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Lesson Plan for Implementing

NETSSTemplate I
(More Directed Learning Activities)
Template with guiding questions
Erica Carrillo

Physical Science and Georgia Studies Teacher


Little Mill Middle School/Forsyth County Schools




Grade Level(s)


Content Area

Physical Science and Georgia Studies

Time line


Standards (What do you want students to know and be able to do? What knowledge, skills, and strategies do you
expect students to gain? Are there connections to other curriculum areas and subject area benchmarks? ) Please
put a summary of the standards you will be addressing rather than abbreviations and numbers that indicate which
standards were addressed.
Content Standards
NETS*S Standards:

SS8H1 The student will evaluate the development of Native American cultures and the impact of European
exploration and settlement on the Native American cultures in Georgia.
SS8H2 The student will analyze the colonial period of Georgias history.
1. Creativity and Information a & b
3. Research and Information fluency a, b, & c
2. Communication and collaboration a, b, & d 4. Critical Thinking a & b

5. Digital Citizenship a, b, & c

6. Technology Operations and Concepts a-c

Overview (a short summary of the lesson or unit including assignment or expected or possible products)

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The unit covered in this lesson plan is the impact of Europeans on Native American Cultures to include
Exploration and analyzing the colonial period of Georgias history. The students were given the authentic task of
creating a mini teaching unit that included a Google Presentation, Quiz created with Google Form, and a
Teaching/Study Tool that could be created with Google Docs. Students were given the teaching standards, and
research from Teacher Notes (GeorgiaStandards.Org). Differentiation included assigning groups and topics based
on ability, as well as, the freedom to create an interactive teaching/tool using Google Docs or another tool with
teacher approval. For authenticity, the project included an accountability component. Each group had to assess
their teacher effectiveness by administering a teacher-approved student- created quiz. In order to achieve a 4, the
class average had to be 90% or higher on the quiz. If the quiz fell below 80%, the group had the opportunity to
reteach the content using another effective tool, and then reassess. After all groups presented, students did
complete a Subject Area (mandated) Summative Assessment where mean average was 80.3%. Test

Essential Questions (What essential question or learning are you addressing? What would students care or
want to know about the topic? What are some questions to get students thinking about the topic or generate
interest about the topic? Additionally, what questions can you ask students to help them focus on important
aspects of the topic? (Guiding questions) What background or prior knowledge will you expect students to bring
to this topic and build on?) Remember, essential questions are meant to guide the lesson by provoking inquiry.
They should not be answered with a simple yes or no and should have many acceptable answers.
How did European exploration impact Native Americans?
What challenges did early Georgia colonists face during development?

Assessment (What will students do or produce to illustrate their learning? What can students do to generate new
knowledge? How will you assess how students are progressing (formative assessment)? How will you assess
what they produce or do? How will you differentiate products?) You must attach copies of your assessment and/or
rubrics. Include these in your presentation as well.
Tools Used: Google Drive: Presentation, Document, and Form
Explorers Project: RUBRIC
Subject Area Mandated Test: Test
Differentiation: Students had the option with the Teaching Tool to use Google Docs or another interactive method with teacher approval. Also,
students could choose the Question Type on Google Form when creating the quiz. Students also the option to incorporate multimedia
(youtube) in the presentation.

Resources (How does technology support student learning? What digital tools, and resourcesonline student
tools, research sites, student handouts, tools, tutorials, templates, assessment rubrics, etchelp elucidate or
explain the content or allow students to interact with the content? What previous technology skills should students
have to complete this project?)

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Students had experience with Google Drive during past projects. Students were given the standards and Teacher
Notes from
Project Instructions and Rubric: Project
Subject Area Mandated Test: Test

Instructional Plan
Preparation (What student needs, interests, and prior learning provide a foundation for this lesson? How can
you find out if students have this foundation? What difficulties might students have?)
Students were given a Pre-Test at the beginning of the year to establish goals for units. Also, students should
have prior knowledge of Native Americans and Exploration from 4 th grade. Some difficulties students might have
with the content is that it has been a long time since students have seen this material since the focus is primarily
on World Geography in 6th and 7th grade.

Management Describe the classroom management strategies will you use to manage your students and the use
of digital tools and resources. How and where will your students work? (Small groups, whole group, individuals,
classroom, lab, etc.) What strategies will you use to achieve equitable access to the Internet while completing this
lesson? Describe what technical issues might arise during the Internet lesson and explain how you will resolve or
trouble-shoot them? Please note: Trouble-shooting should occur prior to implementing the lesson as well as
throughout the process. Be sure to indicate how you prepared for problems and work through the issues that
occurred as you implemented and even after the lesson was completed.
Students were placed in small groups with ability level considerations. All students had access to computers
through laptops and classroom desktops. Some issues that could be faced is the server often gets slow when all
students are on Google Drive so students often rotate or share to complete his or her portion of the products.

Instructional Strategies and Learning Activities Describe the research-based instructional strategies you will
use with this lesson. How will your learning environment support these activities? What is your role? What are the
students' roles in the lesson? How can you ensure higher order thinking at the analysis, evaluation, or
creativity levels of Blooms Taxonomy? How can the technology support your teaching? What authentic,
relevant, and meaningful learning activities and tasks will your students complete? How will they build knowledge
and skills? How will students use digital tools and resources to communicate and collaborate with each other
and others? How will you facilitate the collaboration?

Students summarized while creating Presentations identifying and using bullets for key points. I was able to provide feedback and reinforce
using chat on Google Drive. I served as a facilitator. Students also created nonlinguistic representations when creating study tools because
many chose to create graphic organizers for the class to complete. Students also within cooperative groups made decisions about objectives,
goals, and the role members of the group would take. For example, how many questions would the quiz have, and how many would each
member design. Creativity levels were addressed through the design of the Presentation, as well as, the design of the teaching/study tool.
Technology was a critical part of the project, and it allowed for authenticity in an educators life, as well as, the business world. Students
communicated and collaborated through Google Drive sharing and chatting within the Drive.

Differentiation (How will you differentiate content and process to accommodate various learning styles and
abilities? How will you help students learn independently and with others? How will you provide extensions and
opportunities for enrichment? What assistive technologies will you need to provide?)

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Students were placed in groups based on ability determined by a pre-assessment. Students with special needs or
ELL were placed within a group that supported and allowed all students to be successful. Students also were
allowed to choose the tools used and these ranged in varying difficulty.

Reflection (Will there be a closing event? Will students be asked to reflect upon their work? Will students be
asked to provide feedback on the assignment itself? What will be your process for answering the following
Did students find the lesson meaningful and worth completing?
In what ways was this lesson effective?
What went well and why?
What did not go well and why?
How would you teach this lesson differently?)
I felt that the projects lasted too long and student interest began to diminish. I feel that maybe if I were to use this
lesson plan again I would maybe shorten the project length. I do think that the accountability portion is worth
doing again because it allowed students to realize the importance of effective presentations.

Closure: Anything else you would like to reflect upon regarding lessons learned and/or your experience with
implementing this lesson. What advice would you give others if they were to implement the lesson? Please
provide a quality reflection on your experience with this lesson and its implementation.
I would possibly shorten the project, and limit the length of the presentation. This would keep students more
engaged in presentations and result in higher assessment scores on student-created quizzes.

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