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DRUG SMUGGLING, LS 1B) Bow. OOO) =a Oe ane.) ON oye THAT ROBBED AMERICA AND. BETRAYED THE CONSTITUTION TWO BOOKS IN ONE This side: Shadowplay—The Secret Team EMA eN eles aN Mes a (ord EVs NoMa scale eid hep SUM IEe)\ a g THE CHRISTIC INSTITUTE ts INTRODUCTION BY Di SHEEHAN “Iran/Contragate did not begin with Oliver North. Nor is the scandal just about Iran and Nicaragua. For thirty years, a Secret Team of U.S. Military and CIA officials, acting both officially and on their own, have waged secret wars, toppled governments, trafficked in drugs, assassinated political enemies, stolen from the U.S. government, and subverted the will of the Constitution, the Congress. and the American people.”—THe Curustic INSTITUTE THIS BOOK CONTAINS TWO STORIES. YOU CHOOSE TO START AT EITHER END. WITHIN THESE COVERS you'll discover two incredible investigations that met in the middle and joined forces. YOu CAN START WITH SHADOWPLAx: THE Srcrer TEAM, a dark vision of the Christic Institute's investigation tracing the major players in the Iran/contra scandal back through covert action in Iran, the 1960s secret war in Laos, and the Bay of Pigs fiasco. OR YOU CAN START WITH FLASHPOINT: THE LA PENCA BOMBING, which tells the Hitchockian story of two reporters’ struggle to discover the identity of the mysterious bomber who killed and crippled over a dozen international journalists. WHICHEVER SIDE YOU START WITH...the trail leads to the same frightening conclusion. BROUGHT TO LIGHT fuses the intrigue of investigative reporting and the sophis- tication of the graphic novel package and invents a new form—the graphic docudrama. What noted Americans have to say about the Christic Institute investigation: “The Christic Institute is well known and respected on Capitol Hill. Long before Congress became energized about U.S government misbehavior in Central America, the Christic Institute was investigating and revealing the true story. All Americans should be grateful for the key work they are doing to support our Constitution and to ensure the legitimacy of governmental behavior.” —Congressman Don Edwards “Those responsible for corrupting our youth and imperiling our future through the deadly merger of drugs, greed-and Pitchers matter tee cel a tere st ceawal sas emt aay interest of death and destruction. They must be brought to justice. SCLC wholeheartedly supports the Christic Institute in its stand for truth and justice.” —Reverend Joseph Lowery President, Southern Christian Leadership Conference “The Christic Institute, through its Contragate Project, issues a challenge to us as people of faith and as U.S. citizens: Will we hold accountable those who break our laws, violating the most fundamental human rights of citizens of another country? This litigation calls on the American legal system to apply fundamental principles of justice to reign in a renegade foreign policy.” —Rabbi David Saperstein Union of American Hebrew Congregations “The sum of the contents of Mr. Sheehan's affidavit is alarming to say the least. It identifies and describes the most evil and sinister form of conduct I can imagine...if Mr. Sheehan proves Sear imeem ogs Laat me iam ccratsMeat oe mca eT ira banaelecesisy and prosecutions of a goodly number of people, some of whom presently serve in very high places...” —The Hon. Patrick F. Kelly Federal Judge, District of Kansas COON’ TCE Nees THIS SIDE: INTRODUCTION BY DANIEL SHEEHAN SHADOWPLAY: THE SECRET TEAM BY ALAN MOORE AND BILL SIENKIEWICZ THE OTHER SIDE: INTRODUCTION BY JONATHAN MARSHALL FLASHPOINT: THE LA PENCA BOMBING BY JOYCE BRABNER AND THOMAS YEATES IN THE CENTER: AILING CONSTITUTION BY PAUL MAVRIDES WORLD MAP OF 30 YEARS OF COVERT ACTION ECLIPSE BOOKS, P. O. BOX 1099, F ISBN 0-913035-70-X. TRADE PAPERBé © 1989 ECLIPSE ENTERPRISES, INC 1989 JOYCE BRABNER AND THON TEAM © 1989 ALAN MOORE AND £ AND MAP OF COVERT OPERATIO? 1989 BILL SIENKIEWICZ. INTRODU! MARSHALL. INTRODUCTION TO : FIRS Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publical Brought tolight ‘Two works bound together back-to-b Bibliography: p. 37 Contents: [bk. 1] Flashpoint—th and Thomas Yeates by Martha Hone (bk. 2) Shadowplay—the secret team/ 1. Central America—Relations—Unit —Relations—Central America—Comi relations—1$45- Comic kooks, strips, 1984Comic books, strips, etc. S. St century—Comic books, strips. ete. 6. Unit strips, etc. 7. Military Assistance, Americar strips, etc. 8, Counter-revolutions—Nicarag I. Brabner, Joyce. I. Honey; Martha. Flashy Shadowplay—4he secret team. 1989. F1496.8.U6D77 1989 303.4'8273'0728 88-3 ISBN 0-913035-70-X ISBN 0-913035-67-X (pbk) THIS §OOK HAS BEEN EDITED BY JOYCE BRABSNER, THE EXECUTIVE EDITOR Was CATHERINE YRONWODE, AND IT HAS BEEN DESIGNED BY DEAN MULLANEY. FLASHPOINT WAS WRITTEN BY JOYCE BRABNER, ILLUSTRATED BY THOMAS YEATES, HAND LETTERED BY BILL PEARSON, AND PAINTED BY SAM PARSONS. DEDICATED TO Lou ANN MERKLE THANKS TO DAN SHEEHAN, SARA NELSON, Eva BERTRAM, LANNY SIMKIN, WENDY MARKS, DAN SIEGEL, AND OTHERS FROM THE (CBRISTIC INSTTTUTE. — THANKS ALSO TO DaviIp ALBERT, DENNIS BERNSTEIN AND ROBERT KNIGHT OF WBAI-FM, LESLIE AND ANDREW COCKBURN, STUART CoHN AND Dave C1 Dossivs, Tom FERAN, Martin, Harvey Pe EUGENE SCHEIMAN, CA STUART, Ty WEST, AND MAGAZINE, TELEVISION, —ToOO NUMEROUS TO —-WHO GAVE HELE GUIL IN RESEARCHING AND DC SPECIAL THANKS To 1} Tony AVIRGAN POR THE FOR MORE INFORMATIO ON WHICH THIS STORY | To: THE CHRISTIC IN: Carrro. SrREET NW, (202) 797-8106. 2RESTVILLE, CALIFORNIA 95436. CLOTH: .CK: ISBN 0-913035-67-X. ENTIRE CONTENTS FLASHPOINT: THE LA PENCA BOMBING © [AS YEATES. SHADOWPLAY: THE SECRET ILL SIENKIEWICZ. AILING CONSTITUTION IS © 1989 PAUL MAVRIDES. COVER ART © =TION TO FLASHPOINT © 1989 JONATHAN SHADOWPLAY © 1989 DANIEL SHEEHAN. T PRINTING ion Data ack and inverted. e La Penca bombing/as told to Joyce Brabner y- Tony Avirgan, and the Christic Institute— by Alan Moore and Bill Sienkiewicz. ed States—Comic etc 2 United States books, ¢ books, strips, etc. 3. United States—Foreign Gomez, Eden— Assassin etc. 4. Pastora ination at ibversive activities—Nicaragua—History—20th “i States. Central books. 