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Amsawal d Maarten Kossmann

Maarten Kossmann

Maarten Kossmann d asnawal (linguiste) irzan aa i tutlayt (langue) d tsekla

(littrature) timaziin. Nei ikk Feyyey yur n mayyu 2013, netta tu ien din !
Nemsawal akides f ca n tawsiwin.
Figuignews : Mass Maarten Kossmann, awal amezwar ad ac nini aa f umsawal nnec
akidnex. Cekk d asnawal, tessaed i tseddawit (universit) n Leiden i tmurt n Huana sukk
mezwar n isekkwasen n 1990. Txedmed i dduktua nnec asekkwas n 1994 f tmazit n Ifeyyey ;
txedmed dex f Rrif, f Nnijer, ... Turid f waa n tawsiwin icersen agd tmazit (qqel l
wadday). Assten nnex amezwar d : maer textared tamerziwt (la recherche) f Ifeyyey ?
Maarten Kossmann : Yuden tu qqaex i ljamiet (i tseddawit), xleqex ttehtemmi qbala s
tmazit. Nnix ja iyi d yiman nux, mani sad afe idjen n nnu n tmazit, xef ul nessin walu ?
Yuden, tmazit n Ifeyyey, u zzis tu nessin qa ca. Awd maer xtarex Ifeyyey.
Figuignews : Ad tzemred ad ax dd tinid may cekk yiwyen l tesnawalt (la linguistique) i tei
nnec ?
Maarten Kossmann : Netc ejbent i-dd lluat (tutlayin) qbala, uja tutlayin ittwasawalen, ulli cay tinen day ittwaran yeni, manec ttestemalen midden lluet nsen, manec tella, manec
tella tsuki (structure) nnes...
Figuignews : Tessawaled mli aa n tutlayin : tmazit, tafanaweyt, taneglizeyt,
tahuaneyt, taamaneyt... Wac tamusni n waa n tutlayin d ubi ?
Maarten Kossmann : D ubi qbala. Amezwar, asiwel n tutlayt d asiwel aked xieeh n
midden i xieah n tmuawin. Walayenni, asiwel n tutlayt wala d itaf i jaj n yidles (ttaqafet) n
yinen zzis issawalen. Tlemmded bezzaf f manec teddren, f manec ttfekken, f manec
Figuignews : Ttmitiyed d wussan nnec imezwar ikk Feyyey ? Manec txelqed i tiwed i tmurt
u mullu nnec amezwar ?
Maarten Kossmann : Mullu-y-amezwar, usi dd s lka, beda qqime ssawale aked At
ufeyyey kidi ixeen. Necres lmualaqat (tamusi), wala qbel dd ala yawe el da ! Tessned
iwa l Ifeyyey ! Day ttxeed, seba n sswaye i lexla, ttmatared day cennud d ca n wulli

kullci amzun bnadem u din illi qa. Tellid tiwed dd l Ifeyyey tizzizewt, tizdayin, tiregwin
kulci yyen t midden. Wu issebhi ! Walayenni tawsa lmuhimma qbala d asnuji (invitation,
accueil) d tiddukla d uawen da ufi. Xse ad ini aa qbala qa ikk meddukal inu !

Kossmann d uytal nnes

Figuignews : Tessekfid tamerziwt f Ifeyyey walayenni tettased dd ad el da. Ikk Feyyey

