Cultural Practice/context/space Discussed in The Excerpt

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English 8

Group: 19
Name: Felipe Molina
Bryan Pelez
Carlos Rivera
Pablo Bravo
Teacher: Juan Diego Arismendi
Unit 1- reading comprehension

Waxer, Lise. 2002. City of Musical Memory: Salsa, Record Grooves and Popular Culture in Cali, Colombia.
1. Cultural practice/context/space discussed in the excerpt.
The context that the narrative take part, was the Cali city in the 90s. The cultural practice that is in the text tell about the practice of the old people salsera in Cali , the
places that him visited that called viejotecas and the changes that this places take influenced by cartel of drugs in Cali and finally the great victory of viejotecas to this
wave of violence and Carteles.
2. Summary.
After the capture of top leaders of the Cali cocaine cartel, the Viejotecas were adopted by nightclubs as a means to save the business and that the Cali people would
attend lot. Initially, the Viejotecas emerged as a recreational activity for elderly, yet many neighborhoods took this idea, being of great reception due to the low cost of
liquor, to share with people of that generation and dance music with which he had grown up.
It is a story emerged in 1992, which speaks of a white man, well dressed and had a red jeep, which drew the attention of all women bailadero "Agapito" located in
Juanchito. Being a Holy Thursday, at one point the man takes a girl to dance and then the man's appearance changes and the smell of sulfur invaded the track, by
running all present. With this an allegory, between what is the drug cartel and the Cali vulnerable population is created.
3. When did the cultural practice take place historically?
The cultural practice take place in different es times , first in 1993 that appeared the first viejoteca , then the change and revival of viejotecas after the Cartel of Cali
fallen dawn in 1995 and finally the success of viejotecas in 1997 and 2000.
4. Where in the city did it take place?

The viejotecas take place in Calis working class neighborhoods , in the luxury nightclubs , in Juanchito , and Cali live scene.
5. Who participated in it?

6. What style(s) of music were used?

7. What other cultural practices were connected with it (food, dress, ways of interacting with the music, etc.)?

8. What did the practitioners value as important?

9. Important places, musicians or groups, figures in the community, songs
Places: Chango , Agapito
Groups: Evelio Carabalis ballet Folclor.
10. vocabulary words and definitions

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