1—Nicaragua—History—20th century—Corni 11a —Flistory—20th cen ic books, Strips, etc. eint—the La Penca bombing. 1989. IIL Moore, Alan. 1102 RULNIK OF MTv, Ray ROGER FRANK, Rusty KAR, LEONARD RIFAS ROL STRINGER, CHARLIE NAME INDIVIDUALLY ANCE, AND ASSISTANCE CUMENTING THIS STORY. MARTHA HONEY AND TR TIME AND EFFORT. NW ABOUT THE LAWSUIT S BASED, PLEASE WRITE STITUTE, 1324 NorTH ASHINGTON, DC 20002. FOR THE PURPOSES OF STORYTELLING SOME DIALOGUE AND SETTINGS HAVE BEEN CREATED Br THE AUTHORS AND ARTISTS. HOWBVAR, THE FACTUAL BASIS FOR THE STORY IS CONTAINED IN THE COMPLAINT AND OTHER DOCUMENTS FILED BY THE PLAINTIFFS IN THE CIVIL CASE NUMBER 861146, ENTITLED: TONY AVIRGAN ET AL. ¥. JOHN HIULL ET Al. IN THE District Court FOR THE SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA. THAT CASE, WHICH Was. DISMISSED BY THE COURT ON JUNE 27, 1988, 1s PRESENTLY ON APPEAL TO THE COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE ELEVENTH CIRCUTT. IN ADDITION, OTHER SOURCES WHICH ARE CONTAINED IN THE BIBLIOGRAPHY PROVIDED THE FACTS AS WELL AS MANY OF THE SETTINGS. FINALLY, BUT NOT LEAST, THE REPORTING OF, AND CONVERSATIONS WITH TONY AVIRGAN AND MARTHA HONEY PROVIDED A GREAT DEAL OF THE SOURCE MATERIAL. Introduction to Shadowplay: The Secret Team by Daniel Sheehan You are about to embark upon a voyage into an unfamiliar—and most uncomfortable—world. It is the world of the “shadow government,” a cabal of ultra-right political and para-military specialists who believe that it is by secret political assassination, by blackmail, and by torture—rather than by open democratic debate and decision—that issues of public policy and power really must be decided. ‘Brought to Light is presented in two parts. The first, “Flashpoint: The La Penca Bombing,” is a straightforward, chronological presentation of the remarkable investigations of Martha Honey and Tony Avirgan, the young and courageous American reporters who uncovered what later turned out to be the covert arms supply operation to the contras coordinated bby retired Air Force Major General Richard V. Second. This story also depicts the beginnings of the investigations and the federal racketeering lawsuit brought by the Christic Institute on behalf of the two journalists. The Institute's investigation revealed the existence of a decade- Jong “off-the-shelf, stand-alone, seli-financing, private covert operations Enterprise,” described by Lt. Col. Okiver North in his congressional testimony as the “dream of CLA Director William Casey." This first work represents, in pictorial form, the factual data supplied to author Joyce Brabner and artist Thomas Yeates from the investigation and litigation of the Christie Institute and Martha Honey and Tony Avirgan The second work, “Shadowplay: The Secret Team,” is of a very different nature, This presentation is a subjective, surreal and artistic interpretation by author Alan Moore and artist Bill Sienkiewicz of the information set forth by the Christic Institute in its March 1988 Declaration of Evidence, filed with the Florida Federal Court. The Institute's court declaration sets forth a thirty year history of the criminal covert operations of those charged with crimes by the Christic Institute: defendants Richard Secord, Tom Clines, Albert Hakim, Theodore Shackley, John Singlaub, and their associates such as Edwin P. Wilson, Felix Redriguez, Oliver North, John Poindexter, and others. This surreal and angry presentation—unlike the public presentation of the Christic Institute—depicts the symbolic “salesman” of the agenda of the shadow government as vicious, confused, and violent. To our knowledge, none of the defendants is personally any of these things. However, the conduct attributed to certain of the defendants by specific evidence in the Christic Institute case does clearly generate torture, murder, and destruction, How, then, is one to convey these terrible realities to an American audience? This is, finally, a matter of judgment, Moore and Sienkiewicz, who wrote and illustrated *Shadowplay,” have exercised their judgment in a way very different from that in which this information has been historically presented by the Christic Institute, The choice of the comic book as a medium to represent this distasteful side of political life is firmly rooted within the historical tradition of political caricature and social satire dating back at least to the time when Martin Luther conducted his passionate campaign criticizing acts of misconduct in the Catholic Church using the comie book form. The conduct of the defendants is shocking and violent. The style of the author and artist of “Shadowplay” is, correspondingly, shocking and violent, One may, indeed, find the style of the author and artist of “Shadowplay” to be unsettling and terrifying. | would hope that one would find the conduct of the defendants to be equally 80. Therefore the metaphor of violence and. shock is not an inappropriate artistic device to employ in relating the awful history of the shadow government, For, while these men attempt to portray themselves as “gentlemen soldiers" and American patriots all, in their fine ‘uniforms and well-pressed suits seated before congressional committees and media cameras, the evidence of their crimes, their violence, and their treason speaks louder than their false faces. And it is to this voice that the author and artist have listened in creating “Shadowplay.” This book invites you to listen beyond the self-serving lies and to look beyond their uniforms and suits. You are invited into the