ssnen cekk midden agd telmed dis imeddukal !
Maarten Kossmann : Llix feex qbala. Ayu cal ul aex l Ifeyyey. Ixleq ri mala yyex (les
projets) i tmuawin nnien. Yudu usix dd day d luelt ammen ad ccnex Ifeyyey i lfamilet
inux dex ammen ad ex imeddukal inux.
Figuignews : Tessned Ifeyyey, teccned t ula ikk at tiddart nnec. Maykk illan ja ac d Ifeyyey
Maarten Kossmann : Ifeyyey d amur n tudert inux, At ufeyyey, ttiman lebda ukk ul inux.
Figuignews : Ikk Feyyey tu qqan ac Lmei ! Maer ? Texsed ayu n yisem n usefe ?
Maarten Kossmann : Idjen n usekkwas, yuden i tu qqaex i Fansa, tu elmex din xieah
n imeddukal imerbiyen. Idjen zzisen qqan as Lmei. Manec qqaen Lmei s teabt am
manec qqaen Maarten s thulaniyt. Yeni nnix ikk man nux, maer di ala samman s
tfaniit nix s tneglizeyt Martin , illa idjen n yisem qqaen t am yisem inux n e ! Iejb
i-dd ayu n yisem bezzaf. Walayenni, Lmei, qqan-i-dd ammu day At ufeyyey, u d it id cay
qqien i tmuawin nnien.
Figuignews : Tufid ca n enneq-a (difficults) d At ufeyyey ?
Maarten Kossmann : emm-i da ufix enneq-a. Ufix xireah n iwdan, awnen iyi idjen n
uawen ubi qbala.
Figuignews : Dduktua nnec f tjeumt (grammaire) n tmazit n Ifeyyey d yict n lexdemt
tameqqant. Tiwyed dd dis aa i tmusni n tmazit ! Cekk d amezwar irzan mli i tmazit n
Ifeyyey walayenni qa s wammu, awal n Ifeyyey, u xfes cay urin midden ca n maykk iwan
d ca n tmerziwt takadimeyt u xfes tettwayyi !
Maarten Kossmann : Yuden bdix i tmerziwt inux, ul ixliq walu, yudu ibeddel lal. Ukk
seggwas n 1995, Saa Fouad iyyu dduktua nnes wala d netta s tmazit n Ifeyyey, d yict


tmerziwt tubit. Yudu nelem idjen n lektab dis tinfas n Ifeyyey tejmed tent cekk. Qa ayu
muhimm qbala.

Idjen n ubrid ikk Feyyey

Figuignews : Tessawaled mli tmazit n Ifeyyey dex tessned aa n iwalen imazien i

Lmeuk agd Ddzayer. Ad tzemred ad ax dd tinid ca f may deg temsexa tmazit n Ifeyyey d
tinninin ?
Maarten Kossmann : Ca d tmazit telem lxa nnes. Tmazit n Ifeyyey tewe i tmazit n
telwin (lwaat) n Ddzayer, am Tumabt nix Teggargrent (i Wargla). Wala i Lmerib ad
tafed tmazit teqeb s tmazit n Ifeyyey am i Yicc, mani ssawalen am Ifeyyey, nix i in Ccir
(walayenni illa dis afu n lfeq - day ul nessin bezzaf s manec ssawalen). Tmazit n Ifeyyey
telem ca n lewayej xaa, u stent tettifed cay ikk mucan nnien i Lmerib. Ad ac inix idjen
n lmatal. Ikk Feyyey, qqaen netta immut , itnin mman , yeni asekkil (lef) n t
ittili da metta tennid netta , u da ittili cay metta tennid itnin . Tu d yicc n najet taqdimt
qbala i tmazit, mujud i tmazit n Itergeyyen akd tmazit n Muianya ; i Lmerib u sett
tettifed day ikk Feyyey.
Figuignews : Txedmed f tenfust n Rrif, tessned tanfust n Ifeyyey. Illa ca n umsewa nix n
umcabah ja tasekla (littrature) n Rrif d tenn n Ifeyyey ? Nella nemmitey d Lunja (nix
Nunja), d uma...
Maarten Kossmann : Tinfas n Rrif d tenfas n Ifeyyey ttemcabahent qbala, akidsen Sarsarawedder-seba, Nunja, ica timefe n yied (qqan as Irifiyyen Nunja wala i nettet, u-lli cay
day i Nunja n Ifeyyey !), kullci illa dis (day Nnaye Bugem emmr i ss lqix i Rrif). Wala d
tinfas n Uuppa d tenfas n Ifeyyey ttemcabahent. Matalan ica timefe n yied tettwassen s
yisem n Cendrillon . Ayen n tenfas u-lli cay swa tent qa, walayenni ittiban ucras ja asent.
Figuignews : Tiwed l Yaman ammen ad terzid f ca n maykk qqaen illa ja tmazit d tutlayt
n teqeaneyt, may er tiwed ?
Maarten Kossmann : Zuex Yaman day d aewwas, u din cay yyix ca n tmerziwt. Tutlayin
n Yaman d tmazit qa ul ttemcibicent i ca. A din tafed xireah n tawsiwin ielmen
muhimma (llan ri imeddukal reddzan xefsent), walayenni walu cay amcabah ja asen aked


