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Pensions & Welfare policy



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Housing & fuel bills
Lib Would force energy companies to introduce 'social tariffs'
BNP Ensure that all pensioners are able to live in comfortable homes
Lab Ask energy companies to increase the amount spent on social tariffs reducing rates for vulnerable people
Lib Winter Fuel Payments for disabled people paid for by delaying age-related payments until people reach 65

Level of state pension

Lib Immediate restoration of the pensions earnings link
UKIP New citizens pension
BNP Restoration of the earnings link with pensions
Con Would raise the basic state pension in line with earnings to help stop the spread of the means test
GP Introduction of a non-means tested Citizen's Pension, linked to the rise in average earnings
Lab Re-link the basic state pension to earnings
GP Everyone would receive a basic Citizen's Income

Pension Age
Lib Would remove compulsory retirement ages
Con Review of the state pension age, to Consider whether the increase in the pension age from 65 to 66 should be
brought forward from 2026, but starting no earlier than 2016 for men and 2020 for women

Career breaks
Lab Recognise the break many people take to bring up children or care for others so that more women entitled to
a full basic state pension

Company and private pensions

UKIP New private pensions scheme insurance
Con Seek to simplify the rules and regulations around pensions, to encourage companies to offer 'high quality'
pension provision to all employees
GP Voluntary private and occupational schemes, organised for and by the workers and pensioners Concerned,
should be implemented
Lab Occupational pensions more secure due to Pension Protection Fund
Con End the effective obligation to buy an annuity at 75

Tax releif
GP Abolition of tax relief on private pension Contributions
Lab By April 2011 no pensioner over 75 will pay any tax on incomes under £10,000

Tax credits
Lib Would fix the payments of tax credits for 6 months at a time so payments are stable and predictable, with
exceptions made on an emergency basis where needed

Public sector pensions

Con A new independent Office for Budget Responsibility would do a full review of Public Sector Pensions
Con Cap the biggest government pensions, including senior civil servants, local council and quango executives

Local Pension Schemes

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Pensions & Welfare policy

GP Encourage Local Community Pension Schemes that would invest in the local community and public services

Other welfare benefits

UKIP introduction of workfare to get people back to work
Lib Would make a promise to young people that they will not spend more than 90 days on
Jobseekers Allowance (JSA) before they get more training, education, an internship or a work programme place
UKIP Simplification of welfare

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