world of “Shadowplay”—where the truth ies in the shadows, behind the lights. You are also invited to join in the growing nationwide network of citizens committed to exposing and stopping the crimes of the shadow government. ‘Daniel Sheehan General Counsel ‘Christie Institute The Chrisic Institue isa non-profit, public interest law end policy ‘enter supported by contrtutions from individuals, religious organizations, send foundations. As this book went lo press, the lawsai is on appeal before ‘the Eleventh Circuit Court in Atlanta, Georgia, To join this national effort and to learn more about the Christic Institue investigation, please coniact the Christic Institut, 1324 North ‘Capitol Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20002; (202) 797-8106. The Declaration of Evidence mentioned abooe can be purchased through the Insitute offices. eee ee ee TONY AVIRGAN. and, } MARTHA HONEY, 3 ) FoR RICO “ ) plaintifis } RENE CORBO. ) FELIPE WIDAL SANTIAGO, ) MOLSES NAGOBERTO NUNES ) RANGISCO CANES + ) RAMON cEcruro PALACIO. . ) RICARDO GRIS, WILLIAM GRIS, ) ROGER LEE PALLAIS } AMAC GALIL ) HECTOR CORNILLOT, JORGE GONZALEZ, ) aADOUFO CALERO, } ALVARO CRUZ, FREDERICO SAENZ, } ROBERT W- owEN, JOHN K. SINGLAUB, ) RONALD JOSEPH MARTIN: SR., ) James Mccoy. THOMAS POSEY. ) RAFAEL “CHI cHI” QUINTERO, ) MARIO DELAMZCO, ) THOMAS CLINES ) THEODORE SHACKLEY. ) ALBERT HARKIN, RICHARD SECORD ) PABLO ESCOBAR, and JORGE OCHOA, ) : } ) ) ) pefendants COMPLAINT FOR DAMAGES AND OTHE TH SNOT A GEM Oh cer BeMARIET nea mh Pkaclin’s far laa denn eats ose NEXT FEW YEARS eve PRUGHT THE SHA} HePOWER in NIRA, TREC_OvERTH Row! HUA'S EMVERIMENT— | PROVINE THEIR, government 2D PROTECTION RACKETS.-- eoaeh worked for CODDAKIMET! ING LAOS, 1965, SHACHLEY and CLINES pTCHI-CHI QUINTERS , RAUL” her 7 By freed, HAAN TRIBESMEN whe, Pala aseoe and O17 Nk RODRIGES. aed iB by, EU ee VANG PAO, lg THE HMONG IN ASSASS INAT ION. an "3 IVE WARS, caused BY " Auer Influenced EXCLUSION of am F ISOCIALIGTS from the COALITION @>r™gent. 5 Ry Prana PEW # rea PruANE, wi Syponed wee baller 1a PEPS-COA\ int plant — Some PROFITS we SrASHED. in AUS; NUGAN HAND BANK. SET UP 7S Br MICHAEL HAND, bed for SHACKLEY in LAGS. NEKT few YEARS, BRANIS pi? WELL! = ELEvEN - - 1 SSRevoNE IAMUIS THE DRUG. ome FFM? Ba)” SYADICATE.THAT'S THE BASE. OS. 2) SAGKEY, CLNES. THE Vila MONEY. COVE = = ee ad He — W WHAT DO YOU DO WITH AEE THAT Opt ? Ye RENVEST ITN YOUR OWN OPERATIONS. ‘BILUIONS OF DOLLARS R B MILLIONS... HEWAS GOING To THE GOLDEN ATRL ey, Pay OFF THE WARLORDS, THE ras EF ale Ace, ‘Course, WZ YS, PAIL ASSIS) 7 COMMAND, helpel oeasTnd tunes LARS. ‘esa pet athe 4 fF dane cE tnd PLACES fie, TAIWAN, FOURTEEN Ri OM A PuTzy BUPGLRY, Investigatins INTO ¥T STARTED revel TLE Grab PONATIONS ‘TRO LD ANT- 4 Wareraate, Hoven, what HAPPENI Sm ine bunglin’ DEMOCRATIC PARTY HEAD: inchudin’ 172, Fr ne Rerarey tempeh ue an FRAN s NIXOY EORTA HED the sidugtion » EXPLAINED, and SORTA RESIGNED. FORD peened him, Bnd SOME GUY COMPESSEP to sie ANTI WHITLAM EVIDENCE for TEE Fortes by HOMES 1975, TR LASS, ocx SHACKLET 20° (LINES drected ARAMA Bar LIBYAN EC vatoar | £7 PSUZAK. ua in 2 An EIGHTEEN kip Somenerys pr EME : i 2 o te ie i 2 - 4 Be RES EO eT, iT, Fee ANY ‘Ho, 16 GETS. waronyarniow, f SHAH S 1979. by MEN IaMEDLATELY HIDACKS A un ena oan AREAS | pes LUCIO: BN Oe eeetien 1 Peis, TE CIA coset) HOSTILE to CARTER ed HOSTAGES to 75 rce teen a DAYS. IMPRISONMENT.” MICHAEL Bony — Pc oincidente ily SH oreign. Loeeyist. \k Dip GREAT oven REAGAN 0112), Op wheat PRO- IRANIAN " BEIRUT, TORTY “Boor, pu eo ee IMATION'S OUTA HIM Canna AEVELATIONS. TS TIN” GO ie pence Semen HOTEL Bre. , an? Bvards ATE Gur FRIGGIN TWENTY-ONE recar IBANS helipad, too, eA "Raced hie COUN, PLTARY rere rae CORFE Vi ASSENT, Raa ay prego NUMEZ and PREG: Manes #AERCENARIES THROUS! | ie en OWARE: Sara ne. PATER, SUSAN BACKERS vin rTRINS PONATIONS a == EB verceris: DRUG FUN NTE G TWENTY = 4 1985. CONGRESS curs I. RETALIATING, we MINED: HARBORS followin’ LAPENA, HULL CALERO ned POSEY PEGASUS, supperadty PREFACING: at JORSE ANE CONTRA, woRRIEP about KLIN” ‘Ages, A STRANGERS HELE : INVASION, 1T nevER HAPPENED. 4 eat: vations CRIMINAL INDICTMENTS ; ALL INCA headaches. Ae. | theres ulways NEW wars, Dee nove Err ee pian ee Wz set percsdp. F SINGQAIB visits. NEXT THA, rghit GYERIEAS' ATTACKS iw om bas © RAGIN As for whak Evenly, eppened.. (WELL, EARL See buhied 1 we SELLI Night he ahyoe Bil BRUGES, Danperee MoKEYor conspire ERIMINALS. an’ Picts R "7 While 1 telly WHAT. KINDA nee E were TWENTY: GIgHT TAIT GOT AbL PW ono ee ENT | You BUYUN? on PM, EVEN FINISH. rou eea! 3 TWENTY: NINE. FOOTNOTES: William Blum, The CIA: A Forgotten History (Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey, Zod Books Ltd.: 1986), William Manchester, The Death of a Frosident (Great Britain, Michael Joseph Ltd.: 1968), 3 Alfred W. McCoy, The Polities of Horoin in Southeast Asia (New York, Harper and Row: 1972). + Leslie Cockburn, Qut of Contzo (New York, Atlantic Monthly Press: 1987). Bisuiocrarin: Boor: ‘virgen, Tony and Honey, Martha. La Benca: ‘Washington DC, ‘Martha La Pena: Oa ‘Avirgan and Honey, 1985 ie, Out of Control New Yorks ‘Adantie Monthly Press, 1957. Hackel, Joy and Siegel, Dasiel. lp Contempt of Congress. Washington DC, Institute for Policy Seiden 1987 Korvtny, Jonathan, The Crimes of Paurons New ‘York, WW. Norton te Go, 188 Mancheaser, Wi Great Betsy Mick End Pres, McCoy. Al Sheu Asa New Yok Haper de Row, Fru avo Viun Docunitvtatiss (Christie Institute. The Shadow Government Behind the Iran/Centra Scandal. Heme Video, 1088, (Cockium, Les Jobo Hulls Farm Bowdering on War Broadeast on CBS's West 7th Suet, une 25, 086, Cockburn, Leslie. The i LGA Connection: Posts tie ‘Giuns. Brosdeast on CHS West 57h Steet, Apr Cockburn Leslie (GIA Broedeast on PSs Froiling May Kenoady, Hetena and Bradley, Richard. The Heatt