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Alessandra Addis
Moisés Káder
Orlando Johanning
One day Mark was walking to
school and he saw some peo-
ple throwing trash to an empty
lot. He continued walking down
the hill and he saw some little
girls feeling proud about throw-
ing trash on the sidewalks. He
thought that doing what the
girls were doing was also cool so
he made the same.

He continued walking and he
had a premonition that some-
thing was strange or different
as other days. Birds didn’t sing,
rabbits didn’t run and cows
didn’t eat. He started to get
worried. Finally he got to
The bell rang, everybody had
a big smile but then he saw his
friend Mike, who was very sad.
He went and sat beside him
and he started talking to him
and asked him what was
In English class Mark remembered he
had done something wrong. He re-
membered that while he was going to
school everybody was throwing trash
(discarded electronic things like com-
puters, radios, television, etc.) all the
way to school.
He thought all the English class
about what he had made. It
passed the day and he talked
to Mike that he had a big plan
for people stop throwing trash.

Mike got interested on the

plan of saving the pond and
the empty lot.
First they went to their teach-
ers to tell them the plan and
they agreed. The teachers
promised to Mike and Mark
that they will going to make a
community service of going to
the dirty lot and that they
Another idea that the tea-
chers gave was of teaching
the people that were conta-
minating how to recycle.
At the end of the day, he
went back to his house. All
the way back he felt hap-
py and sad.

Sad because he was seeing

the dirty empty lot and happy
because of the community
service that he was going to
He talked to his mom and
dad they agree about his
plan. They said that they also
wanted to help on the com-
munity service.
The next day he went to scho-
ol all the way there try to say
all the people that he knew
about his plan, some of them
listen and stop, but some ot-
her, were not wise, they throw
and throw as it was fun it was
a totally disaster.
He run, he try to see one little
bird sing, one beautiful cow
give milk, one little bunny feel
free, he smile wasn’t big he
was so sad about not seeing a

It was Friday now, he called
Mike and tell him to come to
his house, know we would go
to the lots and take all that
trash out, maybe you could
see the little pond and you
could find your orange fish.
They took everything out and
finally saw people helping
them at the end all the peo-
ple were getting all their trash
off those beautiful lots.
He saw his parents coming ta-
king to their teachers and he
realized that his big plan did
work all that fiends start to
realized that what they did
wasn’t something to get
They saw the pond, and see
something move it was Mike
fish feeling good! Mike hear
little birds sing and Mr. Frank
yelling him, want some fresh
He was so proud about him-
self and he just wanted to do
one more thing, he explain all
the people what recycling
mean, it didn’t mean throw
everything away it means to
reuse, to use things again and
again like paper.
On Monday he went to scho-
ol again all the lots were per-
fectly clear, and he saw all
the way cans all full of trash
that means everybody was
recycling, he felt good and
went to school with a big smi-

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