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STP 6-15E1-SM SOLDIER’S MANUAL PERSHING MISSILE CREW MEMBER PII MOS 15E SKILL LEVEL 1 HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FEBRUARY 1986 Miltary TRADOG, Ft. Monroe, VA 23561-5200. ‘*STP 6-15E1-SM SOLDIER TRAINING PUBLICATION HEADQUARTERS Number 6-15£1-SM DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Washington, DC, 11 February 1986 SOLDIER'S MANUAL MOS 15E PERSHING MISSILE CREW MEMBER Plt ‘SKILL LEVEL 1 PREFACE. This publication is for Skill Level 1 soldiers holding MOS 15E and their trainer/first-line supervisor. It contains standardized training objec- tives, in the form of task summaries, which can be used to train and evaluate soldiers on critical tasks that support unit missions during wartime. Soldiers holding the MOS/SL 15E1 should have access to this publication. It should be made available in the soldier's work area, in the unit learning center, and in unit libraries. Trainers and first-line supervisors should actively plan for soldiers to have access to this publication. However, it is not intended that an individual copy be available for each soldier holding the MOS/SL. Reserve Components (Army National Guard and Army Reserve). This soldier's manual is not applicable to the Reserve Components. Users of this publication are encouraged to recommend changes and submit conments for its improvement. Comments should be keyed to the specific page, paragraph, and line of the text in which the change is recommended. Reasons will be provided for each comment to ensure understanding and complete evaluation. Comments should be prepared on DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms) and forwarded to Commandant, US Army Field Artillery School, ATTN: ATSF=DI, Fort Sill, Oklahoma 73053-5600. *This publication supersedes STP 6-15E1-SM, 30 August 1984. COMMANDANT'S MESSAGE Your soldier's manual has been designed for use by both you and your trainer. It is available to all soldiers, MOS 15E, Skill Level 1, as well as to the officers and NCOs in your chain of command. This soldier's manual identifies the MOS and shared tasks in which you must be proficient to be MOS qualified. The soldier's manuals of common tasks, STP 21-1-SMCT (Skill Level 1) and STP 21-24-SMCT (Skill Levels 2, 3, and 4), contain common tasks that all soldiers should be able to perform. If you master the tasks in this manual and those in the SMCT, you should progress readily to positions of higher responsibility. Most ‘important, the knowledge you gain from these manuals will help you gain the skills necessary to fight successfully and to survive on the modern battlefield. The format of this manual, in addition to the conditions and standards for each task, provides an evaluation guide to help your trainer plan, conduct, and evaluate training. I encourage each of you to make full use of this manual to enhance the benefits of your individual training program and to increase the combat effectiveness of your unit. Iam sincerely interested in your comments concerning the design of this manual. To help you voice your opinions, there is a questionnaire at the back of the manual. It will help us respond to your ideas. Please take the time and effort to complete the questionnaire and provide us with timely and useful feedback. You have my assurance that we will carefully consider your input. Good luck and thank you for working with us in producing material that will help train soldiers to be battle ready. This publication was prepared by the US Army Field Artillery School. ENE S._KORP) Major General, USA Commandant on STP 6-15E1-SM TABLE OF CONTENTS Page CHAPTER 1. GENERAL 1-1 1-1. INTRODUCTION 1-1 1-2. TRAINER'S RESPONSIBILITIES 1-1 1-3. SOLDIER'S RESPONSIBILITIES 1-2 1-4, PROMOTION 1-3 1-5. SKILL QUALIFICATION TEST 1-4 PREPARATION FOR THE SQT 1-4 1-7. USING THE SOLDIER'S MANUAL 14 1-8. SOLDIER'S MANUAL OF COMMON TASKS 1-4 1-9. STUDY REFERENCES 1-5 1-10. COMMENTS 165 CHAPTER 2. MOS SKILL LEVEL TASKS Subject Area 1: Missile Assembly 061-304-1000 Operate the 8-Ton Mounted Crane 2-1 061-304-1003 Prepare the Radar Section (RS) for Transfer Fron the Container 22 061-304-1004 Assemble the Hoisting Beams 2-3 061-304-1005 Prepare the Missile Propulsion Section for Transfer From the Container 2-4 061-304-1006 Prepare the Guidance and Control/ Adapter (G&C/A) Section for Transfer From the Container 2-6 061-304-1007 Position and Attach the First- Stage Propulsion Section to the Azimuth Ring 2-7 061-304-1008 Position and Attach the Second- Stage Propulsion Section to the First-Stage Propulsion Section 29 iii 061-304-1009 061-305-1002 Position and Attach the Guidance and Control/Adapter (G&C/A) Section to the Second-Stage Propulsion Section 2-11 Install Air Fins in the Hydraulic Actuators 2-13 Subject Area 2: Emplacement, Countdown, 061-304-1100 061-304-1101 061-304-1107 061-304-1108 061-304-1109 061-304-1111 061-304-1113 and Postfire Use Hand Signals or Lights to Direct Vehicle Movement and Crane Operations 2-14 Operate the 30-kw Generator 2-15 Perform Crew Member Duties During Enplacement 2-16 Perform Crew Member Duties Ouring a Countdown 2-18 Perform Crew Member Duties During Evacuation 2-20 Inspect/Install/Remove the Exploding Bridge Wire (EBM) Detonators 2-23 Inspect/Instal1/Remove the Second- Stage Initiators 2-24 Subject Area 3: Missile Disassembly 061-304-1202 061-304-1203 061-304-1204 061-304-1205 061-304-1206 061-304-1207 061-304-1208 061-304-1209 Transfer the Radar Section (RS) From the Pallet to the Container 2-25 Disassemble and Transfer the Guidance and Control /Adapter (G&C/A) Section to the Container 2-26 Disassemble and Transfer the Second-Stage Propulsion Section to the Container 2-27 Disassemble and Transfer the First-Stage Propulsion Section to the Container 2-29 Repackage the Radar Section (RS) 2-30 Repackage the Guidance and Control/ Adapter (G&C/A) Section 2-31 Repackage the Second-Stage Propulsion Section 2-32 Repackage the First-Stage Propulsion Section 2233 Subject Area 4: Special Weapons 061-304-1300 061-304-1301 061-304-1302 061-304-1303 061-304-1304 061-304-1305 061-304-1307 061-304-1308 061-304-1309 061-304-1310 061-304-1311 061-304-1312 061-304-1313 t61-30¢-1315 061-304-1316 061-304-1317 121-004-1518 Prepare the T304C Test Set for Use Perform Disablement Monitoring of the Warhead Section (WS) With the T304C Test Set Report Nuclear Accidents/ Incidents Perform a Preuse Inspection of the T-4191A Depth Gage Measure a Defect With the T-4191A Depth Gage Perform Emergency Procedures (Disarm) Unpackage and Transfer the Warhead Section (WS) From the Container to the Pallet Position and Mate the Radar Section (RS) to the Warhead Section (WS) Position and Mate the Warhead Section (WS) to the Guidance and Control /Adapter (G&C/A) Section Demate the Warhead Section (WS) From the Guidance and Control/ Adapter (G&C/A) Section Demate the Warhead Section (WS) From the Radar Section (RS) and Transfer the Warhead Section From the Pallet to Container Perform Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) on the Warhead Section (WS) Fight a Fire Involving a Nuclear Weapon Repackage the Warhead Section (WS) Destroy Missile Body Sections and Missile Equipment to Prevent Enemy Use Perform a Verification Inspec- tion of the Warhead Section (WS) Perform a Receipt Inspection of the Warhead Section (WS) Receipt/Transfer Classified Material 2-34 2-35 2-36 2-38 2-39 2-40 2-41 2-43 2-44 245 2-46 2688 80 2-51 2463 2-55 2-56 Subject Area 5: Maintenance 061-304-1402 061-304-1404 061-304-1406 061-304-1412 061-305-1300 061-305-1305 Perform Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) on the Forward Area Ground Hand] ing Equipment Perform Preventive Naintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) on the 30-kw Generator Service Shipping and Storage Container Desiccant and Humidity Indicator Perform an Operational Brake Test on the Erector-Launcher (EL) Brake System Perform Service Upon Receipt (SUR) on the Missile Sections Perform Service Upon Receipt (SUR) on Shipping and Storage Containers Subject Area 6: Communicate 113-573-4006 113-573-6001 113-573-7017 113-587-1050 113-587-2002 113-587-2003 113-587-3077 113-596-1068 113-596-3041 113-609-2013 113-622-1006 113-622-2004 Use the KTC 1400-E Numeral Cipher/Authentication System Recognize Electronic Counter- measures (ECM) and Implement Electronic Counter- Countermeasures (ECCM) Prepare/Submit Operator's MIJI_ Report Mount Radio Set AN/VRC~46 Operate Radio Set AN/VRC~64 or AN/GRC-160 (AN/VRC-53 or AN/GRC~125) Operate Radio Set AN/VRC-46 (AN/VRC-12 Series) Perform Operator's Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services on Radio Sets AN/VRC~12 Series Install Antenna Group 0£-254/ GRC Perform Operator's PMCS on Antenna Group 0E-254/GRC Prepare/Operate Communications Security Equipment TSEC/KY-57 With AN/VRC-12 Series Radio Sets Install Radio Set Control Group AN/GRA~39(*) Operate Radio Set Control Group: AN/GRA-39(*) vi 2-58 2-60 2-61 2-62 2-63 2-64 2-66 2-69 2-71 2-73 2-76 2-78 2-80 2-84 2-86 2-89 2-91 Subject Area 7: Classified *061-304-9101 Perform Nonviolent Disablement Procedures 2-93 *061-304-9102 Maintain Custody of War Reserve Item 2-94 Subject Area 8: Miscellaneous 191-376-4117 Use the Duress Code System 2-95 APPENDIX A PROPONENT SCHOOL/AGENCY CODES A-1 APPENDIX B DA FORM 5164-R, HANDS-ON EVALUATION INSTRUCTIONS TO THE TRAINER Bel GLOSSARY Glossary-1 REFERENCES Reference-1 QUESTIONNAIRE Questionnaire-1 *These tasks were deemed combat critical by the USAFAS task site selection board. However, because of the nature/classification of the tasks, a soldier's manual task summary and evaluation guide cannot be published in an unclassified training document. vii CHAPTER 1 GENERAL 1-1. INTRODUCTION a. This manual identifies the individual MOS training requirement for soldiers in MOS 15E. It is designed to be used by commanders, trainers, and soldiers to plan, conduct, and evaluate individual training in units. This manual is the primary reference to support that portion of the individual training evaluation program (ITEP) which requires commanders to routinely evaluate a soldier's ability to perform MOS-specific tasks critical to the unit mission. AR 350-37 describes the individual training evaluation program in detail. b. The task summaries contain information necessary to conduct training and to evaluate soldier proficiency on tasks critical to the MOS. A separate task summary is provided for each critical task. These task summaries are standardized training objectives which ensure that soldiers do not have to relearn a task on reassignment to a new unit. Note. Critical tasks for soldiers in Skill Level 1 are in Chapter 2 of this manual. Critical tasks for Skill Levels 2, 3, and 4 are in a separate soldier training publication. c. _ This manual should be used with the soldier's manuals of common tasks (STP 21-1-SMCT and STP 21-24-SMCT), Army training and evaluation programs (ARIEPS)» and the Army training doctrine manuals (FM 25-1 through FM 25-5) to establish effective training plans and programs which integrate individual and collective tasks. 1-2. TRAINER'S RESPONSIBILITIES a. Training is the duty of all unit leaders. The first-line leaders (normally the Skill Levels 2 and 3 NCOs) are the principal trainers in the unit, because they directly supervise the soldiers and lead the crews, squads, sections, or teams. b. The MOS training plan can be used to determine the critical tasks for which all soldiers are responsible. Soldiers should be told which tasks they must be able to perform. The trainer should evaluate task performance to find out which tasks the soldiers can or cannot perform to standard. Soldiers who cannot perform a task to standard need further training. This manual helps the trainer train. To train effectively, the trainer mst-- 1-1 (1) Plan the training. Training for specific tasks usually can be integrated or conducted concurrently with other training or during slack periods. The unit ARTEP can assist in identifying individual tasks that can be trained and evaluated concurrently with collective task training and evaluation. (2) Gather the training references and materials. These items are listed in the reference column of the MTP (Chapter 2 of the SL 2/3/4 soldier's manual) for each task to be trained. (3) Train each soldier. Show the soldier how the task is done to standard, and explain how the task is done step by step. Give each soldier at least one chance to do the task step by step. (4) Check each soldier. Evaluate how well each soldier Performs the tasks listed in this manual. This may be done durin individual training sessions or during’ evaluation of | individual proficiency during the conduct of unit collective tasks. An evaluation guide has been provided for each task in this manual to enhance the trainer's ability to conduct year-round, hands-on evaluations of tasks critical to the unit mission. The MTP contains information that can be used as a guide in determining how soldiers should be checked out on each task to ensure that they sustain proficiency. (5) Record the results. Record the GO/NO-GO results in the soldier's individual job book or on DA Form 5165-R (Field-Expedient Squad Book) in appendix C of the SL 2/3/4 soldiers manual. On permanent change of station (PCS), ensure that this information is current and is recorded in the soldier's individual job book for forwarding to the gaining unit. A copy of DA Form 5164-R (Hands-On Evaluation) is provided in Appendix B in case the trainer wants to keep a record of the performance steps the soldier passes or fails. This form can be an important tool for recording results from the commander's evaluation part of the ITEP, (6) Retrain and reevaluate. Work with the soldiers until they can perform the tasks to specific SM standards. 