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4; BoC aid ini Sh iS : ee il hs qo ee ata Z ‘ . d out the world he Ridale of Steel when Tri Whar i ie? Iris invincibility —to strike wich all and to be struck by none. It is understanding —to ask questions and ta know the answers. end is in your own hands. co walle without fear, to know that ound i tis skill—to feel che elegance found in violence, and ta know ch y ines. » know him before he comes for you Ie is Spirit—to gaze into the face of your God here is ir Found? Whar is the Riddle of Steel? That is the question with no answer ROLEPLAYING WITH AN EDGE (The Riddle of Succ, Weyrth, Bladeslingees, and al assoviaced 1 ges, marks, and illustrations are © and ™ 2001 $$512002 Deifivood Publishing and Jacob Nacwood. Al The Riddle of Steel CREDITS ‘Created and Written by: rood ‘Original Sorcery Design and Additional Writing by Rick McCann Layout and Page Design: Jacob Norwood Eding and Constant Whi a Additional Writing Robert Hyact, Mike Biclac Creative Consultant, Index (and more whining): Earta “the Runt” Norwood Cover Design and Artwork: Rick “I've done this 82 times now" McCann Interior Artwork Rick McCann, Ben Moore, Jacob Norwood, Jaimy McCann, Alan Anderson, Jared Tiulock, and Mike Bielaceye. Historical Artwork (Books 3 and 4) courtesy of The ARMA. Used with permission Map by Rick McCann Knotwork and Character Sheet by Ben Moore Inthe End, there is omy Steel. Special Thanks Earca (my ever-patient wale), James, Cynthia and Ariel “The Gator*Norwood, Gifford Young, John Clements and the agon's Keep, Greg Meteal, Joel Bedolla, Sam Almodovar (lsplle it right this time! 3" Pererwon, Justin Tolman, Lance Meibos (who bought che fist copy..cver), Andy Mayer, Jumes Walley Ron Edwards and everyone down at the Forge (ww indie-rpgs.corn) and the TROS Forum, RPGince, and. lot of other folks wholll probably chink Pm ungraceful hecause I forgot to put hem in here. Tbank you Playtesters Gifford Young, April Perry, Aaron Olmsted, Brian “Buzzy, ‘cause | like bees” Berthelson, Shawna Wilson, Eli Combs, James Rampeon, Shannon Games, Driftwood Publishing www. - ¢ nd all dhe guys in Searsle, Texas, Tennessee, and everywhere else. The Association for Renaissance Martial Ares PUBLISHING |The Fellowchis of Wandering Garcars ISBN 0-9715314-1-2 The Riddle of Secel, Weyreh, Bladeslingers. and all associated names, characters, logos, marks, and illuscrations are ‘© and ™ 2001 and 2002 Drifewood Publishing and Jacob Norwood. Al tights cererved, All artwork © and ™ 2000, 2001 and 2002 Driftwood Publishii the respective artist of cach piece thereok All rights reserved. Permiss granted co copy the character sheets and + cables from the Appendices. SLNZINOD, Whar isa Roleplaying Game? 4 ‘What Kind of an RPG is The Riddle of Steel? 5 Basie Rules and Mechanics 5 1 Dice TL. The Major Rolle and Tests 6 1. Antsbute"Fets 2 ShilTe 3. Proficiency Tews 4. Comsted Ralls 5. Extended Roll © i Location Roti 2 Botching Funblings Attributes 8 LT Meotal 3, Spicial 4 Derived i poral Book ‘Two: The Birth ofa Legend? 13 1. Character Concept 14 1 Go 2, Philosophy CONTENTS IL. Priorities 15 a 2. Social Clas 3. Attributes 4 She 5. Proficicacies Gilts and Flaws thee Dewails 21 sxample of Character Creation i. Wy 2) Book Three: Training 27 L Skills 28 1. Skill Packers 2 Skil Tes 3. Languages, Knowledge, and Lore Skills 4. Delaal 5. Quick Reference $i 6. Shills Deseribed Il, Gite and Flaws 42 L Gifts Deserbol 2. Flaws Deseribed 3) Sepossven Glee aask Fns IIT, Proficiencies 49 Lis IV, Maneuvers 59 V. Character Progression 66 Seord and Shickd dlongsword (Cutand Theat, Rapier Case of Rapiess ‘Deppetieedet Pole-Ane Pole-Arms Mass'Wespon & Shield Day smn/Brnwling Wesling Lances Missle Weapons (Offensive Maneuvers Describe Defensive Mancuvers Descnbe Spisieual Austbutes Spending SA Points ve. Using Them Tnsighe Temporal and Meneal Av Proficiencies ieee Gifts and Flaws Skills ‘Wealth, Searus, Social Class Roleplaying with an Edge Book Four: The Codex of BookSic Sorcery 101 5 : ee eae TL The Navons of Wig 145 1 Rou i, e ns of Wk 186. pert TE Mechanies of Mase ee 1 Gombae: Gritry Realism 72 1 Roe cf the Ge i beeteeues Secs oe eee 2 TheNecVeguiaclMgc 2 es? GW telee dimes Sls 110 ee eee 2 Teens of Round Peetu a eee | Ss : 1 TiS ea 3. Chelan Spe CTS 5 Tene wd 5, Sop Be Ge Damage 4 CINMoiibes Tee ees TE Mise Combat 82 5 Femalcasrael pce Le eyo ena WH Defense 83 INE Using che Sorcery Pool 116 eR ta 1. Brsion 1. Spel Coming cr es hee 1s age eee 3, Resting Magical Anas 2 Seana of Weak 4 Comer 3 Refeshing the Soncy Pool 3. Goods and Seizes (Sut) TV. Movemenrand Combat 86 V. Spell Duration 120 V. Mounted Cobar 86 VIL. Sorceress and Sorcerous Vi An Example of Combac 87 (Characters 122 ) i eee C 2. Giles and Haws for Sorecres VIL. Sor ‘in Combat 125 Bool kc Eig 7 i Sedan Sei aS Nogees Seneschal 209 3. Inventing Spel Example Spell Casting [Your leas the Seneschal Book Five: The Lawsof wi Roles the Seneschal 209 N venario 125 TLNWhy we did whar we did 217 91 IX Beample Spells 128 TIL, Sarnple NPCs 220 LMoement Ouse Combat 92 ae oe 1. Menand Wornsa Pie eacia'tox irae 2). Atepatan! Bees 3. Sicheanelshe Fey 2 Racngand Chasing 3. Spel May (Risa) eae Saeed 2 Santee eer I Breumbrance 93. X Observations on Sorcery 138 & The Other Word HL Ling and Caring 94 IV Advenure Seeds 229 NV Jumping, Leaping, Falling 4 L,Que with the Ol, in with L Jumping 2. A Ppl smongst 02 2 Lenping 3. Dobecris BE occiea 4. The Black Sie of Fah V.Fie, Hlctcity, and Ocher Nasty S, The ileny of Bie scuf96. Book Seven: The World VL Fisgue and Rese 96 fWeyrth 1 Vil Halling and Wound Recovery x os % And the Gods Formed a Wedd. e Z VIL Aging and Sickness 98 us c é Aging. L aS g 2 Tyan 3. Masih oO And Passed it on to Odhess age > Pt! a ‘Tar MAcisTRATE leaned back in his chair. His dark blue robes fir snug over his large body. His hand spéchanically stroked his pointed beard, “What should 1 de with you two? Every time you come into my vown, trouble seems to follow. And whac happened last night is unforgivable! I find ie odd chat the best tavern in town, burns to the ground and you rwe are found at the seene of the crime, Please indulge me on why I should not lock you away foreve” The two mercenaries looked at each other had juse stepped in da place when the fight broke out anda latern got knocked over. We had nuttia! to do-wit ‘The Magiscrate dosed hiseyesand sighed. “You know, Thold your furure in the palm of my hand... and thats the best story you can give m2? I'm afraid your cateers a5 ativan guardsand general roublemakersis about ro come toan end. Your farure will be to keep the rats occupied inadcxp, dark dungeon under his lordship’: castle.” The lange man paused fora moment, then a thin side crossed his face. He looked back and forth beoween the two mercenaries.” Thar is... unless you can doa small favor for me.” “Hurry Dear, Lthink [hear them coming” “The tight from the half full moon lic the alleyway as two figures crouched against the wall. One bunched aver, his full areention on the door ahead of him. In hishands he dcfcaely manipulated two lang steel lockpicks. A soft of ~teel n the Beginning click sounded inside the lock, bur che door semained closed. Frustrated, he sneered at his partner. ~ you can doany better youre welcome tory, me be todo my work.” His atvention shifted back to the lock, The taller companion edged down dhe wall and peeked around the comer, The shimmering of rorchlight could be scen down the streer. Not waiting to see the source of the light he moved back down the alleyway. Moments scemed co drag to minutes and minutes to hours. Sweat dripped freely from each of the men's brows. Dyrek’ hands moved as skillfully as those of a surgeon. Another soft click and the door shifted lightly. Torchilighe filled the empry alleyway. “Whar is ic Sargent?” A scrufly old man, clad in chainmail and the tabard of the city guard, pulled his torch back, "Nothing private, just thought heard something down there. Lets continue on.” The small group of guards marched further down the strect and arounda corner The light from the half moon lit che emptyalleyway asa door softly clicked shur. F you think ‘not, leave Bavon’s aqsaTunsc caused small puffs of steam co tise up through the vents in theftont of his helmet. The joints of his armor ereaked in protest as he marched down the snow, covered path. News of barbarian raiders had caused the clan ( organize this group of men to go eliminate the problem. For cree days they had marched UAV ONIAVTUAIOY W Sl LYE AY 4 The Riddle of Steel through unrelenting weather, the snow and cold more dangerous than any bandits they could imagine. A soft sound in the woods, nothing more than a whisper, but it was enough to break Balor's rain of thought. The leader of the war party held up his hand to hale. A dead silence filled the area, a silence that Balor knew 100 well. He reached down and anclasped the warhammer from his belt. Aconce, a had come alive, large dark figures came crashing out of she underbrush and surrounding woods. Balor had barely enough time to raise hisshield as alarge axesticed down, intent on splitting his head. The axe lodged in the shield and Balor swung hishammner around hitting the attacker in the left shoulder. The attacker, dressed in leather and furs, stumbled backwards, his war painced face going dack for am instans from the pain. Another swing from the warhammer and the bandit dell ro the snowy ground, he forest itself never to rise Balor tured cosee snany suffered the same fave as his attacker. Some of his clan had joined them, their body’s contorted in different poses of death. The whirc ground was now stained red in many places. ‘The small battle had started quickly, and had ended even quicker ON THE EDGE of a busy marketplace, nwo boys sar playing a game involving smoothed circular rocks and and small square of black fabri, One boy threw dawn three rocks, ewo of them landing on the Fabric. He looked over at his fricnd and smiled. “Ya know, when T grow up Twanr take care of Lord Harland’s horses like my ‘pa.” “The other boy; his clothes noe quite as nice and his hair matted and dirty, glanced up, “Lsuppose I'l just bea farmer like my dad, buc at least I'll be able to come to the markerplace allot, | like it here.” Boch bays fell quie fora while, incen¢ on their game Nearby 2 young man, barely past being called a boy himaclf, walked by catching the atention ofboth children Atoughly woven cloak billowed out behind thisserangz Achis waist hung large brosdsword, itssbeath as batt as theleather breastplate he wore, but both gleamed wit oil and were obviously well cared for, Bath boys stared ar the stranger in hen a spoke again. “ [think I wane to be a swordsman when grow up.” “Me woo.” The: looked down at thetwo boys ashe p by. With a wide grin, he nodded at the two and thi tumed in towards the crow and disappeared. nee any What is a Roleplaying Game? ARole rules that define the way a p imaginary world. Roleplaying is nothing move tran th «ting. Gar such asthisone allow the player to experience scenario ed experiences ocherwise unavailable. Like games, roleplaying is meant to be fun, and accomplish this with the stimulation of the im company of friends throuigh the use of strategy an scorytlling. In this game, the sworyteller and guide, referred co the Seneschal, uses the rules coneained here-in to crext an ineeractive storycline For the players’ characters explore. The ally paints a picture of th ‘world in which the characcers are immersed, and creat events ta challenge the players wits, acting skill, parienc Game, RPG for short. isa yyer may inwesact with arcof pretending, though sone refer toi morality, jnation in th and luck. While the player controls » characters action the accomplishment of these actions is eft to fate. Gam use dice to attempr to succesefully achieve a character physical actions, but must rely on their brains co sols Book One: In the Beginning 5 ranger mysteries and their wits to avoid dangerous situations: W/hat kind of RPG is The Riddle of fearcred. ‘The point? To have fun, Rol g is like reading an. ped ith sipeedicrablebhoak, whine youmrtridngiherory bar tee have no idea what will occur next. ike video games, The Riddle of Steel involves elements of fantasy hen one RPGs for interact with actual people! People fimiliarto most gamers—magic, swordplay, intrigue, war, shen 1 whoare unpredic oh esting than a glowing box tunusual—is its approach to these “wadivional” elements, ind many RPGs. The Riddle of Stee! Roleplaying g ill and strategy—the thrce of balance in. pla ak ten sin y 1 presented by the “classes,” and ext ed choices in soncery and eey-is found combar. Things are different here, Magic is deadly and med over powerful—even the weakest sorcerer is a lethal threat 0 andahopefullya and adventure. Whar makes the game spectal—and mes have ahways seemed to seck some forts found in characters with “levels,” aseofspecial dice (dlisce in bow davbex you use not only the layer also Swordplay is fast, dynamic, and ends in blood—choose me you will need ro acquire your battles wisely. The world chat The Riddle of Steel ook, and dice. brings you to is more real, more d exciting, chan perhaps what you'll find in any other RPG. least weld ike to think so, Youll haveto play it pencils, paper, a copy of th ous, and more to be sure Players take on the roles of people. These people, so their players hope, may one day become heroes, legends, kings, or will discover the answer to the Riddle of Steel They may nor be famous yer, but they ane already mighty, powerful, dangerous, crafty. or ealented. They are nor “average” at all. Player characters are, by definition, aysern of exceptional people in a very real, very harsh world, Not with an one of mythical deserts and castleladen clouds, ot ores shan the and dragons around every comes, but one of greedy men ig Cames secking power, hungey villagers after food and ransom, crarios, wandering swordsmen with an eye on conflict, death, Like all and the Riddle, and millions of ocher people just trying omplishes tosee tomorrow This isa game ahout personal conflict, jon ia the moral dilemma, the brevity of life, and the search for answers Now theonly question is, how—and where—do we begin. Basic Rules and Game Mechanics I. Dice The Riddle of Steel uses owio kinds of di situations where chanceis involved: several ten sided dice (referred to-as 1d, 24, 34, or Iel10, 2e110, ete:), and one six-sided die (1d6 or d6). Any cimea reference is made to ro revolve Dice SISAL, UNV STIOY wolvy 6 The Riddle of Steel dice” without stating 6 or d10, assume the need one d6 and 1Qor applies to d10's. Most players will mored 10's (d1 0% may be purchas and most comic stores). We also recommen one af those dice be red and another white, and that eac player have a small bow! or two to keep. on the gaming table. wd chav at least is own dice in Il. The Major Rolls and Tests (Rolling <) Five different kinds of rollsare made during the course of play, most of whieh are very si 1 Asrribute Weer are made by rolling a number of dice against Tanger Number (UN) based on the difficulty of the task at hand. The TNs for Atcribute Tats are secby the Seneschal, based on scandard TNs in Ts 1.1. Targec Numbers range from 2 {foolproof} (very difficult) or higher (nearly impossible), individual die thar equals or beats thar TN is keptas a nieces; the rest are thrown away Lirger Numbers over 10 may be achieved by re-rolling any roll af 10 and adding it wo che original roll This processis called Stacking: any given di Jong as a 10 is rolled each time, Usually only one continue 10 Stack so success is necessary for an action to be successful though some may require more. Likewise, the quantity of successes indicates an action degree of success: one is just enough. while four or five are nearly Flawless (see Table 1.2). TABLE 1 Ores I Ht ieee la _ Occasionally iccumstances make Foolproof executing a given task Easy easier or more Average difficulr than ir Gialere =e, would normally be pes on its own. L pall eS Very Difficult Amaring Heroic Neasiy Impossit ‘The Unbelievable of bonuses to your Atcributes may be pplied in any 3 ncreasing the available number seen of dice co be DEGREES OF SUCCESS od # Mange Beant of Sauces Cameron, young: ; Scahlnish nighr, Zero Failure: Fras just resewueel fs (Tics) Resale Varies ame ard arly true One Narrow Success love from his own Shoe coiaaae uiieked lord. As he Three Room to spare F E 46 de flees from the our Expertly done pee iete dungeon (with a maiden over hig shoraiterd) he wal begin co collapse around bim. Hoping toavvid being crushed, by a falling slob of rock and debris, Cameron leaps chrowgh the dungeon entrance. The Senesclval calls fora Test of Agility cand. assigns Cameran a TN of 9 the considers this to be fairly challenging, ax the vock is falling pretty fast), itionally, the Semeschal notes, Cameron bis a gird ovee is shoulder Because Cirmerom is nather rong (anal his fiir aden 8 the Semeschal only imposes a—1 die penalty 60 Camerans Agitite Cameron’ player now roll ‘Agilisy (is shis case 4 dice, 5— 1, for the penaley). He rolls 4, 6, 7, success! He marroioly escapes the falling dungeon wll. Had Cameron rot been biveleared lowe he would have had 5 dice, not 4; 1a ral 2. Skill Yestearea specialized kind of Auuibute Test $ -hecks are made by rolling an appropriate Arcribure st the Skill Rating (SR) of char skill. The ting thusacteasaTarger Number: Lower SRs Ratings. As with Attribute Tests, die modifiers may be applied to any roll should the task ar hand be easier ‘or more difficult than “average.” Proficiency Teste, or tests made from x Pool, are made! ng any Pool (Combat Pool, Mis top Pool, or Sorcery Pool) (wioh a ever bir Aneribure dail. The LowerSRs posible ig of Skill may be ihe easier pare made Bppropriaté icery Pool} ificaley of sple Targer TABLE 1.3: SKILL RATINGS Master, well known and sought after Adept: a skilled and respected veterze Proficient; a tained professional Some Training: a good beginner Beginners: most students; come defuules Defnule for untrained characters Numbers will be found in Book Three: Training and Book Six: Sorcery. 4. Contested Rolls Contests of ") are made whenever two. characters or forces are competing for precedence. Examples includ yourself from-an attacker, 50 ying to defend past 2 guard (or Any of the liscening for such}, and arm wrestling. above rests may be contested against any other: one player mighe roll aSkill Test while rollan Attribute Test in oppos both parties roll against their own Target Numbers asdetermined by the individual cireur nces of heir given Test, Successes are then tallied us most succestes is the winner—the other second might Tn such instances she with the Thelosers successes are taken away from the winner’, leaving the winner’ Mangin of Success as an indication of how well he did. An examples provided below Mik, a Siche rogsish fellow, is trying ta sneak past a re ‘guar on duty. The Sexeschal asks Mik to make u cont Stealth voll (a Skell Test) against the Garde Perception (PER). Mak rolls & dice bit Agility (AG)—againee his Skill Rating of 6 (Mik3 dome shis sort of thing before). He ll: 2.2, 7, 8, 0, and O (Zeros are atioays read as 103). ior succese! The Seneschal siprultamcousty rol: he Curd Ferception (PER) —an Atcribsite es TW of 7 (average diftcules derermined by she environmenc Dard Sexo successes. So Mik wins by two (a covrfortable margin) sind sneaks or ly she guard 4 dice agains: a thar the card is bstning inj. The Gard gets che details ft open, so as to leave the Seneschal as much Ties may be resolved in a number of ways freedons of interpretation as possible. Ties may be re-rolled or resolved bya new test of WP at a TN set by the Seneschal. Some test ( defending in combat) hav ries as well chas cated predetermined results for 5. Extended rolls can be any of the four types listed above. These rolls are made when attempti produce some kind of final product (such as maki a sword or sesearching a spell) or to complete so agthy task (such as climbing tall cliff face). tended Roll has a number of successes thar must bbe mee over the course of any natmber of role Generally represents the passage of some ls may take as long, as ti angth of allows or a Fumble is rolled, after which the rolls must sartover from scratch. Mik ix weaving « basket for bis friend and traveling companion Geralt. Ai a basher ita simple item the Seneschal requires Miki player #0 roll am Betended Skill Tse of AGH Graft Still (an Mal eae, 9) smeil he gets 4 suceesser. The Seneschat also informs Mik player shat each roll represents the pacage of ome hour. Mik roll his AG (6) against his Craft Shall (SR9), and gets t rolls again: na successes! And again: I success. ..and again: 2 suecenes! Afier 4 hours Mik assembles the basket. The Seneschal may now sill for hisn co roll again to assess the beauty of the new pasket (Peat afi Skill), bact thats another story! 6, Hit Location solls are made by rolling ane (Guscone!) dé and referring to the appropriate tables (see Book: Four: The Codex of Battle) 7, Fambling Somsti botched. Thisis called botching or fumblin es Teses don’t just fail, they'te completely and happens é § : i E f : 2 aaareosaq SALNATELLy any time you fail a roll and have nwo or more “1” showingon any die. The Seneschal will generally determine what the effect of any given fumbled rll is, though situations, like combar, have pre-figured results, The only real guideline for fumbles is that they should be mone than a regular failure. Mik; our titee Siche friend, isorying to convince a merchant shas he didat steal anything. The Seneschal asks MI player 10 roll Test of SockTN 8. Mik ralls 4 dice—his Soe Axtrlte—anel gets 1, 6, 7...100 suckess and owo Vs— a fiumblet The merchant is going t0 react very poorly indeed. IV. Attributes Described Each character in The Riddle of Steel possesses a number of Areributes, Ateributes eepresent basic narural and developed traitsor aspects of your character, such as haw serong he is, how well he gets along, with orher people, and what drives him co live and die, These importanc traits are divided into four groups: Temporal, tal, Spizinual, and Derived. 1. Temporal Temporal Attributes deal with che tangible, physical realm, An average human’ ability is ranked at 4, while 10)is the maximum degree attainable Strengsh (ST isa measure of physical power and brawn, and has2 great influence on damage dealcin combat, aswell as some physical feats Agilicy (AG) isa measure of nimbleness, dexterity speed, and hand-cye coordination. Agility isa key clement in all physically active characters such as warsiars, thieves,and some entertainers. Touginess (TO) is a measure of physical grivand hardiness. ‘A high ‘Toughness protects characters from bodily baer, Endurance (EN) is a measuse of general “firness.” and playsa large roll in any long-term physical activicy. Health (HY healing capabilities f= a measure of one’s imnnune systerm and 2. Mental ‘Mental Ateributes deal with the mind and thou process. An average human’ ability is ranked at 4, whil 10 isthe maximum degree attainable. Will Power (WP) is a measure of 1 determination. ‘This extremely useful virtue oft tight spors. This kind d personal determination and grit is bes found j hardened soldiersand those fiercely dedieaved to tha causes, means the difference sytem and and thought at. while dhurance and vnc often His ind of | found in vo theit ‘Wat (Wit) is a measure of mental reflex and sharpness, Jest exhibited in comedians and fencers. This trait is ‘key element for both good fighters and those that dealin the cutthroacinerigue of Weyrth’sroyal courts and palaces. Mental Aprisude (MA) is @ measure of how quickly one Teams and how much they retain, exemplified by scholars, know-iv alls, and the finese pupils. This is ota mesure of intelligence or cleverness—thats up rothe playes, not the character sheet! This trait has a great effect on skill advancement, This Attribute is especially important for Skill-based characters such, ascourtiers, chieves, and academics. Sori Soc) isa measure of how charismatic, empathetic, and culturally adept your characteris, Thisis acrucial ability For ensertainers, courtiers, leaders, wheelers and dealers. Portption (Hex) isa measure of alermesc and awareness to ondssurrounclings. This arribute ean warn your proupy ofan impending ambush or a nighttime attacker, or Delp you find the keys to che king’: secret passage. Woodsmen and rogues are often noved for their keen senses and Pesception. 