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The U. S. Army's Pershing missile
represents a dramatically new concept in warfare.
Sometimes called "a shoot and
scoot" missile by engineers of The
Martin Company, prime contractor
for the project, the weapon can be
transported to an unprepared site by
an erector-launcher and fired in a
matter of minutes.
T he guidan ce system for Pershing
must be extremely accurate. Every
precaution is taken to insure precision in assembling its components,
some of which are built to tolerances
as fine as 10 million!hs of an inch!
Heart of the guidance system are
miniat urized air bearing gyros.
Bendix, with its long experience
in precision manufacturing, was
selected to build the Pershing inertial
guidance stable platform wh ich
includes these critical components.
To avoid contamination, components

are assem bled in a "super clean", airconditioned "building within a building," equipped with "airlock doors"
which make it impossible for dirt and
dust to enter. Technicians wear lintfree suits and gloves when working in
the clean area. Tests show the area is
kept 99.95 % free of dust particles
!arger than three-tenths of a micron
(12 millionths of an inch).
In the missile a nd space fie ld,
Bendix developed and built an ingenious device which can steer and
control a satellite in space; telemetering systems which transmit 500 channels of information back to ground
stations, and many other major missile
systems. Bendix also is prime con.:.

. . .Jlcf~
Fisher Bldg., Detroit 2, Mich.

A thousand diversified products


This illusfra fion represents no particular missile,

but shows th e general /ocation of various air
borne Bendix syslems and lheir components.

tractor for the N avy's Talos missile,

principal armament of the new fleet
of missile cruisers, and is also pr ime
contractor for the Eagle, the Navy's
newest long-range, air-to-air missile.

- - -OUH NEl.,IIBOHS. NORTH AND SOU'l'H- - - - - - - .


The 60's

W ill Canada's boom surge into the

Sixties? Nothing is in sight to stop it.
W ill Canada still be a ferti le fleld
for U.S. investors? Yes. Ccmadiansresist American control of their industries , b11t welcome Ame rican dollars.

How about a Latin American

boom? Not likely. Most Latin count.ries will probably remai11 1111dercleveloped for at ln 1st anoth er 1,,11 years.
Are there any exceptions? Yes. A few countries, like
Cltile. w ill pul/ in tlteir helts, sei their fiscal ltouses i11
order. razil is openinti 11/J a vast 11e w area for clevelopm ent by buildi11g a new capital in the wild erness (see
picture, poge 82 ). Mexico's hoom will conti1111e .
Will revolutions continue to p lague La tin America?
Yes. T lrere w ill prohahly /Jr, a snies of them .
l s Fidel Castro responsible? Partly. His campaigns
agai11st dictators and tlte U .S. rci/1 hear {/'1/il.

Cna tro cxPOunru. :,t a 1ne<1 tt conterence. A~so c l:uetl Preg~

Will Castro last? Opposition is growing . But 11ntil t he

workers and p easants- or t!,e ar111y- ioi11 Iris middle-clas!i
enemies , he'll /rang 0 11.
Will any Latin republics go Communist? Probably not.
But tmd ercover Red influe11ce will increase.
W h at about Communist economic penetratioo? The
Reds may re-establish diplomatic re fot ions with som e
co11nt ries, like Brazil ancl Chile. Th e y may increase trncle
a liHle . B11t the trading possibilities are limitecl.

Canada: Horizons That Reach Tomorrow

T he scene : A lounge car on Canadian Pacific's transcontinental t rnin,
the Canadian, as it rolls ac ross the
u;heat-heavy prairies of Saskatche wa11.
The characters: A Ca nadian b11si11essman and a bug -e yed American
to11risl seeing Ca11ada for the fi.rst tim e.
Tlre American turns to his neighbor:
A~rnnrcAN: What a country! lt's as big
as all outdoors, and glowing with prosperity. l wonder what it'II be like ten
vcars From now?
CA AoLAN : lt probably won't be any
bigger but we hope it w iil be a Jot more
p rosperous. Nobody thinks of it tha t way,
but Canada's really one of the world's
underdeveloped countries, you know.
There's a Jot of hard work to be done.
AME IUCAN: ReaUy? lt looks pretty weil
built up to me. The cities, the fa ctories,
thc formsCA NADIAN: True enough. ut you're
only seeing a tiny part of the coun try on
this trip. \Ve're traveli ng in the settled ,
dcvcloped part of Canada. Ninety per
c:cnt of Canadians live in a narrow strip
with in tw o or three hundred miles of the
American border. W e've always grown
l1orizontally. We've got to grow vertically
before we really cash .in on what we've
p:ot. 'Go north, young man," is going to
be our motto for the next ten years-ancl
longer. There are fabulous stores of
nicke), iron, copper, uranium, lead, zinc,
golcl, asbestos, and oil-every kind of
mineral you can think of- buried under
our northern wilderness. Ow next big
job is to get them out.
AMEBICAN: "Wilderness" is the catch,
isn't it? lsn't that country so bleak and
cold that nobody can live there?
CANADIAN: It's b leak and cold, all
right, but if s perfectly li vab\e. In fact,


we're nlready beginning to move up. l

was in Thompson, 400 miles north of
Winnip eg in nortl1ern Manitoba, recently. You take a bush p lane from The
Pas, Ely over miles of lake-stuclcled , dull
brown muskeg like a wom, patched carpet. All of a sudden you sight a 500-foot
tower- local people boast it is the highest
man-made structure in Manitoba- with
a neat little s uburban-typ e town growing
up around it. It's a nickel mine and
sme lter which will begin to procluce in
1960. The Interna tional Nickel Co. discovered ore there in 1956. They won't
say how much they thi.nk there is but
they clo say that eventually it will be the
worl cl's second largest nicke! producer.
There are little settlements like this
sp ringing up all over the northland. Uranium City, in northem Saskatchewan, for
example, is a pleasant little town whose

wide, clusty s lTeets rim a beautiful lakc

full of giant bout. The area will ship out
about 2,600 tons of uranium oxide concentrate in 1959, with more to come.
Then there's Kitimat, tl1e Alumioi;m C o.
of Canada's smelter city in tl1e rugged
mountains of British Columbia. Th e
broacl, paved streets there, th e lawns like
billiard tables, tl1e co\orful little wooden
homes, look like a suburb of Montreal.
A~IERICAN: You make it sound pretty
good. But !'II b et it's cold!
CANADIAN: Oh, it's cold all right. lt
frequently gets down to 55 b elow zero
in winter. But nobody seems to mind
very much. Young peopl e can take it;

M anito ba on th c movc : Vas t powe r for th e north, from th e Nelson River


Newswee k, December 14 , 1959

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