1-3. SOLDIER'S RESPONSIBILITIES a. All_soldiers must be able to perform all tasks required by their jobs. They share the responsibility with the trainer to maintain those skills. The MOS training plan indicates which tasks soldiers in different jobs and skill levels are required to perform. Soldiers also must be able to perform all common tasks, at their current skill level and below, listed in STP 21-1-SMCT and STP 21-24-SMCT. To help soldiers maintain task proficiency, each task is written so that it states-- ~ ~ ~~ (1). Where and when the task should be performed and the equipment that is needed (conditions statement). (2) How well the task must be performed (standards statement). (3), Which references describe, step by step, how the task should be performed (reference section). b. Each task contains an evaluation guide (training/evaluation section) that is used to determine if a soldier can perform the task. Periodically, soldiers should ask their supervisors or another soldier to check them out to ensure that they can perform the task. It is the soldiers' responsibility to ask the first-line supervisor for clarifica- tion if they are uncertain about how to perform a task or about which tasks in this manual they must be able to perform. The first-line supervisor knows how to perform each task or can direct the soldiers to the appropriate training materials. These include field manuals, technical manuals, and training extension courses (TEC). It is the soldiers’ responsibility to use these materials to maintain proficiency. c. Another important training resource is the Army correspondence course prograt Soldiers should refer to DA Pamphlet 351-20, The Ar Ting 7 Correspondence Course Program Catalog, for information on enro ‘hie-progran end for a Tist OF courses, or write to: Chief Institute for Professional Development US Army Training Support Center ATTN: ATIC-ETI-SS Newport News, VA 23628 1-4. PROMOTION a. The Army is anxious to promote soldiers who perform well at their skill levels. That is why you are tested at your present skill level. Other promotion requirements are established by AR 600-200. b. For Skill Level 1 soldiers, the recommendation starts with your immediate supervisor. He will evaluate your work and recommend you to the commander when he feels you are ready. Your commander will ensure that you meet the time-in-service and time-in-grade requirements estab- ished by AR 600-200 before considering you for promotion. The commander will compare you with other soldiers at your skill level and will promote ‘those who are best qualified. 1-3 SKILL QUALIFICATION TEST a, The skill qualification test (SQT) is a written test designed to help determine if you are qualified in your present skill level. The written test consists of a series of task tests packaged together into a test booklet with a minimum of three questions per task. As a Skill Level 1 soldier, you will take SQT 1. b. In addition to the SQT, you will take a common task test (CTT). The CTT contains hands-on task tests and backup written tests for tasks selected from the soldier's manual of conmon tasks. c. Before the SQT is administered, you will receive an SQT notice. The notice is a list of tasks identified by title and number. You will be tested on approximately two-thirds of the tasks listed in the SQT notice. After you have taken the SQT you will receive a report showing your score. It will tell you which test questions, if any, you missed. d. The MOS tasks for SQT 1 are in this manual. You mist take the SQT every year. 1-6. PREPARATION FOR THE SQT You mist prepare for the SQT by reading and training. Studying this manual is not enough, The study references are at the andof each “—\ Evaluation guide. Consult then to find out exactly how to perform the tasks. If you have problems, see your supervisor. He will help you Tocate TEC prograns, TV tapes, training circulars, and various other aids. 1-7. USING THE SOLDIER'S MANUAL By now, you should realize that to enhance your promotion potential, you should pass the SQT. To do so, you must to use the soldier's manual. The MOS tasks are in Chapter 2. Tasks for selected duty positions and additional duties are in Chapter 3. 1-8. SOLDIER'S MANUAL OF COMMON TASKS The manuals for all common tasks are the soldier's manuals of common tasks, STP 21-1-SMCT (Skill Level 1) and STP 21-24-SMCT (Skill Levels 2/3/4). Common tasks are not listed in this manual. Note. Your commander may require you to perform tasks that are not in ‘this manual or in the. SMCT. Although they may be important, they will not be included in your SQT written test. 1-9. STUDY REFERENCES The study references at the end of each evaluation guide direct you to the publications or TEC lessons that will teach you the subject in detail. Keep in mind that this soldier's manual will not teach you everything you need to know about a task. You will have to study other references. 1-10. COMMENTS This manual is for your use. If you find errors in this soldier's manual or know of any way to improve it, tell us. Submit DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms) to: Commandant US Army Field Artillery School ATTN: ATSF-DI Fort Sill, Oklahoma 73503-5600 1-5 CHAPTER 2 MOS SKILL LEVEL TASKS 061-304-1000 OPERATE THE 8-TON MOUNTED CRANE CONDITIONS You will be given an emplaced tractor with an 8-ton mounted crane, a supervisor, four assistants, four guide ropes, a required load to move, and a remote control unit. ‘STANDARDS Complete the performance measures in the evaluation guide IAW the procedures in TM 9-2320-279-10 or TM 9-2320-282-10. TRAINING/EVALUATION Evaluation Guide Performance Measures Results 1. Raises the crane to operating position. P F 2. Lifts and positions the load. P F 3. Stores the crane. P F 4. Does not cause damage to equipment or injury to personnel. P F Feedback Score the soldier GO if all steps are passed (P). Score the soldier NO-GO if any step is failed (F). If the soldier fails any step, show what was done wrong and how to do it correctly. REFERENCES TM 9-2320-279-10 T™ 9-2320-282-10 061-304-1003 PREPARE THE RADAR SECTION (RS) FOR TRANSFER FROM CONTAINER CONDITIONS You will be given an RS in a container, a reentry vehicle (RV) section sling, an 8-ton crane with an operator, three assistants, a firing site tool kit, a two-leg sling, four guide ropes, and a supervisor. ‘STANDARDS Complete the performance measures in the evaluation guide IAW the Procedures in TM 9-1425-386-10-3/1. TRAINING/EVALUATION Evaluation Guide Performance Measures Results 1. Prepares the container for opening and guides the cover during removal. P F 2. Requests a nitrogen pressure check. P F 3. Removes the upper support bands and ball lockpins. F 4. Installs the RV section sling on the RS. P F 5. Disconnects the ground cable. P F 6. Does not cause damage to equipment or injury to personnel. P F Feedback Score the soldier GO if all steps are passed (P). Score the soldier NO-GO if any step is failed (F). If the soldier fails any step, show what was done wrong and how to do it correctly. REFERENCE TM 9-1425-386-10-3/1 061-304-1007 POSITION AND ATTACH THE A eal SECTION TO THE AZIMUTH RI! CONDITIONS You will be given an emplaced erector-launcher (EL), an 8-ton crane with an operator, a supervisor, three assistants, an azimuth ring clamp, a or firing site tool kit, four guide ropes, a first-stage propuls mn section ‘in an open container, a first-stage hoisting beam attached to the first- stage propulsion section, required expendables, and a STANDARDS Complete the performance measures in the evaluation procedures in TM 9-1425-386-10-3/1. ‘TRAINING/EVALUATION Evaluation Guide Performance Measures Note. Ensure that the azimuth ring is zeroed before the first stage is mated to the azimuth ring. 1. Guides the first stage during lifting. 2. Removes the restraint ring and ground cable. 3. Positions and aligns the first stage to the azimuth ring. Note. Operate rollers in pairs (both on one end or both on one side) to avoid twisting the first stage. 4. Attaches load binders. Note. Both load binders must be operated at the same time. 5. Installs the azimuth ring clamp. 6. Does not cause damage. to equipment or injury to personnel. 2-7 two-leg sling. guide IAW the Results P F P F P F P F P F P F oN Feedback Score the soldier GO if all steps are passed (P). Score the soldier NO-GO if any step is failed (F). If the soldier fails any step, show what was done wrong and how to do it correctly. REFERENCE TM 9-1425-386-10-3/1 2-8 061-304-1008 POSITION AND ATTACH THE SECOND-STAGE PROPULSION SECTION TO THE FIRST-STAGE PROPULSION SECTION CONDITIONS. You will be given an emplaced EL with the first-stage propulsion section attached to the azimuth ring, an 8-ton crane with an operator, supervisor, three assistants, a firing site tool kit, four guide ropes, a two-leg sling, a first-to-second-stage splice band, a second-stage pro- pulsion section in an open container, a second-stage hoisting beam attached to the second-stage propulsion section, and a safety board. ‘STANDARDS Complete the performance measures in the evaluation guide IAW the procedures in TM 9-1425-386-10-3/1. TRAINING/EVALUATION Evaluation Guide Performance Measures 1. Guides the second stage during lifting. 2. Connects the interstage electrical cables. 3. Aligns and positions the second stage to the first stage. Note. Operate rollers in pairs (both on one end or both on one side) to avoid twisting the first stage. 4, Attaches load binders. Note. Both load binders must be operated at the same time. 5. Installs the splice band and torques it. 6. Does not cause damage to equipment or injury to personnel. 2-9 Results Feedback Score the soldier GO if all steps are passed (P). Score the soldier NO-GO if any step is failed (F). If the soldier fails any step, show what was done wrong and how to do it correctly. REFERENCE TM 9-1425-386-10-3/1 2-10 061-304-1009 POSITION AND ATTACH THE GUIDANCE AND CONTROL/ADAPTER (G&C/A) SECTION TO THE SECOND-STAGE PROPULSION SECTION CONDITIONS You will be given an emplaced EL with the first- and second-stage propulsion sections mated, an 8-ton crane with an operator, a supervisor, three assistants, a firing site tool kit, a safety board, four guide ropes, a G&C/A section in an open container, required expendables, and a reentry vehicle (RV) section sling. STANDARDS Complete the performance measures listed in the evaluation guide IAW the procedures in TM 9-1425-386-10-3/1. TRAINING/EVALUATION Evaluation Guide Performance Measures Results 1, Adjusts the RV section sling and attaches it to the G&C/A section. P F 2. Obtains the second stage to the G&C/A splice band and cleans it. P F 3. Guides the G&C/A during lifting and positioning. P F 4. Connects the interstage cables. P F Note. Ensure G&C/A umbilical door is open. 5. Installs and torques the second stage to the G&C/A splice band. P F 6. Does not cause damage to equipment or injury to personnel. P F 2-11 Feedback Score the soldier GO if all steps are passed (P). Score the soldier NO-GO if any step is failed (F). If the soldier fails any step, show what was done wrong and how to do it correctly. REFERENCE TM 9-1425-386-10-3/1 2-12 061-305-1002 INSTALL AIR FINS IN THE HYDRAULIC ACTUATORS CONDITIONS You will be given an erector-launcher (EL) with a mated missile, air fins, an assistant, expendable items, and a firing site tool kit. ‘STANDARD Complete the performance measures in the evaluation guide IAW the procedures in TM 9-1425-386-10-3/1. TRAINING/EVALUATION Evaluation Guide Performance Measures Results CAUTION: ENSURE THAT THE FIN IS ALIGNED PROPERLY TO PREVENT FIN OR ACTUATOR DAMAGE. 1. Removes the dummy vane shafts from the upper roadside and lower curbside receiving hole. P F 2. Installs air fins. P F 3. Does not cause damage to equipment or injury to personnel. P F Feedback Score the soldier G0 if all steps are passed (P). Score the soldier NO-GO if any step is failed (F). If the soldier fails any step, show what was done wrong and how to do it correctly. REFERENCE TM 9-1425-386-10-3/1 2-13 061-304-1100 USE HAND SIGNALS OR LIGHTS TO DIRECT VEHICLE MOVEMENT AND CRANE OPERATIONS CONDITIONS You will be given vehicles with drivers, an 8ton crane with an operator, and a flashlight. STANDARDS Complete the performance measures in the evaluation guide IAW the procedures in FM 21-60. TRAINING/EVALUATION Evaluation Guide Performance Measures Results 1. Uses hand signals to direct vehicle movement. P F 2, Uses light signals to direct vehicle movement. P F 3. Uses hand signals to direct crane operations. P F 4. Does not cause damage to equipment or injury to personnel. P F Feedback Score the soldier GO if all steps are passed (P). Score the soldier NO-GO if any step is failed (F). If the soldier fails any step, show what was done wrong and how to do it correctly. REFERENCE FM 21-60 2n14 061-304-1101 OPERATE THE 30-KW GENERATOR CONDITIONS You will be given a grounded 30-kw generator mounted on a tractor or a trailer, a logbook, and hearing protection. ‘STANDARDS Complete the performance measures in the evaluation guide IAW the procedures in TM 5-6115=465-12. TRAINING/EVALUATION Evaluation Guide Performance Measures Results 1. Performs the before-operation checks. P F 2. Starts the generator and applies power. P F 3. Shuts down the generator. P F 4, Does not cause damage to equipment or injury to personnel. P F Feedback Score the soldier GO if all steps are passed (P). Score the soldier NO-G0 if any step is failed (F). If the soldier fails any step, show what was done wrong and how to do it correctly. REFERENCE TM 5-6115-465-12 2015 061-304-1107 PERFORM CREW MEMBER DUTIES DURING EMPLACEMENT CONDITIONS You will -be given an EL with or without a missile, a 10-ton tractor, assistants, a supervisor, an emplaced platoon control central (PCC) or a remote launch control unit (RLCU), ground and power cables, a 1/8inch flat-tipped screwdriver, wrench, and required expendables. ‘STANDARDS Complete the performance measures in the evaluation procedures in TM 5-6115-465-12 and TM 9-1425-386-10-2/1. TRAINING/EVALUATION Evaluation Guide Performance Measures 1. 