3. Spiritual Spiricual Accributes differ from other at many ways. Thete arc noaverages. often during a character's lifetime. Unlike other Artributes, ‘Tests with Spiritual Traits are highly uncommon; rather cadistat isused in aslightly different manner, as ourlined below, The Spiritual Aibutes ae aso important because of the role they take in your character's life and progresion—heyond theadvantages.ach presents below, points from your Spiritual Attributes may be spent to improve your character over time (thisis discussed further in Book Fiver The Laws of Nature). Unless modified bynationalityorother circurnscances, Sprisitual Ateributes cannot be raised above 5. Lastly cach Spirivual Attribute must be individually Chere utes. in hese trairs fluctuate stipe Book One: In the Beginning 9 chosen and defined for each character, resulting ina unique combination of beliefs, values, and motivations in everyone. The exceprions are Luck and Conscience, which need not he defined (although defining what kind ofluck you have or what the cause of your Concience is should be discussed). See Book Two: The Birth of a Legend? and Book Three: Training for more on choosing and using Spiritual Auibutes. Conscience refers to one’s desite to do the “right thing,” be it compassion, heroism, or any oncofa thousand manifestations of “rightand wrong.” [risa common quality of determined men, heroes, small talking criekers, and others that struggle with the difference between good and evil. This atsribsute represents dice that may be added x0 any roll thas supports your character in doing what be should instal of what might be more fis, more profisable. tess dengerows, or just make mare sense. Destiny signifies a higher calling —pethaps wo become king by yourown hand, orto bring down agreat empire, or even just to be killed by a man “not of woman born.” Whatever it is, chances are the destined character isaware of his Destiny, but may bedenying it. Destiny creates special characters with an added depths, bus difficult to play: Mose great historical and prophesied religious figures, Shakespeare’ King MacBeth, aind most all of Arthur's Round “fable are examples of people with a special Destiny. Any stre aan important event in the character's destiny comes to a head, these dice may be diveied up and added te any nsember rolls, nefteching every round, as long as the Seneichatt says so. These exents should be nave, important, and short-lived (unless the evens is she grand climax of the Dessirsy), Drive defines an extra level of dererminarion and a powerful sense of purpase. Somcone with Drive has a worthy cause that they would diefor (and probably will). Examples include the zeal of freedom fighters and patriots like William Wallace, or those that scrve great and noble causes or ideals at grent personal cost Thece slice mary be added 10 any role tha defend or Artriutes Descripep Gaawosaq sTnaMMLLy firsher the character’ eanse, ax often as the Seneschal deem it appropriate ld stron ass, ifthe castle fice may be sed in- one of TN), Passion entails. as hate, or loyalty—toa sin occupies your charact dye This erai adds i Erick is a reflection of face's tendency to smi Arrows narrowly miss, arc finish the job,” anc 0 the job,” an room notives you i who spent a good part of his life his best friend who had horribly that direshy affecs: she objec: off billing your hased enemy, resening your dearest love, or defending tbe name af your lord and king. These dice may be used as many times per game ss the Seacshecal deems appropriate. ‘An example of a Spiritual Attribute in use: Cameron, the young Stabbaish Knight from an earlier example, loues the maiden tha hes srying to receue from the collapsing dungeon. When the Seneschal asks Cameron's player to rall a Test of Agility, Cameron requests thas his Passion of 3 (specified as lave for his far maiden) be added to she rell. The Sencschal grants bit request, and Cameron nore rolls 7 dice (his original 4 plus 3 from his Passion). He rolls agaings @ TN of, as cer by she Seneschal in the previous example: 4, 6,7, 7,9 9, and 10, ree successes this time! 4. Derived Attributes Derived Ateribuc fioma combination of other Actribuces. These traits heir name suggests, come put characters) ume adds life Hude Lancelot! for Queen’ On L Book One: In the Beginning 11 are used gombat and sorcery: arily in special situations, such as Reflex is 1 combination of Agility and Wir, and devermines how quickly a character may physically react to external stimulus. Average Reflex is 4 ed from Perception and Agility, gecover quantify one’s natural abilicy to hic distances. Knockdown is a measure of how solid and balanced ane remains afcer taking a blow. Average Knockdown is 4 Knockaue is a measure of how hard ir is to knock a character unconscious, based on Toughness and Will Power, Average Knockout is 6. Moveis a measure of how much distance—in yards. ‘one can cover on foot in approximately 1 or 2 seconds (one combat round). Average Moves 6 A special set of Derived Attributes for Sorcerers is addressed in Book Six: Sorcery. Arrrisutes Descripep Ranrot we Gata HOLE the stone of we began to scit, W ‘cid t0 push bi ne he collapsed mnconscious maris face. Jequics slowly oan he rolled onto hissideand sell to his fect. He made itt his int. He looked around from his trying hard to focus his eyes on in with extremely long. . speratcl hnineus. The man seemed vaguely B quite look right. Jequies shook his he knees. He noticed thar and raised himselfagain to his 1c est of the room was dey; 0 he deagged himself out of the rain, He looked up and saw thatthe stone of the oof ditectly over where he had be: jing vas charred and jagged around the holeasif recencly shuartere. Theman in the comer stitred, Jequies grabbed atthe lage oak table behind hima for supportand stood. Near thedoor he saw his broad brimm: 2 rapier, propped against thewall. He szageted over ro the door, pulled on his hac and strapped hissword back on. He tumed co survey the room once moreand gawrked direily into the eyes vith the fingernails, now ‘wrapped in his deep black cloak Ja f hood abow his hand. Ioquie le fiogenaile Ther aminhibiced righ Jaquies leaptto his Onhyashadow of the man remained. Jaquics hesitated as the shadow lunged forveud, then lashed across his body in ap ofa i egend? a defensive parry, Steelsmacked into flesh. A dagger elattered to thestone floor asthe shadow spun off and ducked behind the large oak table. Faguies pressed his eft arm against his right slecve 0 scop his oozing wound. His years ofc ining in the ‘Wiard,”" he No answer Jaquies slowly 8 the column of rain berween him and where he last sn the belligerent shadow. Ashe approached thedoor he focused incently on thes; hind therable where the shadowy seemed jusca little deeper than irshould be: Ife could just take the mage alive, he might find the secret the Riddle ‘The shadow flinched. Jaguies fumbled with the latch bchind him with his injured hand, all the while keeping is eyes locked on his opponent. The shadow grew. The darkness lessened, anda misty, over- grown face appea ear the ceiling, “Ieisa shame Jaquies,” the wizard his: round the room, _ “Your fue could hold the power to overthrow the Emperor Unfortunate that] must now alter your destiny.” The shadow advanced. Jaquies waived, watching for the moment che rain hit the wizard from above. “Tscek no pawex” Jaquics called back, “Just che answerto the Riddle, Fool,” the wizard scoffed, “You are not worthy of the Riddle’ Just then the shadowy illusion melted Jaques lunged coward de now distinct for wiaard, chruscing fiercely with his sword. 2NOD) YALOVEVED say: 1. Character Concept Decide who and whar you want 1o play. This fist decision will be \¢ most important you make throughout all of the character creation process: Formulate a concept, personality belief system, and background for your hero king. As you do so, consult heavily with the Seneschal and any other players that will be joining your group or party: Decide on relationships beeween the characters before you stare creating chem, a The Riddle of Steel is a. deadly game in a deadly world—your characters will be mortal, though your obstacles may nor be. A unified and complementary group spellslife ordeath for each of your charscters in the game, and how much fen you Avhero’ concept and background are tightly related. Some examples are presented below Choose from the cancepes and backgrounds below, or create your own. ave asa player: L. Concepts A character concep’ is something between a personal mission statement and an occupation. Academics devore their lives to learning and study, whether doing research in the Feld or in a university. Bladeclixgers are wandering swordsmen and fighters, sccking answers vo all the mysteries of life and to the clusive Riddle of Steel. They go wherever instinct leads them, always looking co improve their skill, defeax a new opponent, or escape the innumerable enemies that their previous travels have brougl Bounty Hunters track down fugitives and other wanted persons, dead or alive Brigunds, robbers, and hendis steal wich the strong- (them. arm. Most are former soldiers or metcenatics piccemeal weapons and armor who terrorize thed counties they grew up in Chesen Ones are oracles and visionaries, const receiving insight to the past, present, and farure gods or spirits. Some are the real thing, some are (but which ones?). The most powerful of oracles propheesand religious revolutionaties. ‘Commoners include peasants, fcmers, and lake ‘Many such falk leave their homesteads early in li search of something better. Grusaders seek. to further the causes of their and gods. Some roam the land in armies, stiking dl the heathen, others fulfill the roll of monk and dees of the faith. Druids are “heathen” priests {and often sorcen seeking to protect the Fey from the world, and the'w fom the Fey. Druids are always highly revered amog their believers, who benefit from druidic blessings i herbal remedies. Duelistsseek personal combat wherever they can fi ityacting as champions in tria for those that can pay it Encertainers travel from city to city, lord 10 lord, new places, learn new songs an. offended lords keeps them moving. Gamblers and. con-meen live for the thrill fand off} of living with risk, Most rely on wits and decept to get ahend in the world. By nature the constantly travel—angry men and marshals in tow search of the nexc sucker Knights-errant arc those armored sword-carryil members ofthe higher classes thathavelleft behind of comfort and wealth to serve their goals, their go their people, orto seek out honor, fame, orenlightenmed Priests, Monks, Nieas, and other people “of the clo spread their faith amongst the people, acting as le and advisors co king and peasant both, Roadwardens and Marshals ate the lo es; patrolling borders and keeping che peace. They be called upon to quell a minor rebellion, oF hunt do a notorious criminal. Scosss and swodkmen are most 2t home in the w id laborers. pin life in ir faiths hing down id. defender sorcerers), Hehe world amongst sings and lend, inn esire 10 sec ile from. They may fbune down fin she wild ature. They n orers, soldiers, or Fu Soldiers and mercen for wealth, travel, fame, or may be driven by 2 desi Thieves urchins and drerglaes live by theft and from anyoneand everyone in an attempt io an existence. Most are small-time, but all are at wilallow them co retire is by no means complete—if you don't see to combine a few, then make up your own? Once you've developed a concepe for your new hero, take a quick moment 10 figure our his past, and how he became who he is Write these 3 down in the “Concept” “Background” spaces:on your Character Sheet 2. Philosophies Everyone different approach te life aggressive, passive, Some believe that the strong should defend che shat the strong should rule them. Yo has a Some are others B character's personal philosophy, when combined wich his concept and background Ric wil largely determine what kind of experience you have as a player in Book Two: The Birth of a Legend? 15 The Riddle of Stee!. Your hero’s philosophy will be the tis one thar you havea own. Nonetheless ashore list of sample philosophics is provided ated-on your “Kill the oe all, [er the gods sort them for all.” xk, do good unco those thar harm you." Lifeica journey. Where AF you don't watch your own back and look out for rests, who will?” ch and ability thar we might you go, there you your ow “The gods gave us streng ind proxect.” “Bar, drink, and be metry, for we die.” hands of the gods.” c knows nothing knows 1 up until the end.” “Let no man m: "We must build order ut of chacs.” dand fg ‘Run and live amore.” “Honor is the gift man gives to hirnsel “Rule your own de “De what you lov “Memoriesare love what you da.” Proverb books and ocher sources of pi 2 good start for develo xo life, Be cxeative—if you 3 ing thar you h new to rolepl y sayings ate ing your charactersown approach an old-time gamer look i tried before, If yo for somet ing choose a philosophy thar you will ie that your philosophy well wich those of the other players in your group. t. Lastly, be enj acting- IL. Priorities, Priorities... Your new hero, as great as he or she is, cant do ‘everything. least nocyet! Using your charactersconcept and personal philosophy as a guideline, arra following highest priori Gece ees aeeaege hs e the st important aspect of Race and Sorcery Soci! PHILOSOPHIES sxovy Clas, Ai tribes, Skill, Proficiencies, and Gifts amd Haws. Each of deve cat results of placing them explained in detail below: Table 2.1 provides a in various priorities, Following these explanations, are a mulcitude of races and n: inhabiting the face of Weyrth. Most characters a humans, broughr up in any one of many unique nations J cultures. Ifyou plan on playinganon-soreererhuman acter (which we very strongly recoramend—especially for your fitst character in The Riddle of Steel) simply put “Race riority F (the lowest priority). Record “human” on your Character Sheet next so “Race.” Then ackground, and philosophy (remember to talk your nationality over wich your other players and the Seneschal) from Book fits your eoncepe, of the “Gifted,” abuman , must place Race ince Priority “B,” dare few and far between, than the Gi the Fey. dwarves, feries, sprites, coll spawn, etc. Players ved are the Siche: and permission from th abour playing Siche, che Fey, and Halflings can be fou in Book Seven. The Fo theoldestand noblest of the Siche elves.d an ancient, enchanted, and secretive people. Few men hg seen them, and fewer still have survived the expericng They avoid conracc with mankind preferrin ethereal courrs, palaces, and groves. Many people ds theires nce—orhers believe in thei t believe in any other superstition. Being ie natural death), they are calm and relased and never hu except in the greatest need. They ar long memories, for their ability colearn is curbed by th reat they are tall and somber looking, though they have smi like sparkling pools. They find sleep unnecessary (@ pethaps impossible), and prefer c sit and think dui rest perieds, The Fey derive their name from their 4 word for “magic ind every one of these elves gified with the ability ra form sorcery. Players wishing ro nun Fey characters muse place spanand overly calm approach te Each into Prioricy A. The Seelie and Unscelie are che sn troublesome variety of the Siche. Such fre she Fey as subjects, being weaker and nor always able} wield magic They vary widely in color, shape, size, am two are teally alike. The Scclic af mischievous, though not necessarily cruel. Sprite dwarves, and mast fheries are commonly kno examples, The Unseelieare wicked suffering, and other troubles. Goblins, tolls, black el and blackee dwarves ae all named amongst the Unse Both kinds are commonly blamed for last keys, miss children, and other mischief of all proporsions; chey very often guiley, Rock Dasari = specific group of Siche (provided fi example), hide far away in their own deep cavec amongst their owa people. They know alm nothing of the outside world, which believes in as it believes in legends. They are gruff and given nformation ipbe found. Farmers wich fak during their own elves is pphice Race be sine, and black elves, Unseelie. missing ig and sleeping, They are greedy and | and do things aut of spice co ain. arguing, fi! wicked nature everyones they love to co ey mock laziness, but nate to work long he allday wichourany given nighttime, Dwarfs may be cither Seclie or Unseclie, adcording to disposition. rs, rest and work Players wishing to play minor Siche characters (Seelie or Unselie) should detenminewhar exaeely their particular dor faerie looks like before going further: Seelie characters wvho cast spellsand weave enchantmemts require Race r0 beplaced in Priority A. Others, such as dwarves and most tolls and goblins who cannot use sorcery require only Proccy B. Halfling: provide an alsetnative +o playing humans orSiche. A halfling is the child of one human parent and one Siche parent (they are not three-foor-tall-hai footed farmers thar live in holes). Book Two: The Birth of a Legend? 17 than the mighty Fey. Some are magical, others Those gifted with sorcery must be placed into Pris B; those without take Priority C. Maan: elves of “Fey” stock are the result of a tragic love affair, usually between a human a maid. They inherit many of thei mod bur also cursed with weakness nor fou parent. They are sharp learners, strong: beautiful, bur che Elvish desire far evenness and calm results in a slow wit and low constitution. They are often raised amongst the elves for season, then enter the world of men as east outs. Many hold promine positions in folk tales and fegendts. Max-elves of lewer Siehe stock are another stor entirely They arc often comical in appearance ( are bl dovart still given wo tricks, and make goo: urchins. They make fine com they'll often be more wouble than they are wo me small (sometimes mistaken fo and are loyal friends. As to where they come happens! “Other nates may be created! with the Seneschal’ permision and guidance Whatever race or nationality you choose, refer to Book Seven: The World af Weyrth f ed description of cultures and statistical modifiers (uch as Actribure bonuses) ds 2. So Class The peoples of Weyrth divide themselves into. These benchmarks of immense deal of numerous social socieeconomic status hold importance. Besides determining wealth and possession, ‘one’ social class determines legal rights and privileges rving descriptions rcfer co human societies y snic human nore that both the Siche judge social standing differently than them this category covers only worldly wealth, SociaL CLAss SSVIQ) TVIODg Loris, o landed nobilicy (Priority A) possess sizable manof.a manthly income af 3d 10x 10 Imperial Golden Standard from lands, taxes, and other sources, to a starting wealth of 230 Golden Standard. You as assumed to hundred serfs, we abour 10 immediate servants, several a small garrison (1d10) + 2 soldiers). This income requires ar least few weeks at home every year to maineain, and some decision making, Live ese is required, though the local ruler is sure to be aware of any Landed Nabil y in hisprovince, and may call upon them. Lords possess all possible rights and privileges offered by society we: lircle The Geersery or minor nobility (Priority B), or na land (beginning cha laeres). They instead receive income as soldiers, courtiers, ‘or feelances. Many become swordsmen and adventurers, seeking their fortunes at the tip of a blade, They begin with 100 Golden Standard and no monthly income unless employed (Scneschal’s and 15 are assumed to be the Player's discretion). Average monthly pay for bachelor knights and freelancesis 1d10x 10 Golden Standard, whereas courtiers live superiors. The gency have the righe to bear all'arms and armors, es are prefaced ‘with “ste” or “lady.” High (Priority C) are Freemen merchants, clerks, well-to-do farmers and artisans, saldiers, and tnieroenaries, Mast and wandeeers come from adventurers servants or concubines may have be: ‘thisclass as well as many ce are sometimes educated seademy, and may possess their own horse High Preemen begin with 50 Golden Standards employment—if available—for 4410 Gold Scandi month. Freemen armors (unless cheir lord dictates otherwise), bur maf own more land chan their lord allows cither a school or sail ay bear arms and wear non Low Freemen (Prior of High Freemen—they arc indentured to n0 one likely: work for someone, They may also be merch clergy, oreven soldicts andl macrocnaries orarchers); many sailors and They begin with 15 Golden Standard and 2 moni wage of 1d6 Gold Standard (xe Seneschal disceeil ‘They may own weapons (if d poorer equival lly out of their means. 7 to those of High Freemen. horse is us Peasanis ox Serfs (Priority E) may not own weapth legally in most lands (chat means swords and athe weapons—no law about stv steal them and become bat or brigands. In need chey may be called upon to fig in their lord's army, though this i rare. Most of th cannoc afford anything but the clothes on their back perhaps a mule or other seri They begin play with 5 Golden Standacd «0 spent well as a monchly swage of poor food ro car and a lel roof aver their heads. Once or twice ayear they canin an additional 1410 Silver Shillings at harvese cimel selling excess and stolen goods ar the marker, Pe lictle more than property; and may nor le land withour his permissio er bows), though alwable (to chem) ine In practic acwally pursue any thar run off ng, conditions are extremely poor, and ff expectancy i very short, Some slay even cxedlent ey should o iis class. weapor herforged In times of rinfantry wt of therm buackand ei items, spend, 25 nd a leaky an make Peasants arc ‘heir lore’s fords will ith nothing addition (0. norat hard and life 4s trusted jeudlert— should. own sothing, bur have some privileges instead. See the Seacschal with any questions on beginning with this social das or resourcelevel, 3. Auribures Determining one’s beginning attributes is a crucial parcofbuilding a character. Each player is given. a number af points co distribure amongst the 10 Temporal and Mental Autaibures. This quantity of pointsis derermined by Priority level. Priority A affords 47 points; B 43; C, 39; D 85; E31; F 27. These poines may be distributed freely, with a few limitations and rescrictions. First, all players must nominate one of their attributes as “high. Mo other attribute nay be cqual to or exceed the “high of character creation. No attribute may be 7 ot lower than 2 prior w racial and national higher char tmodifiers. The example of Character Creation, below provides well thought-out options for allocating points to Temporal and Mental Accributes Additionally many characters’ attributes may be affected by their race or nationality. All such modifiers are found in the description of the appropriate race or sationality in Book Seven: The World of Weyrth. These mmadifiers, sbile opsional for human characters. are ans absolute ruse for Fep Siche, and Halfling character Now choose any fize of the séx available Spiritual Auributes (Conscience, Destiny, Drive, Faith, Luek, Passion) and fill che of your character sheet. The only Spiriwal Attribute thac may be taken twite is Passion, so long as the focus of diferent. All other Spiritual Acaibutes are limited to one ingance each. Thus Lancelos. she fomore: Arshurian Knight jad Passion (Love of Gwencoere) and Passion (Loyalty to Arcuri addition to 3 oshee passions (maybe Conscience, Faith, and Drive... Beginning Spiritual Aucribute Points ave the same foreach beginning character: 7 points to be disibuted amongst 5 attributes. Though no more than Spoints may be placed in any one area zero; your hero could stare play with a Passion of 5, a Drive of 2, and Faith, Destiny, and Luck ac 0. When choosing Spiritual Arrributes don’t forget ro specify each one that you put points into (except for Lack). This may require you to choose religion, invent n on the bat ch Passion is Book Two: The Birth of a Legend? 