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Meeting Minutes
17 February 2016,
Rolfe Room, 7:00 p.m.

Winter 2016
Admissions and Alumni


Call to Order
Myra calls the meeting to order at 7:05


Roll Call (initial on the line)

Mallory Barnes, President _________
Myra Jackson, Executive Vice President _________
Jordan Murakami, Vice President of Finance _________
Paul DeWater, Vice President of University Affairs _________
Samuel Wolff, Senior Representative _________
Carlos Rodriguez, Junior Representative _________
Claire Conway, At-Large Representative _______
Jonathan Fikru, At-Large Representative _________
Stephenie Simmons, Multicultural Representative _________
Keziah Abigail, International Representative _________
Braden Wild, Students with Disabilities Representative _________
Claire Johnston, Athletic Representative _________
Randi Reed, Non-Traditional Representative _________
Kate Hannick, Freshman Representative _________
Christopher ODore, Freshman Representative _________
Jaden Phan, Transfer Representative _________
Jorge Laborico, Sophomore Representative _________
Kelly Besmer, Commuter Representative _________


Approval of the Minutes

Minutes pass unanimously


New Business
a. Project Updates
i. Speakers: Braden, Stephenie, Randi, Mallory, Claire C.,
Keziah, Tyler
1. Braden: Time, date, and location confirmed

a. March 1, 12:30-1:30, Casey Commons

disability open forum re: housing needs
b. Provost Crawford and Connie Canter attending
c. Question to be addressed: what would more
staffing do for you?
d. Put in budget request for snacks and coffee
e. Marketing push, and person-to-person
advertising about the event is critical
f. Resolution was well-received
g. Kelly: Is this for students and staff?
h. Braden: We would love the support of faculty
and staff, as they are also impacted by levels
of staffing. This is also for those who identify as
having a disability, as well as allies and friends
2. Stephenie: Meeting tomorrow with leaders of colors
on campus, OMA Pavilion, 6-8
a. Purpose of the meeting is to talk about
sustainability in bringing opportunities to
students of color, and maintaining pressure to
talk about goals re: students of colors
3. Claire C: Hot Chocolate Outreach
a. One morning when students are going to class,
hot chocolate will be passed out to student in
order to have more face time and let them get
to know SGSU outside of the office
b. Requested hot chocolate for about $100
c. Date is yet to be solidified, but there will be a
tabling sign up sheet when it is confirmed
d. Kelly: Is there a location in mind?
e. Claire: In between Casey and Garrand where
people exit the Quad, around 9 a.m.
4. Randi: Veterans event, 12:30-2, STCN 110
a. Hosted a veterans meeting last week. Not too
many people showed up, but a lot of feedback
and information was received from those who
were present. This information was forwarded
on to advocacy staff members
b. VA personnel will be on campus to share
resources this Friday
c. If you are not a veteran, you are still invited to
come, as it will be beneficial to learn about
some of the challenges veterans may have
d. Stephenie: Have you done any outreach? I
would encourage sending an all-school email
e. Randi: I have sent out two emails to the
veterans listserv

5. Keziah: Campus climate dialogue with international

a. More faculty members attended the event than
b. There was a really great dialogue about
campus climate and international student life
c. Faculty requested a summary of the events,
compiled from notes taken this is being
worked on currently
d. There are plans in place to host this event
again in the spring (perhaps during lunchtime
when it is more convenient for students)
e. Jose: After that event, there were conversations
with staff about identities i.e. how do we
move away from certain identities to develop
ourselves in other ways? How can we maintain
all parts of our identity?
6. Mallory: Legislative agenda passed
a. Spoke with Michelle Murray last week about the
agenda, and she is distributing it to the
cabinet. There will be more updates to the
agenda as revisions and suggestions come in
from those parties
7. Tyler: Housing Affordability Forum
a. In general, there was a good turnout and
panelists were very engaged and shared
interesting perspectives
b. Still considering the whats next factor of this
b. Org Sync Update
i. Jose Vasquez
1. Tomorrow: creating RedZone, SEAC, Dance Marathon,
SGSU pages
2. Will not create everything for each group, as there
needs to be room for building forms, portals, etc.
3. April 5-6, the consultant will be on campus for a
a. Following this consultation, more trainings will
occur over the next year
4. Service opportunities will be featured on Org Sync
5. Kelly: Is this just for organizations, or clubs too?
6. Jose: Organizations are considered affiliated with the
university (i.e. CSI offices), everyone else is
considered a club

7. Braden: What kind of progress has been made re:

other parts of the university wanting to contribute
and put money towards this?
8. Jose: We have made some contact with potential
community partners. The business school, residential
life, and club sports are all interested
9. Claire C.: The organizations page- is this just for
recognized organizations or can clubs make their
own pages?
Jose: Organizations will have portals created for
you, but clubs will go to register new organization
so that we can request all of their information and
start that process. Trainings will be required for clubs
Braden: What else is considered a recognized
organization (OMA, HAWC, etc.)
Jose: Moving forward- and as of right nowtheyre housed in our same tab. We need to know if
we will be able to purchase multiple umbrellas. Right
now, a lot of research is happening behind the
Myra: When will this roll out?
Jose: We have the consultation coming April 56, and then it opens immediately we are asking all
clubs to register by May 15, which counts for the
following academic year. This is how we will know
which clubs are active
Kelly: Is this something students can use even
if they arent involved in a club or organization?
Jose: Yes. The event calendar is open to

Committee Reports
a. University Affairs:
i. Continuing to work on comment boxes, which are going to
be fully implemented sometime this next week
ii. Working on club outreach, so that if they need resources
they know where to find us
iii. Looking into doing a monthly newsletter
b. Presidential Advisory Board:
i. SUSS has 104 respondents as of right now, but we will
continue to push it
ii. Share the SUSS with people you know, and advertise it
we want to make sure that this data is statistically
c. Steering:

i. Please send Kate, Keziah, or Myra an email re: how much

time youre willing to spend with SGSU on a weekend
d. Finance:
i. Looking at possible changing the meeting time

a. If you are a representative requesting money, please come in
and chat with finance committee
b. The campus climate presentation is April 7, the second Thursday
of spring quarter Campion Ballroom from 6-8
c. One Team now has an administrator from SU athletics
d. Re-emphasizing importance of attendance for the disability form
if there is not great attendance, it may be perceived that this is
not a top priority in the mind of the student, which could impact
the budget considerations


Adjournment at 7:52

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