2. 3. 4 5. 7. Connects ground and power cables. Starts the 30-kw generator when directed. Lowers the front jack and emplaces the Jack pads. Disconnects tractor air lines and the service light power cable. Disconnects tractor's fifth wheel when directed and ensures cables are not stressed as tractor is driven forward. Lowers the EL work platform. Does not cause damage to equipment or injury to personnel. 2-16 a 6-pound sledgehammer, an 8-inch adjustable guide IAW the Results P F P F P F P F P F P F P F Feedback Score the soldier GO if all steps are passed (P). Score the soldier NO-GO if any step is failed (F). If the soldier fails any step, show what was done wrong and how to do it correctly. REFERENCES TM 5-6115-465-12 ‘TM 9-1425-386-10-2/1 2-17 061-304-1108 PERFORM CREW MEMBER DUTIES DURING A COUNTDOWN CONDITIONS You will be given an emplaced EL with an assembled missile and all covers installed, a 30-kw generator with power applied, an assistant, a super- visor, and a firing site tool kit. STANDARDS Complete the performance measures in the evaluation guide IAW the Procedures in TM 9-1425-386-10-2/1. TRAINING/EVALUATION Evaluation Guide Performance Measures Results Note. For a standard/confidence count, perform steps 1 through 7. For a quick count, perform steps 2, 6, and 7. 1. Connects second-stage initiator cables. Pp F 2. Zeros the air fins if directed. P F 3. Removes the G&C/A protective covers. P F 4. Removes the retaining ring segments. Pp F 5. Removes the azimuth ring clamp assembly. Pp F 6. Removes the RS cover. P F 7. Does not cause damage to equipment or injury to personnel. Pp F 2-18 Feedback Score the soldier GO if all steps are passed (P). Score the soldier NO-GO if any step is failed (F). If the soldier fails any step, show what was done wrong and how to do it correctly. REFERENCE TM 9-1425-386-10-2/1 2-19 061-304-1109 PERFORM CREW MEMBER DUTIES DURING EVACUATION CONDITIONS You will be given an emplaced EL with or without a missile, a warhead section and a radar section in the EL pallet, a 10-ton tractor, an emplaced PCC or RLCU, a firing crew, and a firing site tool kit. ‘STANDARDS Complete the performance measures in the evaluation guide IAW the procedures in TM 9-1425-386-10-2/1. TRAINING/EVALUATION Evaluation Guide Performance Measures WITH MISSILE 1. 2 3. 4. 5. 10. ll. Disconnects cable 500W6 and stores it. Installs the missile cradle ball lockpin and azimuth ring clamp assembly. Demates the WS/RS from the G&C/A and installs protective covers. Disconnects two second-stage motor initiator cables. Positions the EL pallet cover on the EL pallet and secures it. Installs the retaining ring segment. Raises the EL work platform. Guides the tractor to the EL and connects it. Connects the tractor air lines and the service Tight power cable. Stores the EL front jack and jack pads. Shuts down the 30-kw generator when directed. 2-20 Results 12. 1B. Disconnects the ground and power cables and stores them. Does not cause damage to equipment or injury to personnel. WITHOUT MISSILE 14. 15. 16. vv. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. Stores the RS protective cover on the auxiliary vehicle. Disconnects cable 500W6 and stores it. Installs the tie bar. Moves the uplock release mechanism from under the blast deflector when directed. Installs the missile cradle ball lockpin and retaining ring segment. Installs the azimuth ring clamp assembly. Positions the EL pallet cover on the EL pallet and secures it. Raises the platform. Guides the tractor to the EL and connects it. Connects the tractor air lines and the service Tight power cable. Stores the EL front jack and jack pads. Shuts down the 30-kw generator when directed. Disconnects the ground and power cables and stores them. Does not cause damage to equipment or injury to personnel. 2-21 Feedback Score the soldier G0 if all steps are passed (P). Score the soldier NO-G0 if any step is failed (F). If the soldier fails any step, show what was done wrong and how to do it correctly. REFERENCE TM 9-1425-386-10-2/1 2-22 = 061-304-1111 INSPECT/INSTALL/REMOVE EXPLODING BRIDGE WIRE (EBM) DETONATORS CONDITIONS You will be given an EL with the first stage mated to the azimuth ring and the second stage in the mating position, a G&C/A in a container, detonators, an assistant, TM 9~1425-386-10-3/1, TM 9-1425-386-10-3/2, a firing site tool kit, and trichloroethane. STANDARDS Complete the performance measures in the evaluation guide IAW the procedures in TM 9-1410-387-12, TM 9-1425-386-10-3/1, and TM 9-1425-386- 10-3/2. ‘TRAINING/EVALUATION Evaluation Guide Performance Measures Results Note. TM 9-1425-386-10-3/1 and TM 9-1425-386-10-3/2 must be used to perform step 1. 1. Inspects the detonators. Pp F 2. Installs/removes the second-stage detonators. P F 3. Installs/removes the G&C/A separation detonators. P F 4. Does not cause damage to equipment or injury to personnel. Pp F Feedback Score the soldier GO if all steps are passed (P). Score the soldier NO-GO if any step is failed (F). If the soldier fails any step, show what was done wrong and how to do it correctly. REFERENCES TM 9-1410-387-12 TM 9-1425-386-10-3/1 TM 9-1425-386-10-3/2 2-23 061-304-1113 INSPECT/INSTALL/REMOVE SECOND-STAGE INITIATORS CONDITIONS You will be given an EL with the first stage mated to the azimuth ring, the second stage in the mating position, and initiators and gaskets stored in the second-stage container; an assistant; a firing site tool kit; trichloroethane; TM 9-1425-386-10-3/1; and TM 9-1425-386-10-3/2. ‘STANDARDS. Complete the performance measures in the evaluation guide IAW the procedures in TM 9-1410-387-12, TM 9-1425-386-10-3/1, and TM 9-1425-386- 10-3/2. TRAINING/EVALUATION Evaluation Guide Performance Measures Results Note, TMs 9-1425-386-10-3/1 and TM 9-1425-386-10-3/2 must be used to perform steps 1 and 2. 1. Inspects the initiator ports. P F 2. Inspects the initiators. P F 3. Installs/removes the initiators. P F 4. Does not cause damage to equipment or injury to personnel. P F Feedback Score the soldier G0 if all steps are passed (P). Score the soldier NO-GO if any step is failed (F). If the soldier fails any step, show what was done wrong and how to do it correctly. REFERENCES TM 9-1410-387-12 TM 9-1425-386-10-3/1 TM 9-1425-386-10-3/2 2-24 061-304-1202 TRANSFER THE RADAR SECTION (RS) FROM THE PALLET TO THE CONTAINER CONDITIONS You will be given an emplaced EL with an assembled missile (less WS), three assistants, an 8=ton crane with an operator, a supervisor, a firing site tool kit, an open RS container, an RV section sling, four guide ropes, and TM 9-1425-386-10-3/2. ‘STANDARDS Complete the performance measures in the evaluation guide IAW the procedures in TM 9-1425-386-10-3/2. TRAINING/EVALUATION Evaluation Guide Performance Measures Results Note. Ensure that the 20W4 cable is disconnected before lifting the radar section. 1. Prepares the radar section. P F 2, Attaches the RV section sling. P F 3. Guides the RS to the container. P F 4. Does not cause damage to equipment or injury to personnel. P F Feedback Score the soldier GO if all steps are passed (P). Score the soldier NO-GO if any step is failed (F). If the soldier fails any step, show what was done wrong and how to do it correctly. REFERENCE TM 9-1425-386-10-3/2 2-25 061-304-1203 DISASSEMBLE AND TRANSFER THE GUIDANCE AND CONTROL/ ADAPTER (G&C/A) SECTION TO THE CONTAINER CONDITIONS You will be given an emplaced EL with an assembled missile, an 8-ton crane with an operator, a supervisor, three assistants, a firing site tool kit, four guide ropes, a safety board, an RV section sling, and an open G&C/A section container. ‘STANDARDS Complete the performance measures in the evaluation guide IAW the procedures in TM 9-1425-386-10-3/2. ‘TRAINING/EVALUATION Evaluation Guide Performance Measures Results. 1. Installs the RV section sling. P F 2. Demates the G&C/A from the second-stage propulsion section. P F 3. Guides the G&C/A to the container. P F 4. Does not cause damage to equipment or injury ‘to personnel. P F Feedback Score the soldier GO if all steps are passed (P). Score the soldier NO-GO if any step is failed (F). If the soldier fails any step, show what was done wrong and how to do it correctly. REFERENCE TM 9-1425-386-10-3/2 2-26 061-304-1204 DISASSEMBLE AND TRANSFER THE SECOND-STAGE PROPULSION SECTION TO THE CONTAINER CONDITIONS You will be given an emplaced EL with the assembled first- and second- stage propulsion sections mated and the first- and second-stage hoisting beams on rollers, an 8-ton crane with an operator, three assistants, a supervisor, four guide ropes, a safety board, a firing site tool kit, an open second-stage container, and a two-leg sling. ‘STANDARDS Complete the performance measures in the evaluation guide IAW the procedure in TM 9-1425-386-10-3/2. TRAINING/EVALUATION Evaluation guide Performance Measures Results 1. Removes the initiators and detonators and stores them. P F 2. Demates the second-stage propulsion section from the first-stage propulsion section. P F 3. Guides the second-stage propulsion section to the container and installs the restraint ring. P F 4. Positions the second stage in the container. P F 5. Stores the splice bands. P F 6. Does not cause damage to equipment or injury to personnel. P F 2-27 Feedback Score the soldier GO if all steps are passed (P). Score the soldier NO-GO if any step is failed (F). If the soldier fails any step, show what was done wrong and how to do it correctly. REFERENCE TM 9-1425-386-10-3/2 2-28 061-304-1205 DISASSEMBLE AND TRANSFER THE FIRST-STAGE PROPULSION SECTION TO THE CONTAINER CONDITIONS You will be given an emplaced EL with the first stage mated, an attached first-stage hoisting beam on rollers, three assistants, a. supervisor, an 8-ton crane with an operator, a firing site tool kit, an open first-stage container, four guide ropes, and a two-leg sling. ‘STANDARDS Complete the performance measures in the evaluation guide IAW the procedures in TM 9-1425-386-10-3/2. TRAINING/EVALUATION Evaluation Guide Performance Measures Results 1. Demates the first-stage propulsion section from the azimuth ring. P F 2. Guides the first-stage propulsion section to the container and installs the restraint ring. P F 3. Aligns the first stage in the container. P F 4. Does not cause damage to equipment or injury to personnel. P F Feedback Score the soldier GO if all steps are passed (P). Score the soldier NO-GO if any step is failed (F). If the soldier fails any step, show what was done wrong and how to do it correctly. REFERENCE TM 9-1425-386-10-3/2 2-29 061-304-1206 REPACKAGE THE RADAR SECTION (RS) CONDITIONS You will be given an RS in an open container, an 8-ton crane with an operator, two assistants, a supervisor, an RV section sling, a firing site tool kit, and a two-leg sling. ‘STANDARDS Complete the performance measures in the evaluation guide IAW the procedures in TM 9-1425-386-10-3/2. TRAINING/EVALUATION Evaluation Guide Performance Measures Results 1. Disconnects the RV section sling and guides it. P F 2. Installs the retaining hardware on forward and aft upper supports. P F 3. Connects the ground cable. P F 4. Guides the container lid onto the container and seals the container. P F 5. Does not cause damage to equipment or injury to personnel. P F Feedback Score the soldier GO if all steps are passed (P). Score the soldier NO-GO if any step is failed (F). If the soldier fails any step, show what was done wrong and how to do it correctly. REFERENCE ‘TM 9-1425-386-10-3/2 2-30 061-304-1207 REPACKAGE THE GUIDANCE AND CONTROL/ADAPTER (G&C/A) SECTION CONDITIONS You will be given a G&C/A section in an open container, an 8-ton crane with an operator, two assistants, an RV section sling, a firing site tool kit, a two-leg sling, and four guide ropes. ‘STANDARDS Complete the performance measures in the evaluation guide IAW the procedures in TM 9-1425-386-10-3/2. TRAINING/EVALUATION Evaluation Guide Performance Measures Results 1, Disconnects the RV section sling and guides it. P F 2. Installs the upper supports. P F 3. Guides the container cover onto the container base and seals the container. P F 4. Does not cause damage to equipment or injury to personnel. P F Feedback Score the soldier GO if all steps are passed (P). Score the soldier NO-GO if any step is failed (F). If the soldier fails any step, show what was done wrong and how to do it correctly. REFERENCE TM 9-1425-386-10-3/2 2931 061-304-1208 REPACKAGE THE SECOND-STAGE PROPULSION SECTION CONDITIONS You will bé given a second-stage propulsion section in an open container, an 8ton crane with an operator, three assistants, a second-stage hoisting beam, a two-leg sling, a firing site tool kit, and four guide ropes. STANDARDS Complete the performance measures in the evaluation guide IAW the procedures in TM 9-1425-386-10-3/2. TRAINING/EVALUATION Evaluation Guide Performance Measures Results 1. Disconnects the hoisting beam and guides it to the ground. P F 2, Installs the upper supports. P F 3. Connects the cables. P F 4. Guides the cover onto the container and seals the container. P F 5. Does not cause damage to equipment or injury to personnel. P F Feedback Score the soldier GO if all steps are passed (P). Score the soldier NO-GO if any step is failed (F). If the soldier fails any step, show what was done wrong and how to do it correctly. REFERENCE TM 9-1425-386-10-3/2 2-32 Feedback Score the soldier GO if any step is passed (P). Score the soldier NO-GO if any step is failed (F). If the soldier faiis any step, show what was done wrong and how to do it correctly. REFERENCE AR 50-5 2-37 061-304-1303 PERFORM A PREUSE INSPECTION OF THE T-4191A DEPTH GAGE CONDITIONS You will be given a T-4191A depth gage in its carrying case, expendables, a DA Form 2404, a pencil or pen, and TM 9-1190-217-15, ‘STANDARDS Complete the performance measures in the evaluation guide IAW the procedures in TM 9-1190-217-15. TRAINING/EVALUATION Evaluation Guide Performance Measures Results ‘Note. 1M 9-1190-217-15 must be used to perform this task. 1. Inspects the carrying case. Pp F 2. Inspects the gage. Pp F 3. Does not cause damage to equipment or injury to personnel. P F Feedback Score the soldier GO if all steps are passed (P). Score the soldier NO-GO if any step is failed (F). If the soldier fails any step, show what was done wrong and how to do it correctly. REFERENCE ‘TM 9-1190-217-15 2-38 “™~ 061-304-1304 MEASURE A DEFECT WITH THE T-4191A DEPTH GAGE CONDITIONS You will be given a WS that has a defect and is in its container with the cover removed or mated to a missile, a 6-inch steel rule, a soft- Jead pencil or chalk, a blank sheet of paper, a T-4191A depth gage, TM 9-1115-386-12&P, and TM 9-1190-217-15. ‘STANDARDS Complete the performance measures in the evaluation guide IAW the procedures in TM 9-1115-386-12&P and TM 9-1190-217-15. TRAINING/EVALUATION Evaluation Guide Performance Measures Results Note. TM 9-1190-217-15 and TM 9-1115-386-12&P must be used to perform steps 1 and 2. 