Makalah Terbaru KMB

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Demak, one of regency in Central Java Province, has a sobriquet Kota Wali.
Actually in this city there is one of Walisongos cemetery, that is Sunan Kalijaga.
Besides religious tour, in this city there is also beach and another interesting tour
place, there are Great Mosque of Demak, Brown Canyon, Surodadi beach and
Morosari beach.
For culinary tour in Demak, we can try some typical food like Botok Telur Asin,
Asem-asem Demak, and Nasi Brongkos. Demak also has some typical beverage like
Wedang Pekak, Rames Ice and Wedang Ronde. We also can enjoy sweet of starfruit
and guava pomegranate. Both of that is typical fruit from Demak.
Event that usually hold in Demak, i.e. :

Grebeg Besar Demak, in Bintoro.

Demak Expo, in Bintoro.
Pesta Sedekah Laut, in Morodemak.
Demak Fair, in Bintoro.
Demak Barongan Carnival, in Bintoro. This event is a celebration that be held
with show of skill to play attraction of Barongan

Demak has some nickname, that is Kota Wali. Also known as Kota Belimbing,
because of in the past Demak famous as starfruit-producing town. And also Kota
Jambu, because of this city very popular with agricultural product of guava,
especially the type of Citra Delima guava, even it is known by stranger of Demak as
guava of Demak. And the last Kota Beramal, because it abbreviation of Bersih,
Elok, Rapi, Anggun, Maju, Aman and Lestari
So what do you waiting for? Come on visit to Kota Wali as known as Demak to spend
your time. You will get a really quality time with your lovely people. With pleasure,
we are welcome all of you in Demak.

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