Figuignews : Cekk txeddmed f tutlayin n Tefrikt n ugafa (Afrique du Nord), d Ssail d

Ssudan. Illa ca n umsewa nix n umcabah ja tutlayin n uyu n tmua ?
Maarten Kossmann : Itergeyyen n Nnijer d Mali ssawalen tmazit. Tutlayin nnien ul
ttemcibihent cay qbala agd tmazit n Itergeyyen, walayenni tmazit tutef disent. Yyix lbet s
yicc n tutlayt ssawalen i Nnijer, qqan-as s tefanaweyt Songha septentrional . Ayen n
tutlayt, uja n uzgen n iwalen nnes usen dd si tmazit.
Figuignews : Sait qbala ! Nessaram (esprons) ad tilid tessifated ussan iien qbala ikk
Feyyey, cekk d yellic t tmeut nnec. Al tikkelt nnien !
Maarten Kossmann : Al tikkelt nnien ! Ie ac lxir !
Imsawal akides Hassane Benamara
Figuignews 2013
Maykk yuri Maarteen Kossman (Publications de Maarten Kossmann)
In press = Accepted, but not yet published.
In Press
The Arabic Influence on Northern Berber. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 450 p.
A Grammatical Sketch of Ghadames Berber (Libya). Kln: Rdiger Kppe Verlag, 200
A Grammar of Ayer Tuareg (Niger). Kln: Rdiger Kppe Verlag, 188 p.
Berber Loanwords in Hausa. Kln: Rdiger Kppe Verlag, 228 p.
De Menseneetster. Berbersprookjes uit Noord-Marokko. Amsterdam: Bulaaq, 287 p.
Esquisse grammaticale du rifain oriental. Paris-Louvain: Peeters, 215 p.
A Study of Eastern Moroccan Fairy Tales. Folklore Fellows Communications, No. 274.
Helsinki: Academia Scientiarum Fennica, 152 p.
Essai sur la phonologie historique du berbre, Kln: Rdiger Kppe Verlag, 316 p.
Grammaire du parler berbre de Figuig (Maroc oriental), Paris-Louvain: Peeters, 554 p.
(= PhD, Leiden 1994).
(with Abdelkader Bezzazi). Berber sprookjes uit Noord-Marokko (opgetekend door
Abdelkader Bezzazi, uit het Berber vertaald en uitgeleid door Maarten Kossmann).
Amsterdam: Bulaaq, 164 p. + Compact Disc.