sfithe Maner. Broadcast on BBC, Creat Britain, ha. THE PEOPLE BEHIND THE STORIES Peed ane teror ope preett | Poe tenes ay are i fou (Anlists Against Rampant Government veneers y aL ae! Peer ta pet eee eee oie ee Elekiva, The New Mutants, and his current caer CO te ary eka ee) lates Drei et ead Pat ene ets ee HELLO, SAM. WHAT SENSO) BE THE BEEN HURTIN' LIKE HELL FOR A WHILE, DOC. DIDNT WANT TO ADMIT IT, BUT THIS JUST GOT SO BiG, COULDNT VGNORE IT... MY CONSTITUTION’S LEAST. BUT NOW IT'S SPREADING... AND Ny EXECUTIVE ‘WALKIN’ AROUND: UKE THAT? THE WHOLE SHOW WHAT 4S IT? GIVE HMM... IT LOOKS LIKE IT'S GROWING... WHAT ARE. YOUR SYMPTOMS? THE LEFT HAND DOESNY REALLY KNOW WHAT THE RIGHT HANG IS UP TO. MAYBE IVE BEEN RELYING ON, ‘TOO MANY “UNDER-THE-COUNTER” PSYWAR PLOYS FOR QUICK RELIEF, My PEOPLE FEEL POWERLESS AND UNSURE OF THEIR FUTURE... ame UM... I-T FEEL... AN... OVERWHELMING MALAISE, EVERVTIME T PASS A MIRROR, T SEE FEWER CIVIL OF ACCOUNTABILITY TO. THE PEOPLE — AND A LOT OF THEM DONT SEEM TO cn ECONOMY'S FALLING APART; TVE GOT DRUG ADDICTION; THERERE NOTENOUGH JOBS OR TRAINING FOR MY WORKFORCE: MUUTL-NATIONALS ARE EATING ME ALIVE; I OWE A NATIONAL DEBT THAT COULD CHOKE A BILLION WHALES; WOMEN, CHILDREN, THE HOMELESS~ALL ARE SLIDING INTO PERMANENT POVERTY. RELATIONS ARE CONFUSED AND | DESTABILIZED— MY BEST FRIENDS ALL SEEM TO BE DICTATORS AND DESPOTS. WHATS WORSE, MY NEIGHBORS ARE SCARED CF ME; THEY [DONT TRUST ME ANYMORE... ON TOP OF IT At, ‘SOMEHOW ORGANIZED CRIME HAS BEEN LOOKING AT YOUR CASE HISTORY, IT5 OBWIOUS, SAM, THE SIGNS AND SIGNALS HAVE BEEN ACCEPTED AS A LEGITIMATE TOOL, OF GOVERNMENT, DOESNT SEEM LIKE IVE HAD A FAIR PRESIDENTIAL RACE HORRIBLE! WATS: HAPPENING TO ME? RIGHT THERE IN THE NEWS ALL ALONG... # YOU'RE SUFFERING FROM SELF -INFLICTER: a] WOUNDS: DECEPTION, PISTORTION ANP PUPLICITY? IN SHORT, AN ONGOING CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS OF HISTORIC PROPORTIONS! REST HAVE To SToP/ THESE UNPRINCIPLED ACTIONS HAVE VIOLATED FEDERAL ELECTION CAMPAIGN LAWS. THEY INCREASE DISRESPECT FOR THE RULE OF LAW AMONG: ALL YOUR. CITIZENS. THE. Lt UALS THESE PAST ACTIONS HAVE SHOWN APPALLING CONTEMPT FOR TRUE THE INTRIGUES NECESSARY FOR CIRCUMVENTION OF WILL-THEYLL SHRED YOUR SYSTEM OF CHECKS AND BALANCES, ONE LIE LEADS TO ANOTHER, QUIT FOOLING YOURSELF; YOU NEEP TO LIVE BY THE CONSTITUTION YOU PLEPGE TO! YOU MusT REMOVE THIS COVERT BRANCH OF GOVERNMENT- IT PERVERTS RATHER THAN PROTECTS IRITY. WHEN THIS ~ THIS “SECRET GOVERNMENT" USES ITS POWER TO SUPPRESS LEGITIMATE. DISSENT, IT ERODES THE IDEALS OF LIBERTY AND MORALITY THAT YOU EMBOPY, IN THE END, YOUR PUBUC ALWAYS BEARS THE COST, WHEN INTELLIGENCE GROUPS IMPORT DRUGS TO FINANCE OPERATIONS OR HARASS OPPONENTS, IT 1S YOUR PEOPLE WHO BECOME APPICTS, WHO LIVE IN FEAR! INSTEAD OF PEACEFUL USES, THESE ACTIONS PUT YOUR ENERGY INTO NEEDLESS AGGRESSION ANC EVERYONE AROUND YOU SUFFERS. YOU'RE DEVELOPING A PERMANENT WAR ECONOMY, PERHAPS EVEN A NATIONAL POLICE STATE. THIS DIVERSION OF FUNDS FROM NECESSARY PRIORITIES IS HARMING YOUR FINANCIAL HEALTH, TOO. WHY THROW GOOP MONEY AFTER BAD, SAM? YOU HAVE GOOD LAWS AND MORAL VALUES— USE THEM IF YOU WANT TO STAY ON YOUR FEET! GOO LUCK, AND PLEASE LEAVE A CHECK ON YOUR WAY OUT. DEMOCRACY AND JUSTICE, FLAUNTING BOTH DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL LAW, NOT TO MENTION YOUR OWN US, CONSTITUTION... MUST I REMIND YOU? ONLY “CONGRESS SHALL HAVE THE POWER TO DECLARE WAR.” THE DOCTOR IS: READY To SEE 30 YEARS OF COVERT ACTION: BROUGHT TO LIGHT : Eee : 30 YEARS OF COVERT ACTION: BROUGHT T0 LIGHT | i Baer 2 s ay ES 2 BAK 30 YEARS OF ead DRUG SMUGGLING, ARMS > DEALS AND COVERT OPERATIONS THAT ROBBED AMERICA AND BETRAYED THE CONSTITUTION AS TOLD TO JOYCE BRABNER AND THOMAS YEATES BY MARTHA HONEY, TONY AVIRGAN, AND THE CHRISTIC INSTITUTE Nia (O]P Olean ONE) ALON NSLS Male Sia alae “Iran/Contragate did not begin with Oliver North. Nor is the scandal just about Iran and Nicaragua. For thirty years, a Secret Team of U.S. Military and CIA officials, acting both officially and on their own, have waged secret wars, toppled governments, trafficked in drugs, assassinated political enemies, stolen from the U.S. government, and subverted the will of the Constitution, the Congress. and the American people.”—THe Curustic INSTITUTE THIS BOOK CONTAINS TWO STORIES. YOU CHOOSE TO START AT EITHER END. WITHIN THESE COVERS you'll discover two incredible investigations that met in the middle and joined forces. YOu CAN START WITH SHADOWPLAx: THE Srcrer TEAM, a dark vision of the Christic Institute's investigation tracing the major players in the Iran/contra scandal back through covert action in Iran, the 1960s secret war in Laos, and the Bay of Pigs fiasco. OR YOU CAN START WITH FLASHPOINT: THE LA PENCA BOMBING, which tells the Hitchockian story of two reporters’ struggle to discover the identity of the mysterious bomber who killed and crippled over a dozen international journalists. WHICHEVER SIDE YOU START WITH...the trail leads to the same frightening conclusion. BROUGHT TO LIGHT fuses the intrigue of investigative reporting and the sophis- tication of the graphic novel package and invents a new form—the graphic docudrama. AAAS elite eratcrule Th ceat heed Cenc ba about the Christic Institute investigation: “The Christic Institute's lawyers and researchers have uncovered volumes of incriminating evidence...It is now clear that the real patriots are not the flag-waving arms dealers who have profited from drug smuggling, but courageous citizens such as those at the Christic Institute, who have worked to expose the truth about our foreign policy.” —Coretta Scott King MOA sL iia se ewes -+ tebe me thc io. ok ai atek sat Oo bet iota Institute can develop the ‘record of truth’ about the myriad of illegal activities surrounding this moral outrage. Their evidence, along with