1. Assembles the T-4191A depth gage. P F 2. Measures the defect. P F 3. Does not cause damage to equipment or injury to personnel. P F Feedback Score the soldier GO if all steps are passed (P). Score the soldier NO-GO if any step is failed (F). If the soldier fails any step, show what was done wrong and how to do it correctly. REFERENCES. ‘TM 9-1115-386-12&P TM 9-1190-217-15 2-39 061-304-1305 PERFORM EMERGENCY PROCEDURES (DISARM) CONDITIONS You will be given a WS that is mated, in a container, or on a pallet. ‘STANDARDS Complete the performance measures in the evaluation guide IAW the procedures in TM 9-1115-386-128P. TRAINING/EVALUATION Evaluation Guide Performance Measures Results 1, Performs emergency procedures (disarm) for a nuclear incident. P F oR 2. Performs emergency procedures (disarm) on a WS that has been struck by lightning. P F 3. Does not cause damage to equipment or injury to personnel. P F Feedback Score the soldier GO if both steps are passed (P). Score the soldier NO-GO if either step is failed (F). If the soldier fails any step, show what was done wrong and how to do it correctly. REFERENCE TM 9-1115-386-128P 2-40 061-304-1307 UNPACKAGE AND TRANSFER THE WARHEAD SECTION (WS) FROM CONTAINER TO THE PALLET CONDITIONS You will be given a WS in a container, an emplaced EL, a supervisor, four assistants, an 8-ton crane with an operator, a firing site tool kit, cleaning material, four guide ropes, dunnage, an RV section sling, and a two-leg sling. STANDARDS Complete the performance measures in the evaluation guide IAW the procedures in TM 9-1115-386-12&P and TM 9-1425-386-10-3/1. TRAINING/EVALUATION Evaluation Guide Performance Measures Results 1. Removes the container cover and guides its placement onto dunnage. Pp F 2. Disconnects the 4W2P1, 4WP2, 4W4P1, and 4W1P1 cables. P F 3. Detaches and removes the 25W2 connector bracket from the ballistic case (BC). P F 4. Removes the retaining strap and releases the bearing unit housings. P F 5. Attaches the RV section sling to the WS. P F 6. Guides the WS to the pallet. P F 7. Does not cause damage to equipment or injury to personnel. P F 2-41 Feedback Score the soldier G0 if all steps are passed (P). Score the soldier NO-GO if any step is failed (F). If the soldier fails any step, show what was done wrong and how to do it correctly. REFERENCES TM 9-1115-386-128P TM 9-1425-386-10-3/1 2-42 “- 061-304-1308 POSITION AND MATE THE RADAR SECTION (RS) TO THE WARHEAD SECTION (WS) CONDITIONS You will be given an EL with an assembled missile, radar and warhead sections in the EL pallet in the splice position, a supervisor, two assistants, a firing site tool kit, a safety rd, required expandables, and TM 9-1425-386-10-3/1. ‘STANDARDS Complete the performance measures in the evaluation guide IAW the procedures in TM 9~1425-386-10-3/1. TRAINING/EVALUATION Evaluation Guide Performance Measures Results Note. TM 9-1425-386-10-3/1 must be used to perform this task. 1, Prepares the RS for mating. P F 2. Connects the interstage cables. P F 3. Positions the RS to the mating position and mates the RS to the WS. P F 4. Installs the WS shield assembly. P F 5. Does not cause damage to equipment or injury to personnel. P F Feedback Score the soldier GO if all steps are passed (P). Score the soldier NO-GO if any step is failed (F). If the soldier fails any step, show what was done wrong and how to do it correctly. REFERENCE TM 9-1425-386-10-3/1 2-43 061-304-1309 POSITION AND MATE THE WARHEAD SECTION (WS) TO THE GUIDANCE AND CONTROL/ADAPTER (G&C/A) SECTION CONDITIONS You will be given an emplaced EL with assembled first- and second-stage propulsion sections, a mated G&C/A section, warhead and radar sections mated in the EL pallet and rotated to the splice position, a supervisor, four assistants, a firing site tool kit, a safety board, and required expendables. ‘STANDARDS Complete the performance measures in the evaluation guide IAW the Procedures in TM 9-1425-386-10-2/1 and TM 9-1425-386-10-2/3. TRAINING/EVALUATION Evaluation Guide Performance Measures Results 1. Prepares the WS and RS for mating. P F 2. Connects the interstage cables. P F 3. Guides the WS and RS and positions them. P F 4. Mates the WS/RS to the G&C/A section. P F 5. Does not cause damage to equipment or injury to personnel. Pp F Feedback Score the soldier GO if all steps are passed (P). Score the soldier NO-GO if any step is failed (F). If the soldier fails any step, show what was done wrong and how to do it correctly. REFERENCES TM 9-1425-386-10-2/1 ‘TM 9-1425-386-10-2/3 244 061-304-1310 DEMATE THE WARHEAD SECTION (WS) FROM THE GUIDANCE AND CONTROL/ADAPTER (G&C/A) SECTION CONDITIONS You will be given an emplaced EL with an assembled missile, a supervisor, four assistants, a firing site tool kit, electromagnetic effects (EME) shields for the warhead and G&C/A sections, and required expandables. ‘STANDARDS Complete the performance measures in the evaluation guide IAW the procedures in TM 9-1410-387-12 and TM 9-1425-386-10-2/3. TRAINING/EVALUATION Evaluation Guide Performance Measures Results 1. Slides the WS carriage back to the mating position and adjusts the WS carriage to accept the WS/RS. P F 2. Disengages the internal splice band. P F 3. Moves the pallet forward. P F 4. Disconnects the interstage cables from the MS. P F 5. Installs the EME shields. P F 6. Does not cause damage to equipment or injury to personnel. P F Feedback Score the soldier GO if all steps are passed (P). Score the soldier NO-GO if any step is failed (F). If the soldier fails any step, show what was done wrong and how to do it correctly. REFERENCES TM 9-1410-387-12 TM 9-1425-386-10-2/3 2-45 061-304-1311 DEMATE THE WARHEAD SECTION (WS) FROM THE RADAR SECTION (RS) AND TRANSFER THE WARHEAD SECTION FROM THE PALLET TO CONTAINER CONDITIONS You will be given a WS mated to an RS in the EL pallet with the cover removed, an &-ton crane with an operator, three assistants, a firing site tool kit, an RV section sling, a WS container with the cover removed, and four guide ropes. ‘STANDARDS Complete the performance measures in the evaluation guide IAW the procedures in TM 9-1115-386-12&P and TM 9-1425-386-10-3/2. TRAINING/EVALUATION Evaluation Guide Performance Measures Results 1. Prepares the container for the WS. P F 2. Demates the WS from the RS. P F 3. Attaches the thrust ring to the WS. P F 4, Releases the WS from the pallet. P F 5. Attaches the RV section sling to the WS. P F 6. Guides the WS from the pallet to the container. P F 7. Does not cause damage to equipment or injury to personnel. P F 2-46 Feedback Score the soldier GO if all steps are passed (P). Score the soldier NO-GO if any step is failed (F). If the soldier fails any step, show what was done wrong and how to do it correctly. REFERENCES TM 9-1115-386-128P TM 9-1425-386-10-3/2 2-47 061-304-1312 PERFORM PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS) ON THE WARHEAD SECTION (WS) CONDITIONS You will be given a WS in an open container or on the EL pallet with the cover removed, an assistant, required expendables, a pen or pencil, a DA Form 2404, a 1-4191A depth gage, a 6-inch steel rule, TM 9-1115-386-128P, and TM 9-1190-217-15. ‘STANDARDS Complete the performance measures in the evaluation guide IAW the Procedures in TM 9-1115-386-12&P and TM 9=1190-217-15. ‘TRAINING/EVALUATION Evaluation Guide Performance Measures Results Note. TM 9-1115-386-12&P and TM 9-1190-217-15 must be used to perform this task. 1. Inspects the WS markings. P F 2. Inspects the WS exterior. P F 3. Inspects the WS interior. P F 4. Inspects the WS wiring harness and connectors. Pp F 5. Does not cause damage to equipment or injury to personnel. P F Feedback Score the soldier GO if all steps are passed (P). Score the soldier NO-GO if any step is failed (F). If the soldier fails any step, show what was done wrong and how to do it correctly. REFERENCES TM 9=1115-386-128P TM 9-1190-217-15 2-48 061-304-1313 FIGHT A FIRE INVOLVING A NUCLEAR WEAPON CONDITIONS You will be given a WS in a shipping and storage container with the cover removed or in an EL pallet with the cover removed, required firefighting equipment, and protective clothing. STANDARDS Complete the performance measures in the evaluation guide IAN the procedures in TB 385-2. TRAINING/EVALUATION Evaluation Guide Performance Measures Results 1. Renders immediate assistance to injured personnel. P F 2. Reports the fire inmediately. P F 3. Clears the area of nonessential personnel. P F 4, Attacks the fire. P F 5. Takes appropriate action after extinguishing the fire. P F 6. Does not cause damage to equipment or injury to personnel. P F Feedback Score the soldier GO if all steps are passed (P). Score the soldier NO-GO if any step is failed (F). If the soldier fails any step, show what was done wrong and how to do it correctly. REFERENCE TB 385-2 2-49 061-304-1314 REPACKAGE THE WARHEAD SECTION (WS) CONDITIONS You will be given a WS in an open container, an 8-ton crane with an Operator, a supervisor, three assistants, a firing site tool kit, four guide ropes, required expendables, an RV section sling, and a two-leg sling. STANDARDS Complete the performance measures in the evaluation guide IAW the procedures in TM 9-1115-386-128P. TRAINING/EVALUATION Evaluation Guide Performance Measures Results 1, Removes the RV section sling. P F 2. Installs the retaining straps and secures the WS in the container. P F 3. Secures the cable connectors. P F 4. Installs the cover and secures the container. P F 5. Does not cause damage to equipment or injury to personnel. P F Feedback Score the soldier GO if all steps are passed (P). Score the soldier NO-GO if any step is failed (F). If the soldier fails any step, show what was done wrong and how to do it correctly. REFERENCE TM 9=1115-386-128P 2-50 061-304-1315 DESTROY MISSILE BODY SECTIONS AND MISSILE EQUIPMENT TO PREVENT ENEMY USE CONDITIONS You will be given an EL with the first- and second-stage propulsion sections, G&C/A and radar sections assembled on the EL or in open containers, a 10-ton tractor, a reference scene generation facility (RSGF), a platoon control central (PCC), required destruction materials, a firing site tool kit, and a supervisor. STANDARDS Complete the performance measures in the evaluation guide IAW the procedures in TM 9-1410-387-12, TM 9-1425-391-14, TM 9-1430-392-20, and FM 5-25. ‘TRAINING/EVALUATION Evaluation Guide Performance Measures Results Note. Damage to destruction materials and hand tools before use is unacceptable. 1. Destroys the missile propulsion sections on the EL or in open containers. P F 2. Destroys the G&C/A section on the EL or in an open container. P F 3. Destroys the RS on the EL or in an open container. P F 4. Destroys the EL. P F 5. Destroys the 10-ton tractor. P F 6. Destroys the RSGF. P F 7. Destroys the PCC. P F 2-51 os Feedback Score the soldier GO if all steps are passed (P). Score the soldier NO-GO if any step is failed (F). If the soldier fails any step, show what was done wrong and how to do it correctly. REFERENCES: FM 5-25 TM 9-1410-387-12 TM 9-1425~391-14 TM 9-1430-392-20 2052 061-304-1316 PERFORM A VERIFICATION INSPECTION OF THE WARHEAD SECTION (WS) CONDITIONS You will be given a WS in its container, a supervisor, two assistants, a firing site tool kit, and TM 9-1115-386-128P. STANDARDS Complete the performance measures in the evaluation guide IAW the procedures in TM 9-1115-386-128P. TRAINING/EVALUATION Evaluation Guide Performance Measure Results Note, TM 9-1115-386-128P must be used to perform steps 2 and 3. Note. Task 061-304-1317 must be performed to complete this task. 1. Opens the pressure vent mount. P F 2. Closes the record receptable cover and seals it. P F 3. Seals the pressure vent mount and torques it. P F 4. Does not cause damage to equipment or injury to personnel. P F Note. The accountable officer will observe the serial number through the desiccant cage and verify that the serial number on the container, warhead section, equipment maintenance log (EML}, and shipping documents agree. 