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Location Notes

By Maheen Hashmi
Terror craze productions

When we had planned the plot of the story that

we were going to produce, as a group we had
of a suitable location that we had picked for us
to film. The conclusion was to film inside
school building as the story was based around
a school girl that goes missing after her older
sister leaves her to go to the toilet.

Why we had chosen this


The first shot was taken in the school corridor

were both characters Abbey and Samantha are
introduced. We had filmed in this corridor as
there is a toilet in this corridor too that is used
when Samantha says to Abbey that she needs
the toilet.
While Abbey waits outside the toilet for her
sister she hears a sound of a doll which makes
her look over to see down the corridor to see
what the noise was.

Location 1

For the second shot we had used the same

corridor but away from the toilet as Abbey
decides to see what that noise is as she sees a
small girl which is the ghost character at the
end of the corridor.
Abbey slowly creeps up to the ghost that is
holding a doll in her hand as she walks up to
her she leans out her hand steadily but then the
ghost looks up at her with a close up shot used
to show the ghosts face and Abbey jumps back
in fright as the ghost giggles and runs away.

Location 2

When the ghost runs away Abbey decides to

run after her not knowing that she is a ghost.
Another corridor is then used when Abbey is
looking for the ghost but she disappears all of a
sudden and Abbey stands in the corridor alone
thinking where did the ghost go.
Abbey looks back quickly as she hears someone
running behind her into the other corridor
which is the ghost.

Location 4

This corridor is used where the ghost runs

into but then she disappeared again as
abbey runs after her till the end of the
corridor. When Abbey gets to the end and
relies that she had lost her again she stands
still once again.
Abbey they looks over her shoulder as she
feels a presence behind her and this is
when Abbey is attacked by the ghost.

Location 3

The audience is then taken back to the older

sister Samantha when she comes out the toilet
looking for Abbey but then she is attacked and
the story is left on a cliff hanger.

Location 5

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