their public education ‘effort, will help generate the conditions necessary for a thorough Congressional investigation of this entire travesty.” —Congressman David E. Bonior “This lawsuit has the potential of enlightening the American public—more than anything I've seen since the Pentagon Papers and the Church Committee investigation—on the hidden arms and instruments of our covert foreign policy over the last two generations. I don't know of a single effort in the country at this time more worthy of support than the Christic Institute's lawsuit against the Secret Team.” —Daniel Ellsburg “The Christic Institute has done this country a great service by investigating and exposing violations of law carried out by the contra network.” — Reverend Jesse Jackson “(If] any of these little left-wing outfits like the Christic Institute have something [on mel], let's see what it is. Let the American people have it examined and have a fair resolution made.” —George Bush C O° oNSECE he es THIS SIDE: INTRODUCTION BY JONATHAN MARSHALL FLASHPOINT: THE LA PENCA BOMBING BY JOYCE BRABNER AND THOMAS YEATES THE OTHER SIDE: INTRODUCTION BY DANIEL SHEEHAN SHADOWPLAY: THE SECRET TEAM BY ALAN MOORE AND BILL SIENKIEWICZ IN THE CENTER: AILING CONSTITUTION BY PAUL MAVRIDES WORLD MAP OF 30 YEARS OF COVERT ACTION ECLIPSE BOOKS, P. O. BOX 1099, F ISBN 0-913035-70-X. TRADE PAPERBé © 1989 ECLIPSE ENTERPRISES, INC 1989 JOYCE BRABNER AND THON TEAM © 1989 ALAN MOORE AND £ AND MAP OF COVERT OPERATIO? 1989 BILL SIENKIEWICZ. INTRODU! MARSHALL. INTRODUCTION TO : FIRS Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publical Brought tolight ‘Two works bound together back-to-b Bibliography: p. 37 Contents: [bk. 1] Flashpoint—th and Thomas Yeates by Martha Hone (bk. 2) Shadowplay—the secret team/ 1. Central America—Relations—Unit —Relations—Central America—Comi relations—1$45- Comic kooks, strips, 1984Comic books, strips, etc. S. St century—Comic books, strips. ete. 6. Unit strips, etc. 7. Military Assistance, Americar strips, etc. 8, Counter-revolutions—Nicarag I. Brabner, Joyce. I. Honey; Martha. Flashy Shadowplay—4he secret team. 1989. F1496.8.U6D77 1989 303.4'8273'0728 88-3 ISBN 0-913035-70-X ISBN 0-913035-67-X (pbk) THIS §OOK HAS BEEN EDITED BY JOYCE BRABSNER, THE EXECUTIVE EDITOR Was CATHERINE YRONWODE, AND IT HAS BEEN DESIGNED BY DEAN MULLANEY. FLASHPOINT WAS WRITTEN BY JOYCE BRABNER, ILLUSTRATED BY THOMAS YEATES, HAND LETTERED BY BILL PEARSON, AND PAINTED BY SAM PARSONS. DEDICATED TO Lou ANN MERKLE THANKS TO DAN SHEEHAN, SARA NELSON, Eva BERTRAM, LANNY SIMKIN, WENDY MARKS, DAN SIEGEL, AND OTHERS FROM THE (CBRISTIC INSTTTUTE. — THANKS ALSO TO DaviIp ALBERT, DENNIS BERNSTEIN AND ROBERT KNIGHT OF WBAI-FM, LESLIE AND ANDREW COCKBURN, STUART CoHN AND Dave C1 Dossivs, Tom FERAN, Martin, Harvey Pe EUGENE SCHEIMAN, CA STUART, Ty WEST, AND MAGAZINE, TELEVISION, —ToOO NUMEROUS TO —-WHO GAVE HELE GUIL IN RESEARCHING AND DC SPECIAL THANKS To 1} Tony AVIRGAN POR THE FOR MORE INFORMATIO ON WHICH THIS STORY | To: THE CHRISTIC IN: Carrro. SrREET NW, (202) 797-8106. 2RESTVILLE, CALIFORNIA 95436. CLOTH: .CK: ISBN 0-913035-67-X. ENTIRE CONTENTS FLASHPOINT: THE LA PENCA BOMBING © [AS YEATES. SHADOWPLAY: THE SECRET ILL SIENKIEWICZ. AILING CONSTITUTION IS © 1989 PAUL MAVRIDES. COVER ART © =TION TO FLASHPOINT © 1989 JONATHAN SHADOWPLAY © 1989 DANIEL SHEEHAN. T PRINTING ion Data ack and inverted. e La Penca bombing/as told to Joyce Brabner y- Tony Avirgan, and the Christic Institute— by Alan Moore and Bill Sienkiewicz. ed States—Comic etc 2 United States books, ¢ books, strips, etc. 3. United States—Foreign Gomez, Eden— Assassin etc. 4. Pastora ination at ibversive activities—Nicaragua—History—20th “i States. Central books. 1—Nicaragua—History—20th century—Corni 11a —Flistory—20th cen ic books, Strips, etc. eint—the La Penca bombing. 1989. IIL Moore, Alan. 1102 RULNIK OF MTv, Ray ROGER FRANK, Rusty KAR, LEONARD RIFAS ROL STRINGER, CHARLIE NAME INDIVIDUALLY ANCE, AND ASSISTANCE CUMENTING THIS STORY. MARTHA HONEY AND TR TIME AND EFFORT. NW ABOUT THE LAWSUIT S BASED, PLEASE WRITE STITUTE, 1324 NorTH ASHINGTON, DC 20002. FOR THE PURPOSES OF STORYTELLING SOME DIALOGUE AND SETTINGS HAVE BEEN CREATED Br THE AUTHORS AND ARTISTS. HOWBVAR, THE FACTUAL BASIS FOR THE STORY IS CONTAINED IN THE COMPLAINT AND OTHER DOCUMENTS FILED BY THE PLAINTIFFS IN THE CIVIL CASE NUMBER 861146, ENTITLED: TONY AVIRGAN ET AL. ¥. JOHN HIULL ET Al. IN THE District Court FOR THE SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA. THAT CASE, WHICH Was. DISMISSED BY THE COURT ON JUNE 27, 1988, 1s PRESENTLY ON APPEAL TO THE COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE ELEVENTH CIRCUTT. IN ADDITION, OTHER SOURCES WHICH ARE CONTAINED IN THE BIBLIOGRAPHY PROVIDED THE FACTS AS WELL AS MANY OF THE SETTINGS. FINALLY, BUT NOT LEAST, THE REPORTING OF, AND CONVERSATIONS WITH TONY AVIRGAN AND MARTHA HONEY PROVIDED A GREAT DEAL OF THE SOURCE MATERIAL. Introduction to Flashpoint: The La Penca Bombing by Jonathan Marshall ‘Is it traditional comic book? Is it straight journalism? No, but ‘it's a super stary. To an old-fashioned reader like myself, Flashpoint: The La Penca Bombing breaks every stereotype. On the one hand, i's not ‘the usual supethero comic for kids, nor the kind of entertaining trash ‘supposedly favored by semi-titerate adults. On the other hand, despite its serious subject, it certainly doesnt laok like journalism or scholarship. It dispenses with hedged assertions and careful ‘weighing of evidence in favor of action, impact and visual imagination, This “graphic docudrama” comes with panel-after- ‘panel of bright color drawings, not the usual mass of gray text and ‘grainy halftone photography. If like a television documentary you ‘can carry in your pocket—and without the usual network censorship. Af the novelry of this form at first attracts