(with Dirk Boutkan): Het Stadsdialekt van Tilburg: Klank- en Vormleer. Cahiers van het
P.J. Meertens Instituut nr 7., Amsterdam: Meertens Instituut, 102 p.
Edited books
In Press
(with Carole de Fral and Mauro Tosco): Hommage Robert Nicola, volume II.
Louvain-la-Neuve: Peeters.
(with Harry Stroomer, Dymitr Ibriszimow and Rainer Vossen). tudes berbres V. Essais
dur des variations dialectales et autres articles. Actes du 5. Bayreuth-Frankfurt-Leidener
Kolloquium zur Berberologie, Leiden 8-11 octobre 2008. Kln: Rdiger Kppe, 212 p.
(with Dymitr Ibriszimow) Werner Vycichl: Berberstudien & A Sketch of Siwi Berber
(Egypt). Kln: Rdiger Kppe, 258 p.
Articles in journals and book chapters
In press
On Substratum: The History of the Focus Marker d in Jijel Arabic (Algeria). In: Carole
de Fral (ed.), Hommage Robert Nicola. 13 p. [to appear in 2011].
Borrowing. In: Jonathan Owens (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Arabic Linguistics.
Oxford: Oxford University Press. 14 p. [to appear in 2011].
Inflectional borrowing. In: M. Baerman (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Inflection.
Oxford: Oxford University Press. 25 p. [to appear in 2011/12].
(with Ramada Elghamis) Preliminary notes on Tuareg in Arabic script from Niger. In:
Meikal Mumin & Kees Versteegh (eds.), Arabic Script in Africa: Studies on the Usage of a
Writing System. Leiden etc.: Brill. 9 p. [to appear in 2011/12].
Berber subclassification. In: Rainer Vossen (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of African
Languages. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 9 p. [to appear in 2011/12].
(with Angelika Jakobi) On Berber Borrowings into Nubian. Sprache und Geschichte in
Afrika, 14 p.
Personal pronouns in the Ayt Seghrushen Berber variety of the province of Taza. In:
Abdelaziz Allati, ed. Mlanges Michael Peyron. 15 p.
Pharyngealization and the vowel system of Tasawaq (Northern Songhay). Nordic
Journal of African Studies 21/1 (2012). 21-33.
Berber. In: Zygmunt Frajzyngier & Erin Shay (eds.), The Afroasiatic Languages.
Cambridge etc.: Cambridge University Press, p. 18-101.
Berber-Arabic code-switching in Imouzzar du Kandar (Morocco). In: Utz Maas &
Stephan Prochzka, eds. Moroccan Arabic in typological perspective. STUF Language
Typology and Universals 65/4. 369-382.
Some new etymologies for glottal-stop initial Zenaga Berber words. In: Tomasz
Polaski and Joachim liwa, eds. Festschrift for Andrzej Zaborski. (= Folia Orientalia,
49). 245-251.

The names of King Antefs dogs. In: Amina Mettouchi (ed.), Parcours berbres .
Mlanges offerts Paulette Galand-Pernet et Lionel Galand pour leur 90e anniversaire.
Cologne : Rdiger Kppe. 79-84.
Adjectives in Northern Songhay, Afrika und bersee 90 (2008-2009). 109-132.
Parallel System Borrowing: Parallel morphological systems due to the borrowing of
paradigms, Diachronica, 27/3, p. 459-487.
(with Thilo Schadeberg). Argument reference in the Ebang verbal complex (Heiban,
Kordofanian). Journal of African Languages and Linguistics 31/1, p. 79-100.
Grammatical notes on the Berber dialect of Igli (Sud oranais, Algeria). In: Harry
Stroomer, Maarten Kossmann, Dymitr Ibriszimow & Rainer Vossen (eds.), tudes
berbres V. Essais sur des variations dialectales et autres articles. Actes du 5. BayreuthFrankfurt-Leidener Kolloquium zur Berberologie, Leiden 8-11 octobre 2008. Kln: Rdiger
Kppe Verlag, p. 69-120.
On relative clauses in Northern Songhay: Tuareg and Songhay components. In: Georg
Ziegelmeyer & Norbert Cyffer (eds.), Aspects of Co- and Subordination Case Studies
from African, Slavonic and Turkic Languages, 251-267. Kln: Rdiger Kppe.
The collective in Berber and language contact. In: Vermondo Brugnatelli & Mena
Lafkioui (eds.), Berber in Contact. Linguistic and Sociolinguistic Perspectives. Berber
Studies 22, Kln: Rdiger Kppe Verlag, p. 53-62.
La flexion du prtrit dtat en berbre : questions de morphologie compare. In :
Salem Chaker, Amina Mettouchi & Grard Philippson (eds.), tudes de phontique et de
linguistique berbres. Hommage Nama Louali (1961-2005). Paris, Louvain & Walpole
MA : Peeters, p. 155-176.
Loanwords in Tarifiyt, a Berber language from Morocco. In: Martin Haspelmath & Uri
Tadmor (eds.), Loanwords in the Worlds Languages. A Comparative Handbook. Berlin: De
Gruyter Mouton, p. 191-214.
Tarifiyt Berber vocabulary. In: Martin Haspelmath & Uri Tadmor (eds.): World
Loanword Database. Mnchen: Max Planck Digital Library. 1533 entries.
On genitive linking in Songhay. Afrikanistik Online.
(with Mena Lafkioui) Les inaccomplis du tarifit. In: Acha Bouhjar & Hamid Soufi
(eds.), Lamazighe dans lOriental et le Nord du Maroc: variation et covergence. Actes du
colloque international en hommage Nama Louali (1961-2005). Rabat: IRCAM, p. 101108.
(co-auteur with Clothilde Coudray e.a.) The Complex and Diversified Mitochondrial
Gene Pool of Berber Populations. Annals of Human Genetics 73/2 (March 2009), p. 196214.
(co-auteur with Jean-Michel Dugoujon e.a.) The Berber and the Berbers : Genetic and
linguistic diversities. In : Francesco dErrico & Jean-Marie Hombert (eds.), Becoming
eloquent. Advances in the emergence of language, human cognition, and modern cultures.
Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins, p. 123-146.
On the nature of borrowing in Cypriot Arabic, Zeitschrift fr arabische Linguistik 49, p.

