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- “ > se” Paper 5 Speaking interviews with commentaries and analysis Result David Baker FCE Result Teacher’s Pack DAVID BAKER OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS OXFORD (Great Clarendon Steet, Oxford ox2 6D Oxford University Presa department of the University of Oxfor Tefurthers the University’s objective ofexcelence in research, holarship, and education by publishing worldwide in fra New Yore ‘Acland Cape Town Dares Salaam Hong Kong Karachi ala Lamapur Made Melbourne Mexico City Naisbi ‘NewDelhi Shanghai Tipet Toronto ‘wit ome in ‘Asgentina Austia ral Chile Czeeh Republic France Greece ‘Gustemala Hungary Italy japan Poland Portgal Singapore South Korea Switzerland Thailand Tukey Ukraine Viemam foxronp and oxroxn tyotisn are registered trade marks of ‘Oxford University resin the Ukand incertsin eter counties © Onfora University Press 2008 ‘The moral rights ofthe author ave been asserted Database right Oxford Univesity Press (maker First published 2008 ota 20112010 2009 2098 wos7esaszt Allright reserve, No pastof this publication maybe reproduce. Stored ina rerival ayem, of fanamited any form or by any means ‘wit the prot permision in writing of Oxford Uaiversity Press ith the sole exception of photocopying cated out unde the conditions tated inthe paragraph beaded Photocopying of as expres permited by lw, oF tinder terms agreed withthe appropiate reprogrphies rights onganization, [Enquises concerning reproduction ostsde the scope othe above shold bese othe EET Rights Department, Oxford University Press, athe ‘ress above ‘You must not cut his book in any other binding coves and you must imps this samecontion on any acquis Photocopying “The Pblsher grants permission for the photocopying othose pages marked. ‘photocopable accoring tothe following conaitions. Individual parchasey thay make copies for tel own use o fr se by classes that they es. School purchasers may make copes for ure by tafTand students, Bat Is ‘emission doesnot extend to aditional school or branches ‘Under na cicimsances may any par ofthis book be photocopied for esale ‘ay websites referred ths publication arin the pubic domain and ‘her adesses ace provided Ly Osford University Press fr information only. (Osard University Press disclaims any esponsibility fr te content san: 9780194800280 Printed in China Union rr tt wre eter May

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