distrust or confusion, ‘it should also generate excitement. Together the text and art make a powerful statement that will inform and stimulate a wide soctor of the American public, ‘The work traces its roots to such diverse sources as the ‘educational comics af the: 1940s and 0s and the politically oriented ‘underground comics of the 1960s, with the superior production ‘values of the graphic novels of the 1980s. But its authors alsa draw ‘consciously and combatively from the techniques of government propaganda. The CIA has used comic books to target Third World [Populations with messages about the evils of communism and—in the ‘specific case of Nicaragua—to instruct the Contras on how to disrupt ‘the leftist Sandinista regime, This comic book has adifferent message, ‘but it shazes the impact of its ideological rivals, ‘The authors could hardly have chosen a mote gripping subject ‘to complement the power of their medium, The La Penca bombing, aan allempt to assasinate Contra leader Eden Pastora in May 1984, did not by itself change history. But the investigation of it by Costa ‘Riean-based journalists Martha Honey and Tony Avirgan opened up a window on CIA intrigues, Cuban exile politics, drugs-and-arms running and White House conspiracies long before the average American. would ever hear of the Iran-Contra scandal. Their probe, ‘in tum, became the basis of a lawsuit filed by the Christe Insiiuie against obscure former officials who would only much later become household names: Richard Secord, Thomas Clines, John Singlaub, Robert Owen and many others, ‘eis a measure of the lawsuits importance that its central claims ‘were never seriously investigated by the joint congressional ‘committees that convened to unearth the truth about White House crimes in Central America. They left the hot topic of drug trafficking to other commitiees lacking the political mandate to demand the truth. And they essentially ignored the question of administration responsibility for the attempted murder of Pastora at La Penca. It's not as if Congress didn’t have wind of the facts. As carly as December 1985, two Associated Press reporters exposed the ‘complicity of right-wing Cuban exiles and certain Contra leaders in cocaine trafficking out of northern Costa Rica. By January 1977, Newsweek and other publications were reporting assertions of drug ‘smugglers George Morales and Gary Betzner that U.S. authorities ‘had winked at their circular ade in guns to the Contras and cocaine to the United States. Later, in Senate testimony, Morales would implicate John Hull, an admitted CIA agent named in the Christic lawsuit, in aiding this armsfor-drugs traffic. The convicted drug- money launderer Ramon Milan-Rodriguez and other traffickers ‘would eventually flesh out the story to a subcommittee of the Senate Foreign Relations Cammintes. Yet the only real word on drugs in the final report of the Iran-Contra committees was an astonishing staff memo reporting no “corroboration of media-exploited allegations that US goverment-condened drug trafficking by Conta leaders or Contra organizations or that Conwa leaders or organizations did in fact take part in such sctvity.” This despite the admission even of administration officials that some high-ranking Contra leaders in Costa Rica were guilty of smuggling, ‘Nor did the committees pursue assertions by individuals in the (Contra aid network about assassination plots. Jesus Garcia, a Cuban exile jailed in Miami on weapons charges, claimed he was asked by members of that network to help Kill the U.S, ambassador to Cosia Rica, Lewis Tambs, in order to frame the Sandinistas and provoke a .S. invasion of Nicaragua. His attorney, the respected public defender John Maues, said, “Every claim that my client has made thas been backed up, We've been able to corroborate much of what he did and where he was—facts, places, names, people that he met” (in These Times, December 10, 1986). In particular, Garcia received support from the former mercenary Steven Carr, who wrote in 1985, “Tm an American all the way, but I stop at killing other Americans for the sake of CIA war games” (Oatiand Tribune, December 17, 1986), Another active supporter of the Contras, Jack Terrell, claimed to have attended a meeting with Contra leader Adolfo Calero, Oliver North’s agent Robert Owen, John Hull and others in January 1985, months after La Penca. One of the participants, a Cuban exile based in Costa Rica, allegedly said, “We put a bomb under him [Pastora], but it didn't work because of bad timing.” Terrell recalled the attendees discussing new ways to kill the charismatic leader, who had angered the CIA and the Contra hierarchy by refusing to merge his own organization with that of the former Somoza nationtl guardsmen based in Honduras (In These Times, December 10, 1986). ‘The sensitivity of such allegations is suggested by the extraordinary response they evoked from administration officals and their allies, Steven Carr told reporters that U.S. embassy officials in (Coat Rica helped him jump bail and eseape the country in order to keep him from talking (New York Times, July 13, 1987). Secord reportedly spent at least $60,000 in Iran-Contra money to finance an eXCIA officers efforts to develop “derogatory” information against the Christic plaintiffs. (Washington Post, June 29, 1987). By inventing charges of treason, terrorism or personal harassment, Oliver North tried to draw the FBI into investigating those who threatened to blow his operation: Senator John Kerry, D-Mass., who: publicized the drug and mercenary angles of the case; Jack Terrell, whom North (wrongly) believed to be the Christie: Institute's “star wimese"; and Daniel Sheehan, chief atiomey for Christic (San, Francisco Chronicle, April 25, 1988). And in July 1988, federal prosecutors moved to indict Terrell on Neutrality Act charges, even