2-53 Feedback, Score the soldier GO if all steps are passed (P). Score the soldier NO-GO if any step is failed (F). If the soldier fails any step, show what was done wrong and how to do it correctly. REFERENCE TM 9-1115=386-128P 2954 061-304-1317 PERFORM A RECEIPT INSPECTION OF THE WARHEAD SECTION (WS) CONDITIONS You will be given a WS in a container, a T304C test set, a CT1538 cable assembly, required tools and expendables, an equipment maintenance log (EML), a DD Form 1150 (Request for Issue or Turn-In), and TM 9-1115-386- 128P. STANDARDS Complete the performance measures in the evaluation guide IAW the procedures in TM 9-1115-386-128P. TRAINING/EVALUATION Evaluation Guide Performance Measures Results Note. TM 9-1115-386-128P mist be used to perform this task. 1, Inspects the container seals. P F 2. Inspects the visible parts of the container. P F 3. Performs the disablement monitoring test. P F Note. The officer in charge will verify that the serial number on the container and on the EML agree with the DD Form 1150. 4. Does not cause damage to equipment or injury to personnel. P F Feedback Score the soldier GO if all steps are passed (P). Score the soldier NO-GO if any step is failed (F). If the soldier fails any step, show what was done wrong and how to do it correctly. REFERENCE ‘TM 9-1115-386-128P 2-55 121-004-1518 RECEIPT/TRANSFER CLASSIFIED MATERIAL CONDITIONS You will be given classified material for receipt or transfer and access 0-= a. AR 380-5. b. AR 340-2 or AR 340-18 series. c. DA Form 455 (Mail and Document Register), DA Form 969 (Top Secret Document Record), or DA Form 3964 (Classified Document Accountability Record). d. DA Label 22 (Confidential Cover Sheet), DA Label 23 (Secret Cover Sheet), or DA Label 24 (Top Secret Cover Sheet). e. Local SOP. f. Standard office supplies and equipment. ‘STANDARDS Receipt for or transfer classified material IAW the references cited above. TRAINING/EVALUATION Evaluation Preparation To evaluate this task, provide the soldier with the material to be receipted for or transferred. Facsimile material may be used in lieu of actual classified documents. Score the soldier by use of the ‘information on the PM evaluation guide. Evaluation Guide Performance Measures Results RECEIPTING 1, Checks to see that incoming material and its accompanying receipt agree. P F 2-56 Results 2. Safeguards material. P F 3. Initiates action necessary to bring material under local control. P F TRANSFERRING 4. Prepares receipt as required. P F 5. Packages material for adequate security protection. P F 6. Uses appropriate method of transfer/mailing. P F 7. Establishes follow-up file as required. P F Feedback To be scored GO, the receipt/transfer must meet the standard. If the soldier fails any performance measure, help the soldier determine the correct solution by referring to the applicable reference indicated below. Enter the results of this evaluation on the DA Form 5164-R as outlined in the appropriate appendix. For further training guidance, refer to Chapter 1. REFERENCES AR 380-5 AR 340-2 or AR 340-18 Series TEC Lesson 510-121-7381-A 2-57 061-304-1402 PERFORM PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS) ON THE FORWARD AREA GROUND HANDLING EQUIPMENT CONDITIONS You will be given an EL tractor accessory kit, a shelter tie-down kit, a 30-kw generator set accessory kit, a first-stage hoisting beam, a second= stage hoisting beam, an RS cover set, an RV section sling, a ‘two-leg sling, a four-leg sling, a firing site tool kit, expendables, DA Form 2404, a pencil or pen, and TM 9-1450-396-14. STANDARDS: Complete the performance measures in the evaluation guide IAW the Procedures in TM 9~1450-396-14. TRAINING/EVALUATION Evaluation Guide Performance Measures Results Note. TM 9-1450-396-14 must be used to perform this ta: sk. 1. Performs PMCS on the EL tractor accessory kit. P F 2, Performs PMCS on the shelter tie-down kit. P mn 3. Performs PMCS on the 30-kw generator set accessory kit. P F 4. Performs PMCS on the first-stage hoisting beam. P F 5. Performs PMCS on the second-stage hoisting beam. P F 6. Performs PNCS on the RS cover set. P F 7. Performs PMCS on the RV section sling. P F 8. Performs PMCS on the two-leg sling. P F 9. Performs PMCS on the four-leg sling. P F 2-58 10. Does not cause damage to equipment or injury to personnel. P F Feedback Score the soldier GO if all steps are passed (P). Score the soldier NO-GO if any step is failed (F). If the soldier fails any step, show what was done wrong and how to do it correctly. REFERENCE TM 9-1450-396-14 2-59 061-304-1404 PERFORM PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS) ON THE 30-KW GENERATOR CONDITIONS You will be given a grounded 30-kw generator, required expendables, basic issue items, a DA Form 2404, a pencil or pen, and TM 5-6115-465-12. ‘STANDARDS. Complete ali performance measures in the evaluation guide IAW the procedures in TM 5-6115-465-12. TRAINING/EVALUATION Evaluation Guide Performance Measures Results Note. 1M 5-6115-465-12 must be used to perform this task. 1, Performs before-operation checks. P F 2. Performs during-operation checks. P F 3. Performs after-operation checks. P F 4. Does not cause damage to equipment or injury to personnel. P F Feedback Score the soldier GO if all steps are passed (P). Score the soldier NO-GO if any step is failed (F). If the soldier fails any step, show what was done wrong and how to do it correctly. REFERENCE TM 5-6115-465-12 2-60 -™ 061-304-1406 SERVICE SHIPPING AND STORAGE CONTAINER DESICCANT AND HUMIDITY INDICATOR CONDITIONS You will be given a first- or second-stage missile propulsion section container, a G&C/A section container, an RS container or WS container, a firing site tool kit, desiccant, a humidity indicator card, TM 9-8140- 395-14, and TM 9-1115-386-128P.. ‘STANDARDS Complete the performance measures in the evaluation guide IAW the procedures in TM 9-8140-395-14 and TM 9-1115-386-124P. TRAINING/EVALUATION Evaluation Guide Performance Measures Results Note. TM 9-1115-386-128P or TM 9-8140-395-14 must be used to perform step 2. 1. Replaces the desiccant. P F 2. Replaces the humidity indicator card. P F 3. Does not cause damage to equipment or injury to personnel P F Feedback Score the soldier GO if all steps are passed (P). Score the soldier NO-GO if any step is failed (F). If the soldier fails any step, show what was done wrong and how to do it correctly. REFERENCES TM 9-1115-386-128P TM 9-8140-395-14 2-61 061-304-1412 PERFORM AN OPERATIONAL BRAKE TEST ON THE ERECTOR-LAUNCHER (EL) BRAKE SYSTEM CONDITIONS You will be given an EL (with or without a missile) with a tractor connected, all tractor-to-EL connections made, and the system pressurized; a driver; and a vehicle dispatch. STANDARDS. Complete the performance measures in the evaluation guide IAW the procedures in TM 9-1440-389-20, TRAINING/EVALUATION Evaluation Guide Performance Measures Results 1. Directs the 10-ton tractor driver. P F 2. Makes connections/disconnections as necessary. P F 3. Observes the EL wheels for proper indication. P F 4. Does not cause damage to equipment or injury to personnel. Pp F Feedback Score the soldier GO if all steps are passed (P). Score the soldier NO-GO if any step is failed (F). If the soldier fails any step, show what was done wrong and how to do it correctly. REFERENCE TM 9-1440-389-20 2-62 - 061-305-1300 PERFORM SERVICE UPON RECEIPT (SUR) ON THE MISSILE SECTIONS CONDITIONS You will be given a radar section, a G&C/A section, and first- and second-stage propulsion sections in open containers. You will also be given two assistants; an 8-ton crane with an operator, a firing site tool kit, slings and hoisting beams, a blank DA Form 2404 (Equipment Bead and Maintenance Worksheet), required expendables, and TM =1410-387~12. STANDARDS Complete the performance measures in the evaluation guide IAW the procedures in TM 9-1410-387-12. TRAINING/EVALUATION Evaluation Guide Performance Measures Results Note. TM 9-1410-387-12 must be used to perform this task. 1, Inspects the RS. P F 2. Inspects the G&C/A section. P F 3. Inspects the second-stage propulsion section. P F 4, Inspects the first-stage propulsion section. P F 5. Does not cause damage to equipment or injury to personnel. P F Feedback Score the soldier GO if all steps are passed (P). Score the soldier NO-GO if any step is failed (F). If the soldier fails any step, show what was done wrong and how to do it correctly. REFERENCES DA Pam 738-750 TM 9-1410-387-12 2-63 061-305-1305 PERFORM SERVICE UPON RECEIPT (SUR) ON SHIPPING AND STORAGE CONTAINERS CONDITIONS You will be given a shipping and storage container for a first- or second-stage propulsion section, a G&C/A section, or a radar section; a firing site tool kits required expendables; two assistants; an 8-ton crane with an operator; a two-leg slings a four-leg slings a DA Form 24043 TM 9-8140-395-143 and TM 9-1450-396-14. ‘STANDARDS Complete the performance measures in the evaluation guide IAW the procedures in TM 9-8140-395-14 and TM 9-1450-396-14. TRAINING/EVALUATION Evaluation Guide Performance Measures Results. Note 1. TM 9-8140-395-14 and TM 9-1450-396-14 must be used to perform this task. Note 2. Inspect the two- and four-leg sling IAW TM 9-1450-396-14. 1. Performs SUR on the first-stage container. P F or 2. Performs SUR on the second-stage container. P F or 3. Performs SUR on the G&C/A container. P F or 4. Performs SUR on the RS container. P F 5. Does not cause damage to equipment or injury to personnel. P F 2-64 Feedback Score the soldier GO if both steps are passed (P). Score the soldier NO-GO if either step is failed (F). what was done wrong and how to do it correctly. REFERENCES DA Pam 738-750 TM 9-1450-396-14 TM 9-8140-395-14 2-65 If the soldier fails any step, show 113-573-4006 USE THE KTC 1400-E NUMERAL CIPHER/AUTHENTICATION SYSTEM CONDITIONS This task may be performed in a tactical or nontactical situation and may be performed in ‘an NBC environment. You will be given @ requirenent 1, CEO extract with KTC 1400-£ Numeral Cipher/Authentication System. 2. Map coordinates to be encoded. 3. Encoded numerical information to be decoded. 4. Authentication challenge for reply. 5. Pencil and paper. STANDARDS Use the KTC 1400-E Numeral Cipher/Authentication System to encode and decode, and provide a correct reply for a challenge to authenticate IAW the performance measures. TRAINING/EVALUATION Evaluation Preparation Setup: Prepare map coordinates to be encoded and decoded and authentication for challenge and for reply. Evaluation Guide Performance Measures Results SECURITY PRECAUTION 1: Use of code sets. Each set of the KTC 1400-E is effective for 12 hours unless otherwise directed by the C-E office. (Refer to CEOI Supplemental Instructions, items 102, 113, 114, and 117.) 2-66 o~ Results SECURITY PRECAUTION 2: Encrypt no more than 15 characters with a single SET INDICATOR. If an entire message must be encrypted, use the operations code KTC 600-E. SECURITY PRECAUTION 3: Use only random letter SET INDICATORS. SECURITY PRECAUTION 4: Variant letters are provided for each numeral. These should be used impartially and at random. SECURITY PRECAUTION 5: Each table has plaintext numbers and letters after the 6th, 12th, and 18th lines. Do not use these as cipher values. SECURITY PRECAUTION 6: In challenge and reply authentication, only the station responding is verified. Do not accept a challenge as an authentication. To verify both stations, both stations should be challenged and should reply. (Refer to CEOI item 113, When to Authenticate.) SECURITY PRECAUTION 7: Another challenge should be made if an incorrect reply is received, a STANDBY is requested, or an unusual delay occurs between challenge and reply. SECURITY PRECAUTION 8: Never give the challenge and reply in the same transmission (self-authentication). 1. Finds the line for encryption. (Refer to CEOI item 117.) P a. Randomly selects any two letters for SET INDICATOR (SI). b. Finds the first letter of the SI in the LINE INDICATOR column. c. Finds the second SI letter. d. Finds the SET LETTER in the LINE INDICATOR column. This Tine will be used to encrypt up to 15 characters. 2-67 Results 2. Encrypts grid zone letters provided by the supervisor. (Refer to CEOI item 117. P F Note. Grid zone letters will be included in messages when they are necessary to the understanding of such messages. NO OTHER LETTERS WILL BE ENCRYPTED. If necessary to preclude misunderstandin 2 Statenent may be made that grid-zone letters are included in the message. 3. Encrypts numbers provided by the supervisor. (Refer to CEOI item 117.) P F 4, Prepares for transmission. (Refer to Performance Measures 1 through 3, CEOI item 117.) P F . Decrypts grid zone letters and numbers. (Refer to CEOT item 117.) P F 6. Performs challenge and reply authentication. (Refer to CEOI items 113 and 177.) P F a. Challenges a station using authentication. b. Replies to a station using authentication. 7. Performs transmission authentication. (Refer to CEOI item 114.) P F Feedback Score the soldier GO if all steps are passed (P). Score the soldier NO-GO if any step is failed (F). If the soldier fails any step, show what was done wrong and how to do it correctly. REFERENCE CEOI 2-68 113-573-6001 RECOGNIZE ELECTRONIC COUNTERMEASURES (ECM) AND IMPLEMENT ELECTRONIC COUNTER-COUNTERMEASURES (ECCM) CONDITIONS This task is performed in a tactical or nontactical situation under all weather conditions and may be performed in an NBC environment. You will be given a requirement and-- 1, Radio set. 2. Applicable operator's TM. 3. CEOI extract. 