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After work, a man walks down a street to go home. He sees a house, but - the
house is on fire! He calls the police, but no policemen arrive at the house. He
hears someone inside the house yelling for help! He runs into the house and sees
a little boy. He takes the boy outside the house. The policemen arrive after the
boy is out of the house.

Who helps the boy?


What is on fire?


Where is the man walking?


What does the man do first?


Why does the man go inside the house?


What does the man see inside the house?


When do the police arrive?

Janet wants to travel. Everyday, when she is at work, she thinks about all the
places she wants to go. Janet works at a restaurant. She is saving money to take
a trip. One day, Janet buys a plane ticket to India! She is very excited. She
tells her friends that she is going on vacation for 2 months. When she arrives in
India, Janet will take classes in Hindi, so she can talk to other people. Janet
wants to learn Hindi, so that she can make friends while she is staying in India.
1. Where does Janet plan to go?
2. Where does Janet work?
3. Why does Janet work?
4. Who wants to travel?
5. How long will she go on vacation?
6. What does she want to do in India?
7. Why does Janet want to learn Hindi?

Michael has a guitar. Sara has a piano. Emma has a flute. Garry has a clarinet.
They all play music in a band.
Who has a guitar?

What does Sara have?


Who plays the clarinet?


What does Emma play?

Erik, Sam and Jesse go to class together. Erik thinks the class will be difficult.
He brings a pencil, a notebook and a dictionary. Sam thinks the class will be
easy. He brings his cell phone and his computer. Jesse doesnt know if the
class will be difficult or easy. She brings a pen, a book, and one piece of paper.
Who brings a cell phone?

Why does Erik bring a pencil and a dictionary?


What does Jesse bring?


Who brings a notebook?


Why doesnt Sam bring a pen or notebook?

Jared, Sabrina and Tim are going to play soccer. Jared thinks it is going to be
hot. He takes a water bottle. Sabrina thinks it is going to be cold. She brings a
sweatshirt and a shirt. Tim thinks it is going to rain. He takes a jacket and a
1. Who brings a sweatshirt?
2. Why does Jared take a water bottle?
3. Who brings a hat?
4. What does Tim bring?


Why does Sabrina bring a sweatshirt?

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