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Education Feature Article

Education To All And To

All a Good Night!

Cameron Hunt
on January , 2016

Table of Contents
61 million?
Giving Back
Its not just boring
Works Cited

Education is education. We should learn everything and
then choose which path to follow. Education is neither Eastern
nor Western, it is human(Malala Yousafzai). In this article we will
be examining the issue of world education. You will learn about
Malala, her story, and what education is like in different parts of

the world. Eventually you will figure out how to help the cause
and give education to children who are longing for it.

Malala Yousafzai has become one of the most
important activists for education. Growing up in Swat
Valley, Pakistan, Malalas father was a teacher. As a result,
she saw the need for education. When she was young, the
A fundamentalist Muslim

group of Afghanistan and

western Pakistan, known for its

military and paramilitary)
to target and destroy schools.
Malala was nominated
for the Children's Peace Prize
and won runner up because of
the work she did to save the schools. She became a
Pakistani celebrity!
All this popularity made her a target for the Taliban.
One day while going to school two masked gunman stopped
the bus, shooting into the crowd of girls. On of the bullets hit
Malala in the head. Malala was brought to England where
she was treated and made a full recovery. She announced

The terrorists thought they would change my aims and
stop my ambitions, but nothing changed in my life except
this: weakness, fear and hopelessness died. Strength, power
and courage were born(Y
Malala later won the
Nobel Peace Prize saying
Let us remember: One book, one
pen, one child, and one teacher can change the
). This quote highlights the tragedy that
inspired Malala to do such great things with her life.

61 Million?
World wide education is a topic that is rarely discussed
but is one of the biggest problems in the world. There are 61
million children in this great world without education.
Therefore without education, making money and supporting
a family are very challenging. Having an education gives
people more opportunities to gain financial independence
and to obtain higher paying jobs. Through research, I have
learned that If you give a child education, you can transform
their life, giving them the hope that they can do something
better with their life. As Malala says, I
n some parts of the
world, students are going to school every day. It's their
normal life. But in other part of the world, we are starving
for education... it's like a precious gift. It's like a

This graph shows the amount of children without of education.

Giving Back
Malala Yousafzai has made a huge difference in the
push for education for all. It all began when she started
blogging on the British Broadcasting Corporation. While
doing so, she let her voice be heard by all sorts of people
around the world.
She became a global

(world wide)
for education. Malala
not only let her voice
be heard but she
helped other
activists use their
voices as well. Malala
When the whole world is silent, even one voice
becomes powerful(
Malala has also used her
voice to raise money. She is pledging to donate 3 million
dollars to education. Thanks to Malala the issue of education
is starting to get better.

Its Not Just Boring

Some might ask, Why is education important? Having an
education could be the difference between living in poverty

(Little or no money)
and living in comfort. I chose the topic of
education because it is something that I experience everyday,
yet, it is something that 61 million other children live without.
Education is one of the things that can easily be changed but is
always left alone. An education is more than boring math
problems and Science projects, it gives you social skills and
friends that you will have for the rest of your life.
Some parents
do not send their children to school because they don't know its
importance at all
(Yousafzai). This just shows how uneducated
people are.

The effects of limited education are significant. With no shot
at a better live children lose hope. If you decide to donate money
you can change that. Imagine giving a child and his or her family
a chance, a hope, or the dream of what is education. The truth is
schools do not get built for free and books do not buy
themselves. People need to donate! All people need to do is
donate and change the course in a child's live.
I raise up my
voice-not so I can shout but so that those without a voice can be
heard...we cannot succeed when half of us are held back.

) In Conclusion Malala has used her voice so why dont

Someday, I would hope that all children all over the world
will be have access to education. John Dewey thinks that
education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.
Without education you are not living. After doing my research I
have a new place in my heart for the children without education
in the world and after reading my feature article I hope you do

Works Cited
Quotes in paragraphs 1,2,3,4: (Malala Yousafzia Quotes)
Quotes in paragraph 5: (Malala Yousafzia >quotes)
Picture 1: (K12 Textbooks and Supplements)
Picture 2: (Pencils)
Picture3: (Pakistani Schools Protest After Shooting Of Young Girl)
Picture4: (
Malala Yousafzai celebrates birthday opening school for Syrian
Picture 5: (Work Desk Backround)

Picture 6: (
Taliban campaign targets girls' schools)
Picture 7: (The Diplomat)
Graph: (
Out-of-school children: New data reveal persistent challenges)
All facts from:
(Malala Fund)
Almost 90% of Ghanas children are now in school)
3 Ways Education Can Transform a Childs Life)

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