though it was he who tried in vain, in early 1986, to prompt Washington to crack down on illegal gunrunning to the Contras. (New York Times, July 31, 1988). The ease, in shor, is not yet history, As long as the guilty go fice and the whistle-blowers face punishment, as long as the Contras continue to receive USS. support, the La Penca sinry will remain a vital reminder of crimes and conspiracies that lie at the heart of US. foreign policy. Jonathan Marshall is the co-author, with Peter Dale Scott and Jane Hunter, of The Iran-Contra Connection (South End Press, 1987). eee ee ee TONY AVIRGAN. and, } MARTHA HONEY, 3 ) FoR RICO “ ) plaintifis } RENE CORBO. ) FELIPE WIDAL SANTIAGO, ) MOLSES NAGOBERTO NUNES ) RANGISCO CANES + ) RAMON cEcruro PALACIO. . ) RICARDO GRIS, WILLIAM GRIS, ) ROGER LEE PALLAIS } AMAC GALIL ) HECTOR CORNILLOT, JORGE GONZALEZ, ) aADOUFO CALERO, } ALVARO CRUZ, FREDERICO SAENZ, } ROBERT W- owEN, JOHN K. SINGLAUB, ) RONALD JOSEPH MARTIN: SR., ) James Mccoy. THOMAS POSEY. ) RAFAEL “CHI cHI” QUINTERO, ) MARIO DELAMZCO, ) THOMAS CLINES ) THEODORE SHACKLEY. ) ALBERT HARKIN, RICHARD SECORD ) PABLO ESCOBAR, and JORGE OCHOA, ) : } ) ) ) pefendants COMPLAINT FOR DAMAGES AND OTHE eri 1959, Cumann Tear YEAR, FIoeL BICTATOR FULBENEIO CASTRO OVERTNEEN a BATISTA, FORCING Babe OF He MOB Ne WOULD NEVER FORBET. INSPIRED BY CASTRO, SASTORA TOINEE Tole BANDINISTA RESISTANCE, AND LATER ECAME A HERD, Wie Hee LED A DARING TAKE GVER OF THE NICARAGMAN NATIONAL PALACE IN 197, BY (D8, PASTORA WAS OISILLUSIONED WITH THE NEW OOVERNMENT HE HELPED BxINte TO PONER, He REFUSED TO ALLY WITH THE PBN, A CIA~ CREATE CONT IA REVOLUTIONARY AR, MHICH, Siaoami, ri Bx STOMA TURNED CONTRA, le IE COMMAN DERI CHIE OF THEE ANTI SAN Bini debe, A PeanANT dandy He NeCoee ORGANIZE FIST ACROSS THE SOUTHERN BORDER (OF MICARAGIIA, IN COSTA RICA. WE SANDINISTAS STARTED TO LIVE THe Baur RicH LIFE STYLE AS THE SOMOCISTAS. "AND "THEN WE FELL. INTO THE MleT ANE OF GIVING THE MILITARY "Toe MUCH Powe. Pits Aecics 1082: Anecican rourwaersrs NOW AUIREEAN AMO MARTOLA HOMEY PIMELED PACKING, CONRDENT ANEW Aasigdintnyy IN COSTA Rich Went PANAMA, 19822 4 MAN CALLING HIMBOLE "PER ANKER HANSEN! RENTED A LDUIRY HEA RIGE APARTMENT: WANSEN ALWAYS PAID CASH. Macnee SAID He Was. TANS PICTURES FORA Beak ABOiT PANAMA, IT WAS RUMORED Titty HE WAS IN SOME WAY ELOsuLy CONNECTED TO GENERAL ROR(EGA'S NATIONAL GUARD EAE, ip [SBP EDGAR CHAMORRO, Oabalinicarrous ner, PuestED ITER DELIVERED F BASQUE TExromists FROM SPAIN YOUR MAN c PAST ORA’ WAS NOW ALSO KNOWNAS ie "RENAGADE CONTRA. THE Bled SUPPLIED, WEAPONS "70 Mis BEDR ORDLIE, Biir Aiba wiTH ST ‘BS YEARS AFTER CASTIOS SURE ROR FUE Saar oot & yok: OPERATED INMIAMI: GROUPS WITH NAMES LiKe AL end 4 Getnena 7) an THe toe SORCALIEED 1, ASRASEINATION AND TERRORISM, MANY HAD Connie rion. opens soto aren oe Bees aa. Fae ae con rae” Te ae ee ALL WRONG! WE HAVE eae or decane Sete Be ae ASE ec ty paneer SUS ene MIAME. HE AGREED TO FUND RENE CORO, FELIPE ViICAL ANE OTHER BILE Cuman-anceeican, srs a MOUS ‘Tue TRANSPORT OF WEAPONS, Flown Down 70 Bulle uPA SOUTHERN CRONT; WOULD FRD- WIDE 000 COVER FDR MOVIN RUSS UP BY RETURNING BEANCS. Wim PARTNER, PAGO- BERTO NUNEZ, WORKED 47S. END OF THIS PLAN Tit COBTA Rica, WIT Fue HULL PI HLS Really Csr vee pete ices ra iets OPERATION. Cont net RESP eL Foe Te SOUTHERN PROT FOR SEVERAL YEARS, SEMATIONAL SBcURITY COUNCIL ewe cove anp reups yindss esiad HAs TO WIN ARDS Connanes FASTORA REFUSED TOALLOW CHOAN-AMERICAN WAsIES To Tin ARO Tiley WERE, g erualty heaceD BE COMMANDERS AS (VOLUNTEER COMBAT INSTRUCTORS! By tute ano rowes. Apadggpoun ox conuuaiay Coewus Taarrrescens Ae) (he ails Soeies, Hae bigelren Tiere ‘eeae si surrey. ROUTES, Wilks Ss RANEW WAS USED ASA BASE iS CARRYING PRUSS BOUND FOR THE U5 COSTA KICA STARTED TO FEEL 1B MARTHA, TOOY AND SANT! LEARNED SPANI3H WITH RASSING Ease, A SAtAES. COMO OO INT RRMATIONAL, TOURMALIS TS MALE EASIER BV SENEROUSCY SHARINE LEADS AND KNOME| WHATS THE Acrion on - ‘WHEN THE MOVING VAN ALL THESE BARMS, wer - a LATER FIGURED "TACK we Sia oilice Stor Ake 8, SOMEBODY Peorhe iS WouLe MOREE [ro THEM, THEN WE OLE. ca Purr TH m1 Wirt YOu, TORN. BEMIND 1s. AND TAs sate was nar, FWA REA ear THEM Eee Se OUR Paine aa isl PRORUAR, Bi TRAVELED TO‘CHILE ‘On BEHALE OF THE ve K, STOP THE. SECRET TEAM Cane OF MORE IMPORTANT BUSINESS... we pevieve THey aaengaie i ne uso SPER ANKER | gents He was Fans? mane, 19 SABA omeno, Bmonwavieee, pS ca RE POR TO TAKE THEIR SoBe. WHAT I COULDNT WiULE PREPARING TO PEFEND BTACEY 1 WAS TOLP THAT IF THE. wHew! MERE, THE FIRST SANCTUARY CHURCH. | PRESIDENT DIRECTED MILITARY) BELIEVE 15 HOW you WORniR ARRESTED ADR TRANSPORTING | ACTION IN EL SALVADOR, OF KEPT A STRAIGHT SALVALORAN REFUGEES IW TEMAS, PR | TE WE INVADED NICARAGUA, FACE Tumough ALL WALLY KASUOOSIS ANE ATTORA THESE COMMUNIST THAT DAM SHEEHAN WERE VISITED BY A TERRORISTS WOULP O@GANIZE METHODIST MIMETER. INTO MILITARY CADRES: AN BY AGENT HAS WARNED ME Shar ue pancranny movment Aue "Tie CATHOLIC € SMUGSLING KNOWN TERRORISTS. WUST You" JUST TOLP Us PROVES THAT THE 4.5, GOVERNMENT WAS A ALTE WE HAVE TO. Loom Into THis. He WAS, Vigirep BY A DIFFERENT FBI AGENT. THAT MEANS SOMEONE, SOMEWHERE, 1S MARIS PLANS, (ANC PUT THER IN Tit BUSH DETENTION CAMPS ARUN iD THE COUNTRY. THE THER HALE WOULD BE SENT TOCENTRAL AEM MEANWHILE, TIE PLOT 7D BONE EDEN HAMORRS. ep REENANDO. I . PASTORA WAS pints WORKED OUT IAM! ‘EL NEGRO” VES. t LiKe THAT BUD HONDURAS, IN MEETINGS BETWEEN VERY MUCH. AND THE SANDINISTAS BOA OFFICIALS. (INCLUDING ADOLFO WILL BE RESPONSIBLE. Leki), Toler THREE AM BASED CUmANS, Baca Crante, FELIPE VIDAL AMD RENE CORVO, TOUN HULL AND OTHERS IDEWTIIED TO THE GRAIPAS BENE FROM THE CIA. PASTORAS JUST A. BENCHWARMER. WE GRINS IN BLACKIE CHAMORED. THEY ALSO WANTEP To KILL A JOURNALIST, AND TALEO ABOUT BILL STEWART, ANABG MAN KILLED BY SOMOZA'S