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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam February 20, 2016

What are the enemies every aspirant must win over? Bhagawan, our Loving
God, shows us the way in a crystal clear manner.

People crave worldly happiness. If you analyse properly, this is

the disease, and the resultant suffering we experience is its
medicine and remedy. In the midst of these worldly pleasures,
one rarely entertains the desire to attain the Lord. Besides it is
necessary to analyse and discriminate every act of a person. It
is this analysis which will give rise to the spirit of renunciation.
Without this effort, renunciation is difficult to obtain. Miserliness
is like the behavior of a dog; it has to be transformed. Anger is
enemy number one of the spiritual aspirant; it is like spittle and
has to be treated as such. And untruth is even more disgusting
through untruth, the vital powers of all are destroyed. It
should be treated as scavenging itself. Theft ruins life; it makes
the priceless human life cheaper than a pie; it is like rotten and
foul smelling flesh. Moderate food, moderate sleep,
love (prema), and fortitude will help in the upkeep of the health
of both body and mind.
- Prema Vahini, Ch 61

Practice the vocabulary of love unlearn the language of hate and contempt. Baba
20 PrvrI, 2016
sweI ieMnspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn:auh ikhVy duSmn hn ijhdy au`pr hr swDk nUM kwbU pwauxw cwhIdw hY?swfy ipAwry Bgvwn, A`j swnUM ,cMgy
FMg nwl smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr: lok,sMswrI KuSIAW dI kwmnw krdy hn[jy AsIN ies kwmnw nUM iDAwn nwl ivcwrIey qW swnUM ieh pqw l`gy
gw ik ieh iek ibmwrI hY Aqy ies dy nqIijAW v`joN imlIAW musIbqW,ijhVIAW AsIN AnuBv krdy hW ies dI
dvweI Aqy ielwj hY[sMswr dIAW KuSIAW dy ivckwr,mnu`K Bgvwn nUM pRwpq krn bwry G`t hI socdw hY[ies dy
bwvjUd,mnu`K nUM Awpxy kIqy krmW dw ivSlySn krnw cwhIdw hY[ieh ivSlySn hI,mnu`K nUM qp`isAw(mokS) dI
Bwvnw v`l lY ky jWdw hY[ies koiSS qoN ibnW,(mokS pwauxw) jW qp`isAw krnw AOKw hY[kMjUsI krnw,iek ku`qy dI

qrHW ivvhwr krn dy brwbr hY Aqy ies Awdq nUM suDwrnw cwhIdw hY[AiDAwqimkqw hwsl krn vwly leI
gu`sw,aus dw nMbr ie`k duSmn hY Aqy ies au`qy kwbU pwaux dw pUrw pRXqn kro[JUT bolxw vI gu`sy dI qrHW,quhwfw
duSmn hY[JUT,quhwfIAW mu`K SkqIAW dw nwS kr idMdw hY[ies nUM ASuDI`AW smJ ky,C`f dvo[corI,jIvn nUM qbwh
kr idMdI hY,ieh mnu`K dy sony vrgy jIvn nUM ,iek pweI dy mu`l qoN vI ssqw bxw idMdI hY;ieh ,gly Aqy sVy mWs
dI bdbU vrgI hY[SrIr Aqy mn nUM ishqmMd r`Kx leI,swdw Bojn,swdI nINd Aqy pRym Bwvnw bhuq zrUrI
hn[(pRym vwihnI, A`iDAwey 61)[
ipAwr dI pRIBwSw dw A`iBAws kro[nPrq Aqy iksy nUM zlIl krn vwlI BwSw dw iqAwg kro[(bwbw)[

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