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Europe policies



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European Union
BNP British withdrawal from the European Union
BNP Following withdrawal from the EU, the BNP will use the current British Contribution to the
European Union to fund projects in Britain
GP ReConstitution of the EU as a European Confederation of Regions pursuing ecological policies
UKIP The UK should withdraw from the European Union and British membership should be replaced with
Con Introduce a new law in the form of a United Kingdom Sovereignty Bill, to make it clear that ultimate
authority stays in British Parliament
GP Any UK decision to withdraw from the EU shall be subject to a referendum
BNP Aim towards greater national self-sufficiency, and to work to restore Britains family and trading ties
with Australia, Canada and New Zealand
Con Would not allow Britain to slide into a federal Europe
GP Work for reform of the European Union
a free trade agreement

EU Enlargement
Lab Promote further enlargement of the EU, including support for the entry of Turkey and Croatia

Members of the European Parliament (MEP's)

Lib Would work to stop MEPs having to travel to Strasbourg every month

Con Government would not be able to agree to a Treaty that hands over areas of power from Britain
to the EU without a referendum
GP Any UK decision to withdraw from the EU shall be subject to a referendum

National vetoes and Ratchet clauses

Ratchet clauses mean national vetoes can be scrapped one by one without superheated EU summit
rows leading to calls for referendums
Con Would change the law so that any use of a so-called ratchet clause would require full approval
by Parliament

Criminal Justice Systems

Con Negotiate a guarantee for greater protection against EU encroachment into the UK's
Criminal Justice System

Social Legislation
Con Negotiate a guarantee for restoration of national Control over social legislation

Employment legislation
Con Negotiate a guarantee for restoration of national Control over employment legislation

Single European Currency

BNP Opposed to the Single European Currency, and support traditional weights and measures
Lib Believe that it is in Britain's long-term interest to be part of the Euro, following a referendum

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Europe policies

Global Trade
Lab Work with EU partners to achieve a global trade deal to cut tariffs and liberalise world trade
Lib Promotion of free and fair world trade

Single European Market

GP Opposition to the Single European Market

A more competitive Europe

Lab Promote eConomic reform to make Europe more competitive so it can compete effectively on the
world stage

Common Agricultural Policy

Lab Further reform of the Common Agricultural Policy
GP Opposition of the long-standing, EU, Common Agricultural Policy
Lib Would work for CAP (Common Agricultural Policy) and agricultural subsidies reform

Common Fisheries Policy

GP Opposition of the long-standing, EU, Common Fisheries Policy

Environment and Energy Policies

Lab Work with EU partners to on a framework for tackling climate change, post-Kyoto, and develop an EU-wide
strategy for energy policy
Lib Would encourage other EU countries to put in place investments similar to the 'green infrastructure'

Lib Keep Britain at the heart of international crime-fighting measures
Lib eg. the European Arrest Warrant and the European Police Office (Europol)

Lib Share security through more defence co-operation with allies

UKIP Opposition to the "open-door immigration policy"

Charter of Fundamental Rights (CFR). Rights for EU citizens

Con Negotiate a guarantee for a full opt-out from the Charter of Fundamental Rights (CFR)

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