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What does Krishna like to wear?

1. _____________________feather in his hair

2. ______________________ jewel in his neck

3. ______________________ garland around his neck

4. _____________________ silk garments around his waist

5. _____________________ in his hand

Word bank

Kaustubha flute

Vaijayanti yellow

1 peacock

Govardhan Grove |

Vaishnava Acharya – Rupa Goswami

Match the correct ones below:

Ramakeli Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabu

Sanatana Goswami Carved by Vajranabha – great

grandson of Krishna

Radha Govinda Elder brother of Rupa Goswami

Spiritual master for Chaitanya Mahaprabu gave 2

Rupa Goswami instructions to Rupa

Prayag First meeting of Rupa and

Chaitanya Maha prabu

Govardhan Grove |

Krishna asks Arjuna to fight (Bhagavad Gita 2.38)

Lord Krishna directly tells Arjuna to fight because Krishna desires the
battle. There is no win or lose, happiness or sadness (distress), profit or
gain in the activities when we do for Krishna. If one does good things
they get good reactions and if one do bad things they get bad reactions.
One will not get any reaction if he is completely surrendered to Krishna.

Answer the following questions

1. Why did Krishna ask Arjuna to fight?

2. Do devotees feel sad when they do service for Krishna?

3. When will a person not have any reaction?

Own creativity:
Draw any event favorable for Krishna Consciousness. This may be a devotee making garland, doing arati,
dancing, offering dandavats, eating prasadam, cooking

Govardhan Grove |

What is this pastime? Write the past time below the picture and color the picture.

Govardhan Grove |

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