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Circle Theatre A Little Night Music Audition Monologues: WOMEN

- Additional monologues maybe added on facebook later this week or at auditions.

- Hard copies will be available at the auditions.
- If auditioning for one of the other roles, including the Liebeslieder Singers, please pick any
ANNE (Female: soprano - age range: 17-22) p. 30
(Fredrik produces theater tickets from his pocket)
Tickets for the theater! Its Woman of the World, isnt it? The French
comedy "with Desire Armfeldt! Shes on all the posters! Oh, Fredrik,
how delicious! Oh! What shall I wear? My blue with the feathers - genuine
angels feathers? Or the yellow? Ah, I know. My pink, with the bosom.
Fredrik! You were sweet to think of the theater for me....all the posters call
her The One And Only Desire Armfeldt? I wonder what it would feel like
to be a One and Only! The One and Only - Anne Egerman!
(She leaves FREDRIK on the bed and moves to the vanity table.)
Poor Fredrik! Do I still make you happy? After eleven months? I know Im
foolish to be so afraid - and youve been so patient, but, soon - I promise.
Oh, I know you think Im too silly to worry, but I do . . .
ANNE (Female: soprano - age range: 17-22)
After I spoke with you, I thought: I will go! I wont! Then I thought why not? Well go to that awful
womens house and Ill say to her: How dare you try to steal my husband? At your age you
should have acquired at least some moral sense. And then -- the in the motorcar coming here,
I thought: Oh dear, Ill never have the courage and maybe its all my fault. ...Oh, I just want to
DESIREE (Female: mezzo - age range: 40 50) p. 48
Dear Madame, that can be summed up in a single word - Dignity. We women have a right to
commit any crime toward our husbands, our lovers, our sons, as long as we do not hurt their
dignity. We should make mens our best ally and caress it, cradle it speak tenderly to it, and
handle it as our most delightful toy. Then a man is in our hands, at our feet, or anywhere else
we momentarily wish him to be.
DESIREE (Female: mezzo - age range: 40 50) p168
Isnt my dragoon awful? What in Gods name are we laughing about? Your son
was right at dinner. We dont fool that boy, not for a moment. The One and Only
Desire Armfeldt, dragging around the country in shoddy tours, carrying on with
someone elses dim-witted husband. And the Great Lawyer Egerman, busy
renewing his unrenewable youth. Shall I tell you why I really invited you here?
When we met again and we made love, I thought: Maybe here it is at last - a
chance to turn back, to find some sort of coherent existence after so many years
of muddle. (Pause) Of course, theres your wife. But I thought: Perhaps - just
perhaps - you might be in need of rescue, too. ...It was only a thought.

CHARLOTTE (Female: mezzo - age range: 35 45) p 81
How do you rate your husband as a man? I will give you an example. As a man, my husband
could be rated as a louse, a bastard, a conceited, puffed-up, adulterous egomaniac. He
constantly makes me do the most degrading, the most humiliating things... (sobs)
Oh, why do I put up with it? Why do I let him treat me like - like an intimidated corporal in his
regiment? Why? Ill tell you why I despise him! I hate him! ...I love him! Oh damn that woman!
May she rot forever in some infernal dressing room with lipstick of fire and scalding mascara!
Let every billboard in hell eternally announce: Desire Armfeldt.... in - in - in The Wild Duck!
CHARLOTTE (Female: mezzo - age range: 35 45) p175-6
Oh, Mr. Egerman, how can I face you after that exhibition at dinner? Throwing myself at your
head! I m afraid it was just a charade. A failed charade! In my madness I thought I could make
my husband jealous. Im afraid marriage isnt one of the easier relationships, and Mr. Egerman,
for a woman its impossible! But for Men! Look at you - a man of an age when a woman is lucky
if a drunken alderman pinches her derriere at a village fete! And yet, you have managed to
acquire the youngest, prettiest . . . I hate you being happy. I hate anyone being happy!
PETRA (Female: mezzo - age range: 1836) p35
Nobody rang. Doesnt your father want his tea? (coming up behind
Henrik, teasingly ruffling his hair) You smell of soap. Do those old
teachers take a scrubbing bush to you every morning and scrub you
down like a dray horse? (she strokes his ear) Oh what a wicked woman I
am! Ill go straight to hell! . Do you like the way, I walk? (he cant control
himself and clumsily kisses her and fumbles her breasts) Careful! (she
breaks away) Thats a new blouse! A whole weeks wages and the lace
extra! Poor little Henrik! Later! Youll soon get the knack of it!
FREDRIKA (Female: mezzo - age range: 12-16) p25
Grandmother, you said I should just sit and watch? It sounds very
unklikely to me, but you said I should watch for the night to smile... you
said: the summer night smiles three times-the first for the young, like me,
that know nothing. The second for the fools - like my mother- that know
too little. And the third for the old--like you Grandmother- that know too
much! But WHY does it smile, Grandmother?

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