19 adesting, or outline some grand cause. Write yourspecitic focus next to each Averibute. Derived Ateributes are calculated from con of existing arcributes. These traits should be figured sfier rations any changes (such a8 racial adjustmensts) are made to “Temporal and Mental Atcributes All figures are rouncled down * Aim = (AG + Peryi2 * Knockdown = (ST + AG)2 © Knockout = TO +4 WP © Move = (ST + AG + ENV2 Sorcery also has its own set of Derived Attributes for the Gifted and the Fey), found in Book Sixs Sorcery. Record your Attributes in the appropriate columns ‘of your Character Sheet. 4, Skills Each new character begins play with two “Skill Packets.” described fully in Book Three: Training. ‘These ‘groups of kills should fallow the precedent set forth by ‘concepr, background, and philosophy—indeed. the skills in these packets are a product of a characters history, upbringing, and life experience Priority A allows for bath beginaing Skill Packers to begin at a Skill Rating (SR) of 6, Priority B starts one packetar 6, the other at 7 at 7. Priority D: two packets at 8, and Priority packets at 9. Priority F ix the exception, granting only dane packet at a paltry SR of 9. As stated in Book One, a lower SR signifies greater dill, ‘Once Prioricy has been assigned and Skil Packers have been chosen, write cach individual skill and apply any individual SR adjustments (as outlined in Book Three). Each character gains an additional skill, language, of — Priority C grants wo packers ATTRIBUTES AND SKILLS } a 6 SMVIq ONV SLaIQ ‘sao. 20 The Riddle of Steel Mental Aptinude (MA). A new hero ne skill for each point in his fh MA 5, for example, could have 5 additional skills (each one must Atetib yy combin this way begin with the same SR as yo »proved by the Seneschal), speak 5 langu ie lower the SRof individ S on thereof. New skills bought in highese p isting of skills, see Boke Three Tri Write your skills, along with $Rs and appl the “Skills section of your Character Sheet. 5. Proficiencies (and Vagarics) Proficiency coversone sty Priority A grants 14 points that may be any number of Proficiencics so ks roficiencies refer to weapons training. Each je of combas or weapon group. 2s none exceeds 8. TABLE 2.1: PRIORITIZATION Priority | Raceand | Social | , | Skit Sorcery Cag ee aes Landed A = e Nobiliry 47 616 14 using Siche | "355 or Non-magical Siche, Gifted | Landless B | Humanor | Nobilicey | 43 6I7 9 Gifted 100 Halfling 5 : High ec | Nenmapial) recman | 39 a7 6 Halfling 50 Low T min Dd Ha Freeman | 35 8/8 4 and 15 | E Human eee 31 919 2 Prisoner or Slave oO ow the following quantities distribution: Priority B 9: C6: D 4; E 2; FO because some weapons resemble others in use and f The same rules apply far the N in Book Six: Sorcery. Proficiency po in.any combination of Vag magical ability (as found in ¢ rouhave your Proficiencies (and Powers ny pertinent maneuvers or spells (found Books Three and Six respectively), Write chem de the “Proficiencies/Vagarics” and the” Man hoet, ficiency at points for LF 0. Also, and form, sin another brited upon 6. Gifts and Flaws These are special abilities—or prol person possesses. These unique quirks com ‘Narieies: major and minor. Wh Flaws (sce Book Three: Training) one major Gife or Fhaw is equal t two minor ones. Any Gifts or Flaws me==that each choosing Gifts and shosen should the kind of character that you, the playcr, wish to bring to life, jority A allows 2 major Gifis. Priority B: 1 major , L minor flaw, D: Gite ¢ minor flaw for, at pla all. minor flaw minor gift, 1 7s option, no Gifts or Blaws ac 1 major flauy 1 minor gift. Fs 1 major flaw, 1 Write these down under “Gifts and Flaws” on your Character Sheet. TIL Other Details Fillin any othet spaces on your Character Sh as Movement and Encumbrance (see Book Five: The ‘Lows of Nature) and any Equipment (see Book Seven: The World of Weyreh) that your character owns (bought with moneys from his Social C aocnde your hero’ app. ghe and weight. Tables 2.2 and 2.3 provide wer, Caleulace any Pook (such as Combat, Missile, or Sorcery Pools) ac this sineas-well. crane, ® Combat Pool: Reflex + Weapon Proficiency 4 Missile Pool: Aim + Missile Weapon Proficiency * Information on the Sorcery Pool is found in Book Six IV, An Example of Character Creation (with Advice) Before the fist tinging blow of hammer and < sniting won, the unseen form ofthe sculpeure is alteady shosen and setin the mine » tao must the pier choose the rype o' “Of paramounc importance to the creation proces: is end he or she w play. sduaructcr's Philosophy on life. All other aspects of the Book Two: The Birth of a Legend? 21 ter will but serve to bolster arm and cement the fictional persona into an. enjoyable, death-dealing advencuret (Once a Philosophy has been selected or created, the player muse decide how shar Philosophy will manifest in s, entwined with logic, will diccate the In example selection of Priorities that fi Nick hus decided ches he really wants to play « Knight. He decides his Philasophy is “Defend the weak and innocent, uphold truth and honos grant chose worthy of it devour obedience, and send thy enemies to hell before thee.” J5 «abit longand more a code then a philesoply bus iti start none the ese. Afier reading through Book Seven: The World of Werth, he concludes he wants his character, Vbord non Dreider, 19 be from Stab Gazing at Table2.1. some decisions are quickly made Botha Fey interest to this character, paring se and the ability w use soreery are of lle wt the chaives for Priority A. In the end, his selections are: Priority A: Attributes Priosity B: Social Class Priority Priority D: Gifts and Flaws Priority E: Skills Priority F: Race Proficiencies Landed nobilisy looked fisting, but led rather have his knight be statistically well enceeved. So he decide to select Attributes first, (Hl kaw tha igh “eats” ave wsseally best to divide for melee prone characters) and has 47 poi Benween 10 attribeates. Nick ascigns the scores to the: acter Re sprins for the character: Vhore isto be strong, resilient, dexseross, and well liked by the people: Nick is arvempting well-rounded (yex dangerous) character, and se cistvibsutes his points.son she Character Sheet. Qriginating from Scab grams the following Bonteses (ve Book Seven): +1 TO, -1 Soi, I extra point for weapon proficiencies, the right wo bear weapons and light armors, and ome trained Shire Horse. His attribute scores.are demarcated as: ence Shees, baced on Deraics. EXAMPLE OF CREATION NOLLVEUQ WALOVYVHD JO dNVXY TABLE 2.2: HEIGI HT (IN INCHES) All numbers are assumed for masculine STS, AG 5, TO 4 (+1), EN 4, HT 4 WP-5, WT 6, MAS, Soe 4 (5-1), Per 5 Passion 1 (Undy’ king), Drive 2 (co “defend the such thing as M: and innocent”), Faith I (“There's no or Gods"), Destiny 2 (cnbe sung of nd), Conscience 1(defend the id honor, etc.) asa hero in his ho weal, uphold truch From those scoresall other “Derived Sratisties” are tallied, Reflex 5, Aim 5, Knockdown 5, Knockout 6, Move shed. He secides shat resources and cocial nce a his character he wants Nome too. seme ccondary imps ta be a knight, after all), and selects them as Priority B— giving hion she searus of "landless mobilizy” snd « 67 marks nitlent af 100 Golden vill be of importence when be begins te nlnashs, be ede sppliee later om, be: ted weadth (ihe Seabdnish Standard. That purchase equipment. B ors id asa down Intending to purely nomen and presses ome ae = -;» | Siche, | Halfling, | Halfling, (rao) — | Homan | BIB Fey Siche eee aS ee (AG + EN) 624 704+ 45+ ” " 1d10” qd10" 8d 10 110" 64 + 1d10 30 + 2d10 fea sj 3 =2d10 5 = a6 Ato 3 = =1di0 =5 | 3 =2d6 —lto-3 -1 a1 =1d6 =1 -1 —1d6 0 +lto +3 +1 +1 +1d10 +1 +1 +1d6 $410 47 +3 42 +2410 3 +3 4246 +8 to +12 +5 +3 +3410 +5 +5 +306 Nationality +i-4 +h- =_ +3 +i-4 +i-3, Female!’ —1d6 — — 4146 —1d6 —1d6 ~ Siche vary drastically in size: this provides a possible sample. ‘See Book Nine: The World of Weyrth for possible modifiers duc to » ehanacter, he selects Gi characters; this row is for the Meet Becselects Pr are essential to any prowess ld at level 6 (51 for being Stabs level 1. This allows his warians Pools to be and B {all except she Sorcery Poal, which he has no need of): Combat Pool = 11 Missile Pool = 6 ‘Combat Pool: Reflex + Weapon Proficiency Missile Pool: Aim + Missile Weapon Proficiency He maz) abo now ne sand Shield Proficiency —that his charac ibinng in brief the effece ana cost of wll desired tol Desiring a gift and a flew, shough minor, to enliven d and Flaws as Priority D, lea for Priority E and Race as Priority F (because Suman), He chooses a minor Good Reputation as his Gf sind Le sis fa Sieh a lous prior jas for sell gees Viol 100 pal Nick chooses the ns). as the lees Sword cule Soon B capable of desired t0 3 ito endsces she iy D, leaving) (because bes is Cif pede pret NIGHT and ind receives 5 Book Two: The Birth of a Legend? 23 Pe improving his acaomen sd anpuives Leadership anel Ora point piece. ier dei (ar juschoosing Golden Inlet Steudsrdsce Book Seren)io buy the Eguipent. After lek spent sone of his money, He ic note red or advent spiritual Aucribures make st ‘compatible with, but acrually co- thord? We know claar id chat likca rrucchivalrous type procect Whar happens when the ki ‘oppress the v o his destiny as he becomes a hero ¢ g he loves orders him #0 i could be the people TABLE 2.3: WEIGHT (IN POUNDS) Dwart. | Halflin; Human | HIG Fey | Siche’ [psc | Elder Endurance ry (EN) 65" : 40” a2 67 40” 150 Ibs. 5 Ibs. 80 Ibs. 10) Ibs. Ibs. Ibs. + 100 3 + 100 + 150 | + 100 +60 ~50 30 75, | 50 25 +50 + 50 +50 + 30 = 30 5 —30 =15 +25 5 30_| +15 Halfling, Sieche -5 35 Every inch under norm Brery inch over norm =25 | ~Ghoase between too skinay (lower #5) ar too k Siche vary drastically in size: this provides a possi "All numbers are assumed for masculine characters: this row is for the 24 The Riddle of Steel Courtier _ Etiquette (Court) Persuasion 41...10 First aid Ridicule...9 Hunting... Games -1...8 Heraldry -1...8 Dancing...9 Strategy...9 Diplomacy +1...10 Tacties +1,,,10 Read/write — Exiquette (Tourney) Inerigue...9 Law #1...10 Battle -1...8 incerity 1...8 Temporal soni ™ | Rb ppreorSeeee |B A (Criumance (EN a = eaten Ch | een Diilcoopty: Sefend the weak and innocent phold trth and |] “Hees — Pi (ie KU ener < ‘Dies Apicte (DAD Fach’ Seat Pee: Precoyon De Gus Good reputation (mir [auc Lechereusness (ainor} Known te be a local patriat ull lesa || eee Horse (Shin Oeste) unde Sescleogt ond Tock horse a4 X- TTT eS Travel gece solder Resi wrte ene ee aoe T sincesy rma race Tih = engesges Seni UAT Rance: Haan noel — F9) | = Navionatieyp nghtverrant Teper 9 (eich Be ire wnite/tasuncer any (Std: Heong) |] i giieimarte te peace |) Cem Die NOLLVSUD YALOVYVHD dO TAXA Grertater if tak || Appeucsnce: Mir hadssme wthimederate mall Hoir wen ent, — Taepue enone 6 pack” |) cit fit the haimed he slurs carrying. Prefers Fn clothes in Inhoteesxers of bive ane Book Two: The Birth of a Legend? 25 him! Even more optionsexist when more charactersenter into the scene, allowing the Senes and oppose their various Spirtcwal creation ofa story that the players helped write and have hat he saw/felu! religious Deneal (Up) FE]||_ression —_Loyety to king id [C6] rive (com) [5] | tain = 5 {Soc} Destiny te be sung of asa hero in homeland (Dox! Uounds Aono ae sa Fal chain wast mee FulHem —C LILI (Wetec Ucapana 28 Li AEN “ear AC dercce DIC JAcming Sword med| & [STH | 7 | ST | 6 || Randell Dogger hand 8 | ST-2 | 7) st | 9 OFFensive QDancuvers Badond Strike ar Theast = Ersive Attack eine “Seltoneaa BERT ST Dexiel capone EXAMPLE OF CHARACTER CREATION “Tit Guat 1s To Be von iD” Snowden asked. Histeacher, a grizzled man in a druid’s robes, lied, “It is:their way. She must give birth bor-bor screams were drowned in it. One of the ‘oddness of icall— Behind him a tree fel scant Berard: nmecd cothe Blin taint lift ix. From beneath the pele of figures emerged, both cad in dirk, ex wily buile man, pur eside Snowden and asmaller man, iddenly The young acolyte handed che newborn co 1, who lay exhausted in the soaking “Agel” one druid sa | Butlook,” said an ‘Not an Elf, bura Halling child is chi. No mawer,” said the smaller of the Fal Riddle OF “teel Kook ‘Three: Wraining “the child has whit -yes. The Prophecy is fulfilled.” Thite eyes’ was all the mocher heard, though. “T ame it Geeenllyead. powden marveled at th seeined to get AS eas DISARPONSTED in his of combat, which is» not to his liking. He wanted to taste look in the joke that no & ahalan’s gray else did. Cun «campaigns thi athe was the thrill of barde, brush of death. He didn't realize chance ar his wish. he would be getting The end of his first campaig o the Sword-Arms mereena ast into Sarmator, its final destination iovian capital of Stolteea, accompanied Seabl broughe hoped for: Dawning a small fire broke night sravana day's ride into Sarmarov, and ¢ foodstuffs the fifth en arwandesing thief was ca he was executed on the spot. Midway chroug night Christophe was awakened by his men espoke. Christophe was onigstrausse’s words, the end of KK! 11 DOWN in ¢ not more than a day ah his evening we should be able 10 over take them—maybe even cut them down easy 10 follow, They’ now. and if we skip sh before they're awake. Marek scotted. “There's no honor in getting killed by traitors to the king, either. We tale them in their steep. This isn't ‘world use There’s ne honarin ¢ ale, son, Heroes in the ambushes and kill the enemy in his sleep. No shame in Phe story just gets cold different, is all.” fc isnt fai, Tack.” é5 nor supposed to be, Marek. Ie anybody who thinks otherwise does ot later Mistress Dea and thar means we play the game che bas me reason. Skill Packers: Warrior! Military Soldier |Combat/weapon are =I First aid —1 Leadership Insimidate Body Language (read) +3 || Riding Scyle analysis +2 Heraldry Eriqueste (School) —1 | [Strategy Tactics +1 Budle=I First aid -1 Warrier (Clan 9x | Cribs) Hunting 1 racking +1 Survival Scrounging Animal guise Bactle Hunti First aid —1 Etiquette (Clan) —1 Smeal +1 Leadership +1 Intimidace Gambling +1 Boating =1 Exiquette (Tourney) 1. Skills In The Ridele of See zuan has, Warriors know how tp Lg and trick, and peasants and st Each of th abilities chat each, it weapons a ge the calent of opponet woodsmen can he formers know: ants of their trad Pic Where Be haree (o> b= juslged by and Seneschal bot iave ofthe small boxes nexe ro cach Bhill on the Character Sheet. This fnuk—called a “Skill Check”—is Saul to your characret’s advancement, fal is described 1 Shall Packets Most characrers begin with cwo Sal Packes, cach of which comtains a Weunoun: of waining and p exhskdl bs undergone—forbeginaing thatscte is determined by Preaation. Some skills are harder tian odbers as well, and are chevefore Feform a task g sliicly cin ascs, the difficulty to cover items like Skill Packets: Other aid skill Paces (PE Navigation Swimming 1 cally (Phys) -1 Streetwise —| his Book Ascronomy +1 (Druid or Ritualise Meditation Sneak +1 Arcane theory +1 Ritual Symbol Drawing —1 Herbalise +1 Ascronomy +1 Surgery +1 Secret Languages <1 aerial il Tee —iclled he Sl Baring (SR) sa outa F ato mol teeerined by Priority during Character (Geuion in Book Two). See Book One: In zy Skills usually HTyandaverage Skill Packess: Packer's base SR (as tke Beganing or morcinformation on Skill |} Persuasion +1 Tess Ale: ioadjuscall hill Rac Packets be sure |) Ridicule es appropria J ])Games—1 fohuyany new Skills (see Book Two: The ||Dancing Bath ofa Legend). IFboth of your chosen || Diplomacy +1 packets have the sa SKofthe ovo and drop it by one. Always choose imbination in mind. A brigand could be rake the bet Readwrite —1 ts with a specific |}law +1 y Sincetiry -1 Etiquette (Court) -2 Book Three: Training 29 Peasant or Craftsman || Clergyman. 1 or more Trade skille |} Briqueste (Court (smith, weaver...) (varies) Firse aid —1 Stewardship +1 Folk lore —1 Animal handling, Read & write —1 Herding Theology Survival +1 Ancient Languages Farming, or Boatman |} Stewardship jand Fishing Hunting or Diplomacy +1 apping |} Firse Aid or Teamster —1 Surgery —L+1 mic I Ancient Languages || Teamscer ~1 Read & write—1 ‘Streeqwise -1 rare Intimidare Research lc Gambling +1 Exiquetse -1 Any one craft skill Up 104 knowledge, language, or love skills construction skills Ridicule Dancing -1 Incrigue +1 One ‘Musical [nstrament Juggling -1 Games -1 Acrobatics +1 Acting Thick Panhandling Traps Screeewise 1 Scrounging Sneak Pick Pocket +1 Lock Picking +4 Climbing +1 Gambling +1 BYE Sxitt PACKETS sisal, T1INg Soldier + Thief or even Soldier + Farmer, These ereepy y could be Ritualist + Academic, whilea regular thug would be composed of Laborer and ‘Thief. Although iis possible wo double-up on one single packet, most characters will be creared using a combination of two skill packecs, which reflect the character's background and tr: cultists ar the univers combinations: Scout or Hunter: Woodsman + Warrior ar Soldier Knight: Knight « Duelist: Swordsman + Courtier Rogue: Entertainer + Thief Wizard or Sorcerer: Academic or Clergyman + Diruid oF Ritualist (Other Packers nor found here may be designed by the Seneschal or by players (with the Seneschal’s approval), General guidelines are rhuse Skil Packers have: a minimum of 5 skills, maximum 15. Difficult skills should bear+1, easy at-1..and average a no change from the beginning SR. Picket should be partemed afier actual possibilities and backgrounds, If you wish 10 ¢ variation on any of these packets (with your Scneschal’s Permission, of course), then go ahead. 2. Skill Tests Skill Tests whether consesced or otherwise—are madeby rolling an apprepriate Attribute against the Skill Rating. In extreme circumstances, these rolls may be or certain modified (by adding or subtracting dic numbers of successes may be required to complete the action at hand (sometimes “good enough” isn')- Those tasks that take dime may be rolled over an extended check: iffive cota successes are necessary (i then any number of rolls may be made until the total shumberof successes is five; each roll simply requires time In these waysboch natural alent (the arribute} and erining (the Skill Rating) are represented in tests of skill, isjust anexample), 3. Languages and Knowledge and Lore Skills Weyrth is a big place, and for the travel-orienced adventurer the ability to communicate in many languages {he9R ef) chat he has a reasonable explanation for. The Tongs ofnicighboring countries are the most likely (and. east useful). Scrral Packers referro "Knowledge" or “Lore” Skills, These Skills ae meant co be defined by each playes ‘Buumples might include: “Imperial Hi ‘Stahlnish Titesture,” “Folk Tales of Angharad,” “the Ecology of Hee.” and s0 on. 4 Defaulting (Using Skills thac You Don't Have) Sometimes a character needs to use a skill thar he “esithave. This is covered by defaults. The defsule Skill ing for any skill unknown toa given character ‘ine list ine ofthe following skill descriptions. There ee Generic Defenttsare the same eerybody thar doesn't have the stall in question. Wiialis fram related Stills simp j Pasimilar skill by addi it “sineskill simply have no cefinudt, and must be learned “tobe used. 5. Quick-Reference Skill List Thisliseserves as 2 reference for choosing additional Bite igon Character Creation Dancing, Diplomacy Disguise Exiquette Moinal Handling. Herding Farming First Aid Folk Lore Gambling Games Heraldry Herbalise Hunting or Trapping Intimidate Intrigue Juggling Book Three: Training 31 Singing Sneak Stewardship Strategy Sureecwise Style Analysis Surgery Survival Medication Musical Instrument Navigation Orace Osienceering, Panhandling Persuasion Pickpocket Read & Write Research Ridicule Riding ‘Teamster Ritual Magic Thealogy s Tracking Serounging Traps Swimming Symbol Drawing Tactics G. Skills Deses The skills below are roughly outlined as co usefulness and gate mechanics, Attributes suggested for tests and rolls are simply suggested, and are not the only possibilities, A fine example is MA, which may be used with any skill when arrempting. as opposed to execution of the skill i Acrobatics This skill allows a character to spin, flip, leap, and execute other like maneuvers. It is usually found only amongst shortes, lighter people. Heavier or even averag sized people will suffer serious penalties in dice. Successful acrobatic rolls can be used to entertain (and earn some money), impress, and even evade. ‘An unarmored, unencumbered character may roll Reflex/acrobatics prior to any fall evasion (see dodging, Book Four) co whirl out of the way. Eve an additional CP dic for the following evasion roll only. Failure or fumbleon the acrobatics roll is equivalent roa failed dodge—all of the attacker’ successes coun:! The same roll may be made foz partial evasions fat—1 die for the slull check) or ducking and weaving (at -2 dice) ‘No defaule. success grants Skits Descricep: A Y iaenosaqy stig hiscovers theuseof arbalests, and (1 combat (i a ski This skill nor only the upkeep and packing/unpacking off ie trait used depends on the kind of performance. Improvisation or comedy is certainly Wits; staged combat oor physical comedy would be Agility. and serious drama used against stationary or slow-moving Pesception. (Gach as boats, buildings, w ranksof When used for deception, actingismadeacaeontested cach success derermines the effectiveness of the wea roll (usually with Social, Wit, at hand. This will be further discussed in fi ‘opponent's Perception (ara supplements to. The Riddle of Steel. Defaale: TN 13. No defaut. weapons, bur also their use. Because these Ancient Languages + Astronomy This skill provides the ability ro read fand pechaps Thisskill covers knowledge of the heavens: them dead languages. Optionally stars, and turning of the constella igeoftwo languages instead possessed by sailors, wanderers, and pra 1g Of just one. eccult, Used in conjunction with Peror M, language +6TN used for biding from animals, Characters with this skill may successfully hide their appearance and scent from neazby animals. Movesnent is still governed by the “sneak” skill, Usually a contested roll of Per/Animal guise is made against the animal’ Per (ON by sicazd Defaule: any ani n, average 6), rclared skill ¥5 Animal Handling, Herding This covers knowledge concerning how atiimals of groups, ax well 2s how to sor not). Thisroll is usually le with either Per or WP either a8 an uncontested, contested, or extended roll Default: Any animal skill, such as riding, +3. ave when in and ou m: Arcane Used and experience, this skill’s usc is more fully realized in: Book Five: Sorcery, No defaule Theory creation of new spells based on research Foch as catapult, n exception i Phis skill covers} Jing of such c weapons am moving, target a of infantey) of the weapaat sed in furure Tosessed of soldiers, warriors, andl anybody else that ied in Smmands (whether given by voice, crumpet, drum, oF Mer). It can also the sigors and W favrofbatele should you be separated from you of whatnos. Most appropriaiely attle, this skill covers the execution of wsed to survi jatar you can re foedwich W peas the moon de is usually sere of the , astronomy tals ace controlled by chis skill. This is usually an fecntesced roll (cxcepe maybe in a face or in harsh nt before they his skill allows a swordsman co re Gnliuors of incent in his opponents movements and a Incombar 1. When Uinding, by spending 2 CP dice at any time before the Baatkes throws his dice, you may roll Pec/ Body Language Bbtisccessadds one dic to your own CP for the purpose Sfracting to the incoming maneuver or attack. Dice “usd immediately are lost. F tal thewrong sig additional CP die is lost. This sill is both potent and risky (especially for Bserpcienced types). and should be used when you iposaticky 1 coming (or has come, deed fein). No defauke iponent’s movements a mom the tiny skill can be especially use ture implies that you and such as = Gncaking and Entering ‘This skill covers know-how and knowledge Hiscemed with forced or semi-forcefal entry. Irincludes iy breaking glass, forci Book Three: Training 33 i hal oe windows, and [Soe 7 encral Endwledge (Ia eee ete ence ‘8 | THOSE SEARCHING OUT about the locals cae security habits, Icwill CERACTERS usually be madeasan extended roll, in combination with MA, Per, AG, or ST {all depending on the exact circumstances and place/manner of entry}. Thisstail dacs not lock picking or traps, which have their own skills. Defaule: 15. Day Dusk/Dawn Night No cover Light cover Heavy cover cover + Camouflage Hiding undercover of