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Should we be allowed to visit the

real Lascaux?
The Lascaux cave has been closed off to the public in 1963 due to the paintings
failing to stand the test of time when visitors were allowed to come and go through
the caves as they pleased. Nowadays, there is also fungal growth ruining these
pieces, and a committee has been formed to resolve the problem.
You are a committee member, deciding what should be done about the
Lascaux caves. You have three options. Choose one, and write a minimum of 8
sentences explaining your answer (you may use the back of this paper for
writing space) .
Option One: Leave the cave as it is. Fungus will continue to grow unharmed and
people may visit Lascaux II for their caveman artistic pleasures.
Option Two: Try to treat the fungal growth in any way possible. While some cave art
may be damaged, a true work of art will be saved for generations to come.
Option Three: Allow as many people as possible to visit the original Lascaux caves as
possible before the fungus takes over. The art may be destroyed forever, but I can
tell my grandchildren about it!

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