Ga49 Outline 20150427v3

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GA49: Breastfeeding Moms Group

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Who: Exclusively and mostly breastfeeding moms, expecting moms, family and

Why: Breastfeeding rates are low in the United States, especially among lower
income women. Even though pregnant women want to make the choice to
breastfeed, they often start formula feeding within the first month. WIC
supports a womans decision to breastfeed and provides extra benefits and
services to women who breastfeed. Increasing knowledge about breastfeeding
during pregnancy, resolving common difficulties of breastfeeding,
communicating breastfeeding plans, asking for support of family and hospital
staff, and providing awareness of WIC and community support services may
increase the number of women who successfully breastfeed.

Time: 2 hours total

Set up: chairs arranged in circles

Objectives: By the end of this session, participants will:

Identify ways to overcome breastfeeding barriers and challenges

Learn what to expect with the breastfeeding experience
Identify where/ who to call for breastfeeding and/ or depression/anxiety

1. Welcome and Introductions:

a. Thank you for joining us today!

b. We are all here to talk about our experiences with breastfeeding and/or
what to expecting with breastfeeding
c. Introductions: Have everyone share their Name and how long they
have been breastfeeding/How long they plan to breastfeed
2. This months (educational) theme is:
i. January- New Year, New You, New life!
ii. February- Think Pink!
iii. March- The Luck of the Breastmilk!
iv. April- Mother Earth Loves Breastfed Babies!
v. May- We Celebrate You, Mom!
vi. June- Dads and Breastfeeding!
vii. July- Life, Liberty and the Pursuit to Breastfeed!
viii. August- National Breastfeeding Month!
ix. September- Labor and Breastfeeding
x. October- What is Your Scariest Breastfeeding Moment?
xi. November- Give Breastmilk, Give Thanks!
xii. December- Holiday Spice and Everything Nice! ( Alternate:
Galactogogue Tea Party)
3. Breastfeeding spotlight: OPEN FORUM: Concerns, issues, questions the
participant might have about breastfeeding: What topic(s) interests to you
-Back to work, feeling overwhelmed, busy lifestyle, Support at home,
-when can I exercise, nursing in public, increasing milk supply
-Latch problems, painful breasts, engorgement, weaning
-Solid foods (and biting!), storing breastmilk, crying baby, bottles, pacifiers
- Growth spurts, supplementing, food allergies
- What should I eat, alcohol, medications, smoking, caffeine,
-Bonding with baby, what to expect, breastfeeding multiples, pumping, older

4. Social break: Snacks and mingling (if applicable)


Relationships and breastfeeding (if time allows): How are your

relationships different?
ex. Partner, Parents, Friends, Coworkers, etc.


Conclusion: Thank you for attending

a. Community Announcements
b. Save the Date: next months Moms group

1. Welcome,
and Rule

Introduce yourself and the class topic.

Hello, my name is _____ and I would like to thank you all for
attending tonights Moms Lactation group.
This purpose of this group is to provide a safe place for us all
to talk about our personal experiences with breastfeeding
and/or what to expect with breastfeeding.
If applicable: There are snacks and refreshments in the
room. If you need to, feel free to stand up and stretch or
grab a snack, just please remember to be courteous to
whoever is sharing.
Lets start out by going around the room and introducing
ourselves, and lets all share either how long you have been
breastfeeding your baby for and/or what your goal is for
breastfeeding your baby.
Allow participants to share. Affirm answers.
Review Club Rules:

2. Monthly
Themes and

Each month we like to have a theme to tie in the Holiday for

that month and to learn something new about breastfeeding
from one another.
This months theme is: (Select the current month and briefly
review topic, open forum style)
i. January- New Year, New You, New life!
1. Having a baby can change your daily routine
significantly, how can we incorporate
exercise and positive thoughts into our new
years routine with baby?
ii. February- Think Pink!
1. Have you ever tried beets and noticed your
breastmilk changes to a pinkish color? While








some foods may change the color of your

breastmilk, they will not change the integrity
of it. Some foods show no changes in
breastmilk but are still dangerous for baby.
What have you heard to about foods to
avoid while breastfeeding?
March- The Luck of the Breastmilk!
1. All our babies are lucky to be receiving
breastmilk as we have all faced our own
challenges with breastfeeding. What
challenges have you overcome to be able to
provide your baby with breastmilk?
April- Mother Earth Loves Breastfed Babies!
1. Did you know breastfeeding is eco-friendly?
By choosing to breastfeed you are
eliminating plastic bottles and reducing
water waste! Mother earth is thankful for
your support. If we are supporting mother
Earth, who is supporting us in our journey to
May- We Celebrate You, Mom!
1. In honor of Mothers Day, we would like to
thank you for the love and support you have
shown your baby by breastfeeding him/her!
What traditions did your mom pass down to
you about breastfeeding?
June- Dad is Rad!
1. Happy Fathers Day, Dads! Thank you for
joining tonight. Dads play an important role
in the support of breastfeeding baby. How
has your partner shown their support in your
decision to breastfeed?
July- Life, Liberty and the Pursuit to Breastfeed!
1. Happy Independence Day, lets take a few
minutes to discuss our rights to breastfeed
at work and in public, and anywhere else we
August- National Breastfeeding Month!
1. Breastfeeding is popular around the world.
Does anyone have any stories about
breastfeeding traditions in their culture?
September- Labor and Breastfeeding
1. How did your labor and delivery experience
impact breastfeeding your baby? Did you
know the different types of delivery can

affect breastfeeding differently?