brush, black face paint, or any umber of techniques exist in the interest of staying unseen, even when in plain sight. When using this skill ir is asstumed that a character is properly covered in some fashion, and is remaining stll or using the “sneak” skill simultaneously. Hiding re against che onlookers Per (refer to Table 3.1 for TNs). Characters with ample preparation (black pains, proper clothing, etc.) gain +1 die for the roll; those with some preparation toll at no, modifier, and those with no 1 die. Size cours as well, and smaller characters may also receive a bonus dic, wl characrers may lose one. Default: 10 es a contested EN/Camoullage roll large Used by thieves, sailors, and many others, limb is theskill of going up er down vertical and semi-vertical inclines. Slope and handholds all determine modifiers t© climbs. Easy climbs (many kinds of tees, copes, or sloped rocky crags) are at 41 dis trees, rock walls, etc.) are (reasonably flarsurfaces with few or no handholds) are at =I die or worse. Most climbing checks arc extended rolls, + average climbs (nose other no modifier; hard climbs aNHOSAq STUNG 34 The Riddle of Steel Failure results ina standstill or even lose ground, and a fumble means a fall. More informarion falling can be found in Book Five: The Laws of Nature. Default: 10 Combat/Weapon Art This skill covers rehearsed movements and forms attached t0 various weapons by their schools (no¢ unlike the data of many eastern martial arts schools). These forms reused in tests, performances, and in everyday practice. Generally an uncontested or extended roll (in-con with AG, ST, EN. or even MA) is called for when using this > Seneschal’soption. Other factors, sac site, magic, er obvious superiority > secengch, power, social standing or what may grant additional dice or lower Targ Numbers, The exact effects of intimidation are up tot Seneschal, though penalties ro die pools and atribu may be appropriate in many situations Defaule: 10 Inwigue ‘Gossiping has been a past time since the first g is skill allows one to pry for gossip, dir, and the ing 1¢ horse's mouth. prictive chis one with another, some us All coursie others co lay out their own falsified rum information our of someonca contested 1 Use Soeflntrigue against Soc/Intrigue Cor atsigue), with the winner polling information out the other, As always, more successes mean beat inform Default: 13, 0¢ Diplomacy +3 Juggling ‘Thisis an entertainment kill, used by performers carn money in the circus or on the street. Roll uncontested AG/Juggling roll. More successes lead! rectacular results {and more appreciation: fi enlaakers). covers the knowledge and practice of another locality. Informati concession, bee of pants: intimidate royaley in | cs, exc.) wall ies, ar the ors, such 35 Forty in jor whatever yer Target fre up to the | pnd aceite the latest All courtiers ng it co gai bified ramon pllwhen used to pry such isealled for gimes, WP] pacion out of mean berter fire group ne o pry the 1 rect. Roll an = lela scation from Book Three: Training 37 flaw {such as ina court) require contested Soc/Law gal, Excrnal factors, such as convinciny Erbery may give bonus dice. Default: 13 or none. idence oF proves necessary. Rolls + Leadership Masse of people can breed chaos unless props dineted. Those with the Leadership skill know how ro cp things running smoothly and effectively. Leadership is key sll in getting others (especially che masses) 10 Intenso whacyou have vo say and then to actually carry itt, Thissall is used whenever acharacteris directing - Musical Instrument others whether at manual labor, in council, or on the The abilicy vograc baniefied. Most rolls are uncontested rolls of WP or whether the peasant’ flurcor th SaclLeadership. ciepending on thesimation. Whenever valued other attemprs 0 take power oF a significant dist soyourlead comes up, acontested roll may be ealled for. casily Defaule: 10 skill performance appropriate actr n every culture. This kill covers any one instrument, though other, similar ins defaulted. Each success represents 2g beauty, wheth: ne more diff + LeckPicking Most every th imself on his ability to pick desksquickly, qui y. Lack-picking roll gm made uncontested using either Per/Lock-picking or Musical Instrument AGiloek-picking, depen (Geneschals discretion). Fine tools add 1 or 2 “Beet the roll, while inferior tools subtract ize Lock quality determines che number o open the lock. onesuccess, mast Instrument. Attempting to recreate a piece al material calls Any similarinstrament +1 or 2: dissimilar inserument +3-or successes necessary Cheap locks roq aengelocks three, and fine locks fncormore, five minutes of work at the indispensabi basic astronomy, especially the aktempt assumes Navigation covers Jock extra suevesses reduce rellations, and how it all relaces 10 tine by one minute each. where you are and where you'te going. No defal ators know how ro. res tional charts and maps, and + Meditation many become Meditation cartogiaphers fas many forms, whether cro legged chanting, a course worhippers prayer, or Navigation to: stay on it Rae coiicinplarion. —— Success get you vo) your 38 The Riddle of Steel lure getsyou entertainment 5 | TABLE 3.2: PICKPOCKET" y (map-making) checks require Per! skill... no show? | ~ pee Taner NUMBERS rion checks at—I die. Subsract 2 dice). 3 Mose rolls will be Our in the open Moderare crowd ce of rhetoric, Heayerowder 9 good distraction This skill covers the rules and prac scory tellin swith the Orate skill are often course, Those more cash. speakers, able 10 Asa side nate, ation oreell arousing, d other forms of spo Proximityte bedy 41 convince men with words of m far an uncontested or moving tale. A simple speech eal roll of Soc, WR, or PerfOrate (depending on the appreciate martcr). Debate and other panhandlers or street entertainers...bur thats ancl ire WPor WitiOrate,andare problem circumstances and subj | sp tancousddiscousse casually contested rolls. Exilures Defaule: 10 (and probably make you look silly), and fumbles cause the opposi Persuasion Defi “Thisis a specialized form of oration which celia movingargument. G Orienteering Wit/ erst ‘This skill is nor unlike based navigation. It is based on landmarks, trail signs. ‘ jn at the hands of brigands or ob yy petyy thieves and curpurses. This skill mg used to pull an object out of someone's pockets, ¢ Ch ce, oF to-ent a pouch or similar loose. Picking someones pocket requires a conseste Pickpocket rol! against the target’s Per (sec Table 3.2 Per'TNs). Success means that the sought-after iteaa sea that the jtem is secured, b cans you've been caughe wit Panhandling Some would say thar begging i Panhandlers know how been secured, tic et fele it, Fail having taken the irem. tw ger che largest charitable contributions from onlookers and passers-by. In order to panhandl how of some sort is required, whether it’s a Read & Write ctippled leg {no one says thar Literacy beyond a rudimentary levels ‘the known world, possessed by Roll and uncontested MA/Read. & rchend or correcdy write anything, M by in mose and wealch the injury needs to be real) or y the better the show, the larger theconiributions add 1 dicto Panhandling cull for every success aver a sireet show. Gen ply greater beauty of grace of writ Br deeper comprehension when reali: sted than toad signs WoO ‘azewosag sig one any Ritual Magic This skill covers the abiliry co use rituals and ceremonies to eae and channel magical energies. At least one person in the ritual muse possess sorcerous blood. See Book Six: Sorcery for more. some degree or another— Seles have made an art out it Ridiculing someone lalifora contested roll of WaRidicule (although im some contexts Soc ay be = more “ppropriate) against WIEN 7. Success hens that you've s another I feccasfully offended Ye ~ the many tasks necessaty fn angered the targets “ : for sailing vessels of all more successes equals 7 Af ses. Mos ships require Sac offence. Offended 3 many sailors (all with this Peele tend co think less r fh relies on al onall, and arc likely to act the sailing skill are expert knot lis made of) gessively andl impulsively. While tiers, know howto run and care for Im erct dice penalties are applied to sails, rigging, and so on. Usually an Benger, the offended characcer (whether uncontested roll will suffice, though the Tamrolled by the Seneschal or a player} should act autribute used varies heavily, depending on the task ar hand. No default. Beqponentincoa fishinis) should be used for goading an epponenton. - Scrounging Resouecefalness can get some along w: cre co look roungers and can lity from tested AGH le 3.2 for id almost anything ac sub-standard q) fier em has Howser , objects in their surroundings. Sample irems include pred. bur the gafesions, Those wich the Ri furnirure, crude weapons, disguises and cathia bghe without) fariosimply rideahorse. bur howto con and other thin Tis oyriad of siruations. This lbs who wish to gallop or fight from as are nECESEANY sw cccute Default: 10 useful jan 1d to come s Secret Languages the educated IBD distance) or EN /Riding (long distance), Many guilds, societies, and factions have invented id Se Wit jumping and crick riding: Uncontested AG/Riding. their own code-Janguages for communication within the pthing. More |) Number of required successes depends on difficulty of group. These languages are usually easy to learn, and may pestne PBejump o- tick. be based on slang oF bits and pieces of other languages. lis necessary Delaale: 13 They are never taught to outsiders, Roll MA/Secret bad signs. Language to successfully communicate. The complexity 1 determines how many successes are necessary RS Skits Desericep: daarosaq sTIg s (though one or two is usw: plenty} No default. fe The Imperials believe that perception is more important chan reality Sincerity is the epitome of this belief, and is used vole in such Quiet Mild noise (edge of camp) Loud noise a way thar thete is no doubt as 10 | ferowds) the earnestness of the speaker's words. In share, this is the skill of | Degree ofalertness lying. Rell Sac/Sincerity ag PesfTN 8. Singing This sll n pass the time. Those with the 5 their natural rents ta dojust that. Mose sing ing skill uncontested, using Soc/Singing. Mare sacce more beauty and clegar notes, and fumbles and familiar picces grant +1 dic Default; 10 howling Mowing silently has many uses, from snea guards w sneaking up behind thea 2 past good as invisible. Roll AG/Sneak against Per (see Table ent and b 3.3 for TNs, based on environ noise). Light, everyday clothi care at —4 dice, Default: 10 + Suewardship ‘This ski skill, and is best exemplified by stewards, cas landlords, and overseers. Rolls are made every month to covers basic management anid economic see ifany profit orloss has come onto che land! at question. Generally one or ewo successes imply char no loss or gain has taken place, three means profics, and five means big profits. Failure means loss, and fumbles can incur ‘TARGET NUMBERS (BASED ON SURROUNDINGS) covers the theory practice of war from the general's sat atest strategists are often jerals (particularly those how to plan the attack and! lead i contested Wit/Strategy roll may req mass combat berween equal fo though Per is o a passable attrib Default: 13 Streetwise This skill covers the general etiquec and underworld. Characters with Streetwise can dogg thieves guilds, important contacts, and get otht . The streeewise know with whom co elif find almost anything (on che black mas Additionally chs skill eavers how to act in the en ofthe dangerous and the slimy: Use WR M. to locate people, equipment, of inform artribure depends on situation); most roll uncontested Defaule: 13 Style Analysis Every swordsmvan’s school has itso weaknesses; This skill allows an observ pattems present in each fighter, as a & school at which he studied, Som judge, and a single du several m before a ro reaches. Five successes reveal which school t jed. More than five might becray details suck jects teacher was (assuming youd kad a pardship for heory and) Tsseat. The: the greatest that know lead id. A may resolve wal forces earcribuue as found in of the street ge can locate other useful Jom to talk oF course, he company | See, oF Pee ation (exact rolls will bey rrengths and to catch the) luct of che) netessary 08 mea least be observed uncontested information, prefers oF the subject pails such a youd know jeer exacely Book Three: Training 41 + Survival Finding water, shelter, and gathering enough food (not necessarily good food...) are all elements. + Sarpery of the Survival skill, This skill may be used in any Sometimes first aid isnt enough. Surgery (also. climare or surrounding that the character is Familiar tall! Chirugery) is necessary forscrious medical carc, with; les familiar terrizories may incur die penalties of sohther i sand bleeding, amputation, or —1 or more. Most rolls will be uncontested Per/Survival Bitches, Most cascs can be handled with an tolls fin the shore term) or EN/Survival rolls (in the tscantested "y toll (lchough having avery long teem). bw AG could cause problems in some operation). Default: 13 Simeopersrions and wounds req} Woutex; more can be found in Book Five: The Laws - Swimming of Nature This skill allows for movement No def Except in the case of races or other ested roll of ST or AG/Swimming -or complex actions in water) or EN/ contests, an uncon (for manieuverin, Swimming (4 deep swimming}. Mast clothing costs one die, and heavy clothing or armor may cost several dice making swimming impossible). Failure or Fumble may cause sinking, drowning, and so on. Default: 10 or none any kind of distance swimming or (even Symbol Drawing Many approaches co magic call for complex and derailed symbols, glyphs, runes, and diagrams to be drawn on or around the place of conjuring, To correcely draw out these symbols roll Pes/Symbol Drawing uncontested. More complex diagrams may require mailtiple successes (but tarely 30). See Bask Six: Sorcery for more uses of Symbol Drawing No default. Tactics (Land or Seal While Strategy plans out the big bard handles conflicts on small scales such as raids, ambushes, and the management of individual units on the battlefield, Generally Per/ Tactics is rolled, though the roll ineclf is often contested againsc another tactician Defaule: 13 Skits Descricep: S-T SAV ONY S11, 42 The Riddle of Steel ‘Ramster This skill covers the care and driving of carriages, swagons, teams, and the like. Most rolls (other than races and wharnot) will be uncontested AG, Pex or EN/ Default: Riding +3 or 13. This skill covers advanced knowledge of one’s own faith, denominations, and basic knowledge o! religions. In addition to simple knowledg ill can argue their own philosophical based on scripture and the precedence detailed knowledge of similar or r. those with points and bei ‘of other, pase great theologians. Use Wit SocfTheology in a contested or uncontested roll (all based on cireumstances), Default: 13 Tracking The ability to successfully crack and follow animals and people is one greatly sought after by many. Good trackers can fallow solicary creatures across plains, rocks, laces with little difficul track unsuspecting targets almost anywhere ourside © cities and other urbanized areas. Tracking an uns target calls for an uncontested Pes! Tracking roll. someone of something that doessit want co be followed calls for a contested roll of Per/Tracking (the followed parry gets +2 dice). Terrain can add or take the cracker's pool of available dice. Mudd: add 2 dice, while rocky terrain might subtract 20r Likewise, trackers must move slowly be reduced ro half or less (going full speed costs 3 dice! ‘No default. and ather Most of chem cai movement must Traps “This skill allows a character to spot, make, and remove traps of the “booby” variety—poisoned needles in-locks trap doors, and just about any available mechanism. Even these thac cant get 1 the mechanism or disarm the tap shauld be able 19 spot and avoid it most of the time. Roll rhis skill anytime you're or disarming a erap. Characters with this skill ing else with 1a maki aps mast people wouldn't see (make a fi and havea berter chance at secing oncs d laps aren'tashard to see (male « Per/ Traps soll in additiod way be made). Sporting map et Per rolls that or AGUTraps, Defaule: 15 7. Other Skills (The List Isn't Complete} llsare available as well. ['you want it, is (most “lore” would follow he pattern of Theology or Folklore, example). As always, consult the Seneschal IL. Gifts and Flaws Giles your character hi per , ties, and other such aa ew Gil nd flaws represent the mots un aracter has in relation cootba Gifs and tained (orlost) after cha creation in anumber of ways, the mast common of is through role-playing and the experiences character ‘Gilfis and Flaws are divided into two main cxregim major and minor, Major Gifts and Flaws are signifi or disad cop advantages common—almose everybody has one or two. Manv@ and Flaws are available in both major and ml incarnations, dependin (Creation, ewo minor Gifts orFlaws are equal to one! 1. Gifts Described ‘one may have. Many more are pos comparable wich chose oud addition tJ) = Absolute Direction (minor) Fing traps is Those with the Gift of Absolute Movies, and which direction they've — Auracy (major or minor) {gan the amples are endless. Those ‘The minor version of this Gift alls the aracker to modify their d6 Lcation roll (ce Book Four: The cofBattl by 1 point up ordown. applies only vo stable hand-held snot bows or fails) The major version of this Gife she attacker co modify their d6 and other loauate or unstable weapons. Hit bition rolls male with other weapons ge modified by 3 points up or down. Ales (najar or minor! you know— @ibeis own skin. Minor allies are erage people who ate willing to plz ay%0 help you out from time Bie, or exceptional or important pyle who might offer some help finocroo much) should 1 phyPecf'Teaps lis. They always knove which way is north, and whi Harisupordown. Assuming dhey'vebeen conscious they example of a [Gi juss the amount of-discance they've raveled within this time he’s willing to risk his own neck to help you Aibeyare in a wagon or coach and cari see the road. | Inthe whirl of combat one rarely strikes the exact Toeaon thax one aims for—you swing for the head and eth pitiesboulder, you thrust for the body and strike the tw fighe well with a weapon in cach hand (you b Pecuracy have an uncanny ability co predict the subicle ‘Borubents of their opponent and cater their weapon Gpiniso thatthe desired targer is struck. Book Three: Training 43 fen at personal sacrifice) from time time, An example of a minor ally might be alocal shopkeeper whe sup; group with supplies self or at duke ection arenever and information at great risk to hi at likes you and helps out when is convenient. An ajor ally is thar same duke, except that been going cen out. 0 train and go «0 school for chat), bur an ambidexerous ither hand. This provides a ¢ with a one handed with the Gift of ike situations (it just Girts Descricep: A 9-V tammiosag 8119 44 The Riddle of Steel doesn’t make a big difference on the battlefield). ld one arm be wounded, theo nalty. Other uses for this Ci Schools section in Book Four: Combat. Animal Kin (major or minor) ‘This gift createsa meaningful bond with animals 0 all rypes. Those who possess this gi attacked by trust of an ai are not likely to be ners, and can The minor version 0! vo dice to any roll c ‘ation or interaction with domesticated animals, and one die when dealing wich wolves, bears, ete. The major version adds chree dice co rolls with both wild and domestic als. Appropriate ‘ses include training, calming, and even riding anim Area Knowledge (minor) ‘While everybody knows the land thar they grea in (usually their own domain of the domain of there those with the Gift of Area Knowled familiar with thelocal countrys rolls are made at TNs of 3, 6, and 9, depending} famniliariey. Beauty of Legends (major or miner) Most characters are assumed ro be somes cunamtactive, average, or slightly artactive-looking pag others are born with the Gift of *Beaury of Legend ‘This giftisavailable to membersofboth sexes (jus rep the word “Beant landsome” or “Dashin The are markedly beautiful ar handsome—such as stick in a crowd and neatly always arcract members of opposite sex. ireely effected byb yyaolls that ar Those with the major version of this gift ys are written about them, merabs the opposite sx often become iratianally enamored. cy stick out in a.crowd of beautiful people. All dic ae directly effected by appearance are modifi +3 dice. In addition ro-any “game mechanics,” beautiful pe are simply treated berter by everybody. Many of advantages ofteuch beaury are to be seen only in cole and common sense. There is a dark side to this wwell—beautifl people often attract roo much atten and can even evoke to jealousy and enmity of oth (remember Snow Wihite?). stunning—sor Good Repu jor) A miacis reputation isa funny thing—cverybody va a.good one, but few actually enjoy the fame-and rreul ‘shard to gain a goad reputation, but to lose it. Minar reputations are less impressive andi file major reputations are very impr sa LF Baz ind ofen very well known. Both garner the attention of Base who 2 {for better of > want). Those with minor reputations may add one die eo soldat drecaly involves their reputation (particulatly Rescidtbased rolls). Additionally locals will buy them Hiinisand generally do nice things for people that they Hspect Recognizing someone with a minor repuration gins 2 MAITN 7 roll (each success brings more garding thac persons reputation}. ‘Those ith major reputations may add three diceto fach repatation-effecred rolls, and are likely to be Dreogaized (cither by appearance or by name) by almost ‘ernbody (MAITN 4). Thcse bonuses are not ¢ Bemcs fsuchas those atained through the Hesdership or Beaury) fing animale aware of your repurati they grew up oftheirlord) bre intimarely: Additionally I countries oF (MA) inquiry Hcpending on © Inuision (minor) Some people are luc Sse Intuition is the innate ability co dnca¢karactcr with In Bvapmblem, what door to ta Att involves esendially nothing 0% ng, their chance of sucees snginal chance. Thus ach UIP errs ro doors would havea 75% chance of guessing Pie ght one; when choosing berween three doors his tance would be-{9% (33% + 16%. ..half of 33, rounded dwn). When the result would be deren ages, but by an arcribuce or skill . (lfagin wo the dice pool being rolled. Ifa character was pean uncontesied MA/riquerte cheek (uying to what the best way to handle a certain breach of manners, for example}, and this character had an MA of CudhentheSeneschal would roll 9 dice 6 + 3) against the pliers sill racing. Ie is imporcanc 10 note that this does iietephce normal skill checks for information—those doukdusuallybe made firs. solled by the player: Should normal skill check fal che character simply realizes that fiedoaat know the nocded information (except in the fase ofa fumble, which gives the character wrong ifortiation). Intuition rolls, ‘others just know how co ss right. Any ition guesses as tothe sol , or any other deci er than chan: increased by 50% of ation. but presive and le Book Three: Training 45 by the Seneschal on behalfof the character. The Seneschal alt secret, simply giving the character in his own intuition, ac he never: ‘only the conclusion thar his incuition hax led hi Linguist (minor) You have an in automatically begin play with one additional Langs (remember so explain how/where you learned it!). In addition, new languages may be leamed in half the time and at —1 to your beginning Skill Rating Patron (major or minor) You, like many artists, explorers, and swordsmen, are in the general employ of someone more powerful dian you are. Tn rerurn for your occasional services they see co ic that you cat, arc sheltered, and have other resources. Major Patrons are often powerful nobility or groups with a great deal of money to bum. Minor Patrons are usually lesser nobility or groups, or powerful but stingy’ nobi ‘While having a patron i there is often adury attached. Another version on patrons is the feudal syscem—most all knights are indebted through a kind of patronage to their lords usually a prear asset financi: ‘Quick Healing (major “This Gife facilitates very quick reoovery ftom wounds doubling