Woodstock PD Report of Regna Incident

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an SS” area ow cn an uae oON MMR PON I ar el2 1815 cee se maa as [wa | Regna, Michelle A. lw yes avo RE oe ies TAD 11127 Wheeler Si., Woodstock IL eee a. NA cee x sein EE es re reat Waa pean Pewee [ERD \. aE Wa ca ancora | a ve 0 ase ae aaa ieee are PO ca ate ara TS ave a1 ae re san eT PEER cae et a RT faves cio aS [Fae aT wee | CEB as 1 ae = a ae rae ar [nt ove oe RE aa pa sR Taner nronNTON “Serre [_ ransom cod TRO aaa Taser opine VOLE WrORUATON woe Fame pweicoet aia RON al aaa avr ar at fe = pea i aaa Soa a RST RNTRETES wa faa ean Pr fecal Te fc TT ATERTICS ope Wiest CALHOUN STREET GRINIEINGIDENT REPORT g/s|-|6|2/ 613 SOG ILLINOS 60058 eps —— vane nieaseatat Boner” | GsiminalDaniage to Property (Under$3000) [savans gloat RETA [GATE AND Tae OCCURRED: [Lecanion an 42:12-98 1504, 1-12-98 1504 Fas. 123 Hayward St, Woodstock TL, tos COM TERE NLRC ad Checan's 3) i ae ora c | Davis, 7 EB. 3 FE we |29. wis, Tifany C RECURS MSSTRESS ) _ We ees 123 Hayward St, Woodstock I a a i her roe] FBR a ean ae RE wat ou a corm “oats RETO aa ae ana i rates REE ae we pe ear EISEN FER ——— see e per RoE aes aOR hese —~ "aneie oronumoN [[oroums [-] mecovenen Crore] wom [] mea [] arowcce C]reitone [] oven wine ia acre rere Bea eaiocs ‘TET FTG CHE ETS CURSE TO VEE SRE OE RS SR rae a ac 7 aT [CERT ] SRA HOE TEE p__|1 __ |x" thermal pane glass window av eat $200.00] NA ae] TRAE OTST KET pa TERRE at eee “cane — arr rreorRrER— fessor preg SET ECO [seca re CERES Se | EO RTT SRE aa ae Pama RET Sc TEASE Sse Pa EO T OCR a TERRE ae a ET CS ae eKSE TEAL WHEE PROPERTY STON Ton Ror ORBIT oD a roa | 3/2 ERT 4 = FINE ODI RY Taro wWoodeTOGK POLE DERARTAENT SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT STs cISI1STS , Hoaoeroox, morse ae or rom na beni Cximinal Damage to Property (Under $300.00) eases Officar Vasquez, Spt. Bittig, andT (Officer Leard) responded to 123 Hayward St. regarding a complaint of an inte foraale subject in the yard of that residence who was shouting and had just shattored a window at the residence, ‘Upon arrival we met with Regna (S) who in summary stated she was knocking on the door of the residence attempting to get the attention of te tenant, Davis (C). When nobody answered the door, Regna struck the front picture window wit her purse and accidentally broke the window. met with Davis who in summary stated she was in her residence and she heard someone ring the door bell then ‘mumodiately thereafter she heard the front picture window (D) shaiter. Davis stated Regna isthe wife of co-worker and she did not want to pursue any criminal charges at this time. Rogna was advised uc complaints were being pursued by Davis and should she ever retam to hr residence and ‘cause damage:in the future, complaints for criminal trespass would be pursued No further action taken. REERESEY onsen) [one mo TE Pee [RERGRDE [HOE EN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE ISTH JUDICIAL CIACUIT LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS IN RE THE MARRIAGE OF > , MICHELLE A. REGNA 3 Plaioriff. , And > No DANIEL J. REGNA ) Defendaat > PETS. 2021 FOR DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE Plsintiff, MICHELLE A. REGNA, by and ‘through her attomeys, HENEHAN & KUZNIEWSKL, complains of he Defiendunt, DANIEL J. REGNA, and alleges: 1. STATUS OF PARTIES: gj -COPY-LAKE COUNTY CIRCUIT CLERK-coPY- -COPY-18 N. COUNTY WAUKEGAN IL-CcoPY- B Grounds for Dissolution of Mantigge: (1) Defeodamt fas been gaitty of mental cruelty without cause or provocation bs Plaintiff, end (2) Ireconcilable difficulties and differences have arisen between the parties which have eauhed in the ietrievable breakdown of the marriage and as s resutt they no longer cokshit as man and wife. 4 CHILDREN A. There wore no child: sa bom of the matiage and Plaintiff is not now pregnant 5. AGREEMENTS AS TO MAINTENANCE OF SPOUSE None. 6. PROPERTY: Marital: The parties have during the saseriege noquired marital property Non-marital: Plaintiff cons non-mavital property 7, FINANCIAL NEEDS: In addition to tieéng entided to a jst ofthe marital property of the panties. Plaintiff is ceatitled to receive his aan-mariteliproperty. 8, DEBTS: ‘The parties have debts. WHEREFORE Plaintifi seeks therfillowing relief: A. A Judgment of Dissolatinn of Mizeriage be entered in favor of both parties dissolving their marriage. B, That the Plaintiff be swaitledias her owm property all of her non-merital property. C. That the Defondant be roquiil to psy Plaintf's tamporary end permanent attorney's fees. D. That the Court chefl make siti Order as may be just im reference to the debts of the parties. E, That the Coart shall make suith Order as to a just division of the marital property of the parties. F For such other rlief the Coun say deem sppropriste and equitable MICHELLE A. Lee. STATE OF ILLINOIS ‘COUNTY OF McHENRY ir eng pos ct 109 of the Code of Civil Procedure, ja this Petition for Dissolution of Marriage are eon information xd snd belief, and as to such ‘pelicves the same to be true. ‘MICHELLE A. t keg SUBSCRIBED asd (ORN w me bis 1S” oFFaly, 1959. j “OREIEIAL SEAL" t G. 3 pecetee eco g " Casein 03-79.) 3 ‘Notary Public | { “This pending prepared by te unlirsigned and executed in accordance with Supreme Court 2 ‘Rule 137. "a ‘DENISE M. ki Kia .¢-COPY-LAKE COUNTY CIRCUIT CLERK-COPY- “COPY=18 N. COUNTY WAUKEGAN Ti=COP Eggs

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