Three irregular Berber verbs: eat, drink, be cooked, ripen. In: Alexander Lubotsky,
Jos Schaeken & Jeroen Wiedenhof (eds.), Evidence and Counter-Evidence. Essays in
Honour of Frederik Kortlandt. Amsterdam / New York: Rodopi, p. 225-236.
The borrowing of aspect as lexical tone: y-initial Tuareg verbs in Tasawaq (Northern
Songhay). Studies in African Linguistics 36/2, p. 151-166.
Berber morphology. In: Alan Kaye (ed.), Morphologies of Asia and Africa (Including the
Caucasus), Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns, p. 425-441.
La reconstitution des pronoms satellites de la deuxime personne du pluriel en berbre.
In: Abdelaziz Allati (ed.), Linguistique amazighe : les nouveaux horizons. Ttouan:
Universit Abdelmalek Essadi, Facult des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines, p. 28-47.
Grammatical borrowing in Tasawaq. In: Yaron Matras & Jeanette Sakel (eds.) :
Grammatical Borrowing in Cross-Linguistic Perspective. Berlin/New York: Mouton de
Gruyter, p. 75-90.
Mood/Aspect/Negation morphemes in Tabelbala Songhay (Algeria). Afrika und bersee
87, p. 131-154.
Remarks on the history of some Zenaga pronouns. In: D. Ibriszimow, R. Voen & H.
Stroomer (eds.), Etudes berbres III (Kln: Rdiger Kppe), p. 167-174.
Marokkaanse sprookjes. In: O. Rieter & I. Strouken (eds.), Spiegeltje, spiegeltje aan de
wand. Over sprookjes, broodje-aap en andere volksverhalen. Utrecht: Nederlands Centrum
voor Volkscultuur & Meertens Instituut, p. 29-34.
Is there a Songhay substratum in Gourara Berber? In: Kamal Nat-Zerrad, Dymitr
Ibriszimow & Rainer Voen (eds.), Nouvelles tudes berbres. Le verbe et autres articles.
Kln: Rdiger Kppe, p. 51-66.
Broertje en Zusje: Een berberverhaal uit Figuig. In: A. A. Seyed-Gohrab & J. G. J. ter
Haar (eds.), De band met u, mijn vriend, verbreek ik niet. Liber Amicorum voor Kamil
Banak. Leiden, p. 81-84.
The origin of the Berber participle. In: Lionel Bender, David Appleyard & Gbor
Takcs (eds.), Afrasian: Selected Comparative-Historical Linguistic Studies in Memory of
Igor M. Diakonoff. Mnchen: Lincom Europe, p. 27-40.
Lorigine de laoriste intensif en berbre. Bulletin de la Socit de Linguistique de Paris
97/1, p. 353-370.
Lorigine du vocalisme en znaga de Mauritanie. In: Dymitr Ibriszimow & Rainer
Voen (eds.), tudes berbres. Actes du 1. Bayreuth-Frankfurter Kolloquium zur
Berberologie. = Frankfurter Afrikanistische Bltter 13, p. 83-95.
Deux emprunts du berbre lgyptien ancien. In: Kamal Nat-Zerrad (ed.), Articles de
linguistique berbre. Mmorial Werner Vycichl. Paris: LHarmattan, p. 245-252.
Person-number inflection in Berber verbs. Sprawozdania z posiedze komisji naukowych
(Polska Akademia Nauk, oddzia w Krakowie) 44, 2, p. 59-62.
The structure of the Berber verb. Sprawozdania z posiedze komisji naukowych (Polska
Akademia Nauk, oddzia w Krakowie) 44, 2, p. 63-67.