the number of dice rolled when healing or recovering from sickness. See Book Five: The Laws of Nature for mare True Leadership (major) ‘While most anyone can learn w lead, others are born with the power to lead. Such people in our own world have been George Washington, Alexander the Great, Jatt Sobieski, and even Adolf Hi invariably find chemselvesin positions of leadershi almost automatically gain the trust and support of those that they lead, In game terme all rolls thar concern leadership or follower loyalty are made ar + 4 dice (1 ler. Those with this gift Giets Descricep: 1-T @-V ‘aganiosag smvay 2, Flaws Described ‘The following list fs bur a sample of Flavs—major and minar—thae one may possible, uve, Many more arc suming that they are with chose outlined hac you're addicted. co, whether i's alcohol not too much, no major negative effects takeplace upon or following consumption (use common sense to determine whar “toa much" is), Failure to get you're daily dose incurs a —1 die penalty to ALL rolls until you gett. Aftera woek penalty inercases to—2 dice, after two weeks co ~3 dice. The penaley stays ar -3 dice until tke fourth week, after which the penalty lowers by one die every weeks Ii this process of withdrawal and successful chen the addiction lies m if the addiction is re ing, ov after withdrawal, if the object of addiction is offered or made newly available, roll WPITN 9 to resist meric rules, and may be modified c specific addiction. Is should also be jor addiction is offered as a flaw due to {and therefore unplayable) navure of such hard addictions. rehabilitation and will only indulged. Amputee (major or mingr) our limbs is badly deftrmed or missing all gether. The minor flaw refers co a missing hand, ‘where the major version includes the whole arm and any portion ofa leg. A missing hand restricts weapon that may be strapped on (flails and some shields. Lack ofa whole 1¢ use of that arm entitely (of course), AG. Missing leg pares are extremely ose thin, and maces at 2 arm precludes choices to slifficule to deal with (especially far combat-relacal ‘haracsers), limiting character movement to crutch in some places, a wooden leg. As a general rule, a deformed or amputated leg causes a negative die modifier of half the Combat Pool, assuming a peg orcane, Bad Luck (major) Be careful with chis onc—ir could get you fi f No points may ever be pur inca the Luck Avcil Additionally, once per game, something bad (chal usually embarrassing —never fatal) wil just happen character, The Seneschal gets to be creative with thi Bad Reputation (major or minor gaia a good reputation—but g partis saying alive fa name. Those with abad reputation mal may not have earned it—cither way they're not popular. Such infamous characters, while Feared, hunted b d the law, those the; a prove themselves, inor version of this ive reputation might (mosdy social rolls and other interaction rolls). Onl ‘ide any roll char relies on fe his flaw is best exempl ands and other baddies. Mose you or your name with an MA/TN 7 roll. “The majar version of this Flaw is reserved for cvuly frightening and despicable. Good people abbot people, and many fear them. Subtract 4 dice from roll thar repurarion mighe effect; add 3 dice to an 10 might be used ta one’ adv (egain fear an incimidation). Mose people wil recog wheresucl you or your name with an MASTN Exact details are lef up to the exacr repuration the Seneschal. No ane will ever be restibly fiend helpful co such a person except for fear Those than more powerful than you will show nothing but conta and disrespect, and may ‘even prove dangerous, Sees hae jbar-relared © Bloodlusc/ Troublemaker (major or minor) the oper rocrutchest@fl) aaeud of voiding trouble, you look for it instead falrule,2 — phnaing pasctheenemy: youdoanything youcan to + Lecheratisness (minor) them as you pass. The minor version of this Flaw Some have a problem with * bei in your friends bag ora di nldtasiy-becalled “troublemaker.” you like togecinto drink; you'te prol feaue souble—especially fights, Younever forge an yourown gender att find ir hard to forgive thase thar eross you. agsand some Blade-_ members of the opposite sex (a vereain Bricish super-spy is Flaw is much more is the classic example). Any time someone of your gender preference makes a pass. no marter how subile or as above, bur you go f aggressive, roll WP: happen to ya fifaio Kill, you never let an enemy live {nov if y this person is with this |, and have litcle respect for human life. Ie such grant co note that this doesn’t mean that jean un -au probably still yeurfamily and justhavea problem with your enemies (boch malting sd dealing with ther) Ifyou ever need to resise an urge to stare Be-killan enemy, ecc. oll WPITN 8 (for {for major). Multiple equired where more serious psswo dice co ali emicsare involved. tion might Chichen (major) Gutless yellowbelly momma's boy |. Atthe first sign oFtroubleyou cither ior wer yourself. You cant handle roreure Piece threats, and give in easily. ven erying Bobealrcle brave calls for a roll at WP/ TN, fiir wel prefer that you just eole-play io) 5 dice to any all Greed. tmajor! oncsadvantagl) “Thelove of money isthe raot ofall evil.” wealth, power, or some other This love and obsession: ct reputation ami cading, you to exoss ribly friendly ’ Those that alepi recognition, or cash. Any time you are tte ifeed) money. power, or whatever your session desircs roll WT: The TN varics, amount of risk and the involved. This holds true joney and wealth “our in Flaws Descricep: C-L WO ‘agwosaq savy 48 The Riddle of Steel ose with a minoy % these with a major Gift of Beauty: 13. Little (minor) Some Siehe, such as dwarves, are smaller than most people ate, This mak social ctcles, and limits many physical activities. Dwarh sized characters (around 30 4 feet tall) fight as if their weapon was 2 le fists!) when ifficuleto blendin within most sth categories shorter (i ting larger persons. characters, like sprites and pines, are unable to ven engage in combat with larger opponenss (though hat kind of sie has its advantages). + Obese (major.or miner) Those weighing significantly more than average” for their height are constantly burdened by additional encumbrance. Sec Book Five: The Laws of Nature to determine just how permanently encumbered a characteris. vereonfident (major: Some people dont know when they're ourclasseel_—orhers. dot boch suffer from the Overconfidem Flave Characters with Overconfiddence have 2 bic too much’ self-esteem—big britches, as it were. This Flaw may be cither major ar minor at Seneschal’s option; it simply depends on what the players ate like. Many players, whether they have this Flaw oF not, will exhibit 2 good deal of overconfidence—it’s a minor Others are a bic more prudent and must work to be overconfide Flaw for them. its a major Flaw for them. Eicher way this Flaw must be role-played to thehift. If roll is evercalled for (and we don't ‘encourage it bur sometimes you have to), sol 19, One success is enough to stand down or hur this particular a litele, Be esreful with this ane isnt 100 safe... + Phobia {major or minor} Some people. no marter haw tough they uthly alraid of some things. Whether its closed open spaces, the darkness light, snakes, rats the. blood, the sight of weapons, or magic (a dehabil degree of superstition}, something causes your cha to yo weak in the knees, faine, or puke. When com Rage, this Flaw can creare substantial probler The minor form of this Flaw causes people t inrationally, suffer from sickness and weakness, andi pen: fserction). The major version is simply yy to most al rolls (ar Senex causing -3 dice to appropriate ros The Flaw of Rage m: difficult for one to contra! bi anyone or anything. In its minor inearn Rage forces one to act against the source of ft int some way or anothee, physically, verbally. ord subtly—it need not be lo even violent (though it is), burir must betmmed Those wishing ro keep cool must roll WPF alternatively one d simply wall our ori dive themselves from source of frustratil rolling WPTN 7. The major versia Maelices the character to immedi d violently aginsc the souree of frustration, Such characters kalling anything fhe ges in their path. Berserk characters may come out y by rolling five successes in an extended PN 6 roll. Those wishing to keep HUPPTN 15; alternatively one may simply walk oue faisxe oder way distance themselves from the source Phstration by rolling WP/TN 10. © Bengina sare of Berscek (available only in the ms ‘coo! must ; ‘Shep Disorder iminor or major) Yox have a problem with sleeping. Eicher you sleep aadlong, needing about 12 hours of slecp a temfortable (minor Flaw), or you have di Light slecpers (major Flaw) make good guards wake uparthe slightest hint of trouble), bur often th rom severe fatigue. Light sleepers should roll Per ight. TN is determined by how much noise isin feremiconment. Most nights ina building areT'N 13, cmpsareTN 7, and ioiey areasareTN 4 or worse ating this roll causes —1 die to every roll the next diy These penalties apply until onc full night of p allure means a night oftolerable rest, an ate Bbecssound, baby-like sleep. = Toamented (major or minor) FBery person has his own “demons” you hav les with yours. sly You suffer from “flashbacks,” nightmares, and asanr guile. Your combined Passion and Drive brutes can never exceed 7 points total in minor ons, and are limited at 3 in majar variation: What's more, ic thac they h: of this distance from the ration by IN 7. (ma Something about Bethe: Flaw is always taken in relation ro those or minor) you just bothers people: your Book Three: Training 49 hus a troll would est humans first, other races second, law when in concace with almost definitely have this humans, but it would prabably not bea problem with other trolls The minor ver negative penalty to any rall (particularly social rolls) chaz involveappearance. The major version inflicts a three-die seca n of this Flaw-causex a onc dic Vows (minor) Many people have undertaken vows—auch vows can bbe of abstinence from sexual relations, aloohol, violence. or speaking, For the most part these vows are considered ¢ Flaws (though some really impressive ones, or combinations, might be worth a major—consult your Seneschal). If vow is violated no Insight Points may be carned until proper penance, retribution, or repentance is off, This Flaw does erally cover vows such as “I will kill che man that killec father,” chat falls under the Drive Acribute. Ifever seriously cempted to break your vow roll WPY I'N (varies by difficuley). all the effeers above or until the Flaw is bo nore failure means violation, wich, 3. Sorcerous Gifts and Flaws Gifisand Flaws forthe Gifted and in Baok Six: Sorcery. Feyarefound II. Proficiencies Proficiencies, where combat is concerned, measure theamountof taining, practice, and familiarity a character has with a given brand of weapon or fighting style. Proficiency covers the basic enants ofhow such a weapon or combination is used, and what its effects are, Proficiencics represent relatively loase categories—a short club, for example, can be used with eword-related This assumes that the cwo items (swords and short clubs) arc proficiency, based on weight and method of use. <— PROFICIENCIES aTmHS aNv auomg could cover the c is ow that weapon is .. Use common sense and remember that has the fi the weapon i the Sene: al say. The following descr that ad course af most basic ateacks—are auromaticto: 1yone posesingeven question, Many maneuvers the Combat pool vet listed ‘one point in theprot also havean “activation cost and snd in par play—most of these are even levelsof proficiency any maneuver with some knowlege of the principlecbchind fo of2 ‘original cost. In addition, ntlkindsof weapons (many inless otherwise ns it, Maneuvers muy Some fighting h Proficien s are similar to those in Skil very similar to others, an whar other seyles are dovely rel jency modifier based on which with a negati Proficiency the default originates from. Defuled Profiencies get a defuulted Proficiency). Most maneuvers, unless larto those in the original Proficiency, are assumed. Os section followthe weapon they originace ftom. Thusil need £0 find your defile for Doppelhanders when primary weapon proficiency is “Sword and Shield" lad the-end of the Sword and Shield proficiency wi Doppelhander is listed as 4 (meaning your Def Depplehander proficiency is 4 less shield ¢ yournomnal Sword ands Proficiency). 1. Sword and Shield ¢ sword has shield has been world Gentry and Nobility are particularly fond of the sword and Raiding it the perfece combination for knights both mounted and on foot. a mediu (ar lease 18 but usually over 7 Primary advantages of the shidd are irscase Book Three: Training 51 our Defaull ails rong def Greacsivord -2 fimngoffnce). This p fide a: no penalty, but any shicld-based maneuvers are impossible {allowing the sword to deliver a icency mayalso beused without Mass-weapon and Shield —1 (iasive Maneuvers: Bind and Strike (0) Car (0) Feant (variable) Stultaneous Black/Serike (0) ‘Thrust (0) Deentive Maneuvers: Block Open and Strike (2) Black (0) Counter (3, 2-wio shield} complicated m. Parry (1, 0 wo shield) longswords, and Deals: Case of Rapiers 4 Gian & Thrust -2 Dagger ~ Doppelhander—4 and countering. Greatswords, card swords arc effective weapons long), capering blade) ise BQ GreatsowrD/LONGSWORD wWalavy “SNH GNY Lag and estocs (4° long, uncdged for half swording), along with any ot handed or hand-and- Prim: half variety. y advantages of chese weapons include a long range, lors of cutting power and a plethora of maneuvers, (Offensive Maneuvers: Beat (0) Cur (0) Evasive Atrack (1) Feint (variable) Half-sword (variable) Scop Shore (0) Thruse (0) Defen: ve Maneuvers: ‘Counter (2} Expulsion (2) pple (2) Half-sword (variable) Parry (0) Defauks: Case of Rapiers 4 Car & Thrust 3 3 Pole-axe -2 Pugilista/Brawling 4 Rapicr=3 id Shield -2 Wrestling —3 Sword a 3. Gat and Thrust As longbows. crossbows, and. primitive firearms began to make plate armor less practical a new form of combat evolved. This fighting style, che predecessor to the rapier, cansists of a somewhat lighter version of the old-fashioned knightly sword, with 2 new emphasis on thrusting in addition co cutting. A companion weapon, such as a buckler, dagger, or arming glove usually and deadly weapon. Thisstyle is complements this qui popular in Gelure, Fauth, and—recently- Cyrinthmein, the Empire (Xanarium),and parts of and Sarmarov (with sabers especi This school coversall lighter one as basker-hileed broadswords, ba sword-rapiers, and so on. The primary sword is ed by a buckler, pontard/daggeq arming glove (a leather and chain gauntlet for gra and deflecting anded swords cswords, most ‘Offensive Maneuvers: Beat (0) Bind and Serike (0) Cur (0) Double Strike (0) Faint (variable) Simultaneous Block/Scrike (0) Stop Shore (0) Thrust (0) Tose (0) Defensive Maneuvers: Black (with bucklers) (0) @ Expulsion 2) Grapple 2) Parry (0) Defaults: Case of Rapiers Dagger—2 ‘Counter Doppdhander—4 Grasword 3 Mase-wcapon and Shield -2 Diearms-3 heat 4 Pagilisn/ Brawling -2 Rupiee—2 Suord and Shield —2 Wiring ~3 4 Rapier ‘he newkingled rapier is an urba dent of the 3c rhrustaspect. Book Three: Training 53 Rapicrs Despite their Stop Share (0) Thruse (0) Toss (0) Block (with bucklers) (0) ter (3, vs. thrusts and for thrusting only) Q) CASE oF RAPIERS WAGNVH Taadoq. 54 The Riddle of Steel ae Eh AS Bes? Parry (0) Pole-arms—3 Defaues: Pole-axe—f Case of Rapiters —1 Pugilisma/Brawling Cuc é& Thrust -2 Rapier-1 Dagger—2 Sword and Shield —3 Doppelhander-4 Wrestling 3 Greatsword 4 Mass-weapon and Shield —4 6. Doppelhander Pole-arms 3 The true two-handed sword, an enoumous we Pol ce of Srahlnish origin (the name means “double-han isthe latest addition to the battlefield. Meant for cu down pike fi Pugilism/Brawling ~2 Sword and Shield —3 Wrestl tions and other pole-armed inf i this weapon resembles spear mote t 5. A Case of Rapiers The capital city of Xanarium, the Seat of the Empire, recently developed this unusual style. A case of rapiens consists of one full-size rapier in each hand. Popularity for this soyleis beginning to grow. This school’s primary advantage is the extended range of both weapons—passible only due to the thrusting-only attack line of a rapier. On the downside, a swordsman is left without a smaller weapen in the case of niddenly-closing range, Offensive Maneuvers: Bear (1) Bind and Stsike (1) Double Strike (1) Feine (1) Simultancous Block/ Strike (1) Thrust (0) Defensive Maneuvers: Expulsion (3) Parry (0) Defauke: Gur & Thruse—2 Dagger—4 Doppelhander—4 ‘Greatsword 4 ‘Mass-weapon and Shield Book Three: Training 55 -s Gelure, and Offensive out & feex long or fre vidh an 18” grip and a second cross guard abour Wap om the fest, They are fearso eg to close rang pumous weapatlgy OFensite Maneuvers: Grapple 2) ibleshanderj fy Bex (0) jeant for cuctingyy Cue (1) armed infanerg fy Fervariable) of Rapiers ~4 sword in acaal fy Hlal-sword {variable} Cue & Thrust—4 Stop Shorr (0) Dagger Tr (0) Doppel Deeasire Maneuvers: Greatsword -2 Hilesword (variable) Mass-weapon and Bary (0) Pole-arms 2 Parry (0) Sword and ned of weapons encom he speat, as new as the pik Di # in different places—pi and as everlasting as the quarter ms are popul: ‘Ouestentiech, Stahl, bills im worldwide. lure, and the Empire, halberds in ‘arrenshire, and spears and staves effective and valuable This school includes all staff or pole-mounted 1 purpose is weapons over 6 feet Tong, nga powerful ined with this where from 8 feet (spe kes). They have the 2 is Qaron. fr is popular in cvery comer of the world in (often) ten form. Tole-axes are generally 4 feet long, witha hasdwood design of ea aftand2 reinforced steel head. They ar tweh aspike or hammethead on the back or tap or both, The pole-axe is especially useful against armored Offensive Maneuvers: Uyponens. Because i requires cheuse of boch hands, no Bash (0} ibeldis possibile POLE-AXE, Po GINS WW NOAVAAA SSVIN 56 The Riddle of Steel Cur(0} Feint (variable) Hook (1) Stop Shor (0) Tiarust (0) Defensive Maneuvers Counter (4) Case of Rapiers 4 Gut 8 Thrust Dagger Doppelliander—2 Greatsword —3 weapon and Shield -3 Pole-axe-2 Pugilism/ Brawling 3 Rapier—3 Sword and Wrestling —4 OF tgp as 9. Mass Weapon and Shield Since the carlicse clubs mass weapons have f their place in warfare. With the advent of better ewer armorsdubs and farming tools were transi into baedle-axes, picks, las, morning stars, and mag These weapons are in use che world-ove pacticular popularity with the peas (these weapons are cheap) and thearmored gen weapons are especially ef Mass weapons inchu occasionally two-handed) weapon that is parcial heavy om the business end. Axes, maces, fails, and pal are good examples. These weapons’ bi parrying especially difficult, and forces the we constant evasion or—more commonly—shi Additionally most axesand hammers are asecondary spike or hammer To flip the weapon over spend 1 CP if round. As with Pole-arms, © dependenton the weapon ar common sense. ‘This proficies py Par Noe eee Book Three: Training 57 re transtorm us, and maces” one, holding inaocymaay CO) id gentry (ch sits oe: YO alcacous Block Suic (©) Phanded (andy The 1) Fae Ds Mancaers Block Open and Seri Hack (0) Pay (1) Deas sco Gu & Thrust 3 aly—shields: oarfizced with pk and/or co te dacoa Dagger 3 faneuvers are Doppelhander—4 Greasword-3 Thle-arms—£ eetion and also be used: oleae Pigiism/Brawling 4 Rapier 4 Soord and Shield -2 Wrestling 4 Thrust (0) Defensive Mancuvers: Grapple (2) Parry (0) len weapon comes in many Ts SS fia. Found in every place in the world, daggers and Sad fp betes wed 2s tools and instruments of death. Daggers earremely popular civilian weapons, and are carried Flos een. ss poniards, rondels, -Greatsword —4 “elileunsers of short stabbing and slicing blades: This attached to street brawling and islingduc ro che shore range of daggers and the like Pole-axe ~4 Pugilisn/Braw/ Mass-weapon and Shiel Pole-arms —4 POite Mancuvers: Gar(0} Grapple (Zor 4) Kick (2) Pinch (1) Dacosr, Puoitism, Wrestiina SNOdWA)\ SUSSTWY ‘SIONVT 58 The Riddle of Steel The one weapon everyone hasis hisor her own body: Variations of unarmed com ist all ower the world. ion is popular throughout the and Brawling consist of punching, kic gestern b grappling, and dir tricks. These weapons are infinite portable, but ineffective when compared to a “real Offensive Maneuvers: pple (2 or 4) ck (1) Punch (0) Defensive Maneuvers: Grapple 2) Parry (0) Defaults Case of Rapiers 4 Cu &Th Dagger: Mass-weapon and Shield 3 Pole-arms—4 hough popular asa sport, iz really the most desperate of all bartles: As ys an option forthe unarmed character. ditionally, many fighters find themselves and in the course of battle Greatsword, and sly fond of chi), nancuvers are hy-prock ining as a wrestler. used to enter a wre ot used (Offensive Maneuvers: Grapple (1 or 3) Punch (1) Kick (2) Defensive Mar ) agit addirion co maneuvers, has sped once combatants hie the ground. When wrestlers pareassumed co be “ree,” mé most of their body: B divide their Combar Pool (derived fiom Whee course) into offewse and deféme. Any dice not allot one category a the other are lost. Both playeas dl ground bos coicestant their offewse ina contested roll agai fejinsta Target Number equal to the opponenc’s § Iilsoser your weight. Thus ifsvrestler A has ST paghs 180\bs, and wrestler B has ST 4 and thes wees A571 70/10) and wrestler Bs TN jus 5. Ifyou win both conrests, then your opponent Decimss “held” for pinned if e's already held} and loses Wi ifpinned) of his toral CP Alternatively you may inpereyourown condition (ffom pinned to held, From bald free) instead of making your opponent's worse, IFpiuwin one contese, then your opponent remains free, Gitbyoa. IF you lose both contests, then you are now Teiliffee) or pinned tif held). Only one character may Fepinned ar any given time. If you successfully pin omnis pinning you, then you become held and he 1 The rolls are made-every round until ene- opponent jor yields, Small weapons (including punches and ay be sed by any free character out of the Combat Pool. Any such attacks are made after xe rolled with remaining dice from the sighing from horseback became more and more sic ecient, and popular, heavy cavalry came into Their weapon of choice for the opening charge is Thieweapon is found anywhere knights or heavy ate ‘ances cange from 8” to 14” in length, depending on Brishnolopical advancement of any given area. They Bsa buried under the righe arm and used with a Anes, hough made of wood, ate wiually capped f8long steel or iron point, A sporting version, the Jane, has 2 blunted rip for tournaments. The advantages to 2 lanceare its range and power in a peubereic uses che mounts $7: not the rider’. aire Maneuvers: Sinulancous Block Havant: ST) Thus (1) used when stationary (rider's ST) trike (0) used in a charge Book Three: Training 59 Defensive Maneuvers: Block (0) 14, Missile Weapon Proficiencies Missile Weapon Proficiencies are not nearly as complicated as hand-to-hand Weapon Proficiencis. These Proficiencies go towards building the Missile Pool (see Book Four). There ate no attached mancuvers, though each has afew defaults. These Proficiencies are: + Bow (including long and short varieties; defaults t0 crossbow at=3) Crossbow (all sizes: defaults to Bow at) Darts (defaults to Javelin —3) Slings Speat! Javelin (defaules from Polearm —3) Thrown Knives Thrown Axes, ete. Thrown Rocks/irregularly shaped objects (defaults fiomany other Missile Proficiency at 3) TV. Maneuvers Maneuvers are listed together in a lump sum. Each maneuver has an Aetivaion Cost which is outlined under Profieiencies. above. What follows are mechanics for using and defensive maneuvers in the course of a bout or battle. Much of the information below will be difficulr to use and understand without having first read Book: Five: The Codex of Bartle. This information is included here instead for exxe of reference. 