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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam February 18, 2016

What are the characteristics of true devotion? Bhagawan lovingly explains us

Whoever one may be, in whatever condition, if one
gives no room for dispiritedness, if one has no fear at
all, and if one remembers the Lord with unshaken faith
and without any ulterior motive, all suffering and sorrow
will fall away. The Lord will never enquire at any time
the caste to which you belong or the precepts or
traditions that you follow. Devotion doesnt consist in
wearing an ochre cloth, organising festivals, performing
ritual sacrifices, shaving off the hair, carrying water pot
or rod, matting the hair, etc. Instead, the characteristics
of devotion are: a pure mind(anthahkarana), uninterrupted (whatever one may be doing)
contemplation on God, the feeling that everything is the
Lords creation, and therefore a) non-attachment to
sense objects; b) the embracement of all in equal love;
and c) dedication to true speech.
- Prema Vahini, Ch 61

Sathya Sai Baba

True devotion really means installing the Divine in the heart and enjoying the bliss of that
experience. Baba
18 PrvrI, 2016
sweI ieMnspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn:s`cI swDnw(BgqI) dy ikhVy gux hn?Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,ipAwr nwl smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr:ijhVw vI koeI mnu`K hovy Aqy ijhVI mrzI hwlq iv`c hovy,jy auh hOslw nhIN C`fdw,aus nUM iksy cIz dw fr
nhIN hY,auh Bgvwn dw hr vyly ismrx,pUrI SRDw nwl krdw hY Aqy aus iv`c,aus dw koeI injI svwrQ nhIN hY qW
aus dIAW swrIAW muSklW Aqy musIbqW Awpxy-Awp Kqm ho jwx gIAW[Bgvwn quhwnUM iksy vyly vI ieh pRSn
nhIN krn gy ik quhwfI ikhVI zwq hY Aqy qusIN ikhVy rIqI-irvwz Apxwaundy ho[BgqI dw ieh ArQ nhIN ik
qusIN iks iksm dy kpVy pihndy ho,ikhVy iqauhwr mnwauNdy ho,iks qrHW dIAW blIAW idMdy ho,Awpxy isr dy vwl
munwauNdy ho,pwxI dw GVw jW lwTI auTwauNdy ho,vwlW nUM sY`t krdy ho Awid[s`cI BgqI auh hY, ijs iv`c mnu`K dy
ivcwr piv`qr,iekwgrqw nwl eISvr dw ismrx,ieh ivcwr r`Kxw ik hr vsqU,Bgvwn ny hI auqpn kIqI hY,aus
dI Dwrxw huMdI hY[ies leI,ieMdRIAW dI vwsnwvW qoN dUr rho,swirAW nUM iek ijhw ipAwr kro Aqy s`c bolo[(pRym
vwihnI,A`iDAwey 61)[

s`cI BgqI dw AslI ArQ ieh hY ik Bgvwn nUM Awpxy ihrdy iv`c vswau Aqy aus dy AnuBv dw AwnMd pRwpq

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