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eS ae FR at pie ee ats icc WN) -Co ‘There are many Orders of Titans in the Divisio Militaris - each has a unique colour scheme and a variety of banners. The end of the book has some simple guidelines to help you paint your Titan models. When reading ‘these, refer to the colour Titan photographs for ideas and inspiration -note the techniques the Games Workshop figure painters have used to achieve the various effects described. Imperial Reaver Class Battle Titan - note the Purity Seals on the leg plate and earspace denoting the Titan's freedom from corruption and heresy. Fice Wasps Death Bringer vint armed with ‘carapace mounted molilaunchers snd spit of two plasma cannons, defence ls” sd pois. defence buck ofthis Ecipse Titan indicates the presence of + high-anking commander “The peanastom the Divisio Milita back banner hess on Ay Mociots Noi ofthis Death Bringer shows ta i hs fought guint was achieved by applying successive coats of the rebels doing the Hons Heresy re serve no purpose. Forten thousand years the Imperium has warred on itsenemies. War is the universal state of Man; peace is only a brief time ‘of preparation for further fighting. Alien races strike at the Imperium’s frontier systems, Rebellion and treachery are ‘commonplace on millions of colonised worlds. The Traitor Legions, confined for millennia in the desolate Eye of Terror, chafe and probe at the Imperium. And in the eddies and storms of warp space, forces and creatures of darkness are stirring, ‘The wars can have no end, for that would be the end of Man Inits perils Mankind has one guide: the Emperor. In his care rests the fate of humanity. At his right and left hands are the ‘weapon and shield of Mankind, the forces of the Imperium the mighty Titans of the Adeptus Titanicus. The Orders of the Adeptus Titanicus are the iron fist of the Emperor's rule. A velvet glove would RB ee ee Re ed Titans are the supreme fighting machines of the Imperium, giants with skins of adamantium. They are crewed by devoted ‘warriors; armed with the mightiest weapons Imperial priest sceintists can devise; and armoured by Void Shields, barriers Of almost impenetrable energy. Through the Imperium and beyond, nothing inspires the same kind of awe. Using the rules and models in this box, you will be able to re-create some ofthe greatest Titan battles of Imperial history: the campaigns of the Horus Heresy and the Great Scouring Of the Imperium which followed. By adding one or more of the Adeptus Titanicus expansion games, you will be able 0 introduce infantry, Imperial Space Marines, Dreadnought, Rhino and Land Raider armoured vehicles and huge alien fighting machines. This boxis only a beginning to epic warfare in the Warhammer 40,000 universe! eS CONTENTS ‘THE IMPERIUM 4 The Galaxy (3), Warp Space (4: Titans (3); The Colleia Tania (Gh The Imperial Hierarchy (8 The Horus Heresy (9); Alen Races 0 Haseena Tres (10) COMPONENTS u Staring the Game (14) ‘THE BASIC GAME 18 SEQUENCE OF PLAY 15 The Fit Player THE ORDER PHASE 16 ‘THE MOVEMENT PHASE 7 Sequenee of Movement, Minimum Move, Damage Control, Ciuknging Moves, Move Direction, Obstacies, Eneeing Close Comat, Leaving Close Combat ‘THE REPAIR PHASE 18 CONDUCTING REPAIRS, Vd Sbields, Damaged Sytem, Malfunction Rola, Tarning off be Ipnition ‘THE COMBAT PHASE 19 SUMMARY OF COMBAT, SEQUENCE OF COMBAT (19) TARGETING (20) FIRING (21) DAMAGE (22) COMMAT TABLES (Gh) Lose CommAT (26), ENTERING CLOSE COMBAT Stglince or cose coMBAt, CLOSE COMBAT ATTACKS (20), CLOSE COMMAT WEAPONS 27), THE END PHASE (28) ead fener ec sarees down the centre foldl STANDARD GAME SCENARIOS 29 ‘WHAT ISA SCENARIO (29), THE STANDARD SCENARIOS (29), [BUYING YOUR FORCE (30) ‘TITAN BATTLE COLOURS 32 ‘THE ADVANCED GAME 33 ‘OPTIONAL RULES (33), MAXIMUM TO HIT (53) OVERLOADING VOID SHIELDS (33), MERGING SHIELDS (34) SNAP FIRE (34), DESIGNING TITANS (35), WEAPONS (35), VOID SHIELDS (35) POINTS MULTIPLIER (35); SPEED (35) ADVANCED EQUIPMENT (G6) SUPPORT MISSILES (36); HARD POINTS (38); DEVICES (39); RANDOM SCENARIOS (40); BASE FORCE LEVEL (40) ‘OBJECTIVES (40), SETTING UP THE TITANS (40); LEAVING THE STABLE Jo), WINNING THE GAME (40) AFEACKER OBJECTIVES (tj DEFENDER OBJECTIVES (2) ‘THE CAMPAIGN GAME 43 THE CAMPAIGN ROSTER (43); CREATING THE ORDER (44) CAMPAIGN SCENARIOS (44), DOWNTIME (46), EXPERIENCE PHASE (46), HONOUR PHASE (47); SAINAGE PHASE (47) REPAIR PHASE (48), RECRUITING PHASE (49) PAINTING YOUR TITANS 37 Workshop staples of each sheet ‘CREDITS GAME DESIGN Jervis Johason (COVER ART - Toy Roberts RULEBOOK COVER - John Blanche Titan models designed by Jes Gooawin andi Natsnits Building models designed by Dave Andrews ILLUSTRATIONS - Tony Ackland @ Paul Bonner % David Gallagher Jes Goodwin # H Tony Hough > Gary Harrod. lan Miller Aly Morrison Russ Nicholson > Tim Pollard WWil Rees @ Stephen Tappin = Kevin = Richard Wright alker Spell Tanks to, The Menows Game hh ryan Amel, Mike rnin, Grime Divi Js Goodwin, Rican Hale, Alan Meet Rick Pile and Tony Cmte ‘AeprusTanicus, Warhammer 40,000, 3D Roleplay Heth G ‘Sorashop Lu Adepus Thais and als asecined image oa Games Workshop Li Alt Right Reserved

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