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Time Flows as Fast as Hourglass Sand

A poem by: Stephanie Karin

Every day you see your friends fall,

Deeper and deeper into the gates of hell,
Even though you know you have fun with them all,
You also know you must break them out of their shell.

They do all the things,

That shouldn’t be done,
Because they’re the works that the devil brings,
And they think they are having fun.

But you know better which is why,

You tell them about Jesus,
And try, and try, and try,
To tell about the love he brings us.

So you tell them about the word of God,

And how he has helped you,
Though the things you say may sound odd,
You share of the miracles he did do.

So when you have spare time to spend,

Take a really quick glance,
In the world please don’t try to blend,
Because you only have one life, one chance.

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