1. Offensive Maneuvers Described Offensive maneuvers are chose initiated from the aggressor side of any Exchange (see Book Four: The Codex of Battle}. Most maneuvers may be combined for a greater cftect, so long 2s all Activation Costs arc paid. All offensive maneuvers, unless otherwise stared, use a weapos’s Artack Target Number (ATN) forall Tess. Bash: This is the standard attack for all swung blunt ‘weapons, learned immediately. Extra power may be added to a bash by expending ane (and only onc) era CP die prior ro rolling and adding | so damage MANEUVERS AG ISVAANINVIA SAISNISIO) 60 The Riddle of Steel have an shtery—and most people in gener know how to bash Beat: The beat is an attack upon an opponent's weapon or shield ina cmporarily remove it from the equation. Beats may only be performed ar the start of a bout: pause," as describedin Book Four. brutal, and effect by declaring, Be: with the fender assigns def defensive maneuver ( exc.) and the comese is ralled normally. I'che ker winsthe beat, then the defenders weapon for whatever else was being “bearen”) is knocked secessin the artacker's 2 CP (this functions ck, described under Damage in ed ‘wins then the round is cellent way tohandle + weapons as well: all range siche Fiend, has been caught ina back a footpad (ehat’s a “thug” for us ith short nwords. Mie ye can so shat be ca get chrown, Mik's die is red: leaps fortuard, attempiing 10 pulla b wish a3 die perry 67, 0. success (EN the side (he ach for Mi to shrise in he chug with bis die at the footpad’ » rll 3, 6, 9, 6...three sueceses (TN 6, unmodified): the foorpad goes for a full dodge with his remaining ane die (he bad five, bt lett 4 fom the Beat), and rolls a 5...00e sett bits seth suo successes. cat maneuver is available at proficienoy Bind and Strike sis maneuver uses off-han (shields, poniards, ere.) co bind or pin dal opponent’ weapon, opening up a clean fl attack, On one Exchange roll atrack as noo the off-hand weaponfshield (use the an ATN for shields), If this a beat yauropponentby 4d hisdefense on the next ex power may bea slash by exp adding 1 to the event of as hic. All edg have an Atcack Number slashing and curt All beginning opponent may defend by ( and parrying or parrying with both of his wey ‘one of theattacks (his choice) success, Mile ficiency ly leaping, backward so Ys attack, This maneuver i, bua ii able to. inquick-draw sty forthe attack, a9 raguizes a grear de those who after dhek where boch opponents gost lispe id themselw Toexecute this mane Heaingan additional dic « Once the maneuver is ac akliional dice may be spent vo raise yous arach TN by one per additio Grensidc, your own attack TN vate the maneuver, nber of ypponient’s spent. On the though al dice spent (i If chs areack pent loses 1 CB ated any ni tand Feint This is the first “trie” char most monisnica know, consisting of slashing acone region sfthe body, chen changing d igelavely difficult and slow, with ahigh Activa ‘ost is paid any number of sd the attacker's hand, ata cost oF ed in the artack. A the Activation most people |—know how 208 Parone ie firdice on this fen both wear ied and avcaclal Saris always d enselnst before " 1 to note that a feinred attack lands nt spot than originally declared. The Saacker must also state the new location of arta Yisally within one or two areas of the origi be performed at a Pe cxecution cose), provided ee Book Three: Training 61 Genale( After several minattes of attacks and pat to finish the duel. He declares a lew sesh fromm his tight side (zone U1) for 8 CP ati with 7 di feeling pre Gorale, spending I announces a feintand:slach bears zone IV; Gene shroes three alice awony and pus hi Use she dice. into his hand (84 1e 343015, with 11 dice age 7.8.9, 9, 9.0.0, 0...nine successes (at Gerales AEN. lef 3 «really hacky rll) Sionon’ defense rolls 1,2, 6,7, 6,9, 0, five scenes (dt his DIN of 6 aka a good rll, his whale pool), Gena roll bis attack Stmonts macasly not good enough) Feints have a tendency to lose their novel effect ‘while when used against the sume opponent Reint-and-shrsst: This is a more practical fein, 2s easily performed with lons broadswords as x swords and I shorter weapon 3 with a false slash—ustally expenditure, The defender then declares sanlike the feint-anc-slash tha is good againse parrie: anly. Th sates that he i feinting, any number of CP dice to his pool at a cost of one CP die or every onc added to theattackinghand (as per feint t abo. defense mane attacker now own Wa Feints do havea tendency to lose their navel effect after a while when used against the same Orrensive MANEUVERS: F 62 The Riddle of Steel | a use the sword as.a short spea single op technique is particularly jnst one! costs an ex well, when swingin j impractical, Half swordi | length by one or two steps from long xo medi short, at player's dis ote that the hal —— pling comes in nwo ferms—A and astraight grapple. Sceup grapples sat you attack this attack does na dam armors. The Attack Target Number may be release! and needs only to tie or win, On the folle! half-swording is 5, and the Defens arrack again tw attempt ag (DTN) is 6. jan cost (bur de One can shift from normal — at any time, doing so P's (usually 2 dice) must fizst be paid. IF is (shifling suddenly into ar our of the successful you may either (a) toss your opponent or (b) pin bim down, For cesses you may cither deal damage to him by jim down urd (DR: aly dlstibuted like fallin Book Five) you can send him rolling away. Compate apping them up the exte of 4-5 successes ther leads 1o Wrestling Proficiency: asperthe Wrescing word: This isone of the few practical ways to kill an armored opponent i full hamess (full plate) with a sword. Used with long swords, bastard swords, and other lon = > z & € 2 = a x half-sword cechnique is per b grasping the blade of the sword with | thea efi) band in order to apable of hook 3 limb or head. This n feared like Then the shaft is pressed against the t ast thar int tbe Margin of isibate by onc dic. ‘The hooked party then rolls Raockclown 5 tora CP for lying prone). Fu | (see Book Five: Maure). The attacker sil set xchange). Either attack or de large as the other (chus you could Gbide 9 dice into Gand 3,01 3and6, butnot 2 and : Training 63 attack, and your offense against hindefense This m: fal in tuations Step Shore This maneuser consists of eaping orstomping, can opponent and then halting suddenly ro throw your oppenent off guard. cuver's cost is variable. Rolla contest of is WP agai cacker’s TN is equal eo his opponent's Pet defenders TN is equal to 7 plus the number of de. ye attacker sp the defender’s Reflex. The This counts as an ara he may take initativenormally: [Ftheattacker wins. then his appon EP equal to the attacker’ ancuver is really only cf addiio or not} ct loses ice from his success. This acter pt (he rst was suecessfu flatively costs 1 extra CP die to th This maneuver is lable at proficiency level 3. Ee a z a = 2 3 z 2 SUAANANVY JAISNASAC a 2. Defensive Maneuvers Described Thrace: All darusting-capable TABLE3.4: for thrusting. Some EEFECTS OF COUNTERS errersuited | Roll (46) Rell 400) Efface Halfsword* Normal 1 Slash ac 1 ‘weapons have an ATN flected in the ATN. rusts ace E eal 1 3 Slash ar TT aes i Slash ac IV meee 2 Foran tess ae fg s 2 6 Pormel ro XHI (DR=ST bl coning) el initiative tie fas | 5 ; “Thhnuse mo face (XII) 4 5 Thruseto body (X1 or X11) 5 9 Gi ne taneously. Should 6 10 ee two parties with Reflex chrustat the sime | Mates: time both acacks are | “Roll on this column when half swording, rolled ar once—it was | **Sce the Grappling Maneuver, Note that no Activation cost is this Grapple. "Success results inno damape, but rather onc’s opponent loses his- we One or two successes reault in the weapon landing within 3 fect, three four succesics send the weapon flying in a random direction 1d6e1 ds, five successes put the weapon in-yourhand, if you wane it (otherwise it Mics 1410 yards in a random direction). necessaty i not uncommon for two fencers to die upon one ‘sblad a mistake ners kniow this Tas: Distraction has always 7 been am in of dueling: and combat. This assumed w bem, at, glove maneuver allows you to coss or ier object into your opponent's face, thereby m (and causing him to lose CP dice} is maneuver siraply alloc dice as for a ssumed tobe7 farmost —_are concerned, blocking works essenti jects such as 2 fist of sand, a glove, bar, any party, except that it uses the shi or dagger. Your opponent may dodge ¢ Book Four: The Codex of Bartle for more onk DIN7 tlie a partial evasion in Boole Fou defe win each success in the Margin causes him his mancuveris available arall Price CP on the following Exchas and-Strike). Additionally, you retain initiative Block Open andl ke wide open, yeapon to at sare those actions used on the Mo: ne Exchange defen the Block or Ps Activation Co: successful defer a combat Exchange mde with oneaddirion: normally. I'che parry is ef defender’s success margin caus , a ing attacks wo the defender in following exchange. See offensive beats, above, for gon Though primarily an offensi ae initiated by the defender. Sometimes called a This maneuver isavailable ar Proficiency fposte, a counter relies on receiv P Level 5. aruack, then using it against him. There are lite hundreds orcven thousands of counters, designed to Grapple: Defensive Grappling appeats in three forms— teal with most any attack from most any ditect grappling to trap, grappling to pin, and grappling to throw. The A Gounters generally prove weak When a defender declares “counter” as his chosen. finse he must spend an exceution cost of 2 CR Diceare chen allocated as in any standan defender loses chen the spencon thecounter grappling when armed, Irleadsto a quick ans effective arelostand he is hit. Ifthe parry is successful, then strike or limb-break. While holding Gey successful dic the attacker rolled becomes one _possible from this position, i i cata dic that the countering p: add to his ext attack, adds one die to duc to the myriad nature of — Exehan party should roll on rable strike. Attempts to hold lead to Wiestling (see the f his counter (note Wrestling Pre bonus wwillbedifferent: (1 per Success) for the first round, in, ignaring rls of 1) their Grappling to Throne: For throws you may cither deal toll on this chare as ifit were a Hit Location char: damageto your opponenty putiing him down hard ‘othess may spend an additional 2 CP co modify their { Tb for most surfaces, randomly ribured soll (ap or down) by 1 or 2. This roll is made prior i ° rolling rollingany attack dice. fly vay. Failure results in nothing other than Counters may also be performed when lfswording (se below), zncy), also with an initial noc dissimilarto the is initiated from che neuverisonly effective against thrusts an igainstslash-bascd attacks made with 4 dice orles, To ciccute an expulsion, sitaply decia “expulsion ieellocared to the parry 2s usual, usually along wih awe ion cost. The effects are peri identical to those of an offensive beat. the parry fails round is resolved DeFensive NOISSA¥OOUY WLOWYVHD initiative ever to your opponent, Compare character “level” exch eit growsindependenty. alia win of Succesiss (asuminga successuldefense} the entire character to grow and change accordingt@ tothe chart below: playerwishes, ll advancement comes from tw su {a) constanc uscofa given skill and (b) constant ela O-a your fee playingoucand furcheringone’ Spirieual Auributes. LST =1' away major aspect of your character, andl how «o adva ST” away used below, 3ST ala 4ST +2 S-ST 43’ away al Attributes ¢ Spiritual Arcributes define those ¢hings th most important to a clearacter—his loves and hate Grappling 12 Pin: Pinning your opponent down or is fandisand hisdcainy. techoruld be cpa verppi up reduces their total CP by 44 in the player to uphold and develop these case of 4 s Margin, 1-3 successes exe attributes render th Wrestling, 3 pling may be preforme lure leads co m think about 310 5 the Wrestling Proficiency. a night’s play is prety at Proficiency level irual At rules of advancen Spiritual Auribute (such as a technique bastine defensive properties 0; ideals) that Attribute and any one asher Spi as well. See Half Sword as an offensive mAREWVER, Af dropped to zera and the focus above, and Counters, also above written wen progress as normal, An even ic event is when a Spirit Parry: This maneuver is the basis for all non-shield non dodging defenses. Ir consists primarily of usi i t0 deffect—not hal-—an incoming approves itand if (2) 19 Spirie Poines (explained bal attack. Parris are performed by simply rolling nt to facilitate the change-over. Whatever hap with the DTN of the weapon at hand i one’s Spiritual Aributes d always be compail Contested Roll of a with one’ Philosophy, as see forth during cha combat Exchange. r is available at all : Cimscienceis effected by your eh Proficiency levels ; to-day actions. Every time 8 rer does hing” v. Character stl osha Progression As your character wo poinss. A point Conscience may be beliefs, and personal he will philoso phies avhenever one goes ag his good-narured insti acting out of selfishnes als improw ways. Instead of Training 67 =e ro others evanlice thae brings he o, When mixed with C rmany other Fi: builifdlike- character: , iterearesa trag Dering grows every time you ac ave any points ribuie to begin with you isprewy good advancem the focus of | ligion, Lovers | wher Spivit the focus me An even rare frual Accribute tiny” with gl the Senescha aimed below) «ever happen | flillment af praphec Besiny is a nae Destiny points may ing any Destiny nt crossroads, one’s time to bear d ot. Particuladly Feith works muuch in the same way as Drive, growing by youaeton Faith ar because of Denyi ast, while euppe of danger fog, harvossing,¢ or otherwise strenuous one p sesionsare worth an extra po Seneschal’s discre cor is also wor one. Remembe yers that have this tw beard our characters Bree bcing thar onc higher purpose that drives you award, may increase any time you place yours @sk in the name of that purpose. If your oF opposition 2 fine plan, idea, of og you gain one p the proper oppor had the highest single di emember also thatany Drive points fay come w-bear during any such siwation, incre atthe dose of thatscssion. Lastly, whoever rolled che Spiaimvat ATTRIB red instincts, Llfshness one om chances far af LHOISN] 'SLNIOd YS Steel 68 The Riddle of Insight Passion, described asan intense p loyalty, love, or hate 115 towards-a specific person or | 16:30 ceatity—gains one point everytime | 31-45 yourcharacter makes some sicrifice | 46-60 or undertakes some 6175 name of this Passion. Thus |] 76-90 defending your love's name, or || 92-105 pounding down your archenemy’s || 106-125 126-150 brother just because hes related would g is always gained afier cakes place. Iris important to nore thar you needrit be successful in one poinr.'Thatpoine | 130-200 you just need to really try nay acta at the Seneschal’s your endeavors taact on such an opportuni fess « discretion. Remember alsa that any existing Passion one poine of passion 1 bear during any such stu favorable outco reasing 2. Spending Spiritual Attribute Points vs Using Them Book Qne outlined a number of ways to ase your Spiriewal Acer Those points, though limited usc during each session, are not lost. The ar the beginning thar the last session ended with. ibutes ey have Attribute points is different. All other traits, except anently spending Spiritual Points. These points, once spent, arclos be regained through play (as described abow increase by pe nel may only Whea spending these points they m from any combination of the five Spiritual Arrributes. 3. Insight Another aspecrof spending Spiritual Arcribure points is Jrasighé. One poins is gained every time you Spiritual Attribute point. These points come ies oF leaves the game, spend on cr your charaeser into play a "TABLES, 5: INSIGHT REWARDS Bonus Prio allowing you to build a st new character, When y rolling a new characser (wi died oF was the last ene “retired") compare the D character’ Insight to Tabl ¢ 8 a AC one Priority A, B, C AB you may begin with one Pr ae ‘A, fie Priority B's, one C, AAG i 4, Temporal and M Actributes Any Accri byspending Spiritual Autribuce points accor 3.6, below. No Temporal or Mental At increased by more 5. Proficiencies These are easier co raise chan Actributes, bur that a character either spend some time train lay. Not much to the current Proficien the Gres Spirieual Ac Actribuntesonly onelevelinexease per Prof during Acq Proficiency level 5 or better, and costs che samegl normal proficiency “Thus buying. Thrust would cost | point to begin at Greacsword one game sessic ‘a new Proficiency requires a teal minimum 1 11, but which defi the new Profgl already were prof (Cut 8 Thruse at as if you were already at chesam 3}-you could bs Vhord. our example fiom Book Tivo, is proficient in and Shield at le TABLE 3.6: RAISING ATTRIBUTES ‘Cost to raise Attribute to next level at Attribute poines be cam bizy iciemcy at level 6. Vagaries g Sorverous Vagaries works the same as jouble price, plus one. T from 2 to 3 costs poines (2 x2 rower costs | point 2x0+1 for any trying to learn without library, or similar cost ro raise) would be 4 sland Mental y isallowed ying a This cost is doubted = Gifts and Flaws fifis and Flaws may be bo oe with same as juying Cut I, but if you 20. Minor Flaws may be bought off fand therefore removed) for 10 points majot Mavs go for 20. In the course of play for no cost grancthem (or puni Amputee Flaw, which may be gained simply by losing, wich them). A fine ex an arm or hand... ree of charge! 8. Skills Skills generally do noc increase through the use of Spiritual Accribure points. Instead, every time you successfully usea Skill under duress ofany-kind you place acheck in onc of the litle boxes next to cach Skill. When three checksare gained roll Mental Apticude (MA) against a TN equal to 15 thus if’ your then your target number for this MA 8). If you succcod this roll your Skil (eurent current SR is 7. 815-7 drops one point and you erase all checks, IF you SR remains fs roll you loseall chree ch roll the same. IF you fumble: and your SR stays the same. Skillsmay be improved during our. by spending 2 Spirirual Areribute poines for an MA Test this Tese is successful, chen che SR drops. If this Test fails, chen the SR remains the same, though the Spirimal Autribure points are still spent. New Skills may be purchased for 2 Spiritual Atrribuce poines at SR 9. 9. Wealth, Status, and Social Class ‘Alas, these things cannocbe changed through training or the use of Spiritual Arcribute Points. On the other hand, as your character's story progresses he may find opportunisiesto improve his stati IF this is important te your charact taking the Greedy Flaw, choosing an appropriate Destin or just talking to your Senesehal about it. SA Points, ADVANCEMENT The Riddle of “teel ook Four: ihe “odex of Lattle they separated Karaks 10 the easy prey of the 1g plunder. k steed’s mouth, Mis 2988 Re three other members had. » leave, and then slunk into, ant desert terrain casting a hi waited fo wg the hordes’ mesa base ring and sy. However, wrath. A mor y and those who Ohicrwy § he Conclave ccepred a “cont GALLEON SLUNG Is 5 1 had been set upon by ht foot from the yés during a recent caravan to the east. While purchased 4 slave so bewitehin Bighismoncy and hi Kick to his horsess side wlerously they pl wothe saddle, the Ki con the steep emban! nonetheless re their struggle LvaKOg sy for balance weakened th compromised by the position o| Plummeting, sideways bs hillside, 1: top of his lungs, Gal his horse, which wich an excra burst of speed carried him well our of the pach of death King snap of rock against mek jow against the sun Screams id a swift sh ast the d the and howls proved am in avalanche of stone tailing th Kozaks found themselves ound to burr I. Combat: Gritty Realism ‘Combat in The Riddle of Steel is unlike any combat stem you've «1 1 seert. There ate no hit-points, no ct thought as possible ised on years of hands-on martial ive rolls, and as litde al Instead chis sys RPG combat system order: (a) (b) Use ever written. A few words of advice are then chit, bev se! You probably wont recove world, fight not just high “seats” or hig llese weapon is deadly. Would ack with a knife? Neither would yo fee, as in the very much througin swords. (c) Even # pow character. TEAMWORK 4 ‘Teamwork, need we say more? (e} There’a line beeween brave-and stupid. Don't be stupid. (6) ahack-up plan, ora good iéca of what your next charactct should be like. Irs up 9 you To illustrate, pie the roud. Ts s walk aad and wre three new charac hear som: ap ive buely croll-like guys (some falks call them about them in Book Seven). Should our three heroes in The Ridelle of Steel! Five on three is bad ads (just think friends as alkid), So instead aur Heroeshi wd eonenee a pen (heaven ford co rush our of the bushes 26 these 1 at three on twa in hit to ruin your character’ day IL. Melee Combat is often referred t0 ords, a is. sh ombat is based en one major ie Combax Pool (each point in you Combat Js one dic), The Combat Pool (CP) is used toa many dice are in your Combar Pool at any given and how many have been spe 1. The Flow of Time in Combat Whenever a sinuacio combat begi Senesch in ie Riddle of See Lor 2 seconds, duri Rounds. approxim: made and other events take p bat Exchanges (so an “Exchange of Blows”) how much timeit takes to led inter two C armeapon and bepin worecover. A whole constitutes a Bout, oF a fight. Bours eceasio a pause, sueh as when app from one another. 7 es circle a fh these pauses are assume that these Rounds lati 2. The Order of a Round 1 order ofone melee combat round is summa in the following steps Book Four:The Codex of Battle 73. at until the end ¢ 3. Steps 1 & 2: Initiative do both attack but 14 The Riddle of Steel defense. Ifa-combatant fils to throw any die dow are goin ed and may only den aggressor") at this time or hold back and see wht their one full Exchange (see Surprise, belov roll of a “defender”). If both parties should declare a stance—this is done out and should t withour hesitation (see Seances, below, for more). Now . remember those red and white dice chat we now—in response to their aicackers—declare how sccomamended in Book One? Here's where they really dice from their Combat Pool are going towaeds di come in handy. When time slows to Combat Rounds what kind of defense they're usin cach active character takes onc red dicand one white die if any: ing used. imvo their hands, Afier tances are declared (if there’s Matters grow especially messy should time), the Seneschal calls out “throw,” and cach combarants artack {throwing a red. dic}. A com Reflex (with the com ATNs for Numbers—see “Exchange of Blows” and the. for weapon ATNs) decermines who's seile land Remember that ao defence is possible i the mide arttck, so the loser of this contest usually ends upg decide whether they. a attack (assuming the attitude of an mess cach character must secred thar character has hesit Each ageraror, in order from lowest Reflex to now declares how many diee from his Consbat being spent on the arcack, where the artack is i done and what maneuver—ifany—is being used. Def combarane drops one of those avo dice onto the table— ated die indicttes-apgression and a white die indicates ‘This process (red ad white dice) is only uscd beginning of a Bout or following a Pause (sc hl In all other rounds the winner of the exchange either takes or retains initiative, Seances provide stronger attacks and defenses cost of predictability and flexibility. While «ach has its own stances and positions thar irclaims are three are universal (at least where game purpoi involved—appearance or exact position may bel varied): Aggressive stances, Defensive stancei Neutral st es. Aggresive stances provide a bonus ro attack making defense more difficult—the classic ai with kacana raised high is a good example stances add 2 CP dice when attacking, but ing the Activation cost for amy Defensive Manca 2cR Defensive ste making attacking harder—moxt stances wil blade or weapon head facing down are examples, Such, stances add 2 CP dice Defending but increase the Activation costa Offensive Maneuver by 2. CR ces provide a bonus to defense Book Four:The Codex of Battle 75 diedown, Failure indicates that no. nly defend fi p=? ¥ 7 AND HESITATION Tarcer NUMBERS action ean be taken until next round. S Purposely standing, fend Cor at with no stance (pethaps to invite an aeacker...