4, FM 24-1 (HTF). 5. FM 24-33, Supervision and assistance will be available. ‘STANDARDS Determine if electronic warfare (EW) is being directed at your station, and employ ECCM for continued operation IAW the performance measures. TRAINING/EVALUATION Evaluation Preparation Setup: For this evaluation, ensure that references for each performance evaluation are followed. Evaluation Guide Performance Measures Results 1. Determines if ECM is being employed. P F a. Checks for accidental or unintentional interference. (Refer to FM 24-33, Chapter 3.) b. Checks for intentional interference. (Refer to FM 24-33, Chapter 3.) 2-69 Resutls 2. Initiates operator's procedures. (Refer to FM 24-1, Appendix H, and FM 24-33, Chapter 3.) P F a. Checks the equipment ground to ensure that the interference is not caused by a buildup of static electricity. b. Disconnects the antenna. c. Identifies the type of noise. d. Moves the receiver or reorients the antenna, if possible, and listens or looks for variations ‘in the strength of the disturbance. e. Tunes the receiver a few kilohertz above or below the normal frequency. If such detuning causes the intensity of the interfering signal to drop sharply, it can be assumed that the interference is the result of spot jamming. 3. Identifies jamming signals. (Refer to FM 24-33, Chapter 3.) Pp F 4. Employs antijamming measures. (Refer to FM 24-1, Appendix H.) P F Note. Antijamming measures have been designed to allow radio operators to work effectively through intentional interference. Regardless of the nature of the interfering signal, radio operators will not reveal, in the clear, the possibility or success of enemy jamming. Feedback Score the soldier GO if all steps are passed (P). Score the soldier NO-GO if any step is failed (F). If the soldier fails any step, show what was done wrong and how to do it correctly. REFERENCES: CEOI FM 24-1 (HTF) FM 24-33 2-70 113-573-7017 PERPARE/SUBMIT OPERATOR'S (MIJI) REPORT CONDITIONS This task is performed in a tactical or nontactical situation and may be performed in an NBC environment. You will be given a requirement to operate in a radio net, an interfering signal of undesigned origin, and ins 1. KIC 1400-D Numeral Cipher/Authentication System. 2. CEOI extract including supplemental instructions. 3. Pencil and paper. 4. Homing loop antenna AT-784/PRC (if available). 5. Compass or terrain-oriented map (if available). 6. Watch or other method of determining time. ‘STANDARDS Prepare the operator's initial MIJI report and submit it through the net control station (NCS) by the best available means, and assemble the supplemental information for the follow-up MIJI report. Evaluation Preparation. Setup: Prepare a situation for the operator to respond to. Brief Soldier: Tell the soldier that he must pass all performance measures in sequence. Evaluation Guide Performance Measures Results 1, Prepares the initial MIJI report. (Refer to CEOI item 112.) P F Note 1. If the initial MIJI report is submitted over nonsecure radio, items 1, 2, 4, and 5 must be encrypted by use of the KTC 1400-D Numeral Cipher/Authentication System. 2-71 Results Note 2. Write the report on a separate sheet of paper (not on the CEOI). 2. Submits the initial MIJI report. (Refer to CEOI item 112.) P F 3. Assembles additional information for the me MIJI report. (Refer to CEOI, item PB : 112. Note 1. A follow-up report is required within 12 hours of the initial report. In many instances, the operator who submitted the initial report will be the only source of information for the follow-up report. Note 2. The item numbers listed below relate to the item numbers of the follow-up report. Do not confuse these items with the initial MIJI report. Note 3. For electrically transmitted reports, the operator will simply state that item 6 information is being passed separately or ‘is not applicable. Note 4. Grid zone letters need to be included in messages only when they are necessary for the positive location of the reporting element. Feedback Score the soldier GO if all steps are passed (P). Score the soldier NO-GO if any step is failed (F). If the soldier fails any step, show what was done wrong and how to do it correctly. REFERENCE CEOI 2-72 113-587-1050 MOUNT RADIO SET AN/VRC=46 CONDITIONS This task is performed in a tactical or nontactical situation under all weather conditions and may be performed in an NBC environment. You will be given a requirement and-- 1, Radio set AN/VRC-46, 2. Vehicle with mounting facilities installed. 3. Initiated DA Form 2404. STANDARDS Within 5 minutes, correctly mount, connect, and check the AN/VRC-46 IAW the performance measures. TRAINING/EVALUATION Evaluation Preparation Setup: Prepare equipment and ensure that it is operational. Provide DA Form 2404, Brief Soldie completed wi sequence. Tell the soldier that all. performance measures must be in 5 minutes to pass. Performance measures need not be in Evaluation Guide Performance Measures Results WARNING: D0 _NOT PERMIT MANPACK OR VEHICULAR WHIP ANTENNAS TO COME IN CONTACT WITH HIGH-POWER LINES OR OTHER SOURCES OF ELECTRICITY; INJURY OR DEATH COULD RESULT. OBSERVE THE REQUIREMENTS OF TB SIG 291 WHICH ILLUSTRATES THE DANGERS OF PERMITTING AN ANTENNA TO CONTACT OTHER SOURCES OF POWER. 2-73 Results CAUTION: BEFORE INSTALLING THE RADIO IN OR REMOVING IT FROM THE RADIO MOUNT, ENSURE THAT THE POWER SWITCH IS AT OFF. WARNING: THE RECEIVER-TRANSMITTER IS COMPACT AND HEAVY (OVER 50 POUNDS). USE CARE IN HANDLING IT TO PROTECT PERSONNEL FROM SERIOUS INJURY AND THE EQUIPMENT FROM DAMAGE. CAUTION: DO NOT LAY THE RECEIVER-TRANSMITTER ON ITS BACK. THIS MAY DAMAGE THE BLOWER ASSEMBLY. LAY IT ON ONE SIDE. CAUTION: WHEN PULLING THE RECEIVER-TRANSMITTER FROM THE MT-1029/VRC, GRASP BOTH GUARDS (OR HANDLES) TO PULL THE UNIT FROM THE RADIO MOUNT, AND CONTINUE TO USE ao He TO TETHEET AND CARRY THE UNIT. EVER 1, Mounts the receiver-transmitter. (Refer to TM 11-5820-401-10-1, Chapter 2, Section III, step 1.) P 2. Assembles and connects the antenna. (Refer to ‘TM 11-5820-401-10-1, Chapter 2, Section III, step 4 or step 7.) CAUTION 1: ENSURE THAT A GROUND STRAP IS FIRMLY CONNECTED BETWEEN THE MX-6707/VRC (COMPACT ANTENNA MATCHING UNIT) AND A GROUND POINT ON THE VEHICLE. CAUTION 2: INSPECT THE CONTACTS INSIDE THE BASE OF THE LOWER ANTENNA SECTION. ENSURE THAT THEY ARE NOT CORRODED, BENT, OR BROKEN. CAUTION 3: ENSURE THAT THE MALE END OF THE CABLE IS CONNECTED TO THE RECEIVER-TRANSMITTER. Note 1. Apply graphite grease to the threads of the antenna sections to make removal easier. This also helps to prevent the sections from rusting together if they are not separated for a long time. 2-74 Results Note 2. Connect a length of safety wire between the bottom antenna section and the spring mount of the MX=6707/VRC. 3. Ties down the antenna. (Refer to TM 11-5820- 401-10-1, Chapter 2, Section III, step 5.) P F CAUTION 1: ENSURE THAT THE ANTENNA TIP CAP IS IN PLACE ON THE TIP OF THE UPPER ANTENNA SECTION. CAUTION 2: WHEN PULLING THE ANTENNA DOWN, ENSURE THAT THE TIP IS ABOVE ANY PEDESTRIAN AND THAT IT WILL NOT SWING BEYOND THE SIDE OF THE VEHICLE. IF MORE THAN ONE RADIO IS MOUNTED ON THE VEHICLE, DO NOT CROSS THE ANTENNAS DURING TIE=DOWN. 4. Updates DA Form 2404. (Refer to DA Pam 738-750, paragraph 3-4 and TM 11-5820-401-10-1, Chapter 2, Section II.) P F Training Note. To dismount the radio set, reverse the procedures outlined in Performance Measures 1 through 3, observing all appl icable WARNINGS, CAUTIONS, AND Feedback Score the soldier GO if all steps are passed (P). Score the soldier NO-GO if any step is failed (F). If the soldier fails any step, show what was done wrong and how to do it correctly. REFERENCES DA PAM 738-750 TB SIG 291 T™ 11-5820-401-10-1 2-75 113-587-2002 OPERATE RADIO SET AN/VRC-64 OR AN/GRC-160 (AN/VRC-53 OR AN/GRA-125) CONDITIONS This task is performed under all weather conditions in a field or garrison location. Your team chief will provide you with an installed radio set AN/VRC-64, a current CEOI, SB 11-624, and TM 11-5820-498-12. Supervision and assistance will normally be available. ‘STANDARDS Within 5 minutes, align the radio set according to Performance Measure 3, and place into and take out of operation according to Performance Measures 1 through 6. TRAINING/EVALUATION Evaluation Preparation Setup: Ensure that the battery is removed from the battery box CY=2562/PRC-25 for vehicle operation. Brief Soldier: Tell the soldier not to start, restart, slave start, or stop the vehicle engine with the AM-2060/GRC turned on. (Sequence is not scored.) Evaluation Guide Performance Measures Results 1. Determines operating frequency from current CEOI. P F 2. Conducts channel preset procedures. (Refer to TM 11-5820-498-12, Chapter 3, Section II, paragraph 3-11.) P F 3. Conducts alignment procedures for RT-841/PRC-77. (Refer to TM 11-5820-498-12, Chapter 3, Section IT, paragraph 3-13.) P F 4. Conducts alignment procedures for amplifer-power supply group OA-3633 or OA-3633A. (Refer to TM 11-5820-498-12, Chapter 3, Section II, paragraph 3-14.) P F 2-76 Results 5. Determines squelch setting for receiver-transmitter and aligns squelch control to appropriate setting as listed in CEOI. P F 6. Performs stopping procedures. (Refer to TM 11- 5820-498-12, Chapter 3, Section II, paragraphs 3-14k(1) and (2).) Pp F Feedback Score the soldier GO if all steps are passed (P). Score the soldier NO-GO if any step is failed (F). If the soldier fails any step, show what was done wrong and how to do it correctly. REFERENCES CEOI SB 11-624 ‘TM 11-5820-498-12 2-77 113-587-2003 OPERATE RADIO SET AN/VRC-46 (VRC~12 SERIES) CONDITIONS This task is performed under all weather conditions in a field or garrison location and may be performed in an NBC environment. You will be given-- 1. Operational AN/VRC-46. 2. TM 11-5820-401-10-1. 3. CEOI. 4, Radio station to communicate with. Supervision and assistance will be available. ‘STANDARDS: Align the radio set, and place into and take out of operation IAW the performance measures. TRAINING/EVALUATION Evaluation Guide Performance Measures Results, WARNING: DO NOT PERMIT VEHICULAR WHIP ANTENNA TO. TOUCH HIGH-POWER LINES OR OTHER SOURCES OF ELECTRICITY; INJURY OR DEATH COULD RESULT CAUTION: DO NOT TURN RADIO ON UNTIL VEHICLE IS STARTED; DAMAGE MAY OCCUR TO THE SET. 1. Determines operating frequency from current edition of CEOI. P F 2. Aligns receiver-transmitter. (Refer to TM 11-5820- 401-10-1, paragraph 2-59.) 2-78 Results 3. Establishes initial communications. (Refer to TM 11- 5820-401-10-1, paragraph 2-62.) P F 4. Performs stopping procedures. (Refer to TM 11-5820 401-101, paragraph 2-65.) P F Feedback Score the soldier GO if all steps are passed (P). Score the soldier NO-GO if any step is failed (F). If the soldier fails any step, show what was done wrong and how to do it correctly. REFERENCES CcEOI TM 11-5820-401-10-1 2-79 113-587-3077 PERFORM OPERATOR PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES ON RADIO SETS AN/VRC-12 SERIES CONDITIONS This task is performed in a tactical or nontactical situation under all weather conditions and may be performed in an NBC environment. You will be given a requirement and-- 1, AN/VRC-12 series radio. 2. Vehicle with mounting facilities installed. 3. Clean, lint-free cloth and brush. 4. Trichloroethane. 5. Initiated DA Form 2404 (Equipment Inspection and Maintenance Worksheet) . 6. TM 11-5820-401-10-1 or TM 11-5820-401-10-2 and DA Pam 738-750. Supervision is normally available. STANDARDS Perform preventive maintenance checks and services (PMCS) IAW the perfor- mance measures within 20 minutes (30 minutes if the installation includes an intercom system). TRAINING/ EVALUATION Evaluation Preparation Setup: The cleaning operations should be done once a day. Brief Soldier: Tell the soldier that all steps must be performed correctly to receive a GO (sequence is not scored). Evaluation Guide Performance Measures Results 1. Performs routine checks. (Refer to TM 11-5820-401-10-1, Chapter 2, Section II; or TM 11-5820-401-10-2, Section II.) P F 2-80 Results 1. Performs operator's daily PMCS. (Refer to ‘TM 11-5985-357-13, Chapter 4, paragraph 4-3.) P F 2. Performs operator's weekly PMCS. (Refer to ‘TM 11-5985-357-13, Chapter 4, paragraph 4-2.) P F 3. Updates DA Form 2404, P F Feedback Score the soldier GO if all steps are passed (P). Score the soldier NO-GO if any step is failed (F). If the soldier fails any step, show what was done wrong and how to do it correctly. REFERENCE TM 11-5985-357-13 2-85 113-609-2013 PREPARE/OPERATE COMMUNICATIONS SECURITY EQUIPMENT TSEC/KY-57 WITH AN/VRC-12 SERIES RADIO SETS CONDITIONS This task is performed in a tactical or nontactical situation and may be Performed in an NBC environment. You will be given a requirement and-- 1. AN/VRC=12 series radio set installed and operational. 2. Security equipment TSEC/KY-57. 3. Electronic transfer device KYK-13/TSEC with variables stored. 4. Unit CEOI. 5. (0)TM 11-5810-256-0P-3. 6. (0)TM 11-5810-256-0P-4, 7. (0)TM 11-5810-312-12-1. 8. TM 11-5820-401-10-1. 9. TM 11-5820-401-10-2. ‘STANDARDS Mount, interconnect (when required), and operate the equipment IAW the Performance measures. TRAINING/EVALUATION Evaluation Guide Performance Measures Results WARNING 1: OPERATORS OF THE TSEC/KY-57 SECURE RADIO SYSTEM MUST HAVE A CLEARANCE AT LEAST AS HIGH AS THE HIGHEST LEVEL OF TRAFFIC TO BE PASSED (THE CLASSIFICATION OF THE KEYING MATERIAL). 