problems. You handed tho caso in the Kalahari very professionally, and you did mich more than T expected. By the way, a lot of Russians are jealous that wo publish a leaflet’on out infomation, but at the supe tine they don’t do anything. After receiving your letter I-sitd to myself, it Is ‘only the crazy people who can push Ufology into’ the future. Long Live crazy specialists! 1am ready to send you UFO information in English. 1 could send you UFO articles tn thyesian fut don't know Af {you can have those translated. If_you have difficulty, then Twill use the translaticn in future. ‘Taank you for the address you sont. i usod it immediately. I hope you received our Bulletins. Next Ssaue will be the Autum one (Sept/Oct). T would like to advise that you translate only inform ation concerning Russia. T don"t think you are inter- fested in shat we publish from the Western press. ‘Do you need adiresses of any Western magazines? If yes, Set me koow. Best wishes. (mis letter has been shortened] ‘Prom Stovens Slow, Battalion Buttle School , Nyanga, Zim. T have read with Interest your book about the UFOS and MUFON. "T have wondered If the stories are true? I have ‘obtained your address, through my friend ir TB Muleya.. Please my I know if such stories as huge people with tiny heads really Tanded in the USSR and way didn't the Soviet satellite intercept then? ‘The Bulawayo paper reported in its August 26, 1980 edition that’ an unknown Teck landed soaemhere 1h Masyingo, vs thet true? Wat is your organization doing to find 2 solution to this tame? T find it hard to believe. Please help ne understand Af one day our earth will be raided by those giants as we don't kon what they are after. Yours, eager to know more, ‘STEVENS SIPAO NOUIWU ry (the Battor has sent Mr Slow cuttings about the Voronezh sightings In the USSR) ‘The unknoxn rock is a meteorite, the size of a fiot, which landed 8 metres fram a’rural farmer in Nasvingo Provines. Tt was black on the outside and the inside was Like rough grey cement (iron sulphide) in shich was enbedded a.'shiny substance" or crystals Gepldclite). he farmer had a terrible fright when {he meteorite landed with two loud explosions ~ pass— {ihe through the sound barrier ~ and called in the police. Subsequently, the meteorite was broken open With a badza, (hoe) Teter Lawenstein, a geologist attached to the British “in Harare, dates the meteorite as being approx. 44,8 billion years old. ~ Bi. From Mie Wot Gweru, Zinbabwer Ye used to Iive in Sturugyl until about 14 years ago. lly husband and I, on returning very late one night from a dance in Qveru, saw a very bright Light in the Sy just to the right of the Toad as we approached fhe hills known ae "The Poort'. We turned up the Grenora foad hoping to got closer, but, after travel— ing about # mile, the Light faded. We did pot see any object, only bright Light. Many monthe later we mentioned the Light to sone friends who had been at tho dance a5 well, but used their osm car. Tuey said they bad seen the bright Tight out fad not mentioned this to anyone as they ‘thought. the thing would be laughed off, especially as we were returning fran a dance! Tnentioned this event to 4 man namod Fred Hawker, a Canadian sorklng for Timbert. lle said that he, his fife and say of thelr workers saw anny, cman Lights rom their situation to the left of wiere we saw the ight.” In fact they had al seen events on such a regulir basis that they hardly took any notice. Tmight add that thelr front (ew would be looking temards Somabula. (This is an area in the middle of Linbalwe shere thare 1s supposed to be a magnetic fault. Tungsten ore is present as well as other ores. “4 Mining was formerly extensively done ia this area). T was also told by a Mrs Jay Gous that many years ‘ago, when her husband worked 18 what wis then iow fs Tribal Trust Lands*, botwoon Sturuget» tho Zvi ‘Stavane and’ the Washava areas, many of the African People out there saw strange things on almost ally basis. "Med questioned closely, these people reported things far beyond the activities of the Air Force, eg. landing and taking-off of vehicles that tere tot helicopters, but in thelr om words, akiva Aircraft’, Ie. ‘white mon’s things in the air’, unexplainable to our knowledge. (think you WLII'ring this area of our country full Of stories Tike this. Perhaps what we saw were fireballs or meteors tes fof great brilliaiee, but who knows? ‘From David Powell, Pretoria, South Africa: Thank you for UFO AFRINEWS N° 3 which arrived Safely. must congratulate you and Maria both for Style and content. I like the new cover and the hole production is very satisfying. I'm sure it (LIL pe well resolved in UFO circles (a9 well as the General readership) especially as it reprasents an fares winich has long been silent in the UFD field. It is only thanks to your sterling efforts that ‘those Southern African cases have com to world attention With rogard to the contents, 1 especially enjoyed itary Evans" ‘State of tho Phonceenon’ letter, and also Prier Wintle'a review of Jon Hecl's DISNEYLAND OF Tue cons. Tr Trial Trust Lands: In colonial times, 47% of the total area of Ziniabwe was set aside for occupation by various African trloes according to thelr etinic ‘eroups. This vas done to protect the tribes against land exploitation by whites, and to preserve the ethnic relationships Of the various tribes. ~ Bi] co T must sty that as interesting ag it always is to gain 4 glingae of Bvans" Ideas on the subject, 1 found it Shallow and rather disappointing. True, he did mke Sone valid points ~ such as the danger of trying to Tit the entire framework of UPD lore into # single and sinple explanation, The UFO data 1s extraovdin— frily complens It seems likely that the wleimte eeplanation vill alse be complex. But that does fot mean that after 40 years of regearch it is not possible to discern the wood from the trees. ‘iy problem with Hilary Bane is that be still seems oat ina Tine varp ~ or in tho thickete of Magonis as Jerome Clark mould say." It is all very well to Say’ that UFOs have an undoubted "psychological sig- nificance, but he clearly sees no meaning yet in the Case histories of comtactees. As John Keel has pointed out often enough, the key to the whole UFO Bhenoenon Lies with the contactees. Tt is uot enough just simply to shrug off their stories as subjective ‘or paychological. There 1s also clear evidence of furpore which shines through the majority of thelr Sightings.» [Mere is mich nore, ali of 1¢ highly significant una fof great importance, but we don"t have enough room. feafape Pone will alio'ne to ose SIT An futire Issues. — Bi Prier Wintie ty Jacques Vallée. allantine Books, New York, 1990 ‘Tals is the seventh major book of Vallée's on the subject of UFOs. Tt is also one of bis best, though T think the best of‘al] 1s still his fifth MESSENGERS Of DECEPTION* where be first unequivocally stepped out of ine and became a star in his oma right ip the GFO firmament. Nevertheless, you mist read this one, shethor you are a newoncr tothe field or a specialist Urologist. 26 ANTATION 1s written determinedly for woth those ‘x0 Cineeou and never"forgete the fact.” On ope hand it 1s sn account of a grent many of ha fersonal investigaticas, Siminating Ina extented ‘rip vo ats injury case Stasi. Sich cage ta Deustifully and clearly Presented ith minimm of words and a maim of relevance to Shatever potne be Ts taking av the tine and LLtustrating Tyneane Of It.” On the other band, ie in an extended Sad Maistene statenent of his view of ite right vay tat Ufological iovectigation sould be carried oft” whlch he anya mast be oth actenttfic and properly ovelderste SF witneosos’ feelings ant right to privacy: "Rothing vo tate exception to there", you may be

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