Olson Nicole Classroom Management Plan

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Classroom Management Plan

Ms. Olson
My Philosophy
Each student in the classroom is an individual with specific needs. As an educator I must provide an atmosphere
in my own classroom where each student has the capability to reach his or her maximum, socially,
academically, physically, and emotionally. Every decision I make in my classroom should be made based on
who my students are and what they need to be successful.
Why Classroom Management?
Effective classroom management is the key to an effective educational setting. By creating an environment
where students feel as though they are part of a community and in a safe place, I am creating a foundation to a
classroom management plan. I am committed to creating a classroom where I know my students can actively
engage in their learning and are challenged to learn something new everyday. Without classroom management
students are unable to learn.
General Rules
1. Treat yourself, other students, teacher, and property with respect
2. Encourage and help others
3. Ask Questions
4. Listen carefully and follow directions
5. Challenge yourself
Classroom Behavior Clip Up Clip Down Chart

The Clip Up Clip Down chart is meant to instill a sense of leadership in my students. My main goal is to make
sure that no matter where a student ends up for the day, good or bad, they have potential and can use that days
color to grow.

My students color for the day is displayed in their agenda every day. Agendas are a very important form of
communication between school and home. Students also record all of their homework assignments and notes
home to parents in their agenda. It is their responsibility to get it signed by a parent every day.
Consequences (In order):
1. Informal discussion
2. Second and last warning
3. Restriction of privileges
4. Detention
5. Discipline Conference with student
6. Discipline Conference with student and administrator
7. Discipline Conference with student, administrator and parent
8. Removal from classroom into an Alternative Learning Classroom
9. In School Suspension
10. Expulsion (based on district rules)
1. Treasure Box
2. Encouraging notes and calls home
3. Lunch with your teacher
4. Eat in the room with your friend
5. Extra 5 minutes of recess
6. Whole Class rewards
Playground and physical activity rules:
*** District Policy (Mesa Public Schools)
1. Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself.
2. Be respectful of others.
3. Food and drink are only permitted in the cafeteria and, on special occasions, in the classroom. Gum is not
allowed on campus.
4. Students will use positive words. Foul language is not permitted.
5. Students will walk at all times while walking around campus.
6. Students will remain in designated areas unless they have a pass from their teacher. Students are not to play
between or behind buildings.
Teachers and playground assistants use grabbers to reinforce positive play
and interaction among students.
1. Warning for initial offense.
2. Time out for second offense. Students will be benched outside during the remainder of the recess.
3. Repeat offenses can be dealt with using the discipline note for parents (assigning lunch detention) or taking
away additional recess time.
4. Severe behavior problems are to be sent to the office. Follow as quickly as you can with a verbal or written
description of the problem.

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