PEOPLE. THEY WANTED THAT KING OF PUB— LICITY, THAT OUTRAGE. I ONT KHOW WHERE I THOUGHT THEY weee| THEYRE GETTING THIS, B| supposep TD Be IN BOTH La NACION" AND = PAN "Ed REPUBLICA’ HAVE. STORIES TODAY THAT NINE BASGUE TER LAST NIGHT. WE CONDUCTED: AM) INTERVIEW ON JOHN HULL'S ‘A PILL ‘SALVADOR, THAT HE WAS THEIR FRONT,» "HANSEN "DIONE nM TD KNOW se agour PRBSSURED BY THE CLA, BASTORA MAD STORMED THEY HAVE OUT OFA SECRET ARDE ENLISTED DRUG DEALERS MEETING IN COSTA RICA, ; 3 ow MeRcenaRiCs, cued RATHER THAN Toi THE fs NORTHERN CONT RAS UNDER CALERO. THAT MONTH, HE SLIDPED IA v Ta Tene Plant AcalNsT, BMD Our OE COSTA RICA, “THE BAN EYNI Sots ‘Bins etoro ane Te MT ERVIEWS DEN THE BON CONTRAS Aue THe CHA. ToRsioanssous Cesmnniees, areas Bae EAC PARORS? Ce essen 7S THE DAY BEFORE THEE ULTIMATIM EXPIRED, THE CLA SENT AVERY CO-CRERATIVE COSTA RICAN, COL. PANIAGLA, TO MEET REPEATEDLY WITH PASTORA . IT 15 Necessary. Fok youre LEAVE COSTA RIEA TS Nig HOLD Your EARLY MORNING, MAY 30, (9842 PREPARE POR tHe UPR COVER PASTORAS P! a oy Someone roneot pe RULEPOALL ier om ; om EE i —_ ‘f « Die couauaniers anaiven aT tA i Paned Awrenst iad SeRMBL Ee UPA aOeY Ke HOURS FOR THAT BOAT TO RE- THEN 5 MORE NOURS BY RIVER AND W BALK ROADS TOA RURAL HOSPTT AL, TONY HEARD HER SCREAM WHEN THEY MLL EARRIED ER DOWN TO Tie ents wiee promis You, [5% ONT, THROEH MOLE inte HE POS FS TH PReue ee Coumacure CINDA FRAZIER Ne MARTHA Seales MAGEE rose fee eee Wee te DS onic EEA TPS SASS ESD BURN LATE TES ere Lee (Cod REN faa ir Ot rik Satan ame ee anaes Be SECC alg Be aod'y’ reece Nene (wen ano wires nao} fs poe et FURST MET IN Thiet EVES ANE HEARS s Sia | cos? a OFFICE OF CAN QUAYLE IN 19.83.) ‘CANT, PROMISED THE iN VENTORY OM ALL THE BU] MENT We LOST WOULD: Wwe LOST woul ‘OUT THis WEEK, THEYRE STILL FLOSSING THE SANCINISTAS ‘ANP CUBA. MISE CETAINES AT THE AIRPORT WAS PROVEN To Be A “OSE THE BOR, THE CLA HAD ALREADY BEEW Herre sans fA eae Rea. Uxba HARBORS, EEGAR fener y SOO, 2. PLACE AY UNLICiTED ‘neo ity nt eracooy ates CIGARETTE BETWEEN Twp Rows tt Ree Orne A SF MATCHES. UNITE. THER amo, 8 EMRE CH ‘TOGETHER ay TvING THE iets OPED 7 ot FIRMLY WITH STRING, RE AAG 1a Tot sormes wwe 2. MRAP THE BATCHES IN ORY TOUEHEE THE LIQUID AND TH PAPGR OR ANY OTHER, INFLAMRABLE Stack tres he nett Ht Soom PHEA SUBSTANCE. PLACE THE OLVICE Tee kim BARES Mor hacer ont biteas Tis. MuLTARy Sterne cowraas, ca DIRECTOR WELiAM 3. 7 ACTIVATE Tee ov “iy nice tne BOTTLE CARTON HOKE. ND, THE MATOMES WILL ‘OR 19 MIMUTES TOM POSEYS LILTIA-RIGHT; ALABAMA Dest ciULsad WiCrTARY oar ae HAD OPENLY RECRUSTED| Takecennes, ihe Buren wearons ANB EXPLOSIVES TO THE CONT RAS. very suepents srorrep Ae Tuihine PALE Catce, CHEN TUALLY: yy Tig ape renege Tie BOMBING... MameH, (985: Paren cereeery Was eeceurreD ASA MERCENARY He wer Hui miaad, By File AIRPORT HOWARD FOMNSCNE| cant Tes (THe AuTioRTiEs—— SAFER WITH A STRANGER, eAntos meen a Ww LITTLE Mouires. Tye CAMP WAS ON LAND Cow: TROLLED BY FOHM Hilt us HIDE Me-— HELP ME ORT, AWAY. E WANT OUT —— THEY RE SSNS To Priairte THE CARLOS NEVER SAW PAVID Asin. Ps a r “pint Vorce-- ——a Me's AN ASSISTANT TO THE MINISTER OF SECURITY, OCTOBER, (98S! MAM! PUBLIC OBFENDER FOuK MATTES REPRESENTED A CUBAN AMERICAN MAMED TOs ASSAULT aslo BATTERY, KIDNAPPING. BAN SHEEHAN AND FR BILL DAVIS fobiae Cost Rca arrest ISTEO, CASTRO REFUSED TO ALLEPT. oe OEE HOR THE SE BROT ee. is (& CRIMINAL vec ANY PEROGATORY INFORMATION T ET TNE POR. ‘OULD FIND OUT ABOUT USE BY GENERAL SECORD AND HIS LAWYER IM -FHE CH BIST INSTITUTE LAWSUIT COLaWeS POSsTASE PU FOR THE PACKAGE OF BOOKS FROM MARTIN PASSED THe LON ON PEACENET, A COMPUTER BULLETIN GOARD: (988: idan THe RICO MAY 27, [9802 OROREE BUSH OM THE Sano Agik so Sidecewk ane ji eer ene al Betose Wewesses: eorrn Mole Emu ies TIONED Senin His ARE VOU THE PERSON WHO Said ON A RECENT ERowrey suese. keine LED THAT IME cuRISTIC INSTITUTE PRESENTED NOPIRECT See He SET THe bones HESS NUTS! WE'VE Gor “HANsey” RFE SN GBecrane) KEEP THI TO YOURSELE For Mow. TH Ke IM dome Tine Last Ht Breuiocrarim: Avirgan, Tony and Honey, Marthe. Laer Washington Aig and Honey 1985 ‘ving, Tony and Honey, Martha La Pensae On ‘Titan Costa Rica San Jose, Conta Ria, Esinoial Porvee, 17 Blas Willar. Th Adan Highlands, 1986 Cockburn, Lele, Qat of Coniral. New York, Aidantc Monday Brest, 1587 Hackel Joy and Sieg, Darel In Cons Cangtsas: Washington DC, Insitute for Potcy Stade 1987 Kruger, Heevik. Toe Great Heroin Coup, Boston, South nd Pres. 1980. ‘etry Jonathan. The Chimes of Bauiots New ore WW, Neri Cn 987 Manchestes Wiliam. The Death of a President Grea tii, Michal jase Lid, 1967. Marshall, Jonathan, Scot, Peet Dae, and Hunter Jane. The Lran-Conea Connection, Uoston, South ind Pres, 1907 McCoy, Allsed W. The Politica of Southcist Asis New York, Harper & How, 1972 CLs. Forgotten History fw Jersey, Zt Books, Lid, Pius ano Vioeo Docunctvinmis ‘Christic Institute. The Shadow Government: [Behind the iran/Cania Scandal Home Vides, 1988, Cockburn, Lee. ohn Hulls E ‘War Broeaat on CUS West 57th Steet. Jane 25 1966 ‘Cockburn Leslie The GLA Connection: Deags for ‘Gaps. Broadcast on CRs Wee! 57h Steet APA 07, Cockburn, Leslie, CLA Front Dealing Drugs [ccadcast on CBS's Wes 57 Set, July 1 967 ‘Codibura, Lee a Andrew Gans, Dnags &c ibe ‘GIA. Broadcast on PES Fronine, May 12 1988. Kennedy. Helens and Bradiey. chard The Heart pf the Matter. Broadeast on BBC, Great Briain, 1987. Sete, Charles. Miurdor ‘on th Rio San Juan Broadcaster PUS's Frondine Ape 1, 1958 ‘Teent, Barbara and Meyer, Gary. Covers Behind the [ran-Contea Athair, MI Haze Video, "8 THE PEOPLE BEHIND THE STORIES JOYCE BRABNER is along time activist w pee ee ee ea ees Suet een ee race ae FPaeedeeneientet : ea cre fands, and his current ce ae nd i fra) emeees ie Cette err eer eo ones Ce ee ee Se ee Canes aes ee eat rete) Cte.

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