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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam February 19, 2016

What is the real food prayer that we must practice? Bhagawan lovingly
explains to us today.

Before offering to God, it is food. Once it is offered to God, it

becomes free from all impurities and gets transformed into
prasadam. By eating such sacred food, one will not acquire
any mental impurities. We offer food to God on a clean
plantain leaf. The human body is a plantain leaf, your heart
is a sacred vessel and and the sacred food items are the
virtues and acts of good conduct. Today to whom are you
offering food? Your sacred food offering is to demons of
wicked feelings such as anger, hatred, and jealousy. The
left over is being offered to God. That is why you are victims
of restlessness, difficulties, sorrows, and misery. Get rid of
your evil qualities and offer your virtues to God with the
prayer: Oh God, You are the resident of my heart and You
are the embodiment of love, kindness, and compassion.
- Divine Discourse 16 Jul 1996

To get angry is but the effort of a moment but to get peace, to become unaffected by the ups and
downs of life, is the result of years of training in Vedanta. Baba
19 PrvrI, 2016
sweI ieMnspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn:auh ikhVI AslI pRwrQnw hY ijhVI swnUM,Kwxw Kwaux qoN pihlW Bgvwn nUM krnI cwhIdI hY Aqy aus dw
A`iBAws krnw cwhIdw hY?Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,ipAwr nwl,smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr:koeI vI Bojn ,Bgvwn nUM Arpx krn qoN pihlW,kyvl Bojn hI huMdw hY[iek bwr,jd qusIN,Bojn dw
Bog,Bgvwn nUM lgw idMdy ho,ieh Bojn iv`coN ASu`DIAW dw nwS ho jWdw hY Aqy ieh Bojn,pRSwd bx jWdw hY[Bog l`gy
hoey piv`qr Bojn nUM Kwaux nwl,mwnisk ASu`DIAW nhIN AwauNdIAW[AsIN Bgvwn nUM,Bog lgwaux leI Bojn,iek
swP p`ql qy r`K ky idMdy hW[mnu`KI SrIr vI iek swP p`qw hY,quhwfw idl,iek swP brqn hY Aqy piv`qr Bojn
iv`c r`Ky pdwrQ, quhwfy cMgy gux Aqy Su`D ivvhwr hn[A`j qweIN qusIN,iks nUM Bojn Aripq krdy ho?qusIN Awpxw
piv`qr Bojn,kmInI BwvnwvW vwly rwkiSSW ijvyN gu`sw,nPrq Aqy hsd ,nUM Aripq krdy ho Aqy ijhVw bicAwKuicAw Bojn huMdw hY,qusIN Bgvwn nUM Aripq krdy ho[iehI kwrx hY ik qusIN bycYn rihMdy ho,muSiklW,du`KW Aqy
musIbqW nwl iGry rihMdy ho[Awpxy bury guxW qoN mukq ho jwau Aqy cMgy guxW nUM Bgvwn nUM ,ieh pRwrQnw kr ky

Aripq kro ik hy Bgvwn,qusIN hI myry ihrdy dy vwsI ho Aqy qusIN hI pRym srUp ho,ikRpwlU ho Aqy dieAwlU ho[(16
julweI,1996 dy idvX pRvcn)[
gu`sw Awauxw qW iek QoVy ijhy smyN dw kMm hY pr SWqI hwsl krn leI Aqy Awpxy jIvn dy auqwr-cVHwau qy kwbU
pwauxw,vydW dI keI swlW dI tRyinMg dw nqIjw hY[(bwbw)[

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