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Nehemiah Lewis

February 9,2016
Information Literacy
a) I used the keywords Privacy and Ethics.
b) I used the online CCBC Library database.
c) I chose the online CCBC Library database because that is what was instructed to
d) The citation fro article 1 is Pasztor, James. "What Is Ethics, Anyway?" (n.d.): n.
pag. Business Source Premier. Web. 9 Feb. 2016.
e) The citation for article 2 is MACHANAVAJJHALA, ASHWIN, and DANIEL
KIFER. "Designing Statistical Privacy for Your Data." 58.3 (2015): 58-67.
Business Source Premier. Web. 9 Feb. 2016.
f) Scholarly Article #1:

Scholarly article # 2 :

a) This article is entitled; Whats your ethical type?. This article speaks about how certain
people would respond in certain ethical situations. The author emphasizes the importance
of knowing which type of ethical person y ou are. In reading this, this article helped me
better understand which ethical situation I am.

b) The citation for this article is Pastin, Mark. "What's Your Ethical Type ?" (n.d.): n. pag.
Huffington Post. Web. 9 Feb. 2016.
a) I used the keyword Ethics.
b) The citation for the second Internet article is Duska, Ronald. "Ethics and the Nonfinancial
Side of Retirement." Ethics and the Nonfinancial Side of Retirement. (n.d.): n. pag.
CCBC Library. Web. 9 Feb. 2016.
c) I used the same word but on Google and Bing.






I dont believe one is better than the other but I would prefer Google.
a) This article was written January 15, 2016 and article has been updated.
b) This article relates to my topic and does answer my question.
c) The author of this article is Mark Pastin and he is qualified to talk about this subject
because he is a Ethics and corporate compliance author, advisor, and speaker and also a
CEO of Council of Ethical Organizations
d) This information is reliable and trustworthy.
e) This article was intended to inform readers. .
a) This article was very easy to find. This article showed up as a result of many
others. When I typed in ethics this article was the second best result. In seeing this

I automatically trusted this information. I would use this information as

knowledge to help someone else on this subject.
b) This information was also very timely. It did not take me a long period of time to
find it. This article was exactly what I was searching for. As a result, I used this
article in my assignment.
c) This article also had authority. When I searched this information I saw that this
article was related to the topic of ethics. In my opinion this article has authority
because ; the article stated that the author is a Vice President of Academic Affairs
and a Professor, College for Financial Planning. Therefore, I believe that this is
trustworthy information.

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