x. October- What was Your Scariest Breastfeeding
1. October is also breast cancer awareness
month! Lets talk about the differences
between plugged ducts and other scary
lumps we might find during massage and
routine mommy check-ups. Does anyone
feel comfortable sharing their scariest
breastfeeding moment?
xi. November- Give Breastmilk, Give Thanks!
1. In what ways are you thankful you decided
to breastfeed? Who do you want to
remember to thank this month for their
support in your decision to breastfeed?
xii. December- Holiday Spice and Everything Nice!
(Alternate: Tea Party)
1. Certain myths surround breastfeeding and
the foods we eat while we are breastfeeding
our babies, including our favorite holiday
spices. Lets talk for just a moment about
the benefits of spices and how they may or
may not affect our breastmilk!
2. (Alternate: Galactogogues have received so
much attention with regard to their effects
on increasing moms milk supply. Today we
have a few different teas for moms to try
while we discuss Fenugreek and other herbal
supplements that might help increase milk
3. Breastfeeding
Spotlight and

Display on a felt board the breastfeeding education cards

and allow moms to vote for which topic they are most
curious about.
Here are a variety of topics relating to breastfeeding, which
topics interest you most.
This group is a great opportunity for you to ask any question
you might have about breastfeeding or to bring forth any
concerns or issues you might have with regard to
breastfeeding. I am here for support and to answer any
questions you have, but would love if the experienced moms
in the room could share their knowledge by providing
feedback for new moms and their concerns/questions

Allow moms to choose a breastfeeding education topic(s)

and discuss.
Topics: (categorized for easy transition to discuss multiple
Back to work, feeling overwhelmed, busy lifestyle,
Support at home,
when can I exercise, nursing in public, increasing milk
Latch problems, painful breasts, engorgement,
Solid foods (and biting!), storing breastmilk, crying
baby, bottles, pacifiers
Growth spurts, supplementing, food allergies
What should I eat, alcohol, medications, smoking,
Bonding with baby, what to expect, breastfeeding
multiples, pumping, older siblings
What concerns, issues or questions do you have about
What are some thoughts you have had recently with regard
to breastfeeding?
Facilitate group discussion:
-How does that make you feel?
-Has anyone else experienced this situation?
-What advice can we share to help with in situation?
Provide factual information on chosen topic.
Allow all moms to respond. Allow experienced moms to
engage with other moms by responding to their questions
and/or comments.
If necessary, guide discussions away from inappropriate
practice responses with evidenced-based information so that
moms are receiving accurate support.
4. Social Break
(if applicable)

Allow participants to take a break from discussion, enjoy a

snack and refreshment, and mingle with one another.
Now, if it is okay with all of you I would like to take 10
minutes or so to grab snacks and refreshments and mingle

with each other.

We are all here to support each other so lets all take this
time to make new breast friends.
Reconvene for discussion when appropriate
5. Relationship
Changes and

Relationship changes is an important topic because it may

cause mom to be overstressed and feel like she does not
have the time or energy to continue breastfeeding. In some
cultures it is believe that being stressed will create bad
milk and be bad for baby. Having an open discussion to try
and provide the support mom needs may help her to feel
like she can continue to breastfeed her baby. Be sure to
check in with moms (and family members that have joined
the group) about their comfort level in discussing this topic.
Sometimes having kids or deciding to breastfeed our
children seems like it causes changes in our relationships
Possible discussion examples:
1: Sometimes Dad is upset that he doesnt get as much
attention or alone time with you as he used to
2: Friends become less patient with you and your new
3: Grandma wants to show her love for baby and is doing so
by offering a bottle when you want to exclusively breastfeed
What changes in your relationships have you had lately?
Facilitate group discussion:
-How does that make you feel?
-Has anyone else experienced this situation with their
partner, parents, friends, coworkers, etc.?
-What advice can we share to help with in situation?
Educate on the myths of bad milk for baby.

It is true that when mom is stressed she can pass the

hormone cortisol to baby through her breastmilk; however,

breastfeeding baby is still the best and healthiest thing mom

can do. It is important to try to figure out what calms you.
Walking? Talking to a friend? Listening to music? Try
something new next time you feel stressed out at home or at
work and are worried about your milk supply.
What are some things you will try at home when you feel
6. Conclusion

I would like to thank everyone for coming tonight and would

like to leave you with a few reminders





Anything that is not covered tonight we can discuss

at the next Moms Group meeting, so please come
Who to call for help with breastfeeding
Breastfeeding Warm line:
Here is a number you can reach me at if you
have any questions or concerns before the next
support group:
Depression/Anxiety Who to call
Community Announcements:
Next PC training? If interested in learning how
to support other moms in the community.
Next Moms Group Meeting Date and Theme will be:
(next months theme)
Concord WIC: The Lactation Club (TLC) 2nd
Thursday of the month, English in the Pm, El
Club de Lactancia Spanish in the Am
Pittsburg WIC: 2nd Monday of the month
Lactation Lounge (for African American Moms):
Pittsburg Health Clinic, Cypress Room, 3rd
Wednesday of the Month, 5-7pm

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