Les dsinences modales en berbre. Rivista degli Studi Orientali, 74, p. 25-39.
The origin of the glottal stop in Zenaga and its reflexes in the other Berber languages.
Afrika und bersee 84, p. 61-100.
(with Dirk Boutkan): On the etymology of silver. North-Western European Language
Evolution (NOWELE) 38, p. 3-15.
Le futur Ghadams et lorigine de la conjugaison verbale en berbre. In: Salem
Chaker & Andrzej Zaborski (eds.), tudes berbres et chamito-smitiques. Mlanges offerts
Karl-G. Prasse. Paris-Louvain: Peeters, p. 237-255.
Tarifiyt. The Encyclopaedia of Islam, X, p. 242.
(with Dirk Boutkan): The etymology of zijpe. In: Dirk Boutkan & Arend Quak (eds.),
Language Contact. Substratum, Superstratum, Adstratum in Germanic Languages. =
Amsterdamer Beitrge zur lteren Germanistik 54, p. 31-40.
Fadna et Omar , gnse dun conte berbre. Awal 19, p. 85-96.
Das nordafrikanische Rapunzelmrchen. Rocznik orientalistyczny LII/2, p. 27-56.
Cinq notes de linguistique historique berbre. Etudes et Documents Berbres 17, p. 131152.
(with Dirk Boutkan): Berber parallels of European substratum words. Journal of
Indoeuropean Studies 27, 1 & 2, p. 87-100.
Sprookjes uit Oost-Marokko in een Europees perspectief. Volkskundig Bulletin 24. 2, p.
(with Dirk Boutkan): Dialektologische Betrachtungen zur Etymologie von Raupe,
rups. Amsterdamer Beitrge zur lteren Germanistik 50, p. 5-11.
(with Dirk Boutkan): Over sjwa-apocope in het Nederlands. Tijdschrift voor Nederlandse
Taal- en Letterkunde 114, p. 164-171.
(with Nico van den Boogert): Les premiers emprunts arabes en berbre. Arabica XLIV,
p. 317-322.
Le pronom dobjet direct de la troisime personne en berbre. In: Mauro Tosco &
Alessandro Bausi (eds.): Afroasiatica Neapolitana, (Napoli), p. 69-79.
Du nouveau propos du nom de laiguille. Etudes et Documents Berbres 14, p. 97-105.
(with Harry Stroomer) Berber phonology. In: Alan Kaye & Peter Daniels (eds.),
Phonologies of Asia and Africa (Including the Caucasus), (Eisenbrauns), p. 461-475.
Schwa en berbre. Journal of African Languages and Linguistics 16, p. 71-82.
Les verbes en i final en znte : tude historique. Etudes et Documents Berbres 13, p.
La spirantisation dans les parlers zntes : aperu historique. In: Petra Bos (ed.),
Langues du Maroc : aspects linguistiques dans un contexte minoritaire (Tilburg), p. 11-19.

La conjugaison des verbes CC voyelle alternante en berbre. Etudes et Documents

Berbres 12, p. 17-33.
Amarna-Akkadian as a mixed language. In: Peter Bakker & Maarten Mous (eds.), Mixed
Languages (Studies in Language and Language Use, 13.) (IFOTT, Amsterdam), p. 169173.
Linaccompli ngatif en berbre. Etudes et Documents Berbres 6, p. 19-29.
The case system of West-Semitized Amarna Akkadian. Jaarbericht Ex Oriente Lux 30, p.
38-60. 2013


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