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Phoenix Produtions Logo

As a group we decided our logo would be easily spotted by making it as

colourful as possible and representing our production company/name. Our
company is call Phoenix productions and a way of representing our
company with an image would be the use of fire. Fire represents the
phoeix making our logo be memerable to the association of our
production company name. I chose a clear font nothing too fancy because
it is essential it easy to read for the adience to know it is our production
I experimented with different images and colours to see which would best
portray our company. These a few examples:

This was the first logo I experimented making. I tried to

incorporate the olden day 35mm film reel into the logo
to make it clear our company is to do with film. I also
tried to use the colours of fire/a phoenix to emphasize
our name of our company.

This next logo I created was very similar to our final logo, the
only difference being the colour of the words. I thought the
contrast between the blue and the different shades of orange
would make the writing stand out.

This is our
official logo design for our production
The reason this was chosen over the
we as a group believed it was more
and looked the most professional. I
chose to put
the below the image because from
company logos it looks better than
image. The word Phoenix is in a darker
orange than the word Productions because it is the more important word
in our company making it stand out. Also it looks more fire like.

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