} Aware of opponent — Victim of a cheap shox oryou hesitated. Uniuspecting or inmentive initiative), Buying initiative, or the preemptive strike, is he art ol 7 guasl (in our case Bla waiting, for Blindsidedt alee shen attempting to beat him dithe App P to the blow. Ira rie lands move, used by the middle ‘a In great deal UN desperate, the quick, and fly ends up d Befficabiliry, and are favored by i the suicidal only used a Dhiany schools. In a Neurral Initiative is = use (sce bel Waice the sword (or other of the provigil Pajon! ispositioned to-allow a ipiek atesck or defense. Such ites provide no bonuses co 4 attack simulaneously. The pd defenses: “Piberaack or defense _ Bg loser of the previaus contest ative. when two combatal Scar only Lace atid she frst for morement-—if a character’ jon may be pees. she stance is broken, 5 equal to his opponent’: ive stances; MN far swordincn can cade an - Perception (Per), A ind resin thes stance. Daring contested roll is then made hurinelfehe stances of both atzzekier 1s WP and his opponenr’s Wir, with both > co attack inewtnat—no bonaser either way A stance al to the other's Reflex. The buyer (and ie cdlassic sami 1) may opt to raise his opponent's TN by bd example. Si be one for every extra Cambac Die spent clefomeler are The winner of the contest strikes king but i remain in his Combat Poo! waracrer is unprepared for ‘The second siruarion whe fs 10 cicfense WHMIMBIixoming aitack—perhaps they aré surprised or initiative when stances with (boyou better throw a die at the beginni defense wishes 16 down are 9 ; hub...}. Ta cheek for lar to tharabove. 2 GP dice Wimemminn he unsuspecting charac Refle In avion cost fOCgMMEN sed on how alert the character was. Table 4.1 themselves pss quidelines—the Seneschal has the final say. tack instead, The process is identical jer case both attackers have commirced din noc withdraw, which may cause a INITIATIVE SMOTG HO BONVHOXY fopper legs [thrust IL (crust) VI ‘Taunting is the las resort of a fighter who is tired of circling and circlis white dice and deck: (the effects of both sides throwing ing “defender” for several rounds in a row). By taunting, one can force one’s opponent inc becoming che attacker. This is accomplished by trying the patience (WP) of your opponent through insults and the like. This is not possible until both ‘apponents have citeled for at least § rounds, This effective tactic is handled with the “Ridicule” skill (see Book Three: Training), which may be defaulted for those without che skill 3. Steps 3 & 5: Exchange of Blows Each Round. as discussed ahove—consissd each individual Exchange g hut onc usuallam and the other defends (usually. directed ata specific locatio numerals XIV (sce Table 4 arracks; WII-XTV ave for thru not necessary for players wo declare the exact mi bur the location anc of attack (averhand ll upper-hand slash hs rp—no one attacks rando hesirate! Maneuvers and targes ies for either the Boch combatants—ageressor and defender toll the allotted Combat Dice (from Step 2). wi modifications from maneuvers, stanees, or other fi This is. normal contested roll, where the suckesses are subtracted from the winner’ Ie }. Every attack: acker or the defender TABLE 4.3: TERRAIN MODIFIERS Book Four:The Codex of Battle 77 Tarn Send/iCrawl | Cautious | Normal | Humied | Sprnung cd, flat I oO 1 0 0 0 0 Teles, walls, i 2 3 = 7 wut those ins may cha jefender. Jefender—a ep 2 pr ocher Facto Betis rll come from the ATN (Arcack’ Target Number, Shen attacking) or DTN (Defense“Target Numb: . each weapan (see is). The winner, after darn by taking or keeping initiative (ce Br of aggressor) if he so chooses. Ifthe defender ids, then he may rake the role of the cre the loser rs, kaving rect Numbe is resolved, may Such ties deflected tum of imply that the defender b ficand ie sill recovering from the mon parried, or dodged (sce the loser wish to attack during ally impossib! 0 choi attacks tep 2. This requires no the standaed process of buying niluse indicates that one more eppor rough (forcing you to splicyour CP). brings ewe more opponents on you (for SP three ways). No more in aight circle x sharp objects every which way crying to hit you but not their buddies) this mule include groups of spearmen and the like, who may gather tightly together and chmust, group handled through the Terrain mechanic, below). Even wo or three opponents will drain your Combat Pool very quickly. Encouncers with odds like this should be avoided ar all costs. ceptions «© “Terrain, or che ground that you'e fighting on, has an immense effect duri any mel le or a duel. Each terrain carries a TN, against y number or CP dice may be allotted and rolled. ‘This TN varies with how quiekly one wishes so move. All characzers engaged in combat are assumed 1 be hurried” or when arcacking, and n defending, Characters norin combat may pace, and make the rolls with AG instead ‘of CP dice. Successful terrain rolls mean that the character's actions may go on unhindered. Failed rolls lead to disascer—a slip, a fall, a stuck weapon, resulting. ‘pormal” wh TERRAIN AND OTHER MODIFERS HLONa] NOavaAy, 78 The Riddle of Steel in the loss-of half of one’s CP for the duration of the our of range this penalty applies only to attadsy round, Fumb removing all CP dice ly disabled, Often the best course of action for long sana nasty fall or other disaster, the longer weapon is penalized, itapplics toboihd nd leaving one prone or otherwise and defense. to uses full evasion in the event of sudden clase ay In near-darkness or wedrop weaponcand wrestle! Cerczin manewven (dusk) reduce all Combat Pools by 1. Ar night (just as the Half-sword) are particularly: effective ig moonlight) reduceall Combat Poolsby 1/4 tora. In pitch situations. Likewise, many weapons—such as spa darkness reduce all Combat Pooks by half. These penalties obviously do nota Visibility effects combat as other nvo-handed weapans—may shorcen thet o those that can see just fine in the dark. ing (or “botching’) results in failure anything and allows the weapon's momentum i Higher Footing (such as sears or horses) adds 2 CP | Bocching om any attack may cause the ve at the beginning of the Round (Step 2).’This also effects availability of eargets forall involved combatants according to common sense. Weapon Length, or reach, often means the difference beeween striking one’s enemy and Jy. Weapon length has been missing them ene divided inw six ex J. Flan (fis, daggers, lmee-srikes, grappling) less than I” reach Share (hazchers, shore sword, long drives) les "reach 4. Mediscn (arming swords, fails) less than reach 4. Lang (greatswords and bastard swords, spears) Jess than 6 reach 5. Very long (long spear. polesrm:) les thin 8 reach 6. Burremely tong (pikes, lances) everything aver 8" reach Actacks a insta longer weapon are made at =1 CP for cach “step” (ie: Shore to Medium, or Medium to Long) the attacker wishes to close aacking a Pikeman with a dagger would cost 5 CP! This penalty holds until the shorter weapon makes damaging strike, after which the penaley transfers ro the longer weapon until he scores a damaging blow, when again the penalty goes to shonter weapon. When the shorter weapon is Book Four:The Codex of Battle 79 eat e bac Pool on the next excl ct of dice you spent on the failed att have one or more puncturing, or id. As jpvay to kill a man is a fatal blow or let ged £0 death. Wound cab wand in the NI¥g “X90Hg ‘FOV 80 The Riddle of Steel and a Combat Pool of 12, Felix, having i succenfl parry srikes a IV ffopn his oem right-hand side swish 7 dice (an ambitions attack). Geral, wixely knowing how important is is thas he noc get bit, assigns 9 dice 1 his ‘defense—a parry from below: Both combatants hrote their llacaied dice: Felt, che areacker, gets 4 succeses: Geral rolls § successes and parries the blow. Because of bis succesfial defense Gert ow bas indicative, nd thus opts ta attack trea IV from bis own defi (native che fluid mation from party 19 attack—shis ts intentional), spending bis remaining 6 dice. Felte realizes and. chrows the lst 5 of bis dice in for a Gerale scores 5 sueceses and Fei scores only one, leeving Genalt with a Margin of 4 (this looks really bad for old Felix) Genalts weapon has a Damage Rating of ST +1, s0 the sub-total (or Wowad Rating) is 10. Rolling location om a (0 the neck—Felée ic unarmored parry From the sid 6, Geralt scores dine there! Felis: shen sibéracts only his TO (3) from the subrotal...10— 5 = 5.A level 5 wound anywhere ts nasty and uswiy frat —in the neck i lls instantly (decupization Wound levels are rated from 0.10 3. O-level wound is usually a bruise or scratch, wich no notably adverse effects, Level one wound are quite dangerous clase wit. L alevel three to the head jot always makes a difference aswell, as sa loc worse than to theshoulder. ive (though the Seneschal tay cule chat several smaller wot location may add up in some way)—ig takes a solid hie to do.a man in. As is evident from the above example, only one solid hit is necessary for a kill sil strategy are all needed clements in che survival, 50 choose your t Wound levels are nov cut Damage Types are an imporsant pi that a weapon does. Barring Most melee and missile weapons a of three types: those dealing cutting wounds, pu wounds, or blune (or bludgeoning) wounds. wounds are che most common (swords being ih the other advan 1eture wounds, caused by spears, arrows, are), aleh yypes have certa Py points, and the like, do more incernalized damag deadlier than curs. They use the thr XIV). Bleeding from punctu nt from cuts, as much of it is locations ( harder to srop Bludgeoning wou pommels, quarters hammers, and the like are the'l damaging chough still deadly. ‘The primary advan the shoulders or pelvic x I with a level 5 wound, as crushed that when can get a severs arteries and other vessels, They also inciteal inst armored opponent below), representing the momentum targeted fo such as a quarterstafforfise m or “thrusting,” areas (VIIEXIV). Finally, for fire, electricity, cold. and ou abstract forms of damage chere is a “Generic D “Table” (see Appendix), Shock and Pain measure how badly a given wn nmnediately effeces one? ability co fight and cany Every wound has its own rating for both, Shook subtracts dice from aif your dice pooks § combat and sorcery related poals) immed! receiving the blow. Should total current GP. the semi is greater. Shock is only applied once ford wound, unless thar sume body part is struck a time Paisvis subtracted from one’s pools 4 ery Combat fe begin und. Where shock isa static nua one’s WP can reduce the imporzant in figuring our healing times, Book Five: The Laws of Nature. Shock and pain are cumulative as long as they cts of pain, Pais is ee for cach! ke 2 second) beginning ie number, | Pain is also lescribed in as they are Besmukiple mes, the highest shock penalty Sai applied (or xe-applied) ro d attack a well-wounded area over- hocks eae wil keep on returning co haune the wounded! When recording wounds om your character sheet, fexnoxc of where the exact wound is and what effects five, such as shock, pain, and blood loss (BL). pronésiced co write Halitmation down too & hea, Blond Loss (BL) covers Be eerioration of one's fab duc x0 bleed Pinal da Sroend carr ig (ide and Pain, a Blood. oeTange: Number. These Pb: are curnulativ “log ep v0 one big BL er —s0 Tong 2s the “ud come fron liferen Dp of the Body. Ac the Migcing of cach Round wounded characters ace (EN) Te flood loss. Whenever a i Giled one poine of PH HT) ic ceonporarity eaches {all Pools are saz Book Four:The Codex of Battle 81 ed party lives, one ay of rest. point of HTT is recovered for every Knockdown and Knockout are covered by che cs of the same name a character receives a blow that chrough tw farthan zero he may be knacked down. In such an instance rall che Knockdown rrait against a TN equal 10 owice the number of your pain or shock reduces his C actacker’s Ma Success (counting after your defense, bat bsfo ss jor); the TN is thi Bioop Loss, Kuockpown, Knockour: aTSsTYy Avaric 82 The Riddle of Steel TN, withour any WP modifica Knockout rolls are covered by the Knocleour trait n wounds see Appendis) or under ion, Such Such rolls may be (especially blows to d other circumstances und! kal modi cording gain, as outlined in the f these roll sults in 1410) a knockout the severity of the wound Appendix). Failure o seconds of unconsciousness: fumbling roll result in 1d10510 minutes of unco ‘Optionally, Knockout volls are abso time a character receives a bluer blow t6 for every 1¢ head, wheth mor rating) Such blunt trauma causes a shock penalty equal to half ais DR + armored ornetara TN of 10-AR (a of the attacker's damage ( c successes) Each success on this Knockout roll draps the $ onedie, This modifier is and pain modifiersinflicred by cling wounds. result of failure is thar the Shock valde is not les »tin addition so aosmnal tone dos net lose consciousness dleale! This rule helps simulate bot fist fightingan disorienting bur not damaging blows that a combatant may receive to the head Fatigue is an opcional rule that simulates the austion that comes from constant pl exertion. Those characters wearing heavy armors wearing little or no armor fase 1 CP ever Rounds. Sir Vhord, fighting unarmored thi every 8 Rounds. These points recovered by taking 2 few scoonds to ENJTN 6. Each success reduces Fatigue by oneg wesee Book Five: The Laws of st anda For more.on II. Missile Combat (Ranged Weapons} Missile weapons ee ter bom nce sweapor ‘weapon all attacks are made Missile Pool (MP), which refreshes and is used di from the Gombar Poo!. The Missile Pool reftesher—or fills up such as bows or 1h process is Guroucidings bfoes lees ashok ad time one faas to aim and prepare, the more accural shor is going to be. A poal can never refresh toa m: ifach ny addi number than the pool's own maxim MP is 9, ie can only refresh up to 2 9. points orsegi must be MP rc ape snot c weno S means as soon as they're knocked tsar lost, On for arrows, th knives, as soon as theyre blade-dewn in the tha Book Four: The Codex of Battle 83 pincer’ hind. Mose rerequirea small only 2 extra MP dice on time {especially beoween shots) red. This time may be lengthened. Lina, Dardanian freedom fighter (MP 12, te or rome 10 Oramarlck to assassinate the Sul'taan. preparation time maybe reduced 4 perch on 2 rooftop across from the palace ent Ge round by spending dice fom ones MP and (about asudtesstul Reflex test. MP casts and TNs for sticks three arrows into the earthen roaf. Same tinse later an himself exies the palace surrounded by 5 yards away), she prepares her shore kev and yeparstion are found in aweaponsstaristics. she Su’ Tange isalso an important factor when dealing with guards. Line éoumediately grabs an arrow avd knocks st fislencapons.In The Ridale of Sree range is measiered (2 revands). Feeling shat she has enough Hrncemcnss. If a weapon has a Range Increment of carefiel aim at the Seul'taan’ chest, wating 2-more rounds Beige 10 yards” then che rarget mumber increases by forher MP 1a fillto 12 (ae 6 dice per rand). She removes Die hrcrery ten yards, rounding dewn, Thus all shots 2 dice front her MP (heceuse she Sultan is walking. an madeata weaponis haseTN, all example of “constant” movement) and uses the rest (10 at10.10 19 yards arear + 1, and so on. dice) for her shos. Her ATN ic 6 far the bore, ples 2 for she range (25 yard:), for a final ATN of 8. She chrows L2BA 5S, 8. three successes, Her rel is 8 (5 for the bow, plus 3 for her successes) TO is 5, les ue series rim. e she rales Fe sariscics for a missile weapon appear thus: her dard Shore Bow damage the poor unarmored Sultan cing hime a SA rounds preparation sime: Pall arrow: O (on ground}, 2 (from quiver): level 3 wound in the torre at she ar Tktock ane draw: 2 Relling'a ab on Zone XIE Puncture Damage Chart (in idish begins with drawing the arrow be Appendix) she gets a 2— just below the ribs .ce prep. time by one second at _reaelis BL: 10, Shock: 8, Pain: 10-WR. “Belly wound— ternal bleeding is going wo be a problem." The which Sultan reels back, spousing blood everywhere. Lira Hiacve S wants t0 sce him dead, shogh, and reaches for anusher bade form thee DR damage rating): ST +1p (5 coral) arrow. This time she’s in a burry as paluce guards scasser sed differen Range: +1 ATI per 10 yards to protect their liege. She opts te attempt reducing the i preparation. time by one second, and rolls Reflect TN 8 Gand she mitnages a bucky 3 succerses). Bi decrmining preparation ‘A previously Reaching for she arrow sticking from she rooftop takes aow would have a fetal preparation ime of | 7 time, and her haste has reduced knocking time from ae00, while a character with his crossbow in his 2 vounde so 1. Afier « total prep time af only ome round hot. The yp behind. her pool begins refieshing. She holds her aim for ont rastnd (giving her 6 dice) and releases the second arrow ae Mesimissle weapons will use the piewcing cables and at the bleeding Sul taan' belly. 2 of her Gedice are removed hwahi Vil — XIV. Damage Ratings arc based on the fa oa e af che user (Knives, javelins), or a builtin because ofber hasty preparation, bus none for mavcment @ sry acide forbows and crossbows, called the “Effective (she Sul'tean isn's walking at’s just lying Feed che reframe Bows cannot be uscd by someone that lacks the here). Lint player roll the remaining 4 dice (w=. TN issih 10 pull them S446, ¢ Lina mest now choose beriween firing Jain positiog ly Morne ureccsare especially troublesome. Any target ther third arrows or making her escape before the palace 3 : istioring erratically costs 3 MP to bir in addition. guards catch up t0 her. g : Biers cracks Those targets movingarany constant = geno matter howe fast—require th ONINOOTE ‘ONE 'NOISWAG taSNaMAG] 84 The Riddle of Steel Weave.” Fumbling a dodge is bad news, sendi stepping into the blow or rumbling to the grou levels wo any damage done. g, using dice from the Gombar Pac alse be used as a defense against incoming missile that you are aware of, Unexpected arcacks. prowl hand-to-hand &@ Tasted.d: EVASION TARGET NUMBERS Full evasion or retreat. No attack possible for either party on the next exchange. This pause in combat ealls for a new initiative. Evasion may not be actempted on an exchange immediately following one's own attack. Partial evasion. May take sor on the next exchange by paying 2 CP diec, or if opponent fumbles or fails complecely. “Duck and weave.” May attack on the next exchange as iF opponent had botched! his atsack (he will be ar a CP disadvantage). jriative as the 2. Defensive Maneuvers The foundations of all Defes described in Book Three: ‘Tr the Parry. Most all other Defensive Mancuvessare ll relaced co these two. Perrying is the chosen defense of duel IIL. Defense bladeslingers everywhere. Ie has the cae ranaparrabllity (ne shield ov anion 16 Carry 4a Defenseis the art of how moro gee hit. Delemte CAN 4 cfectiveness. Most swordsmen have a nuding beactive—dodging and evading, parrying, or blocking, or it can be passive—hiding behind a tee or wearing underseanding of parryings some choose toe S favor of greater skill with a shield (such as kai 1. Evasion (Dodging) Evasion—also called voiding or dodging—is the most natural ofall defenses. The advantage to dodging is that ir leaves your weapon complerely open fora strike as your opponent’ is whistling through the air. The cis that i’ difficule to actually pull off Any ‘quantity of Combat Dice may be spent in dodging: the TN depends on what the evasive party is exactly ty’ to pull off Table 4.4 explains and provides TNs for three forms of dodging. ‘Two forms from Table 4.4 are particularly noteworthy: Full Evasion and the “Duck and Weave.” disadvanta Full Evasion brings the combat ra pause as combatants separate and must re-establish initiative. The“Duck and Weave" places the evading party ina prime place to atiack from: shiclds and weapon-leagth bonuses are lost or rendered useless allowing the dodger a clean shot that may only be parsied or dodged. Stances have no effect on the full evasion, bi ror | Evasions and the “Duck and normally with Par ing you ci ground, pac Pool, eaissile a s provide Hhand com Maneuvers, the Block cere di duclises lity of a rudimentar io neglect 4 knights Book Four:The Codex of Battle 85 practical on the may be spent : ey ve parry wich Isrpica weapon is determined by that weaporis Defense Sigs: Number (TN). ably unscientific action of Blocking is the Bpssing foreign object (usually a shield) b Homing avack and oneself, Ielacks the grace of a well- jetwmed parry. burs ve Pedisuvantage of being cumbersome and slow; the hesnge being a large arca of ¢ effective. Many shields have t cover and ‘TABLE 4.5: ARMOR AND SHIELDS ie easy vo learn, ‘As passive instruments, shields act as armor offering almost total protection to the off-hand front side of the body, generally providing berween 4 and 10 points of side (depending on the size and make of the shield) ‘Actively they can be used ro deflect blows, similarly to apanry, Any number of dice can be spent on a block. AA successful block deflects an incor heattacker’s number of su depends on the kind of fpeldescription ‘Armor Value” | CP modifier | Other Mods Huether Jack (wi sleeves) 2 1 | + Jack (wo sleeves) Zz I [Ghai shire (light, w/ sleeves) 4 in shirt (light, w/o sleeves) 4 ina | (Chain (Full suit) i = —i Move yal plating (sample pieces) 35 Vio Various Bracers or well-made gauntlets 3 lage shoulder cop 5 See Shoulder and whole arm a5 =a coy 35 -1 Breas Place (frome and back) 6 = (ullsuiz, wlo helm) 6 =p =2 Move winmail coi 3 -l or 0*** =I Per helm 5 =I =I Per bem é = =2 Per ler shield (hand) (TING) nel 4 Medium round shield (TN 5) 6 =I Move iam “heater” shield (TN 5) 7 =1 =2 Move “kite” shield (TN 5) & 3 —3 Move Papplies only to covered and provected areas. P Applies when protecting sword or weapon arm. When worn under any kind of helmet. DEFENSE: ARMOR LYaAOD CALNNO] 86 The Riddle of Steel 3. Armor Armon as previously mentioned, reduces the damage done by successfull attacks by deflecting, and/or by alorbing, them. Both of these blows qualities represented by a piece’ Armor Value. As seen above, AV is directly sulseracted from the dam by opponent. deale one’s While li cart afford: it, dente - most fightcrs Tike traveling with its or simply find ic woo. cumbersome, In addition to Armor Value, armor usually atively alfecrs the Combat fer co- strike. but harder to injure. Table efarmor with their various modifiers. Various pieces of affect other things as well, such as hearing, Iris crucial to note tf il modifiers from Table 4.5 are for well-fitted pie armor not specifically modifiers (-1 or worse), that docs nat have a good, comfortable fir. By the samc token, one cannot wear muleiple suits oFarmor (though nd-matching is acceptable). Shields, Helms and hea is rules and may be worn in addition to a full suit (or no suit) of amon ‘When wearing piccemeal armor, all negative modifiers are based on the highest modifier, +/— 1 for exch tal of mor: any piece of place red will have more severe sswill any other non fare the exception ta Other factors, such as being mounted, ef :modifiers com armor substantially. Mounted cork may ignore one negative CP modifier as wall ncgative CP modifiers from leg-armor and shied ly armored characters simply cut the total CP, down. in half, round 4, Cover Cover, such as hiding behind ees or ledgay simple matter. Those areas protected by cover bit, chus limiting your opponent’ choice of fe when used in ranged com IV. Movement and Combat As discussed in Book Five: The Laws of Na ers may cover distance equal to their Move chara in yards cach Round. During a combar Exchan number is reduced to their Move score in feet. so far constirutes a “eharge,” which is treated Offensive Stance (granting +2 CP for atads, inflicting penalty for defense forthe whole not charging, one muse move lnlf as far (V9 during each Exchange (melee combar o: movernent may be forward, backwanl, or to the We re grid. covered in Book: Five. Lnorder to fire abow or useany other misileng {except a javelin or similar instrument) one mg standing still, Movement also impacts Terrain Modifiers bm Even i mmend using 2Smm-scale miniatures jurning and more complicated movema V. Mounted Combat from horseback offers many advancagy mounced u receive the following bonuses: © Heightireach aduantage: © Mounted Charge: +2 CP for the whole Rowd (a or defense) ave ro sermor, i addition to rored legs donor: Ionore 1 CP le any modifiers from DPS rin: No need 10 subenace dice from your CP! Roll a effect CF combarants well as all phiclds. For CP penaley circling fora a Duck and Weave” ave ding off the horse, , begins to taunt you, il i's your brother whose no dodges ether atl to pur thers) Wheres my sme you or your moron is wounded, roll ledges, is Fer may not je of rargete round, ther of these things happen pu or power meow, erews i aso 6 fall Teaponsc ony one-handed weapons, spears, and lazces though eff band shies of Nacure, Move score bchange this ect, Moving. cated as am ccacks, but Wile weapons: I MP wher stasionary swing ara wath, whem gale, Se Book Five: The Laws of Nature for det ‘ing, Win Example of Combat Wirhire Gent has been called sona hen jovernent i) sile weapon ne must Be helmet, and carrying jets, above. i CP 10 9. They are fighting on foot, vantages. In ent (whem ed che { awhite dic and shrow one eilewonsly Boch shrow white dice. ee age EXAMPLE OF COMBAT ture fateh LVENOD JO aTENVXA, 88 The Riddle of Steel hhead this inbred, unskilled blade-clinger tore from i shoulders. Per ps you would like to join him in hell Seneschal: Your insult seems to be really working up. He chan ferocity of his insults. Throw initiative, esto an aggressive stance and increases the Again, both shrow sebite dice Geral: He wance me to attack first, but dhs just might work. I say, “Your broth dele bad after 1 killed him ‘maiden! Seneschal It looks like that did ie. Throvr i never even put up a Jaying a hand- This time Stefan throws a red dite taunted into it—while Gera says acto benefie the moss from hie stance. Seneschak: He comes in quickly, sidewaysar your head, zone 1V, from his He’ spending 5 dice on chat attack. Geralt: Irs about rime! I'm going tod. o tha [ ean serie hin from thd and get past thas darn shield! [m spend dice They both roll: Stein rolls 1, 9...even with the aggresive stance bones dice shat only roo suc ATN of 6. Gevale rolls 2, 9,0... Bonus (+2 dice and Stefan’ sword goes we by —opening 2 big bole for Gevelt id hrosigh Seneschal: You've ev. attack. } and Weave: Geralt: Excellent! Ie was close, but it wad Tm spending my remaining six dice y fi sie js He's going to (partially), spending his last 4 dice loses 3 to hit Senesch, Again, they rol! Gerais, the attacker, rolls 4,5, 3,7 0... five successes at his weapons ATN of 5 (its a vey sword). Stefan rolls 1, 7. 