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Brooke Wegener

8 Investigating and Answering these

2a) what is the difference between b/w VECTOR and BITMAP

The difference between Vector and Bitmap is that bitmap is

made up of tiny pixels that and as you in large the picture the
picture becomes more pixelated and the picture becomes
blurry. While Vector images uses mathematical equations
rather than pixels. So no matter how big you scale it, it won’t
become pixelated. Also the vector does not take up as much
space as bitmap so it leaves more room on the computer.

b) Create a table and list/compare the features of:


JPEG can support A GIF files holds a PNG files are the file
1.6 million colours. maximum of 256 that is more
So it can hold much colours anymore advanced than GIF
more colour than a and it will just get it can do the limits
GIF file. rid of what it can’t that GIF files have.
JPEG is not god for GIF files are the PNG is good for text
text as you scale it only option of and line drawings.
up it becomes putting animation
smudged. online. So JPEG will
never replace GIF

c) What size were you logo:

PNG: the size of the PNG file was 61.3KB

JPEG: the size of the JPEG file was 25.5KB

d) Why are they different sizes?

The files were different sizes because JPEG compacts the file into
one layer so that it ends up not taking as much room so it is a
smaller file. While the PNG file doesn’t compact it has many
layers so that’s why it is a bigger file.

e) Why did we send the JPEG to posterous?

We sent JPEG to posterous because it compacts down and is a

smaller file so it sends to posterous easier.

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