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30 Foretelling Widowhood 4. If both, boy and girl are born in the same naksatra but the Moon sign is different. 5. If the Moon sign of the boy and girl are same but constellation are different. 6. If Moon-sign of boy and girl are ruled by the same planet, t.e., tf there {s ekddhipatya the nadi doga {s automatically gets cancelled. Principle 9 - Marriage Time a) So many rules have been laid down for timing of marriage but we are not able to time all marriages correctly. I have experienced that 4% house does play a vital role in the timing of a marriage. Fourth house creates a feeling of own home, belonging to some one and being responsible to him or her fully. Marriage 1s not, merely a union of two physical bodies but it is a sacred bond of love, care and responsibility for whole Ife. Marriage causes lot of variations, additions and emotions in the mind of every person. Therefore, the 4” house must be con- sidered for timing of marriage in addition to the 7 and 2» house. 6) Transit of Jupiter 1s very important in tiining marriage. After fixing up appropriate dasa and bhuktt for marriage, see the influence of transiting Jupiter. It should influence by way of aspect or it should transit over the 7" house, lagna, tts lords or kdrakas like Moon or Venus. ¢) The rules of Phaladipikd about the importance of Jupiter's transit over the sum of longitude of lagna lord and 7 lord or to the trine position does not work accurately. Principle 10 - Late Marriage a) Ifthe Sun, Moon, 7 lord and kdrakas are under the Influence of Saturn, the marriage will be delayed. If the luminaries and kérakas fall in Essentials of astrology 31 Saturn's navarisa, the marriage will be delayed. influence of retrograde planets either by placement or aspect over the 2 or 7 house or their lords will also cause delay in marriage. Combination of Moon and Venus Is also a negative combination for early marriage. If Venus, falls in the sign of luminaries, 1.e., Cancer or Leo and is also hemmed between them, the marriage will be delayed. b) Mutual aspect or conjunction of Saturn and Mars in respect to 7 house will also create obstacles in marriage. Placement of concerning planets in fixed signs and navarhsa will also cause some delay in marriage. The intensity of adverse planets causing delay in marriage should be properly judged, so that probable das and bhuktt for mariage may be judged correctly. Principle 11 - Widowhood ‘The Sun or Mars in the sign of their exaltation or own sign identical to the 1* or 7 house will cause widowhood. If Sun is placed in the 1* or 7* house for Leo, Aries or Libra lagna, the widowhood will be there. Placement of Mars in the 1* or 7 house for Aries, Libra, Scorpio, Taurus, Capricorn or Cancer ascendant, will cause widowhood. These clues should be studied. with other favourable or unfavourable combinations. These should not be applied verbatim. Specific combination of widowhood are explained in this book. Principle 12 - Two Wives If Venus or 7% lord is hemmed between two malefics or papas, two wives will be there. It is not essential that both wives are legally married to the native. One may be a secret and responsible for relationship with any female just like that of wife. This is an important rule and has been verified in dozens of horoscopes. 32 Foretelling Widowhood If Venus ts placed in movable sign and navarhéa (not vargottama), the native will have two wives. Venus in Cancer and Moon in Capricom, the native will have two marriages. Placement of Moon and Venus in the 7* house jn association gives rise to bahukalatra yoga, 1.¢.. number ‘of wives will be there. ~ If the lord of the 7* house and Venus falls in the dual sign in male,nativity, two marriages will take place. If these fall in the navarhsa of Mercury or Jupiter, more than one marriage will surely be there. If Moon Joins the 7* or 3" house from lagna and Mercury 15 placed in the 10" house as reckoned from lagna lord, the native will be surrounded by women. if the 7" lord ts strong, exalted or it 1s retrograde in the lagna, more than one marriage will take place. If the 7* lord ts strong, and well placed, marriage will take place in a decent and rich family and vice- versa. Principle 13 - Short Life Of One Partner If Moon fs placed in the 6® or 8° house with a ma- lefic in the lagna and the same position fs present In the horoscope of partner, the husband or wife will die soon after marriage. Principle 14 - Death Within 8 Years a) If Moon fs placed in the lagna and Mars is posited In the 7% house, the death of boy’ or gir] will come within 8 years of marriage. b) If Sun and Saturn are conjoined in the 7® house in association with Rahu or Ketu, the native will be killed by the spouse. ©) If Mars and Jupiter are conjoined in Cancer or Capricorn, spouse will be destroyed. If retrograde

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