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July-August 1975


Pershing General Managers Meet at Kearfott;

MMA Presents Their 'Design-to-Cost' Award
Kearfott hosted the fourth quarterly Pershing
II General Managers' Meeting on May 8. Kearfott President Al Shaw welcomed participants
from the U.S. Army Missile Command, the
Defense Mapping Agency, Bendix Corporation,
Goodyear Aerospace, and Kearfott's customer,
Martin Marietta Aerospace. The meeting was
held to review status on the overall program
and to allow direct interchange between executives of the major contractors.
Immediately following the meeting, MMA
Pershing II Program Manager Donald Hickman

presented a "Design to Cost" award to Kearfott's Engineering Manager, Paul Eland, who
accepted it on behalf of the Kearfott Pershing
II Inertial Measurement Unit Project.
The award was given in recognition of an
!MU configuration change suggested by Kearfott. This configuration change was from a
complex gimbal assembly required by the original specification to a KT-70 assembly which
will not only improve performance, but will
significantly reduce costs in the production
phases of the program.
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In recognition of our cost reduction efforts on

the Pershing II program, MMA 's Donald Hickman presented Paul Eland with three appropriately inscribed awards; the Pershing JI coffee
mug Mr. Eland is holding, a Pershing JI _pin,
and the Texas Instruments calculator Mr. Hickman is holding.

Finance Management
Club Installs Officers

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S.C. Skemp, M!COM Project Manager; and S. Stark , MMA Vice President and General Manager. Standing in the front row were
Q.C. DeA ngelis Defense Mapping Agency; S. Peckins, P-II Marketing Manager; M.B. Goldman, MMA Resident Manager at
Goodyear; E. Reutter, Bendix Marketing Director; D. Gabrielsen, Bendix Program Manager; P.R . Riazzi, MMA Director of

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Al Shaw. Attendees not present for the photograph included W.K. Jann, MICOM Deputy Project Manager; M.B. Jobe, Goodyear


President; R.G. Snyder, Business Development Vice President; and R.D. Piper Missiles and Space Marketing Director,

Bl Teamwork Producing Happy Faces

George Bums, Kearfott's Resident B 1 Program Manager at the Autonetics Division of
Rockwell International, accepted the first of
three plated-wire memory modules from Auto-

netics Program Manager Rod Nason during

May 1975.
"This unit represents th11,eulmination of
15 months of dedicated teamwork between
Kearfott and Au tone tics personnel," reports
Bl Program Manager Russ Walker.
Since delivery of this first unit, a second
has been completed and installed in the nuclear
hardened computer Kearfott is supplying to
Boeing for the Bl Bomber. Both units have
demonstrated full compatibility with Kearfott
equipment and adherence to the requirements
Boeing is Bl Avionics System Contractor
to the Air Force.

The Singer Kearfott Finance Management

Club held its annual installation dinner for
newly elected officers at Nestors' Restaurant
in Singac, N.J., on June 3.
Master of Ceremonies Wayne Ferguson installed Louis Iandoli as President, Larry Diana
as Vice President, Charles Oegg as Secretary,
Vincent Whitmore as Treasurer, and Everett
Miller as Sergeant at Arms.
The club has provided Kearfott's finance
management personnel with an opportunity for
communication of ideas among the members as
well as the educational opportunities provided
by guest lecturers since 1971. They thought it
appropriate as they began their fifth year, to
honor the people who were instrumental in
forming the club. Founding Father awards
were therefore presented to Anthony Barbieri,
Leon Karole, Charles Howery, Les Seelig, and
retired former employee Dr. Gibbs Myers.
Members and their guests who attended the
meeting were treated to a "roasting" by William
McKinley of some of the past officers of the
Plaques were awarded to last year's officers
in recognition of- their contributions to the
success of the club.

Chris Wachter Wins Again

Chris Wachter, 13-year-old son of Hank
Wachter, JA37 IME Program Mgr. won the state
mathematics competition for eighth graders.
Last year, Chris came in fust for seventh graders
in the same competition, sponsored by the
Association of Teachers of Elementary Mathematics for seventh and eighth grade students.
George Burns would not dream of giving these
men a hard time about signing the final test
data on the first plated wire memory module.
They are Autonetics Engineers Bob Banozzi
and Jerry Bennett. The module is in the forefront.

The top 200 students, of an original 10,000,

competed in the finals on May 3 in East
Windsor, N.J. Chris was awarded a plaque and a
$50 U.S. Savings Bond. He attended the Pearl
R. Miller school in Kinnelon, N.J.

The Finance Management Club officers are

(seated) Larry Diana, Louis landoli, and Charles
Clegg, and (standing) Vincent Whitmore and
Everett Miller.

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