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Clever Polly and the Stupid Wolf

Catherine Storr (Puffin, 1955)

1) Make a book of recipes that Wolf eats in Ch 1: pie, cake, toffee. Include ingredients
Polly might use and some that Wolf would likeperhaps a juicy little girl or two.
2) Make an art and craft pie or chocolate cake that Wolf would find delicious.
3) Wolf wants to get into the top of Pollys house so that he can eat her. Make a cutaway
drawing or a lift-the-flap illustration of Pollys house, complete with Polly in bed fast
asleep. Include Wolf somewhere trying to reach her, too!
4) Wolf doesnt understand how long it takes for a seed to grow into a tall vine. Make him
an illustrated poster with a series of drawings showing how the seed grows, and captions
explaining the process.
5) Wolf wants to grow a ladder! What other daft things would
it be fun to grow? What about taking a short, stubby pencil
and growing a really long one from it? Think of some daft
things that would be fun to grow, and write and illustrate a
poster about how to grow them.
6) Make a puppet of Wolf. It could be a string puppet, a
finger one, a hand or an arm puppet. You choose! If you
have fur fabric or an old jumper or towel you can use that to
make the wolfs fur.
7) Conduct your own scientific experiment growing bean
shoots from a bean. For instructions on how to do it, try this:
8) Make a series of pictures to tell the story of one of the fairy tales that are reimagined in
this book: Jack and the Beanstalk, Little Red Riding Hood, The Three Little Pigs. You can
write short captions or speech bubbles, if you like.

Clever Polly and the Stupid Wolf


9) Wolf and Polly cant agree on the ending of the Little Red Riding Hood story. Make a
poster showing many different possible endings; see Ch 4 (p17) for details.
10) Wolf likes disguises! Make a cardboard cut-out of Wolf and make him different
disguises to wear grandma, milkman, postman, butcher out of felt, paper or card.
11) Wolf is sometimes skinny in this story and sometimes fat when hes eaten a lot and
when he puffs himself up full of air in Ch 6. Make a cardboard cut-out of Wolf and attach
a balloon to his tummy. Now you can blow it up to make him fat!
12) Make a poster about all the ways Wolf tries to eat Polly: sneaking into her house,
eating her when she visits granny, sneaking up on her when he thinks hes invisible,
blowing down her house Which ones are your favourite ways?
13) Build the Three Little Pigs houses out of clay, cardboard, household packaging
14) Make Wolfs book, How to Be an Athlete, see Ch 6.
15) Make Wolfs bellows and instruction leaflet.
16) Make Wolfs bomb and instructions.
17) Make Pollys daisy chain out of art/craft materials.
18) Wolf has his own funny version of the poem Mondays child is fair of face. Write
out his poem and illustrate it.
19) Design a zoo and make a plan of it, showing where all the animals are. In particular,
where is the cage with the wolves?
20) Make a brochure encouraging people to come to your zoo. What will they see there
and why will they like it?
21) Write and illustrate the zoo advert that Wolf saw;
see Ch 8 (p66).
22) Make some of the items Polly sends and gives to
Wolf to help him escape from the zoo.
23) Write a short version of the story of the wolf and
the seven little kids.
24) Make a lift-the-flap clock for Polly to hide in.
25) Find out about wolves and make a poster.
26) Wolf loves food! Make a menu for him of all the
food hes eaten in this story.
Kate Ferry-Swainson, Literary Labyrinth, 2015. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be
transmitted, printed out or photocopied in order to be given to a third party. Thank you!

Clever Polly and the Stupid Wolf


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