8, 0... shree ssuecess tt his Di 7 (clue to poortiad exasion). That gives Geralt a marginal plus his swords damage rating of 8 (ST +3, « greta fora sebtotal of 10. He then roll 16, getting a3; acc to the cutting damage tables (sce Appendix) chars at Stefani: upper abdomen, just beloew the riba. Stefen: his own toughness and armor veting (his clint ), soxal 8, 0 That wos tin, ser Appendix) reads Th and some torn muscle. BL5, ys white (a ce). Jy, cutting. ym bis rights ick, sm the side, spending 9 Emsive sanee. Lb plenng hharvlesby sve wd 5578 a tery nice bis DING rein of 2, sword 5: according: 5.2 blowwte on suberacsr patil covers wound (10) “Deep 5, Shack 3, Tn 6 we" paw vith, and only 7 will beve only 6 dice ice enery exohange ehereafien RES You duck wavler his word and land’ solid Hm o his side ed hica, Nonetheless your blow leaves ‘elgsonewint and you may avack aga were it not for his armor you wou up from below ana gu chi pup to attempt to bloek, using his Pihsbree suceues against an ATN of 5, Stefi relle 2, 3, so sactses agains a diffculey of 5 (shield: DIN) tha margin of ene, plas weapon damage gives of 9. Rolling location loce Appendix enh bance thigh. il ha 'm spending those last five dice to im in that same side again (zone TIT). fehal: He's blocking with two (thar's all he's gor) poll 1, 2, 2, 4, 8...ome success (ATN 5). Stefan roll Dail seo success! Fle manages t block Geraté attack SPUD. Tes er round 10. As ron three begin. the dl rile Blood loss ( Book Four:The Codex of Battle 89 swecceses, and. Stefan applies pain modifiers dice, for nore The Seneschab alo Stefanis CP, fea sian with 7 ‘Seneschal: This is roun pools refresh. has initiative and attack own right. He's spending Geralt: No problem. 1 ‘our side, zone III, fom his five dice. parry sideways with 8 dice. Stefcn rolls, 5, 7, 7, 9... three successes (weapon ATN 6). Genalt parrics, relline 1.2, 4 5, 9, 9.0, 0... fovur succeses (useapon DIN 6). Seneschal: You ju to the side, and may now attack Geral: inish this guy. Seven dice at TV from my lef manage w knock his sword Time to £ Seneschal: He’ going to try a block again, for rwo dice. ve siccesies. Stefan wonky ane success. Geralt margin ic 4, and rolling a A6 Gerale gets a S—the blow bard on 5: the face! Gerale’ blow does 12, minus Stefani TO (5), but no.armor. That a level five woxend! The damage table reads: “Death, Destruction of cerebellum. Really mes" And that ends the fish Seneschal: Blood spatters all over youas your opponent drops likea bagof sand. Now his retainers starcadvancing ony Gerale: Okay, time to get out of here... And char’show combar works, Lots of freedom, bert ic was really that fist hi ar won the EXAMPLE OF Compa iddLe of “teel ive: The Laws of lature AAV, 2} LNAHaACW, 92 The Riddle of Steel I. Movement outside of Combat Contrary to what some players believe, there i life outside of battle. Sometimes your character m race, fleeing danger (often a wise decision), or scurrying to help a companion. end up 1. Movement on Foot ‘All mavement on foat is regulated by che EN and Move Auributes. Endurance quantifies how long a character can ran, Move quantifies how far. Whenever important you must declare your your movement speed. There are five speeds: crawling, cautious, nesmal, hurried, and sprint Cravoling characters are down hands and knees. A man- sived crawling character cavers 1 foot per Round. Cautions mavement consists of careful, deliberate steps Those sncaking or carefully searchi caatioudly. A cautious cha score in feet every Round are moving is Move acter covers hall of Normal walking is the most nacural pace chatacters. Someone walking covers as many feet Move score every Round, nei ‘Hiurvied characters are jopging or moving in some other hasty fashion. Besides making alocof nose those moving at this pace cover twice their Move in feet every Round. Sprinting characters are running with all they’ this speed one mi score in feet ever cover four times their normal Four: ce and eur orslower paces may turn their movement. f ied characters may cura the right or lef may only cum 60° for ever hav-grid orhex-map (which we suggest using with? scale miniatures, available wherever you bought book) 60° is equal to one ad one ‘equivalent to one yard. Endurance ¢ keep a certain speed up. Hurried ¢ EN/TN 7 every 5 rainutes. Those sp 2. Racing and Chasing Races and chases are gen Ac case of character wich the highest End Antribute wins (as his opponent tires and slows) both Move and EN be eq winner has the will we push rally won by the ch with the hig Move scores, ihe leaves hs p in the dust, TABLE 5.1: OVERLAND TRAVEL (IN MILES PER DAY) Vases Move Score 2 [3 14 [5 [6 ]7 [8 [9 [10] 11] 12] 13] 14715 Trail, path [6 [9 | 12 [15 | 18 | 21 | 24 | 27 [30 [33 | 56 | 39 | 42 | 45 Poor road | 9 13 | 18 | 22 | 27 [31 | 36 | 40 [45 | 49 | 54 | 58 | 63 | 67 Good road | 12 | 18 [24 | 30 | 36 | 42 | 48 [54 | 60 | 66 [72 | 78 | 64 | 70 (Open plain [5 _|7_|10 | 12 [15 [a7 [20 | 22 [25 | 37 [30 [32 [55 [357 3 (4 [6 [8 [9 |10 | 12 [13 [15 | 16 | 18 | 19 | 21 | 22 |e Hills 4 6 8 10 [12 [14 | 16 [18 | 20 | 22 | 24 | 26 | 28 | 30 2 z 5 6 7 8 9 vo [ti [12 [13 [14] 15 Book Five: The Laws of Nature 93 gisnexeD nd one character py ENCUMBERED ers MUSE sing, y the chara case of pest End slows). ese of WE es his p 15 distance Travel IL. Encumbrance a5 fin and Movement detcrminchow far one may Determining one’s encumbrance ey. ada’ ime. One d: travel assumes abour 10 walking or siding, including short breaks. 2D femin and Move scores to Table 5.1 for EB ra encumbered, heavily encumbered, and vena 22 |2 1 ede Fro major faccors deserm 30, eect. First, one’s own body wei 15 | are five levels of encumbrance in The Riddle af S unencumbered, mildly encumbered, moderately Remember also to apply orarmor modifiers when ealculating a day's ENCUMBRANCE ae ONLURV) NY ONLI] 94 The Riddle of Steel TABLE 5.2: ENCUMBRANCE MODIFIERS: Encumbrance Level Move | Combet Pool | Description Unencumbered ¢ 8 ‘Clothing, scabbard, light bag [Mildly Encumbered zit A Robes, pack, scabbard 8 bag Moderately Encumbered [1/4 total |-3 [ Scveral bags or weapons Heavily Encumbered | -/P tonal | -6 [Large bags. back-worn weap fOverburdened 3H coral [-10 : ‘OVEREURDENED: these encumbran er lift? hie ai lute, Attempss ‘The quantity of successes ground: suicoesses, oo the chest; 4-5 successes, ov All characters also have art *auco-l they may ally raise up 1 led up 3c ground. Auto lifeis equivalent 19 ST— with $1 Fane is wearing and heath sift of 4 as 5 rrappings o the accom though a scabba idly encumnbs prrposes Zach le brance beyond “snencumbered aver IV. Jumping, Falling time Leaping, From Evay 25 [ol lbs. more your characters may Book Five: The Laws of Nature 95 find themselves Tames JoMeNG Ye oe esity feiss TNiAato- Beane gas) Jump HY Withou ir however, they will Ir me to the ground. Ho. they from Phis abilicy i empts to fife Number basa ct Number rer off af che 1¢ grounds J he head. weight that had rolled 3 read, and one: LIFTING. TN Anto-Life jo] o5| =a] os]n| se foe | nal | ). One edegreenspemsonn height (ar auro-leap). Runa q requiring at least three gooc sceps labout 3 xone’h DD pte: by space the adds 3 feet to any lea > leap far Jayerand the grout lie the figu Hhcsimply roll ST againse a TN finale 54 ike jump TABLE 5.5 LEAPING DISTANCES: (ADDED To HEIGHT) ormally applied to the Move ‘buce are applied to ST as w Seamaically succes xn leaping Bie Based on ST (STA - auro- mp is found in che |]? 3. Falling 2 describes any uncontrolled descent from a high a lower ane, It is the Mathucareapplicd to ST as well es jamin: Leaping leaping I damage feceived from a fall Bhaicier may Bagh inches and Bp mod (based on the is assumed to be Blunt or Jumenc, Leapino, FALLING Bludgeonin: damage. Each FOV WAHL ANY ‘AUORLLOSTE “ann | TABLE 5.6; FALLING Landing Surface [Damage Rating | | Sore (h water on mattresses, swimming roll) Hard (ground, stone, 1 per 2 feet fallen Mixed (crowd of people, falling—nor diving —into shallow water, muddy hanks) indivi domly distributed co some part of the body, determined by’F tw are th it Location Charts (sce Appendix) E z Sap heighe on shard grosnd, Cons. im the Appendix. Sach from points of damage Voordt player n TABLE 5.7: ALLOCATION OF FALLING DaMaGE Location times (once for ea earea siruck). (see Table 4.2) VI. Fatigue and Rest “ gained from © oved by simply restin rol. 16 so see co where ox his upper Leg) aud a eve won! ae These pe nts may only be regi hou Jeep V. Fire, Electricity, and Other Nasty Stuff Alda VII. Healing and Wound Recovery that originates from fire, uch wounds) attack 35 i ¢ from such ple 5.7 unless meone with py allocated lous work, OF cing. Resting IMB and SP) full night (8 very Pl as explonal h should avai Book Five: The Laws of Nature 97 HEALING AND Wounps SSANIDIg CNV ONIOW for that wel. causes a2 die pena tional Lor 2. roll, and the worst remav Roe seen wounds e Lose Attribute P 10 Sa ‘Sickness TN vs HT) | 5 adds +1 die to the i ly: The very best Hor? di ro this ype lor bludgeonin ercing wounds a 1-1 die penalty ho modlificr one way rawound will keep ities eravate TTRIBUTE JAGING OR E reach wour inditualty these wound is fousidered fres! Dimeniser feccan bes tpn for healing all manner of wounds (a TABLE 5.10: AGING BONUS| DICE DUE TO Race and death ar ching short died through sorcery. Mag See Book Six: Sorcery VIIL Aging and Sickness Breryone—excepr the Fey—grows old one d gag may be broughe naturally, as time passes, feskough unnarural means such-as casting spells Book Five: The Laws of Nature 99 bur the Target Number v Each suece Al utes. Table 5.9 sets for lost from these traits. Each point is individually ait (roll 1410, }- H cred fi domly selected r 3210, 6-WE 10 ibure fi ative. When any Al ches 0 thar character disease iio Sicknessesand moor diseasesare hanulled as ag week thar erious illness roll HT] againsca Target Number based on that éckness. Examples are found below age categories on Table 5.8, Recovering from a ss requires 3 success in a cumulative EI These rolls Xe made once ke AS with failed HTT rolls refer one co Table 5.9 ta see how Attribute points have been lost Kio ste as Oumn, the last Hew begins the era of my 10,0000 Finda: peace, Images swirled and fo whieh... . yy mental rev iene wich che splintering door. ‘The halls faidarkness as torchlight projected his shadow amids from the hed Besplioters. The smell of heat was vanishir flocked im passively on wh ply rode into the 00 WIZARD! | wesh ahn oudience witel Bice yuc avoud ze Reddul His accent was unbearable. “And if | refuse *Then ue DIE ing his blade Tipped my pen, and puta to my scrolls hac" “foal, Yelack insighs “Til mi ore dhich!” [focused 2 fragment of my energy towards him. gure suddenly floating ar th Beailed wildly abour,.desperat g blow to my ourer cuticle. “ Riddle of >teel IB 1 ecror of thy chink ngertip aver the flick cand you dic.” An assassin, or'an apy the First The intruders sword passed cleanly through my neck, blood trickling down the blade. Indeed, it seems-ye do, However ye know nothing, of the Sorcerers Rule,” I noted unimpressed bette assassination shall fu y vanished, as well as the man’ My bloody il weapons, The assa iespeak.” in quickly glanced about, searching, cay if ye like, I could use an apprentice. But thy arsempr ro slay me shall have to wait until tho hast better learned thy a | is no match againse magic, only flesh. The man stood there as uzzled, considering my swords His sword appeared at vanished. ny neck, as his illusion Nery well, Longbcard Power glowed from hi the candles I sent him to the kitch an fas the fast way SALNEMLLLY GaARKICE snowsy0g 102 The Riddle of Steel inevitably cost the character his youth. Every has the potential to age the charace knock the sorcerer unconscious from the aj Sorcerers must temper their actions with patience and cunning in onder to retain cheiewi and often their lives. The payoff is unparal however, for there are no “weak” sore Undoubtedly, all this is terrifying—or be...really II. Mechanics of Magic Il Gifted (or Fey} characters create thei spells using fase, accessible rules. These rules, ho required a degree of interperetation. The prefe and goals of your gaming group and the S will often determine how hard and how demas be one of the most re in The Riddle of Seeel, bar ai everyone is working under the same sf assumptions. L Magic with a Bite In The Riddle of Steel, magic is unshackled. Sorcerers wield incredible power, and unmistakable ability o disrupt the and everything. These are no mere m 1, Derived Attributes for Sorcerers Sorcerers, as stared in Book Two: The Birt Legend, havean additional se of Derived Aterbanes’ are used in. magicrelated ‘Tests andl in formalising practitioners of “hedge nd simple incantations, These are the ¢ that wield che poner of the rare, secretive, patient and dangerous id women, uch individuals are ich sorcerer learns and uses magic differently. Magic is a precious gift so rarely bestowed that only one in a many tens of thousands may srield ie. For those Gifted fem, onlya handful of books on magic are available in the entire world, treasured and guarded in scorer places by those who wish the knowledge reerers must, therefore, be cir own advancement and (LO+ HT + WP) / 2. Kas is the amoutl ‘of raw energy a sorcecer is capable of roducing from his body. SRM | (WT + PER) 2. Form stratiiesa - soreerer's skill and ability co cast spell keprseeret. Most (MA4 EN)/2. Art mesures a sorcera responsible for development. Magic in The Riddle of Steel is both |) DISIPLINE rout and powerful. In contrast to what See Serer nog many players are accustomed ra, magic in this [ST + WP) 12 The mae at which sorcerer can replenish his vagaries: game can prove dangerous t0 a reckless user. ‘Wasteful and thoughtless use of magic will ats ery spell e as well as TASiE 622: THE SORCERY POOL AND ITS Bonuses, + Art « Discipline Bat code their derived sorcery aniburcsbased on the TG. he Senesel }demanding x rewardi \ 2 The Sorcery Poo! Josasbladc A Missile Pool, sorcerers have a Sorcery Pool. Once Ppriocnces have been ass Pool (SP lied. Calculate your Sorcery Pool using Table gers havea Consbar Pool and an e Sorce: we number of dice used mating spelle and resisting ¢h pel inflictcd or otherwiss harmful effects of The sorcery pool can more on thar will come later The Nine Vagaries of Magic tSorcerous Proficiencies) ent the player assigns scores co Proficienctes inthe ars. Henceforth referred to asthe nine Vagzaries, tepesent facets of vhs ca plac , ble is based on the Proficiency fins come from the same place as Weapon bldencies, and trying co pur a lor in both weapons fiugic will quickly deplete a ct ‘ Book Six: Sorcery 103 How will your selection of Wagaries. further the your Spiritual hoiees, and your philosophy of the character? How d Atcribures reflect upon your Vagary putes? Deciding who and waries on your Spirirua ‘what you want your character to be should take priority fining the style the character will inherit. Consider «are compatible and might make an interesting or useful spell, as multiple Vaga be combined into a single spell. Table 6.3 lists che Nine Vagarics. A word of advice when choosing Vagaries: Sammoning is an important Vagary for all sorcerers, as the creation of a Constant Spell (explained below) res its incorporation in order co be effective. ‘The ng.a characters Sorcery Pool dice “Mana” is an h the use of che Instanr ps on for the selection of Summoning The Rules of Three The “Rules of Three” wiere discovered and codified bby Xanar Stormbringer, said to be the firs of che Gifted concepts and ct ided polyhedeon. Thi aspects of the universe, and applies to gads, men, and ies of magic fit is found in all ‘ollowing the R Sorcery produce thrice as many effects and are contained regories. Three are based in the Tempo: ysical) realm, three in the Mental, and chree the ritual. The number of Vagaries that may comprise a varied according to the type of spell cast and the desired effe altho Vagaries eoaeracioa sf sRinalgdl described later on. TaBLe 6.3: THE NINE VAGARIES Sea he The Nine Described Vagaries have three levels roliciency: Novice (1) — Apprentice (2) — Master (3). Fach Vagary is broken down Vagaries Tue Nine Vacances Or MAcic ALNENEAO)Y “RINLITNDS sTvHOANA 104 The Riddle of Steel SP ee ap ll Pg inco three effeess, which in turn have three level-based characteristics. The more points phced in a Vagary (bevween 1 and 3). the greater the Level of Effect 2 sorcerer may use. Novice level (1) is a rudimentary familiacity with the vagary and itscapabilities. Apprentice level (2) is most common, Spells generated by this proficiency level are generally the core of a sorcerers repertoire. Mastering a Vagary (3) includes a number of benefits, especially when creating a Ritual Spel Both the Vagaries chosen by the character and the spells he selects define his role in the magical community. The players responsible for creating all of his character's spells. Thus a sorcerer who wishes to be known as a necromancer would focus om creating spells that utilize spirits in some dark and spooky fashion; sorcerers going for the “battle-mage” approach should design spells that are best used in combat and war. If your campaign revolves around combating an advancing horde, your character may be essential in repelling them. Spells may bbe patterned after the example spells (ac the end of Book Six), though a personal touch—in ticle or in function — should be added to each, Ax always the Seneschal has the final say-in all spell creation. ‘Temporal realms are those thar affece physical matter in some tangible fashion. They generally change, move, or alter the size of the carget. As they may affect lange areas.2s well, chese spells are useful for both offense as well as defense. SCULPTURE: Magic that changes the physical form or shape of matter. Tie use of Sculpture assumes thas the materials sculpted sire already present. Miniveudelcellular uses of Sealpture require Vision3 (elsirvapance 3) to sce the reduced area clearly. Some Senerchals may require the use of an Artistic Sill whem using Sculpsuse for complicated shapes Ansricacy is the level of detail that the sorcerer a the sarger into. 1) The sorcerer can create basic geomerric Pyramids, cubes and spheres, for instance 2) This level of mastery allows complex polyp surface structures of inanimate objects. 3) A sorcerer can replicate the complex forms things. Composition defines the number and ype of sorcerer map ase to combine ov weparate. 1) ‘Two types of marerials may be joined ors affecting inanimate objects Tem different matetials may be affected. ia plantsand inanimate objects 3) 100 various elements may be integ ‘composition, finally effecting animals. Thi skill allows a target to be disintegrated as 2) Concept stratifies she complexity of the creation. 1) ‘The sorcerer can duplicate something th currencly viewing. 2) Thesorcerer is capableof duplicating so he or another has seen and described 3) The sorcerer is able ro create thingy f imagination. MOVEMENT: Magi Newton’laws (all and animate things. Movement spells mnay be the sport ‘wef and all spells. The effets of rapied movement are al realistically affice a rarget, including omy harp from sudden accelerationt deceleration or boing tm Tike a dall that enables a cage ‘Newton ist around inthis Speed is bow fasta targes may be acceleratedord and the maxiniurs rate of movement it may alo includes the ebement of Lif, or hove high ata be moved from its current location. cam shape Fic shapes iygons and ns of living maceriah a separateds including ted into a) Phis level of well that he i thing that is from hig rgcc to defy this world) nd deadly acceleration © id idence tossed about ; velerared, chieve. This. a tanger ca 4) Atargee m. éombat round (About 20mph). Acceleration/ target's current speed. Lift B Agercan reach up to 50 yards per second (about 1m ), or slawed to a crawl. Acccleration/ pats, B Avagetmay open pace. deceleratio: he speed of li Adeceleraced ranger is incapable of movement. Lift nile Mascaserability allows @ sorcerer ta manipulate she ee a caryer mine ) The targcs may only make directional ch Uinstion covicrals fine manipulation and complex vement of the previonsly sat 1) Tatger cam walk at 2 shamble and extend limbs. 2 Tags: moves with the coordination of a normal human A Faget can move wit tte or predar ) FROWTH: Magic capable of reg: get. Lesser increments mi oscapic target demands the Pbiusttional use of Vision Byending or contracting a ranger increases ov decreas wie M Rooccerer may double the target’ size, or shrink is ‘oll MMe sager size is raulsiplicd of divided by 10 TewporaL : Movement, Grown WNOWVID FIVINTA SHLAOIQ FwuodNay, 3) The targe ive is multiplied or divided by 100. Maruring a tanger causes i 1 grow ifit sling, decompose ifdead, and corvodes (if posible) objects. (As time may not be reversed, making things younger is imposible.) 1) Target ages as though a month had passed 2) Target ages as though a year had passed 3) Targer ages as though a decade had passed. Dividing a target causes it te reproduce a smaller, duplicate erston of itself 1) Divides anobjecron a chosen 2) Divides a common group of cals, ffecsively causing them x0 reproduce themselves. 3) This level splits molecules into equally: proportional divisions. Ae Mental realms are used 10 afleer theminds of others. The sorcerer uses these vagaries to create illusions, dominare the wills of others and see what was, is and will be, The TN for the Volume” variable of a mind- affecting spel is 2000, GLAMOUR: The magic of illusions. Tlwsions mist be programmed beforehand er actively contralled. Sonie Seneschals may optionally rude that eruly realistic illusions must hane a Virion 3 requirement, Realism tpuansifies an iltsion’ duplicacion of rea 1). The illusion is shadowy and vague, ot blu 2). The illusion is recogniza 3) sion pedfectly simulates re Tangibitiey reflects Bowe neal the ilbeston feed othe 1). The illusion has no form and can be passed

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