2-86 Results WARNING 2: KEYED EQUIPMENT MUST BE UNDER DIRECT CONTINUOUS UNITED STATES CONTROL TO PREVENT TAMPERING OR UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS. 1, Performs preliminary checks for the type AN/VRC-12 series radio set the TSEC/KY-57 is being used with. (Refer to (0)TM 11-5810-312-12-1, Volume 1, paragraph 4-175 TM 11-5820-401-10-1, paragraphs 2-45 through 2-474 11-5820-401-10-2, paragraphs 2-63 through 2-71. P F 2. Performs first-start procedures for TSEC/KY-57. (Refer to (0)TM 11-5810-312-12-1, Volume 1, paragraph 4-18; (0)TM 11-5810-256-0P-3, Chapter 2, pages 3 through 22; (0)TM 11-5810-256-0P-4, Chapter 2, pages 3 through 23.) P F 3. Performs operating procedures for AN/VRC~12 series radio sets. P F a. Operates TSEC/KY-57 with RT-246/VRC or RT-524/VRC (AN/VRC-43 or AN/VRC-46). (Refer to (0)TM 11-5810- 312-12-1, Volume 1, paragraph 4-17; (0)TM 11-5810- 256-0P-3, Chapter 2, pages 23 through 28; (0)TM 11- 5810-312-12-1, Volume 1, paragraphs 4-20 and 4-23.) b. Operates TSEC/KY-57 with R-442/VRC (AN/VRC~12 or AN/VRC~47). (Refer to (0)TM 11-5810-312-12-1, Volume 1, paragraphs 4-20 and 4-23.) ce Operates two TSEC/KY-57s with AN/VRC-49 for retransmission. (Refer to (0)TM 11~5810~ 312-121, Volume 1, paragraph 4-22.) 4. Performs operating procedures when using receiver- transmitter RT-246/VRC or RT-524/VRC with TSEC/KY= 57 removed. (Refer to (0)TM 11-5810-312-12-1, Volume 1, paragraphs 4-24 and 4-25.) P F 5. Performs operating procedures when using receiver-radio R-442/VRC with TSEC/KY-57 removed. (Refer to (0)TM 11-5810-312~12-1, Volume 1, paragraph 4-26.) P F 2-87 Feedback Score the soldier GO if all steps are passed (P). Score the soldier NO-GO if any step is failed (F). If the soldier fails any step, show what was done wrong and how to do it correctly. REFERENCES CEOL '0)TM 11~-5810-256-0P-3 0)T 11-5810-256-0P-4 (0)TM 11-5810-312-12-1 T™ 11-5820-401-10-1 TM 11-5820-401-10-2 2-88 113-622-1006 INSTALL RADIO SET CONTROL GROUP AN/GRA~39(*) CONDITIONS This task is performed in a tactical or nontactical situation and may be performed in an NBC environment. You will be given a requirement and-- 1. Radio set control group AN/GRA-39(*). 2. AN/VRC=12 series or AN/PRC-25/77 series FM radio set, installed and operational. 3. Batteries BA-30, 12 each. 4. Field wire on reel(s) (up to 2 miles). 5. Tool equipment TE-33. 6. Designated remote site for the radio. 7. Vehicle driver/radio operator. 8. Operating frequency from CEOI. 9. Initiated DA Form 2404. 10. TM 11-5820-477-12. 11. DA Pam 738-750. ‘STANDARDS Prepare, position at the designated locations, and connect the AN/GRA-39(*) IAW the performance measures. TRAINING/EVALUATION Evaluation Guide Performance Measures Results 1. Installs batteries in AN/GRA-39(*). (Refer to TM 11-5820-477-12, paragraph 2-4.) P F 2-89 Results Note. If the cover is slid into position or the clamps are closed one at a time, the batteries can be pushed away from the contacts. 2. Installs control units on site. (Refer to TM 11-5820-477-12, paragraph 2-5.) P F 3. Installs field wire line between the sites. (Refer to TM 11-5820-477-12, paragraph 2-5.) Pp F Note. Tie the field wire to a solid object before connecting it to the control unit binding posts. This will prevent the control units from being damaged if the wire is snagged and pulled. WARNING: DO NOT PRESS THE RINGER BUTTON OF EITHER THE LOCAL OR THE REMOTE CONTROL UNIT WHILE INSTALLING THE FIELD WIRE TO THE LINE BINDING POSTS. OPERATING THE RINGER BUTTON APPLIES A VOLTAGE THAT CAN SHOCK A PERSON TOUCHING THE BINDING POSTS OR THE BARE CONDUCTORS. 4. Updates DA Form 2404. (Refer to DA Pam 738-750 and TM 11-5820-477-12, paragraph 4-8.) P F raining Note. To dismount the radio set, reverse the procedures outlined in Performance Measures 1 through 3, observing all applicable WARNINGS, CAUTIONS, and NOTES. Feedback Score the soldier GO if all steps are passed (P). Score the soldier NO-GO if any step is failed (F). If the soldier fails any step, show what was done wrong and how to do it correctly. REFERENCES DA Pam 738-750 TM 11-5820-477-12 2-90 113-622-2004 OPERATE RADIO SET CONTROL GROUP AN/GRA-39(*) CONDITIONS This task is performed in a tactical or nontactical situation and may be performed in an NBC environment. You will be given a requirement and-- 1. Installed radio set control group AN/GRA-39(*). 2. AN/VRC-12 series or AN/PRC-25/77 series FM radio set, installed and operational. 3. Another radio station with which to communicate. 4, Operator/attendant for the radio site. 5. ™ 11-5820-477-12. ‘STANDARDS Perform starting procedures and communications checks IAW the performance measures. TRAINING/EVALUATION Evaluation Preparation Setup: Lay field wire between local and remote control units. Brief Soldier: Tell the soldier that all steps must be performed correctly to receive a GO. (Sequence is not scored.) Evaluation Guide Performance Measures Results 1. Performs starting procedures. Pp F a. Local control unit. (Refer to ™ 11-5820-477-12, paragraph 3-3a.) 2-91 Results b. Remote control unit. (Refer to T™ 11-5820-477-12, paragraph 3-3b.) Note. Starting procedures for the local control and radio are performed by the radio operator/attendant. Starting procedures for the remote control are performed by the remote operator. Starting procedures can be coordinated through the telephone feature of the AN/GRA-39(*). 2. Conducts telephone communication check between local and remote control units. (Refer to TM 11-5820-477-12, paragraph 3-4a.) P F 3. Conducts radio transmission and reception check. (Refer to TM 11-5820-477-12, paragraphs 3-4b and c.) P F 4. Performs stopping procedures. (Refer to TM 11-5820-477-12, paragraph 3-5.) P F Feedback om Score the soldier GO if all steps are passed (P). Score the soldier NO-GO if any step is failed (F). If the soldier fails any step, show what was done wrong and how to do it correctly. REFERENCE TM 11-5820-477-12 2-92 *061-304-9101 PERFORM NONVIOLENT DISABLEMENT PROCEDURES *This task was deemed combat critical by the USAFAS task site selection board. However, because of the nature/classification of the task, a sol- dier's manual task summary and evaluation guide cannot be published in an unclassified training document. 2-93 *061-304-9102 MAINTAIN CUSTODY OF WAR RESERVE ITEM *This task was deemed combat critical by the USAFAS task site selection board. However, because of the nature/classification of the task, a sol- dier's manual task summary and evaluation guide cannot be published in an unclassified training document. 2-94 191-376-4117 USE THE DURESS CODE SYSTEM CONDITIONS While performing security duty, you or another guard are placed under duress. You know the correct duress code. STANDARDS Use or respond to the duress code IAW the performance measures. TRAINING/EVALUATION Evaluation Preparation Setup: You will need three soldiers. One will play the role of the unauthorized person. The other two are guards on duty. Have the guard who is under duress give the code to the other guard while attempting to enter or leave an area with the unauthorized person. (To evaluate each soldier on both performance measures will require them to switch roles.) Brief Soldier: Give the soldiers being evaluated the duress code word or phrase. Tell the guard under duress that he will be evaluated IAW Performance Measure 1. Tell the other guard that he will be evaluated IAW Performance Measure 2. Evaluation Gu: Performance Measures Results 1. To use duress code-- P F a. Use code only when acting under duress. b. Insert code word or phrase into normal conversation. c. Lends support to security personnel receiving duress signal. 2. Respond to duress code. Pp F a. Recognizes code’ word or phrase when used. 2-95 b. Remains calm. c. Attempts to separate person who is under duress from unauthorized person(s). d. Uses necessary force to prevent unauthorized person(s) from entering or leaving the area. e. Notifies the sergeant of the guard as soon as possible. Feedback Score the soldier G0 if all steps are passed (P). Score the soldier NO-GO if any step is failed (F). If the soldier fails any step, show what was done wrong and how to do it correctly. REFERENCE FM 19-30 2-96 APPENDIX A PROPONENT SCHOOL/AGENCY CODES 061 US Army Field Artillery School ATTN: ATSF-DI Fort Sill, OK 73503 113 US Army Signal Center and Fort Gordon ATTN: | ATZH-TD-A Fort Gordon, GA 30905 121 US Army Soldier Support Center ATTN: ATSG-TD-SQT Fort Benjamen Harrison, IN 46216 191 US Army Military Police School ATTN: ATZN-MP-DES Fort McClellan, AL 36205 Note. The first three numbers of the task number are the proponent ‘school/agency codes. This code indicates the school/agency responsible for the task content. APPENDIX B DA FORM 5164-R, HANDS-ON EVALUATION INSTRUCTIONS TO THE TRAINER 1. A DA Form 5164-R is provided in this appendix. The form may be reproduced locally on 8%- by 11-inch paper. 2. At the top of the form, enter the title and number of the task to be evaluated 3. In column a, enter the number of each performance step from the evaluation guide. 4. In column b, enter each performance step from the evaluation guide that corresponds to the number in column a. (The information may be abbreviated if necessary). 5. If you evaluate more than one soldier on a specific task or if you evaluate the same soldier more than once, you may locally reproduce the partially completed DA Form 5164-R. 6. Before evaluating a soldier, enter the date, the evaluator's name, and the soldier's name and unit. 7. For each performance step evaluated, enter a check in column c (PASS) or column d (FAIL), as appropriate. 8. Check the status block GO or NO-GO, as appropriate, by referring to the evaluation guide for the task standard. 9. An example of a completed DA Form 5164-R is on page B-2. 10. A blank reproducible copy of DA Form 5164-R is at the end of this appendix. Note to trainer. Use of this form is optional. However, it allows you to maintain information on soldier proficiency at the performance/step level. HANDS-ON EVALUATION For use of ths form see AR 250-37. The proponent agancy is DSCOPS. TASK NUMBER 061-304-1004 a a DA FORM 5164-R, DEC 82 -_ GLOSSARY Section I. DEFINITION OF TERMS Assembled missile--first- and second-stage propulsion sections, a guidance and control/adapter section, a warhead section, and a radar section assembled on an erector-launcher. Computer prompt--interaction of operator and machine based on directions displayed on the conputer screen. Emplaced_erector-launcher--an erector-launcher leveled and on jacks with @ power source. Erector-launcher emplaced for maintenance--an erector-launcher on jacks with a power source. Ground support equipment--first- and second-stage hoisting beams, two- and four-leg stings, a reentry-vehicle sling, and accessory kits. Missile body sections--first- and second-stage propulsion sections, F guidance and-control/adapter section, and a radar ‘section. Missile propulsion sections--first- and second-stage propulsion sections. Power source--a 30-kw generator or commercial power. Standby--missile(s) in a quick-reaction alert (QRA) configuration in the Field or on a hard site. Section II. ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS Ac alternating current ACS assistant chief of section AIT advance individual training AND alphanumeric display AR Army regulation ARTEP Amy training and evaluation program BC ballistic case BcT basic combat training Glossary-1 BITE cB CEOI CHEFU COMSEC CRT cit EBW ECCM ECM EL EME ‘ML EPMS EW FM GaC/A GIEU HEMTT IET ILA ITEP kw LCA built-in test equipment chemical biological conmunications-electronics operation instructions clocked high-energy firing unit communication security cathode ray tube common task test exploding bridge wire electronic counter-countermeasures electronic countermeasures erector-launcher electromagnetic effects equipment maintenance log -~ enlisted personnel management system electronic warfare field manual guidance and control/adapter ground integrated electronics unit heavy expanded mobility tactical truck in accordance with initial entry training interface logic assembly individual training evaluation program kilowatt launch control assembly Glossary-2 MAN MIJI Nos NTP NBC 008 orc osuT PAL PCC PE PID PLOC PMCS PTC QRA RLCU RS RSGF RV sk SMCT sqt stp ‘SUR Machinenfabrik Augsburg-Nurnberg meaconing, intrusion, janming, and interference military occupational speciality MOS training plan nuclear, biological, chemical operational data base officer in charge one-station unit training permissive action link platoon control centra’ protective entrance Pershing identification primary leadership development course preventive maintenance checks and services primary technical course quick reaction alert remote launch control unit radar section reference scene generation facility reentry vehicle skill level soldier's manual of common tasks skill qualification test soldier training publication service upon receipt Glossary-3 TEC WS: training extension course technical manual warhead section Glossary=4 REFERENCES Section I. REQUIRED PUBLICATIONS Required publications are sources that users must read in order to understand or comply with this publication. ARMY REGULATIONS (ARs) 50-5 340-2 340-18 380-5 Nuclear Surety Maintenance and Disposition of Records for TOE and Certain Other Units of the Army The Army Functional Files System Department of the Army Information Security Program DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY (DA) FORMS 455 969 2028 2404 2407 2409 3964 5164-R 5165-R Nail and Document Register Top Secret Document Record Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms Equipment Inspection and Maintenance Worksheet Maintenance Request Equipment Maintenance Log (Consol idated) Classified Document Accountability Hands-On Evaluation Field-Expedient Squad Book DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY (DA) LABELS 22 23 24 Confidential Cover Sheet Secret Cover Sheet Top Secret Cover Sheet Reference-1 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY (DA) PAMPHLETS 351-20 738-750 The Army Correspondence Course Program Catalog The Amy Maintenance Management System (TAMMS) DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (DD) FORMS 314 1150 FIELD MANUALS (FMS) 5-25 17-95 19-30 21-60 21-1 (HF) 24-18 24-33 MISCELLANEOUS STP 21-1-SMCT STP 21-24-SMCT TEC Lesson §10-121-7381-A SUPPLY BULLETIN (SB) 11-624 Preventive Maintenance Schedule and Record Request for Issue or Turn-In Explosives and Demolitions Air Cavalry Platoon Handbook Physical Security Visual Signals Combat Communications (How to Fight) Tactical Single-Channel Radio Communication Techniques Communications Techniques: Electronic Counter- Countermeasures Soldier's Manual of Conmon Tasks (Ski11 Level 1) Soldier's Manual of Common Tasks (Skill Levels 2, 3, and 4) Receipt/Transfer Classified Material Warning Notice for Vehicles in Which Radios are Mounted Reference=2 nN TECHNICAL BULLETINS (TBs) 385-2 SIG-291 TECHNICAL MANUALS (TMs) 5=6115-465-12 9-1115-386-128P 9-1190-217-15 (0)11-5810-256-0P3 (0)11-5810-256-0P4 (0)11-5810-312-1 11-5820-401-10-1 Nuclear Weapons Firefighting Procedures Safety measures to be Observed When Installing and Using Whip Antennas, Field-Type Masts, Towers, and Antennas and Metal Poles That Are Used With Communications, Radar, and Direction Finder Equipment Operator's and Organizational Maintenance Manual for Generator Set, Diesel Engine Driven, Tactical Skid Nounted, 30 kw, 3 Phase, 4 Wire, 120/208 and 240/416 v (DOD Model MEP-005A), Utility Class 50/60 Hz, (Model MEP-104A) Precise Class, 50/60 Hz, (Model MEP=114A), Precise Class 400 Hz Including Auxiliary Equipment (DOD Model MEP-OOSAWE) Winteriza- tion Kit, Fuel Burning (Model MEP-OOSAWE), Winteriza- tion Kit, Electric, (Model MEP-OOSALM), Load Bank Kit and (Model MEP-OOSAWM), Wheel Mounting Kit Operator's and Organizational Maintenance Including Repair Parts and Special Tools List for M266 Nuclear Warhead Section, M272 Training Warhead Section Operator, Organizational, Field and Depot Maintenance (Including Repair Parts and Special Tools List) Operation and Maintenance Instruc- tions With Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Dial Indicating Depth Gage T-4191 Operating Procedures for Communications Security Equipment TSEC/KY-57 in Wheeled Vehicle Operating Procedures for Communications Security Equipment TSEC/KY=-57 in Tracked Vehicle Operator's and Organizational Maintenance Manual, Insulation Kits for Communications Security Equipment TSEC/KY-57, Volume 1 Operator's Manual: Radio Sets AN/VRC~12, AN/VRC~43, AN/VRC-44, AN/VRC=45, AN/VRC~46, AN/VRC=47, AN/VRC~48'and AN/VRC-49 (Used Without an Intercom System) Reference-3 11-5820-401-10-2 11-5820-477-12 11-5820~498=12 11-5985-357-13 Operator's Manual: Radio Sets AN/VRC-12, AN/VRC~43, AN/VRC-44, AN/VRC-45, AN/VRC-46, AN/VRC=47, AN/VRC-48 and AN/VRC-49 (Used With an Intercom System) Operator's and Organizational Maintenance Manual: Radio Set Control Groups AN/GRA-39, AN/GRA-39A and AN/GRA~39B Operator's and Organizational Maintenance Manual: Radio Sets, AN/VRC~53, AN/VRC-64, AN/GRC=125 and AN/GRC-160 and Amplifier Power Supply Groups OA-3633/GRC and OA-3633A/GRC Operator's, Organizational, and Direct Support Maintenance Manual for Antenna Group, O&~254/GRC Section II. RELATED PUBLICATIONS Related publications are sources of additional information. They are not required in order to understand this publication. ARMY REGULATIONS (ARs) (C)50-101 105-3 105-10 190-11 310-1 350-37 FIELD MANUALS (FMs) 5-20 5-36 6-11 Safety Rules for the Operation of the Pershing IA Nuclear Weapon System (U) Reporting Meaconing, Intrusion, Jamming and Interference of Electromagnetic Systems Communications Economy and Discipline Physical Security of Ams, Ammunition, and Explosives Publications, Blank Forms, and Printing Management Army Individual Training Evaluation Program Camouflage Route Reconnaissance and Classification The Pershing II Firing Battery Reference=4 7-8 (HTF) 7-10 (HTF) 7-20 20-22 20-31 21-10 21-20 21-26 21-30 21-75 21-305 24-20 32-6 MISCELLANEOUS ACP 124 (C) ACP 126 (B) TECHNICAL BULLETIN (TB) 9-1100-803-15 TECHNICAL MANUALS (TMs) 3-4230-204-128P 3-4230-211-10 The Infantry Platoon and Squad (Infantry, Airborne, Air Assault, Ranger) (How to Fight) The Infantry Rifle Company (Infantry, Airborne, Air Assault, Ranger) (How to Fight) The Infantry Battalion (Infantry, Airborne, Air Assault, Ranger) Vehicle Recovery Operations Electric Power Generation in the Field Field Hygiene and Sanitation Physical Readiness Training Nap Reading Military Symbols Combat Skills of the Soldier Nanual for the Wheeled Vehicle Driver Field Wire and Field Cable Techniques SIGSEC Techniques Army Communication Procedures Anny Communication Procedures Army Nuclear Weapons Equipment Records and Reporting Procedures Operator's and Organizational Maintenance Manua’ (Including Repair Parts and Special Tools List) for Decontaminating Apparatus, Portable DS2, 1% Quart, ABC-M11 Operator's Manual: Decontaminating and Reim- pregnating Kit: Individual, ABC-M13 Reference-5 3-6665-225-12 Operator's and Organizational Maintenance Manual: Alarm, Chemical Agent, Automatic: Portable, Manpack, M8 Fixed Emplacement, M10 for Trucks, Utility: 1/4-Ton, M11; Truck: 3/4-Ton, M12; Truck: 2%-Ton, M13; Full-Tracked; Armored Personnel Carriers and Recovery Vehicles; M14; Carrier, Command and Reconnaissance, Armored: M15 w/Power Supply for Truck, Utility: 1/4-Ton, M16; Truck: 3/4-Ton, M17 and Truck 2%Ton, M18 5-4120-308-15 Operator, Organizational, Direct Support, General Support, and Depot Maintenance Manual; Air Conditioner, Compact Vertical, 208 v, 3 Phase, 50/60 Hz, 18,000 BTU/Hr Cooling, 12,000 BTU Heating (American Air Filter Model CH 620-2) and (KECO Industries, Inc., Model F18T-2 9=1375-213-12 Operator's and Organizational Maintenance Manual (Including Repair Parts and Special Tool Lists Demolition Materials 9-2320-272-10 Operator's Manual for Truck, 5-Ton, 6X6, M939 Series (Diesel); Cargo, Dropside: M923, M925, 924, and M926; Cargo, XLWB, M927, M928; Dump: M929, M930; Tractor: M931, M932; Van, Expansible: /™\ M934, M935 and Medium Wrecker: M936 9-2320-282-10 Operator's Manual for Truck, Tractor w/Crane: 10-Ton, 8X8, M1001, M1013, M1002 and w/o Crane, w1014 10-8340-208-13 Operator's Organizational and Direct Support Maintenance Manual (Including Repair Parts and Special Tools List): Tent, Vehicle Maintenance w/Cover, Pins and Support 11-5805-201-12 Operator and Organizational Maintenance Nanual for Telephone Set, TA-312/PT 11-6665-214-10 Operator's Manual: Radiacmeters, IM-9E/PD, 1M-93/UD, and IM-93A/UD and IM-147/PD 743-200-1 Storage and Materials Hand] ing 743=200-2 Storage Modernization 743-2003 Storage and Materials Handling Reference-6 750-244-2 Procedures for Destruction of Electronics Materiel to Prevent Enemy Use (Electronic Command) 750-244-3 Generator Destruction 750-244-6 Procedures for Destruction of Tank-Automotive Equipment to Prevent Enemy Use. (US Army Tank= Automotive Command) TRAINING CIRCULARS (TCs) 8-3 Field Sanitation Team Training 11-8 Grounding Techniques Section III, PROJECTED PUBLICATIONS Projected publications are sources of additional information that are scheduled for printing but are not yet available. Upon print, they will be distributed automatically via pinpoint distribution. They may not be obtained from the USA AG Publications Center until indexed in DA Pamphlet 310-1. TECHNICAL MANUALS (TMs) 9-1410-387-12 Operator's and Organizational Maintenance Manual: Pershing II Surface Attack Guided Missile 9-1425-386-10-1 Operator's Manual: Pershing II Weapon System (System Description) 9-1425-386-10-2/1 Operator's Manual: Pershing II Weapon System (Firing Position Procedures) 9-1425-386-10-2/2 Operator's Manual: Pershing II Weapon System (Firing Position Procedures) Detailed Procedures for EL OP and PCC CM 1 9-1425-386-10-2/3 Operator's Manual: Pershing II Weapon System (Firing Position Procedures) Detailed Procedures for CM 1 Through CM 4 and PCC CM 2 9-1425-386-10-3/1 Operator's Manual: Pershing II Weapon System (Missile Assembly) 9-1425-386-10-3/2 Operator's Manual: Pershing II Weapon System (Missile Disassembly) Reference-7 9-1425-386-10-4 9~1425-391-14 9-1430-386-20 9~1430-388-12 9-1430-392-10 9~1430-392-20 9-1430-393-14 9=1440-389-10 9-1440-389-20 9-1450-396-14 9-2320-279-10 9-4935-387-14 9-8140-395-14 Operator's Manual: Pershing II Weapon System (Classified Supplement) Operator, Organizational, and DS/GS Maintenance Manual: PCC/RSGF Shelter Organizational Maintenance Manual: Platoon Control Central Reference Scene Generation Facility Operator's Manual: Platoon Central Guided Missile System Organizational Maintenance Manual: PCC Guided Missile System Operator, Organizational, and DS/GS Maintenance Manual: ‘Electrical Cable Assembly Set and Rear Area Electrical Cable Assembly Set, Guided Missile System Operator's Manual: Pershing II Erector-Launcher Guided Missile Semitrailer Mounted XM1003 Organizatonal Maintenance Manual: Pershing II Erector-Launcher Guided Missile, Semitrailer Mounted XM1003 Organizational and Direct Support Maintenance Nanual: Ground Handling Equipment, Guided Missile System Operator's Manual, Truck, Tractor 10-Ton, 8X8 983 (HENTT) Operator Organizational and DS/GS Maintenance Manual: Tests Safe and ARM Recoding Organizational and Direct Support Maintenance Nanual: Shipping and Storage Containers Reference-8 on CUT ALONG THIS LINE = QUESTIONNAIRE Type Unit Date MOS/Ski11 Level Current Duty PosTtion Years in service Years in current duty position Special Note to Commanders/Trainers: Results of hands-on eval- uations are no longer reported for EPMS purposes. In order for the Field Artillery School to improve its products, it is essential that training diagnostic feedback be obtained from the field. Upon completion of your periodic hands-on evalua- tions, please provide the Field Artillery School with the consolidated results of your analysis. Strict unit anonymity will be maintained. We are only interested in obtaining suf- ficient data to identify tasks and performance measures that indicate a need for ‘improvement in our training products. While data in any form will be accepted, the elements in the following example would be most meaningful to us: Task Number of Soldiers Total Number Steps Number. Evaluated No Go Failed 061-294-1104 20 5 step 3(2) step 5(1) step 6(2) If you are aware of any external factors which affected the results of your evaluation, please identify them. Informal, handwritten feedback will be fine. Again, this request is entirely voluntary and unit anonymity will be maintained. Thank you for your help. Questionnaire-1 Please complete the questionnaire below by indicating the number of the response that reflects your feeling about each statement. Please explain overall responses of Disagree or Strongly Disagree in the comments section. Strongly Strongly No Opinion/ Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Not Applicable 4 3 2 1 0 1, This manual is well organized and easy to use. 2. The tasks in this manual are assigned to the proper skill level. (Please identify tasks that you think should be assigned to a different skill level. Give your reasons in the comments section.) 3. The MOS Training Plan (SL 2/3/4 only) is helpful in planning your training. 4. The location of qualification training (resident or unit) in the MOS Training Plan is appropriate. (Please identify any disagreements by task and explain in the comments section.) 5. The instructions for PREEVALUATION PREPARATION are clear and complete. (Please identify exceptions by task numbers in the conments section. 6. The CONDITIONS for all tasks are correct. (Please list exceptions in the comments section.) 7. The STANDARDS for all tasks are correct and attainable. (Please list those that are not clear ‘in the comments section.) 8. The steps listed in the evaluation guide for all tasks are accurate. 9. The evaluation guidelines and hands-on evaluation (DA Form §164-R) are clear and easy to use. 10. The study references for each task are complete and accurate. (Please list those that are not ‘in the comments section.) 11, The field-expedient squad book is useful and easy to use. If you need to comment on any item above or if you have any recommenda tions to improve this manual in any way, please write your thoughts in the COMMENTS section. Questionnaire-2 wee eee ee eee n en ne nena = CUT ALONG THIS LINE meee neem eee n en ne een en ne n-on COMMENTS: CUT ALONG THIS LINE = If you desire a response, please provide your name and address: Send Questionnaire to: Commandant. US Army Field Artillery School ATTN: = ATSF=DI Fort Sill, OK 73503-5600 Questionnaire-3 STP 6-15E1-SM 11 February 1986 By Order of the Secretary of the Army: JOHN A. WICKHAM, JR. General, United States Army Chief of Staff E, HEDBERG Brigadier General, United States Army The Adjutant General DISTRIBUTION: Active Army: Special USAR, and ARNG: None Additional copies may be requisitioned from the US Army Adjutant General Publications Center, 2800 Eastern Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21220. U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICES 191 625+ 044/20959

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